The Charted Accountan

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Volume 57 /

Title Pg. No.
Editorial 943
From the President 946
Readers Write 950
ICAI president on board of IFAC 952

Photographs 954

EAC Openion 976

Legal Updates 995

Practice Update 1033

National Update 1034

International Update 1035

Economic Update 1036

Accountant's Browser 1037

Nostalgia - A peep into the past 1038
Volume 57 / no. 06 / December 2006
Title Pg. No.
Book Review 1039
Career Watch 1040
Questionnaires 1041
Competency Mapping for accountancy professionals

Changing profile of profession in context with member firms

ICAI News 1052

Guidelines of the council in the context of use of designation, etc

and manner of printing of Letter-heads and visiting cards

IASB Exposure Drafts

Revised Resoulution passed by theCouncil under Regulation 190A

Training the Trainers Programme on IFRS

For the Attention of ICAI Members Abroad

New Publications

ISA Assessment Test, December 2008

Committee on Public Finance
Empanelment of Chartered Accountant Firms for the Year 2009-
Announcement regarding CPE Credit Requirement for three-years
rolling period 2008-2010
Forthcoming Practical Workshops
Permission for other Engagements by Students
December 2006
Title Pg. No.
Corporate & Allied Laws Limited Liablity Partnership 1015
Banking & Finance Stock Options Backdating 1026
Industry Specific Greed or Bonus or Both? 1029
Accounting standard for local Bodies (ASLB)3 - Revencue
from Exchance Transacions 1072
Accounting standard for local Bodies (ASLB)4 - Borrowing Co 1080

Revised Standard on Auditing (SA) 250- Consideration of

Laws and Regulation in an Audit of Financial Statements 1085

Revised Standard on Auditing (SA) 260- Communication

with those charged with governance 1091

Revised standard on Auditing (SA) 570 - Going Concern 1101

Standrdo Internal Audit (SIA) 8 - Terms of Internal Audit
Engagement 1108
Standard on Internal Audit (SIA) - Enterprise Risk
Management 1110
Standard on Internal Audit (SIA) - Internal Contral
Evaluation 1112

Crossword 030

Smile Please

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