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SUM NOR TOSI bee ad Tamet 12415. CDT, 145105235 Ge: B23093. > : PAO This ts Skylab Launch Control. We're T minus 6 hours 30 minutes and counting in our countdown for the first manned mission {n the Skylab Progr The countdown ta moving along well. The cryogenic loading, which during @ normal count would be going on at this time, was moved up in the countdown procedure and has actually been completed, This was done #0 that the crews can come back in and complete some stowage at thin time. That close-out crew Row ie at the pad, che hatch to the command nodule hae been opened, and che crew te inside working inside the spacecra‘t. We'll have one extra man on the close-out crew anaisting vith the stovage procedures, Weather for launch time, 9:60 a.m. this morning, {a evpected to be partly cloudly, winds free. the southwest about 10 knots, temperature's about 78 degrees Fahrenheit at launch time. Countdown going smoothly, T minus 6 hours 29 minutes and counting, thie is Kennedy Launch Control. END OF TAPE peiBdwere be h6cmn my CDT, 45106019 ORT oe Ser ee “9/85 173. PAO Thies te Skylab Launch Control. We're at ToS hours 29 minutes and counting in our countdown for Var firet manned misefon in the Skylab program. At thia time the final pieces of flight equipment hove arrived a the pad area. They're being taken up to the white roum ares and they will be stowed in the command module. Along with the closeout crew is a flight crew equipment epectaliat who will assist in this stowage. Also tnaide the spacecraft ta the astronaut member of the closeout crew, Hank Hartefield Also going on in the count at this time, a final antenna ailgnment has just been completed. During thia alignment a check in make to ensure that at any automatic tracking powttton the antenna will track the vehicle at liftof!. cryo- genics were loaded earlier today; carlier in the count than usual so that we could do this stowage here during the final hours. Cryogenics are Iiquid hydrogen and Liquid oxygen Liquid oxvgen the fuel for the second stage. The liquid oxygen, excuse me, 18 the onydizer for the first and second stage, liquid hydrogen fue) for the mecond etage. These vere loaded eariler. They are continued to be topped off during the count to ensure ve nave a full load at liftoff. They are extremely cold. There's some bolloff takes pla.e, 0 it ts necessary to continue topping then. This topping off ia terminated during the final countdown sequence, The countdown moving along smooth)y. T-5 hours 27 minutes and counting, This 1s Kennedy Launch Control END OF TAPE BLo1 MC~160/1 Time: 02:07 9123/73 PAO This is Skylab Launch Control we're at T minus 4 houre 37 minutes and counting in our countdown for the launch in che firse manned miseion in the Skylab program. At thie time Astronaut Hank Hartafield, the astronaut meme ber of the closeout crew is in the command module. He's vork= ing with teat controllers going over some attitude command check. Also in the spacecraft at thin time {s « crew equipment specialist who in asnisting in the stowage of the thermal shields, Cryogense topping continues. Cryogenics were loaded earlier tn the countdown, The weather for 9 o'clock launch Chie morning continua .o look satinfactory. Just coming into the {tring room here at launch complex 39 {s Aatronaut Sob Cetppen. He will be the astronaut communteator here in the firlng room, talking to the crew once they get {nto the con- mand modul~. Countdown has moved along well. Cryogenic load= ing completed early as planned to afford sume extra time for Stowing this spectal thermal shield equipment. Now T atnus 4 hours 36 minutes and counting this {m Kennedy Launch Control. CDT, 145:07107 GET oe END OF T Sus Eme~ 14172 a ; Times 03:02 a.m, CDT, 145:08:02 ceT 5/25173 “Pao Thie 40 Skylab Launch Control we're at T mines 3 houre 42 minutes Countdown continuing to go smoothly, We've received word now that the flight crew Commander Pete Corrad, Science Pilot Joseph Kerwin, Pilot Paul Weitz have been alerted and are on thet, way for a brief physical examination at thie time. At pad B complex 39 stowage is underway of tho thermal shield devices. It! eatimated now that this stovage should finish up about 1/2 hour from this time, Also Astronaut Hank Hartefield the astronaut member of the closeout crew is in the spacecraft. He's been going through @ extensive switch checklist with the teat conductor in the manned spacecraft operations building Spacecraft control room. Cryogenics vere loaded earlier in the count, continue to be topped off and that topping off will continue down to the final minute of the suntdoun. Weather for Isft-off time is predicted to be fatr, favorable for launch at 9 a.m, this morning. Partly cloudy veather is ex- pected, Surface “Inds southwest 10 knote and temperatures are expected to be approximately 78 degrees at launch tt T minus 3 hours 41 minutes and counting this is Kennedy Launch Control. END OF TAPE Suet Moo162/1 fae Times 03:15. CDT, 145:08:15 cet z 5/23/73 be - FAO This is Skylab Launch Control we're now - at the T minus 3 hour 30 minute mark in the countdown. At this time we have a planned builtin hold. This hold will last for 1 hour and 13 minut The hold was originally acheduled in the launch at this time or in the countdown at to take care of any reauirements for additional tine fueling. Thie is brirling the cryogenic fuels aboard and second stage of the vehicle. Actually this cryogenic fueling vas completed early in the count last night to afford nome extra time for ntovage. That stowage is being completed at thie time; that's being approximately 1S more minutes, The last {tem to be stoved has been moved into the spacecraft. After that in stowed the center couch which has bean removed to accommodate the men doing the stowage and to be able to get to the space where the equipment is being stowed. That couch will be brought back aboard. It takes about 10 ainutes to put that couch back in. We'll expect to resume the countdown at the 3} hour 30 winute mark at 5:28 a.m. At thia time the astronaut crew has been alerted and han received their very brief medical examination, they'll be going on and having @ short breakfast ai 4:30 a.m. They are then scheduled to go to the sult room, all of this activity taking place tn the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building where the crew quarters are located and where their sult room Ia located, They'll go to the sult room shortly after 5 and begin their sulting at that time. They are scheduled to depart the manned spacecraft operations building for the trip te the pad at 5:55 a.m. and that's about a 7 mile trip which Cakes about 20 minutes. Thev should begin entering the apacecraft at approxteatcly 6:20 a.m. this morning, Last night shortly before the NSS was moved we did have some rain activity and some thunderstorms tn the ar A minor Lightn= Ing strike did hit the mobile service structure, the mrructure which surrounds the vebtele, gives tt protection from both the elements and alec environmental protect{on around the apacecraft, Thr service atructure also affords access to workmen who are working on the vehicle. That structure ts moved back now, It's moved back prior to cryogenic loading acd Wit] atay tn tts parked porition through launch. Our sount vow tn the planned hold T minus 3 hours 30 minutes and holding this tx Kennedy Launch Control. END OF TAPE rey ie _SUel HC-163/1 Tised e514 alm. cor, 14310848 ORT Z F $/231734). PAO This is Skylab Launch Control. We are continuing our planned hold at the T minus 3 hours and 30 minutes mark, At this time, the crew has completed their brief physical examination. Crew Commande: "ete Conrad, Science Pilot Joseph Kerwin, and Pilot Paul Weitz have now proceeded down to breakfast. Following their physical examination, which was conducted by Dr. Charles Roes and Dr. Jerry Rojenksky, Dr. Royce Hawkins, the Deputy Director of Life Sciences, Johnson Space Center, reported that the crew slept well last night and they looked good. Tor breakfast thie morning the: will be Joined by Alan Shepard, Chief of the Astronaut Office at Johnson Space Center, and Donald K. Slayton, Director of Flight Crew Operations at Johnson Space Center. They will be having a breakfast this rorning of orange juice, steak, and scrambled caga. Here at the Launch pad the stowage of equipment aboard the command nodule has recently been completed and at thin time the center couch, the one which will be occupted by Se’ence Pilot Joneph Kerwin, £9 being retnstalled. ur countdown continuing in the planned hold period, T minus 3 hours and so minutes, thia ts Kennedy Launch Control. END OF TAPE t Serer a . st a8 auet wersa/i i ) Timer 04:28 eS 495193 ror < This is Skylab Launch Control. We've : our count, T minus 3 hours 29 minutes 23 seconds and Just prior to resuming the count the test supervisor here in the firing room, 3111 Schick, pulled various vlenents of the launch team, Spacecraft reported thay vere ready to Launch vehicle ready. Superintendent arrange operations Houston flight called, said they were ready for flight crew departure. That departure {s scueduled apy roxinately $5 minutes past the hour, 5:55. The safety officer reported also, cafety is ready for crew ingress; that's scheduled at T minus 2 hours and 40 minutes in the count. Hank Hartsfield, the astronaut member of the closeout crew, is atill in the command module. At thin time he has completed reinstallation of the center couch. That couch had been taken out while the equipment wan being stowed, After following reinstallation of the couch, he has been working with the spacecraft test couductor, Bob Reed, going over svitch checks to verify avitches have not been bumped or placed in the wrong position. Bob Reed reading off the various switches and the propor position, and Hartafield verifying that. The prime crew, Commander Pete Conrad, Setence Pilot Joseph Kerwia, and Filot Paul Weitz at thin time in the suit room suiting uo. Following a beeakfast with the Chief of the Astronaut Office Alan Shepard, and *:nald K. Slayton, Joining them for breakfast this morning. A b.cckfast of steak and eggs and orange Juice. Count continuing now, T minus 3 hours 27 minutes and counting. This (ms Kennedy Launch Control, END OF TAPE “ied! no-ivs/1 a Time: 4130 a.m, hd *LsSr00039 cer (SBSID ooo og oe es i ; oe PAO” “mite te ‘Skylab Levach Control, The prime.” crew: is now ‘aeparting the Mann Spa raft Operations Build~ ing. They are showing obvious joy at finally getting to their launch. They are entering their van, spectally designed van to carry them from the Manned Spacsc vations Building out to the Launch ped. They are nccompanted by Alan Shepard, Chief of the Astronaut office, and Donald K. Slayton, Director of Flight Crew Operations at the Johnson Space Center. They are fully suited at this time, breathing on what are called portable oxygen vent{lators. They'll be on these portable oxygen vontilators until they are into the cabin of the command modula and plug into the oxygen system there, They have entered the van now, The van will ce leaving shortly for thin trip out to the pad. It's spproximately 7 miles from the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building to the pad, and we expect it will take them about 20 minutes to make the trip. The countdown proceeding smoothly, T minus 3 hours 4 minutes and counting, this is Kennedy Launch Contvol. END OF TAPE EM, nk a a SLo1 Mesi68 fA Tinot $118 a. ee EL at Seegaaes 8+ + thie Xe Skylab Lawnen Control, T minus 2 hove 42 minutes and counting, in our countdown for the first aston in the Skylab Progr. The craw for that afesion is now approaching the base of the pad, at pad B, complex 39, They'll go into tha elevators at the side of the pad, go up tneide the mobil launcher where they vill board a second set of elevators, these h which will carry them up to the 320-foot level of the aobil launcher. Two of the crewuen, Command Conrad and Pilot Weitz, will cross the swing arm and enter the spacecraft. Meantime, the Science Pilot, Dr. Kerwin, will atand by in the elevator area at the 320-foot level unril his fellow crewacn have entered the space- craft and are in their couches. As they passed the Launch Con- trol Center, Deke Slayton and Alan Shepard got out of the van, entered a car, and cane over to the Launch Control Center. They will observe the reat of the countdown and the launch from the Control Cunter. Weather continues to look good, We have some rain shovers in the area at this time. However, no electrical activity associated with thone, and those showers are alno expected to dissipate. The pad leader gave an on-the- spot report from the 320-foot ievel from the white room area where he {s and where the closeout team is making ready for the astronauts. He -ndicated that, looking at the sky there, tt looks like they have abou @ 40 percent cloud cover at this time. Countdown proceeding smoothly, T minus 2 hours 4} aud counting, this ts Kennedy Launch Control. minuter END OF TAPE HBB Loe EAL Ot Slo) MCIEI/L Ter 05120 a.m, CDT, 145110120 Cet » 3/25/23 - : 2 PAO This Le Skylab Launch Control. 7-2 hours %7 minotes and counting. At this time the Commander Pete Conrad has moved across the eving arm with the - at the 320 foot level and is about to enter the conmand module. With him ts the Pilot, Paul Weitz. Doctor Joseph Kervin ie remaining back at the elevator « He has a seat back there, he can ait down and atandby back tuere while he waite for the other two astronauts to enter the spacecraft. We's being treated to a rather nice sunrise scene this morning. The ase astronaut during Apollo 17 who was in his position nding by at the elevator area had quite » dramatic night ne. That wan Ron Evans on the Apollo 17 launch which a night launch, At this time the Commander {¥ Just how entering the spacecraft. Count continuing to move along well. T-2 hours 36 minutes and connting, This is Kennedy Launch Cont rol, ¥ END OF TAPE Lat Mctiessa “ “Time 05425 Cpr, 145120125 oer ‘sAastis This ie Styled Lauach Co trol, T minus Ee 2 hours 32 minutes ‘and counting in our countdown for tha fieet manned mission in the Skylab program. Astronaut Pete Conrad has now moved irto the center and over to the left hand couch which he will occupy during the launch phase of the miaeion, He's now being strapped down into that couch. Hank Hartafield, the astronaut member of the support team, is in the command module assisting him in, a9 io one of the suit technicians. As he hooked up his communications, he made a communications check with the pad leader and also vith the spacecraft test conductor, Bob Reed. After a few pleasant good mornings, Bob avked him how the handy man {s doing today in obvious reference to the tasks ahead of Pete in the little repair Job they have on the Sk»lab vehicle. After that Pete aaked him, "Are you guys going to blow the reat of the clouds out of here by 9 a.m.2" To which Reed reolied, “what we don't Blow out, you guys will.” Standing by in the white room is the pilot for the misalon, Paul Weitz, He will be the ne.t one to fencer the spacecraft. He'll enter on to the center couch, move over to the right hand couch. Dr. Kerwin stiil standing by tn the elevator area at this time, Sow T ainus 2 hours 31 minutes and counting, this {< Kennedy Launch toatrol, END OF TAPE By tae poe © hen We69/3 - Tamer. 05132 a.m cor, 145110132 GET 3/25/73” Bea T minue 2 “nour in eh Control; we're now nd counting, The pilot now sition, and eciunce pilot Dr. Joseph Kerwin hae now come the swing are and is about to enter the spacecraft. He fo the three crewmen to enter the spaceccaft. Betil in the spacecraft with the three crewmen te Hank Hartefield, the astronaut member of the closeout crew. He'll remain in there until the three men are firmly postttoned in thetr couches and some switch checks are made. The procedure for the men as they enter are to remove the boot protectors that they nave on the boots of their space suit, Thay are then asaisted into their couch where they connect to their communications and make several switch checks. They then remove the connector plugs from their sults, and this ts the plug which they use to plug in the oxygen syatem in the spacecraft. They then connect that oxygen syatem, turn off the portable oxygen ventilator, which in what they have been breathing on up to this point since they have been suited, disconnect the POV hose and that ventilator is removed then from the spacecraft. There ts also a plastic helmet protector over thee space muits, That helmet protector is removed, also then moved out of the spacecraft. The crewman is thea poaitioned firmly into his couch. He ts strapped in ) vith reneraine harnesses similar to an atreraft, And he hae a life vest on, and that 1s properly positioned. After this Frocedute is completed, he gocs through several switch checks and communications checks. These all have been completed nov with the three crewmen, Our countdewn continues to move along joothly. T minus 2 hours 24 minutes and counting, thin is Kennedy Launch Control. FND OF TAPE sThmes 06202 125073 2 PA0 hour 55 minutes and counting in this, the firet manned mission in the Skylab Program. At this time the hatch has been closed on the command module, Cabin parge and leak checks underway. And all continuing to mave stong smocthly. To recap the evening's activities, the loading of cryogenica, that's liquid ox: nm id liquid hydrogey aboard the vehicle were moved up to give some lant minute stovage time. The Joading of cryogenzcs went very smoothly; {t was finished at 12:45 a this morning. The last equipment to be t.owed aboard the command module (this v. uhe SEVA sail and the parasol, two of the thermal shields) ar.ived at the pad at 2:10 a.m, this mornin These were stewed with some other items, The stowage completed at 4:20 m. Following. stowage, the couch, which had been removed to axaint with the stovage, was re-installed, This was the center couch cecupted by the Science Pilot Doctor Kerwin, The flight crew was alerted at 3:45 this morning. They had a brief physical citer thats Then had breakfast vith Donald K. Slayton and Alan Shepard. They had the tradirtonal breakfast of steak nnd exas and orange juice. We had al hour and 1) minute plan hold period at the 3 hour and 30 minute rark, This tr planned fn the countdown to take care of any problems which Bight cone up during cryogenic loading. The {light crew de- parted the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building where che crew quatters are and where they sulted up this morning at 5:55 a.m.. It's about « 7-mile ride to the pad, takes @ little over 20 minuwes to get there. The first crew member to enter the spacecraft w the crew commander, Pete Conrad. We logaed him aboard the spacecraft at 6:22 a.m. or T-2 houra and 36 minutes in the count. Me was followed by Pilot Paul Wettz at T-2 houre tl minutes, thin is 6:27 a.m. The Science Pitot Dr. Joaeph Kerwin etond by in the elevator area while hin two comrade entered the apacecratt. When they were lato thelr couches, Kerwin came across the swing arm at the 320-teot level and wan the final aatronaut to enter th spacecraft, Ho entered at T-2 hour 24 minutes. The hatch Van cloned Juat w short time ny> at 6150, and the cabin Teak and purge - puree and leak checks were started. The countdown continuing to move along wmoothiy at thin times T-l hour $3 minutes and counting. This te Kennedy Launch Control. ELD OF TAPE

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