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~: _,':, r, ;;~ !'; ~~~;C:'; 021 t~~ :10 oat

~f~·~;."';>;"';~"''''&O"':.7"~~Y!1>·7'· .. ,~~<,~, .. ftl.~ 1'\~""I •• ,. C •• "trol" at 120'0 ·lto.i."',oM!. 'or .:, •• ' •• ,1." .,aoe . atatloll tS.~r'1itl, I. G~o •• la. tile ••• t co •• t

.6 of 'o.t •. Aa.~1ea •• It •• ta. tile 41.t ".'Yolutloa. ~ 8k,18" 1 pre •• atl, ha. an orbit •••• uria. 238.4 nautical atl •• by 23',3 nautical .11... Spac. atatioD i •• pe.dinl throulh the h •••• n. at 25,094 f •• t per •• eoad. It'. OTb1t.l ,-r104 1.

1 hour 33 .inut •• aad 23 •• coad.. 'or the next 4 .lnut •• and 15 •• cond. v.'ll b. In contact with the .p.ce .tation vi. the Van.uard traeklot .hip. Th •• pace .tation orb~t above Earth

•• ift what w. call the Z local Yertical. in other word •• one end ia looklnl down at the Earth' •• urf.ce off"et by approxi.ately 50 dear.... Throuah the niaht th. tea. on duty under fl1aht dir.ctor Kilt Windler have been .onitorins the .yate ••. They report t~at the internal t •• peraturea have reaained relatively .tabl. in the 110 dearee ranae. At 2 minutes 7 Central D.yl1lht Tl •• thi. i. Sk,lab Control.

.. l~



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rAO fhl. 'I. Ik,1.,,· COllt~ol .t 1300 "o.r.

r Cr •• a"t.lf; ... a'·~'tl'.4I.··r.;·''k't.'!I, •••• t .. t'o. t.·..,.z· 'II. ..' _.,~ », ",.,,-,

t· Phlll"i".· 1.1 ••••. at, the , ........ , t1... b. w. ara .'"at ,:;.,

'-1/2 .t •• t •• fro. aC4.i.itloll of .tlllal at tb. lot:..y •• ctl. tracklul .tatlon. Doe rudd,'. crt •• oft t ••• of Ill,ht ~c~troli.r. b .... o •• d into the chair ••• eat.a b, Milton Vl~dl.r·. tea. an4 h ••• takea o.e~. And ere .onitorial teaperetur •• and .y.te •• which •••• falrly vall t~ h.~. Itabilized at this

ti... A realnder that v~ viII apr ••• conf.rence ~t

Hou.ton in the Na •• Center brierinl roo. at 9 •••• central daylilht ti •• with Gaorla B. Hardy, Chief of S1.t ••• Enlineerlng ftnd tntelration at the Sk,lab Progra. Offic., "ar.hall Space Flight Center 1n Runt~~111.. Mr# Hardy vill be In the Nev. Center 1n Houston to aiv. a sum •• ry of ~h.t tran.pired l •• t niaht •••

far •• the .paee .tattoo va. concerned, and to respond to any [nquitte. fro. neva .edt. repre •• ntative.. At 13 hours

1 minute Greenvich aean ti.e, thi' 1. Skyl.b Control.


. ",~.~,'-~~~.""AO·~;:;:·T:ir'!'··~: .{" ~~ . .tIat. jnt:ltyl •• Coa tcoll 1'00 b ..... · .. Oft." ~:;;'.'

. ,tie ·1.,1"';.~ •••••• tatioa i. .... rl., the eat of tbe 42.4 ' -v, \ '

.- 7: ... 1 ... t .. ·o.t, ... ~ tb •••• t '.cllie. It,l •••••• Il or1tlt.

at the pr •••• t tl •• , ••• Iuria, 231.6 a.utlcal .11 •• by

235.6 aautlcal a11 •• ; tr ••• l1a •• t •• pe •• of 2,.099

pet •• eond, AD~ ttl orbital p.riod r ••• ia. the •••• at

1 bour 33 .iaut •• and 23 ~.cond •. lliaht Director Don Puddy .arll.r va. lQ coftv.r •• tioll vith .0.'1 of the fl~~ht controller. her.: talk •• to the bio •• dic and a.~ed hi. how the food

t •• perature. looked. And the re.ron •• to hi. que.tionl, relatina to the food 1ft thl fre.zer. and the dry food, va. that the, to b. in lood Ihap.. ATM i. t.nd1ftl to Itable out. A. related to craw acti~1tle., today, Dr. JOleph Iervin and IUlt1 Schweickart are dt the Mara hall Space rlilht Certer. They are vorkin, out procedure. ueinl the vater e.ersion facility - EVA procedure., tha~ 1a. Story KU8klra~e vill

Join th •• a little lat.r tQday ,nd ••• i.t In their operat~on. Pri •• er •• co •• ander. Charles ~rete" Conrad, 1. in the CSM 5imulator here at the Johnson Space Center. und.rtakins aome atation'eepinl and for~~·ion fl,1n8 techniques. And in

this c as e , he t. In a pre •• urlzed .uit. Paul Weitz, a.alated by A.tronaut Da~e Scott and Ron Evan., i. In.019.d In

a p:t'ocedure at'.ctlna a .hade on a tltandup !VA. Thi.

act1vity il takin" plcce. a.aln, at the Johnaon Space Center. And they ara uainl the co •• and aodul. trainer. At 1500 houra 1 .lnut., and 30 •• cond. C~T. thl. ia Skylab Cont~ol.

END 01' ':APE

: .. ':t, .....

"''I,: '

, .'~!i" ••• ,~~:->.~ ~ : .. '1.. \

PAO :ai. 1. Sky1.' Control, 1600 bour. '

•••• ti... The S~,l.b .,ae. hou •• 1. ~ov O~.% tb. ID41aa Oc •• a Oft r •• olutioD Du.her 43, aad it ha. Ju.t en~er •• orbital ai.httl... The controller. hare at the "i •• ion Control Center are •• ~, quiet, po.tur. of quiet vatcbfu1ne'., .0 to

.9 •• k. S,.tlaR .tl11 app.aT to b •• tabl.. Sk,l.b 1 h •• an

.1ap ••• ~l .. DOW 01 2 da7.~ 22 hour. and 31 .1nut... And at

1 .tn~te .ftar 11 •••. central dey111ht tt.e, thi. 1. Skylab

Con' ·to:'.

11'11 or TAl!

· ."~::., ' .. ,.

.~ ...


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fAO 'hi. t. "yl.' Coftt101 It 1700 hour. eNT.

Th •• k,lab Ipae •• tatloft .~ tht. particular tt •• t. ae~o ••

the - aero •• "~xtc~ an. O~: 1ft tb. Gulf of M.T.J~e toolinl .outb of BOG.toft. It will eTO •• the crntirlfttal United Statal in

the .lel~ity of •• v ~rl •• n., h •• dinl northward pa.t .uch ~opulou, .ra •••• Phl1ad.lpbla. Kev York City, ~nd chw New !n.lan~ .tat... Th. tal •• etry CO.1DI down to the con~rol Centar her. fro. the Skylab .paee atatl,n In~lcat •• that

lt i •• ttll In a .tabl. po"ttio~ with !h. teaperatute •

• anerally In the r~n.e that h •••• allter b •• n bro.dca.t.

I'd like to pa •• thi •• dvl.~ry to the pr •••• John p!.b~r. De~ut1 Skylab P~nlra. Dtreetor. vill .ake an announc€.ent

and •• et with the Fre.~ at 12:30 F. H. central d.yll,ht tt •• In the Neve Center b~i.ftn. too. at t~e ~pace Center. We plan to ha.e two-way ~u~.t!on tnd answer. fro. the CApe for tht. announce.ent. Jtepeat1ua, Deputy Skylab Proar •• Dt~eetor. John nt.her, vill .ake an ~nnounce.ent and meet the pre •• 1u Rouaton. 12:10 P. M. in the Nevs Center btlefing roo.. At 17 houri 2 .1nutes Greenwich .tf~an tl.e, thiS 1. Skylab :ontrol.

EN J 01 TArt

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: .. ' .... l.e-.lil w",k ,

fy ft... 12 810'IC CD!. 02.2,.40 CI', .... ~_.. "

S/l"'J'1ffi'F~''f'''~' -if''' ,~-" ~~"$"""'<' ·.;'!:'J.'17··".

~~'~~:", •. ";;'~ ::\(:~·i·,·_.··t,." ":' ~{ '.~~ ':">.', ;::~~:. .

" " .' " 'AO'~·,' .... . "'I, t. 1.,1 •• Co.t~ol. lie, I ba ...

,our ett •• tiOD ••• 1a. '1..... Joba Dl.her. D.put, 8k,1.~ Proar •• Director, 1 •• ch.dul.d to .ak. aD ••• nt an4 •• et the pre •• at !1tlO rH CeDtr.1 Da,li,he T1 •• ia th • •••• Ceet.r 'rielte, roo~ at the John.oft Spac. center. v.'ll ha •• tvo-wa, audio hookup. bet •• eD the Sk,lab Xev. e.ntar at KSC and the Sk,lab Mew. Center at JSC. Thi. 1. Sk,la~ COD trol.

':.,..- _ ...

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':". .:;,.; :1:f ;;f!~%'~;;~: ;~::i~~i~;~!;}>';:;'~; ,:~"'::;" t:;j;;;:~;.1:;;\' ~~:"£i: .,:1;.

~'!c', "J-';'.) ;~~~':;"'~~'>:,1i~~f~.~(.f"--1·~~~'~· J}t(. r.J::,·£7,,·~:~-··~-t . '~~;;;:;2 ' .i. ~~ff:.~( . ': -,

;"" '.' :;:'}~r~?:?'!(~'~'·::~~s~;~i~':~f:_:··~·: ,:if~£' »., ." "f~(,

IL-l .C .... lll,·\:',··~" .' -;, ):,::, .. :

'tat" 11 1'11, ••• ,,: tDt. 2 t 2,.50 elf

./ t. 'II • " . . " "I7"'?·~ .,.

.. • ,. '~~Y~~~f~:'"": "'i!!;--:" '~~t' ~~·";~~'~~.r\.·- . _'L ,:.".

_ ~~,·.:~~'1·,ty'.. '~'·r~.':.f:'~-~· .~:~~ . ~ ': ., .." c : . . ~\~ -, .'

'AO>':4:~,:<~ ~'.;~·iY :. :"'!..~·t" .k~i •• C •• t~ol. a.p •• tta •• , ., .

•• rlter a.uouae ••• at'tbac Joho Dtl'er,'D.put, Ik,l.h .roar •• Director. will •• k. aD auaouftce •• at IDd .eet V1lh tha pra ••

at 12:30 ~ ••• ceatr.1 tt •• - caDtral da,liaht tl •• , 1,3Q , ••• aa.tern •• ,11Iht tt... ADd »l.her'. pr ••• eonf.rene. vil1 be

1n the lev. Centar BrtellDI aoo. at the John.on Space Ceftt.r. We'll h.~e two va, audio hookup. batv •• n the Skylab Nev. C.~t.r. at Ise aad It JIC. fbi. i. Skylab Control.

, . • , ~ s .



., .

r:,," . :~~~---.,·.'7)~~·~·'1 j.:""?'::'"!-.>'~~<~~~~~ .. ;.~~~."':'\~:.:~ .. ~"[, -, ~~~ ~.~~ ... :~ .,:> .••... : .• ~ . ' . ._ •

. ' ,.:>,."PM, .: ., '.~ . "._ .' ,bi. ,. It,l.' Co.t~ol at 1.00 boor •

. ,,·::aJ:. ••• 1ob' ..... tt__ Th. Illyialt .pac •• tatioD at tbi. ti_

,,"'1'. 0".1" :hl' cOlltl~eDt of Africa .ft.r haviel .tart •• r.volutioft nu.lter 'S" A. it pa •• ad o ... r th. Stat •• and ~'a. in contact

for .o.~ tt •• , the controll.r. here re-

vle •• d th.~r .tatu. board. and found that there vel' ••••• ntl.Il' no chana •• In the tel ••• try indication. that .r. ~o.1nl down ft~. the .paceer.ft. To r.cap. John D1.her. D.puty Sk,lab

Pro,r •• Director. announced to tb. pr ••• e.rlier today that

the daci.lon had been •• de to launch Skylab 2 on Hay ~~. or

a v.ek frow to.orrow. Launch time. are •• t .t t:02 a.m •••• tern daylight ti ••• or 8:02 •. aI. Hou.ton time. ~.t 1900 ho u r s , 1 1Iinute 1u1u. this 1. Skylab Control.


~'~: . ,:,' ' , ",:.;': ~- , ,,)*~, '

. , ..... -.

,.1.- L Me- 6 5/1-'"

tl... 11.00 CDt ,.05,30 01' '/11/73

.~: ': I

" .' I '"W-, .,.~ .~_~.' for' •• ' c" ..... , ... ,'.:'1~).-.,~'~ .~( .. "';J ";.~--.' .~, .... ·'1~·''_'~~. i.,. -""_"','e.~.,.

~' ""A07'·' !hi. ! ••• ,1." Control ac 23 hour"

Cr •••• icb •• ad ti... Thre ••• '1 , houri 30 .taut •• linc. the l •• nch of Ik,1ab 1. Ther. ha •• b •• n ftO n.v f.iluT ••

1n c~ •• ehicl. toda,. There i •• till a ~roble. with

rat. Iyro drift, and thl. probl •• i •• till not fully under.tood. lhe internal, •• t •• peratura of th~ work.hop .ppeArs to have .tabili •• d at about 105 delra •• raht beit. Th. vahlel. 1. at • SO delree pitched up attitude. Plan. ara to .aintain thl1 attitude indefinitely. It 1, the optimum 4ttituda for ther •• l control while Itil1 maintaining energy b a La n e e , Work i. p r o g r e a s Ln g in the Control Center, and will continue throqghout the night on rendezyou. plana. crew checkltst changest and co.mand module 8to~age li.t Change.. Skylab i8 1n the 47th revolution

of the earth, just passing over the northea6l coast of AU8tr~11. at thil time. 1n an orbit 238.3 by 2)6 nautical mil~8. The orbital period 18 1 hour 3) minutea 22 seconds, velocity 25,114 feet per second. This t. Skylab Control.

..... "'.c· '.



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IL-l "0-64/1

T1 .. , 17.01 CUT.

"11113 ,.'

,c ";:;OJ ~ .AO> ','. -:, v: - ftte-'-f.' ",l.b Caat ... 1 at 22 ho.r •

• • :f.,ulc ••• "On ••• 1ch M .... Tl... 1ft It •• or • fltlht .UZ'.ctor'e "1"I.fl111 at the •••• CeDt_!' "hleh could not b •• cbeduled before 9,30 or 10:00 p ••• , •

• t.tu. lu ••• r1 of the Skyl.b 1 vehicle vil1 b. pr~ •• ftt.d on tlli. 11ae at 6100 , ••• e~utr.l 4a,11abt t1 ••• 10, there viII b. no fl11ht director'. briefin, in the NevI Center tODilht. A ~t.tu. lu ••• ry vIII be

pre •• nted on thil relea •• 11ne at 6:00 p ••• central dayliaht ti... Skylab Control.

~ ..... ;.

03.04'. S1 01'


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