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04120. '0 011' '-',

Ik,l.' Mt •• ion Control on the hour. At the pr •• ent tt .. the orbital para •• tara are a. followa,

2) .),,16.'3 " •• e per ••• ·oad ',. CIlF~.tot!f. t, of the Sk,1.' "ork.hop •. ,It'. ".taht i •• ppr: ... t1 •• 270 atatute ail •• with .- ••• lau. ht.,he of 23'.O' •• utlcal atl ••• and a .tnt.u. h.labt of 235.5 nautical aile.. The p~rlod of revolution

i" 1 hour 33 .tnute. and 22.1 •• cond.. The program of ventina and repr ••• urization beaun ye.terday afternoon to remove

po •• lble tuxic Ra ••• from the atao.phere. has been tY.porarl1y interrupted. Thee. may have been rel.aRed by overheated

lIaterial8 on the front .ide of the workshop. V",ntinl wa.

terminated earlier this mominl at a preasure of 2.3 pounds per ~quare Inch. approxillately half the nc.rmal p r e s a u r e of

the v 0 r k • hop. The v en tin 8 wall t e r lI'Ii nat e d b e c a u ~ e 0 f m 0 me n e U II

buildup and lack of accurate data from tracking Atations to determine whether or not momentum W&9 going on. VrntinR I. p~pected to begtn again when momentum studies are complp.ted~ Chang(~ of shift briefings continue here in the Mission Control. Neal Hutchinson's team receiving brle{i~g from thp offgotng team of flight controllers and CharleR lewis. Th~re will be

a press conference including 8 medJcal speciali5t to dlRCU9S

t h e p r o b Le m of o ut v g as Ln g in the workshop. I'h l s press

conference vt11 be held no e a r Lf e r t h an 9:30 a v m , Ce n t r a I DAylight Time. Al~o 1n attendance at the press conference will h~ Flight Director Charles Levis. Thl~ i~ Skylab His" ion Co n t r 0 1 a tim I nut e and 5 9 II e con d R aft p r the h 0 u r •


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SL-! Me-'I/l

TJ... 11100 CDT 04,22,30 CIT



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PAO Thl. i. Sky lab M1 •• tOD Control, at

, •• eond •• fter the hour. At the pr ••• nt ti •• the spacecraft 1» b.ginnlna It •• eventy-.eeond revolution •

. travelinM approxi.ately 27~ aile8 .bove the Earth ~lth •

low point at 271 dtatute mile. above the Earth. In nautical .11el, that'g 238.8 nautical mile. at itt. hiHh point and 235.5 nautical .i1es at itN low point. Th~ speed of the Ipacecraft 1. 25,090.8 feet per second or approximately

17,100 mile. per hour. Its preNent period of revolution

is 1 hour 33 minutes 10.2 seconds. America's first apace "tat ion will complete 5 day. in orbit in approximately

1 - 1/2 h () II r s • At t h i8 t Iml:: i t I 9 t rave 1 1 n g 8 1 on g the 8 8 me

pat hit followed d uri n 8 tile fir ~ t rev 0 1 uti 0 n f 0 I 1 ow 1 n R

1 a un c h. b e 8 inn 1 n gar e pea t 0 f a pat t e rn t hat II C c :.J r s aft e r

every 71 revolutions. ApprOXimately once e v e r y 5 d ay s ,

The ~parrcraft is traveling now In a descending modet over the e s s t e r n e n d of the Mediterranean Sea on r e v o l u t Lo n 77..

A new HtlnJngt' list of I t e es to be s t o r e d ab o a r d the ~,~mftl~nd m o d u l e a f t e r m Ldn Lg h t n e x t Thursday Ln c Lu d e s fuur s p e c t a l ~,lS an a l v s a s t ub e s for me a s u r l n g c a r b o n m o n o x Ld e , ilnd six

t ub e s for me as u r Ln g TDT t a z a s that could c a u s e r e s o f r a t o r y irritation In large q u an Lt Le s . The Tot Il,A<; which ma/ exist tn part~ in quanities Ab lar~e as two parts per milliont Is b c Ll e vo d to have o u t g a s a e d from Insulation carried in the

9?ace~raft. No certainty at this time can be d~terml"ed

in relation to this gas, but there ar. tests being made presently at the space center to determinE' what d.n~er might occur fro~ that. There viII be ~lx ~mall tubes :or measuring the gaR concentration .after t h e eTE''''' enters the

work~hop. This 19 S ... ylab Mill:l~·dOt1 Control At 2 minuteR And

8 APcond~ a f t e r tht.. hour.


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::t~"'~,-jiAO ",CO:''"''''; -,' thi;:'l·;~·it.'ioll Cofttro1 at 1 .'"ut. an.

40 ... !hl. 1.',Skyl.b ttie.loD Control at 1 .tnut. all4 52 •• eo" •• a(t.i~th~ hout. At the pT ••• nt tt •• the .pac@craft t. In the South Pacific on an ascending mode of revolution nu.ber 72. travel1nR toward Baj •• California.

Flight Director NeaJ Hutchlnaon lndieatea the flight pla~ner. vill begtn venting the orbit.l work.hop again as 800n a.

they come into range of the United St~teB series of tracking 9t.tlons. Beginning at approxi.ately 12:06 Central daylight time. ventina will proceed toward the presently set goal

of 0.6 pound. per square Inch of ~le8sure in the o~bltal "",K.hop. During the p a s s over the United States, c a r e f u I watch will be kept un changes of attltudL caused by releasing

internal atmosphere from the spacecraft. Durinp earlier

venting it vas necesRary to halt the venting because ~r gases forcing a slight change i n the yaw of the spacecraft.

At that time there wer~ inqufficlent trncklng sta~ion~ aval1- .. ib l e to gJ v e d a r a and this nf'W v e n t Ln g will test \oIhether

or nol that yaw Is a problem. It 1~ believed at the present t im4'" that t h e y w11\ 1:)(" able t o ve n t t h r o ug h to the 0.6 p o un d

",>, ~qu;lrp inch l e ve ] with n o difficulty. In an v case the~

:nay t n t e r r u p t this p r o c e s s without e xp e n d I n g a d d t t Lo n a I TACS

g a-i , th .. t'~ ~a:::l u s e d In the t h r u s t , ittltudf' c o n t r o I systelll,

a tan y tIme 0 v e r the Un 1 ted Stili t '" ~ !OJ • Tit t' y II a ve a c qui 8 ~ t Ion

of signal and Just a little o ve r j •• "'lute" ill the United

States. The vrnting is being p~·'_lm~~ to r~move any unde91rable odors OT ~ases that make hav~ ~~mr from overhpsted

m a t e r La Ls in the worksh·.)p. Flight c o n t r c Ll e r s hSive "\0

s e n s o r s to d e t e r e r n e whether an y un de s Lr a o Le ~.1AeS ml\y b e prr~~nt abo~rd thp Workshop. For thi~ re'.Bon AS a safety measure they are r e I e a s Ln g all of the aLdOAphl'rt' w1th the ~> x C f' P t ion 0 f a M m It 1 1 qua n t .. '~)' f n tot h f' tl r f' a it r 0 U n d t h co

work!llhop. b e f o r e the .... o r k s h c n ",111 b e r e g u La r Lv Ln h ab Lt e d ,

test wilt be made by the a s u r o n a u t a l'8Jr~ small t u b e s that

r e g La t e r' gas c on c e n t r a t Lo n s , Tht'sp t v-b e« will ht> <':1rrl.d

a b o a r d the c o era an d IT':odule. i.'r h a ve £c(i,d~it 10n of g1gnal

i n 2 ttl t nut e san d i 8 ~. E" con d s • l' h 1 s 1 JII S k .' 1 • b Hi" <; f 0 nCo n t r 0 1 • t 4 '" i nut e SAn d 2 0 ~ E' C on d ~ "f t E' r t h p h (1 u ~ .

[NO or rAPt

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\, T'''' ,12,40 p. a. CDT, 05100111 al! '/19/13"

.•.... ri: ~\~:ri·~~:~""PAO·"· .' :.'~;." ... :"; . ' .. 't'-~'·;i.·l. 'ir'II", 1 a" ~~~'; l~ .. ~ Coa t ro 1 at'

,j'. .. ... ' .l~, .• i"ut ....... 3 •• co" ••• fte2 th. hour. Th •• pac.cralt

at thi.·tt .. ha. lo.t .llnal o •• r Madrid, and i. now trav.llna .outh ov.r the African Contio.nt. We vill not have acqut.itlon of .1In.1 alAia for the next 32 .tnut •• and

3~ •• cond., at v~lcb tl •• W. vill pick up the .1anal at C.rnarvon in Au.tralt.. At the pre.ent ti.e they are continuin. to vent the .pacecraft. Venting durlna the l,.t Unit.d Stat •• p.... Orbital work.hop pr ••• ur •• art! dropping at approxi.ately the rate of 0.3 of a pound p.r

• qua re t n e h e a c h h 0 u r • ': h • t '. O. 3 0 f • p 0 un d per • q u. r. inch each hour. Gutdanc:! and Navigation r e p o r t s that atable results are being received fro. data over the United States and over the Madrid track in. atat1on. There will be no

~ore data received until they reach the Australian tracking atat10n In so.ething over one half hour from nov. Venting 18 expecting to continue untIl a level of 0.6 pounds per

• qua re 1 n c h 1 II 0 b t .1 ned 1 nth f' • P • c e c r aft. At the p re a e n t t1 •• they a~e recelYinl re.ding. of approxi.ately 1.9 to 2.3 on the various sensors located in the orbital workshop. This is Skylab M1A810n Control at 42 minutes And )0 seconds after the hour.

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, .

'''>'~';:'" ,,·,:,·{t·"·~:J'AO'.~/;T:~',~;'S"',',~. ''''''~~·.~nlr:·I·''·II'l.b . Mt •• ioft· to·tit roi. o. -t.u.·~·""~;'''~:'· .,;!;,::" hOul' •. ··.Tb •.• ' ••• e; ... ft atth. ,h •• llt ti_ t. ft.arial the

·~~4:>~·'." •• f·' tba,,' •• c ••• l"l .0 •• Oft it. 73 r • .,olutl~D. It'.

. traveling over the Indian Ocean. headed tovard the Carnarvon trackinl .tatloD in Au.tralia. W. ha •• acquieition of s1gnal at Carnarvon at approxl •• tely 13-1/2 .inut.e. Th. spacecraft cottlnu •• to v.nt g.~e. into the a. part of the

p r c ce du r e of cleaning out the interior. AI fAr as ve know. there haa been no chan ••• in the attitude. We have had no

t rae It 1 n R 8 1. nee the Mad rid 8 t • t ion a 0 me t i lie • go. T h • r. i.

a period of more than a half an hour of 10a8 of .11na1 ~nd

d u r Ln g that ti •• no data 1s r e ce Lve d , As 800n al we get to Carnarvon we will get readinge again from the .racecraft.

At the pre R en t t i lie the 0 r b f t 0 f the II p • c. cr. f t h .9 • h I g h point at 238.1 nautlcwl miles, and a low point at 235.3 nautical miles ab~ve the surface of the Earth. Itll velocity is 25.091.4 feet per Recond as of the last tracking st~tl~n. This i8 Skylab Mi8sion Control at I minute and 14 seconds after the hour.


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''''e •• · 1100 't •. ,. CD'!. '.01:1'30 QI~

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::~';.'. r , \pAO~.r~ .i~:.',,· j.~ <?<%f:: "'hl •. ~l;·. Sk,la' M1 •• 1011 Coat r01 at 1

' •• coect .ftar :th.·h6u~i . At . ~ ... ,r •• ent t.l .. the .pac.craft' 1. be.lnniDI ita 74 r.v~lution pa'linS off the eo •• t of the Newfoundland areA .n~ North Atlantic and b.ginnin. a de.cendln§ nod.. At the pre.ent time it tft t~.velift' at 25,090.3 feet p.r a.cond. At the hiah point In it. orbit. it l'cache. 238.8 nautical .11e8. At the low point in ita orbit. 235.5 n~utlcal miles. prelavre aboard the orbital vork.h~p haa now dropped to apprexi.ately

1.9 pound. per .quar .. inch aa ven:.tng c on t t n ue s , The relul.r .omenluW' peak rt'ached every revolution as the s p ac e e r a f t circles the Earth vae low~r and well within 11.1tl during

the state.ide pall ju.t co~pleted. Thi9 indicates that the

v e n t s llre no longer causing any p r o b l e ra with attitude. The atmo9ph~rp. vithin the workshop 1s being purged, reducing

tht" p r e s s u r e to about 0.6 pounds per s q u a r e inch, at a rate of ap p r o x Le e t e Ly 0.3 p o un d s p e r sqoarf> I n e h , Thi:J venting through tvo n on p r o p u La Lve v e n t s , located on o p p o s I t e s I dc s

of the aft skirt of the orbital workshop perpenJl~~l.r to

the orblt~l worphop ~olar array wIngs, appparvd to affect attitude d~rlng venting last night. A slight yaw for flight c o n t r o l Le r s to s u s p e n d venting. Everything t~ now o p e r a t i n g beautifully ~lth temperaturp8 balanced in thr orbItal vork-

s h o p , and v e n t Ln g c on t I n ue a a s planned. ThiR is SkY.1ab M1ss10n

Con t r 0 1 • t :. 111 1 nut e and 4 7 R e .' :. .. (]" Il f t (> r t h l' h o u r .

-, -.~. ' ~r~ ." - •• _..... 7t~


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.;,,#; . .'>'1... 3*02 p~ •• CD'." 0;,02.32', OIT

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·~)'!t .L,:';Y:·' '~:~~:i':,: ... .\0 "~!:;,, .w. .:~f:r fh t. f. • • k, 1. ~., M 'M .10 n '.:0 at r 0 1 at 2 • S. au t ••

. - -.n. 2'· •• eoftd. aft.r the hour. The .~.c.araft 1, b.llnninl it. - hRlt way throUlh it. 74th revolut!:~, as ttl. p •• elhS toward. the north ••• t on an •• candina node, jU8t havin, lr.ft the RoneYluck.l. Itation";'n Au.tralia. It'. p •• s1:18 vver the South Paeffie: tova~dl the R.",\,11 .. n tra,-Itlng s t at f on , There will

be acqui.it1on of .1In~1 at Hawaii in approxi •• tely 6 minute. and 50 s e e en de , 'lilb~ controller. have Ob8prvf'd • s I t gh t deeline 1n the ratt 01 ?~ntlng from the S~ylab orbital vork-

s h op , A chart. based on rt!!ad1nR8 uvpr the past. :\ hours. indi-

cate. that atmospheric pre.~ure 1n t~e workshoV ~9 now approxlmat ply 1. 7 po un d " per 8 q u r ; o! Ln c h , (I r J I J c h e f u 1 1 >' pre S R U r 1 z @ d

Le ve L, At tht .. \.ew rate of ve n t Ln g , an e s t Lm a t e d ~ hours ",111

be required 1n :.ddltion to t h a t time originally flet a s f d e to reduce the pre"~,:~·!,. to tlu. p r e s o n t Ly selected If·vel of 0.6 pounds

per s q u a r e inc'.. ".ds v a r La t Lo n , o b s e r v e d in t l-e past r e vo Lu-

t t o n , 11'1 sttl! under study. It t s •. ot e x p e c t e d , h o ve v e r , to

present any dttflculties oth.~ than a moiest .xt.n.lon of the time period reqdred for pumping out the atmosphere In t h e

It P tI C t> R tat Ion. Tn... ve n t 1 n lit 0 f the .. t m () R ph (> r e 1 r; be i n g p f' r-

fur me d t Q f! lito ina t t! any u n de!1 1 r a J 1 f.' 11 d 0 r !II u r p • :~ to '" t hAt may have a c c um u La t e d a!' 8 result of e x c e s s f v e t e vp e r a t u r e ~ a f f e c t >

ing mat" rials In the 'Worlllihop. No s e n s c r s a r e available aboard

th(l' ~ork.hop for determining what odors or ~aS.A may ~Xt8t

1n the interior. The crew will carry color-copt@d tubey to indicate ga. contentM in the 0WS. Thep@ will b~ carripd aboard the co.m~~d modul~. to be loaded aboard next ThurRday morning, i~medi8tel, ,fter midnight. and t~ey will deploy thPR~ inside

the wOlkshop oncp they hav~ entered it. Th1~ 1~ Sky1ah MiRsion Cuntrol at J minutes and - l'e sorry, tH 4 minutf"s And .2 s e co n d a a(t .. r t h e hour.

.... ,





..... . ' ,~--' ...

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.: :"" •• ,~ ••• ,2 ! •• cott4 •• ft., the bour. Ik,1 .... orlt.hop 1. eow ia the·b •• inDia, of ita 15th r.yolutloD ju.t off thf Cap. of Goo~ Hop. in Africa beatnn1nl it'. - nearly at tb. end of it~ d."eending noda. At tbe pre •• nt tl.e the .pacecraft 1. t~.v.l1ft. 2S.091. 7 fe~t per lI.eo~,l. At tht high potnt it reach •• 238.1 n.uttral mile.. And it'~ lov polnt 235.3 nautical .ile8. Durin. the pa.t hour .nr! 1/2 the only difficult, to have arisen herp In Mission Control 1. due to

a po.albla glitch In the hardware for. coolant loop. Flight controllers h ave begun ","or' tng over computer d a t a tapes in

an to discover why an l'1vtomatic 3wltchover shifted

the orb~ral workshops refrigersLlon sy~te. to a backup coolant loop at sometime between 1089 of Signal at Honeysuckle and acqui~lt1on of .:,n8l at Hawaii, between 2:54 and 3:10 p.m.

central daylight time. Two complete coolin, s y s t e as are pro-

vided 1n the orblt~l work~hop to keep food freezers below ze~o dfOgrees Fahre:lheit, chi Ll c d drinking water, to provide 8tor.~. for urino .ample., to cool plectronlc instrument parts when they Are 1n operati0n, and to uper~tp t~e h~at

exchangers for air c o n d t t t on t n g . ThpRf" 'oolin~ s v s t e e s , one

primary cooling lO'H1 Stnd a b a c k u p or s e c on d a rv lou;,. are part of a 8uhsystem, separ~te from cool1n~, rrovfdpd t~ the Apullo tel e 8 cop e In 0 un t • D a t a f r o m (' <\ r 1i e r t \,' S t 8 i t e s h a ... ; u s t '! r-

rived dt Mfssion Control f[,r an a Ly s Ls . lLt g h t Cc r.r r o Li e r ,

N ell "u t chi n 8 on 1 n for m ~ U 9 t hat the pro b 1 f> '11 i" not cor q 1 dar e d

• e rio usa! t hIli tImE'. A tot Tt lor ~ h r II to j d t' n tic It I p U l'I P ,. 11 r e

p r o v t de d in e a c h c o o Lt n g loop. In t h e c v e n t, t h a t .t ringle

p UDlp h. ~ f ~ t 1 e d. e 1 t h f' r 0 ( the t 'W,', r t' m a i n 1 n 8 ;) urn p ~ i R f u 1 1 Y

CApable of h an d l Ln g t h e necessary load. F.vt>n s b o u l d all three

pumVI!I fail In one lfne t h e r e r e e a t n s "" a d d Lt for-ad s e c on d a r y

line to take over the job. It f~ ~u~pectPd. hnvever. th·t tht>

.utomatic .witch itself mR,! h a v» o p e r a t e d on 11 "p'!r:nuq s I g n a L, Analysis wIll permit a c o r r e c t.Lo n to b e made tn u,~ .. onboard

e o ep u t e r .ystem s h c u l d t h t s hE' t h e C;1U~f'. Th!s j<; S~yl,qh

M 1 • II 1 0 n C?n t r 0 1 at 8 "Ii n tI t t> ~ It n d J.5 ct p c o n .j ~ It f t p r t" '" h nut' •


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.;t."", .~,' Sl.~;i~';.;'i''11 "":~ ;/~~:, ". '~> ~~ 'A".;~ e Tl •• i·s JOG ,~.. CDt ~~~;.OS 1 04130

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,.' '.'" rAG;:~, :,~fhl.' a~Tl.b Mi •• 1oD Cofttrol at 2 '· •• coacl.

.ft.r'the,hour. tb. Skyl.h .pac •• t.tloa 1. pr ••• atl, jUlt eat.rial tb. Unit¥4 Itat •• t~.eklol .r.... It vlll h ••• acqu1.1tloD of .1anal at Gold.tone in approxl •• tely 30 I.condl. Thi. i •• Skylab le.tul report. The .i •• ion of Skylab 1 continu •• ip • Itabilized •• nnar, with temperatur •• and .y.t ••• beh.viDa Detailed .i •• ion r.pcrta viII continue to b~ 1.lued froa Jobason Space Center. ~rep.ratlon8 for the launch of Skylab 2 continue at Kennedy Space Center for a

1 a un c h • t 9 •• fD • e a" tern day 11 8 h t time 0 n F r 1 d • y, Ma y 2 5. 1 9 7 3 • Effort continues on the develop~ent of alternative thermal shlelda to provide Bolar protection for the workshop. Progres8 has been ~ade in the co~ceptual designs of R thermal shield. deployablr through the solar airlock In the ~ork8hop. Three concaptB are now beIng pursued. An Inflatable shlelu was tested successfully at Marshall Spacf"f1fght Ce n t e .: in 8:1 l-g environmt'nt y e s t e r d a y . This device is nitrogen inflated. lind would

be deployed about 20 f n c h e s (rom t h « airlock. It I s a 20 by

24 foot device, ~htch when inflated. 1~ much llke a life raft, with pressurized booms at thp extrpm~qt and th~rmal materials stretchrd bet~e~n. At Johnqon Space CentPr. two umbrella-type devices are under test. One ':'If which e mp l o y s telescoping rods and t h P. 0 t h t' r u s e R S P r t n g iH: t 1I a ... e dun ! old t n K or 0 d s • ,A. 1 1 t h r e e dpvice~ can be d~Dloyed from a position interndl to the work-

s h o p and do not r e q u Lr e e x t r s ve h Lc u l a r activity. AI] three thermal shields use the T027 cani~ter for deployment through

the scientific airlock. Two o x t r a v e h Lc u l a r activity techniques,

one de p loy i r g a A ail f t 0 m the A p l 11 0 t (' 1 t''':; cop e m a un t t a n d &

~al1 from the CSM. are procep~lng on schedule. with ~ardware being delivered as planned. 1h(' c r e v conducted b a r dv a r e familiarization and pre.- ~nd po~~-EVA stowage exercises at

the Jrhn8o~ Space Center. ThpH. Activities will prepaTe the

c r ov for the n e u t r a l buoyancy s Lm u l a t o r <it 1-:arghall Sp a c e Fll(lht Ce n te r ~here t h e v wlll b£' 1n t r a t n Lu g probably M(Jl1d.1~ lind Tues-

day. Hay 21 and 22. Mt~Rlot'l tltneline anrl p r o c o d u r e s for the

first four d a y s of the mis"fon a r e b e I n g d .. vel(~VE'd no\oJ. An e v a l u a t Lo n of e xp e r f ae n t operation" Ls c o n t f n u I n g , Re s u l t s

t 0 d a t e h a vel n d 1 CRt e d m 0 S t () r t h t' f' x per 1 men l fI ~ c h e 01 u 1 edt 0 r Skylab 2 enn be conducted If tht> crrv l~ sucrr~RfuI 1n dppl~y. in~ the thermal s h t e I d , The I e ve l of t>Jt.pE'rimpl1t a c t I v t t y wlll InrR~ly bp determined by pnver Rpncration nnd power u83ge. The prps~nt eBt\mAteR indicate th~t with command module fu~l cell. uperative, there should be approximately 1000 wattR of power

a v a f l ab Le for expfl!riments. This level of power v o u l d provide

for a daily Apollo telascope wount and medical .xperl~ent Opt~ationa and perm1t. in addition, Romp Earth re~ocrce8 and

c o r c t La r y e xp e r t ae n t a c t Lv Lt v , At 7:30 t h t s c v e n Ln g an example

~~:~;;,~".:~.W' .. , '~~,><.'~.:·::~T~:·:~~~1tl:t2,:~~?,~':~~:'·~:f;~~ '~"::~~:i!)'~;~ '~" <::~'~?:':::'.:'~W~"~'" ';. .. .

.~.Y •..• ' L' }:'l' .0- 1"<·,' 2 .c ... } .... ": .. ,,!,,;" "" . .'!7r" ~Ii'};.,....',<."i· ,~, . ". . v-, ". >,... ".

{to _ ',. .. ."' t- _ ,{ I ',1'. • r ~.... \.::fi?:;'~", .,' _." .... ~ .

'~' 'f', .. " t ',' · .. ~ftif·'" .. ',J.. '.

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of d.plo, .. nt .. of .~h. ~tb.,r •• l Ihl.14. to, b •. ,uI.d 1IL .•• tand", (':

r~: IY •• ~ ';11111 ••• -:. - at ):~i3' at Illialtoa Air 'ore. ••••• ':'i

K. 'b.t,~.' .t::·7.'O.c.i., 1Ilj. " ..... t' 135. 1111"ltoll Aif' rore.

;-,:, ••••••• pl.,,. .. at of • ther •• l .1I1e1., 11k. a tbe, .all.

Thl. thar •• l •• 11 vl11 b. flown to Mar.b.lI Spac. rl1aht Center toaorTOW .0miDI, aad 1. e,p.ct.d to b. t.~ted In a neutral buoyancy .iaul.tor either late SUft~{· or .arl, Mond.y. nu.

to an unacceptable data du.p at I.r.~da, no analy.18 ha. yet been po •• lble of tha coolant loop .vltchov.r reported an hour •• 0. Data tele •• tared to Honey.uck.le 18 nov blllni received

and evaluated at the Mi •• lon Control Center in Houston. No further difficulty ha •• ppeared in the coolant By.tem, which has Beveral back.up pu.p. and a dual eystem to take the place

of the primary. This 18 Skylab Mi.sion Contr~l, the fin.l report of the day, at 4:05 after the hour.


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