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Event management industry in Macedonia 2010  

Movements and trends

The motivation for conducting this survey is to measure up the level of the industry development in the
country. The survey was conducted by Momenti, event planning agency, working on the Macedonian market
for the last four years, as a result of the need for information on one place, and in the process of analyzing
them developing a survey for the movements and trends in the industry. 

Main goals are getting information about: 
• most frequently organized events; 
• dividing events by industry;
• factors for choosing location;
• factors for choosing time;
• relation between events organized by public/state institutions compared to private companies;
• are the events independently organized or by agencies; 
• do the promoted events have all necessary elements to be clear and informative. 

Information sources for organized events are: Macedonian Information Agency MIA, Makfax, information from
internet pages of companies/NGO's/state institutions and collaborators with direct event invitations.
In 2010 there were 1619 published business event on the blog Macedonia Business Events which we
created for personal use and easier following of the events in the industry. Most events are organized in
June - 17% and in October and November - 15 % of total events.
Despite the expectations for seasonal variations in event organization, the survey shows that in winter
months there are more business events, conferences and promotions and in summer months  more
cultural events, conventions, symposiums, and events organized by public institutions. The greatest
influence on the small number of events in 2010 had the post-recession effect and the significant decline of
the budgets for marketing and event organization. In terms of different periods, least number of events are
organized in January, February and April, connected to holidays which slow down the movements in the
event management industry.    
Most frequently organized events are press conferences, in average 37 monthly, second place are promotions
in average 15 and conferences 13 monthly.  According to the survey trainings are not frequently organized,
but in creating that fact there is impact from the information source, because trainings are intended for
specialized target groups and their promotion rarely starts with sending information to the Macedonian
information agencies.   
Divided by industries most events are organized in civil society, in average 35,6 events monthly, than cultural
events - 34 and double less economy events in average 16,17 monthly.
In certain months there is significant number of events in architecture, which can be related to the many debates
concerning project Skopje 2014. On the other hand, there are many events in agriculture, related to the opening
of IPA funds and the increased activity by the state institutions and NGO sector. Education is forth most frequent
industry in terms of organizing events which can be connected to many trainings, book promotions, intensive
faculty lectures and seminars. Sport is a popular category mainly because of the great number of  projects
organized with the support of Agency of youth and sport. 
Expected, private companies that most frequently organize events are in the industries: telecommunications,
automobile, wine, IT.  IT industry is especially present in organizing events, because of the increased popularity
of social media and the events on this theme gather many participants.
State institutions organize events with greatest intensity - in average 43,6 monthly, followed by the strong NGO
sector with 28,4 events monthly, and on third place are the companies, which in order to be the driving force of
the economy it is expected that they would organize event most often. 
In 2010, companies organizes double less events than non-government organizations, and 26 percents less
than state institutions. In the last year, faculties distinguish from other organizers, especially with guest
lecturers: ambassadors, high state officials, businessmen, which comes from the fact that competition effected
the industry development and encouraged the faculties to reach a new level in education in order to attract
students. Foreign organizations are organizing events less and less, because of the great number of  foreign
projects in a final phase. Important fact is that on a large scale the information about the promoted events
comes from the protocol of state institutions, instead of organizers themselves, which means that if an event
doesn't have high state representative as a guest speaker, there is a great possibility that the information may
not get to the media and the general public at all.   
When choosing a location first choice always is using their own premises, no matter if it comes to state
institutions and private companies. Second choice are hotels with 25,17 events a month, third choice -
conference rooms with average of 22,1 events a month. From the chart you can see that there is great
percentage of events in the category other, which includes public locations. 
Considering location events are classically divided: business events are organized in conference rooms,
cultural events in cultural centres - without greater freedom in changing stereotypes.
In choosing most commonly used hotels, in total of 212 events held in hotels, most frequently used hotel is
Holiday Inn  - 84 events, and second  Aleksandar Palace with 52. 
Because 2010 is considered post-recession year, and lower budgets are anticipated, a common choice is
organizing events in their own premises. This is more popular fact among the state institutions, although
private companies followed the same example.  
Compared to 2009, conference rooms are more often used, because of the increase in the number of press
conferences in 2010. NGO Infocenter is mostly used with 52 events, second choice is Skopje Fair with 42
events and Chamber of commerce of RM with 36 organized events. 
Besides Skopje, with greatest number of events (there should be taken in consideration the fact that all state
institutions are located in the capital city and that effects the percentage), next on the list is Bitola (52%) with
several cultural events and third is Ohrid (25%) with a big number of conferences and tourism related events. 
Considering the time, events are more frequently organized in the morning 9 to 11 am, in average 69,75
events a month. Basic conclusion is that in making the decision about event time, the most significant fact is
that event organizers want their event to gain media attention and attendance.
Most of the events are organized in the morning 837, and most common type is press conference. In
months there are 287 events in October, 274 in June, and 229 in November.
On the other hand, when organizing company promotions, product promotions and cultural events, the choice
usually is evening. Evening events are mostly of a cultural character - exhibitions, shows, concerts... In a total
of 273 events in 2010, the most popular months are June, July, October and November, with almost two thirds
or 171 events. 
298 are held at noon, mostly in June (46) and September, October and November (total 119). 125 events are
held in afternoon, from which total of 61 in October and November.
According to the information in 2010 there were 86 all-day events. Most of them are symposiums, conferences
and trainings in May and August, and expected the busiest month is November - referred as conference
Conclusions/Key points

In conducting this survey, the used information is a sample, published information from the public
information agencies. It is a fact that the number of organized events is small compared to the total number
of actually organized events, which proves that great number of events (according to the information from
the business sector) are not published. 
These are the conclusions from the results:

- most commonly organized events are press conferences, by state institutions and NGO's; 
- industry which organizes most events is civil society. There is growth in number of events in agriculture,
education, architecture and sport, related to current events from everyday life; 
- most common event organizers are state institutions, having in mind that their protocol includes sharing
information with the public about their activities; 
- a surprising fact is that companies are organizing small number of events, and the reason can be found in
the recession and the current economic situation;
- organizers most often choose their own premises as a location in 2010. They decided for a different
location, only when it comes to bigger and important event:
- considering the fact that from the total number of events, most common are pres conferences, the selected
time for organizing events is morning, because of the presence of media and importance of published news;
- related to months, most events are organized in June, October and November, and least in January,
February and March.

Recommendations/Action plan

It is a fact that the event management industry is growing. While conducting this survey, a noticeable
conclusion is that in promoting events some information are missing, especially concerning the organizer
whose name and information are not included in almost a quarter of the events. Also, there are misguiding
information about time of start and duration, whether the event is open or closed, whether there is participant
fee or not. These elements are crucial for the event and have to be included as information in order to create a
real picture for the industry in the country.
As recommendations for development of the industry in 2011 are the following:
- increased presence and activity from the business sector. For an example, chambers of commerce are active
in organizing events, but they are intended for their closed group of members and most of them are not publicly
- clearer information from the protocol of state institutions, when high state officials are guest speakers on
events, organized by another organizer. At the same time, interested parties can gather all necessary
information for a certain event, a strong relation  of cooperation will be created between the organizer and the
state institution, organizer will gain credibility for future activities, and the state institution will provide support
and promotion for the event. This is especially important related to private companies, which broadens the
public/private relation;
- publication and promotion of all kind of events. More information, great effect, bigger attendance. Events are
considered a marketing tool for promotion of the organizer;
- experts for event management, especially in promotion towards wider public. Education of employees about
basic event elements, achieving goals and media attention.
- organization of events connected to social media. Promotion through social media, internet promotion, post
event  comments and recommendations.

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