Skylab 1 PAO Mission Commentary 11 of 12

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Skok MCL41/1 Timer 08:00 3/24/23 m. CDT, 9119130 CET Good morning, this te Skyleb Control at ‘1300 houre Greenvic! time, 8100 central daylight time, May 24, Skylab space station at this time is in contact with the Honeysuckle tracking site. Since our last reporting period the average temperatures internally have remained fairly stable at the 126 degree level, that's Fahrenheit, The attitude of t ecraft at this time te wingo level flying in plane pitched up 47 » An attitude which the flight controllers at the Johnson Space Center, where the mission is pri ntly under control, feel ia the best attitude for thermal management of the orbital workshop, tn addition to thermal manag nt, there h been an active effort over the peat 24 houra to maintatn OWS depressurization in venting for outgassing management. In a word Skylab apace station iv in approximately the same condition that it was when we last reported to you on May 23. At 13 hours 2 minutes and 35S seconds Zulu time, thin tx Skylab Control. END OF TAPE we BL-1 WO-142/2 Themes 10110 a.m, CDT, 09121140 ORT ~ 5/24/73 This is Skylel Controt; 1500 hours Greenwich time, nearing the end of the 143rd revolution, Skylab space station is croacing the tip of Baja, California, at thia time, with crbital parameters of 239.4 nautical miles by 234.3 nautical miles. The spacecraft ie traveling at a speed of 25,089 feet per second, and at this dit takes 1 hour 33 minutes and 13 seconds to complete « olution, ihe spacecraft is r control of the Texa station and the flight controllers here report that all of the thermal parameters have not changed significantly, and that spacecraft attitude is the wame as previously mentioned, At 15 houra 12 minutes Zulu time, this s Skylab Control. END OF TAPE wee Sued Weods/2 Timer 11:00 a.m, CDT, 09:22:30 GET SRA IS Ao" This ie Skylab Conttol at 1600 hours Gre ch mean tise, During the past hour we hed a relatively quiet pass over the continentel United sta The Skylab space szation at this time io out over the ea tip of Africa, We're approximately 15 minutes from acquisition of signal in, and at that ef it will be the Honeysuckle atation that will acquire the spacecraft. At 16 hours 1 minute Greenvich mean time, thie fs Skylab Control. tern - southeastern END OP TAPE Osa woted /: : Pines 1116 cpr, 09122146 GET 3/24,79 PaO This te Skyleb Control at 16 hours 16 minuted Creenwich mean'tise with an announcement that there da to be a pre-nission prese conference starting at 1100 p daylight time. The press conference will emanute from KSC, the Kennedy Space Cent. and from the Johnson Space Center jointly. The principal participant at the Kennedy Space Center will be Mr. Wilit Schneider, Skylab Program Director, from NASA Headquarters. And at the Johnson Space Center, Mr. Kenneth Kleinknecht, Skylab Frogram Director at JSC, and Glynn Lunney, who is the manager of Apollo Spacecraft Program. A question and anewer capability between the Kennedy Center and Johnson Center will be avatl- able for those press. At 16 hours 18 minutes Greenwich mn time, this is Skylab Control. END OF TAPE sige By get HOLA “ Time!» 12400 Neon CDT, 09:24:30 apt 3/24/73 : “PAO Thia 10 Skylab Control at 1700 hours p>. : ~ ‘Times 22:05 CDT 145:03:04 © 3/38/23. PAO Thie ie the Skylab Newe Centei:. The countdown for the launch of Skylab 2 at 9:00 daylight time Friday, continues on time at Kennedy Space Center. The loading of cryogenica cuntinues, and ie expacted to be completed at 1:00 a. m. Stowage of the SEVA sail and the parasol should begia about 1:30, Weather conditions continue to be favorable for launch on Friday morning, END OF TAPE

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