Our Town September 24, 1937

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VOLUME 23, No. 51

Joy Maker 1.l':·r'-JUlte

1 1 C" A partlnent
Davismem Win Two From Gladwyne! Volll1lteers Requested Carnegie Hero Medal
Building is Planned
l AIJl~~/;;o~~~~~fe~ar::'~I~:t~: Sought for Man Who
By Close Scores in Title Quest are pouring in assistance from Died Rescuing Youth on Narberth Property
ert I1 B cats K cy N c Is, 2-1
N ar b and N ..~ b er tl1 S c I1001
0 I'
CHIC end of thC' i\lain Line to
the other, evC'n more arc needed,
--- I
. N arbcrth and Pricc A vcnues to
5-4, in Final Confirms Nll1'sing Plan oflicials of the Bryn I\lawr Hos- Licutcnant J.
C. Foltz Drowncd . bc Sitc of Thrce-Unit
pilal :j;1,OOO,000 C:ul1paign said August 27 in Creek
L eague PI ayo ffs A ' ,
t IIs SeptembC'1' meetmg'. t Ile Nar-
yesterday. Ncar W cllsboro
--- t })(,l'lh School Board approved its pre-' Conllltil tcC' "gene!'als," "cap, I
THIRD GAME SATURDAY Iviously announced plan of engaging I lains" and olllPr oflicel's are busy C01VIMANDED CCC CAlVIP I SOME HITCH ON PERMIT
--.- .. I a nurse to visit the horough public' marshalling Iheir groups for Ihe
A one-run
pursuC'd Gladwynemargm throughoutJmx that has the,[' school TI daily. . t I I dl'h'e hUI, it is Ilointpd out, man\,'
I I Elf
' orts are I.uemg •
ma( Ie to outam I.'
a ..\ new apartment huilding to con-

J' ,
, I .' '. '1 : Ie nursc,o be engage( t 1l'0ug l' sC'dOl's of Ihe area cm'ere(1 h~' Ca1'llegic "Iedal for heroism for the tain 114 suites togelher with a ninet".,-
season In t Ie .teamIs' meetmgs 'h I wlI I !, tl le Commulll't V II. ea 1t II ant. I C'IVIC . A s- 11 1(' IlOSPI'1 a I cannot Ile 'mc ILH Ier I late Lieutenant Jonathan C. Foltz, ,cal' garage is planned for the nobert
N ar Ilel't
, I I, contlnuec
" lIlto
championslllp series last week-end' I I ' I t e eague,
. , ,
SOCIatlOn . •
.",rc'I more WI
' I I 'II IJe at
d I t IIeWi'II lOU t grc'a t er man-ll0wer, J N b tl
. 1'., young ar er 1 0 ICCI', W10 gave fl' I 'I
, ' . N as J1 propel' t y at iN ar IJClt II ant I
~ ~
. sc 100 two lours eac 1 cay an a so Volunleers are asked to n'- his life A\wust 27 to save a man / Price Ivcnu N I tI
wlll'n the Da"lsmpn nosed out the WI'11 I,ue on ca II f or emergenclCs 't f l '... i es, ar leI' 1.
KC'~'l'\els 2-1 and 5-:1. (th t"
port their names and addressc's
11 C 1m} lin· I hea Ic al t ! t rom (rO\\'nmg-, ..,
' . : :. . .". : Plans for the Pl'o!l0sprl structure
This Saturday's game is to be I el' 1I11(·S. ,I : H ... I C IU' . e's a' Colonel Horace \V. Shelmire, of .' i: were announced this wepk hv 'Villiam
played at the borough playfielcl. If '1'1 Ie IJoan I a Iso c Ilangec I IS 't mon til 1y iBryn I\lawl' Hospital. They will \\.. a~'ne, coml1lal1<lel' of the 312th Field II, Lee, archilect for the project ' which
Gladwyne WillS, the fourth game Sun- nll'e t Ing · <a I t e f rom tl Ie tl'111'(I I''rI(. Iay hc assignpd to the districts in Al'lillc·I'Y, revealed this week that an will cost ahout $·100,000. It is to be
da~' will be at Gladwyne. Should I() tl le' tl'111'( I T uC'suly. I which they live. elrol't to get the Carnegie Medal for huilt hy Ihe illaslC'1' l\lasons COllstI'UC-
!\arberth c:aplure tomorrow's en- Ihe dead oflicel' is being made. ! DR. A. EUGENE B.-\RTLI~T'1' tioll Co., Inc., for the Narherth Apart-
COUlltCT the series will be over. WOlnen's Club Lists Parent-Teacher Assn. Lieutenanl Foltz, commallding a C. nlPllts Corporation.
All the championship games, aft(,1' Ed ' IP c. c. camp ncar Wellsboro, l e a p e d , I Maurice lIeilveil will han' chargl'
tIle' first at Gladwyne, were to be ucatlona rogranl Opens Season Monday into the flood-swollen watNs of Kelse~' MethodIsts to Hold 'of the cOllstl'uctioll and Sydney Jeli-
Ih\\,'ed in Narhel'th according 10 Creek to rescue George Kolt, one of , Cl" f H ' ' Ill';, J 'IS assoclU • Ie arc I1Ilec!.
:Jgl'c'emc' nt , I). ,
lit GI acIwyne s reques C I
t I his l11en, when the latter ~
-lilll1l'cl fl'Ol11 IlIIC appll e S 0 1 S l\lndern in dC'si,[>'n, the thrC'e-stor~'
for allother home game if there is a oonia 'I . Tea, Conference I" J.
and W. W Drenncn and Walton LVI.: ab bridge into " the stream. Exhausted aparlnlC'nt would h:1\'l' .~ thl'C'e connect-
fourlh COil test \\"as granted by Walter P I grlmagc to nstltutlOl1S cntz to Discuss "Thc y his efl'orts, LIeutenant Foltz was
Hallley, president of the 1\lain Line Schedulcd Al'lwoach to School" sll'ept down stream by the current, Dr. A. Eugcne Bal·t1ctt to Con- in.I!,' units while the g-arag-e will 1)1'
Baseball League. after he had supplied Kolt with an duct Jn~titutc of Joy pal'll~' ulldl'rgToun(1.
I . t I 1'1 I I' t . Exca"ation work h:ls 1>('en h('ld U]1
Hanley dcplorC'd as a "disgraceful Acti\'ities arc heginning' for till" "The AJ1]lroach to School" will be lIIllerU f f Je an( al( ec 11m 0 a pomt Next Weck ; for till' tinl(' hcing 1>cc:luse Ih(' cost of
afrail''' a vehelllent protest by the Nar- 1.\\'omen's II \ Communily
I . I 'Club
I of f Nar-: ' (liscussed at the season's opelling'nll'4'\- 0 Fsa IIely. h \\ '30 ~'e,'lrs 01(1, \"a'," a huiltling' ]1ermil from Ihe horough
b er tl I p Ia~'ers wIC'n I II. arry F'ox was, uer 1. r co 0111a tea III IOnor 0 the'ing' of the l'\arberth Parent-Teae1ll'r 0 z, w 0 'as, ,',' Dr. A. Eugenc Bartl,'tt, who comes has not heen scltl('rl.
called out on a close play in the ninlh, l!iOlh anniwrsan' of the sig'lling of, Association I\lonc!:l\.' el'elling' at S Ihe husband of the former \,
• II Louise I to the Narberth l\I. E. Church next Rpcause Ill(' apartnll'nl will consist
illning of Sunday's game. During the Constitution will fC'alm'e the g'C'n-i o'clock shal']) in the Narberth Publie ,ones, J cIaug Ilter of "11\ Irs.b th. i iam '. week. ]1l'omises to make it uncomfort- of Ihr('e unils th(· horou,l?;h is holding'
t IIe fracas, pilcher AI Herrmann was: (']'al nlC'l'Iing' on Octoher 5, at the School auditorium. J ones, 0 f 1; 0 l S OUllI "ar cr' a\,enue, ahIe for the pC'ssimisls an(1 10 makc
b . I I f I f II f i e 'I Narberth. He was the father of an thai the fpe should 1)(, $,1;'0. Officials
alliS ){'( rom tie lC c a tel' Ie was, ,0mnl\l1l1ty louse, when Dr. Cah'in O.! \V, J. Drennan, prIncipal of the any g'loomy lllan \\"ho li\,ps on tIll' of the eOlllpanies all"'clt'(I, how('\,er.
said to ha\'e pushed Umpire Long-: I Althouse will speak on the T Constitu-' school, will 11]'esent the teachc'r and 18-months-old ' daughter. , I th I dark side of the street to ll1o\'e into !1lainlain that onl~' :';1;'0 should b,'
acre. I lion. Dr. Althouse is a well known school viewpoint and "'a It 011 1\1. he young ofhcer s (ea' markec the sunshine. 1 1 l' I
W It 1\I I I I I 1St d t I I' . the third time in a few years that e larg'('c as tIe ulllls an' connected lY
.aer J as er> WIO lurec a ur-;c uca or anc llstol'lan, and a ]1o]1ular:\Ventz, the home and parent \'i(~w- He has heen calle(1 the Joy i\lak('r. lunn('ls and the ]1ro.ic·ct shouhl 11<'
.day . s thl'lller, f pItched the last two radIo cOll1!1lelllator. He has been ]101·nl. 'Itragedy1 'l~ \"had\\. visited D the
I bhousehold.I f l 'II e IIe I'levC's Ihere .IS rC':11 .io~' in tl)l' classed as one building.
ITInIllgs 0 Sunday's ten-frame game ', head of the Commercial de]lartment 'fhel'c_' '1'1'11 al',"o
_ u I.le. " IllU',"!'c 11\' III,' n !l. :J, IJ I. '.J eacon, IUS anc . k 0 t leI CIIl'1slIan . , gospC' I and so pro('laims it. Negotiations are at a stan(},dill at
for AI, and gels the credit for winning' at Central High School, for the Ilast !\·1(1111('1··•..,· CII0!'U,o,,~ ~
ullcl"l' tIle dl'j:C'''tl'''11 fornll'r
'c'(1 at Ie en • ones,
0\'el,1. 1, was stl'lC
St:ltl·Clll. Last anc He has Ir:l\'eII C'c! extensi\'('h,' and ]1rC's(~nt I
'enJul~', NT
)('cause I II'"
1 ar WI' 1 S •.,.,u]1('rl11-
(11 - 1 00
b otl I. . t\\"ent~·-fi ve \,'ears. !of 1\11·s. \". " '1'1
J. DI·ellI1all. \,' 'u It .J k- J 31
- I ]1reacIlecI on I10tl1 Sl(. Ies 0 f t IIe ,,,,I . tendent of Building', GC'org'e n. Su,
,'I antIc.
On S aturday . tl tIe If' Dt a\'lsmen
I made
I aI Eig'ht duh !1lemiH'rs are scllC'c!uled All ]1arents arc cordiallY ' invited t(l I 10nIaS III f al l'Ig tIlel' I··'tel'
aC'son, r.,
EI'z'11Jetll ,1US-
d'e(1 The late Dr. S. Park('s Cadlllan, plee, is on his \'aealion.
run eac IlillIe Irs' an< secon( anc to altc'nrl the ·annual cOllfC'rellce of tile attend. ' Ja 1( 0 1 10 fl't S . ,k ' , II" ' ,II t great radio preacher, declared: "The 'Vork, according to Mr. Hl'ilwil, is
t Ilen slaved . I oIl'. t 1IIe Gladwyne I r threat ' Southe',lstern district of PCllllsvl",'IIII','1 - i The new officers,' for the \'e'II' . - ,'11'" . sue den y 0 suns ro 'e (Ul'lng a lea Joy 1\Iaker is the mcsseng'('1' of Iif.. 's expected to start wilhin a month. It
except IIII t. IeI Slxt I 11when tIeI (eyNels I' women to he helcl at Ursinus Colleg'c Mrs. Edmunc! Allen \"hitl'lln-, . ]ll·('s.·I·-, wave. . . ,cheer and gladnC'ss to burdened will be necessary to raze the 01(1 Nash
scorec_ I CI t Jell.' one S ta ~'. Bot I. Masters. f I in Collen-eville ... this Thursda~'. Thev.' dent·, Mrs. Charlc's L. Vin-uers, ;-. .Ir., I d I ,spirits."
. : residence, which is centere(1 on the
b t b ,e,orgle
alII\( I tl
.e,-ern \\.·ereI ,:l1t
_ ree y'll arc: Mrs. Spencer V. Smit.h, ]ll·esi-. first·, vice ]1rcsid.enl; MI,'ss Faith !\Ic' Horse al.1d Houn SlOWS The program follows: i pro]1erty of about three acres.

ole c own III Ie p1l1C ll'... Ident of the Narberth JUlllor Club;' AulJfl'e, second vIce preSident; l\h". n. ThIS Week at Bryn l\11awr -.---------
Sunday's contest saw Nar~erth i 1111'S. E. W. Heymann, prC'si(lC'nt of,1\1. GriC'st, secretary; the Revej'('n(] Wednesday, 8 P. 1\1.-1)1'. Barth·tl 14 New Melnbers Join
traI!n~g 4-0 at the ~nd. of the .slxth,: the \Vomen's Community Cluh of Nar-, Cldus A. Senft, treasurer; chai1'l1wn: With virtually C'very hunt club in s]lcaks on " The Religion of Joy."
n.l!I~ III .the stretch lI1nmg and III tl~ei herth; l\lrs. J. S. Sutherlan(l, first i\lrs. A. S, Knapp, program; Mrs. H. Ihe East represented, the Bryn Mawr Thursday, 3 P. JI.-Mass Meeling' Boro WOlllen'S Club
nmt 1 With two markers each .to .tIC! vice-p1'C'siri<'nt; :\Irs. W. H. :\Iuller, F. Darnes, finance and budget; Mrs. Horse Show, ol(iC'st outdoor event of of \Vomen. l\lrs. Bartldt speaks on: ~
the sC~l'e, and then grab the w.lllnlllgICO!TPSpol\(ling; s(,cl'etar~'; Mrs. \VilIiam Ellsworth Clark, memhership; Mrs. ils type in the United States, opened "Spiritual House-Keeping;" 8 P. 1\1.-;
tall~ III the tenth to make It two I LeViS,. treasurer; Mrs. L. \V. 1\IclchC'l', Geraltl l\I. Coholan, puhlicity; Mrs. F. for its forly-fil'st conseculive year on Dr. Bartlett: "The Laws of Prosper- Organization Chairmen Outline
stl':llg:ht. lIIontgomery County Chairman of Eo Sn~'(ler, magazine; Mrs. Francis V. Wednesday. , It will continue through itv" .' , " . , Program 0 f Comin<T
, Press anrl Puhlicily; !\Irs. R. C. Healh, :\litellC'lI, social service and summer Salurday at the Bryn l\lawr Polo, Fndav 3. P. l\I.-lIaplllness CliniC E
150 Sportslnell Attend I Hospitalit~·. ~. l\~rs. HO~'lacllPr" cOllduct~d

chairman, and Mrs. F. round-up: J. PelTY Club gTounds. , by Dr. and Mrs. Bartlett; I ::.vcnts
' Flo~'d, ch:ul'lnan of Press and PUhh-'Jr" hospitalIty; Mrs. Korlwrlght L.: At the same tnlle the Bryn 1\lawr 8 P. 1\1.-Dr. Bartlett: "The Joy of a:
Ro d and Gun OUtUlg' city. Other members wishing: to go'Slephens, records; l\Irs. Samuel Houn(1 Show, for hC'agles, foxhounds New Advance." :,, into Fourtepnthe \Von1C'n'snew memb..
Comnlllllityrs 1I'(')'eCluhvo!t,d of
arc to " call I\lrs. Hevmann for tran;:;- Pruitt, . ' puhlications; Mrs, Weslev -" P.' and basset hounds, hegan its twenty-,
I' . ' \ I ' 'Narherlh hy the Boanl of Din'ctors
portatlOn.. Dunmngton,
J 'educatIOn; . !\Irs.
' .Charlc's first sessIOn on grounds ac . .l0l1llllg. 'I Judges CandIdates
t Ie"I I!at the home. of the presld('nt, . 1\I1's. E".
Pl·izes Awardcd in Va!'ious
Events at Ridgway man
Mrs. nlchard Pollock eountv chair- , . BruneeI, lac!Io and legIslatIOn and Polo Cluh. Other attracllOns ne,ll tIL
, of Amel'lcan Home and Citizen-Irs.
' '.
1\1 \\T J
.. . Drennan, ,USIC.
1\1 ' . I d
clubhouse IIlC u e a ca
. etelI la, te,1 .
, . , '1
, I 1.
f Th ree P '
\V. Hevmann, on1uesr:1\'.
Thev arc Mrs. 1
' 1 C. 'F C'nno,
Farl11 shIp
. ' announces a pilgrimage to Nor-'I At ' SOCIal . hour wlll follow the den b tland refreshment ' bool
'tt IS, opelate(
1(,1' It ,
,1\11'5. . 'Y. Graham, .Ir., 1\I rs. II . A .
l'Istown on October 15 when the State mee mg. v le women s COlllml ee on ).1,1 I ' , '11 '·f
'll a I F II ut' f tl L H' " f' tl 1\1' L'
a1l1 llle ommum ~
C 't' 1·1 . Itl J . tN' t d b Republl' Thompson 1\Irs. C. E. Mc .•11 an, III'S.
'!el'ioll Rocl n ~Ild
I e nnua 'a 0 IIlg 0 Ie owC'r
GUll Clull,II1C ""1"
ospltal for the Insane at Norristown, I
County Home and Graterford N ar b el·t i
1 d M ' Boys
' t'Ion anc1 tl le Cancel. R eseal
ea 1 UriS S
' .c II
onllna e
D emocrats an d ':
y -
G, 1\IUll')Y
' .. '. ,..
Shustel, MI s. C. n.
SatuI 'd~\' f tl L I'e u I-r -]ll't~1
, . , the an erlOn ssocla cans, ' ·1 Y
1\ .,
at RI'clg\"a\' F 11'11 . '11 1 .. 'd TI " L b t 'Cartel', Jr., 1\11'5. Hobart I. oung,
helcl n,' , • : I, pl'lson WI Ie Vlslte. lOse wishlllg: on Academy Governing Body a ora ory 0 le an, na ClOS u , Royal Oakel's ! 1\lrs. Corwin Perisho, Mrs, W. Ralph
TIethayres, wilh ahout 150 members to go arc to meet at the court house; : .
present. During' the day field events'III Norris
' t own at 101" . OJ A • 1\K1. Edward Beetem, of Narberth, and R '
cglstrattol1 . f or N ar b ert I1 I Oflicial ballot totals in Montgom- Giles, Allell 1\Irs. Joseph
TI. Dot~·, 1\11'5,. Shanaphy,
1\1.\\'111. IT. Durbin, 1\11'5.
ners ofheld the withvarious thee\"Cnts:
following' win- James E. Meredith, Jr., of Merion, arc and Lower Merion 0 ct. 1-2 cry County's primaries, as released Mrs. Alhert J. Sigel, awl Mrs, ... Arthur
Trap shooting, Ernest Jenldns. Fal'll1 Manager Tells Rotary two of the ten fellows of Mercersburg by Nelson P. Fegley, chairman of the C. 1\Iuller.
of Work in South America Academy elected to the student gov- Narberth residents will have a tabulation board, reveal that the two :'>frs. Heymann announcer! a l\Iont-
Pistol shooting, first, Joe White; ~__ I erning body, the Senate, according to further oJlPo:'tunity to register as, jud~s seekin~ re-elec,tion will be gomery County Federation meeting' at
second, WaIter Miesen. According to club custom, Ray-: the announcement of Dr. Boyd Ed- voters on Fl'lday and Saturday, OC-' caIHhdates ~f thre.e ~1Urtles on Novem- the Ahington Preshyterian Church af
Rifle shooting, first, II. Hopkins; mond Williams, manager of Pens- i wards, hea.dmaster. tober 1 and 2, from 10 A. 1\1. to 3 P.· be~ 2,. while Wd!Ia.m T. Muldrew, 10.15 Thursday, October 21. She also
second, Jack Dubois. hurst Farms and new Bala-Cynwyd-: Beetem IS the son of Mr. ancl Mrs. M. and from 7 P. M. to 10 P. 1\1., at. thll'll 1Il the ~eJlubhcan .contest for, announc(>d that the International Re-
Fly casting' for distance, first, Joe Narberth Rotarv member addressed P, E. Beetem, of 144 N. Narberth ave- the Forrest avenue firehouse. : prothonotary, IS the nommee of the: lations group under the supervision of
White; second, C. Chain, Jr. the service orga~ization a~ its weekly: nue, Narberth, and is considered in As previously announced, Lower I Royal Oak party. i Mrs. John Gill of Cynwyd, 1\!ontgom-

Fly casting for accuracy, first, Clar- luncheon Tuesday giving his life' track circles one of the outstanding Merion citizens may register at the i Judge Harold G. Knight, president erv County chairman of' International
ence Burnside; second, \Vayne Burn- h i s t o r y . ' i weight n~en ~n preparatory circles. township building, Ardmore, on the, of the Common Pleas Court and n~lations,'would meet at the New Cen-
side. Born in Januar~', 1887, Williams' MeredIth IS the son of Mr. and Mrs. same dates. ., :Judge J. Burnett Holl~nd of the tury Guild in Philadelphia the first
graduated from Cornell Agricultul'al' "Ted" Meredith, of Merion, and is an The Narberth reglstratIol.l da.tes Orphan,S' Court arc cal.ldl<lates of the 1\Ionday of each month at 10.30 A, 1\'1.
Plug- casting for distance, first, W. College and in 1910 workecl I'll tile ' associate editor of the "News," mem- were set by t I1C county I~ eglstra.tlOn Repubhcan, DemocratIc and Royal 1'll o.se 111eetl'llgs,' al'e free to Federated
H umphries; second, Ernest J enldns. Kansas wheat fields. I her of the Press Club, and of the track Commission in response to a petItion Oak partips. Clllh .. mC'mbers.
Plug' casting for accuracy, first, C. In 1911 he went to work for the team. from borough res\( . Ients. Totals as announced by the board ',' Il'~,·. ,I. I). Sutherland, first vice-
The Senior second,water Elmer Jenkins.
hoiling- contesl Brazilian government, making inspec-' ,differed but slightly with the unofllcial president, i\ .,
told the group that the
was won by Charles L. (Pop) .Ten- tion trips in Chile and Bolivia.
kins, Later he returned to the United I
1M· . ew ork Parad'
atn L·tne Fioat tn vote as announced in this newspaper second meeting of the Club, on Octoher
e ;
last week. Approximately 4:3,000 IU, would be an open meeting and
The Junior water hoiling conlest States and has managed several large'
was won by George Steckel, Jr. estates before taking his present po-
ii F ' 'votes were cast by Republicans and would he a luncheon at Green 1Iil!
Represents Y a ey orge tn 1777-78
1:3,!i00 by Democrats. The Royal Oak Farms, followcd hy a Sho.w. F:~shi~n
Surf casting for accuracy was won sition. party )lolled three. I Mrs. R. C. Heath, hospItality chmr-
b.v Ernest Jenkins. A float, built by two mem b ers 0f a II ey F'orge H'IS t orlca
. IS ' t y. I\'
I, Count". candidates where a contest' man, will entertain Iwr com.mittee .a.t
PI:othonot:\l'~" ~"ttag(' ?n"CII~'
A prize was awarded to our genial M ore Power for Nal'bcrth the Harold D. Jea'ma P s mer'- The truck and driver were contrib- exisls are: Earl B. IU,ncheon at Campo
PostmastC1', ,Ioseph L. Kellpy, for los- Through Undcrgl'ound Circuit . SI k not, A I I te I bv th A tocar Company Arcl- Bechtel, Repubhcan; IrwIIl W. Kehs, Lllle avenue at one 0 clock Ihls lues-
ing the most dipsies in the surf cast- ;can LegIOn, Narberth, was one of the ::IO;e.· e u " , Democrat; \Villiam T. i\luldrew, Royal Contlnuea on Page Two
ing event. In order to give hetter electrie, high points of the mammoth parade Also contributing' to the float were Oak. Jury Commissioner, Samuel l\1.
The team of Elmer Jenkins and rservice to residents of Narberth awl in New York Tuesday. the Merion Post Bi-Counties Council Glass, Republican; Joseph A. McEt-
Stcwdard Time Agai/l
Charles L. Jenkins defeated all com- vicinity, the Philadelphia Electric i Representing Valley Forge in 1777- of the Legion Auxiliary, the Adam hatt~n, ~c'm.ocl'at; Glass and ~licl~ael
Thel'e al'e three ways of
ers in the horseshoe pitching contest. Company this week began laying' a 78, the float was constructed by Scheidt Brewing Compan~', and Dr.! J\lullm tll'd for R~yal Oak nomlllat.lOn.
changing from Daylig'ht Saving
On the t~lbulallon board were four
Time 10 Easlern Standal'd Time
The ladies also pIayC'd tlRingo" and new underground circuit cable from! Charles J. Clarke, post adjutant, of Charles Sohl.
the following ~\'Cre prize winners: Ardmore to Narberth. This will re'- I i\Ierioll, and Frank Challenger, Nar-
between Satul'day and Sunday.
Main Line legionnaires taldng part· i\Iaill Liners, George Walk.er, of Anl-
Mrs. \V. Rurnsl(le, 1\lrs. N. Dorsc~', place the old one which carried tlw! berth, a district deputy commander. included Robert B. Moore, of Cynwyd, more; F. Joseph. Roach, of Bala-Cyn-
Stop your clock for an h01l1'.
Miss Ann Sell, Mr;:;. Elmer Jenkins, current direct from the Llanerch suh- Its construction was directed by Har- and John Baird, of Bryn Mawr, wyd; Joseph. \~Illte, of Narberth, and
Sci your timepiece back an
Mrs. E. Thompson, Mrs. W. MiC'sen, station, and will provide a higher volt-: old L. Reese, Wynnewood, ninth dis- deputy district commanders elect; J. CIa~·ton \\ Illtby, of Bryn Mawr,
hour. Or, if you think that's
bacl for the mechanism, set it
Mrs. Mac Rennix, .Mrs. R. Chain, 1\f!,s'l age resu,lting in b~tter sel'\'ice to the; trict commander and Ray L. Hem- Frank Dwyer, commander of the Har- i ahead cleven hours. The idea is
G. Thompson, 1\llss Betty Burgess, user, 1 he new Ime runs Ull Elm-: merley, Glenside, district commander- old D. Speakman Post, Narberth;: St. lVlal'garet's Guild to gain sixty minutes' more
Mrs. H. 1\lostellel', Mrs. W. r-Iumph- wood annue to Narberth avenue, and elect. Gordon Wunder, John A. 1\Iowrer, Jr.,: Plans Luncheon-Bridge sl(.c'p before ~'oU wake up Sun-
reys, Miss Ella Ban, and the boohy down Narberth to Merion avenue. Drummers in the "Spirit of '76" and Frank A. Schrepfer, all of the: day morning on E. S. T.
prize was awarded to Mrs. Cockrill. wpre John 1\1. Koser, commander of Narberth Post; Dr. Allyn Rogers, i A luncheon and bridge will be Nc'arly evel'yone is accus-
The cats featured roast corn an(1 Muliel'cs Will Meet October 11 the Bullock-Sanderson Post, Ardmore, Henry Friedman and Harry Labo-' g'iven by St. Margaret's Guild at the tomed to al'ranging schedules in
baked oysters.-C. G. The first fall meeting of the' and Billy Hepburn, son of Earle Hep- witz, of John Winthrop Post, Bryn I Bala Golf Club on Octobel' 4 at one: a('cordance with the difl'el'ence
, Muliel'es of the Narberth Fire Com- burn, of the Merion Post, while Billy MawI'; Earle Hepburn and Philip I o'clock. The hostesses will be 1\11'5. in time. But, if you are a
Teachers Hold Corn Roast pany will be held Monday afternoon, Both, Bryn Mawr, was the fifer, Wilson, of Merion Post. Robert Riethmiller, Mrs. George My- commuter, better ask for a new i
The teachers of the Lower Merion October 11, at 2 P. M., in Elm HaIl. Earle Hepburn impersonated Gen- Auxiliary members from Narberth ers, Mrs. John J. Cubrey, Mrs. J. T. timetable at the railroad sta-
Junior High School held a corn roast The Nominating Committee for the eral Washington while ninth district attending included Mrs. Frank Chal-! Cushwa and Mrs. William Butler. Res- tion.
Tuesday evening on the playground at election of officers in November will; Legionnaires portrayed Revolution- lengel', Miss Emma Mueller and Miss ervations may be made by calling any
State and Manayunk roads, Cynwyd. be appointed, ary soldiers, with rifles loaned by the Margaret Dickie, of the hostesses.
.. ~ - - - - - - - ...... ...--------~-----~~------,----:-c-;-O---~- --

Pagc Tvw OUR TOWN September 24, 1937

::.O::.-----==-UR-· =_::_::~====:::-:::-="::T::I::lc=G=0::0::d=::E::~:::'r--ti--;::;'--~--C-O::l::1::1i::n::g=--=-jl
==::G::R::O=S::W:-:~-:T:::H::--=::W::'::I:::L::S=O::N===;=::::-::::S::c::h:::o:::o:::1=E::n:::ro::I:::I:::m::e::n::t:::s=D::O::l~:::'t:"l=:::::;::a=(:::h::'O::p=-i:::n'::::::'e::n-=r-o=-l::l-t::n::~nt from 449 in

JL \ 'w J. ~ to Local Theatre Monday

The marriage of Miss Virginia
Elizabeth Wilson, daughter of Mrs.
Total enrolhnent in Lower Merion 19:3G to 424 this year.
public schoob this fall is 5501, a de-
A Co-opcmtive Community NelVspaper In "Saratoga," the last picture Harold Elliott Wilson, of Bryn Mawr, crease of ninety-two from the Sep- Excused From Jury Duty
fouudcd in 1.914 by the Narberth.
Civic .4,<sociation, (/,1/(1 ]J/(b/i,~hed
evt'l'!! Friday at Nfl1'berth, Pa.
TIM made hefore her death, .Jcan Harlow! and the late Mrs. Wilson, to Mr.
plays the part of a wealthy girl who I Charles Theodore Groswith, Jr., of
tember, 19:36, figure. Registration Among those excused from jury
for individual schools is: Senior duty at the opening of September
falls in love with a boolmlaker, Clark I Lansdowne, took place at seven o'clocl{ Iligh, 1a02; Junior High, 1001; Ard- tl'rnl of Montgomery County Quarter
Philip AUee J.lving-Rlon, Publhher "",,_ ... TOM M Y MAC KLI N Gable, after starting out as his hit-' on Saturday evening at the Baldwin more Avenue, 485; Ashland, 344; I St's"ions Court which opened Monday
Edwin L. j'axHon. I·;ditor
Anne lI!org-an Hobel·tH, Social Editor tel' enemy. This Friday marks its School, Bryn Mawr, in the presence of Bala, 183; Bryn Mawr, 400; Cynwyd. al ~orristown were Loretta L. Noel,
Office - 209 Haverford Ave., Narberth Those of you who have been patient- final showing at the Narberth Thea- the immediate families. 490; Merion, 3GO; Merion Square, :\':tr!Jt'I,th, and William H. C. Ramsey,
ly waiting for Tommy Macklin to tell tre. The Reverend Dr. Andrew Mutch, 163; Penn Wynne, 3G3; \Vynnewood, !;IYI1 "Jawr. Andrew Talone, of Ard-
Telephone: Narberth 4100
vou what he has been seeing through Saturday, for one day only, "The former Ilastor of the Bryn Mawr Pres- -110. mol't', was ol1e of two on the panel
Ph i/adc/]lh i" RcpI'I'sclIfa til'cs: the keyhole will be reward cd with Singing Marine" will present Dick byterian Church, officiated. Narberth Public School also showed who failed to appeal'.
N'8VILLE & HITCHINGS, INC. good news. I've been watching Coach
12 South 12th Street Powell showing the change in a bash-I The bride was given in marriage by j,,!!i!!~~~'~--!!-~-~~!i~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-~-~"!'-~!!~-~~-!'-iii!!i'-~!!!'!!'
Al Adam carving off the rough spots ful marine after he wins a radio con-: Mr. Harrison M. Berry, of Narbrook :1
on his new gridiron model and believe test. Doris Weston is the romantic', Park, Narberth.
Jo:ntel'ecl aR Hecond-claSH mattel' October
13. 1914, at the PoHt Ollke al Narherth, you me he is going' to offer the public
Pa" n'l,]er the Act or ;llarcll 3, 1879, the finest machine in suburban Phila- interest. I Mrs. Horace Stanley Field, of Ban- Thc I
Subscription rate, $2 per ye3r In advance Monday (Ronus Night) and Tues-, gor, Me., was matron of honor for her
delphia. In fact, the finest gridiron
Friday. September 24. 1937
====~===-========for some time. In other words the \
Imachine that Philadelphia has seen
day, "The Good Earth" stars Luise' sister and only attendant.
Rainer as a-Lan and Paul Muni as, 1\11'. Walter Jackson Groswith acted
her husband in the impressive screen-; as best man for his brother.
National Bank -of Narberth!
14 Ncw Mcmbcrs Join
Maroon Bulldog is in fighting trim
with plenty of speed and plenty of
ing of Pearl S. Buck's novel of Chinese: A II t' f II d th • Deposits Insured under the Government Plan· I
devotion to the land. i sma recep ton 0 owe (' cere-

801'0 Womcn's Club l power.
from Page I Wednesday (Cash Award N i g h t ) : .
: mony.
. • Member Federal Reserye System • 0/ i
'One Coach Adam has assembled tt Ile • ." 1 Upon theIr return from a wedehng
dav. Her commIttee consIsts of Mrs.' b r h hId . . g t and Thursday the attractIOn tS Top- "
1''' a whimsical farce in which trIJ~, '1'.
I\l G 'th I I' I . I 'II • Open at 8 A. M. daily for your convenience •
R ·A. Com lton Mrs. L. J. Cowie, Mrs. i est 1I1e ~ as la s1l1ce C0l11l.n 0 roswl ane liS H'le e .WI
. .! I 1'~ A N !\i'1I 1\1"! Lower MerIOn some twelve or tl11rteen pe , , reSIde on Montgomerv avenue Vllla-
J. E. RUlle 1,/ It. " I'; ,,' ,~ Mer, \\~'I veal'S ago. It will average somewhere
G \V Orth l\Hrs.J '-. ",pec", rs.".· d ~ I f d
arc Grant and Constance
gay ghosts Bennett
who determine ..
to nova. . ' 1 -"- - --_.
., "E' S D J I 1\1' J close to two hundre pOUll( s rom en rescue Roland Young (Mr. Topper)
R. Knauer, Mrs. ~. . eu 1 er, 1 rs, . to end and the members are just
S. Erichson, Mrs. 1.. H. Trotter, Mrs.,. a !IOU t as aggressIve 't from his prison of routine.
Garden Club Mects October 7 : THE BROOKLINE COUNTRY CLUB
aslle \\·'11
I ( lull) The first meeting of the season of'
A. C. Schwahenland. . 1\lrs. Robet t, In . a \17 . d tl'
"est ern R 0d eo. B e IlJl1 f l'
liS 0 - thl' Garden Club of Bala-Cynwyd Announces
Nash, Mrs. F. C. StIefel, and Mrs. C. ware I wa II WI'11 I'Jl1e up a f as t an d'In- Winners at "Bonus" Night \\'ill he held October 7, at 11 A. 1\1. at A SERIES OF MID-WEEK DANCES
J. Bruneel. 'telligent hacldield. Several scrimmage 1\Jonday's "Bonus Night" winners the Woman's Club of Bala-Cynwyd.
The committee on Literature and sessions have demonstrated that the at thc Narberth Theatre were: ,J. n. There will be a talk on Narcissi by Bcginning Scptembcr 29th
InteJ'J)ational Hplations met for lun~h- W:J7 MamolJ model will he well ahle Alker, 300 Haverfonl avenue, $5; Lot/is S. Mauget', of Hosea "Taterel"s.
eon Tucsday at the homc of tIl(' chall'- to carl'v the fig'ht to an\, and all conwrs Louis Miller, 212 Dudley avenue, $5; Music by the Famous Royalist Orchestra
ThcI'e will also he a reception for the
man. !\Irs..Joseph C;urbarg, and ml.tde who lQ;pear on the sc];eduIP. Nellie Hecords, 10!) Forrest avenue. llH'll1bers at 12.:30 P. 1\1. and a fall "Big Applc" Contest with Cash Prizcs at First Dancc
plans for the yt·ar. The first mpetll1g' , I}' , $:1; Dorothy Ca!Jrey, 201 \Vindsor flower show, with twelve classes, for
. 'II I One good reason w l\' t wre IS so Admission 65c
of the I~Iterature group WI )C on . : . aw;nue, $:1; $1 each to Margaret ll1l'll1 bel'S onl y.
'J tl' I f 1\1" F " much pep and husll1css 111 the practIce Burke, Bryn Mawr; Rohert Hansen. Mill Road. Brookline, Pa. Phone Hilhop 1600
Octo IleI' 1~ at lL lOnlC 0 • Is. . ",. C I D' 1

FI I OV( " 10 B'] 00,
,), I\I·,n . . .a\· enue, I\lt'I,'IOII. . sessions is the fact that oacI 1 ~ IC, 1 245 N a rherth avenuc; Mrs. Huth Eo ...---E-.-C-.-G-R-I-S-W-O-L-D--~
'1 . E" J T 'f A II . fOI'111C'I' :'If atti" sent o\'cr some \'cry ab e sop 1- Miller, 205 Gra~'ling avenue; T. A.
1\ r~. l., . . o\\"n, 0 ..."-\.111) CI,
cIl:\ll'man 0f I't ~I era ure 0
t f 1\'.101
It g'" 1111 111110rpS
who arc ahout rcad~'' for . some Fischer, 2Ml Grayling- a\'elllll'; thea- is now associated with
'II 1 I I" fast hlg'h school fOlltha}J. 1 hev• welc Fidelity Investment Ass'n
cry CJountv \\'1 ;.;pea'- nn l1C\\' )()() \ ; - . . ' trc passes to Harry Hollar, 218 Fol'-
anc'1 nw,tl10('1's 0 f I'00,
Cl, u I1 l11elll I,el's are In\'1 C"
' If ' J '
I '
. 't I t 0 a tt'll(1
t tl
Sll 'g'IlOl! that theY" have kept thc yet,-
('ranS on t}](' g'o (Iav
Yll\! wil1 set' manl'
. ,
In an(1 da\' out.
sophomore pla~'('rs
rest avenue, and Marjorie DUl'llin,
On'r!Jr()ok Hills,
"Fidelity f"come Plall"
Sec Adv't LI FE, Sept. 27
Chestnut Ave. Narbcrth 4095-J
1 , \\ (. al'p III .t!.Tlnl<lg"{l () )(. f .
tlfl • •• Next l\lonela~' nig'ht's a\\'a]'(ls will
'11 I I t I l ' 'J- It''ll·'lllg' In tl](' IlI1eup thIS fal1 and e\'('r~'(l)H' llf Permanent Waves
'J' P 'I
1\1 I S SC Ion 011 ~"('ll (llll l(' ... I, t • . '
them wIll be p1a~'ln,g' like a \'ctcran.
he lJeacled by a $20 j ack pot. ~iiiiiiiii• • E•••
at _..10 .,\. 't I 11
!\Irs. F. X. FIllycl, chairman of 1'I'<'''S COl.lch Adalll l11a~' not agn'c WI 1;~ Brownies' Scason Opens Oct. 1 -spiral 'IUd croquignole; French Oil,
'Inc 1 P U) 11 'ICI'( V ell t ('1' talne',' ' I Ilc I' COlll - of thIS J,re-sea s oll ball\'llOo, . and I \\'111 Zotos and Frederic.
The Brownies will 0I)('n the sea- Experienced operators.
;nittc(' at tea',;n \\'c'!lwsday af(,'rnOOlI admit it mi,g'ht intprf~r(', SOII,1H'\\I' hat
at hpr hllnH' on Brollk\\a\ a\PllIIC,
, C't
01111111 t('e nH'111 1('1''' al e : '
With all\, plavel' \\'ho Is Inc 11]('( til
., .
li];e hims(']f, How('\'('r. tIll' nll'111hers
son at a,-lS P. 1\1. on Friday, October
1, in the Girl Scout Wing of the 1\:'ar-
This Friday (Today) Monday, Tuesday, Wcdnesday

I)('rth Community buil(ling·. All girls
1\1 TI (\nr\' r.' I) ('\"('1" a,:.;;:-;neJi.. It (l Cll'll'I' of thc squad appcar to 1)(' • al1 hUSIlH'''S
.\ r~ JI. .. ~
Il(,twt't'n tbe agt>s of "even and ten are "SARATOGA" -3 spccials for $1
. " .. 'I" I \\' ']t,I'!lnl' e'Ollntl' alld I think that nice thll1g'" can he
111.111 • .' I S . " ..' t.., . J' t ' cordiallv in\'itt'd to attend. Miss
c1li.l11'1nan f I)' I Pll!I]I'CI't\.. 1\11" said• about them WIt wut up"e tll1g with JEAN HARLOW Thursday, Friday, Saturday
n l'(';-:S an( • ,l:-;. ••• ;\1 it'",'n,' of the Narberth Public
Han\' lIt·bon, :\]1'''' C. \\'. Batt,,;, 1\11'''' tJwlr e'lUllIhrlllln. and CLARK GABLE -3 specials for $1.25
Sehool, will be in charge.
And('rsol1. and 1\ll's. E. A. lTnh,ss 1'111 crossc(1 up between now
all(1 g'ame time the starting' lilll'up for .-------"="-".----~~~. Saturday

___ . __, _ _ thi" aftPl'nolln's hattie with Penn Char-
Parcnt-Tcacher Fall School tPl' at QUt'en'" lal](, will be: Eric Olsen
CALL THE "Thc Singing lVlarinc" KATHLJENJE
all(1 Hichard :'>leFarland at the wing with DICK POWELL
at Roycrsford on Saturday positions; Bil1 Burroughs an(1 Clar-
The Annual Fall School of the ence \Vhit field at tackle; Carl 7,eisler New Deal Junk Co. Saturday at I P. M.
!\fontg'om('ry County Coullcil. Pan'nt- and H'lly Polil1i at guanl; Fred Dun- Hi~heSI Prices Paid For 43 North Narberth Avenue-N arbcrtlt 4077
Teacher Association, will he held Sat- lap, a "opholllore. at center; Captain Special Feature for Children
PAPER, RAGS, IRON ~---_._---
unhl~' from !I A. :\1., until ,1 P. 1\1., in J ESTABLISHED SINCE 1924
., .. ,Toe Stinger at quart('r; Kic,1 ,(mes
thp Royersford IIlgh Schoo], Royels- amI Dick ;\Iill('r at the halfhack posts; and METALS Monday and Tucsday
IVe ,.'ill call a")'1I'here-allY lime
ford. , an(1 DiBattista at ful1hack If DiBa!-
at )'our C(HJ'Y('71;cflce "THE GOOD EARTH"
The th('111(' I,'~ S Parpnt
. "
an (I 1eaclwr t' t '
. I S -a IS una) e
II t 0 p IelY \1··tl1
Jl'l~. , '1111'ln with PAUL MUNI
Wholesale - - Retail
4. \. ,-

"Thoroughlv I· url1lshecl \\'orkIllg to- " St' 'II 1'1 tV fu1l1l'1c]' 'ulel and LUISE RAINER
g'Clher thr~ugh 11On1l', school, church Iln.Jul'~S·',· I,nger '\]\1'1 ]Ij l ·}
. kn , e,lv('r" \\'1 ea t Je pays.
I'" '1'
and commll1uty. I '11 help out in the hacl;fit'ld will he Trih('t Dally 7 A. M, to 5,30 P. M. Ge~era! alterations through Philadclphia's 1I10st compll'/(' construction or-
1\Jrs. • \Valtpr (i.. Grcenwoo(, WI• C; )'('en, Gt'org'e :\IaeDonald anc I BI'11 N, \\I, Cor. 5,6th and Vine Sts. SPECIAL-Monday at 9 P. M. g,\J1lzatlOn.
. ,
speak at thc mornll1g' sessIOn. foplc II I ALL h 0132 "PLA Y BONUS"
A guaranteed saving of 20 pt>r cenl on your contract pricl' befor(' labor and
"Thorou rhh' Furnishe(!." Tn th(' af- Strollg-. a sop ]()mo~·es. ego ny. -----_._---- nl.1tt'rial costs increase.
g '.
ternoon Benlamlll
Bretz, corporal o fllH'nt,
Coach Adam has hl'st class 1'('plac('-
' I f 01' every POSI't'lOll. I 1\
~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;: OUR FINANCE DEPARTMENT can arrang(' small monthly payment as
' .' matel'la Wednesday (Awardat 9) low as $5 per month.
the State l\Iotor 'Po!tce, \\'111 talk on sollW, spots t Ile team . IS .\\ e II f 01·t·1i I j('C 1 and Thursday
"High\\'ay , a f etv.
• • IT I . t f , three deep whIch . means t }lat t Ile ma- CARPENTER WORK ELECTRICAL WORK PORCH INCLOSURES
Mrs Clarence H. \, 00 nung on, 0 . ., ..' "TOPPER"
. I f chilli' can roll along' III spIte of InjUrIeS
Narhrook Park, Narhert 1, a ormer }' 1 . h ' Est. 1894
preSIdent of the county P. 1. A., \\'11 ; '" * ~,
Shute's Special Peat Moss S. E. Cor. 44th and Chestnut Sts., Phila.
present the platform guests.
Mrs. \V. A. Fox, of N' Hrbrook Park,
is one of the vice presidents in the
county, I'" . I tt' I
Don't expect too much from COltch
Mattis' .Tunior High team the first
part of the season. The Orange and
d nJack sent over t\\'('nty-five letter men
With Cattle Manure
An unexcelled fertilizer for
Roses. Plants and Grass
100 lb. bag ... , .. , .. ' .. ', ... , .. ,., .... $1.50
Special Price in Bulk
l3.~'ing _696i_or Baring 2583

The pub IC IS Invltct to a ene an
for IllformatlOn, ca
IIlg N arbert 1
I 2140
II 1\1
rs...> U -
, ...
E A \tTl 't ,to the Sel1lOl HIgh SC]U'\( t lL pas
. I I,
veal' and that left the coaches some·
,. , .
Peat Moss, one bale $2.60
100 Ibs. of Pulverized Cow Manure,. 2.75
100 lb•. of Pulverized Sheep Manure. 2.75
, I \\'hat shy of good veteran materIa!. 100 lb•. of Bone Meal 3.00 CEMETERY
IIowe\'er, there are some fine young
Judgc Grcenc Will Lccturc lads \\'ho are out to learn the game and White Pine Shavings, per bale." ......65 Beauty and security are requisites in the place
A good Poultry Litter
at Radnor High Tonight Iwfore the season is ovcr, \\'e may That Sweet Pine Odor wc choose for those whom we have loved and
Judge Samuel \Y. Greene, C. S. B., confidentlv expect a smooth \\'orldng' lost awhile. Visit these charming hills above
If you bUy quality the Schuylkill River. Convenient to all Main
of Chicago, will give a lecture on, eleven th;~t \\'i11 take care of itself in Horse- DairY-POUltry Feeds
Christian Science this Friday evening I the closing games of the schedule. Laying Mash Guaranteed to make them Line residenls.
Lay-100 Ibs.... , .. , .. '.,' .. , ... ' .... $2.60
at S.15 o'clock in the Radnor High Hay-Straw-Grains Belmont Ave. near City Line, Cynwyd
Specialize In Choice 40 lb. Oats
School auditorium, Audubon avenue,: Teaching in Lower rVlerion In quantity ..... 54c bushel
Wayne. ., ' .. Miss Henrietta Deubler, daughter ----=;-.:
The pubhc IS cordlall~' Illvlted to of ;'III'S. E. S. Deuhler, of Grayling We buy Hay and Straw
hear Judge - Grecne, \\'ho IS a. member avenue, anc I tl1e Ia te Dl'
. DeulJlel' , t's. Special Prices In large Quantities
of thc Board tlf LectureshIp of the te'lehing at the Lower Merion ,Junior
h(' gets his signal, touches his cap, arm
Mother . . . .the First Church of I II:IglJ S CI100.1
Chnst, SCIentIst, IJ1 Boston. -:
All Prices subJe't to Change without
New Phlla. Phone, CHEstnut HIli 5454 back-here comes the pitch and there
Flower Show at Junior High G-E Office. Line Lexington. Pa. it goes, way, way out Ol'CY th(' wall.
The Lower Merion Junior High I REFRIGERATORS RUIlIl('r safc at home, dril'illg ill 3 mcn.
School's annual exhibit of home-grown a nd a 11 a ppl ia nces
f!O\\'l'rS was g-iven \\' ednesday eve- Sales Seryice
You'rc intcrcstcd in Homc. What are YOU going to do
ning' at tIl(' institution's building, Anl- Narberth Elcc. & Radio CO.
1l111l'e. Pupils t'xhibited in mort' than NARBERTH 4182 with the gucsts you drivc homc? Havc you an unfinishcd
Ii I't~· classes. w. G. Case attic 01' bascmcnt that could bc turncd into an attractivc,

Always the finest quality-each useful room?

gallon just like the previous one-
SCI-IOOL DAYS and you gct fast, clean delivery.

Do you havc cnough Bookshclns? Bcttcr try till' Shull kind.

* NEWTON It's a good timc to changl' thc color schcmc in roul' roollls.
t1 Complete LillC \\1hat about somc Paint'?
the finest COAL
MEMORIALS vf Schvol SJlpplies
Ncwton Coal givcs bettcr satis-
faction - costs Icss in the long
Our business is V ct'satilc-our lH"oducts Varicd, but OUt· dc-
run. Ask about our Budgct Plan. sU'C is singular and that is SERVICE.
Buy yom' wrltll1g pads,
pellcils, pens, rulcrs, lunch Phono Ardmoro 2550

EDW. A. CARRell CO. boxes, composition books,

etc., at
or Alloghony 8400-Wosl 5201
Shull Lumber Company
Incorporated The Li'lk DetwcclJ Forest and Home
Belmont Ave. Levering Mill Rd.

DAVIS' 29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd



Telephone MANayunk 0166 224 Haverford Ave.

September 24, 1937 OUR TOWN Page Three

MI', and Mrs, Henry Heinig, of Elm- Narberth Bridge Club Chapter to Meet October 4

Store Hours 9.30·5.30 THE FIRESIDE wood avenue, spent the week-end in
Alliance, Ohio.
E. C. Griswold, was re-elected The Jeptha Abbott Chapter of N.
S. D. A. R. will meet Monday, o c - . . ,\nlPl'lpan
OTTO representative
president of the Narberth Bridge Club
Miss Carolyn Lenore Custer, daugh· 1\11'. and Mrs. Richard Mecaskey, of at the annual meeting last Thursday tober 4, at 2 o'clock, in the Over- of Sevcllt; pupil
and Ysaye; teachel' of Sevcllt
tel' of MI'. and Mrs. Christopher R.' ~outh Nal'bel'th avenue, who spent evening and Jesse Harris, treasurer. brook Educational Building, City Line Hublnof(, Culbertson. Nle-
C. Custer, of Avon road, Merion, left til<' :"ul11l11er at their place in Ocean maclc, nnrl other noterl al·tlsts.
Other officers elected were Arthur and Lancaster road. Master C~~sh~s n~~~~~II;co~d'.ha Seidel
this week for Swectbriar College, Vir· Cit~', N . .J., will retul'll home early Cooney, vice-president, and Allen
ginia, to enter the freshman class. in October. Mrs. John Logan Marshall, of Co- Write for free catalogue
Shubert, secretary. lumbia, N. C., will speak on the BRYN MAWR CONSERVATORY
Miss Jane Town and Miss Peg'gy Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Miller and I
Town, daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Ed- family, of Dudley avenue, who visited
,win C. Town, of North Narherth ave- in ~henandoah and Scotdale, have re-
i nul', are entertaining at a bridge party tUl'ned,
September I5-Top score, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Baker; second place, Mrs.
W. J. Scott and Arthur Cooney.
September I6-Top score, Mrs. Al-
Tamassee School, sponsored by the
D. A. R.
Dr. Emil K I"olg·mann, Dean
700 Montgomery Ave, ~
B. M. 1022 .....l

followed by a shower at Strawberry Mrs. Agnes Rose, of Woodside ave- len Doty and Mrs. C. A. Hammer;
PHILADELPHIA Mansion this Friday in honor of Miss nul', is spending this week in New
Flora Fcrgusson, daughter of Mrs. York visiting her son, Mr. George
second place, Mrs. Frank McEnanem
and Miss Anna V. Foley.
Miss lucille Stoddart
Arthur Fergusson, of Bryn Mawr, Rosc, announces the opening of her
September IS-Top score, Mr. and
whose marriage to Mr. Henry Daw- Mastel' John Stoudt, son of MI'. and
Mrs. J. H. Baker; second place, Mrs.
son Furniss, Jr., of New York, wiII Mrs. Charles B. Stoudt, of Woodside
take place Saturday, October 9, avenue, left Sunday for the Tome
A. A. Hamer and C. Alfred Peeney.
September 20-Top score, E. C.
School of Dancing
Miss Anita Goodrich, of 211 Hamp- School, Port Deposit, Md., to resume
Griswold and Walter J. Sawyer; sec- Woman's Club of Bala-Cynwyd
den avenue, left recently for North- his studies.
ficld Seminary, Northfield, Mass, Miss Helen Kerrigan, of Haverford ond place, Jesse Harris and J. W.
and also at the
Mr. William G. Walton, Jr., son of avenue, Narberth, gave a shower Tues- Ferguson.
Dr. and Mrs. William G. Walton, day evening in honor of Miss Nana- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; Merion Tribute House
who, with his parents, has just re-I Louise McKinney, daughter of MI'. NATIONAL Public Speaking
SCHOOL Theatre &. Radio Arts ENROLLMENT
turned from Ocean City where they' and Mrs. W. S. McKinney, of Prince-I OF Diction-Voice
occupied their summer home, has ton road, Cynwyd, whose marriage to, ORATORY Choral Speaking
school Theatre Cynwyd Classes-September 27 and 28
started his sophomore ~'ear at the Mr. Donald Duncan, Jr., of the Berk-I Adult and Children'S Departments- 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. at the Woman's Club
Pennsylvania State College of Op- ley Apartments, Wynneficld, will take, Day and Evening Classes
tometry. place Octobcr 23, at St. Matthias Dora Adele Shoemaker, M. A. Merion Classes-September 29 and 30
:\11', and Mrs. A. n. Rippel', of Dud- Church, Bala. Thc guests were Mrs.: 2016 Walnut Street Rit. 4129 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. at the Merion Tribute House
ley avenue, recently ]'etut'nc~1 from a John Mostelle, Miss S~lirley Sullivan, I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~
two weeks' stay at Butler, Pittsburgh Miss Betty Crehen, MISS Kay 1\legee, !I For iI/formation call Miss Stoddart at
and Chicora, Miss Louise Megee, Miss Ginny Mc- MARGIE HOFFMAN Grecn Hill Farms, Ardmorc 3600
]\II'S, William D, Lees, of Cynw~'d, i Kee, Miss Emily Kerrig'an, Miss Patri-
l'ntel'tained at a )1al't~· and surprise· cia Stevens, Miss Louise l\!cg'argee, will reopen Sat., Sept, 25, for its
shower Tue:"day evening fol' l\liss Ro-: Miss Ruth Gaul, Miss Martha I\IcNair, I
herta Staley, daug:hter of Dr. and' Miss Eileen Bailey, Miss Gladys Her-: with
: :\lrs. H. 1\1. Staley, of Avon road, shey, l\Iiss Kathleen Bailey, 1\liss I Beginners. Intermediate, Advanced
who:"e marriage to 1\11', Robel't Scott Eloise Harnden and Miss .J aync, and Women's Classes

i will .tak(~ )1lace on Frida~', October 1. Stevens. ! BALLET-TOE-CHARACTER

, :\llss ~taley was also the guest of Mrs. Forcst SchotT, of An!more,' TAP Afternoons, Evenings and Saturdav M oY1lings
Schiaparelli's honol' at a party and sur)1rise shower gave a shower and party last \Vednes-: Littlefield Method Taught
\\"edlll'sday ewning g'i\'en by Miss rlav in honor of 1\liss Kathleen Bailey, ForHi;;r~~;'~i\~~call COLLEGE COU.ATI~n,AL COUltSES

~""" rlcgUlltl c!a:iSCS, wOIcn may lead to Bact1l'lor of Art:-; aCJ.:'ree,
...... Bai1<'\.', of Narbrook Park. (1:\\'IO'lltel'
• ;-, of 1\11', and 1\1rs, .J. A. Baile\.·, i 37 N. Narberth Ave" Narberth, Pa,
.~ l(C condU.Cl(':1 by the Unt\l('rslty tac.lIlty (or penwns unaule to
MI', and ;\Irs, Philip Callahan, of of Essf'X anrl Mel'ion avenue, whose • • • • • • • • • •1 .. attc,H! fllll Untf'. C{Jur~l's :J.nd lCilChlllg 'itan arc llh.'ntlcal Wlth
Perfulue , ))udll'Y av,'nu,', I'durnpd Sunda~' from maITiag'e to l\Ir, \Yillial11 F. 1\lamdJf'!d, i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tho:'!£' :\v31lahlc to full time students
a w('(,k's sta~' in I'l'ovidence. R, I., of O\'('rhrook, will take place Sat ur-: '::
whl'l'f' thf'~' visitl'd Mrs. Callahan's rlay. The Philadelphia IUU'" St ItOt.H. <iltAIH A'1't~S rna)" b:ecure a degree uy part time work.
The g'Uf'sts \\'l're Miss Ruth, 'J· ... :\L:IlI·~H:"J may UHl' el"cdJlS ulJtalll('d lur Slate '_l'rlllic(jtc~
New Schiaparelli shocker! Gay pan'nts, Gaul, l\liss .Tane Jacl;son, Miss l\lary' Nl'ltst::-o may securE: rrl'l!!t!-i for dl'J,:rce In Sursin~ j·;'I1,(':l1Ioll.

and exciting as everything she :\ll's. Evan Hussell, of Sabine a\'l~- :\lc~ichol, l\liss 1\lan' .Jane Boxman, Conservatory of Music Till'. (;t;:\i':Il..\L P.-IU,I< nlay lake cour~('5 that ,ntl'lt'Sl Went.
."l:UIT()n~ 'tn' ,Hlmittf'd to alt part -';nH' (·In:'\~c.. on lJaylTlt.'nt oll1-.1l1nl ff'('~.

docs. The dressmaker dum-

1Il1", has rf'tuJ'l1I'd I'I'0m \Villiams)1ort, :'Ilis:" Ka\' , l\1f'g'el', l\li~s Eileen Bailey,: Chartered bv the COI1I11Jo1Jwealth 1C.1,.(as'l'u.\ 1'10:\ on W(·t·Ktiay~ Irom U to I and:! IC' ~); :-lalUrlla:.!- Irorn
whl'l'!' she was till' g\H'st of her :'III'S, Erlgar '{OUllg' and Mrs. Arthur of P"1J1Js)'ll'auia 9 to 1, :-;c,J[ ~:)~·Uct. l lIH'IU~I'\'t'. ,:las~t'f. neg-In uC'to:H.~r t. r.. \'("llng nO\1rs.
my, cl'owned with (lowers, is motlll'r. :\ll's, Haymond L. \\"abh. :\11'5. Baile\'. Mrs. D. Hendrik Ezerman 6 to 1'3() Wl't'I'11ays. (>Xt"t'Jll ~alllrrl!tYs ~('Jlt. 27 Ul't \0 'TlClll~l\'t'

cased in Shocking Pink Satin. \Vabh l'l,tuJ'lj(,,1 with her daut!hter,. fol' :'I,li,,"" :'I.·l:\\'th:l
. . 1I1cNair, of 1\I,'rion, i Managing Director For l'omnlt'If' JlIl(lrTllalllJIl and calalot.:ll(' 'lclilrl'~f tnc
i1lrector. \'ollel-:(' t'ollatt'ral \'IIt1r:-;('g Room 1111. Coll('~e Hall.
a \'isit in Narberth, ga\'e a hanrlkcrchief and stoc]dng Courses Leadi1Jg to Degree.•
or cal) EVEn.:rf>('tl 01011 Jo:xlf~n~inn !1·18,
:\11'. a III I :\11':". ./anH's B. Smith, of 5hO\\'f'r 1\londa\' afternoon in honol' of Exceptional Training of Children
Shocking Perfume •• $27.50 A\'on I'oad, Merion. had as their :\Iiss Kathleen·Bailey. TIll' gUl'sts w('re' Facl//ly Hcw/ed II!! I
Also Shocking Powdcl' • $7.50 g.ue5ts 1'01' a wl'ek :\Ir. and :\Irs, ))on- :\li:"s Bettv 1\1alatesta, l\1iss Kay :'Ile- Dr. Olga Samaroff .'hllach·lllhln

Shocking Lipstick $6.50

aId 1>, I\'rsing. of East Ol'ange, N. g'el' , 1\1iss'Ruth Gaul, Miss 1\!ary :\Ie- i 2l(i S. 20t!1 SI. ,
, .1. 7I!rs, I'l'l'sing wa:" on In'l' way Nichol. Miss Eileen Bailey, 1\Ji:"s :'Ilary I Bl'ancl~: 1 he HlttenllOuse, A\'(lmol'~ I
Loc. ] H771

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,hom,' frO!ll a :"tay in Florida. Jane Boxnlan, 1\li5s Gladys Hershey, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
:= :'Ill'. ,Jos('ph II. Pe l'I'y , .Jr., son of 1\liss Grace Smith, J\!rs, Arthur
WATell l?~VAII:!.1 :\11'. and :\Irs, .Jos('ph II. PCl'ry, of Baile\' and 1\lrs. Forest Scholl'.
\V~'nl1l'\\'ood I'oad. will return shortly

of the llelll'r Grade. by Expert 1\11': and 1\1rs, .John R. Woolford and:
Craftsmen, .. Swiss and American to lIarval'd Uni\'ersity to resumc his famil\' form('rh' of 'VvnnewoOlI, arc i
Watch and Clock Makers.
COl11plet(' Repair
Fully Guaranteed,.,.
$1 50 Up '
• i
. ,,
7111'. and :'III'S. Thomas Evans, of Los road Penn VaIley,
. ,.
oecupyin!l: their new home on Gulph i

Fi"c Jcwelry & Optical : Angell'S, Calif., wel'e the g'uest:" of' :'II:" Stanley 1\t~hlon Greene, son of
Rcpairing ,:\11'. and Mrs, .T, Bl'uce ByaIl, of Bl'yn l\lrs, W. nus~eIl Greene, of Woodbine i
Master Watch Repair Co. i :\lawl' avcnue, Penn VaIley, on their avenue, has lcft for George School,

(in waiting room)
way homc in California after attend- where he received a scholarship.
ing the WiIliamstown Institute of Hu- "II', and Mrs, P. A. Wales have re-:
man Relations at \\'illiams College, turned to :lOl Windsor avcnue, after'

can't be
BRANCH OF 21 S. 18th ST. Williamstown, l\Iass. I spending the suml11er in Ocean City.:
Established in 1904 MI', Evans i:" the former director' "liss Muriel Wales spent the sum-

:;;;Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i of thl' Christian Association of the mer at the Skytop Club in til(> 1'0-,
, University of Pl'nnsylvania and is now, conos, where shc was hostess to the'
connected with religiou:" work with' children.
the students of the Southern Califor- MI'. and Mrs. George B. Suplee, of
planned In advance!
: nia Univcrsity. 1\11':". Evans is the Woodside avenue, and their daughter,'
: daughter of the Reverend Arthul' T. i\liss Ruth Suplee, arc spending their i
, Pierson. : vacation at Ocean City, N. J. ' A fall in the bathroom; the slip of a paring knife
i\11'. and Mrs. Herbert B. Price and i\11'. and Mrs, Clarence Kaeber, of
while preparing dinner; a toddler's tumhling down
'theil' daughtel', Miss Doris Price, of Chestnut avenue, are spcnding their,
M('l'w~'n road, l\lerion, returned the vacation in Ventnor, N. J. the stairs; sonny-boy reaching for Dad's razor-
end of the week from a ten-day motor i these and other household accidents haPl>en so sud-
YOU tour through Virginia, West Virginia,
, r\ orth and South Carolina.
\V'illiam Leigh Durham
The funeral of William Leigh Dur-
denly. One moment the home is quiet and contented,
the next all is turmoil! Such are accidenb,
Can Have l\Iiss Doris Price left Wednesday ham was held Monday from his late'
for the Freshman Junior Camp of the residence, 471 Brookhurst avenue, I
New Clothes University of Pennsylvania to remain !'>arberth, with interment at New
And in our living' rooms we sometimes discuss the
All the Time until Sunday. 1I0lland, amazing statistics compiled by insurance companies
1\11'. Edwin C. Town, J 1'" son of Dr. Mr. Durham, who was 56, died in which show that more people are injured each year
Oodles cleaned by Adelizzi retain and 1\lrs. Edwin C. Town, of North llahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia, on' in the home than in such and such a war or the like!
the quality of new clothes, for the
Narberth avenue, has returned to the Saturday foIlowing an operation.
improved methods cannot injure
P('ddie School, Hightstown, N, J. . For the past 30 years he was an: Somehow or other, we ::;hrug our shoulders and hope
even till' most delicate fabrics.
Mrs. Charles S. Stric~ler, of Nar-: a:"sociate of Durham Bl'others, arehi- i
berth Hall, gave a SUl']H'ISe party and I tects and draftsmen, Philadelphia.
it will never happen to us. Probably that's why so
Special Care
Adelizzi Bros. shower on Saturday in honor of Miss I 1\11'. Durham was born near Dewart, ' Small patient (ward) receiving
many of us out here on the l\fain Line haw never
fURRIERS. CLEANERS, DYERS Emily Titus, whose engagement to' Northumberland County, and was cd-: special car e, Brokcn pelviE done anything about it.
1\11', ,James Smith, of l31oomfield, N, .I.,! ucated at BuckneIl University and the from truck runninlr ov"r him.
102 Forest Ave. Narb. 2602 has I)('en announced. The guests were University of Pennsylvania. He was
228 Bala Ave. Cynwyd 928 But if you haven't, many of yotIl' neighbors have!
Miss P('gg'~' Bailey, l\Iiss Betty Cole- a membel' of Ivanhoe Lodge, Free and
They've thrown their support to the Bryn l\Imrr
man and l\Iiss Betty Bartle, Miss Accepted Masons,
• Elizabeth Cornman and 1\11'5. Guy L., lie leaves his wife, Mable Troup Hospital. They know that it is their headquarlc'rs
• COl'nman. all of Ardmol'e; l\Iis:" Betty DUl'ham. lind two brothers, Jamcs G. when accidents strike.
Smith. i\liss :'Ilal'y l\Iichener, Miss and Glen G. DUI'ham, of Philadelphia.
P,'g'g'~' MacGullin, i\liss Katherine And what a comforting: feeling' it i:: to I,lIo\\" that
,fan(' ;\liIl('I'. l\Iiss Betty Bl'uneel and
-9- such an institution is so close hy! Its doors are

:\Iiss "Iildn'd Vincent.
:'III'. and 7Ill's. .Tames Tilbul'Y, of the
~~~ -;0 S I T-;~ ~ ~ = never closed to the sick or injured. It neYer takes a
Barril' lIous,', havl' as their guests Dllrill~ Au~t1st, StraYl'r"s holiday. Its mission of comfort 1'01' the ill, of relievcd
Employmcllt [)('Il.1ttI1lCI1(
for sl'v(,l'al \\'l,('ks :\Irs. Anna L. Fal'- fill,,(1 89 tll,c;itinns., ,The pain for the suffering, 01' refuge for the maimcd, is
Colli, were IIHHtly for StC'lllll·tnpheu
son and h,'l' daug'htt'r, Miss AlI)('rta anu ~t('lhlt}'pist5, Ul,tlC and (('l11ale. never ended. In ] !):jli, frcc sCI'\'ices rcndcrcd to t!1OSC
Fal'son, whtl will I('ave latel' in tlw \\1 C Inust h;l\'C tnore young who could pay nothing' and to those who pa~' partial-
,"':Ison (0 slll'llll the winter in Miami, nll'n anti ~'otln~ women III
ly, amounted to $lj!i.OOO. This docs not includc fl'L'e

Inlin or we c;\Il1Wt I1H'l' ( the
["la, 1 c.lCI1l<lI1J. \ViII roll cuuu,'!
Miss B"tt~· Tilbul'Y :"pent the \\'e('k-' 807
medical and slIl'g'ical assistancc C'onsL'l,\,ati\'cly esti-
('nd in Bridg:t,pol't. Conn" whel'e :-he Chcolnuf St. STRAYER'S mated at an additional onc hundl'cd thousand (1(11-
Phila.• Pa.
visitl'd 1]('1' hrotlll'l'-in-law and sist,,!·,'
BlYSBNESS lal's. 0)" a total (II' ;l1)]1l'n~:il11:·jcl,\· Sllj;;,nnn./'(),
:\11'. and :\ll's. Ll'1t,,~, Nuttel'. SCHOOL
Smart housewives
have time to enjoy
:\1 rs. 11. G. TUl'n"I', .Jr., of tI\('
Il,'rkl,'~' Apartm('nts, will entertain
1ll'1' club at lun('h('on ant! bridg'e I1l'Xt
\\'t'dn,'s,Ia~' afternoon,
\Vithout tlwug'lJt to colo)", C'j'(~'ed ()I' liil:lnc'lal status,
BI'~'n 1\Im\'1' is C\'cl'.\'lJOdy'::; hospital. A sp!l'IHlid in-
stitution, its one amhition is to have ~'Oul' fricnd::lt ip;
of Music
and to keep pace with the latest medical and scien-
themselves.They do
their shopping by
telephone.lt's quick,
Officl' How's 11)' Appointml'nt
at Residence Office
ALnEIl.TO JONAS, director plnno
ctepUl'tment. Comp!rtc mUsical cdu· • • . your tific discoYel'ies. Its greatest hope is that ~'ou'll
417 Anthw)'n Road, Merion cnl ,n PrcpornlOry department for
children. Tenchcrs' lrnlnln~ courses
nevel' need its services-hut it' you do, just n"l1lC'n'-
easy and economi-
cal.Try ittomorrow.
Monday and Frida)'-7 to 9 P. M.
Dr. Wm. G. Walton
lendln~ to deKreefi and diplomas.
Enrol/ Now HOWard 0206 HOSPITAL hel' Bryn l\Iawl' Hospital is . . . yours ~
Optometrist 1331 S. BROAD ST.
Th_ B_II T_lephone Company
of Pennsylvania Phone: Narberth 2464 ' - -Me~ln branch-Media 1665-R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....... __ ... 'M _._._ -.L ............_ •• _
If no answer, Narberth 2570·J
OUR TOWN September 24, 1937
Page Four
~~-~---- I Tentative plans were made for a conduct an Institute of Joy. Each I 11 A. M.-Children's nursery, un-
, supper hike to be held Tuesday, Octo- evening at 8 P. M., there will be a del' the supervision of Mrs. Gilfillan. ATTRACTIVE
I bel' 5. This will be discussed in detail song service followed by a message by 6.45 P. M.-The three Christian The permanent wave you reccive here assures you of fine
at the next meeting. Dr. Bartlett. On Thursday and Fri- Endeavor groups. health treatment for your hair and is set by experts
Miss Evelyn Hansell, of l\[ontgom-! day afternoons there wil.1 b? meetings 7.45 P. M.-Narberth's happy Bible
cry avenue, Narberth, is going to be I at 3 P. M. Everybody 1I1vlted. hour. Sermon by the Pastor. SUZANNE JORET GILL
th~ Captain of Troop 8 this year. Miss --- Wednesday: 216 Dudlcy Awnlle Narbcrth 2324
Rett y Seasho1tz will be Lieutenant. Baptist Church of the EVaflgcl 8 P. M.-Prayer meeting.
EVI~LYN HANSELL, Captain Troop Robert E. Keighton, 1\1inister
Annual Scout !. 1'(1 ders' Po/v-Wole No.8 !J.45 A. 1\[,-The Church School.
Three hundred and fifty Boy Scout 11.00 A. l\1.-1\Iorning- Worship.:
leaders of the VaUey Forge Council TI'OO!) ;l.W Sermon: ":-;ineerity in Religion."
comprising Delaware and Montgom- Troop 2:lO, Merion Girl Scouts, held 7 P. 1\1.-i\leeting of the Young- Peo-
its first nH'ding Monday afternoon at ple.
ery Counties attended their annual
t he Scout House, a1111 made plans for Monday, R P. l\1.-1\Ionthly Meeting-
pow-wow held at Cam)) Delmont, the of the 1\len's Association. An evening
the year under the direction of their
C';iuncil Camp, located near Sumney- leader, Mrs. Homer Eachus. Fourteen of social and recreational interests.
town, over the week-end. g'j rls Wf're present. They are: Ra Tuesday-The young women of the
Among scouters who served as in- nClIlIlelly ..Jane !\Tonis, Audrey Smith, Church ml'pt at the home of Mrs.,
structors were C. II. Woolmington, of Patsy Taitt, Sarah Roberts, Sally Horace Smedley, 401 Woodside ave-
Narberth; John A. Turner, of Bryn Wilford, Jean Schoch, Marie Magee, nue, at R o'clock to sew for the Red Route 38 at
Mawr, and Victor Wierman, Jr., of Patty Magf'e, Rose l\1ary Maloney, Cross. , Emlenton
Penn Valley. Lois Wilkins, HalTiet Pfieffer, l\1ary Wednesday, 8.00 P. 1\L-Midweek, at County Line
On Sa tu rday aHemoon, \\'alton Loy Schoenhut, and Barbara Floyd. Meeting of the Church. Discussion:
ForstaIl, .J 1'., of Rosemont, demon- The annual cookie sale of the Girl Christianity Faces Our World.
strated with the group numerous new Scouts will be hcld in October. I\1rs.
indooj' games aIHI continued his pres- \V. n. Sehoch, finance chairman of Holy Trinity LIlt1/~ran Church
entation Sunday afternoon with many the Troop Committee, 524 Baird road, Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor
new outdoor games which the scout Merion, will he in charge of tIll' sale Margaret Squier, 0rganist
leader:" will find useful in their scout for Troop 230. !I.,jii A. :lI.-Bible School.
troop programs back home. 11 A. 1\I.-The Morning Service.
Saturday e\'enillg' Roy R..Johnson, Thcmc: "In Union With Christ." A
chairman of the Main Line District Church Notes nurscry for pre-school children is held
every Sunday morning in the Primary
Committee, conducled the campfire.
Rex I. Gary, scout executive of the N tlYl>cr[" M ct"odist Episcopal DI'!J:lrtment.
(j..J;' P. I\I.-Luther League Devo-

Valley Forge Coullcil, addressed the J~c'v \V. Vernon Middleton, Minister
entire group of scout kadel'S at chapel Sunday: tional ]\!l'eting.
sen' ices held on Sunday afternoon. 7.-1ii 1'. 1\1.-The Vesper Service.
!J.45 A. 1\L-Church School.
CI/I)bi/lfJ CO/llCl'c/lCC 11 A. l\I.-l\lorning' Worship topic: Thcllle: "1 Wonder \Vhether it is
Valley Forge Council is privileged "Ch rist-l\1 indedness." True '?" wherein we raise some ques-
tions about our present social order.

to announce their second annual Cub- G.4G P. 1\I.-Epworth League.
bing Confl'J'('nce which will be held 7.,1;' 1'. l\I.-Institute Echo Sen'ice \\'C'dncsday, 7 P. 1\1.-Junior Choir
on Saturday, OctO],I'I' !I, ~ to D P. 1\1., and installation of ofTicer:". rl'hcarsaJ.
at the Uni\'ersity of Pennsylvania 1\1 onda~' : Friday. R P. l\l.-Choir rehearsal at
Christian Association Building, :JGth 8 P. 1\I.-Official Board. til!' Iwnw of Miss Squier, 305 Gray-
and Locust streets, Philadelphia. TUl'sday: ling avcnut'. There's nothing in this wide world so perfect as Autumn in your own
G.:lO P. :\I.-Mdhodist Main Line state. Breathtaking views of mountain slopes, rivers, lakes and rich
Rall~·. Speaker; Dr. Francis Harvey rh~ Pr~sbyterian Church
Girl Scout News Green, Litt.D., L.L.D. Headmaster of
the Pennington School. Make reser- Pastor.
Rev. Archer E. Anderson, Th.D., valleys--30,OOO miles of fine highways, enough to go one and a

vations through your minister. 9.45 A. lVL-Bible school.

fifth times around the world-Pennsylvania has everything.' Get
TroO}l 1,7 8 P. 1\I.-Sunshine Bible Class Busi- 11 A. M.-Morning worship. Ser- out on the roads this Fall plan a few trips away from home. Every
Friday the 17th, Troop 47 had its
ness Meeting. , mon by the pastor.
fi rst mecti ng 0 r t he season. The Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I 11 A. 1\I.-The junior ehurcI1, eon- spot in the state is within a day's easy drive, and everywhere you go,
meeting was sU\l·ted with a formal
o!lening and tIll' color guards were =-...:...
Dl'. and 1\lrs. A. EUg'ene Bartlett will duct cd by Mrs. Digby.
.=..:.:..:...:::.:.:.:.:....:~.:...:....:.:.:-=..::.:::~_~-.:... ..:;....;.. I you'll meet the Pennsylvania brand of fine food and hospitality. -See
Ellen May Rushton, 1\1 ary McHale your own state at its Autumn best--~east, west, north, south--all of it,'
and :\Iary Henshllw. Part of the MOHAWK SHIRTS . .$1.65
evening' was spent in pbying games Latest Pattcrus-lI'ith tll'lI Detached Collars
and the gi rls seC'llled to enjoy them- GEORGE H. EARLE PENNA. STATE PUBLICITY COMMISSION
selves. We finishl'd tlH' evening plan- ~AUUr=l?TI1 ,"I=~!JS SI1()V The famed Motor Police
ning a hike which we intend to have 121 N. Narberth Avenue Narberth 2772 -your guide in Penna.
on Friday the ~,1th, if the weather (Open e\'ery cvcning)
permits. The meeting was ended ';;;~~~~~§§~§~§§§§~~§§~§§§§~~~§~~§§~~=~

;~ :~;:~ ~ ~;~ ~ ~ ';~ : ;~:,; ;~ ;S ELL US YOUR

meeting' by singing' some songs, the
troop diyidedpatrol
and elected into
patrol corners the
Ic'aders. Inpatrols,
girls reyiewed the
OLD CAR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
tenderfoot knots. Th"y then played
some games testing their knowledg'e. Write lor illustrated Road Map
ON THESE NEW CARS USED CARS and complete Traveler's Guide
If you have an opinion, write 0/(1' I
1 Chry~ler Airflow 1935 Oldsmobile 2-0001'
Tount a letter. General Meade's 'Headquarters
1 Chry~ler Imperial Sedan
Gettysburg Balllelield
') Chry~ler Royal Sedans 1935 Dodge Sedan
Classified 1 Chrysler Royal Brougham 2 1934 Dodgc Scdans Adv. 100
1 Chrysler Royal Coupe 1934 Buick Brougham
Advertisetuents 3 Plymouth 4-0001' Sedans 1931 Buick Sedan
Dc Luxe 1931 Buick Sedan
-will be charg-ed orely to rcsldents 2 Plymouth 2-0001' Trunk
whose names appear In the tele- There has never been a time
phone directory or to subscrlber8 Sedans De Luxe
to OUR TOWN 0" the NEWS OF when you could get as much
BAI,A-CYNWYD. Plymouth Rumble Seat for your 1930 to 1935 Plymouth,
Chevrolet Or Ford.
15c a line Coupe Dc Luxe
for Both Newspapers You cannot afford to miss this
3 Plymouth Station Wagons opportunity. You owe it to
Count five word8 to Une 2 Plymouth Pick-up Trucks yourself to see us at once so
-will be accepted up to Wedne8- that you can have a neW car
day, 5 o·clock. for Friday's l8Bue8. 3 Plymouth 4-0001' Trunk to drive this winter. You will
Sedans, Standards be amazed when you hear how
liberal our proposition will be.
Phone: NARBERTH 4100 (Thc cheapest and best Family Terms will be arranged for your
Car Plymouth Builds) convenience.

Help Want~d
'''IIITI'; woman fol' dar'~ work on 'I'hul'~-

H:::':A:':':>;'::;';~~'~~;~;;';::"::'O":;~ o~:i,:'?'CharlesF. HenrySale Co.

joIJbing-. Gottlieh E,'ling-er. 1~~ Con-
way a,·enue. Call "H"herth 37·18-1l. (tf)
IJ1lAPE:ltn~S, Sill> Covers, Veneflan, Paoli elml Goshell Ro{uls Telepholle: Newtoll'll Sqllare 312
lng, Beddlllg8, HU~s cleaned. repaired' r
blinds, Awnlng8. Fumlture, Upholster-; '~~~~~~E"~~~~~;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f.
__ ~, ~ _
and stol't'd. Challen~er, 281 Montgomery
avenue, CYnwyd. J·hone. CYlIwyd 85
Formerly with John "·anamaker.
Ul'nor.~,n'I'~nr="r: and rep.
Sprlng-s of
:I-pll'l'(' ~uit<" 1'1'1>:111'('(1. $11l: Chail' 1'1'-
Good Milk and f.~

covcred, $:i. (:0 1o'llrWhel'c. CalI
2:!7 E. Lalleastt.'I' h"'('.
CARI'ENTP.H - nU'LDI';H - E8tlrnfites
"':lytle H!lG.
Cream Depends
cheel'fullY furllishecl ..Jobblng promptly: the Thaddeus Thomes ... in a familiar kitchen-sink scene. Only
attended to. Leander Wickman, 305 Con- '
way a \'e. :\'arherth 3S88. (tf) I
Az,";er1ca~ Table.MJJ1l
or on Good Cows ... six months ago Thad grumbled because it took forever to dry dishes. That
Brookmead Golden Guernsey Milk and Cream comes to you from was before they got an Electric Water Heater. Now he enjoys gloating
Pure Bred, Registered Cows-many of them Prize Winners and over his speed. Actually, fast drying is due to piping-hot water.
s~rA LI~ hou~(' or hUllg'a low ha "iug- three:
hedl'OOllls. "'rit(' ":II." Bnx H7. ~al'- ! Record Holders-and is Guaranteed by the American Guernsey
1)('1'111, J.:ivillg" all Jlal'liIotllal'~. Cattle Club. But Thad gloats even more vigorously over the low cost of heating
Pl;-;I:\,G room ,uite. MusT-~fjl"""good
('olHlit itlll. \\'I'ilt· fUll dt'~(Tillli()1l a lid VOTE FOR Nearby Farms, Local Employment, and Main Line water electrically. And why not? The special low off-peak rate means he
prh'l.'. "H." P. O. I:llX ·11-;', :\'ar1Jt'rtlJ. (:'.. ~) I
Prospc/·ity by REGISTERING your Order with Brookmead, rather
pays only Ic per kilowatt-hour . . . mighty little for the enormous comfort
than for more Tank Cars and Tank Trucks from distant points.
Siwatlons Wauted of constant hot water. If you want actual proof of how little it costs many
LAI'="PllESS-Exp. llpf. $:1 ,lay. Bal'. Golden Guernsey Pasteurized Milk, . 15c per quart
0:,;'7. (1) of our customers-call Customer Service and ask for our booklet-"30,OOO
Golden Guernsey Inspected Raw Milk, . 17c per quart Philadelphia::ls Can't Be Wrong!"
For Sail'
SEALSl\:l:\' Coat. Filch lrimllll'll. Size ~Il. Buttermilk, Cottage Cheese, llIced Cream"
~·ltl. I'!tollt' l'YII. IIIRii. (;'1)
l'\('I\:I';'!' f"ll('I'. ,1:11., ill. high, 6:1 ft. IOllg'.
Unit' :.!;; ill. }'hOllt' (~rll. 'i·I:.!.
BABY c:ll'l'iag-p :11\11 ('rill in p('I~fl'l't
,1ItiOll. Phone Met'. 33i8.
Daily Deliveries to All Parts of the Main Line

Brookmead Guernsey Dairies

Electricity-Cheaper in Quantity
Rooms for Rent WAYNE, PA. 'Pholle WAYNE 1121
AttractiVe furn. roonls. Con". to trnnsp.,
114 No. Narberth LL \'1'. Narb. 2G18. (51)

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