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Holy Quran Discuss Genetics Science

Quran has revealed absolute facts about Genetics in its true perspective some 1400 years ago. This
can be a fruit of thought for us. Surrah ArRûm - THE ROMANS- No.30- Verse:27 (As has been
mentioned afore in 30:11) Allah Almighty initiates the creation of everything according to His Law and
then, while passing it through various stages of development, takes it to its destined point. And all this
happens very easily. All the plans, both in the heavens and on earth, are cast in the patterns set by the
Almighty and are therefore most sublime. (If mankind also regulates its character and personality as per the
divine patterns, it too will attain a similarly excellent balance.) Almighty 's Law, in fact, contains extremely
beautiful combinations in itself; it has force and power as well as rationale and wisdom. (Irrational power is
blind subjugation of the weak; and wisdom without force is merely philosophy. The proportionate
combination of the two is the only way to produce constructive results of high beauty. And this is only
possible by staying within the Laws of God.) verse 27

Surrah Al-Qiyâmah - RESURRECTION - No.75- Verse:37 - 39

He should bear in mind that he has passed through various stages of evolution to attain the human form. In
the beginning he was a drop of semen which was dropped in the womb; verse 37

Then in the mother's womb He formed it into an embryo that was suspended and by various combinations,
and fashioned it into an excellently proportioned shape; (and) verse 38

Due to its distinction into sexes, male and female were paired. verse 39

Surrah Al-Wâqi'ah - THE EVENT- No.56 - Verse:57 - 59

(O Rasool! Tell them that the fact they will be born again is being told them by the) Almighty Who created
them for the first time.) Why don't you wonder about your first creation? Do you deny it because you
believe it cannot happen a second time. verse 57

Consider the child who is born out of the co-habitation of a male and female. He is born according to Our
law of procreation and not yours.
verse 58-59

Surrah Al-Mu'minûn - THE BELIEVERS - No.23 - Verse: 12-14

(This is so because human life is not like that of animals. The status of ‘human life’ has been achieved after
successfully passing through the steps of 'animal life'; and it will continue passing through various other
stages of development.)As regards the various stages of animal life, We initiated its creation from the
quintessence of clay (inorganic matter). (22:5) verse 12

(Thereafter our programme of creation reached a stage when further procreation continued by conception.)
We caused it to be a drop of semen which was deposited in the female ovum (in the womb).verse 13

Thereafter, out of the drop of semen, We created a suspended zygote (like a leech). From the zygote We
created an embryonic lump. Next We fashioned the bones; which We then clothed with flesh.(Up to this
point all stages are accomplished like normal animal life. But) Thereafter We infuse a speck of Divine
Energy into it (32:7-9) and cause it to emerge as an entirely new creation (71:14). This new creation, which
is totally different from other animals, is the human being. Just think of the great possibilities which Allah's
Law of creation has. (Although man also creates various things, there is a world of difference between his
creations and those of Allah.) verse 14

Surrah ’Ale-Imran - THE FAMILY OF IMRAN - No.3 - Verse: 5 With regards to creation, it is Allah
Almighty Who fashions you in your mother’s wombs according to His Law of Creationt. He is Almighty
but His might is blended with wisdom. verse 5

Surrah Al-Insân (Dahar) - MAN - No.76 - Verse:1- 2

It is a fact that the human being (who now exists in the present form) was for a long time not something
which could exist on its own. (Then by passing him through various stages of evolutionary development,
We brought him to this stage.) verse 1

During this process, one of the stages was the initiation of his creation from a sperm. (To look at it, it was
just a drop of fluid, but in actual reality) It was a collection of numerous mixed potentialities; and so We
made arrangements whereby his latent potentialities would develop gradually. For this, while in the
mother's womb, it underwent many changes till it became a human being capable of hearing and seeing.
verse 2

Surrah AsSajdah - THE PROSTRATION - No.32 - Verse:6 - 8

This process of creation and evolution is in force by the Almighty , Who is aware of the latent potentialities
of everything and also knows the extent to which these have manifested themselves (and how much still
remains). All this happens as per the Divine Law, which has the power to take everything to its destination,
through proper development. verse 6

For this purpose He has maintained an excellent balance in the creation of everything; and one of His
schemes is the creation of man. (After the scheme was established in His Aalm-e-Amr) man’s creation was
initiated from inorganic matter which before you, was lying lifeless in the form of clay. verse 7

(Then this inorganic matter became mixed with water ~ 37:11 ~ and the first life cell appeared. As this
process continued through various stages of evolution and reached a point where, from the cohabitation of a
male and a female, man's progeny started through procreation.)
verse 8

Surrah An-Nisâ' - THE WOMEN - No.4 - Verse:1 O humanity! adhere to the Laws of your Sustainer
Who initiated your creation with a single life-cell (6/99, 39/6) which split into two parts – one male and the
other female – and through them spread so many men and women in the world.(It is thus clear from this
example that the origin of mankind is one and the same and therefore subsequent man-made divisions have
no justification. You consider entire humanity as one entity) and follow the Laws of Niz’am-e-Rabubiyyat,
through which all those necessities of yours are fulfilled for which you seek each other’s assistance (14/34).
The first step, while establishing this Niz’am, would be with your own kith and kin (and then keep on
expanding the circle, till the entire community comes inside) and if you succeed in doing this, you will see
how Allah’s Laws continue in keeping watch over you! verse 1

Surrah An-Najm - THE STAR - No.53 - Verse:32 These people (who lead righteous lives) avoid the
serious offenses that slow down the growth of human personality and the actions which spread
abominations. However in a situation when one realises this and immediately corrects oneself (7:201), or
even if he makes an unintentional mistake (and thereafter corrects himself), then one is forgiven the
consequences of such actions. (In other words this means that) The weight of their good deeds is so heavy
that it provides protection against the ill-effects of minor unintentional mistakes. This shows the abounding
magnanimity of the Divine Law of Mukafat (4:31; 42:37). This is the Law of the Almighty Who is fully
aware of human weaknesses as well as their potential abilities. He knows the stages that life has gone
through from being inanimate matter to becoming human beings; and how many formations the fetus
attained in the mother's womb. He knows what hampers the development of human ‘self’ and what helps it
grow. This is the very criterion for adjudging the depth of the divine injunctions in one's personality. The
judgement should not be according to one's own devised standards. (The one and the only touchstone is
Allah’s Book and not any man-made standards ~ 91:7-10; 93:17-18.) verse 32

Surrah Al-Jâthiya - CROUCHING - No.45 - Verse:4 His signs are (not only in the outer universe but
also) in your own creation as well as that of other living beings who are distributed everywhere. But these
signs are only for those who believe in the truthfulness of His Laws. verse 4

Surrah An-Najm - THE STAR - No.53 - Verse:45 - 46 (The life and death of nations is subject to these
Divine Laws in a manner similar to an individual’s birth, growth and death.) According to the same law,
the birth of a human being takes place when the reproductive materials intermix following which the males
and females are born. verse 45-46

Surrah Az-Zumar - THE TROOPS - No.39 - Verse: 6 He initiated your creation from a single living cell
(6:79) and then caused it to split into two parts, one becoming the male and the other female. He also
created eight types of cattle (namely camel, cow, sheep and goats, all in pairs ~ 6:144-145). When you are
still in the mothers womb, He fashions you, inculcating creative changes in different stages. These changes
constitute one act of creation after another; and all this takes place (not in one but) under three veils3 of
darkness.This then is your Allah, according to Whose Laws of Rabubiyyat your development and
nourishment take place. He alone wields total authority and power in the universe. No one else has such
power or authority. (In leaving Him aside) Just reflect on where are you going? (After leaving God’s Laws,
is there another way?) verse 6

Surrah Al-Kahf - THE CAVE - No.18 - Verse: 37-38 When his friend came to know about such ideas of
his, he said: “Do you deny that law of Mukaf’at of that Allah Almighty who initiated your creation by clay,
then by a life-germ and finally gave you full form of man? Do you, notwithstanding all this, still think that
what you have is the result of your merit and efforts (28/78) and has nothing to do with Allah’s laws? You
may deny these facts but I have firm belief that whatever I got is through Allah’ law of Rabubiyyat to
whom I do not set up any peers (56/63-73).” verse 37-38

Surrah Al-Qiyâmah - RESURRECTION - No.75 - Verse: 37-40

He should bear in mind that he has passed through various stages of evolution to attain the human form. In
the beginning he was a drop of semen which was dropped in the womb; verse 37

Then in the mother's womb He formed it into an embryo that was suspended and by various combinations,
and fashioned it into an excellently proportioned shape; (and) verse 38

Due to its distinction into sexes, male and female were paired. verse 39

Therefore, can He not bring the dead back to life again? Is He not capable of doing that? (If one accepts the
concept of life after death, then it is not difficult to believe Wahi and the Law of Mukafat. This is the
foundation stone of the entire Divine Programme.) verse 40

Surrah Al-Hajj - THE PILGRIMAGE - No.22 - Verse: 5 (These people adopt this attitude because they
assume that life exists only in this world and that it ends with death; and for them success lies in collecting
as much wealth as possible through any possible means.)

Tell them, "If you are in doubt about (the truth of) life after death, because such a phenomenon does not
(outwardly) appear feasible, just ponder the fact how We initiated your creation out of inorganic matter.
(Thereafter with the mixture of water, the first life cell appeared. Life then passed though various phases of
development until it reached a stage where augmentation took place by procreation. Pregnancy takes place
in the mother's womb; then life takes the form of a suspended leech; an embryonic lump is formed, which
is complete in some forms yet incomplete in others. It passes through all these stages so that the latent
potentialities in the embryo are gradually developed ~ 23:13.) Then We cause the fetus to stay in the
mother's womb for a certain period according to Our Law, after which it appears in this world as an infant.
Then you gradually grow up and reach the age of maturity (16:70). Some of you die in the prime of youth,
while some become so old that in that reduced state of mind you start forgetting things which once you
knew so well."

(This is an example of the intrinsic evolutionary process. Now consider the outside world and reflect over
land that is lying dry and barren with no sign of life and growth. When rain falls over it, it becomes verdant
and gradually brings forth a world of beautiful greenery. This dead land thus becomes a world of
marvellous scenery.) verse 5

Surrah YâSîn - YA-SEEN - No.36 - Verse: 77-79 (Man’s condition is such that he can forget his own
reality, become rebellious and follow his emotions. He does not reflect over the fact that We had created
him out of a mere drop of sperm (over which he had no control). And then he openly opposes Us. verse 77

He starts talking questioningly about Us and becomes oblivious to how he himself was created. He even
denies Almighty ’s statement that you would be brought to life once again. He also questions who could
give life to bones that have crumbled to dust. (37:16; 73:3) verse 78

Tell them that the Almighty Who created them for the first time will bring them back to life. He is fully
aware and has full knowledge regarding all His creations (as regards the manner and stages through which
His creations have to pass). verse 79

Surrah Al-Mursalât - THE EMISSARIES - No.77 - Verse:20-22 (Just ask them to consider the process
of their own creation and the many evolutionary stages they have passed through.) We created you from a
fluid which was very insignificant; verse 20

Then We placed it in a firm and secure place (the womb) where it lodged into the feminine egg (23:13).
verse 21

There it continued to receive nourishment and developed according to measures determined by Us. verse

Surrah Al-Mursalât - THE EMISSARIES - No.23 - Verse:12-14 (This is so because human life is not
like that of animals. The status of ‘human life’ has been achieved after successfully passing through the
steps of 'animal life'; and it will continue passing through various other stages of development ). As regards
the various stages of animal life, We initiated its creation from the quintessence of clay (inorganic matter).
(22:5). verse 12

(Thereafter our programme of creation reached a stage when further procreation continued by conception.)
We caused it to be a drop of semen which was deposited in the female ovum (in the womb).
verse 13

Thereafter, out of the drop of semen, We created a suspended zygote (like a leech). From the zygote We
created an embryonic lump. Next We fashioned the bones; which We then clothed with flesh.(Up to this
point all stages are accomplished like normal animal life. But) Thereafter We infuse a speck of Divine
Energy into it (32:7-9) and cause it to emerge as an entirely new creation (71:14). This new creation, which
is totally different from other animals, is the human being.Just think of the great possibilities which Allah's
Law of creation has. (Although man also creates various things, there is a world of difference between his
creations and those of Allah.) verse 14 Surrah Al-Infitâr - THE CLEAVING - No.82 - Verse:6 - 8 O
human being! (You are revolting against the Divine Laws in this manner.) What is keeping you away from
the most respect-worthy law of Allah's Rabubiyyat and inciting you to such violation? verse 6
The Rabb (Who according to His law of creation) took you through various evolutionary stages one after
the other; and fashioned you by removing unnecessary elements, thereby creating excellent balance,
proportion and symmetry in you (95:4). verse 7

Thereafter, according to His Law of Cause & Effect, He gave you a suitable form (54:29). verse 8

Surrah Al-Insân (Dahar) - MAN - No.76 - Verse:1-2 It is a fact that the human being (who now exists in
the present form) was for a long time not something which could exist on its own. (Then by passing him
through various stages of evolutionary development, We brought him to this stage.) verse 1

During this process, one of the stages was the initiation of his creation from a sperm. (To look at it, it was
just a drop of fluid, but in actual reality) It was a collection of numerous mixed potentialities; and so We
made arrangements whereby his latent potentialities would develop gradually. For this, while in the
mother's womb, it underwent many changes till it became a human being capable of hearing and seeing.
verse 2

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