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when looking into the media technologies that were available to me to use I

was trying to use the things that I believed would be most successful in terms
of camera quality and the most effective towards my final production.

when working on my own I found it more challenging to work the new

technologies I was given. I have developed my use of photo shop to produce a
magazine cover. I used I-movie to create my teaser trailer and managed to
figure out how to use all transitions, cut each clip and move shots from one to
I believe that the production filled the genre I wanted to portray and this to be
an educating drama film, I drew a lot of inspiration from the film .
• After having lots of problems
with the production and the -I used the cameras
scheduling I managed to over provided and had a few
come the problems and got technical problems
when trying to charge
together a small team of cast
up the cameras as the
and a someone to work the
battery life wasn't too
camera while I was in front
good although got
directing the piece and when around this problem
I wasn't in front of the camera quite easy as we
I was behind filming the piece managed to obtain a
and directing. I was trying to charger that worked
focus mainly on the quality of and charged up my
the shots and what types of camera reasonably
shots were being filmed. quickly.

This is the camera I used to film.

Why this title?
• The title of my production was chosen
to show how the main role was started
with drugs purely through peer
pressure and people can relate to this
as it happens in every day life my
production was aimed at teenagers
who have to deal with every day life
and drugs as the modern teenage
culture in Britain have a very passive
approach on drugs as it is something
that occurs all of the time. I was trying
to inform my target audience on how
small amounts of something can
escalate into a full blown addiction that
can potentially ruin someone’s life.
• my primary goal was to avoid the glorification of teenage drug use as normally in a
lot of film the audience are usually shown to be loving the drug fueled life styles.
the audience are never revealed to the side of drugs that people don't want to see.
the reason for this is that most films are made to agree with their audiences. my
teaser trailer is more controversial as you can see how peer pressure can destroy
someone's life.
• I was looking into Film Four and how they portray the English grit of film
production, I was trying to portray this type of grit and classic theme to my
production although trying to avoid the typical stereotype of drug taking and how
it is a good thing.
Costume and props…

• We had a variety of props and costume to use when creating

my production, I had to use household products to make my
props more realistic, as I was filming I used things such as
ripped up shirts to add a more grunge/ dirty look to my
character and when using props for the piece I had to use
such as sugar on a spoon to give the effect of heroin and
used sugar and Talco powder to give the effect of cocaine.
Costume and props…
• The ripped shirts gave the effect of passing of time to the
audience and showed my audience that the characters
clothes seemed to change from the first shot as he was
dressed quite smartly to begin with and the drugs have slowly
ruined him so he no longer cares about his appearance.
• When producing my ancillary task I used
photo shop-pro and was able to create a
magazine cover based on a professional
cover from Kiss magazine using this as a
template helped me realize what I needed
to produce to the standard and quality that
is expected.

• I based my piece on drugs, peer pressure

and the effects that the two can take on a
teenage boy. I believe that the production
over all is a success because of some of the
shots that I have created really do give a
showing to the ugly side of drugs and how
small amounts of drug use can escalate
into full blown addictions.
My magazine cover!
• The screen shot used for the magazine cover depicts the scenes that most
exemplify my trailer.
• This screen shot was taken for the magazine cover so I could put the title of the
film above the main character’s head this was to show my audience how even the
character can see that he is doing wrong by looking up at ‘The Beginning Of The
• The main focus of my magazine cover was drugs, this was to show the importance
of the point of the point I was trying to make. I used a well known name of a cover
so people are able to relate to the magazine and the title.
• I used photo shop on the IMAC computers to create this magazine cover.
• I had to find a template on the internet to focus my actual magazine on and I used
a template from a kiss magazine as I liked the layout an the design and thought
that the layers used in the magazine were quite effective in terms of the magazine
standing out to the audience.
Audience feedback
• I believe that when looking into my audience feedback I have had quite a
positive review and have had a lot of people asking me “what happens
next?” this is clearly a positive aspect of my production because I was
aiming to create a piece that leaves my audience wanting to know more.
• examples of feedback are:
• “Could have contained more action”
• “Colors could have been brighter”
• “Marketing could have been more contemporary”
• “Good use of camera work”
• “Some interesting shots have been used with very realistic camera work”
• The feedback I received was very helpful and I am now able to what to
keep and what to change in future productions.

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