C C C C C C C C: Flaming Rivalry y Andriana Laskari First Draft

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³Flaming Rivalry´c


Andriana Laskari

First Draft


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A figure of a heavily built man (Kyle) zipping up his suit and

tighting up his straps is shown e turns and puts on his
goggles e grabs the sealed Olympic torch e looks outside
and smiles revealing his bright white teeth

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A view of a crowded stadium with colourful lighting and vivid

fireworks is visible in the distance

e takes a step backwards and dives in the air is parachute

opens and slowly glides downwards he crowd cheers

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he camera zooms in the middle of the stadium where all the
athletes are gathered Angus¶s frowned face is revealed e
looks at Kyle who is still in the air, with envy e looks
down in disappointment

gut then he is conquered with envy and he sharply stares at

Kyle with an angry look e wants to light up the flame
himself so he aims to get it and finally become famous for
something as important as this

e runs towards him but he first has to go through the sports

equipment to get to the tall platform where the Olympic flame
awaits to be lightened up

e jumps through the hurdles, swings through the rings, jumps

over the polevault and finally lands on the trampoline which
launches him high in the air

e lands on Kyle and they both fight for the torch which
results in a cloud of dust Angus grabs the torch and lifts it
high up while Kyle grabs him from the neck Angus then points
out a flaw on Kyle¶s perfect hair e gasps and shakes his
arms in panic which releases Angus
Angus now has the full control of the torch e laughs
maliciously and lowers the torch to light up the flame

Suddenly, a gust of wind blows out the flame and lifts up his
kilt he audience gasps and Kyle faints Angus is now more
embarrassed than ever and obviously regretting for his action,
as that moment was captured for ever on live television


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