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Diagram below shows a fair test carried by a group of Year Five





The results of the fair test are recorded in this table below.
Distance an object with Size of the shadow formed on
torchlight (cm) the screen (cm)
100 4
80 6
60 8
40 10
20 12
10 13
0 14

a) What is the aim / purpose of the fair test. ( tujuan )

Distance an object with torchlight
To investigate relationship between _________________________ and
( WTC )
Size of the shadow formed on the screen (cm)
____________________________ .
( WTO )
[ 1 Mark ]
Untuk mengkaji hubungan antara _____________ and ___________.

b) What is the trend of the change size of the shadow formed on the screen?
Increasing / bertambah
[ 1 Mark ]

c) In this fair test, what things need to be

i) changed _______________________________________

ii) measured _______________________________________

iii) kept the same:___________________________________
Ramalkan [ 3 Mark ]

d) Predict the size of the shadow formed on the screen if distance between an
object and torchlight is 10cm.

[ 1 Mark ]

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