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Non – Chronological Report

• To describe the way Structure:
things are • A general introduction to
orientate the reader
• Technical classification
• Description of qualities,
parts, function, habits and


Language features:
• Present tense (except
• Non-chronological Writer’s Knowledge:
• General points leading to • Plan under paragraph or web
details headings
• Use a range of resources
• Use questions – ‘Have you ever
wondered why …?’
• Be clear
• Open by explaining very clearly
what you are writing about
• HISTORY – aspects of
• Use tables, pictures, diagrams,
daily life in any period
• Add comments to facts –
• SCIENCE – characteristics,
‘Armour must have been very hot
general life patterns and
and heavy!’
habitats of plants and
• End by drawing in the reader
• GEOGRAPHY – descriptions
of localities and
geographical features

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