UFMG Offers Course For Young Adults and Conclude The Teaching Vital Step I

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The Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) is open for entries for the 1st phaseof

the project of Basic Education for Youths and Adults (Proef-1). The aim of thiscourse is
to help youth and adults who have difficulty reading and writing and also suit those who
have not completed the first four grades of elementary school.

Those interested in participating need to register until March 4 in room 530 of theSAF
(old building), Monday through Friday, from 14h to 18h. Classes begin March 14and will
be in the afternoon (15:03 to 18h) and night (19h to 21:30), where from Monday to
Thursday. The course is free and students will receive teaching materials,meals. May use
the libraries and computer room of the place and also participate in cultural events.

To attend the course, the person must be over 18 years, preferably over 30 years
andprovide copies of documents "identity card, social security number and proof of
residence) and also two 3x4 recent photos. Need more information? Call (55) (31) 3409-

Source: "Site UFMG"

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