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Working Of Management

Janta Group of Companies

Management in all business and
organizational activities is the act of getting
people together to accomplish desired goals
and objectives efficiently and effectively.
Management comprises planning, organizing,
staffing, leading or directing, and controlling
an organization (a group of one or more
people or entities) or effort for the purpose of
accomplishing a goal. Resourcing
encompasses the deployment and
manipulation of human resources, financial
resources, technological resources, and
natural resources.
Management Hierarchy
A hierarchical organization is an
organizational structure where every
entity in the organization, except one,
is subordinate to a single other entity.
This arrangement is a form of a
hierarchy. In an organization, the
hierarchy usually consists of a
singular/group of power at the top with
subsequent levels of power beneath
Principles Of Management
Division of Work
Authority and Responsibility
Unity of Command
 Scalar Chain
Esprit de Corps
Esprit de Corps
This refers to the need of managers to ensure and
develop morale in the workplace; individually and
communally. Team spirit helps develop an atmosphere
of mutual trust and understanding. These can be used to
initiate and aid the processes of change, organization,
decision making, skill management and the overall view
of the management function. Fayol also divided the
management function into five key roles:
To organise
To plan and forecast (Prevoyance)
To command
To control
Scalar Chain
Scalar Chain refers to the chain of superiors
ranging from top management to the lowest
rank. The principle suggests that there should be
a clear line of authority from top to bottom
linking all managers at all levels. It is considered
a chain of command. It involves a concept called
a "gang plank" using which a subordinate may
contact a superior or his superior in case of an
emergency, defying the hierarchy of control.
However the immediate superiors must be
informed about the matter

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