Organizational Change

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What is Organizational Change?

Definition of Change: Many authors have defined organizational changed. Which are listed below:-
According to R.F. Hatgetts, “Change is any notification or alteraction of the status of
According to Newstrom and Keith Devis, “ The term work change refer to any alteraction that
occurred in the over all work environment.”
Sources of Resistance to Change:
I) Individual Resistance:
i) Habit
ii) Security
iii) Economic Factor
iv) Fear of the Unknown
v) Selective Information Processing.
II) Organizational Resistance:
i) Structure Inertia
ii) Limited Focus of Change
iii) Group Inertia
iv) Threat to Expertise
v) Threat to Established
vi) Threat to Established Resources Allocation.

Overcoming Resistance to Change:

Six tactics have been suggested for we by change agents in dealing with resistance to change—
 Education and Communication
 Participation
 Facilitation Support
 Negotiation
 Manipulation and Cooptation
 Coercion

Steps in the Change Process:

Recognition of the need for change

Establish of goals for the change

Diagnosis of relevant variables

Selection of appropriate change technique

Planning for implementation of the change

Actual implementation

Evaluation and follow up

Steps in the change process

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