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Magazine Article Assignment for Rhetoric

Name, date, period number.

Typed, 12pt., Times Roman, double space
Label each item (Magazine title, Article title, etc.)

Format: Please use the following headings followed by a colon (:) and then type
your response using hanging indent (which I have modeled right here on this line).

1. Correct APA formatted CITATION:

2. Who is the intended Audience? Be very specific.

3. THESIS/ARGUMENT: Not the subtitle. Phrase the thesis in your own words.
4. MAJOR POINTS IN SUPPORT OF THE THESIS: Make this a bulleted list of at least 4 complete sentences.

5. SUMMARY: Write a 200-300 word SUMMARY in your own words. Do not steal one from
someone else or the internet.

6. CONCLUSIONS: (This is two parts) This should be 2 paragraphs: A & B

A. The author's conclusions of what the situation is or what needs to be done….
B. Your own conclusions and reactions. Do you see his or her point? How do you feel about this
situation? What, in your opinion, needs to happen now? Here is where you are arguing what YOU think.

7. YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE from the passage AND how it relates to the author’s thesis.

• You followed all specifications;
• You included all items;
• You correctly identified the thesis and stated it in your own words;
• You correctly identified the supporting ideas.
• Your summary contains the key ideas and author’s primary argument.
• You fully developed your own conclusions
• You connect your quote to the author’s thesis and purpose.

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