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YOLll;\)E 2..L No. 25

T,)night at H, '0,
Recreation Road in Penn A rctic's Bishop Rod and Gun Club
Cooke vs. White I ill tIll l.q.!."lllJl I~l'tilll (If till' (".'111-
Lxpects 10 Per COli IncreaSt', J·al/e) kept Private, With Others ..I ' '111 ell Dinner Next Thursday
1'1" /'osl oj C"lI/mitl""l1lall ill First 111\11111, Buildlllg', 1111' 'Y"Ullg 1("1'111.11- Board I JVitlr Prison Educator Speaker
11/ Plal'grou"d {.Ise I 10 bt' 'faken (h'er
Slnhalh IJi.<trid <'ail" <'lui, "f :\al'l<"l'lh "ill h"ld all
IlIf"l'll1al dan<"', tIl "'llIch th.· 1'\11ollc I" R""'I'\'ations art' being made now
Arthur L. (',,,,k,. "1111,.. a <'anol;dat.· 111\'11.·d. :\dll1l:':'lon I" ;,()c a coupit-, :\1 th.· 1("cl'I'all"n H"ard l'I,·.tll1g, :\ 1'\'I'"rt on tl1l' a(Tidl'nt hazard
' I I'\I'IIU I .... :--tag-. I{ t' fJ'(':-:
} lllH'1l t'~ "'1'11 If :\1"11,1,'1,' .·".'11111", Ill'. 1,.·1{0\· .'. '.'111": alld tratlic control lin :'IontglJn1l'I'Y, through John A, :\Iilll'r or A. J. Cliff
ill the :-llI'lllg" fll"Jlllal"~ 1\j t 11- 1- ,J;)l'
til" I' to- - .." n. ,...
for the annual dInner of the Lower
Ilcal1 1'"rly f"r 1I"l1llllatl',n 10 I IIt· I' I ,,,',. I ~,·r\l·I. I .\1 I"" I.. 'll'
I Ian
II .' (1"111' \'1"',-"111",1 111" I"',-ult,,, "f ,'1 ',-111""'\' 1',._' a\'t·n\1.·, frllm Ha\,.,rf"rd tu Bala, mad"
I" " - :'Ilerio!l Hod and Gun Club, :'Iarch 31,
' Itt t Illltl, ""I'ltl,' (·"IIIIII.·t,·.1 I,,' :\.1".--.'\'-.'. \\.. ,J." tIl thl' L"w\'r :'olerion Commi""ion\'rs
"n th.· ('"II1I1III\t''' \\' jllC II \\a" lila' I ,. "a' ll1an 0 j t It' "II ,.\. all1l1ll'n C"1I1 "',
callt 10,' th,· d'al h "f Chari.'" ". :\,,,,1. ai, I,., I I \[ I,', "-'" _
\1 un.' I \'-1 lit.· ani 1 111"'1111.'11 ,'111,1 .'. ...
B. \,'",'111,..]·,'111, "f tIll' al Ihl·lr :'olarch ml'l'ting, recumn1l'nded
',·"I.I,•. \.tl, l'ul,II'c .~Cll'''II. TI,l' "tu,I,', that Ill'\\' "ignab be in"talled at "ev- I
at the Wynnewood House,
Speaker will be Ira J, :Mills, director
who IH'ld "I'" "f th., t",o C"IJlIJlltt,·,·- C;""rg.' ( 'aIT, ,'~
,,'as ll1ad,' h\' I1wallS of 'Iu""tionnairt" ,'ml int(·rsl·eting- roads, including "f Agricultural Education at the
"hll'" fr"lIl th,· tir~1 \",ting dl"trict "f
:\arlJ1'r1h. , ~Ir'. LOllI""
, • (. I.
. "C";rJ I~
II ' Baseba II CIub I
'''Ullllllttl'd to'tl,.. !Ian'nts IIf "chlllll chil- , C.hurch road, Wyn,nt'wood avenue,
C; ra t('rf "I'd Prison.
tl,.. o1hl'r IIICUI]\I"'llt and "h,. ";111 I'n-' _ ~ dren and i" III'lng- used to ....slahlish a i (,yp"y lanl', Han'rjord aVl'nue an At the nll'l'ting- of the club March
t"r th"!'rJllwry a,- a can,iJdat •. fill' n._jfndors es Return 10 rno-Halj Sea-factual ha"I" of planning hy till' R"c_IB,I\\:manavenue, , . ,11i offiCl'r" and directors were nomi-
ekct i"ll. I son and Elccts Officers I n'atJ"n Board for till' forthcoming I \\ 1I!l'nIng uf the pIke tu 5-1 feet be-' ,nated, and it was announced that the
~Ir. (',,,,k •. i" onf' "f till' hl.,t kll"\\'11 ,sumllwr program at thl' comnmnit\·, tWl·,'n curbs was al"u suggl'stl'd too, I club is no\\' affiliated with the National
, , ,. l' ' gl'thlT with a ;:p"l'd limit uf 25 miles: ,Ritlp Association, and that Wild Life
alld 111",t plll,ular "f thp young-('r hu"i.. (lj'!\(I"itJun til the ,
~haughn",,:'\' •
, ,
gl"UIJ{ ,. .
, , 1 1 1 th(~ ;.;chool and bUSJnI'''S an'as and I
11l'~ 1111'11 of 11ll' Borough. H,' i" ::: It'm IIf playllff" In "ffl'ct la"t :'('a"on' Amllllg tIll' 111"1'(' "alll'nt plllnts ..d,,~ 30 mil(,,, l.bewh .... H,. : Con""rvatioll stamps are available for
y,'ar- ,<1d and has I)('"n a r""id"nt IIf in the :'Ilain LilH' BaH·ball L"agu,,!\·,'lop,.d h,' thl' sur\'('y \\'a" that attt'nd- Th(' commi"sion,'r" tOllk no action l : purchasp.
th,· B"r"u"h f"r :!2 \,·"ar". , JI" ha" \\'a"'\'lIlt'd b,· th" :\arlJ('rth Basehall allc,' thi" I :\ominees un whom members will
" ,' , , I, 'veal' IS ('XP"ct(,d til incr"ast-' , "n th e n'por t , I
h""n a n'gl"tCI'(,d Rl'fluhltcan ('\'('1'. ('luI., \\ ."hH'sday "v.'nmg', at It" 1'''-: frlllll 10 per cent til 15 1',,1' ('I'nt. Dur- A pl'tition to make public :\Ioreno' i Lallot at the April 20 meeting are:
"lncI' h,' callie IIf v"ting ag". 11(' at- organizatilln nH't'ting in th,' Arcadia; ing thl' la"t y"ar approximately GOO road wa" tabled when no property' IN-~OOK-TAH-KAUB
I Prpsidl'nt, Charles H. A. Chain.
t"III!l'" th(' :\arh,·rth public "chllll],; and R"staurant's green room, childn'n malh· us~ of the playground owner's appeared at the hearing. : will 811m!.- "t All S"int., Ch/lrch I \' ice-presidents (t h I' e e to be
tIll' JIa\','rf"rd sch",,!. H,· 11\'('s 11/1 In placl' of top dl\''''I''n playoff fori facJ!ltle", th" ma.l0nty of whom wpre The board decided nut to widen and: tI,i.' S/II/(I"!1 "t 11 A ..1I, "1/(/ "t " l·lt-cted): J o~eph P. White, Clarence
LllIt\\"yn lall'" i" lIlalTi ..d alld ha" t\l'f' tIll' title at the ('lid "f th<' :;l'ason, i ht'twl'en 7 and 1-1 y('an; of ag'·. ~II, pave Righters Mill road, Penn Valley, 1 SI,I'C"llti SI'1'/"ic(' ,,1/,1 1<'111'1)('1' for R, Kal'bl'r, Robert W. '''eber, Lloyd
dJlldl'\'n. H,' is a plastl'rinl-:' c"ntrac- :\arbl'rth fa\'"rs a rdur'n to th,' two-'chang!' in till' a\'lTage age of those tlli in view of objections made by resi-: /1/('11, (i,:1!J .11m"I"!1 1/,('"i"II, til : DuBois.
t"r and is tn'a"un'r .of thl' EI.llPlo,'ing- half ",'a~on with th,' Il'aoers of each! attend during l~l:l~ is indicatpd, dents, who prefer to ket'p it untrav- i II'I/id, "II III/II (11'/ i'l1·it"l. T},I Spcretary, Albat J, Cliff.
Plast"J'f'rs As,,"clatl"n of ~uburhan half to ng-ht It out fill' the champIOn- i Suggl'Btions and critici"ms wl're 1'.. - elt-d, Rt, Uti', Ar('hil,,,ld JAil/II FI('m- Trl'asurer, George A. Purring.
Philadelphia, "hip in the fall. i'lU{,,,tt'd and all that \\'('rl' rl'cf'i\'(·d are April 18 was Sl·t as the date for a' ill!1 i" t}", ('),II I'C}' I'; EII!IIIIO/d'"
:'II r. Cookl' :'I'n·,'d (I\'l'r",'a" during FlIur Of'W offic"rs w"rl' ,'h'ct"d,: being can'fully conBidel'l'd by th .. viewing and April 20 for a hearing on: I Din·eturs (three to be elected):
il!!il'll lI/sllI/}1 of tI" Arctic, /111-
nanlt'I,': II "rac,' T. ~IlH'dl,'y, \'icl'-; H"cn'a1 illn RlIard in th .. planning of pl'titions to takl' o\'l'r and make pub.. ' (TUU'Uffl I,'i,,!! (If till r.. . :-:/,·/11/o:,- , Haymond Chain, Dr. Curtis L Whitti-
('aI', How,'11 Di"trich, George Steckle.
pl'l'"ident; a"si~tallt tl','a"UI"I'r", Art th,· l\j:l~ prllgralll. Alllllng the' more lic the fullowing: Braeburn lane" f,.u1l/ .-1/"HI,"N to Lnhrnduf. to
(',,,,k.· and (;l'orge Phillip", and club nUIllt'rous ]'(''1Ul'S(,; \\"'1"1' tho",' fllr th" Broadacl'l'" road, Cliff, Rockglen,' (;",1,,,1,,,,,1 til t/If Pol,. His 111- Fi.,ld Captain, J. Wallace Goodwin.
physician, !Jr. ,Joseph ~nyd('\', in"tallation of pl'l'lllaJwnt ba"kl'tball Trent, Edg-evale and Sheffield and I'uritl to/fir 1"': "TIff .lufl uf All thl' unoppo!:'"d candidates are
He-I'll'ded w,'n' Ra,' (':lhn',', I'n'"i- and paddl,' tl'nnis cllurt" \\'hich the Westwood lalll''', ("},n..'1 i"l/ li,.i"!I." Incumbent".
Contlnuel1 on Page Two Board ha" b"lie\"'d for SIJlll(' tl nl\' an' An anll'ndml'nt to th~· Luwer :'oIer- AI"o at next month's Bession gold,
a Iksirahll' addition to thl' fa,'ilitil's, iun zoning code providing that the ,II\','r and bronze ml'dals will be
Personality 8590 :
Thrllug-h thl' :l'Ill'I'< IU" eo-opl'ration ',fi tuwn"hip may erect buildings where A Stone Pile a \\'ardl'd to nH'l1lbers in the ,22 calibre
'f' ,II the B"rllugh <. o,uncil It IS ":O;I,,'ct"d that, nl'Cl'SSary for the COnV('nll'nc" and W as tire First Memorial, and 150 I'If1,· match,·", and priz"s for the larg-
S h M D
,J. I
oj ,/lCcc.<S, 0 n . /lgall , s , , ' ' 1 '
. th.",· c"urt:' \\'111 III' huilt III till' IIl'ar 1\'I'lfan' of thl' puLlie. was mtnll un'd. 'fons thc Biggest .·~t ti"h caught during- the coming
Parenl-f cal' ler A/ldlence futur,' alld III' r(,~\II,' f,,1' U:'l' prior t"l ,\pril :!(J is till' date :'\'t for a hear- "'a,,,n will u(' di"plaYl'd in the Legion
th,· "I,,'nlng' lIf th,' l\j;:~ Sllllllllt'r pIa,' ~ ing- on the an1l'ndnll'nt. ro"m "t' th,' Community Building,
In hi" 1alk "n "P"I'''onalit,' IlI'·,,'a~"II, till' dal<' "f \\'hlch \I'ill f", an·' A w"l'kl,' pick-up of "tray dog", :\arbt'rth.
\('I"]1 ... d Through I'ubll(' ~IH'aking-," ""u,, ... ·,j lal,'1' ill tilt' 'I'nllg. ~ l'l'c"mlllt'n,l<-d la.-t w, ... k by th., Board :'II"llJllI'r- an' l'njoying tl'ap shoot-
,1t-11,·,'r..d b!'f"r,' th .. :\al'l,,'nh Pan·lIt· ,,,t' I1"alth, wa, appro\'t'd by th,' Com-
itlg al,,1 1'U1llllng' f"x tal'g'd practice
Pllpulati"n Cen'lb Started ' Ini,,,i,,n,'r,,, ~aturday and Sunday after-
T"acllt'1' .-\""ocI11Iion :'Il"ll<la,' night, "'\"'1','
I:a,'nl"nd :'olillard, h"rllllg-h c"n,us i , The 1\'1111', h'ania Hailr"ad i" mak-I n,,"II.- "n th,' :\a"h farlll in Penn
,John :'ola,'nard llugan ~'l1d, "puldlc
"peaking- IS gloritied c"n\"'r"ation and lak,'r, Ihl' wel'k IIl'g-an III gatllt'1' data: IlIg j'('palr" tll the Chul'ch rllad bfldgl',I '·allt-y,
i~ all a:-:~(.'t t(l ('\·l'r~·(ltH· a:- it givl':-: ::l'lf-
"n thl' den~it,', di"triblltion and type' in Ardmore, it was l'I'p"~'ted. The:
lIf :\arlll'l'th'" population, rllad wJlI bl' closed and tratlic ddourl'd
confidenc,' to the indi\'iduaL"
II" ab" d,'clan'd that "tati"tic, ~how
B. l;. Simp"on, chairman ,,1' the 1'01' a 1','\\' w".·k", I Tea Topics
borough'" Planning- Commi"sion, has nil!:' for thl' two-way police radio: ; Sunday jor Pelln Valley Folk-
us that ~5 per Cl'nt of :,uccess in life
ART COOKE JS due to pers.onality and 15 per cent
a,.ked thc co-operation of residerts, Wl'r~ .""ipctl~d by the hoal'll.
in dl'tel'mining thl' number of persons! ,p,'clficatlOns will he Wl'lttC:'n and the i
:-;e'",! I . Cenler and Zoning
till' wal' and I" a chal't"r lll.'ml"'r and to knowll'dg(' and application, There- in :\arb"rth, 'Loth of school agl' and: :'I'crdary \Va" authol'iz,'d to n'ad\'er- I
l'a~1 C"I,llIlalld"I' "f till' lIarold P. fol'l', hI' maintainf'd, l'\'('ry child auo\'", t i",' f"r Ill'\\' propu"ab. ~entinll'nt "f P.'nll \'all<''- n·"idents
~!"'aklllall P".-t. ..1.Ill"l'icall L"gi"ll. ~11I>uld II(' laught public "peaking in i for a CI'lllmunit,' c,'nt,,1' and for a
H,' I~ a IIlt'llll".1' "f I Ill' :\al'l"'rth I'rt'". till' school to hdp ,It'n'lop hi" or Ill'r ; I'"""if,I" chang,· in zoning "'ill bl' ascer-
),yt"l'i,1I1 <'hul'ch. a chart"r 1Ill'll1ll('r ,d !"'r'lIIlalit,',
tIll' :\w'IJI'l'th l'la,"')''' and a nlt'IllI",1' :'IIi:,:, B,·",i,' llrall", II Ill'",· f"r thl' Leaders
Sectional to
I ' World Intrigue
tire Minllte Rel'caled 10 Nar-
i tainpd at a t"a to b,' gi\'('n in the
gylllna"iulll of tIll' "'Iontg-onwry School
to Direct Democralic i L P
of Ca"ia ~Ia'-"Illl' L"dg,'. of .-\rdnlllrt·, :\arh.-rth School, "xplailll'd thl' rea- Group's Campaign Appoinled I
berth Womell's Grollp . th i" Sunday, from -I tn G P. :'1.
;\11'. ('""k.· i" n,,"· a nll'mllt'r "f tilt' Cont ' nuel1 nn rage FIve I '\'hilt- thl' Pl'nn Vall!.'y Association
~arll('rth Board (If IIt'alth, til thl' af- I . Fearful. yl't fa"cinating, till' tall' of! is "1"lnsoring- thp mo\'ement for a com-
fai)'~ "f "'hich I,.. ha" gin'lI punctual n'n,!l'r mon' actin' ~"I'\'ice to 111I' J"hn C. :'olorlock, ~('cretary I,f the "'orld intrig'u,', Ul' to datl' I'\','n to 'Illunity c('nt,,1' and count/'y club in
cRan 11' ' " I I 1 :-':tat" :-':I'llatl' and chairman of th,'
IItt<-ndallc,' and illtf'n'stl'd attt'lltion. epu.l Icall part\' In .... ar )ert 1 alII • ' n,'\\~ dl"l'atch,'" TUl·,day noon, \\as, JA:'IIES CARROLL I part "f till' :'olontgomery School build-
H,. c"aclll'd th,· ~arl}(·rth foot hall tf'am tl1l'r..h\' to thl' p~oph. of th .. Borough.' Earl,'-Jolll'c-:'olulldy-Logul' forc(''', thiS told hv :'oIl'S. John Il, Cdl, :'Iontgoml'r,'I S . I J P r- II f E l ; ing, the actual financing and O!lera-
' \'I'..k appolllt,'d ~,'ctlonal Ipad,'rs to dl- . . I R I - . 0 "all alll"s ..... aITO , 0 1-, . .
f or fin' y"ars and has always h""11 HIS call1hdacv IS Sllld by his ~up-I II & S
." . I . , l'I'ct th.. DI'1l10Cratic call1pai~n in the ('ount ,v chairman of Int('rnatlOlla ('- I' C
,\a\, .....arro
• OilS, t l' n1l'mOl'lll
. I tion of such a proJect WOUld, be in-
' ..
act"·,, In all klllds of organize, work pnrtt'rs to be a natural developn1l'nt, lations, whl'n "he "poke to the group I h ffi I ", I d('pendl'nt of the aSSOCIatIOn and
f or IIOyS, i of his active intl'n,,,t in th(, party ant 1 coullty. . . lIn Li(('l'aturl' and Intl'rnatlOllal R(,- 1I
. 1"'''1' (. w Oq' 0 Cl'S arl' )('twl'l'n ,,.·,,t1
I H'I'1 j ,',. . r- ~ would lIot lJ('cl'ssal'ilv be limited to
Fril'nd" nf :'Ill', Cookf' arf' now cir-·, public affairs of the community, and Jnhn T, Durllln, (h','rhrook Hill", lations , ., . _aun' I ant l,,,tmlnst,,r .... l'nll'- . .'
of the Woman s Community I ' . C I I) 'b' h Penn \ allp\, n'sldents,
culating nnminating petitinns fnr him l that it i, highlv dpsirahh' for :-;ar- again will IH'ad tIl(' Lower :'Ill'rion and (,Iuu of :\arh('rth, , . ' tl'l'Ies III Vll\\'\,(. l'scn mg t l' 1'1'0- •
Tuesdav,. m the. gn'ss of . ston", nwmol'lals . ' from thl' I PI'an". f 01. th e t ea ' \\ ere ma d e a t th e
throughout th(, first district ano it is bprth that men ~f his agl' and calibre! ~arlwrth workers; Joseph Kane, deanery on the Brvn :'II a WI' ColI,'I-:"':
. . Iparly heaps of stlllll'S, and catacombs" !,<Is"oclatlon . . . ,s ext. ,cut1\ '. e commlOtt ee ses-
said that thl'y have already ohtainf'd should be stepping forward to assuml': Bridgl'port, will be chairman of the
an unusually rf'presentatiYf' cO)]l'ction !:'ome of thl' active burdens b\' which; Young Democratic Committep, and J,
campus. . ; crypts, etc" to the pn's"nt, l\1r. Carroll sion Tupsday night at the school. I
"Germany has been the mam factor: said his company's biggl'st monument 1 A Ilother topic to be discussed at
of sig-natures from rf'sidents of that thl' affair8 of the Borough are' so suc-! \Vallace Reid, of 1..0\\"('1' Merion, wiIl
in the European movement e\'l'r smct',' is one of :IX ton", soon to be erectl'd,: till' t('a will he the question of re-zon-
district who arf' w,,)] known for thf'ir cl's"fully conductf'd. Unless capable' hf'ad the Colored Dpmucratic Commit-
made ,Iesperate by tht' terms of the' Y.'t th" Egyptian", without mod"rn I ing, If residl'nts of the section on '."
ah'rt at1('lItioll to political and cnm· and pl'r!:'onallv disint.. rl'~t ..d n'cruits tee.
Illunity affairs, They say that h .. are constantly' found for such places,; ,
:l'rsailles treaty, she ,t,hl'e\\' hl'rself 1pquipnll'nt, hoist('d stont·s R5 fel't th.· north sid,' of Montgomery ave- I
offl'r:; hims(·lf a~ a c.andidatl· not with the affairs of Narbl'rth could deterior-, Matthl'w H. l'tIcCloskey is backmg mto th:, arms of Hltle:, accordl,n to, high, and some \\'('ighing as much as I nul', from Gulph road ,to Gypsy lane,
thl' id ..a of qualifying himself to ob.. ate into the hands of small cliques: the candidacy of Charles Alvin Jones Mrs. Gd!. And toda~ German~ .and: 150 tons, ~ arp not satlsfil·d with Its present "C"
tain political prl'fernll'nt, but hecause such as are deadeningly prevalent in for governor against the Guffey- ~ngland . ar~ .. the, ~~al prota~a~lS:s'i Mr, Carroll's talk was gi\'('n Tues-' zoning, a petition wiII be presented to
hl' fel'l, that as a committeeman hl' many small towns. : backed candIdacy of Thomas Kennedy \\Ith thplr rl\al s,stems of go\eln- dav to the Bala-Cvn\\'vd-~arl)('rthRo-' the township comnllSSlOners to change
__________________ i It' is understood that Mr, Cooke's' in l'tIontg-omery Cot'!nty, it was learned ment, and England IS th(' stumLhng' tan' . CI u I" 0 f \\. h,'h IC h'l' IS , a pas t p r e . S I't It"- , an "A" zl,n",. ",.'

Continued on Paee Five I den't, --------

; candidacy will be opposed by J oSl'ph! thi~ week.
Veritas Players I
P. White, of 113 Essex a\'enue, Mr.1 Senator Guffey's leader of a county- Girl Scouts to Hold Court of i In common with certain othpr 110 Merchants
Will Presenl "Upper Room" Ol! Iwioe organization, with a nucleus of Awards and Play Saturda trades, he said "ton(' car\'('rs are dyillg Will Atlend Business Council Din-
Federal emplo~·es, is Dr. James J. y lout, for lack of apprentices, and that
Egyptian on April 3 ner Meeting Monday Night
Kane, :\' orristown postmaster, I stonecutting i" hpillg" rpplacl'd by ~and-
The Vnitas Pla~'ers of St, l'tIarga-1
I Third candidate tor thp Democratic
Parents 0 f G II'

Troop 8 and all memhl'rs 0 f t h e com-

f" I
couts 0 .,ar,ertl'LI
I I' t If h '11 This a ttl'ndance will be about two-
ret's Church are presenting ROhl'rtl nomination is Charles J. Margiotti, munity interested in Girl Scouting an' b e ~ u, sl WP t annll\'('rsar~ \;'.1 thirds uf the organ.ization's total mem-
Hugh Benson's well-known "Upper ~vhose indepe~de.nt follo.wing is. largely invited to a Court of A wards and a: e c.. le ratl" rll'xt Ul'S, ay, WIt 'lS- T
Room," on Sunday, April 3, at the I !
In the county s mdustnal sectIOns. p Iav to b e h e II ( b v T roop R tomorrow,
I tlllgUished
guests, and an addrl'ss by bership of 153 which represents all.
, .
E!-ryptian Theatre. I . . 8 ' I . k ' h G' I S I Stan Bower", hl'ad of Continental incrl'ase of over 200 pel' cent, or 109
evenlllg, at 0 c oc·, III t e l l ' cout., .
Sponso]'(.d by thl' Catholic Informa'i The following candidates have bel'n wing . f h . b 'Id' 1Mlils, Inc., Gl'rmantown, who IS a IIl'W nwmbl·r;.;, III the three months
0 t e communltv U\ mg. i · ' .
tion Socil'ty of :\' arhl'rth. this rl'1igious endorspd by the County Committee: , . '. . I past presldl'llt of thl' PhliaddphJa since Ralph S. Dunne took over the
The follOWIng awards WIll be glVl'n: 'cluL. The !,rog'ram i" in charge of presidential reins,
drama, based on thf' Passion of Christ, For Congrl'ss, Carrol L. Rutter,
comes appropriately during the Lent. I
Pottstown attorrll'Y; for State Sen-
Tenderfoot, Lois Stannard and Clairc, Alvin E, Shull, ex-!'rl'sidl'nt and
K raus- founder,
Speaker for the dinner-G.30 P, M.
en season. ate, Francis R. Taylor, Cheltenham DeHart; second class, Patsy i,
at the Wynnewood House-will be
Narhl'rth talent is called upon to I
attorney and banker; for State Rep-
kop and Marjorie Enz; first class, i
Elmer Whel'ler, famous sales stimu-
lator of ~ew York.
play supporting parts in the produc- res@ntatives, Joseph Kane, Bridge- Phyllis Folwell, and Go!den Eag)l't" Tea for Pupils' Mothers
the. hlghl'st award III GIrl ScoUtlllg,! 1, 'I rs, \",es 1ey P . D unmng' t on, 0 f -,0 After his talk there will be a dis-
tion, Matthew Callaghan in thl' roll' port; Hiram Ganser, Norristown (in- ' . .
Shirley . . VlIlcent, b Jean SlInpson wlil' ; , ynne a e roa ,WI gIve a t ea a t cussion period in which all present
'V d I d '11'
of "The Doctor," David Lanahan as cumbent); Clarence Wrigley, Elkins
"Achaz" and Mary Carr as "Mary," Park; Mervin Johnson, Lansdale,·and )'('c"I'\'e her Art adge. . her home next Wednesday afternoon will he invited to participate.
are among the leads. Other Narberth Alan T. Wright, Uppl'r Pro\·idence The cast of the play called "Thine at 3.30 for the mothers of the third A week from Monday night, April
residents in the cast are Paul Good- Township. Own Heart Makes the World," will, grade children and other members of 4, the Ar'cadia Restaurant will be the
year, Margaret Leahy, William New- -------- he: Reader, Jean Simpson; King, Lo- 1the Narberth Parent-Teacher Asso- scene of a special meeting on display- '\

borg, Jr., John McKeon and J. C. Salvation Army Fund $188,841 retta Lilias; Gloom, Jl'an Sargent, i ciation, The two third grade moth- ing merchandise. A talking motion ."
Parke. i JOE WHITE Contributions to the 1938 Mainte- and Lovp, Barbara Bailey. : ('fS, who will assist her are Mrs, R. B, picture on window displays, with a
Supplementary to the play will b(' I White at present holds a state posi-I nance Fund for the Salv~tion Army I Deer and Mrs. J, S. Keightiey. discussion by an expert, will start at
choral work hy thl' St,· Joseph's COI'I tion in the Liquor Control Department' have reached $188,8-11, It was an- An Enjoyable Time I Mrs. Lewis Easby, violinist, will' 8 o'clock.
lege GI('e Cluh, under the direction of under the State Auditor. Before that nounced Monday at the final luncheon. was had Tuesday night when members' play several solos and Mrs. Cletus
Anthony Cura. I he was a deputy under the Republican Horace P, LiYersidge, of Cynwyd, of the Harold D. Speakman post'i Senft, sopr~n~, will sing several num- O'Sullivan Heads Officers' Group
The entire' production is being Collector of Federal Internal Revenue guest speaker, stressed the value of American, Legion, and the Ladies'l bel'S. AdmiSSIOn 25 cents. Lieutenant-Commander Walter R.
coached and dil'ected by Daniel A. and, prior to that, he sen'ed a term the Army's work in the community Auxiliary held a joint gathering in I . . O'Sullivan, of Windsor avenue, Nar-
Eagan, of Overbrook, who also carriesj as Narberth assessor under appoint- and praised the g'l'nerous response to honor of the post's past commanders. Extend U~lted Camp~lgn to, Apr. 7 berth, was elected president of the I
the dramatic lead, in the role of ment from the County Commissioners. its appeal. Nine former leaders and the pres- The Umted CampaIgn drIve has Reserve Officers' Association of the
"Judas." Mr. White, long-time proprietor of -------- ent commandpr, Walter P. Miesen, been extended to April 7, it has been Fourth District at a meeting last
Sponsors of the Catholic Informa- White's Sweet Shop, numbers among "Red-Headed Stepchild" sJloke briefly at the social affair held announced by Henry S. Drinker, Jr., Tuesday.
bon Society are Henr~' P. Carr, L. F, his hobbies hunting and music and is is the title. ~f a three-act comedy in the Legion Room of the Community chairman. The Main Line Division Lieutenant-Commander and Mrs.
Flick, Jr" Joseph S. Dougherty, Da· well known as the owner of business which the Junior Luther League, di- Building, Narberth, on the Legion's has collected $145,000 to date. O'Sullivan attended all. officers' din-
vid J, Lanahan, William Boxman, R. real estate in Narberth, including the rected by Miss Dorothy Elwood, will nineteenth anniversary, The next report luncheon will be ner on Wednesday evening at the
B. McClatchy and Karl H, Rogers, Shea Pharmacy apartment building give at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Robert C. Collins was in charge of held April 7, at 12.30, at the Belle- opening of the new naval armory in
chairman. and the Post Office buildin,g. Narberth, April 21-22. ayrangements. vue-Stratford. Camden, N. J. '
, , .
'.' '. ~ :~ - ~.~ ~, " ... .,.::,,' ::':' "':'""':' . .• ,'.:,: .:. ''':''i~''' '.~ .. '! ..~ •. ~ . ,~~' ...',. .. ~ t . '
, 't-"
'- ~.',
"_"" ;1i" ... ~~ .. \ " '¥ I ~.~. . "',~

OUR TOWN March 25, 1938

Difficult Play I Local Girl Makes Good Narberth School I W' e specialize 111

Co-o),,'rlltil'e C"m""olity S"108)1I1)l.'r
llllllgs Forth B,'st Dramatic Efforts
of l\',nbcrth Pl,ncrs
Th,· ,-\!<-xalld"r :",,\',·]t\' Tno "lIt,'r
talllt,d gT;ll!I· .... IJljfl_t.jg"; ill a .... =-'t'lldJly!
J II F.-ederie

fmOlded ill 1!II 1, Ily tl", Sa rllI'l,th

Cil'ic A s,'llria ti"n, ,0,,1 Ilal>l ..~h,'d
,"II :\L!rclt 17, Tit" tn" c"lI"ioll'd of
':'Ill'. AI,·,atl,\.-r. :'1[1'-. ,-\I'·,alld,·r and
every Friday at Sarv"rrh, /,(1, Il!'I' . . c·llll·d Ily th,'
"PlOldd" 1)11111'," ;1-
, :'I1",s :\1 Jiln, Th,'Y' I<lay,·d a fl'\\' IIUIl]- ~ Let's get acquail1tpd . • .
Tllornl\~ A. Elwood. I·:dill,r & l'llh:I~II"1 :\all"'rlil 1'laY,·I.- Ia,t Fl'lday alld
11".1" "" lit" -ax''1d1''lll·. :'111.-.- :'Ilill,'!':
~atul'da~ "all>! a I{u~siall alld Illdiall ""Ill: alld
Aline 1\torg-an Hobel"l8, SOI'lal Editor
1'\"'IlIII,l.!:--. ":a:--: a !l1'1,1Iuctinlll 3 specials for $1, dail), ii,
Office - 209 Haverford Ave., Narberth
Telephone: Narberth 4100
;t1Hl\'" Ill" ;I""I':\el' f(I!' :lI11att'Ul' :":I'IJUP:-'·
Tit,. play 11.",lf \\a, \\'lIrthy ,,1' tl1<'II' I did a Hu"lan dalll"·. all Ilidiall dalll"'.,
'alld :1 111I111<l r y' tal' dalll"'. :\[1', AI,·x-: I
Tile S,·s-'t.ers i' I
Entererl a!i ~e('()llfl-('lnRR nl:lltpr nl'tohpr
13, 1914. at the Post Offk,' al :\':tl b''l til,
I... ,t l'lj'"rl.- alld full~' .lu"ltfi.,d 111<' ,·\'1-'
,1<-11\ I'alll,tahlll~' ,'aI'<' g'l\"11 I" It hy
'alldn, \\h" \la' al", a \"'lItril",!ui"t,
i hud a dUllllllY 11 a 111 I'd Clt".-t,·r (;UIl1I'.
Bea.I.,,'" Salo..
;i · \'--.....
Fa .• under the A,~t or )1<11',,11 3 187~' Ih,· dlr"ct"r, \\'t1lialn :'Ilull,·!'. ,II,· 1<llk"d With 111111. II •. al.-lI I'lay,'d ', 1"1 240 Haverford Avenue ' .
1-:11\\·",,,1 R"lch IIIU"t Ii" 1-(i\"'11 ~1"'Clal' I a "OII.>! 'III a t"y "all"oll alld a "a\\·.1 I! t Phone Narberth 4 1 7 7 " ' · ''1 j I: :
Friday. March 25. 1938

cl'<'dlt 1'''1' h", ,'xcl'll<'nt sCl'lIery; It \\'a,' i :'III'''. A I,'xa 11' I,· I' \\'a" th., al'l'''ll1l'a 11 i "1. 1 for prompt appointment ..······i' t
=======-======== "'i: ., ."" II' I:

IlI,t "a"y t" lI11ag'IIll' hll\\' It ('lIuld ha\'" : Th<.:y playa f,'''' pll'C"" oil s,nne ofi
A Free Primary 1""'11 l ... tt'·I',.. d III allY \\'ay, Addillg' tll , t h,' di tl't' 1"'11 I "I I'lll 1-(' 'd Ill" I ru lilt' 11 b, as:
It app('ar" that t!1<'n' I" l:">II1l: t" llf' tilt, atm".'I,It,·n' "f till' 1"'I'Il,,1 IIf 1!110 I th., hani", IL\\\'aiiall 1-(Ultar, nolin,! J1
a cont""t f"r "II" "f t h,· pl:ll"" "II
the Republican c'1I11Illitt"" ill till' tir'l
\\"l'l'l' the aut ht'ntic ('11 ....:1 Ull1l·~. n l l t I'l'l1t- i

,..1 fr"111 a ('ll"IUIl1l'r. hut tak"11 flOlll i

'and a fl'\\' 11111 I't'. It \\·a~ a \·t·ry in- \
I tl'f'('"lllIg progralll alld It r,'c"I\'l'd a:
T ry 0 ur Flat Work Special. •
district and it ",·,·m", th,·r,·f"r,·. t" IIf' Ih,' cl""d' alld ,,1.1 u'ullk" of th"",· w·hll ,lar1-(" applau"l', I I
wise tn l'l'milld tl1<' R,·puhllcall" "f that hall llllt't' \\Clrn thl'lll. I I From :'Ilal'('h :.?l-:'Ilarch 2;:; I.. (;'Hld; 20 pieces, S I
district. and tl1<' :-':arllf'rth \·"t"r" in \\' Ith t \\'" p"""hl,' ,·xl',·ptions. th.· i EIIg-1i"h W",'k at th,' ~arh,'rth ·School.!
genpral. thaI tl1<' pI'lIH'i,d,' \\hlch UII- castillg \\'a.' l'I'''l'l'rly dllll" and this i" i I :'III'. L('hman, the ('idlth grad" ellgli~h! CALL NARBERTH 2266
derlip" tlH' "yq"1ll "f prilllarll" i" that 111I\<'w"rthy III \I"\\' IIf the fact thaI I f,""d!1 U)['fSE Pl,ATT ill "f ll'ach<.:r, i~ "pon~"ring It. TIll' I'ighth;
the rpgi"tl'red m,·mllt'r" "f till' party' "IX "f tl1<' I\\"h·,· plaY"rs \\'('I'l' Ill'W' 1-(rad., \\ill listen for mi"takl" ill l'lIg- i
fOT prompt and efficient sen'icc
,H. f JfJl l.o",' Agaill" [catl/ring
shall han' a \'oice in till' ",·l<-ctl"l1 "f 11\"1111",1''' Ih", y,'ar. (~ancy S III1 i'''fllIl JOIIII H.lIl1l'1t alld H"II/'y Fonda, li"h lIlad" my otl1<'r students, and they
can,lidat.'''. WI1<'n tlw primal'l"" l'all1l'
into !lPin1-( 25 or nl"n' y,'ar" a1-(ll tl1<'Y
were haiJt'd a" a rdorlll \\'h,'r,'hy tl1<'
'" t" Ill: 1'1I111-(l'atulat,'d Upllll lll'r 1"'1'-[
f"l't a"~Ul1lptl"n 111' th,' 1'"1,, of Lllui",',
ul'"n t\\,pnty-f"ul' hllur nlltic... ) 111 1
))1111.',·" lin' film deln" al thl'
E(;}'PTfAS 11 • .(1 .Uondlly and
will report them in engli"h c1a"s,'''.
BETTY HOLLAR. Nat-bertl.
evil~ of th,' old party caucu", alld tl1l'
selpctlon of candidat.·, hy 11Iachill"
lacl. th'· ('lItin' ""n'ant "taff-all 11"\\'-
(,()1l1t·l'~ - g-a\'(' tht" Illl]lrrssi'111 (If i

;Uis,~ Platt is 11 former
L Jf, H. S. SIIIl/.III, of 4fJ:! Krnl
Th,· "lay1-(r"und has Iwen di\'idl'd
I into zones, This is to pn'\'('lIt c"nfu- i
Hand Laundr~T•
politician", wlluld h,' .·111l1ll1at,·d. 107 N. Narberth Avenue
I rained "Iwdil'nc" l",c"mill1-( th!' mast"r I ~i,," alld accid,'nt" and to 1-(1\'" chil-
It wa" ('Xlll'ct,'d and illli'n,krl hy "f di"ta"l..rul dutil's j">rflll'lnpd with: t d 1'1' n 0 f t 11<' sa Ill!' a 1-(" a c han Cl' t n:
'U;;o;;::.;:;;;o;;::.;:;;;o;;::.;:;;;;;:::;.. ~;;:::::;;p:;;;o;;;:::::;;p:;;;o;;;:::::;p:.;::;;;o;::.;::;;;o;::.;::;;;;r:;
. .~;;:::::;;p:~;;:::::;• .ll
tlw reform .. r, \\'h" ad\·"cat,'d th,· 1'1'1- c.:1'lIl·I':-:.:.::i(lll~ tIl itWl' and (,\'('n dl't'ad.: play t lI1-(l'Il1<' I'. It al"o mak,'" it ('asi"r' i'"-----------------------------------..:......:::.
man' that th .. I'I' \\'fluld h,· c"nl""t" ill .I""",. Harl'l" .l:a\l' tIll' I"·,,, perfllrlll- to play Ih., ditf,'f'('nt gam"" "ul'h a)
each' 01H' '0 that tl1l' \'''t,'r- \\'fluld ha\'" anCt'. Clothcs are Cleaner
ba.'h<-tha)1. d'"lir"-hall, \'oll,'y hall, bat
plenty "f IIpp"rtullilY t" "''' til tl\l', and Last Longer-at
Huth R"lch, a' \'I"tfll'la. did a \"'I'Y halI.iulllpill1-( 1'1,\11'. and h"p-"k"tch, A
prilllar,' and ""],,ct th,' calldldal"" II11 diflicllit ..Ilaral't"l'lzatilill ", w,,11 that ,1-(ah'aniz,'d 11'''11 gal" \\·til I,,· COll-
tlwir nwrit" A full and fn'" l'l'illlary'
\\',a:--: what wa:-:: dl,~irt,d alld lll;llly Ill'd.
,h" \\111
1.- 111:1.1,
lI"t 111111.1 1111" "ugJ.:,·'tl"lI, It
I' l'l 111:1 l'<1y a" a t"Ii,'t IIf tl1f'i
I "tl'llct,·d "II th,· dri\'l'\\'ay I" k.·l'1' tl1l'
childl'.'n fl'''111 cha.. in1-( hal" :1('1''''''' 111l'
St. Mary's Laundry, Inc.
pk ha\'" pr"hal,!y lI"tIC,·rl thaI tl1l' dl';llll:t, :\'11 l'h;ll'actl'r :-hlluld hl'('11I1W: stl'l·,'I. :'Ill'. l'n'nll"11 I' gl'\tlll.~ hid., K"o" n'''ere Your Lau"dn Goes
D"lll ll cl'atic :-;Ial,' ()q:'alllzall"l1 h,,- 1"'- llIIJlllltl'III'U .... Ill' I,l' (In Ilda~·I'd Ly attI'11-: 1111 It
('!,tll1~' 111'('11 :-:ul,i,·("tt',! 1,\ :ld"IT-I' l'1'11J-
II!)II t" 11111:- IlJW L\('I,t PI':t 111:1 1.. . 1· . . . - I (III ~Ia n'h ::1 :111,1 .-\ l'l'ti J \ It,· 1":1.-11-
Ci"lll I",cau-" t h,· ot :11<' ],.,,01"1 - ,,1 111" .... t·ld :,111> {'!lllllH" :11HI 1'\I'll Yil'I<I!'la "10 \\ :11 :ilk"" ~,·h,,,,III1l'II'.- \\',·,·k ~""­
party "lJ'I';llt·Jltl~· \\\1"1 cll-lllt,11111' l ! t "ill.-1 1"\' :iI, It"\\"\"r .-ul,lly. Iltal -h,'; : .... :lllj~ ~lt tlll' 1·lli,t'r . . . lty !If PI'lltl:-~ I\a-
1)<'l'Illlt Ih"lr 1,,11,,\\,1- I" h"loi " 11'" 11;\.- :\ - :.jl \\.- l'lltll,l II LI- allli :IJIIII'I)\'I" \ 111;1. TIll.. . 11,'·;111 . . . :1 \;lCallllll 1'1\1' till'
alld I 1"'11 jll'i,q;ll'\. if -Ill ""uid kt ti ..... H,'I' {·lJallt'" 1';lIIlt'
i . . lUdl·llt ...... Till· <I1tl'lld:lIIl'I' :11 til,' llll'l't-
A:-:: a I'art \If :l 1'1'1'" ;lnd ('1 '1 ']1 111 ;- th~, \\llId·,\\
\\lll·II !lI·j,t1d,l·d (Iut ;\1 tllt.· i 111.t.!:- 1;tkl· . . . till' Illal'l' llf til,· I'l,:.!tdal
mary', it 1.- 1I0u:dl\ ,,--liI':"oI 1L:II tl"
"tlrg:alli:~:ltilll1" 111' 1lk 1':11'1~" \'.11\ ~t;I!ld
al,,"f ullltl th" \"i'l'- It,,\, -,k"t,·,1

tl1;1 t
Iwlll\\. Lilt

\\qlJ I~'II
III I ll~ 11\;1 t 1JI
hI'!' gl'l'~lt lIP'''ll'tUII-1

:111\1 till l'l'\"l:ltlllll

II I 'I ~ 1III I'} II 1"';1'

\', ;t . .
; c' 'lIll: ~ t I ';1 ('! ll' 1' ...- I 11"'; tit 1I t f ' ,

":1.1:.\,;,,1: I!\Y\I·,,,,,,. SATISFYING-

tl1l' l'alldld:il"-, l,ut "1'<"11 ]..",1- jl':iI"u- 1'1 :,k 1',,1' Ih,' illt'·~l'it\· ,,1 th,·
Cl':-:' htl\'" II(lt al\\a~> 1)1'1'11 .... '1 .... t·1 UI ul ll u,:
, H.-\RRY HAFER Bala-CynwYd Girl Makes
a~ th:lt :11101 tit, 1'1':1,'1"'" 1l:l c ,,11"1l
growll "f illlJ,]yilll: Ihal "11" c"lldld"t,
\':1 Ii HI',·I-. .\ \\I·II-\ll'Itl,·1I .11':111111
:iI\\IIY- lIo'" .-iJ:ld'llg- "f \\hlt,· alld
Id:ll'k 1,,1' :ill it- 1'llllt''1,al "llal'al'l"I'-
f.,,' , -
/1" f",,'I' f/'''/ Debut in film at Egyptian for Lenten Meals
.\ 1 ,1-1-111"\111'" c"n1l'd~ dram:l. "\\,io,'
.......' ".1/·/,/ I/t
or all"tl1('r. ,,\·,·n in 'mall dl.'II''''1 1'''11-
;llil I Ill\1 . . . t Ill' . . . 11 1d;1 ~ 1'II.
(,Il'l ,·".-I:ll- ~llrllllll H"pkino alld'
test:; lik",..ui· .'tflfl!o\,"hiclt i- ll'!\\' illll"lld- ny' ,'''lIll'a-;. ~1:i1'1"1l :'I],,\',,'k,,1' hi, I
;;1":'/:~'mi;:...1'll'h':;'t'h,· i.;adtr~A,.~tl;-~llll tl1" ally ,t"I" th,' ,h,,\\' ~ Sit" ~;(\.,. ,,11<1,- "lloIIY\"ood Hotel" feature J:ny' :'Iltlland al ti1l' I-:l:yplian Ib,- Fri-
.~ endllr;~'lnt:nt elf tilt, ~'l:.l!·alllz;lti(IIL .\(·lU- da~' :In" ~alurday.
11"11 t" tlll,' d"lail. I,,'rf,'clly ,'hallgilll: at Narberth Star-Studded L"\l'ly l."ui",' Platt. I'll I' 1111'\' L,,\\','r
ally any "uch clailn t" "rl:alllz:ltl"ll "Il-
h,·1' 1I1""d. Th,' ,had" "f h,'1' IlIt"I-
dOl':-:I'1l1('nt \\'Iluld hi'. ill Ilrll)Hll'tillll til IlIl'L 1',,\\,.. 11, no.-,'mary Lan(' and ~""I"II
High ,I ud.'nt. mak,'" h,'r,
l'I','ta\l"II. car,'fully a\lIldlll.~ t"lllptlll<':
its t!'uthfu!ll""'" ;1 ,llgll1a "ll II", ('all- Il"nlly' C;""dlllan and hi" S\\'in1-( Bano .-,'n·"n
d"but in "I :'lId :'Ily L"",'
":'\trl'IIII':,, \\t'II' a .IIIY ttl "":l·{'. :\Iuch
didat" \\·hll put it f"r\\·ard. llll:.!'ht tll lit' =-,aid ~lh(}lIt hl'l' C'1I1~Ulll­
I,,!, Ih,' li-t ,,1' n''''briti .. " appearing in "\~':"n,",,taninl{ ,I"all. Ikl1lll'tt alld
\Ve an' allthoritat i\·,'ly illf"rlll<·'1. "Jl"lly\\'ood Hotel," that lilting IlIU- Henry I· linda, al til,· Egy'ptwn IH'xt:
lI1at" aetiug a" a g'uid,' tIl future 1'1'0-
both by :'III'. Fl'ed \. I'd"I', I'n·-i- -.,,'ak 1111\\ al 111<' :"al'bt.'rth Theater, I IIIonrlay and TllP~day. SIll' !i\'ed at:
1111ctillll~. .jll:'? K .. nt road, Bala-C~·nwy·d. I
dent "f till' ('lIunty' H"ard "f \"111- (;rat'l' \\""1-111'1' t';lllll' Il1'Xt alld ag':llll ~allll day' \\·tli "",. a l'l'turl1 enl{agl'- E""l'yl,ody \\'ill ,ing inl'lud-
mi~"int1f'I'''. alld :'Ill', I'd"r Jl.'~-, lh" <1lu.-t 1':1 t ,..1 :111 .. 1h, I' IlIlJ'''rta III p"illt III 111"1:1 ,,1 ":-':whl :'IllI,t Fall" with l{ub- ill>! y·'lli. \\'h"11 ,·tlU h"ar "E\'l'r~'''"d~'
Repuhlicall ehail'lllall ,,1' 1.,,\\ .. 1' :'11'1- ,'rt )]"III~"n1l'I'Y·. \\'ho \\'"n hil{h I'rai~l' ~il1>!" f"aIUl'lllg .Iud,' (;ar!alld, Allall
c,.,,'d :"'\lIIl:. ~I" II"t "Illy' pIaY"d h,'1'
ion T"\\·II,,hip. Ihat Ill'1111l'1 "f lit,·,,: "\\11 l'al'1. I,ut 1"1],.,'1,,.1 th,· ,tl'<'('\ tljl' 1'", hl- "haral'l<'rizati,'n in thi~
has l'l'r,,0Ila1l\' "1101,,1'0,,01 'Itlll I :'Ill cl'""k.\ film. .J"I!('" and FanllY Brl("·. which i" I'lay-
"tl1<'1' l'haral'I"I.' had lIl"'1I 111'1'. ~h,· il!g' at til,· El.!'yptian n,'xt \\"'dl1<',,day
Arthul' L. ('""h, "I' ~II'. ')""'I'h I',
":1- Rli\·,· t" t I,~' ''\('11'' "\"'ry 111111/11'111 .. ( 'lll'''\;''I'-,'' a tal<- "f th,· ra('e :,1101 Thuroday', 111t'llIdin~ Thul'-day
"'hit,,. \\h" all' tit,· c""t"-lllllC ,'all' _I,,· \\:1.- "11 tl\l' ,!:~. 1{'1' did 1,,,1 11i,,'k~ \\llil JlI'llly "I' rural hUIl1lJr 1II:,tlnl'l'.
di,lat<'" f,,1' th" e'''lllllill'''' ill tit,· til-t -lI",'",d .-" \\,,11. l'h...~\l' th,· Ullf"r- -lll'ldl,·d I,y .Ian,' \\'aher". :-:>tuart
di"trict. That i" lllld"uht"dly' a f:ll,t, tUllatl' Itll}II'l' . . . ,II'1\ ,d a('tlll~ 1I1l1~' \\'hl'll J-:1'\\lll and l'lIa :'Ill'l·kl'l. will bl' un \V,. \\"'!c'"IH' l'''lI"trucll\'' 1'1'::1,'1"'11 "I
becau",' I",th :'III. 1','t.'I',o alld :'III'. ll,'~c It" \\:1.- -1",,,kill!2, 01111112 ill tit,· 1111<-1' lil.· 0('1,"'11 :'I11'nday and TUl'"day,
are far tllll a"tut" t" l:d tl1l'1I1"'·Jy,·0 \'I'!llllt:: Illtlllll'nt..: I.y \\;litlll,~
1'''1' Ill- \\·,'dlll·.-day--IIH' IJig night-and
persnlla1ly' illlplicat"d "II "llh,'1' ,i,j,. ,,1'
a ~l11a1l di"triet elill\<,,,t, aft,'r \\hlt'h
they will, IIf C"tll·"'. "XI,,'('t al"l 01,,-
sire till' 111\'al illt"n"t "f \\h",·\· .. r IIlay
11",1 II Ill'''.
[llrllla Ill'I'.
()1' coll!' .... '

,\.-I;1 .. h,<I 1"'1'-' Tllur-day Ih,· I"'atlln' will be "S\\'inl{


\'''ur Lad~'" \\'ith t\\'lI (If Hollywood's

anli I... ~t \;llu\\,11 "tllu1-(h 1-(uys," :-':at PeIHJle-

1-'1':111('1.- :'I111"h,,1I \\l'I'" ~,,,,d. Th,'y' Ilill alld HlIllIl'hrt·y Bogart. in the
Three $1 Specials
Mon.. Tues., Wed.
bp tl1l' Wil;lll'r. Pl'actical 111.'11 d" 11,,1 :11'" al\\1IY' r,·li"hk al't"r, alld aJ<.rt It-;tc!:-. Specialists i" Perman"",s
go "ut of th"ir \\'ay tn l1Iak,' '·lll'llli,". III fI]ll'"rtullltll·o. 1-:\"'11 Il"r\'l'y K"iI11
e~l1t'cia1ly ill"j,l" till' rank, ,,1' II",ir
own party.
alld ,I"ITY ('a",'y, \\,Ith " 111 a 11 I'al't.-.
I.!aq' th" audi"I1"" tl1<' hal'kl:TlIUlld flut
Ik('(l1o\'('n Picture Lauded XORRIS
"I' which th,'y had ('flllll' and 1,,'cal1'" "'1'1", 1.11" alld LO\'e,; of neetho\'ell" Beauty Salon
<'I1:lracl,'r- fl'''lll n·al Lf,' rathl'l' than \\',," at'l'lain1<'d hy l~O leadet·s in
Baseball Club fr'"11 fil'ti"II--a tl'l11l'tatilin tn \\'hich :\Iain Lin" club and educational cir-
Miss Erma Norris-Prop.
Continued fron1 rage Olle 2nd floor. Narh. &: Ha\'t'rford
till' blt,'1' lIu~ht ha\'" ,'a,i1y'llc- ,'1 .. .- ~1"lldny' Ill ll l'lIin1-(. following a
dpnt; Ralph S, DUIlIll', \'ic"-I'l'l'"id"lIt;
Char1l'~ Harndl'n, f;(·cretary alld tr,'a"-
cUllllwd, I'r,'\'i,'w, COTTAGE 'CHEESE
.-\ \\'''1'.1 "f C"II-U 1'<' f"r 111f' audl"l1c" n",Il'f·.-,'ntil1g ~ol11e cig-hte('n organi-
urer; Gene Da\'i", manag"I'. and Roh-
Ilay I", 1"·1'1I1itt,'d. Hi",illl:' alld :tlldi- zation". as 1-(Ul'''''' of Harry Fried,
ert Compton, Enll'"t Boulay'. t;"lIr1-("
Id,' ('lIl11l11<'lll., an' ill JI,,"r ta"t,· and :'lInin Line theater operator, they
Schroder, .lim Stanfol't! and Frallk
I","lIll1J1lill1l'111 t" Ih,' act"r" ~
Suburban Theatre
aI'" unallimtlu"ly praised the quality and
Foltz, a~si~tant treasul'l'I'.', IJA,:-':IEL. "lIt"rtainnwnt of the Harry Haul' pic-
Dr. SI1\'d,'r will fill tl1<' \'acancy , Iu n' llnd I'rol11i"cd their ;upport fOl' MONTGOMERY AVE.
cau~l'd by' the ,it-ath of Dr. Frank A. II \\'I1l'n it "pens at the Suburban ARDMORE
Zone Board Okays Applications
Hancock, Overbrook, la~t .I anuary. T hl''' IeI', A rdl11ore, next week.
:-':urbl'rth',; Board 01 Adju"tm<.:nt of AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES
Dr. Hancock for many yl'al''' ~"r\'ed a,
Zonin1-('tm :\!oJ1(Jay nil{ht ga\'e pennis-',.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • LASt 1 DAYS
club physician and a rpsolutilln of ro"
gret on his (!Path was ad,'ptl'd hy th" "iMl to .I,I;<,'ph :'II. O'Connor to l'reel Sonja, Henic
club to be sent to :'III'S. Hancock, a rt',id,'nl'l' "ll t h,' Ea"t "id,' (If Bl'l'k- In

A bingo party fol' th,' bCI1l'flt (If Il,y' road. "HAPPY LANDING" SPH" i\ L!
Fr.lllk C. I-'.. i~l' \\'ao grant,'d the
the club will bl' held April .j cWlling. Begins Sundar, March 2~
ril{ht to build a citllil-1' block addition
at the Al'cadia R<'staurant. \\'hich <II"" For One Entire Week Hllt'H 12 112 11I:3
lo tlH' ]>]'I'",'nt :-':al'!)l'rth T,'nni" Club- - NOW-
will bl' tIll' ~Cl'n" of the :\lain Lilll'
hou",'. 1'''1' an "tlil'" llnd "torage space, U 0 d :3 1/2 III <)
Leag-ue's renrganizat illn n1t'ptinJ.:· thi"
Mr, Fei'" al'l' wa" gi\'l'n official pl'r- BENNY GOODMAN'S BAND
Monday night.
llli"~lon to U'I' Ih" club p'ound,; a~ and DICK POWELL in
Managpr Da\'i~ told nll'nllll'r" it \\'111
puhllc tl'IlIl'" ""urt,,.
be necessary to build a IH'\\' infi"ld
W, n. R. E\'an~. chairman. 11I'l'"id('d
due tD the in,iuril's "I' Fir"t-ba"('l1lan "Hollywood Hotel"
at tIll' hoard ",,,,ion,
Walker, and al"o mentillnl'd that
Catcher Jack Eachu" may 1)<' l1lis"in1-(
from the line-up due to pr"~s of work, A Rcal Antiques Show Saturday (Return Engagement)
and that Walt :\lasters. pitch"r-out- will be 11<'ld at the Germalltown l
fielder, is being gi\'en a tryout hy tl1<' Crickpt Club, :'IIarch 2()-30-31, April: ROBERT MONTGOMERY in
New York Yankees. 1-2. This old and exclusi\'e club, it-:
As excellent prospects for Ilt'rths self furnishpd with a number of "Night Must Fall" No Solell Tox On
Gene has Fred Drake, Ii-year-olt! valuable antiqups, pr?\'ides a \\'onder-; ."0)'Pur .. holle In
wonder first-sacker from M"1'\\'ood' ful settll1g for till' tine collection of I Our .-\rdlllore Htore
Monday and Tuesday
Park, who had a tryout with the Chi- t'ady American furniture, pal'ticular-
sox last season, and \Vil11ler Bassett, Iy of Pennsyl\'ania origin, and valu- lPrrihly \lIIarl \lilh Yllllr 1\\1',·d\ and nol a hil 11I1I \111111 III \\1'011
former Penn hurler. ; able china and glass which \\'ill be "CHECKERS" IlwlII IInl\'n rail' \lilh \\hill- IIl1hlll'k IIli11'k alld \\hill' 1 \\1I hllll' lall
Among Narberth stars l'x!wcted to shown at thi~ Philadelphia Antiques Jane Withers - Stuart Erwin or All \\ hill' .. huillllll'r S!lUlIrT n'd la\1\ for prn(JPr 11I1I1 Ih" dlll'llIl' 111
shine for the borough again this ~'ear Show. i
are Claude Bailey, Tanny Ralston, Al I
. 'Herrmann, pick Lyons and Harry Wins Honor in Chemistry WEDNESDAY (The Night)
Fox. Miss Helen R. Chubb, daughter of and Thursday
: !\II'. and Mrf;. Elmer F. Chubb, Nar..
A sale of cakes, etc" will be hel,!' I)('rth, i~ among the nine girls who "Swing Your Lady"
by the Narberth branch of thl' Keed!e-: ha\'(' bpen admitted to the Chemistry i with Humphrey Bogart
work Guild, Saturday, April 2. at a, Club at Wilson College, Chambpr~- I
:store on Haverford avenul', oppo"itl'l' h~rg, accnrding to Dt·. J. Peachy Har- ADDED: "The River"
"the Narberth StatIOn. rison, professor of chemistry. I i iii . AMERICA'S MASTEI\ SHOE nunE

OUR TOWN Page Three
March 25, 1938

The Fireside ;\1 rlv'I~~f~eWYo~,I~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

:\11', and :\11';;. St"rling- Chain and
;;011. of Stuart aVl'nup, spent thl' \\"'ek- I~ 'tl:~~' gU;.;;t IIf :\11'. and :\Irs. Edwin' I
l'nd at tl14' Chalfonte-I!addon Hall in II. Rurk, IIf Ra>'nham road, fill' se\'eral '
Atlnntic City. \\·t't'k;-;.

:\lis,,; P"g'goy Tllwn. :\orth :"\arlll'rth :\11'. alld :\11'-. H,'nry S. Drinkpr,
:!\"'lIU", :'1"'lIt th" \\"'I,k-,'nd in Prinrl'- J 1'., of :\I"nllll road. will gi\',' a din- :
ton, :\ . .I., where shl' ntfended the 111'1' this Friday ('\·,'ning' in honor ofl
Thanks for the patronage!
Junio[ Prom on Saturday evening, tlll·ir daug'ht,'r, :'Iliss El'Ilesta Drinker,ll We appreciate the confidence you ha\'e displayed in the accuracy and quality of
:\Ir, and ~Irs. A, S. Knapp, of hd"rl' till' Jlle"ting' of tl1l' Saturday: "Shea's" prescriptions for the 12 years we have served you. Last week we filled our
.~ .•'
8"echwI)()(1 lane, spent the week-end in Ev,'nJllg Dancing' Class. The gUl'sts .
Brooklyn as the guests of Mrs. will includ., :'Iliss (OX", Miss
Knapp's mother, :'olrs. Emma B. Elder. :'o1arv ~. Dic].;pv, :\11', JalllPs S. Coxe,
TI1l'Y will have as their guest this :\ir. '~ortlln DO~\'ns, ad, :'Ill'. Philip N. i
7S,OOOth prescription.
w""k-end, :'Ilr. Knapp's mother, :'III'S. Whitakl'r and :'IIr. Eaton Crolllweli.
,-----------------1' Rolll'rt B, Oakley, of Ridgewood, ~. J. :\1iss Drillk,'r is a dphutante of the Of this total, 8,800 were filled in 1937. One reason the Main Line public
:\Iiss Paisley Anne Woodrich, of ('onllng s"asnn, so displays its confidence in our prescription department is due to the fact ~
ANTIQUES SHOW :\Iinnpapolls, who is attending Wplls :'IIi", ElIIily Gilpin Hopkinson, of
Coli "goe , Aurora, X. Y., is arriving :\l"rion Manor, has rptur!1ed from a
that in buying drugs our chief consideration is not price but quality, for
we insist that only the finest, freshest drugs go into your prescriptions as
GERMANTOWN CRICKET CLUB this Friday to spend the spring vaca-, \'isit til Charh'ston, S. c., and ~ew
tion with hpl' uncle and aunt, :\11'. and' Orl,'ans, La., where she was the guest a protection to your physician and yourself.
Manheim & Morris St•. , Gmtn., Pa.
:'011';;. Walter G. McAdoo, of Anthwyn of Dr. and :\Irs, John :'oluss!', :ld.
Mar 29 -Apr 210 a. m:
• •
t';' 10 p. m.
AdtnJSSlon 25c road. . :'oIl'S. H. B. :'olaxwell, of Raird road,
:'oIl'. J, G. ~Iackey, of Montgomery' will entertain the membl'!'s of her
Look oyer this list of drugs and toiletries JJ·hich JJ'C offer you at rock-bottom prices.
All Exhibits For Sale
an'nue, spent Friday in Harrisburg, club at luncheon and hridge next Tues-
Mrs. D. E. Seeley, Mgr., Ambler, Pa.
where he attended the Pennsyh'ania ciav.
Fair Trade Committee of which he is
a nwrnber.
~lr, Gordon Myers, son of :'tIl'. and
:\11';;. Wtllialll Kurtz :'Ily<'rs, of Wind-
:\11':'. GpoI'g,! R. Richard;;on, of S. ing- Way, who is attending the Har-
If you can buy any of the following merchandise at a lower price than
TALK Xarb,'rth. "pent five days in Lancaster \'anl :'oll'dil'al School. will rPlurn next
last week. w(",k to sl't'nd til{' Spring' \'acation at here listed we will gladly refund your money. And please note: These
are our REGULAR prices-not "come-on" specials.
:'oliss Bdty Nold, daughter of l\1r. his hllme.
to anti :'III'S, C. H. 1':old, of Wynnedale, :'olis:; Janet Harman, daughter of

cll~tant Itlflnr1~
arrived Thursday from Wilson Col- 1\11'. and :'tIl'S, William H. Harman, of
lege to ,-ppnd the spring vacation with East Wynnewood road, sailpd Thurs-
I tIa \. for Bermuda. \\'hpre she Will 1'1'-
hl'r parents.
:\Irs. H. C. Gihson. of Jackson
m:;in until April :1. :'oIl'. and Mrs. Moth Preventives and Insecticides
Harman will ha\'" as tll{'ir gUl'sts npxt
lIelg-hts, :\. Y .. formerly of \\'ood-
\\'I",k tlll'ir ;;011 and daughuT-in-law,: Merck's Dichloricide. Detho!.
I,jlll' a\'!'IlIIl" is tIll' goupst of :'oIl'S. J, H.
:\11', alld :\1,,;;. \\'. II. Hannan. Jr .. (If 75c lb. can. pint
~I)('('k. al-o Ill' \\·""dhille. ~h" was
$2.25 5-lb. Quart 7Sc
a I", till' goUl',t "I' :\Irs, :\ (·I-"Il 1{llwley. 'Il,,1I1<,lall'. X,.I,
can CallplI $2A9
l)f ('h",t l1l1 t a \','nll",
:\11'. and :\Ir;;. Speck ~IH'nt thl' wC'ek- Wynnewood Flit Spray. L. U. Para Crntak
"nd in \\'a,dllng-ton, D. C, wh"r,' tlll'Y :'11)-- ,1<In,· Fn·lIch. daug-hter of :'oIr. 1

S'~p7 ,\);7
pint -'ic-Ib. Sizl'
\'1-11,·.1 th"lr ",n, :\11'. IJavid Spl·ck. :111.1 :\11'.-, (;an1<"t Eruc,' FI'l'nch, of
," '/'
4 ... :'111-- Ellzah,·th :'Ilq,l'l', daug-ht,,[ of (;''l'lI''X I'"ad. \\'i11 rl'lurn :'Ilarch 2G Quart
.. , 39c
$ 1..2')
$.2.2'i 'i-lb. Si7l', , $1.7S
:'II I'~. Ralph D, :'Ilq",,', of !Judl<->', nnll 1')'''111 Pilil' :\lall<'}r ,Juni"r (,>llq!,' to.
h,'l' aUllt. :'Ill'~. C. Ahhott :'11 art in, of -I"'nd tit,· .'pring' \'acati"l1 with Jll'r " Larn' ....
B"r!III. :\. Il" ha\'!' ]'(·tul'llI'd frllill a I'a r"nl-,
" ", -I Small Cr)"tab pint
wlzl/fl . \
thn'" \\·",·k< ;;tay at Fort Lauterdak, :'111'-. Hal-l"l1 [llddl,· FiliI'). "f \\'"o<!-
:\llailli. nnd St. I'l'I"r;;\)\Irg-h, Fln/'ida, :ll')'l'. Will "IIIl'rtain at a hridg',· party
$ 1.4 5 and $2.4'i Large Crrstals,
$1.45 and o52.4S
Quart 051.1 9
:'111';;. :'Ilartill i- thl' g-u,'-t of :'111':'. :llld ,h"\\','r "II :'olal'ch :W ill h"nllr of Half Gallon $1.79
RATES ARE LOW! :'II ,'go"I' till' \\,·,'k. :'Ill:''' Faith Biddl,' Fitl!'}·. daughtl'r of Expdl() Gallon $.2.09
:'111',-. ,John Cilroy, of E",·x. will ,'11, :'III'. alld :\11',. x, :'01)','1';; Fitlt'l', of Jr. Pint and Sprayer Combinati()J1, . SI.09
* The same low rates on
tnulin tIll' Fortnightly Club at lunch- Hr~'n ;\1'1\\'1', WIll'S(' marriage to :'Ill'.
Station-to-Station and Person·
'·"n thi;; Friday, R"b"rt X. :\lolTi;;. of Phila,ll'lphia,
to-Person long distance calls in
effect every night after seven
also apply throughout Sunday.
~Ir:'. Carth Roerick,'. of K"nilworth, will tak., 1'1:1"" on Friday. :\Iay 20.
l\!1'rion, goa\'!' a ;;mall lunclH.'lIn Tue;;- :\lrs. ,1 ":"'I'h H. PelTY, Jr.. of
Noxzema Skin SOc Conti Castile 39C I $1.20 .Scott"
EmulSIon ,"
',"ylll1l'wood road, entertained at a Cream, 50c jar. Shampoo
Jay. Plain or fortified
At these reduced rates you can I unclwon and bridge party last Friday 7Sc jar .. ,.,.. . ... ,49c
:\11';;, Walt"r R. O'Sullivan, of
can 100 miles for 35c-186 miles
for 55c-30G miles for 75c-any \\'ind;;or, entertained h,'r club at ill honor of :'01 iss Ellinore Stanley
Wamer, daughter of M I'. and Mrs. E.
$1.7S jar .... ' , .. , ... , .' .$1.09 Dr. Lron's Tooth 97C
luncheon and bridge Thursday. Powder. $ 1.10 size .
where in Pennsylvania. (3-min-
ute Station· to - Station rates.) Mrs. J. Raymond Sharpe, who is O. Warner, of Penn Valley, who~e ~2 Daggett and Rams- $1 1$1 siz.e 67cl Arrid Deodorant Cream

~I)('nding some time with her brother- marriag''' to Mr. Jol\n Wyeth Sail"r
in-law and si;;ter. ~lr, ano ~Irs. E .•J. will tak,' ]llacl' on 'April 2, in thl'
dell's Combination .... , : sOc size .. 3Sc 39
C and C 59
THE BEll TELEPHONE COMPANY Pollock. of A von road. is in Schenpc- W:lshin~tlln :\I"lIIorial Chapel. at \"al-
. G 0 ld ('t\ CI eansmg
- 1nc Iu d es $ 1 ftlT . 125c ,Ize 19c
OF PENNSYLVANIA tady as the guest of her oth,'r brother- II'~' Forg·,'. I, I
Crctl1n and $1 ;tlT Tissue Cream 1--------------
in-law and :,i:'tl'\', :\11'. and :\Irs, Boyd ----------------1 $ I jar Racquin's SOc Calox
:'III'S. John R. Collin;;. of Harris-
50c Tek Tooth 51 c Hand Cream
Tooth Powder

Brush, 2 for... 1I
burgo, i;; the guest of :\11'. and l\lrs.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - i " M i l e s.. ALKA-
Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 \\'. G. Briner, of :\1C'rion avenue.
C i SELT.zER. 60c size,
40c Pepsodent
:'Ill'. and :'111';;. EII:,worth Clarke and
1l1l'Ir family, of Ch,·;;tnut. \\'ill I"ave
Lady Esther Four-Pur-
pose Cream. 75c jar . 59 Hk size " .. , ,. 25c Tooth Paste

on April ~ for their cottage in Stone SOc jar ,." ', '., 39c
Harhor, to spend the Easter vacntion. Pl)nd's Cold, Vanishing or Lique-
:\11'. and :\11':'. Charle:, L. Yiguers, ·
f yll1g
C ream. C C 55
ream •
l~lum Deodorant
.J 1'.. of \\·oll,bide. "ntertailll'd at din- 75c Pepsodent or
59c81• c Jar . , .. , , ' ' .

,t12.2-24 CHEST"UT ST
ner Sunday for If) gue"ts.
:lIrs. Janll's Tilbury, of th,' Barrie
Hllu:,<·. will ;;p,'nd the \\'{,,'k-pl1ll in
Listerine Antiseptic
3Sc Jar
55 c Jar
' .. , .. ,
' .. 39 -
c oOc sIze
2Sc 3'ic size .

Xl'W York as the guest of :\Iiss Lillian
75c size 59 C
50c Pepsodent Kleenex, 500
:.\li;;s :\urma Bailey, 'llaughter of' SOc stze 39c Tooth Powder ,heet pkg. . .
:\11'. and :\11';;. Erne:'t Bail,'y, of Essex. 2Sc size 19c 2 for ... ., 55c
will danc·,· a solo and several group Listerine Tooth Paste
2S C
_'-- 1
200-sheet pkg.,
dances in th,' Ocean City Yacht Club
. or Powder, 2 for .' ....... II
Hevu,' at the Penn Athll'tic Club on
S:lturday l,\·pning.
Williams Aqua Velva
~l ~ze .. ..,,, . 79 C
40c SIze
.2 5c sIZe ."., .... ', ... . 19c
8 for. , ' , ... , ... , .. . 98c '
IIl'r sist,·r. :'Ili:,s Doris Bailey, will Photo by J. ::'Utchell Elliot. SOc size .,.,' .. ' , .. 39c
;;pl'nd tIll' w"t'k-"llll of April 1 at Penn l\1ISS ELEAKOR H. PRICE
Stat" C"Il,'ge, wllt're she will attend d""lfht,.,. of ,HI'.~. Joseph S. PI';ce, Squibb's Mineral Drene Shampoo, 79C
tIll' Penn State Int,'r-Fratprnity Ball.
Mr. and :\11'5, H. 1\1. Berry, of Xar-
0; A 1'111110/'('. wlto ;.~ Ih .. f/Il"sl 0;
.1",li'" (/lid ,Hr.~. H"I/I'; n. J/nii-
SOc Giant Tube \X'illiams Oil,
-Sc pt. size
S9C $1 size .... ,
60c size .. ' 49c
brook Park, ga\'{' a luncheon and skat- rOil, ,,; 1I"sl Chr.~lrl· COlll/lfl. 111 S 1.2S pt. size .. , ..... ,.. ,. 89c Regrllar or dry Irair type
ing' purt)' at the Hershey Hockey tlll';I' l·illl/ ill Palm Rrl/rl/.
Rink in Ill'rshey, on SaturJay in honor
of their sun, :'Ilr. Dick Berry. The ".
g-llests \\'t're his clas~mat"s at the Miss Ellinore Warner Will
LO\l"r :\ll'rion High School. Become Bride on April 2
:\Irs. Thoma!' Jackson and her
sisl,'r. I\Irs. F. G. Foltz, of Woodside TIll' Illarriagl' of :\Ii;;s Ellinore Stan-
Watch our windows
llnd ~arbprth, will pnt,'rtain tllt'ir club It·>' Wal'll"r, daug'ht,'r of :\11'. and Mrs.
at 11Inche"n and brllige next \\"I'dne"- Edward ()llllstl'ad \\-anwr, of Penn
day. Yall,'y. tIl :\11'. John W)'Pth Sailer, · for
:\11'. and :\Irs. Rubert J. Xash, of s"n "f :\lrs. William Augustus Sailel,
\\"oodh'y road. Merion, I'ntl'rtainl'd at "I' n"lund Park, 1\1d" and the late Mr.
t,'a Saturday afternoon to celebrate ~ailer, will tak,' )Ilace on Saturday
his fiftieth birthday. The guests \\'1'1'1' afternoon. April 2, in the Washington
tifty mel1lh"rs of his office force, :'II "lllllrial ehapd at Valley Forgoe. A
Miss Gerry 1':ash, who attends !'lllall l'l'cl')Ition will follow the cere-
Point d'esprit
jor your
\\'ashington College, spent the week- mony.
"IH! at Ill'r home and will return the Miss Sally Garrigups Winslow, of ..the display has been
end of this week to ~pend the spring Camhridgp. Mass., will be thl' maid of
\'acation with her parents.
l\Ir. Gporg-e K. Shaffer, of Holly-
hOllor and only attendant to the bride.
1\11'. Jamps F. Millpr. of Baltimore,
wood. Calif., who is attending Mer- will act as h"st mun, and the ushers
cersburg Academy, is spending the. include :\11'. Lyman D. Warner, of
spring vacation with his uncle and' Chicag·o. hrother of the bride; Mr.
waistline, and
aunt, Mr. and l\Irs. Eberhardt: Phillips M. Brown, of Essex Falls,
full, flouncing Mueller, of Essex avenue. ~ :"\. J.; Mr. Paul E. Leferty, of Roland
ski rt that's
yards around
the bottom.
Pastels or
Mrs. Mueller entertained at a party' Park, brother-in-law of the bride-
on TUl'sday afternoon in honor of her gToom, and Mr. Paul 1': 0 l'I"is , of Bal-
nephew. Among the guests were Miss' timon', Md.
Betty Brearly, Miss Sue Wilson, Miss
Betty l\IacKay, of Philadelphia; Mr. Office Hours by Appointment
vivid, $22.95. Donald Edgerton and Mr. Eugene, at Residence Ofrlce At the Narberth Station - Narberth 2838
Da\'is, Jr. Mr. Davis has also re- 417 Anthwyn Road, Merion
Bridal Room, turned from Mercersburg for the Dr. Wm. G. Walton Prescriptions Compounded Accurately and Called For and Delivered Promptly
spring vacation. Others home from 9ptometrlst
Second Floor Phone: Narberth 2464
the academy a 1'1' Ted Meredith and

, ..
, .:.. :'., ~ :..: ,;-.:..,~. ,.,', 7'-' ~ . "
Ed Beetem.
11 no an.wer, Narberth 2670.J

}:.' ." ....... ..,:

, , ., ,...
',. ~. ~ .. :.., ':."'. '. _;' '.:', '.' •.~ .~.. . I.:
. ".~ ".J
>j .... '. ,,' . . ';, . ~ -.
, .: -. ".' .' .- - ,


~.;, Page Four OUR TOWN March 25, 1938


-,' -and enjoy it next summer There's not much time to get ready, \ Garden Club Meets Monday
Forsythia Glows Yellow
so let's start now! \ TIlt' ["'1111 \·all,·\' (;ard"11 Club \\'ill in front of the Goldsmiths', on' l\Iont-
Your home will benefit from the Spring, nlt'l't :\Ionday at 10.:30 A. :'I\., at th" gOlllC'ry pike, and many a garden-
And not only the garden
!1\l'Ill" of :11 1" . • John A. Lafol"l', Pcnn 10vt'1' reports the crocus popping up. Let's Clean
Fix-Up. i
\'all,'y Farm~. !L G. \\'altz \\"ill talk The birds are unusually chirpy this
Them Right!
Note the reliable neighbors who invite your patronage with ads in this' oil th,· ",I-If Cluh<." week. :'IllJnday was indeed the 21st
paper. Deal with them-and you are assured friendly and dependable Anl"ng' th""e \\'ho will act as ho~t- of :\Iarch.
service. .. ~~ps for th .. club at thl' Philadelphia Frl'~h hlollming- nn opposite sicks of . Your Drapes, Rugs,
FI"w"r ~how "11 Saturday c\'ening- SUlllmit road, P"nn Yalley, are rhodo- Slip Covers. etc.
w \\'i11 h" :'III's. Laf"r.. , :\Irs. Earle G. dl'ndrons mucronulatulll-\\'e think
Books for I
,\\'ag-nt'r, :'III's. A. C. G'!ldsmith, Mrs. that's hllw Owpn Schmidt s!wlls it.
! s. J. :'Ill'g-al'g-,·,·. :\liss Fanny Loos, Th,·I""s a I'urpli~h hush in front of Adelizzi Bros.
For years Albrecht's have
been mixing
the Garden I :'III's. Erllt·~t C. Dr!.'w, and :\lrs. F. D. :'II 00 J'(' and Sons' place, and onl'
• ? Il'harll''' S. Edmunds. that :\Iool'l'~ plantl'd aeros~ the way,
\'. hat to prune. to plant, to plan. .
in front of J. C. Butt's. 102 Forelt Ave, Narb. 2602
H"rp i" a list of h"'lks. availahle at a
GRASS SEEDS dl~count thr"ug-h your l"cal puhlisher: Plans for Planting
228 BaJa Ave. Cynwyd 928

(ph"ll(' :\arb"rth :36:17). TIll' hrand th,· :\arlH'rth Comlllunity Grounds,

l: <V~
11"\\' IIn('s ha\'" thpir publication date; alld f"r il11pr"ving' tilt; arrang"'lllpnt in -
-in order to give the best
possible seeds for the dol-
!I~tl'd. i frrlllt ,,1' th,· C"llllllunity Building, DEN GOS519

Gr"", Thpm Indoors, hy Alll'n H.', were di"cusspd last night at a joint
"'""d, .II'. $1.7fj. A manual ,,1' !\tIusel nl,·,·ting- ,,1' th,· B"roug-h Recreation PETER
Our SHADY SPOT plants and th .. ir cultul"l'. COl1lpre-' B"ard alld Shad,· 1'1'..,. C"nll11i,,~ion. or de r early and a'l'oid delay
and MAIN LINER mix. hPIlSi\'p, practical, alld inpxppnsi\'("
tures are guaranteed to I Fully illustrat,·d. $1000 and $100 Cultivation
have no equals-and the
prices are in line with
i Frlur S"a,"n" In Your (;aI"l1'·II. hy prizl';:, firsts
: John C. \\·i"te\'. $
in their respective
! cla,ses. w'~re won this week by A. F.
BEFORE transplanting plants
those of others' grasses. raised tn bot b...ds and ('old
: Th,· Gal'llpn Ca1l'ndar. hy Cecile H' \\'. Yick, Rentley road, Cynwyd, in
1:\1 abchat. $ 1 . 0 0 . , !I t he Philadelphia Flower Show compe-
frames, barden tbem off by lea v·
Ing off tbe sasb during tbe day
I Familiar FI()\\"('rs of FIt·ld and Gar-' tilions for larg-e informal garden and It the weatber IS good. lea ve oft
101m Albrecht's ! d"n, b~' F. ~chuyl"r :'Ilathl'\\"s. $2.50., f"r wildgarden. :\Ir. Vick, who during tbe last few ni~bts before
custom made The Main
Nurseries i R,,\·i~,·d ,·dltion (1~I:l~) of this classic specializes in wildg-ardens, has planted moving tbe plants Line's largest selection of attrac-
I g-uid(.. some of tht' Eastern United States' •
Montgomery Pike at Ilown th,· Gard"n Path, by R"\'prl,'~': larg-"st gardt'ns of all types. The na- EVERY Improvement tbat you tive and durable materials - as
Meeting House lane bave on your grounds IS really
:\ichol". :::::.flil. tural ~trl'am and owr a hundred 1 I"w as 60c a yard.
. Narberth an Investmpnt tbat can be rnpas
Th,· h~'llllr:lIllus l;ard"n B"i\k. by dllf"n'llt native' plant", displayed by; urpd In dollars anll cents ot Ill·
Narberth 4020 : :\Iar~' \Y. l{ush. $1.~5. him. wcre UIl<' of the features of the I creased valUe to t hp property
.'\," (lIil' t;ard"ll,'r To .-'\noth'·r. by 11,,\\'l'I" ,ho\\'. \\'hieh continues at the
-:.·~ Lun' ~I. EIII,. S~.50. In,tructi\',' ),o"h Comn1l'rcial :\Iuseum today and to- ~
1'''1' 'alllat"ur gardt'n,·r,. \ITlttt'll ill a 111"1'1""\\'. ~I A. :\1. to 101'. :\1.. and f3un-
'chatty alld amusillg- styit-. d,,~·. n,,,,n ttl ("11.

MAKE THE CARE of your ~ar·
den a pan or t hp day's routlrJe.
A few mOlllpnts ,'acb oa~ wtll
HOBSON & co.
VICK'S Reasollable prices. All nork guarallteed. Let us estimate.
Flll\\',:r." In !IllUSl' and (;ardt·n. b.\· tben be sulliclent.
WILDGARDENS C"lIstanc,· ~I'"y. $:l.~;:;. I Bermuda Cruise Planned for LIME IS NOT a pla:!t food Its 10'5 1':. Narberth A"Cl1l1l', 1':arb<'rth - Narberth 2340
GlE1': MOORE. PA, (;ard"lllllg .'I" a !I"I'},I·. 1,\' .-\11111 \\'. Garden Club Members value Is In ('orrectlni!" a ~OIlT or
I-:,j IIlIII" t " I'. :;:::.II(). aclti soli condition and In rnaklllg PAINTIl"G-PAPERHANGING-DECORATING-VENETIAN BLINDS
Complete (;arllt-llinL:' (Ill :\"thillg' a YI·a!'. ),~. .\ 1l"l'mlld" ("'n\"'ntllJ!1 crui"" has claypy sotls looser and more
Woodlarld :\Iary S. (;nffith. ~1.75. 1"'I'n I'lanlll'd I,~' the :\ational Council pliable
Restoratioll Clllll'l"t,· B",,\-; of (;ard'·lIlng. Edlt- ,1' ~Iatt' (;al'dl'n, for :\Iay ~I to :\lay' •
IF YOU HAVE an open fireplace,
Nursery GrOllll ,'d II~' L"onal"d Barr"n. :;:~.:l;j. ~~ 1I1<,lll,,,·t·. Thi- crui,e j" op"n to
liSP oak ano save tbp ashps.
Wild' Plants (;ard"nillg-. I,,, :\1"nta,L:u,' Fr,,<,. 1 hi' nll·llIl,..r- "f th,' \'arious garden Hardwood ashe. are ao excel·

::;:l.:,O. :\Iarch 25. ,·ILl!>" thr"ug-h thc clluntl'y and to their Ipnt fprttllzpr and wben pur·
Call CYNW'YD 833 Forty Y"ar" of Gard"ning. hy Anlla I"ri,·nd-. I'l"o\·id,·d tl1('y join a Garden cbaspd arp expensl vp
I,l;; iiiiiii iiiiiiiiii_iiiiiii_ _~ Gilmun Hill. $~.II(). :\lal'ch 10. I C1u!> Fpd"!'ati"n at a nominal charge. • • • • IN THE "SPRING" LIN E
I Gard"ns and Gardening-. 1~1:18. Ed,! For full information in regard to this FROGS ano toaos. bornets. gar,
r,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~lltl'dby F. H. :\lercer. Pap,'r, $:3.511" l'1"uiSl' call 111'0'. E. :\\. Lyons, Cynwyd den spldpr, ora~on tHes, are ~ome Very shord)" you'll be
i Cloth, $,1.50. The seventh annual ISsu"·i ~,,,1. "1' :\Irs. Harry C. Tily, Cynwyd
of the opslrablp friends In your
submerged in the deep
I'll estimate I R"autiful garden hook, with 250 illus-! 1~7.
~aroen for tbpy fppo on botb the
adults and the larvae of harm, problems natural' to this
cheerful/)'- I trations in 11l0nochrome and color, and!
I ful forms. season. You'll hold your
I articles of practical help to the ama- Complete Agriculture Course • • • • breath when you realize
t"ur and professional g-anl,'npl'. i On completing' a three-\'ear coursp. ARSENATE OF LEAD 1~ thf'
The Gardencr'~ Handbook. by Lib-, in general agriculture . and dairy only rpally ~Ilceessru' prE'venta· the many things that can
Specialty: Jobbing t·rty H. Bail,·y· :n.oo. C'Jlllplf'l" and lllanagen1l'nt. Harold :\ordblom, !l:ar- ttvp for Japanpse Rf'ptle Rpfore be dllne both in and out-
us!n~. gop{ optallf'o Instructions
practical. 11ll'l'th Sunrla\' afternoon received a side the house for added
• I ~ •
11I1 It L~ vpry pO!l1onolls,
Walter ("Pete"), 1'11(> Flowl'l' (Jardl'n Day h~' Day, by, diploma from the !l:ational Farm
:\11'" Frall('is Kin~·. $1.50. Sch"ol at D,,\"lestuwn.
• • • • cOI1\"enience and beauty.
Miesell Field Booh ,,1' A nll'ricfin 1'1'1'('" and' .
EVERGREENS shOUld havf' For instance - have your
plpn!~' of water Spray thf' foIl,
832 Montgomery-1':arb. 4044 , Shrub~. hy F. Schuyl"r :\Iath,'\\"~. --~-------------­ fig'P frPQIlPntly to wash ofT thE' Oils, W'atcr Colors and
I "llon1t'~pun," Eric Berry; "Sil\"er
1:" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.:J ' $:3 .5u. I
I Gard"ning for Childr,'n and RI'g-in', Chief to tilt' Rl'scue." Jack O'Brien;
dllst ann oln ann to kE'f'p oown
thp attacks of thp rpn ~pldE'r
Prints framed indi\·idualistically. Some \\'ord. but that's thc
way \\'e d" it.
~~~~~~~~~"!'_"!'_ ~~~~~~~i IIns, hy :\\. E. ~t,.bbilJg- alJd Loul'\·,"Bright bland." :\\. L. Robinson; • • • •
' Chl,;h"lm. S~.OO. April 20. . "Talt', uf a Chinese' Grandmother," USE AN otlpn rag to wipp ofT
1 You can
Th,. P ract il'al B'"l\-; ,,1' Carden FralJce~ Carp('ntt'r; "\\' alter the Lazy your tools aftpr Ilslng Thp slight \\'e haw Seed Boxcs Ci $ .2'5 each. Get them NO\\~
count on i :\loLlSt·... :\larjol'1e Flack; "P,'tite Su- flJa.mE'nt of o1! wll1 gpnerally Then the few Arbors. Trellis and Gates are all specially priced
! Structul'l' and DI',;ign. hy Harold
I Unnald"on Eb,.rl"in and CortlalJd Van zanlJe." :'Ilal'guerite De Angeli.
keep tbem from rusting. to makc you want them.
Robert A.
Compton .. U"h" Hubhard. $;;.00. In\'aluahk to all ~2"'~•.~""_IIlI_~.-----. ."'IIlI"~~-"';'~~~~~~~=::~~~~~~~~ Don't g(' "fencing." \\'e ha\'e it.
. ",

• L:·ard,·n-o\\·lJl'r,;. IlJslructilJlJ;: on ho\\' to

i Illak,. poob. g'ard"lJ walb. hedg'e in-
elt f:,Ul'I':O-:, }"Ick gal·d~'n:-,. and <'ypry ()thpl'
thllJg I.lf th,· hilld. 2:11 illustration".
I.:ll'g'l' ~\·l).
Shull Lumber Company
109 Forest Avenue The Link Between Forest and Home
Old-Tim,· H,·r!,s for :\orthnn (;ar-
Please Phone Narberth 2485 d'·lls. by :\1 inn il' \r. Kall1m. $:3.<10. 29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd CYN\VYD 662
(H ouse Phone: 2~22, W) :\Ial'ch ~1. fertilizers, tools, seeds, In a complete assortment, at money-
sa ving prices.

Hood's your
man for
i Venetian Blinds Armstrong Litloleums
«'indo ... Shades
203 Haverford Avenue, Narberth
Reliable, and knon's
Th,' f"llowillg "ooks hal'c I'''cndly
/", II add",l II) the slid/'fS of Iht' 'val'-
""I'rli CfJlIlllllll1ill/ Lillmrl/:
L Phone: Narberth 2555 - We Deliver

his business ;>:on-fiction: "Loui,;a l\lay Alcott." -supplying four kind~

Katharim' Anthony; "Down the of needs for your garden-
Robert Hood and Son Riwr." H. E. Rates; "Kin~ George
105 Conway - Narb. 4027-W \'1." Hector Rolitho; "The Tyranny
of \\'ol'd,;," Stuart Cha"e; "Pepita," Flower and Vegetable Packs of Seeds
\'. :\\. Sacb'i lIe- \\' e"t ; "Baghdad -\\.'e also handle vegetable seeds in bulk.
:-;kl'tch(·~." Freya Stark; "Yog; Ex-:
plainI'd." F. C. C. Yeats-Brown. Lawn Grass Seed - Evergreen, New York Park, Shady
LOOK Fiction: "Action at Aquila," Her\'('y Place. White Dutch Clowr, Kentucky Blue Grass.
Allen; "Trumpets Calling," Dora
for A rtllur L. Aydelotte; "Deep Summer," Gwen
Fertilizer-Bovung, Vigoro, Peat Moss, Humus. Loma.
Bl'i~to\\'; "Thi" Proud Heart." Pearl
COOKE Buck; "Comanche Chaser," Dane I Baugh's Bone Meal: and Wizard Sheep and Cow
Cool idge; "College Square," Susan I Manure-shredded and guaranteed sterilized for
when you need (;o()d~'ear: "Young- Henry of Na-I KEEP YOUR ROOF ON \\·el'ds.
\·U1'1' ..... Hl'inrich :\lallll; "And One
plastering We'll sa'l'e you money by laying fire-resisting
Was Beautiful." A. D. Miller; "Mi~s shingle right over your old wood shingles. Tools-spades. hoes. rakes, cultivators, pruners, shears.
cement stucco Buncle Married," E. E. Stevenson;
Or if you prefer a new roof, let us give you an ladies' garden gadgets, washable garden gloves. etc.
waterproofing 'The Dark Rose," Mauril'e Welsh.
Mystery Stories: "Death Brings a I estimate on a Barrett Specification Roof.
patching -in stock for
Storke," Anita Routell; "To Wake the Tile and slate roofs also repaired or furnished
Dead," J. D.Can; "III Met by I new by our skilled workmen. Immediate Deliyery.
for estimate-
Monnli~ht," Leslie Ford; "Dance of
Narberth 2754 Death," Helen McCloy; "The Devil How about your porch roof? Your glitters and
.... Get our catalog and descriptive pamphlet
to Pay," Ellery Queen; "Death Sits on spouts?
-and watch our windows.
207 Lantwyn Lane, Narberth the Board," John Rhode; "Hamlet, Let us check them for leaks so that
Revenge," Michael Innes; "Silent Spring rains won't ruin your flower

w. H. H
Witnesses," J. S. Strange; "The beds, warp your porch floors, or
...~~~~~~ Annulet of Gilt," P. A. Taylor. make your cellar damp• AWS
Children'~ Rooks: "Castle Number

lb•. ~!1~P!t M~lq2~~ <ED>
Bonl Meal ,' .. ' , , .... 1a.00
Nine," Ludwig Bemelmans; "Joan
100 b•• Pul. Sheep or Cow Manuno, $2.75 Wanted a Kitty," J. R. Gemmill;
100 lbe. Shute'. FertllpeRt, '1.50
"Foghorns," Howard Pease; "Child's Financing under the FHA if desired.
Bp~rfal LfJ1V l'dt"r'1f til QU1Ill'itU Rid. Hl!l~ 241 Haverford Avenue - Phone Narberth 4134
Phltadllphlaphone, CHEltilut Hili 5454 Hi!'tory of the World," D. C. Peattie;
E: L. 8HUTE, LINE LEXINGTON. Pl', 111 Forest Avenue, Narberth Phone: Narberth 2920
\..:.,-~~~._~~~~"Pigeon Post," Arthur Ransome;
OUR TOWN Page hve
March 25, 1938

Women's Club Parent-Teachers Need of Defense YOUR face, YOUR hands, YOUR hair
Continued CI'om Pae-e 011. ContInued from Page One Shollid be Taugltt to All. Says D. OUR specialty-They deserve OUR care
Slacks II!Pl·k til 11 ltlt· .. ·:-- hiliit' cd· \\'llrld ~u­ ,'lin, fill' th,' "Sumnwr Round Up" and
IIr~,,'d ..arly examination of childl'l'n
.4. R, 5 peakn .~.

Ilrl-ll\a('~- III a quich. tI"el:'.l\'" war.

who \\'ill l'nt .. r school nl'xt fall. In
IIltl,'1' I,a"'.. ed ,Ial'an ag-aillst Eng- :\Irs. [)al'id D. (;OlJd, IHl'~ldt'nt nf Narberth 2324
thl.' lIay any d..£..cts wiil I,.. cllr' 216 Dudley Avenue
lall.! alld Iwl' Chll"''''' int,'n' .;t"" and th,' R,'g-"lIts' Club of Philadelphia,
-The 1':l'\' r",'t".1 during tht, sumnH'r months and
t" III, 'UI'I'J'I"" Chilla i~ h"ldin~ 11<'1' sIH'aking- ht'f,)rt' thl' Dr, Bl'lljamill
Spring th,' cl1i1d lIill tll<'n I", in g'ood physical
,,\I 11. \\'h"11 Fl'all"o will:' in ~I,ain, Ru~h Chapt .. r of :"\. S, D. A. R" )Ion'
Pattcrn, IIltl,.1' c"llid "nl,'1' FI';\llc., throug-h tl1<'
"'Jlldltilln upon l'nt"l'ing 'chool.
furth,'r urg.'d a tl1oroug-h physIcal l'X-
day uft''l'llolJn at th .. hom!' "f "Irs, I Let's Either Knit or Sew Your Dresses
. :'1,alliSh I,,,t·,kl'. But knowing- all t,,,, '; .. rlla R. \\' oodcock, 11:':1' :'Ilontgom·
\1,,·11 that EII~land 1I'lii ",""'1' Ilt'mtlt
amination fur hoth young- and 0101
l'ry, :"\arbl'rth, urged that all patri-
"\l'r\' ,' :\liss Dran .. i~ at th,' :"\ar- Knitting instructions are FREE
hllli tIl ~.·t f""t in Franc(' It will 1)(' "tIl' ol'g-anizations should co-operate
I)('rt Schuol ,'w'ry morning from 8.:;0 WOOLS: Ayr, Scotch, Tioga. Nuns
:--11111" tllllt· Ill·fllrt· h,' dan'~ til dll that. With till' \\'umall's :"\alional Defense
til III and \\'ill 1Jl' g-Iad to hl'lp you in Dressmaking and Alterations
Men's Shop IIltil-r has Austria, hut shl' i" a
,lIal.i1lt\· at presl'nl. If h,' honors Il<'r
\\'lwt"I'l'I' lIay sh .. can n'garding the
Comll1itt,',·, by teaching all
comers to this country a~ II'l'lI as na·
Appoi"tm"'l/s Monday to Friday, incl"si,'C
Theatre Building

N arbert It 2772
; h"I"I" ',t lI'i11 hurt his g-o\'<'ntnH'nt; if
• h,' do,'~ not, nations in thl' I"ag-Ul'
,'"n' of your childrt'n's health,
Th,- R,'\'. \. ernon :\1 iddletun, pa~tor
of till' :"\arllt!rtl1 :\Iethooist Church,
ti\'<' citiz,'ns, to nlallitaill and defend
It against all foreign elements that
a 1'1' ~l.'cretly working' to UIlU"rminl' it.
Olive c. Woodworth
301 Windsor Ave. (garden entrance) , , . Narbcrth 2149.'"
\\'ill fail fillanclally. Ills dri\'illg- th,'
Open EYer)' Eyening g-a\',· the Inyocation. Bob F:zickson, :\Irs, Good, who is chairman of the Trixy Foundation Garments
Cath"llcs and ,It·\\·;; fmlll Austria
means certai n l'conOllllC collaps" th,'n',
Scout Troop "0,
K, led thl' Salute to
meet ing ofmeeting
the F i ftto
h Abe
nil ua[ ~ ~~~~~~~~N~ee~d~l~e;p~O~i~n~t~H~o~o~k~e~d~R~U~g~S-~c~r~o~ss~t~it~C~h~R~U~g~~p~a~tt~e~r~n~s~~~~~~~
becausl' nH"tlY all of til<' financiers
tlH' Flag. The min'u chorus, leu by Def,'nsl' held aintiona
theI __. . -- - - -- - ~-- .,'.,

are J l'\VS,
Mrs. Gill fel'ls that WI' did tlH' only. to (""I.
:'Ilr.s. \\'. J. Drellnan, sang "Praise Be
\\' I P D
t'~ ey , unn111gto,n
' ballroom of the Bellevue-Stratforu,
urg"l'U e\·,'ry member to he present
Play · ' I I ' t' th I was th.· accompanist. Then the
.Hwn s Ill'Xt TUl'sday ('\'l'ning when there'
yo"r piano. , BeginnuJ a specialty t h Ing POSSI ) l' In \'u Ing
.' .
propnatlons In t IS coun ry;
h' t
.. nava ; , - '
tl t t .Iou 1.1.. '1 uart l'l, under thl' dlrectwn of
1<1 ":'III's John Bail,.Y, san T "John PPe!"
would be a group of intl'resting- speak- Just Coal--·
MARGARET SQUIER keep a policy of Isolation wnuld ll1<'an' . g l'rs, such as Rear Admiral Wat T.
Studio: 305 Grayling Ave. • , .
to abandnn thl' poliCies that ma, (' us .
hy :\Iark Andl'l'\\'s and "Tramp,
Tramp" from :"\aughty )Ial'll'tta
, b
CluVl'rius, Honorable Clare E, Hoff- I but SUCH coal!
Narbe~4I09.J a gn'at natlun; that we Illust stanu to . . ' man, Rpvl'rend Peter B. Duffee,
, ' ' 'I \ Ictor H .. rb.. rt. 0. F. :\1., and the Honorable Thl'ooore
protect till' 11\'es of our cltlzt'n~ In t \I'
Far East. Th.. Study Group which has be('n Lan\' Bt'un, Statl' Senator fro111 1\lont- I I Maybe you're fed up with claims about coal. It costs
E. C. GRISWOLD mo\· ..d forwa I'd 011<' wCt'k will bp hl'ld g'onH'l'y County, you nothing to find that you can save money heating your
TIll' n"xt nl""ting- of th .. g-roup will home-but that's the least of it.
is now associated with IJ(' Api'll I" 'It till' hOI11(' of )Irs. "" \\,,'dn"sday, April I;, at 10.:W A, Aumission is free, and both 111l'n anri
Fidelity Investment Ass'n -, ' :'II Dr, Ph\'llis Blanchard, consulting "'<1ml'n are urgpd to attend,
'Charl,'s A. Izard, CIl·ho~l<·s~('S will' , . . , There's cheap coal-most extra.... agant you can buy.
"Fidelity Income Plan" ~ . "
b,' )Ir~, H. A. ("nlpton ,In, , b . ,1I-'
1 \1" H' . P":"c1W!Og-lst I
'11 G 'I
of th,'
CI ' I I
10 '
)Irs, G"od abo spoke against the There's good coal. Then there's Jeddo.Highland.
See TIME, March 28 \'<,\. \\" :\!"nks. C1 11 , Ul\ anc.. 111IC, WI a( rt'~s Farm Relief Bill, but :'tlr;;, J, H,
Chestnut Ave. Narberth 4095.J , I ' 'II 1 the grou p on son1(' of t he problems of llak,'I', "'Cl'l'tary of the club, stated No.. . , I'm not just claiming e....erything III sight.
TIll' B"ardllf )Irl.'ctors w\ m,','! th,' nor111al adoll'scl'nt. The attl'no' that it had he"n a g-odsl'nd to the poor Jeddo really gives more heat from e\'ery ton. It needs
Tuo'sda\' 111"l'Il1ng' at tl1<' hOl1ll' of th,' 1 1 I' less attl'ntion and lea\'es hardly any ashes,
. 'L' \\. II,., ,anc., banner wa~ awan I'l to ~aac fal'm .. r in South Carolina, :\Irs,
,pn'';l<knt, "Ir~. L, , . < \ Illann, , I t , . h I
i . • 1'1' Kn"ll, I'O"1ll fill' havlllg- t I' argl',t Franklin R. Lintlsay, the 1'1'g-,'nt, prl'- "

Insurance · 10.30. 11l<' lll'xt ",'g-'ular c u , n1<'O'\lng- . Trl' Jeddo this time. If 1'011 dOll't like it better, go
· , _ ,lIull1l,,·1' "I parl'nt~ pn·,,'nt. ,-Id,'d, :\[1'..;. R. A. :'Illzn,'!' \\'a~ th,'
WE WRITE THE FOLLO~'· \I' ill b.. Api'll ", \\11<'n Dr. Panll.'1 :\. back to' the kind ),ou're usillg . . That's fair, iSll't it?
ING LINES: Firl'. Explosion, ('"llIw \I ill '1"':11, ,'n IlIt.'rnali""al f{,·- T",· J{ull1nl:lg" ~:ll" \lill I,,· .1il'ld
)11',. I. 1111 I-a,\', \\110 I\,tll II(' tit" .1,,1,··
\\·indsloml. AUlomobilP, Plate Jati,,",. T",· l'l'"i,·('t ('""1111111<''' \1111 "\I'II~ :,::; tn 1'111 1,1<10-1 "llIa, :'111':. I'rall- RALPH S. DL'l':l':E
Glass. Liahility, \\'orkll1l'n's 111>1.1 :I 1'"",\ -:lJo. :It thaI 1I11,,·tlll~, "1- \'. )[ll"h,·II, ('I1all'l11al1. :"\arl,,'rth g-at" t" th,· :"\. ~, 11. A. 1{. ('''I1~r,·-, III
Polic;c< co"CrillK pract;calh
TI,.. j.,';I1'\ al''\ ,'11:1111""1' ,.f ""11111,11 :':~";~\-:'II. \lill b,· ~Iad to n""'I\'(' an,"
· t,.t' . . Id' till- :\arllt'l"th ('l11tl ~ll'l' ill\ itt ,I .1'dl(lll'ln~ II!' cl •• thllll-! (II' !lllU",!lll]d
\\'a'''lIlgt"II, D. C" oil Apl'd I~j, IIdl
Ita\,· a, h"I' all"l'lIa\<, ,It-i,'g-at'', :\[1',.
C1 ,'n killd of I; II at\(· ial lo.<s.
. I
tll:l 11l'"1·1111.e. ,If tiJI' L'I~lld Clllll (' lad-
I . /..:.IlHj .... wllil'll "'Ill! \\"j...:ll til dl.. . card.
.. . _ •
"1'/,11;1 It \\'PIJl!L'I,('J.i.. llf :\lllllt~{\nl('I'Y.
:.; :1I'I)O'I·t h.
H. C. Frrtsc 1, fl'· 111"11 ,,1' tl,.. .IUIII"I' ('Iul" Tl;uI.,h,1 [I"",· \1111 I,,· 1"""11'1''\ al till' :\"1"
Fir .. & Casualtv III~II;a"cc "'I"I'II't:. :'I1:t1('b ::1. 1... 1'111 ~"h",.j. an:-' lillI" alt,,1' :\1'1'11 I.
A. M. Fritsch :\11';. 1.""11 \\'. :\\,.kli,.r. )1"II;~'''';' :\11'. EII.-\\'I,rth Clalk. wll" i- 11\
NMar)' Public Rcal Estatc : ,'1'\' C.'Ulltl "":lIllllall (,f I'r'" all,1 "I.'lI~" ,,1' 111>' \'a'\I" party at thl' ,tu- :'''''11' -,,·:tl''\·-'' ,-":tlt"I",j II,.. (·1"'\1-
4_1.'-.?.J_ _~!l'l;I,J!l'ltl ;;1,,1 :\atl"'nh duh 111"1111"", ,!,,, ,.f \\·C ..\l' at 1.::11 "n "\1'1'11 :':7" all- iliC ~lJlIl II 1,,11I1t: 1I1:!l·IIII"'·- ch-- "' Call !':ARBERTH 2-1 ~O
! ha:-: c;lil"d ;\ 111t·"11Ilg· of lit·!, Ik!l;ll"l- Il'IUl.l·"" tllat thl' tJ('kt,t~ at :.!,-) Cl'rlt:-, tIll' \:,.\\ :'\;llll1'ltll :'t;lillili LI~t \\l'j ;,.

=================~! 111"111 a1 \',Ii\.-\ F,,\).!,. Il"t,.!. \"11\' 111,111<'11 ~"'" t" thl' I'.·T. A.) Il1U,t Iol' ,",.1 1'111"'1".1 1"'111'1'" ,",d 1'\"'''-. :-'ta- 1'iighls. Sunda....s and Holidan
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,t"\\'ll, al 10,::0 ..\. :\1. \\'(.dll.,,ja,, 1"-"1'\',·,1 01 a -11,,\t 1111'" a- it i, 011- tl'<l1I1Ia,kl BIJI',~.'tl''',·1' 11:1.1 :I ",-I1at- -Narberth 2651
i :'Ilal'l'l1 ::11. :'11,'-. F,:"\. FI"yd all,j :'111-, )... I'aill" 1'''1' th,' )'l'-"I'\"tl"n, t" I,,· In t, 11'\'",j''' t:la-- I'ut III, LUI :'II ,,",ja:-
11'111'\ r ]1,.,,\, l'1l:III'Il1:lll ,,",J a,"", 1111',·, II""'\;- III ad\'[llIc,' "f till.' dal(', 1I:~111 that \\a- .'1Iatt'·I.·,j, 1..", .. AII,I
NEWTON Cl:I1" '''!lall'lI,all ,,1' I'n"- and l'ulollClt\ ("a;1 1",1' "arly at :"\a\I",rtl1 :':,;:!,!·!L . :l1I"tl1, d,dhl"- 11l;;- IlC"UIT,·'!.
Ilf t!i~· :\aJ IlI'l"th Cluh. \\i11 ;lttl'lltl. --------

STANDARD 1"arherth Bridge Cluh

:\11'. al1d :\11''''. Fra11k T, Bogu,', of
IS HIGH AND :'Ilpl'l'h l ' -'1'"" ,,"'1'<', :\Ii,-- ,-\II11a \'. ,\l'dl1ll'"'' forlll1'riy of :\Ia"l"wnml, :"\. Advertisements
Fol,.y alill :\11.-. (;.·"r~,' :\lich"I1"I'; ."'('- .J., a1111"UIll'1' tl1l' "nl-nl gl'l1ll'l1t of thl'lr
ALWAYS WILL BEl 'l1d I<la,',', :\11','. FI"'d"l'il'k :'IllIy,'r and daug-htl'!', :'II i:,~ Jand A, Bogue, al1d
-wIll be charged ollly to restdents
:\Irs, Charlr's A, Izard, )It', G1'lIrg'l' S, Tri111u1<', Jr" ~un uf Vo'hose nanles appear In the tele-
. '.~.
COAL :\lHl'ch HI-Top eClll'l'. Willlani :'III', Hnd :\Irs, (;1'OI'g''' S. Trimule, of
Thllllll'.'lI11 ;\l1d :\11'" ,J. II, Bak,'I'; ~,'c- :'Ilo11tJ!"111I'ry a\·"nu,'. :"\arl'l'l'th,
ph"ne or to !"uhserlhers.
liil f'.'tory

20c a line . ~'.'

• Long Burning 011.1 1'I'Il"', Arthur Cl]OI1"~\' and ,J. II. :\[i,- Bog-u,' was graduat,'d from for 3 newspapers
! Bake.r. " ' , - - - - ..' '. " .. Sw~t !.lnar ('lIllvl,[", cla~s of 1:I:r;-, Count five worde to line
• Low in Ash '1 :'11"1101,1\' ,·,'4'1I1"~' ·T"I' -(,,1',', .\\.,t!- :\11'. Trim},I" I' a g-ractuRw ....f thl'
-will be accepted up to "·ednea·
• Well Clea ned lia"l TiJ"":I""n alld :'l.rthul' (',,"n",'; :'Ila· ... al'l,u.'t'lt, 111-tltut" "f T"l'hnul- dB}, 5 o'cloek, tor Friday'" Issuu.
I",.. nd I,h,···. :\11- ..\nhul' (""""'y and
! :\1·llal d r"x.
The Best is Cheaper
1': ()-CI-E-,-(a-(,-'-is-S-'?'-",OOO Penn Valley
:'III'. and :\11''''. Edwal'd Furlong-, of . -'.:.
in the Long Run :\11-. 1."I',·tta :"\",·1 i.; 11allll·d 1... 1"
. '1;1"'lId"n Iliad, )11', and )Irs, D, Help Wanted
PROMPT DELIVERIES I· !i<'ia 1':- "f I h,· ,:<.:·:!;;.llilil ".';\ at.'· l..ft, J,:-' 1~,,\\'land EIII,. lIf \\'ylllll'w,,,,,I, and
h,·1' hu.-J,alld, (harl,·, \. :"\,,,,1. :\ar-
... ""
\\,\"'1'/';1 1 1"'1'
LIIIIlll,'''; ~;ll,·:-,
tIL:=-- .\ "af'. .1.\
1:,1111.,:.; (If
:'III'. alill :\11',. ll"ugla,,; L Di"'111Ukl'~, I~,ll,tl,h,: 111J~t 1"1 :-oll"llld .... 1.111 ,·:ll'lJltI:..: ~;Pl

Phone Ardmore 2550 lH'rth IiI'<' ch,d, \\'h" di.·d lI'hil,' fi~ht-· .
,11'., of :"\arl ..,rth, \\'<'!'l' thl' \\,,'('k-l'nu \\,·t·j,!y dlld Ill'·lt·;I ..... 1.1]'1111.\ \\"il" tllll:l~·.

7~ 1tI.
or il1g' a !<laz,' ill :\I"rillll, D"(,·mJ, ..,1' :':1;. ~u,·,t, lIf :\II'~, Furlong', und,', )11', I: .. \\-11'1'-.: It .~. IIPl'{ I':\"I '.\.-,-:.:. I ·llt·.... t.·l', I 'u.
Th .. lI'i11 \\'a- fi]"d at :"\lIl'1i.-tll\\·n 1\::)
Allegheny 840o-West 5201
I.and"r ~t\'lll'rt, lIf Philipsburg, :"\. J.
Situations Wallted
Spec4at ;

..."aM.I.OJD eeh ! .,: ...

1'iarbcrth\ \\'dldressl'd Group, Merion 1'.\\";'

.\ I d
LIlllldl.\';l1 !lllJlH'. 1'11'1111'
i 1;{) . . ..:HER,WIN-Will.
aug'I1H'l1t1'd l'ach :\Ionday night by :\[ 1'.';. ,J. (,la:-·t"n Stra\\'hridg,', of

courtl'''y of tl1<' :"\arberth l\Ien'~ Shop, Cot~II'lIld, :\1.'rio11, \\'ill ,'nt,'nain at a
WO'I'<' j"in,'d this \\'l'l'k hy Elli~ Wright, hridgl' and tva at tl1l' Philad..Iphia
QUld-Dryl" 0
E:na!nel:Won':~ ne-Coat
CIII,;;tnut ;\"('nuo', and last wl'l'k hy ('''U11t I'\, Club 1111 Tu,'sda\' afto-rnnon
'1'''111 Young, :\I"dia Drug driver. 'In h'm,',r of h,'r daug-'btt,l': )Iiss :\Iar·
,================================:;:==::;::, ~t1'a whri,lgl'.
V. 1(' (0.\:,,\ :--: I\:. ;
One PInt-WIth ~USh-Marlc
Balanced Personalty
:\11'. alld :'tIl'S, I1 .. llry R. Hallo\\'l'lI,
'If Ikl'h"rri,', :\I,'rioll, "l1t"l'taiIll'd at
:-of IIlI 'flHIl p!JOll"
IIHER~~IAI\:I:'\(;-J~'·IIl()r1t:')illL:. l"lIats and
~ult 9 I"t'liII I·l1 Ht·as. I 'holle :\arh.
OUPon . • •
~--~--~ __
"j'O!!"'" !r";lIill!! in F""hil/II IIlIId"I;IIU rlll!;,.o!, s
{'or/·f·cl /If} ..~t{ln and ('on"jfl!lf. rl'!lthllli(' II/O/'4'tIif'r1I."i.
a dillnL'r at tll<'il' l!lJll1.. Oil \\'cdnesday :!:In:!~\\~.

1U:;L1AHLE c"ArU'ENTEIt, alterations &

, Name
e --
Ind,f"III",'" /111<1 ura"il/us 11/"111/11',',' d"l'dol,ing a h,,'· Jtlhhin~.
COll",ay aVe, :Sar'b. 3748·1{. J~~
Storm willdows. GutLIieb , Address - - -,
"'Il'f'c/ 1lI',.,'IJIIlJiil II, ["",'1',,1 "Iil.-,· to fI,,).'< who lI'i"h One I
(to l I
II) ,fOI/OIt' ,Hoc/dillg ns /I l'l'off's.'i"" "/I(I to tl/os,'
".),0 IIlf n l!/ cl,."';"f to (I('III/iff /IOISf' (Iud ((lSf' in Su- Wynnewood
Ill'. <lnd :\11';;. :"\"rlllan E. Fr""l1lan,
LPHOLSTP.H'~G and rep. Springs ot
3-plece suites repaired, $10: Chair re-
can 10 a
DIal' at "'
L _ _ _ or SUYer. Co
.LIe Price In
~o~ 'lood for on:a:c~ore",caPf Gold
cial C(l/lIlId,'. covered, $5. Go. nywhere. Call Lewis, --------~._~y..
of Hatha\\'ay Ian .., will .. nt.'rtain at 227 I':. Lsnl'llstf'r avf'. Wayne 1496.
a small infllrllla1 party Sunday in. wn. ".S. 1I".,oIl"I'"illt. h""k ru!;". Trixy
. --------.II
·VOGUE STUDIOS hllilor llf :\Il·~. FJ'I'(llnan'~ part'ntf-', Dr. kllittillg,
and :\11',. Ed\I'ard lIunH', Ilf :"\,'\\' Yllrk, \\';lIo1s"r '''e.
1'~'llJlldatl(lll (;anlleflt~.
ph.'. ()Ih't., C'.
Frt·CO instruction
\\'oodworth, 3lJI

1428 ~, Penn ~quarl' . . PhiJa, , , Rit. 6721 \\hll n'c"lItly r,'tul'Ilt'd fr"lll China, ----------------
:'Ili;;s 11.,1<-11 \Yin . d ll\\ \Yilliams, of Rooms for R~nt
:\'U}Il'l'Y road. ha~ had a:-- hel" g-Ut':-:t Attractive furn. rOOnJR. ("""on\'. to tranMfl,.
)Ii,~ Elizal",th Ray \\'illial1l~, daug-h. III :-':0. :Sarbertll al'e. 1\!rb, 251,8. (5)1
t,'r "f Brig'adi,'r (;"IIl'ral alld :\Ir~. Garagtf for Rmt
~l'1h \\'I1liallls, of Wa~hing-ton, D. C. ';AH.·v;r·:s. :-.:.·",1)' r('lIo\'Ute'!. Slllgle,

f;I, .\IOlltgOTT1P,.V a \'('Ilue, (·\"IIWYCI.
:\[1'.alld )Ir~, William FIYIIII, uf' \\'I1.LIA:lt ,,{,.;'l!. ")'11. 35";'. ' (to
· )I,'dfo)'d road, ar!' I)n a t\\'o wl'l'ks' :'I'.\(O}<: ill {\\ll-,·:tl' 1.:<1 ra:,.:t· ( °ht·~lllut
;\\-". Pillillt· :'\,1111 ~1I:C: - \\. I~;) )
111"t',1' tl'ip tll Florida,
for ~alt'
DESHON-PAINE ·I",I·BU·: ~I.\II"';,\:\\' 1",,1
$~,"'" 2 hard-
. f ~I' ' \ [ . , : WfH)t1 dOlln..; I ~willgill~
pantl"Y lloor.
TI IP tllarnag-p () ..l' IS;'; .. arJ0J'lp $11111 .';jl'Il, l'llotl.' :"arh, a~I~lti-H.. . ('25)
Buy them from Humphreys Paim', daug-hter of )11',
alld :\Irs, Harold G, PailH', of "Ierion,: Wanted
the publishers ,
and Dr, Halph Dl'sholl, of Jl'nkinto\\'n" H.\IlY 1'1,::--: alld Ian:" 11"",· ""I'~rill~
,walltt'd b\' falllilit~.s knowl1 to :\1. L,
took p!tll'" on March lR, 111 thl' prpi'- i (..... J. of l"llI"r"I,,'~' "Il,,"t' Ar,1. ,,:154, (27)
through your : ('nc(' of til<' imnwdiat.. families at th,'. ==================~
· honw of the hl'ide's parents,
local publisher, Upon their return frol11 a wNlding- 1

and save 100/0 ,trip to Panama and Nicarag-ua, Dr.! 1·:wrXH: OF EP:SA HI,'Jo:, late of
i and Mrs, Deshon will occupy their :Sarherth, ~lolltro,,,er)' "OUIlI)', deeeaseu,


Engagement Announced
Letter'1'i of Adillillt.stl'atioll c.
home at 255 Mather road, Jl'nldntown, the abol'" ,'slate hal'IIl<:' beell Il'rahted to
the ullcll'rsi},Uletl, all Jlt·r.son.s 1.lldehted to
Hald estlltt' aru rt,"(IUl'Ntt~11 to lnul<e 1011110-
dinh~ payment. and thORP havlul:t Jt..·g-al
t. a. on


«'Iaims. to pre~l'lIt the Hal1ll~, withuut 203 Haverford Avenue, Narberth

Box 447 l\'IJ's. Buchanan Ewing', of Trc;nton,
uplay. to
N, J" announces the engagement of I>ES:'>:.\ H. .rE:'>:KI:>:S Phone: Narberth 2555 - We Deliver
Narberth '1)('1' daughter, Miss Helen Ewing, of: It1~1 "'rit'f> A \'t->lIue
, :'\al'1lt-'l'th, I'a.
'Philadelphia, and Mr, Richard R,!. '" h,'!' attl)J'IWV:
4100 and 3637
· Pleasants, son of Dr. H ..nry P. PI.,as-!
ants, of West Chester, and :\Irs. Eliza·
111'::-: It Y A. j"1t ¥E
Jtjll8 \\'alnut St
I heth W, Pleasants, of \Vynnewood, (0-4·29)
I'hlladelphla. "a.
i .1-
; ~.'. :/..:' :'. .•. j.•.•... -, . ........... . :~ ..;.,: .',,:'. . . " .. ;.•. ~,',-, ... .....-:"
, .. .. ..
~,~ ~.~ ,-'
OUR TOWN March 25, 1938
Page SI:\:

: I:,ill",,, I'd, ('''IllI,II- 11"\\'''l'lIl'l'I' al1d till' Friday:

",". School In Merion TonI/ship AHt.'Hor
, ('4' 1111(" 1('lll' ;\t! Ill-. Illllll Ir 1 III"; :It
;-"'1',1 r J( I 1'. ~I.
Ii /'. ~1.
('"ntinllall,tli Cia,".
~"I1I"r Ch"lr I"lwar-,,1.
-Ill' 1'- jH"tI,l!Tanl t'hairtnan tlf
Closed by Fever ; 1'1"""'1'111

To Reopen Mon.

I'll I
;1]"11 a
11("1"1':t]"~ Iltl'I';lt'~ .... I'... ll·t~. :--:'Ii,·
IlH'llIl,t:r Ill'

tl". 1\lll"t'i,tllII1Y
tht, :leting' fCll"t1l11

Easter Is April 17
H,·\·. \\'. \"'1'11"11 ~liddkl"I1, ~1ll11"tl-r'
Superintendent Hopes Danger ~llnday', .\Iarch ~7:
\V'e~lr>'all HOllors LC1cal Youth
of Contact \Vill be ~I .. I.-, ..\. ~1. (,hllr"h ~ch",,1.
.I"-'·I,h I!rl~I!' Ka,·~"ha,·f'·r, ,on of
O\'er Then II ..\ . .\1. .\1"rllll1l! \\'"r"hlJ" Sl'r-'
~lr, a"d ~lr~. (,harl,·- C. Kal·",hat'f,·r,
"I' ;,;,7 lIan,,·1 road, \\'~'Iln,'\\'ood, and
111,>]1: "\\'hat Shall I II" \\'llh .1"-11","
:\It'l"lf'II','" gl";ttll' .... ('hilld
(On Bt,Wlllan a junior at \\',·,I,-yan t' nin-nity, has I; 1' ,.\1. E!,\\"t,nh L"al!l1" Round 224 Havcrford Avcllue - Pholle, Narberth 4035
a\"1111", ,·I",,·d all thl' \\l ... k ,Ju,· III Ihl' Tal>l,· 111"(·l1""I"n. "Ral'" I'n>l>ll'Ill'."
b""n ch"""11 nlal1a~t'r "f thl' :'\"imming
p)'l·\alt-nt·,· "I' , .. arl,·1 1"'\'\'1'. 1, "c1)l'd- I,'am at \\' .."I<-yall for rll'xt Yl'ar. Sp"akl'r, H,·\·. \\'. ,I, L,· I' I'" n. .
ukd ttl !'t,,,,,,,,, .\I"nd,,~' Illill'nll1g, ae- 7..J;, /',:'11. EV"ning ;-;'·I'\ICl'. Sl'r· fl '--- -
Ka,-:,"haef"r i" an hon"r :,tudl'nt at
('pl'din,l! 111 ~tJPl·rJfltl·tHlt·llt (If ~ch(l(ll:-; Ill",,: "Th,' 1-'a1lh "I' .\!artll1 Lutlll'r.
\\"-""~'an, a:, w,'11 as adn'rtising man-
S. Ed~al' 1)"\\,,,,,. TUl'"day, .\Iarl'h ~~,:
ag"r of th l- \\,,'-II'~'an Arg-us, campu:, The
12.:W 1'.:'11. Lad,,'''' Aid SOCIl'lY I
('1""il1~ "I' th .. ""h""I, .\11'.Downs !It'W'lllIIH'r, and a m('mbl-r of th(- ,Jun-
t"ld th,· 1."""1' .\I'·l'I"n B"ard (If Edu-I ior Prom ('ommitll>f-. HI' bl'longs to ("\'l'n'd lli,h Lunclll'"n at till' homl'l'
eati"n at 11- :'Ilar"h m .... tillg- :'Ilonday
night. f"ll"w,·d "l'\','11 l'lbl':' uf scarlet
Church News
of :'111':'. Frank Stit'fl'l.
i'i 1'. .\1. Sun"hil1l' Bibll' Cla:,s Busi- !
nc-s:, :'Ill-ding at th,· hunl<' of .\Ir~. C.
National Bank of Narberth
f('\,(-r in th.· ,,,ho,,1 dUring- thl' prl'-
e,'dinl! Wl'l'k. Ill' said hl' hopl·d till' K. Stahl. • Deposits Insured under the Govf'rnment Plan •
dangt'!' uf furthl'r e"ntagi"n would h,-
O\"T h~' :'Iloliday.
Robert E. Keighton, Minister I
\r,'dnl·"day, :'Ilarch :1O:
i'i P.:'II. Ll'nt"n Prayer S,·rvicC'.
Member oj Federal Resery#! ::'ystem •
His rL'port to th(, board ~tat('d that
('xl'mption from taxation ha:, o(-('n

11'1", hos 111"1/ HOII/ed by Ihe coonty

Sunday, :'Ilarch 27: Thursday, :'Ilarch :n:
G.:W 1'.:'11. Junior Cbuir Rl-hl'arsal.
• Open at 8 A. M. daily for your convenience •
\1.4;, A.:'II. The Church School. Ii 1'.:11. Choir Rl'lH'ar!'al.
grant,-d to thl' 7.0.J~1 ac!'l'S of the /1"(11'(1 ,,; ..1".'I.'-'II1'·I/t rll/l1 Heri-
11 A.:'II. :'Ilorning- \\,'orship. SN- Friday, April 1:
Clothil'r pro!ll'rty, purcha"'d by th.- Sllll/ of TO.N·., os .,r,borrIil/n/l· as-
mon: "Group:, at the Cros:,." 3-His 4.:W P . .\1. ProbatioJ1('rs' Clas!'.
Agne, In\'in Schottl last V,'cember. ",8.'or, 0 $SIIIIII /lo"t. Dr. SlidC/,
Famil~' and Fri'·IHb. i'i P.:'II. :'Ilin~tn'l Show undl'r the
TIlt' board authorizl-d J. C. Kl'nealy, " [:'-//1' .Holl'r rlnllist, has III ell (l
town~hip tn-l' wardl-n, to takl' full
eharg!' of thl' n!'c,-ssary :,praying, trim-
toIt'H.,hi/l eUlI/lI/issiOlur sillce 1,q:!~, 7 P.:'I1. Young Pl'opll":' :'I1C'C'ting., au~picl-S of till' m,'n of the Bapti!'t and
L('a<!l'r: Lincoln Warner. :\Idhodist Churchl's. Tickl't!', 35c. I ~et the loster Season
ming and other carl' of trl'l'S on school' TUl'sday, :'Ilarch 29:
propl'rty without cost to the school Socialite Athlete 12.30 P, M. CoverC'd Dish LunchC'on! THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
of thl' Women'!' A:,!'ociation. RII\', Archer E. Anderson, Th.D., Pas-
Suggest Y our Tribute
distrirt. Fatally Stricken Wednesday, :\Iarch 30: tor.
8 P.:\1. :'>lid-\\'('('k Lenten ServicC'., 9,45 A. !l1.-Bible School. On Easter, day of remembrance. thoughts naturally
Sl'rmon: "J(-SUS Said I Am the Good 11 A. l\1.-Morning Wor!'hip. Ser-
: Miss Katherine L. Wetherill Shl'J1h('rd." ; mon by the pastor.
turn to those we ha\'e loved and lost, That you may
Dies From Influenza Friday, April 1: I
11 A. l\1.-The junior church, con- fittingly and permanently express your respect in a
of Nerves ~-:.J;, P.:'>1. :llinstn-1 Show, The' ductC'd by Mrs. Digby. beautiful memorial, you are invited to visit our display
IlH'n "f thl' Baptist and :llethodist' 11 A. M.-Childrl'n's nurSl'ry, under rooms, and see our varied types of all-time memorials,
:'II is:' KatlH'rilll' L. W l'therill. intl'r- Chun'he:, pn'sl'nt th,- annual :'>Iinstrel the supC'n-i~ion of :'>Iiss Tibben. I
,nationally-knowl1 woman athl(-t(, and Show at thl' Methodist Church. 6.45 P. l\1.- The thrL'e Christian, Please ask for booklet,
"o.. ially promilH'nt daught('r of :VII', Tickl't" arl' thirty,fivC' cents.
Endl'a\'or groups. I 0141'

and :'II r,. ,I. Lawr!'ncC' \\'t-thl'rill, died 7,45 P. l\1.-:--:arhf'rth's Happy Bible I "HoJJ' to Choose a Memorial"
"udd,-nly Saturday at thl' hOl1ll' of her Hour. SC'rmon by thC' pastor.
\\' ednl'sday: H P. :\1.- Praytor meet-
pan'nt:" ::~I \\'ottdl('y road, :'I!<·ri"n.
.\Ii"s \\',-tlll'rill, who wa" 2-1, ,ulf"n'd
:llontgomC'ry Pike, \Vynnewood
Rl'v. Gib,on Rell, Rector ing, A. CA12l?ULL CU.
Illllu"nza ttl' 11)l' 111'1'\'(''', a two-wel'k at- ~ A. :\1. Holy Communion, Cemetery Memorials
;I"k whi .. h "lo\\'ly "appl'd hl'r ~t n'llgth ~I..J;, A.:'II. Sunday School.
.'''I"h had carr,,·d hl'r ttl faml' In a 11 A.:'II. :'Ilorning S,-rvice. Between \Ve~t Laurel Hill and Westminster Cemeteries,
'Z"II '1''')'1" a" "!Jl' uf Phil:HIt'Jphia's \\"'dn('''days during L"nt, Holy R. R. on Belmont A\'enue Bala-Cynwyd p, 0., Pa,
lOt a1l':-t \\-(111)1'11 :--tar~. C"mllllInion at 1(1 :\.. .\1., and service
11111"dlll'td ttl -"CIl'l\' a- a ,It-hutante :lnd addrl-~' at I'> 1'. :'II.
Bringhurst Phone, Manayunk 0166
I:I::~, ,I,,· had nln-ady COJ)'1lIl'!'l'd till' &: Co., Inc.
I' J'I w'd'lt! \\'llh h.. r accolllplt"hml'nt, HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN
He\'. Cletu~ A. Sl'nft, Pastor Oyer a Celltlln of Sen·iet·
n la,T.. ,",·, "llla~h, ha"kl'litalI. til·ld
k,·y, 1!"lf, 1'Idllig. 1,·nni~. v,,Jlt-yhall :'IIi,s :'Ilargarl't Squil'r, Organi~t
;-;un,h~', .\larl'h 27, 1~1:11i: Funeral Directors
F,-allke'lfiel.1 Flille.-al Iioine
:Ind \lrtll:t1ly "\"'1)' :-!'on In which a WM. G. FRANKENFIELD
:1.·1" A . .\1. Blbl,' Sc!](t(11. Simpson Road at Athens Avenue
.il'! ""lIlt! ,·.. nlpl'll-. 1924 Arch Street
11 A..\1. Th,' :'I1"rlJing Service. Tl'lephone Ardmore 9
110.- \\.,'1'\' 1\('1' hobby', ~ll1d in her RITtcnhouse 5fi90 Ardmore, Pa.
DR. HERBERT ,J. T1I.Y TIH'I1H': "Thl' Promi,l' of God." " "2646
,'" nlll'l :I: :'I1l'1'l"n W"H' IIUnJl-rUU,,; ",tlu- 1i..J;1 P,.\1. Sl'nior alHI Intermediate,
}'f'-f'l, rf,.,{ /11'( .~itlf lit flf .'f,·(/1I'-
:lid" "' t 1"J'-. Lut Iwr Ll'ag-ul'''.
",-;,/,1/1 l\" ClflfI,i", H",,f,IIH'/I/'I, ,',- Back ill 1822 Jl'e sayed
I'" rff II Ilf t /1/'" ri f . .· II' (",", f/ ...... / ,/...:-, ., ,- (In· ,,; th .. Ill",t pupular- girls on 7,,15 P.:'II. TIll' \'l'''l'l'l- S"rvice with
Belljamin Franklin's rda-
I}UfJ Inst !" 1/,' ,1, . .· JI/·/
en "Sf III !O,ft H.
i, Ii.'/'
Ihl' .\j, II 1.111", ,Ill' ,,'a, a nH'mbe)' of I nibl,- StUlI\' of thl' Lif(' (If Chl'i:,t:
1'I1l' :'I', i",11 (·rl"k,·t Club .and of till' :"/11' La,t \\'orking Va\· ...
: l'hila ... 'i" ,a C"l1ntry Clult. Thl' \\',.dn(-sday: .
ti'l'es. III 1938, your
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , \\'ol1H'n.' \'. ;-;. Lan",,,,' A"oC'iatioll 7 1'. :II. Junior Choir rdll'arsnl. CEMETERY
i :lad nalll', Ii"r a" It" pl'l·,idl-nt. I-i P. ~1. Thl' L,-ntl'n ~('n'icl' with' S('curity, careful management, and healHy (If
I SI](' graduall'd from till' Agnl':' 11'- :'!TIllOIl by tl](' R(·\'. Paul S. \\"agl1l'r, Ltlcal Representative: ~urroundillgs unite to make thesc ht'3utiful roll·
win Schoo} In I~I~:; alld i" I'l'gardl'd as Chri,t Church, C'ppl'r Darby. ing hills an ideal resting place for those we love.
Raymond L. WatrollS
till' grl'all'-t Ht hi l't l' it ha~ producl'd. Select a lot before the nt'ed of its use is upon
She j, ,un-i\·..d by hpr fathl'r, a 215 Avon Road. Narberth you.
Philadl'!phla attl,rrH-y; h,-r mother, LI,d. R......... C..-d C""- Narberth 2216
l\Ir~. Loui,l' H. \\'t'thel'iJl, and a "lo" B~. 01 2405 s. .....- Belmont Ave. near City Line, Cynwyd
S •• , MUlCt•••••• Fbe••dll.
brother, Frank, a ,tlllh-nt at the Cni-
\'ersity of I'l'nl1'Yh·ania.
I,' .
Fum'ral ~"rvic('s WE'n' Ill'ld on Mon-

day afte-rn"un at thn'l' o'e!ol'k at the
Church of St. JHlJJl-' thl' Le", Falls
of Schuylkill. Intl'rnll'nt was in the WEALTH
~hurch ccml'll'ry.

Jean Ha\'lick Play Wins
Contest at Wilson College HEALTH
Jl'an Hadick, daughter of Lawrence
Havlick, H Sabine a\'(~nue, Narberth,
was announc('d this week as the win-
ner of the All-Wilson plarwriting con-
GEORGE B. WHITWELL test sponsored by the Kittochtinny
l'il'e-p-resi/le1'1 of the Phillllldjlhilt ! Plnyrl's, Wilson ColIl'ge Dramatic
EICl'trie COmpIHll/, wllo spoke at : Club, at Chambersburg.
tile Intcr-Col/lIlies ll"I'flJlt ball- I .\Ii~:, Havliek's play is a fantasy en-
'J'"l lust ni,I/h I, lit!l'd "The Aftl'rnoon of a Faun" and .ay. Mra. Helen T. Rober'.,
.zi?+zC· V f"TZ

Cynwyd Club Hon-

ors Cecile Bowes
it will he }Jl'oducl'd by the player~
Ill-Xt fall.
l\li~~ Hadick, a s(-nior at Wilson,
ha~ b(-l'n prominent in litl'rary activi-
Molher 01 Grand Champion BahT
ties sincl' hl-r freshman year when (Licensed Producers 8. Distributors
she woJ) fir~t prizl' in the Omega· under Tradema rk)
At the annual meeting of thl' CY'n- TI)('t01 litel'ary society's contl'st. She Wayne, Penna. 'Phone Wayne 1121
wyd Club Tuesday last WPl'k, Cecill' 1\1. ha~ SPl'\'ed on thl' :,taffs of both the
Bowes was made a life membl'r in'
recognition of her achiewn1l'nt in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
winning the National WOll1l'n'S Squasll
Our used car stocks are low, following the
Racquets Championship thi~ year. ' Don't Be[ie'Ve You r Eye s unprecedented demand of the last several weeks.
Lloyd M. Tillman, presitlC'nt of the
club for the past two y('ars, was rl'-
We want your car now! Bring it in and get our
~', elected without opposition for a third $1160.00 worth of radios for $48.50! liberal trade-in offer on a NEW CHEVROLET•
~.. term.
Other offieers, all re-('!l'cted, were: I took 5 radios as trade-ins on new ones, They are ~ The tremendous demand of the last Chevrolet-the car that is complete-and the new
E, Harmon Friel, first \"ice-prpsidl'nt; i fairly recent models, carefully checked, and I guarantee . . . . . . . . . several weeks has reduced our stock Chevrolet trucks-the thrift-earriers for the
Horace G. Hill, second vicl'-presidcnt; their performance. The cabinets or tubes alone are worth of used cars to a point where we're actually nation! Convince yourself that Chevrolet styl-
Harry M. Simmons, secretary, and i their sales price, but I'm anxious to clear them out of short of certain popular makes and models! ing, Chevrolet performance, Chevrolet features
John S. Haynes, treasurer, stock, flOW. We need good wed oor5 and truc~l We're making -and Chevrolet's low prices-all combine to
J. H. Stevenson and Norman Bram-: liberal trade-in offers to get them! So now is your make these new models the best investments in
all Were re-elected to the Board of: Here's just the set for your Recreation Room. Pick
opportunity to get a new 1938 Chevroleoon very motordom! Come in-bring your car or truck
Governors, New members named are i yours flow-and don't believe your eyes when you read the
prices . , • come hear and test these fine radios for your-
favorable terms! • • • with you-get our liberal trade-in offer
Morris S. Snyder and G, D, Coan. : Visit our showroom and inspect the new todayl "You'll be ahead with a Chevroletl"
Walter Tillman, chairman of the: self, to be convinced of the values:
Squash Committee, reported that more i
General Moton In&tJJlme1Il Plan-Conven~ Economical Monthly Paymeri-t8. A General Mot.ors Value.
members were playing squash at the I RCA originally ~195 , , , $6.50
club than ever before and that the I HOWARD 9·tube desk type console ($350). . . . . .. $20
reeei pts were higher. ZENITH (originally $225) ..... , " .... , , . , . , ... , . $10 "YOU'LL BE AHEAD WITH A CHEVROLET"
Stevenson, chairman of the Elective; 2 MAJESTIC consoles ($195 originally), each.... .. $6
Committee, stated that 43 ml'mbers
were admitted during the year.
Narberth Electric &, Radio Co. KIRSCH CHEVROLET CO.
Narberth AYl!nue near Theatre NARD,4182 W. G. Case
214-216. Bala Avenue Phone, Cynwyd 81

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