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This is the inaugural edition of the Zeta Zeta News.

This newsletter will cover the monthly news surrounding the Oshkosh Chapter of
Beta Theta Pi. This edition will cover the most recent news as well as a brief overview of the summer months.

Zeta Zeta News

Monthly News for The ΖΖ Chapter of ΒΘΠ October 2010

State of the Zeta Zeta

among fraternities in the Fall of 2009; we also received a coveted Sission award for being one of Beta’s outstanding chapters. T

d Take Back the Night, which is a rally against domestic violence. This chapter continues to be committed to supporting the com

Alex Grupp – V.P. of O.S.A. & Chapter V.P.
Andy Kieckhafer – Speaker Pro-Temp of O.S.A &
Chapter New Member Educator
Ethan Turner – V.P. of Risk Management on IFC
James Wiciak – Chapter President
Keith Keskinen – Chapter Communications Chair
Ryan Fochs – Chapter Scholarship Chair
Alex Clark – Chapter Treasurer
Josh Wittkoske – Chapter Recruitment

James Wiciak ~0223~

nt and the Oshkosh Police Department to raise money for the D.A.R.E. programs of Winnebago County and the greater Oshkosh

Ethan Turner ~0238~

From The Editor

I am very pleased with the success of our chapter during
my time here. With the help of my brothers we are very
proud to be starting our first newsletter. The Zeta Zeta
News will provide its readers with chapter updates and
information on past, present, and future events. I hope
that you enjoy the inaugural edition of the Zeta Zeta
News. Thank you for your continued support, our chapter
appreciates it greatly.
Keith Keskinen ~0239~

Over the month of September the Zeta
Zeta Chapter of Beta Theta Pi has been
recruiting members that we feel live our
values and principles. We set up two
weeks of rush events. The events we held
included Go-karting, volleyball, Monday
Night Football, and a number of
cookouts. The original goal set fourth for
fall semester was to recruit fifteen new
members. Although we have only
pledged in nine new members, we can
agree that these nine members, will carry
BPS Standings out the Beta Principles throughout their
collegiate career. We believe that by
1. Andy Kieckhafer selecting these nine new members our
recruitment and retention in the
upcoming semesters will continue to
2. Alex Grupp grow stronger. This chapter believes
strongly in quality of men over quantity
of men. The Zeta Zeta Chapter has been
3. Ethan Turner
very successful during recruitment this
semester and we are beginning to
commence our spring semester
4. recruitment.
Ryan Fochs
Josh Wittkowske ~0231~

5. James Wiciak

6. Keith Keskinen

7. Alex Clark

8. Dylon McLaughlin

Graduating Senior
As my years as an undergrad come to an end, the memories and
friendships that I have developed as a Beta Theta Pi will continue.
Joining a fraternity never crossed my mind before coming to college.
The stereotypes, videos, and negative publicity around Greek Life
should have been enough to drive me away, but instead I was attracted
to the lure of leadership, scholarship and volunteerism opportunities
that would hold me to a higher standard of student. I thank those
responsible for bringing me into the fraternity and introducing me to
my home away from home, which is ironic being raised in Oshkosh.
With all said and done, the experiences -- both high and low -- that I
have had because of Beta have made my choice to join well worth it.

Beta Theta Pi has kept me on track for a successful life after college.
After graduation, I plan to start my career in marketing and mass
communications. Whether I will be in Wisconsin or out of state is
something that I am unsure of. However, if there is one thing that I am
certain about, it is that my service to Zeta Zeta and Beta Theta Pi is far
from over. With that being said, I would like to leave you with a
memorable quote that has remained with me since becoming a Beta:
"He too must cross in the twilight dim; Good friend - I am building this
Jordan Steinert ~0215~
bridge for him.”

Jordan will be graduating as the Fall Semester comes

to a close. He has done a lot of good for this chapter,
and he will be greatly missed by this entire chapter for
his leadership and great character.

Beta Theta

535 Algoma Boulevard

Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901

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