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Ea B fae SE ARCAETECTIRE m3 The Voluminous Wall css of aha proton Dicey Sacha ined cre fn ean neo, Sha itt stenana ae of Spoil i. “atoe the med ‘ElcsaSeng are ms co Sod roel oe cil ewes ‘Serpette en By mesaywae (el mpl xed be aE conc cas eh ‘ros of a cso, ome Teach espn a ar Seats tsa moa ate Shae compli hs Te ye ro te fe ant Clin ents oh oy Sura Imperator fit ine pam en wl el co et ae tpeWns tee iw oft wa on ecton nt Pee Rr onan tp {Bisa f mote rece hu Spy 5 rake wa pn Notary reed nee ino of eal art peed Pama hope sy. Nh Bina ugh onto eho eaten ue eo ena SS aa pea cong ‘Sead ar iin be pase oe Fras of ree he a “Spee iTanesyc See Roan inet lethal congue os Seip drained pe to SS pe od wit ees ot tral tern he lig ‘sar an e TA ak a pedo cil cps tee ad Ganitmy were oduee ome te fone ieee pn on eer {as wlan aan emt for (at a amas (Spa inte a ed ake en's men ao ancy ecto of pans srttnn tw ede ie can that ps oi ey tion wy nd tty pe aps st ree ean ee Sangster vcr cor exterior seems to be greatest. St Peters prime example of ths condition, With the ‘nd-sacenth ena eanersio oS. Peters by Michelangelo, ie expresive possi of the wal puned new deiniton. This change, Image sat so much by new ype of surface {culation can be eed asa more has tic coneetion of the wal a an orpaies ot {he complete bung mati I ths way the alli capable of ineating the complex fruclaions of the” plan, elevaon, and “The facade of St. Peter’ elaborates on motif ound in Misananlo ther archi {ural works, ‘Theafemation of major and ‘ior bays can be red Uo both the Medi CChage! and the fade projects for San ‘ore, wie the colossal ordre wed a ‘ominant feu athe Campidogio. re ‘ous works alo exhibit he tensions nt jx {aposions of lurgeweale taberades. and ches inert witha coset of song ert Cals and oriaontal. Each ofthese examples leaslorm preeising chaotic stuations into Iigly ordered wodks af singular Beauty and Infeniy. Thee ae, Howser some important Aierences that atingush St. Peer’ fom these previous pj ‘Athough the Medici Chapel and the ‘Campioglio can besen complete inthe sees, this engi at, repeseat oly a8 Intpal par ofthe complnss they sory. “The Medi Chapel restosted fo a0 itsoe pace thin San Lorezo. Sil, the ‘Campidoglo can te interpreted an outoor oum the architecture cooling the Taaes ‘attache pasa. On the other hand tS. Pu, Mistelangelo devised an ene bu Ing fabric around the sbcomplte portions of the church ted by his predecessors. The Internal faces ofthe forex projets resem ‘Se bulding ured inside ot space framers that se he ober inthe symbol center of the compotion, BU the churn engn= tion of higher suthory 8 aspae occupier, fin obj that consis the ewer toe mrence Mihelngelo conaried af St Peters not asa se of dct aes but 4 uting inthe round. Both the Medi! Chapel and the Campi glo make the distinction between fre nd infil, The Medici Chapel frames white ‘marble tabernacle wah pases of rey pera {rena whe the Palazzo ei Conservator the Campadogbo dierentate strata bays ‘of raver from the fll of back wore Swthin, The wall of St. Peter, ower, ‘ering carved of on age lock of sor; ontingous cloak of travertine whose tat skin modes agpessively by a sees of Dulaes Sod indemations, The emptans on mas father than on surface, on the object tendo fat facade, on the whole ss opposed tothe $i of comicused pars, ogee an tude more sharctrstic wth Miche lngeo scp- {ure than anyother of i architectural Woks “The construction of St. Peters ust Be sen a an evolving proces, When Mian flo, at age seveny-one, reluctant became fhe bites of SI Pte’, he herd early Stal emu of previous babi activity and Secame embred in a sri that would occupy the lst seventeen years fh if The omplety of the bung, ar wel me ‘ongoing natre of constriction, apse the ned fora design that might sc the toe Torallsbsequet phases ofconstrucion, een thove Beyond Michelangelo Keine, Miche- fngeo, by viewing the wall as 3 sulla {ozliy, expanded is conception beyond the ter reclition ofthe cuter race extending ‘tao sthesive wth tetera orpairatons ofthe bulking ‘Ooecan begin to analyze this now type of wall by comparing hw the pans that pre ‘ceded Micelango's ene, Bramates Pan 11 1306 estabished a Grsk ern fo he pan [OF St, Pee’, thecentatie theme ind ts tumadite precedent at Santa Mts dels ‘Consoarione in Tod, where te api ends fof the cos bulge oat beyond a constabing Sure that tresses the dome. Dun pot to St Peers enormous saan! Progr Bramant’ plan expands the quar ontsinet to the point of almost consomin the apses ‘ht inthe spaces betwen hears al Smaller Gresk cross ad domes at sch te enter Wine Todt i onmstakty Siu ‘bet, ramantes Se Peter’ somenbat xs {o, being compareettaize nto stint spa Hal unis. Hacks the overall uit of Todi, Shoop it retains focus by reading a6 “he Cornell Journal of Architecture 6 tight bundle of diminutive pars. The suces- comers of each hemiyee canbe seen the ves- above the bare vaults sone of ight ota Sie plan by Bramante and Raphcl, 1515-20, Syesof the removed ambulatone Since San- nal storage oor tat Feduce the mass f the ‘romded kcondarybuttrese forthe dome” gallo had already hollowed these secondary chureh> Honzontal ston ct thagh the In sition, colonaded etmbulstores were pen, Michelangelo was able to insert spal~ aslica show the extent to which nesta wrapped around the apse to sosommedste ng ramp ito these spaces witha misma spaces ot habilble pocte pera the buld- prowesions around the chur. Antonio da of demolton. In ths wa, ormery pubbe ing. As the wall abd pies se they jin over Stngallos Latincross scheme af 1539 elated spaces were absorbed into the main 6 the the anilay spans adjaccs to the Pimary these ambulatoresffom the arms of the wall to become pevate sevice spucs, which oss to Become one thick wall. tury this ture, Acoso them was provided bycan= Sdedinthe movement of mates dasing tbe mass aggresely carved and) mode, ‘ng lage pasapes into the secondary but- contraction of the upper ares ofthe church, teeing with « netwerk of pastageways that tess. Te addtie guaity of Beamame's The ovler facades enclonng thee ramps connect windows Sais, and service Specs Scheme here giv way toa huge araded wall became the connective tse that merged the. Michelangesoutr facade is composed {at isthe BI eight ofthe eross arm, The bug come spe withthe coset created of gant oeder asters sutmouned by a bald proposed fade was tipleteed, a coninye by thesquaeof vaults Functioning ws scon- comic and atic story. Alternating between ‘us tbbea wrapping doublestored ambula- dary btreses forthe Jom, these waleagle eajr and nor bay, the perimeter engages Tors and surmounted by a huge ai. Any not af forty-Sve dees, as might expected. ina ely discourse withthe internal portions esi by Sangllo to create aun Duifing Intend they extend Ture onthe sides adja of te church The major bays corespond 10 iste by he discovery tht hs wall searsly cent to the bulging apse as though deformed the principal openings inthe mys and 10 ‘ngnges 19 any sr of debate ith the main by the expasion ofthese itera frees The th nie comers of the sare surounding interior. In fot, he wall emus detached angular srfsrs, alongwith ther neki) the Grek cons. Het lage openings in the ffom the crosarms throughout is enre c- inoeported intemal spars, reinforce the facade dire into the body ofthe che suit The ensuing interior wouldve been reading ofthe wall asa unified, carved Bask. On the other hand, the minor bays align with Pogresively dark, cavernous, and labyrin. Misheangeo’ wall ce not realy climate the array of service spaces wahin the wall than the omer wal of Sangalo much as alapse Well. The wal canbe ened to 2 gult that “Michelangelo assumed contol over the it Toby inwards to crete sandaichthat_wrape the basen, cxcilating bene areas isin ofthe basican 1546 after the death of capes apace within ‘eh adding and portions where the oser Sengallo. and immediatly began to rover to Paul Mari Letaroily’s engravings, pab- an ner surfaas have boc sew ogee, ‘he nial vom of Bramante With he central ted in Pa in 1882 offer extensive docs with some of the threads agressive tors leas af the chuch pearing completion, mentation of Micelangelss orton of the sway to leave those enormous sockets Where Michelangelo confined tis work to the outer bs though dey ao incide Madroo' ight stream throug, Inorpored withthe and upper potions ofthe design. Hevemoied seventecathcenury evensons ofthe nave. manor bas ae Seve of Sucked Open, the outersng of masonry around the smbula- Wile he longitude sstion exhibits asm blank mice, and desoratve panels that se {ores thereby making the inner hemicyles ple reciprocity of tenor and exer, the easy punctured to ight the erst spaces Into the ute walls ofthe building and merg- Ere section tveals surprsngly intricate eld within the wal Inthe ear ofthe chur ing he facade once again withthe interior of network ofapues thas have bea icorposted Michelangelo led in the sevonday bots the bulking, Whieths action compromised a within the wall ans. This hyd wall treses not withservice ramps, but wih aS8I- Gna Gama on Os Ogee ‘more comple iturpeal program for the becomes 4 composite of thee uiveecond- sof rooms Hnown at the fabric, or 1 "Raitt Son tos hare, saved both Une and expense in Uus The neriorsurage of the wall hows archives, af the bung. Tas becomes the, Sinsrarte Sse omplcing the ce, Mchelangtio ako ananemblape of wparte chapels that provide eguvalat of two five story office uldings, (2 $ foe tow tangent ‘minted te four corer towers and reduced the backdrop forthe spectacie af the elaborate each of whch ate served by a small pial 1 fos Rant Sc nah sem ‘echapekinetween the arms omere niches sess program Scondly, the intest-sarcare Each niche and decorative panel ‘thin the alls of the main ‘nteror The Ul zones conea the private service pons the minor bas comesponding othe abi Teulting perimeter veafims the presence of ofthe buling, Lay, the owe Tacave soore pied with windows that permit nts ‘oth the Grek eons pan andthe const of dates the complex” Aspostion of the light to enter alto the ive eves a well a ‘auled spaces that sround and tages spaces within the buldng wile compro- jaca serve Has ‘hem sto ane coherent whole ‘sings pubic monumental. Ustrouiys The inertial roes bel withthe eth plane of Miheangelo peedoos- cross seston actualy tvo deavings in one. parte wal star phragm that repulse som canbe characteris a ave, repai~ The kithalf is ken through Madetno' nave thange sae betwen he exter and i= he, or fragmentary, ths sew plan was nol white eight hal presensastction tough ior ss wel as varying the amount of Ugh ‘Simply reduetve-eaberietuly imtegoted Michelangelo’ square of vaults tat seround_eneing the body of the bung, Windows and arsformed previous sonstction Inthe the main crowarms. Oscupsing the space sre not place! on the oer race of the ‘cade, but wel ck ato the thisknes of he ‘lL By focatng the window othe back of he service cows, Michelingeo, mi sine a plat eodom inthe modeling of the ‘ge sculptural opening on the aeade, whic he window frames mip hae compromibed Pus abo alowed the acta gine rest be ‘cde the sal sae the ner open: ngs. The deep sockets that puncte the aps ‘ve splayed wal that permit the rcetring BP the pineal openings on the separate und surfaces of the inenor an exterior Sceithin the depth of ah wall and operable rom the serie corndor the sindo¥s ‘nin fit and chaige tr sue end shape in aezoedance with internal requements, Be ne of rate changer inthe sei ofthe ond chapels that Tne the sides of the ‘hore, the sevice passages and tral wi ows se up aod dom wha the wall ith Sut distacing from the overlay ofthe facade. This slippage cia be sen by compar sg the ineral tes of varios sce wll ‘Sette contained sn he major bays ‘Whe the rooms and psapeways i the ws of St Peter) are contained within fick masonry core, ti possible to achieve Sar lass by implication Sir John Soane's ‘Museum t Lincoln In Fads har complex Sayerngs of thin walls that groop bande of toaor and nor space ope to oshestate ich sequences of interwoven volume Ths Sandwich of spat empbasaed by the fot Tacde, which walls an addiional ayer Of space ono the face af the balding sn Sxccsion ofthe intemal layering Ata rat Sale the log slog the north sie of the Govemors Cour at Soane Bank of Eagland State an ove passage ima to those in itewall of St, Peters Puthermore, the log: fai ated asa punched Window wall father than a colonade. It 36 though the Inne facade had been sed fon gla ing and pls outwards to cape the space a the loge eter, ‘Although Soanc’ was simulate eck ess by layering eraling, ad, pete, fe ‘Sopee means he do het ie approximate {he unis quay ofthe wall at Se Petr, Soane' work delights ply and mip, Each pata the composition expres a 4 a an extremely asertive way. In Miceangio ‘ell thi ind of divert x sbumed wiekin ‘he overall packaging ofthe whale. The spacer inthe wall arly exert ther presence Tasted, {hey of sabordinate tothe powertl order of ‘he wal ef, iting neatly into an overall framework. The wal then, semaisasingular tlement whose internal organation area 4 ‘more calm and abe natare “The work of Lous Kahn ale exhibits an meses in ners space as an eiaboration fof the notion of “ered” and. “servant paces. The Kimball At Meu or ntance, ‘wa its hee adjoining unis of layered major nd minoe space punctuated by courtyards Sid covered Wy exten rool monte, ke ‘resend version of Sane Mancim. The auld rooms and adjacent ow “serat™ paces arent dima inti o Soa Breakfast Room However, whereas Soane detaches his dome from the walls slong the Inertial zones to Dood tight around the Lan Lg Sit f {dps ofthe room, Kahn ils the top ofthe 7 [ners space with an a plerim and opens EE th nt ei ti Sete the ends vs With a glazed ht ‘rt a Ms, Wit: Li Kat, 48 an expression one vail’ structural inde Pedenefrom te end wal I Kimall gps Sipe pari of Soane¥ Museum, Kaha earer Trenton Bath, Howe could be a diagram for St utr’. Although the marble resement and fenestration of St. Peters ae ot more it the bank concrete bck af the Bath Howse, the hollow page somewhat analogs 13 the miner ag af St. Peters. These portions ‘ofthe perimeter wal fei Yndotood a ‘hin facades but a thee dimensional sac ‘al forms that bao se Spaces an Son passageways. (tum thee “pi Frame lager area of intervening wl that havea more direc elasostp to the nrior volumes. Consequently, oth hick wall and ‘hin become equally meshed in the definition ofthe exter aad aerioe ip Kahrs Bryn Maw Dorms the tee main halle are wrapped bya thik wal em pried of stdent rooms. Like Sangalo: Sfobulatores the. coninsous outer cut Tenairs detached fom the later volumes, ‘whic eee light Only through roo! mons {ors Thecomposte wall fh Exeter Library hhe Cornell Journal of Architecture st ‘sore enc inert an conse Som tte chores sao se ‘ting oud wal St Po ae hurl he bey tanta nk tn er" and raped at ona Saute seus ge tll he fat hc of beg The tg sro tng span ahs ceed 1 cng ote ctrl om ot Inner doen orate hig ie AEobook ust snd ano tek ‘Snot psp el by sy Sar ac nits Tele tle ib core sven waht dee he Sal ofthe cna hal ene nth hese {om she sr opting oe fate Petr Decie ot Sobek not ony i eae fate bse he te 2 ck Sat hr orn the mls was and Sone irene mae wan at ne it he nai of te exten iol cans St Peers spe» Gr Sitges te opeie & mal he coe Got Consonant wal ne feline the sete 0 the outs he gia for of extol sing Bot & Pry an he Faster bry cnt com te are wan te By ef SEL i capere eros te She the ou fk wal at Bt for ‘Sameera btn, the mae Seine prow the psn nd by Siayent And es Got coh pk Snr song nee auton {tel awe ofp te basen ov onions te wal rot th Ah saison of omes anders xen {Cetra othe ot Ted aa {in conan + vitin ote jor snd Soe by tem hsp es ar TCuninganotetnee th ae inows scermen Atte dome tod lmrn Ecotehe ntl cotaon of cot Seta oral sue Furterore, te Shiro snr domes and antrsoo te ‘oar iscnauppenent to een Song nh wal rie nike twats, wih ‘sh na ad one de es te oe ‘Cornell Journal of Architecture lls of St, Peters wrap the bases atthe ight of the nave bout any ization a thesid ales and be many sal chapel ha Bnet cera core. THs enesion sn the bight of the wal somplicats the aby of the Interior to receive multiple sourees of light Cenenenly the soo! a been carved snd Ianiulated in oich away ato esrb the anf 4 wall ofthe chuteh tured ssn. Roo! ‘pening erately light major spars the Fight ofthe church andthe etork a tr: ‘ital rooms beld above smal sealed’ rents The four corners of Michelangelo plan ae capped by domes hat are consumed trithin the body ofthe chur Light provided ‘ysl central lanterns cupped by a serie of tones caved into the vated sr fats ofeach dome. The drums o tse exp five domes have windows that horror Moral light from the adjacent octagonal oom’ that ‘ocupy space above the barrel ‘aults The pure decorative domes proved by Giacomo dela Porta hover over to of ‘At the jnctre of Madero’ ation arto depression that tate tein Soma wo shape set deep within ie hare, fand reveal more of the opines that woul have been slong Michelngco outer cre Sine these chapel st along the pesinee of the bailing, te facades tha travel By tse faved out areas become mere screens. Avis fo the south se ofthe church, the Capella 4s) Coro dome recves some, surat ‘rough the opening inthis screen wall The Sanissmo Sacrament, however eet 10 other means. I hs tlle lnterm extension to compensate fr enor postin, an the sour edge of thi Seep pt as been {ured back o allow more gt fo penetrate “The comples carving that eneles Maderno nave days many insta of sectional ei procy that alow igh ito. number o {paces at one, For example, ter Sut fs of the suit domes over the ie es Se complemented by the loatons of win dows puncturing the sds of he nae, whe a Sop roof rain over the val ofthe Bese Sistine Loggia permits vast auanitis of ight to flod the boy ofthe nave. The extent of these shapings ean be appreciated is Panis 3 iotngs ofthe interior which pay the con- Shou spatial feadings once peed by ‘pening in the Ines spaces above the ‘A general daregard forthe sick wall, stems om the misguided bel tha thickness ocean decrees the ration ofthe ne or and estror while inevitaly increasing {he teil oe ofa tucare Yet what di “Sng the wa a St Peter tt pis ialthckess bute capacity ofthe thck wall to acta an organizational deve, weaving complex program into one coherent race Stowe spatial conection are oth ners Sod dramatic ‘Wath tepands 20 os the ‘luminous wall, by containing space within ‘sinter, noes pot hve atu mate thickness As a Enter, te wall spree ‘ost a open volume ot sold mass ven ‘hehollow space within the wal doesnot ne to been or fled yp wis unseen storage loses and forgotten space, but canbe more openly exploited. The holo walls at Alar Nato Imatra Chore modulate both ight tnd acousis While incorporating Stal Solan andthe siding panels that an divide Te churh ino tre separate rooms. Because that othe exterior the siding panels main ‘sleeve wile being sores aeknowedsing Them asap integral element in underanding the ipa fom of the bung. Le Corbusier’. diagram of the “Four Compostions could he modified to provide another deseapion of the voluminous wal, Shi comparing with other ps of ald tng organo. In the fr igram the whole understood inter ofthe pats ath pant is separate episode eachexhbis 8 ‘pein shape snd seston The compen fon remains ase of combined fragment & Sollage. Its analogous to a book of short ‘ove, each intresting in self, but perhaps tot adding up toa complete novel The ‘Scond diagram could te sen as epreseating :omplesty and contraction, a bulding that dren one thing he ouside onto con Tact with another in favor ofthe diet ‘ole Consequen', the relation of he ne ‘ow to the exer orto the space in Between ‘may bef ite or no consequence. The und cop a E —— lating cen oF the Kstare hall in Aato Vipuri Library for instance stands in marke Contato the buns ow ke exter an {tbe egtie window fesstaion lon th oom’ edge” Its compare a 8 myser novel whose surprise ening may not fll. from the pen cus. The tid aan in ‘ater the dislition of oth Tae and se tion i favor ofthe Hberies ofthe Ge pa ‘The wall is diminished to a doted ie © ‘alms; the camicvered slab exhibit th nly vestiges of wall pete. rmsing oor fn outline than a complete sory. Ve eit fourth diagram, tha ofthe Vil Saye, ha sppronimates the characters of the lum. ious wall found at St. Peer’ AC Savoe te no longer prestted with sence of ds frste components wrapped by an stems sin, but with 9 roan ek pace that ccc Beten the eeulation ramp, which ie he fat height of the structure, and fe ues facade The seca walled traces othe ist Moor result wen portions a thi atric are Selectively removed This allows. he Uning "oom and main ramp to be extensive hazed ‘without any dstupion othe com of te foeade:Adaiionaly te srface ofthe terrace ‘dotted wah stighs tat state spaces below Like the many” dodes stop St Peter, the rounded form oft ooo cla ium enbane tbe versal ai a activate te baling mote compe) ae a obit in the ‘ound The formal sth of Savoye eer ‘ier the dense novel whoxe pot ad charters Unfold page by page eaaper by chap into Sn oreestrated network of nlewoven Hess "The voluminous wa then, ke the owe cannot be judd soy by coer is feade i more than skin dep. Ife pan Station and Satin, yertting the casi ation of ner comple witout externa Aistorion: Assembling sere of ection cot through St. Peters reveal a cord of the eluinous wall sultancos reading of ftir and exterior that exposes the ners= tal space ae thcedmensona conzestve ‘mati. sigsieance extends beyond ot ununste packaging by suplementing the plan with vrtdosty af ction wich, in ture, enhance the negation of the facade wih he fabs o the Bing. 7 wee eee The Corel Journal of architecture 35

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