Biologi P1 SPM2010 Pahang

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SULIT 4851/1 »@ MAJLIS PENGETUA SEKOLAH MALAYSIA NEGERI PAHANG SULIT 4551/1 BIOLOGY Kertas 1 ‘September 2010 1% jam PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM TAHUN 2010 BIOLOGI ‘Tingkatan $ Kertas 1 Satu Jam Lima Belas Minit JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. Kertas soatan ini adalah datam ctwibahasa mengandyngi 50 soalan, Jawab semua -soalan dalam tiqp-tiap bahagian, 2. Sealan dalam bahasa Inggeris mendahului soalan yang sepadan dalam bahasa Melayu. 3. Rajah yang mengiringi soatan dimaksudkan untuk memberi maiklumat yang berguna bagi menjawab soalan, Rajah tidak dilukis mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan sebaliknya. 4. Penggunaan kalkulator sainsifk yang tidak boleh diprogramkan adalah dibenarkan, ‘Keri soalan ini mengandungi 19 halaman bercetak dan ! halaman tidak bercerak (© 2010 Hak Cipta PKPSM Pahang [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT 45511 Diagram 1 shows the model of plasma membrane Rajah 2 menunjukkan mode! membran plasma Diagram 1 Rajah 4 What is the part labelled P? ‘Apakah bahagian yang beriabel P? A. Cartier protein Hydrophilic Protein pombawa Hiro B Pore protein 1D Phosphoiipid Protein iang Fosfolipid \Which ofthe cellular components can only be found in animal cells? ‘Antara Komponen sel berikut yang maneksh boleh diterui di dalam sel haiwan? ‘A Nitochondrion © Nucleus Mitokondria Nukious B Centriole D_ Cytoplasm Sentrol ‘Sitoplasma Which cells are involved in the transport of water? Antara sel berikut, yang manakah bertungsi mengangkut air? Diagram 2 shows the cell organisation in a multicellular organism. Rajah 1 menunjukkan organisasi sel dalarn organisma rmultisl. [cou——> P ——+ Organ ——> System ——P Organism | Diagram 2 Set organ Sistem Gnganisma | Rajah 2 \Which par of the part of plant can be represented by P? ‘Apakah bahagian tumbuhan yang boleh dwakil oleh P? A. Xylem Leaf lem Daun B. Stoma D. Scherenchyma ‘Stoma Sklerenkima [Linat halaman sebelah SULIT SULIT 3 4551/1 5. Which ofthe following cells form the basic tissues in animal? Antara sel berikut, yang manakah membentuk isu asas dalam haiwan? A. Connective tissues ©. Epithelial cell tisu penghubung se! epithelium Epidermal cell D. Blood 01 epidermis: dareh 6. Diagram 3 shows two organelles X and Y, Rajah 3. menuniukkan dua organel X dan Y Qa SS] « y Diagram 3 aan fi i ays j viatis tne nn of X and? oan ngs! n> x a | Syntheses proteins ‘SyathesisesTipids Sintests proven Sintesis lipid “Transports synthesised proteins | Transports synthesised lipids ~ 8 Pengangiut lipid yang telah disintesis Mengangkut protein yang telah disinesis ¢__| Sons carbohydrates ‘Sons synthesised proteins Mengasingkan karbohidrat | Mengasinghan proves Packages prowins TFansporis synthesised proteins | semtnmgkas protein Monganghut protein yang tlah disintesis Membunghas provein 7. Diagram 4 shows a type of tissue, Rajah 4 menunjukkan sejenis tisu IND \Which organelle is found abundantly in the tissue? ‘Organel yang manakah paling banyak terdapat dalam tisu tersebut ? ‘A Rivosome Mitochondria Ribosom Mitokondria © Smooth endoplasmic reticulum D Golgi apparatus Jatinan retikulum cin Alat Golgi [Lihat halaman sebelah ‘SULIT suLit 4 4551/1 10 Which of these carbohydrates is insoluble in water? Katbohirat yang manakah tidak larut dalam air? A Starch C Glucose Kenji Glucosa B Mattose D Galactose Maltosa Galaktosa ‘The diagram 5, shows a unicellular organism. Rajah 5 menunjukkan sejents organisma unise. Diagram 5 Rajah 5 ae » Water ‘ir Which process is involved in the movement of water as shown in diagram? ‘Apakah proses yang terfibat dalam pergerakan air yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah di alas? A Diffusion C Active transport Resapan Pengangkutan aktit B Osmosis D_ Facilitated diffusion Osmosis, Resapan berbantu Which of he following processes involves active transport? ‘Antara proses berfkut, yang manakah melibatkan pengangkutan aki? A. Assorption of water by the root hair of plant Penyerapan air oleh rerambut akar tumbuhan B. Absorption of glucose through the vilin the small intestine. Penyerapan glukos melalui vlus of dalam usus kecil © Movement of sodium ions into the cells lining of the kidney tubules Pergerakan ion natrium ke dalam dinding sel tubul ginjal D_ Gaseous exchange between the alveoli and blood capilaries during respiration Pertukaran gas di antara alveolus dan kaplan darah semasa respirasi [Lihat hataman sebelah SULIT suLT s asst ‘11. Diagram 6 shows the condition S of hun blood cell which has been placed in solution Y. FRajah 6 menunjukkan keadaan $ bagi sel darah yang (ela dimasukkan dalam farutan Y;] Diagram 6 Rajah 6 What is condition $ and solution Y? ‘Apakah keadsan S dan larutan ¥? 2 Conditions | Solution ¥ KeadaanS | Larutan ¥ A | Crenation Hypertonic Kreanasi Hipertonik | Crenation Hyporoni Krenasi Hipotonik ¢ | Hemotysed | Hypotonic Hemolisis Hipotonik p | Hemotysed | Hypertonic Hemolisis Hipertonik 12, Which of the folowing elements is required by plants for the manufacturing amino acids? ‘Manakah antara elemen berikut adalah diperlukan oleh tumbuhan bagi membina asid amino? A. Nitrogen B_ Magnesium (Nitrogen) (Magnesium) © Phosphorus D_ Manganese (Fostorus) (Manganese) 13, Diagram 7 shows the basic DNA structure : Rajah 7 menunjukkan struktur asas DNA » Diagram 7 Rajah 7 [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT sur 6 asst What are P, R and S? (Apakah PR dan S 2) P R s A | Nucleotide Phosphate Deoxyribose sugar (nuleotida) dasa (gua deoksiribosa) B | Phosphate Deoxyribose sugar | Nitrogenous hase osfer) ‘gula deoksiribosa) | (bes bernitrogen) © | Phosphate Nucleotide Nitrogenous base osfet) nukleorida) (hes bernitrogen) D | Nitrogenous base | Phosphat Nucleotide (bes berntrogen) | (asfat) finukleotda) 14, Diagram 8 shows the lock and key’ hypothesis of enzyme reaction. ‘Rajah 8 menunjukkan hipotesis ‘kunci dan mangga’ bagi tindakan enzim. VO om - -o = Which of the folowing is represented by X,Y and 27 Antara berikut yang manakah diwakif oleh X, ¥ dan Z ? x ¥ Zz A enzyme ‘eaayime substrate compen Prodct enim: ampleks enim -substrat produ B “exayne Product ‘enzyme erin roduk substrate complex ompleks encim- subsirat © ‘sibtate fenzyme-subsiate—, | product subserat ‘commplex prodk ompleks enzim -subsirat D | etzyme-subsirate enzyme Tubstate ‘complex enzim substrat ompleks enzim -substrat [Lihat hataman sebelah SULIT SULIT 15, 16. 17, assist [At which stage in a meiotic division the number of chromosomes in the cel is halved? Dalam peringkat pembahagian meiosis yang manakah bilangan kromosom dalam se! disopanuhkan? A Anaphase | © Telophase | Anafasa | Telofasa | 8 Anaphase i D Telophase I! ‘Anafasa I! Telofasa i! Diagram 8 shows the ceil cycle. Rajah 9 menunjukkan Kiar sel Diagram 9 ore oS [At which stage DNA undergoes replication ? Pada peringkat manakah DNA mengalami eoptikasi ? A Gt B G2 cs DM. Diagram 10 shows a phase in cell division, Rajah 10 menunjukkan satu fasa pembahagian sel ee flat behe| — Diagram 10 t PIS! Raleh 10 A Prophase © Anaphase Profasa ‘Anafasa B Metaphase D_Telophase Motafasa Telofasa : [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT suit 8 ass. 18, 20. 2 Diagram 11 shows a part of digestive system and organs involved in the human digestion process. Rajah 11 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada sistem pencemaan dan organ-organ yang terlbat dalam proses pericemaan manusia, Disgram 11 Rojah 11 Which of the parts labelled as A, B, C or D secretes lipase enzyme? Bahagian yang manakah berfabel A, B, C or D merembeskan enzim lipase ? Diagram 12 shows the structure of a chloroplast Rajah 12 menunjukkan struktur kloroplas. Diagram 12 Rajah 12 o om> Which part of the chloroplast labelled A, B, C and D does the fixation of carbon cloxide ‘Antara bahagian kloroplas berlabel A, B, C dan D, di manakah pengikatan karbon dloksida bberiaku ? When 0.4 g of groundnut is completely burt, the temperature of 20 mi of water rises from 30°C to 70°C. The specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 Jg'C Calculate the energy value of the groundnut? Apabila 0.4 g kacang tanah dibakar dengan lengkap, suhu 20 ml air meningkat dari 30°C kopada 70°C. ‘Mugtan Haba Tentu ar ialah 4.2 Jg °C : A 1400 lg" B 3400Ug-1 C8400 UG =D 7620-4 Diagram 13 shows the trachea system of an insect. Rajah 13 menunjukkan sistem trakea bagi seekor serangga, [Lihat hataman sebelah SULIT sul 22. 28, Diagram 13 Rajah 13 J Which part does the gaseous exchange occur? Bahagian manakah tempat berlakunya pertukaran gas? Ad BK ce om Which of the following is the correct equation forthe respiration in muscle cells? ‘Manakah yang berkut menunjukkan persamaan yang betul bagi respirasi di delam sel ofot ? A Glucose -> lactic acid + energy Glucosa —» asid laktik + tenaga B. Glucose -+ carbon dioxide + ethanol + energy Glucosa —> carbon dioksida + etanol + tenaga © Glucose + oxygen — carbon dioxide + ethanol + energy. Glucosa + oksigen -» carbon dioksida + etanol + tenaga D_ Glucose + oxygen — carbon dioxide + water + ethanol + energy Glucosa + oksigen —» carbon dioksida + air+ elanol + tenaga Diagram 14 shows the rising of a dough during the process of bread making. Rejah 14 menunjukkan adunan tepung menaik semasa proses membuat rot. Ve" ae We Size of dough at the beginning Sizerof dough after one hour Saiz adunan pada permulaan ‘Saiz adunan sefepas satu fam Diagram 14 Rajah 15 Which of the folowing causes the dough to increase in size? Antara berikut yang manakeh menyebabkan adunan roti bertambah saiz? A Water © Lactic acid air Asid Laktik B Ethanol D_ Carbon dioxide Etanol Karbon dioksida [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT SULIT -10. 4551/1 24. 26, Diagram 15 shows part of a nitrogen cycle. P and Q are microorganisms which can be found in fertile soil Rajah 15 menunjukkan sobahagian daripada kitaran nitrogen. P dan Q adalah sejenis ‘mikroorganisma yang boleh dijumpai di dalam tanah subur. ‘Atrmospheric ritrogeniNitrogen ot udara P Diagram 15, Nites RojahtS | Niteatesmvitrat a Which ofthe following represent P and Q? ‘Antara berkut yang manakah menunjukkan P dan Q? Pp Q Azotobacter sp_| Nitrosomonas sp_| Rhizobium sp Nitrobacter sp Nostoe sp ‘Nirobacter sp Nivobacter sp Nostoc sp Durio zibenthinus is the sclentiic name of durian tree. The word zibenthinus. refers to Durto zibenthinus adalah nama saintik bagi pokok durian. Porkataan zibenthinus merujuk kepada A Genus B Species © Class D_ Order Genus spesies Kolas Order Diagram 16 shows the root system of a mangrove pant. Rajah 16 menunjukkan system akar tumbuhan bakau, Diagram 16 Rajah 16 Whats the function of ¥? Apakah fungsi Y? A To absorb sunlight © Toreduse transpiration Untuk menyerap cahaya Untuk mengurangkan proses transpirasi B To support the plant D Toallow gas exchange Untuk sokongan tumbuhan Untuk membolehkan pertukaran gas beriaku [inat halaman sebelah SULIT SULIT ote asst 27 2 29. ‘Apparasitic plant inserts suckers into the stem of the host plant to get its nuttient. ‘Which of the host tissue Is involved? Satu tumbuhan parasit memasukkan alat penghisapnya ke dalam batang perumah untuk ‘mendapatkan nutren. ‘Apakah tisu perumah yeng teribat? A Cambium © Phioem [Kambium) FFloer} B Cortex D Xylem [Kortoks} Pom} ‘The increase in nitrates and phosphate concentration in pond will increase the growth of ‘algae. Which of the folowing occurrence refers to the statement? Peningkatan kepekatan nitrat dan fosfat cidalam kolam akan meningkatkan pertumbuhan ‘alga. Manakah dlantara kejadian berikut merujuk kepada pernyataan diatas? A. Biochemical oxygen demand B Eutrofication Kepertuan oksigen biokimia Eutrofikasi © Acid rain D Global warming Hyjan acid Pemanasan global * Diagram 17 shows the impacis of phenomenon Y. Rajah 17 merunjukkan kesan daripada fenomena Y. Decline nthe veld of cons Meringkathan su has bmi Change climate ‘Metin af plarice anc zone slaciers causing a sein Perubahan dalam ron-200 Pencsiran easier dt kutub Diagram 17 ‘day menyebsbkan| Rajah 17 peninghatan ras ‘What is phenomenon Y? Apakah fonomena ¥? A, Greenhouse effect /Kosan rumah hijau B. Ozone depletion / Penapisan lapisan ozon CC. Thermal pollution / Pencemaran terma . Global warming / Pemanasan giobat [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT SULIT 2. 485i 30, Diagram 18 shows the energy flow of a food chain which represented by four level of organisms. Rajah 18 menunjukkan aliran tenaga dalam satu rantaian mekenan yang dwakl oleh ompat peringkat organisma, Producer Primary Seoondary| _ | Terry Pengeluar CD consumer CS ‘consumer | ‘consumer Pengguna Pengguna oN po PP 90% of energy is lost 90% of energy is lost 90% of energy is lost 90% tenaga hilang ‘90% tonaga hilang 90% tenaga hilang Diagram 18 Rajah 18 Based on the abave diagram, caleulate the amount of energy received by the tertiary Bordasarkan rajah datas, kira jumlah tenaga yang diterima oleh pengguna terior. A aks B 40K © 400K D* 4000 ks 31, The diagram 19, shows the effect of human activity on the environment. Rajah 19, menunjukkan kesan aktviti manusia terhadap alam porsekitaran. Diagram 19 Rajah 19 Blew Which ofthe following is the result ofthis activity? ‘Antara berikut yang manakah akibat deripade aktivit tersebut? | Soil erosion and landslide I Flooding Hakisan tangh dan tana suntan Baniir |! Climatic Changes IV Extinction of flora and fauna Perubahan ikkim ‘Kepupusan flora dan fauna A Idan tl only © A.tlland Iv only 5 Mand \V only D 1th land tv only [Lihat halaman sebelah ‘SULIT SULIT “Be 4511 92 33. Diagram 20 shows one type of human blood cells. Rajah 20 menunjukkan sejenis sel darah manusia. Diagram 20 Rajan 20 What is the main function of these cells? Apakah fungsi utara sef-sel ini? A Transport urea B Transport oxygen ‘Mengangkut urea ‘Mengangkut oksigen © Transport glucose D Transport amino acids ‘Mengangkut glukosa ‘Mengangkut asid amino Passive immunity against tetanus is acquired by injection with an antiserum. Which ofthe following reasons explains the statement? ‘Manakah borikut sobab bagi penerangan pernyataan dl atas? A. The antiserum becomes effective immediately Antiserum berkesan dengan segera B The antiserum kils many different kinds of bacteria, Antiserum membunuh bakteria berbagai jonis © The effect ofthe immune serum is very long fasting, ‘Kesan keimunan dari serum tahan lama D The immune system is stimulated to produce antibodies. ‘Sistem immunity dirangsang untuk menghasikan antibody. [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT suL ue ass. 34. Diagram 21. shows a longitudinal section of the human heart. Rajah 21 menunjukkan suatu keratan membujur jantung manusia. Diagram 21 Rajan 21 Which of the labeled parts, A, B, C or D, pumps blood to all pert ofthe body. “Antara bahagian berlabel A, B, C atau D yang manakah mengepam darah ke seluruh adan. 35. Vaccine is injected into a person's leg Which is the pathway for the vaccine to reach the arm of that person? Bahan X disuntik ke dalam kaki seorang individu. Laluan manakah yang difaui oleh bahan X untuk sampai ke lengan individu itu? A Leg > Heart — Ann Kaki —» Janturg + Lengan B Leg > Heart + Liver + Arm Kaki —» Jantung + Hati — Lengan © Leg — Liver + Heat + Lungs > Arm Kaki > Hati + Jantung — Pepa + Lengan D Leg > Heart + Lungs —» Heart > Arm Kaki —» Jantung = Pepary + Jantung + Lengan 36, Diagram 22 shows a schematic dlagram of human biood clotting mechanism, Rajah 22 menunjukkan rajeh skema untuk mekanisma pembekuan darsh manusia oie] —— [rate] w Diagram 22 Ton Calcium Rajah 22 Proirombin }——————>| Fibrinogen |_¥ | Fibrin [Lihet halaman sebelah SULIT SULIT o15- 45511 37 38 What is W, vitamin X., and Y? Apakah W, vitamin X and Y? w Vitamin X Y ] a | _Trombokinase | K Trombin 8 | Trombokinase D Trombin c | Eryhtrocyte K Trombin > |_Haemogiobin D Trombin Rate of transpiration for plant can be measure using ‘Kader transpirasi tumbuhan boleh diukur dengan menggunakan A. cobalt chloride paper . linus paper kerlas kobalt Korida ertas itmus B. galvanometer D. potometer ‘galvanometer potomster Diagram 23 shows a cross section through the stem of a plant, Rajah 29 menunjukkan keratan rentas melalui batang satu tumbuhan. Diagram 23 Rajah 23 Which ofthe following tissues A,8,C or D are commonly found in X? Antara tisu-tisu A, B , C dan D., yang mana biasa terdapat di X ? [Lihat halaman sebelah ‘SULIT SULIT 16 ass. 39. 40, at 42, Diagram 21 shows several bones in human skeleton. Rejah 21 menunjukkan beberepa tulang dalam rangka manusia, Diagram 21 Rajah 21 B c D Which of the bones A B.C or D is sacrum? Antara tulang A, B, C atau D yang manakah sacrum? Which ofthe following plant hormones stimulates parthenocarpy? Antara yang berikut, hormon tumbufan yang manakah merangsang partenokarpl? A Ethylene / Etlena © Auxins! Auksin B Cytokinine / Sitokinin D Gibberelin / Giberetin Diagram 22 shows ultrafiltration that occur in kidney. : Rajah 22. menunjukkan uitraturasan yang bertaku dalam ginjal Erferent arteriole Afferent arteriole Arteriol eferen ‘Arteriot aferen Diagram 22 Rajah 22 Glomerulus What are the substances that can move across X? Apakah bahan yang dapat merentas! X? A. Fibrinogen B Enthrocyte © Leucocyte D Amino acid Fibrinogen Enirosit Leukosit Amino asid ‘Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) is secreted by the pituitary gland controls, What is the function ‘of ADH? Hormon Antidluretik (ADH) dirembeskan oleh kelenjar pengawal ptutarl. Apakah fungsi ADH? A. Deamination of amino acids C. Conversion of glucose to glycogen Asid amino dideaminas! Pertukaran glukos kepada glikogen B. Blood ciotting mechanism D. Reabsorption of water by the nephron ‘Mekanisme pembekuan darah Penyerapan semnula air oleh netron [hat halaman sebelah SULIT SULIT 43 44, asst Diagram 28 shows the stages in the development of follicle in the ovary of human. Rajah 28 menunjukkan peringkat perkembangan folike! dalam ovari manusia? Diagram 28 Rajah 28 R deveiops into S, What isthe effect of the development tothe uterine weil? R berkembang menjadi S. Apakah kesan perkembangan ini kepada dinding uterus? A itis repaired © Mthickens la diperbaikt fa menebal B It breaks down D Ws thickness maintains lea terurai Ketebalannye dikekalkan Diagram 29 shows one type of twin. Rajah 29 menunjukkan sejonis kembar. ef (3 TA PD Dagon 29 a hte Which ofthe following statement is correct about the twin? Yang manakah antara berikut benar tentang kejadian kembar itu? A Fertilization between one sperm and one ovum developed a zygote and the zygote will divide into two Persenyawaan satu sperma dengan satu ovum hingga membentuk satu zigot dan zigot ‘membahagi kepada dua : B Fertilization between two sperms and one ovum developed a zygote and the zygote is divided into two Persenyawaan dua sperma dengan salu ovum hingga membentuk zigot dan zigot ‘membahagi dua © Fertilization between two sperms and two ovum developed into two zygotes Persenyawaan dua sperma dengan dua ovum hingga membentuk dua zigot Fertilization between two sperms and one ovum developed into two zygotes Persenyanaan dua sperma dengan satu ovum hingga membentuk dua zigot [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT SULIT 18 asst 48, 47. 48. Which method of family planning prevents ovulation? Manakah cara petancangan keluarga di bawah yang boleh menghalang ovulasi? A. Use of IUDs C. Use of oral contraceptives Penggunaan IUDs Penggunaan pil perencang B. Use of condoms D. Use of female diaphram Penggunaan kondom Peggunaan diaphragm In the 16" week, a pregnant woman is physically injured. The injury causes the placenta to stop functioning. Dalam minggu ke-16 seorang wanita hamil mengalami kecederaan fiikal. Kecederaan itu _menyebabkan plasentanya berhenti bertungsi Which ofthe folowing isthe effect of the injury?. Antara berikut yang manakah kesan kecederaan itu. ‘A. The footus is aborted BB. The foetus continues to develop Fetus kequguran Fetus torus berkembang © ADown’'s syndrome chid is born The uterine wall continues to thicken ‘Anak sindrom Down dilahirkan Dinding uterus semakin tebal Farideh who is a cartier for colour blindness maried to Lokman, a normal colour vision. Whats the probability that their son is @ colour blind? Foridah adalah pembavia bagi bula wama berkahwin dengan Ramil yang mempunyal ppenglinaian wama normel. Apekah kemungkinan anak ielaki mereka adalah bula ware ? A 0% B 25% © 50% D 100% Diagram 30 shows the karyotype of an individual Rajah 30 menunjukkan kariotip seseorang individu. Kk n Wea SO KEM pgamsa ANON AA, 18K Raleh 30 wae WO Xx Which ofthe following has the karyotype shown? Antara benikut yang manakah mempunyai kariolip seperti yang ditunjukkan? A. Amale with Down's syndrome ©. Anormal mate ‘Seorang lelak! sindrom Down Lelaki yang normal B.A female with Down's syndrome D. Anormal female ‘Seorang perempuan sindrom Down Perempuan yang normal That halaman sebelah SULIT sur 19. ass. 49. Apair of fratemal twins are brought up by two diferent families and have the following characteristics Sopasang kembar seiras telah dibesarkan oleh dua keluarga yang berbeza dan mempunyai perbezaan cir seperti berikut ‘Suzy = Fat and fain complexion Gemuk dan kulit cerah ‘Suza__: Thin and slightly dark complexion Kurus dan agak gelap Which factor causes the differences in the characteristics? Faktor yang manakah menyebabkan perbezaan ciri pada kembar it? A Genetic B Environment © Gene mutation _D_Chromosome mutation Genatik Porsekitaran ‘Mutasi gon ‘Mutasi kromosom 50. Diagram 31 is a bar graph which shows the distribution of characteristic Pin human, Rajah 31 adalah graf bar yang menunjukkan taburan cin P dalam manusia i Which ofthe folowing statements is true about characteristic P? ‘Antara yang berikut, pemyataan yang manakah benar tentang ciri P? A Itis influenced by environmental factors. fa dipengaruhi oleh faktor persekitaran, B It shows slight difference between the individuals. a monunjukkan perbezaan yang tidak jelas.antara indivi. © Itundergo gradual change between individuats Ja bonubah sedikit demi sedikit antara individu. D Mtinvolves clear difference between individuals. Ja melibatkan perbezaan yang jelas antara individu END OF QUESTION PAPER KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT {Lihat halaman sobolan ‘SULIT

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