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Iglesia Ni Cristo.Choir Department.

Las Vegas Congregation

To: Brother Artemio Revilla September ---(edit)

Resident Minister
Las Vegas Congregation
Ecclesiastical District of Southern California

Thru: Sister Rhodora----(edit)

Choir Department Head

Subject: Statement for Leave of Absence

Dear Brother,

We, Roseanne Czerelle Bolus and Ruby Anne Charmane Bolus, choir members of the Las
Vegas Congregation, would like to request a leave of absence from September 28-29 which is
the day for our choir practice and choir performance of duty for the reason of supporting our
father who is intending to take his RN-NCLEX that will be held in San Francisco, California. We
will return on September 30 and I will be available to return to perform our duty the next day of
our choir practice upon arrival.

May we hope for consideration in providing us the opportunity for this purpose of supporting our
father in his examination.

Your sisters in Christ,

Roseanne Czerelle Bolus Ruby Anne Charmane Bolus

Noted by: Choir Leader Approved by: Resident Minister

Iglesia Ni Cristo
Las Vegas Congregation
3233 E Desert Inn Rd, Las Vegas

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