Slumdog Star's Home Is Demolished

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Slumdog star's home is demolished

Azharuddin Mohammed
Ismail had been living in an
"illegal" shelter.
The Mumbai slum home of one of the child stars of the
Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire has been
demolished by city authorities.
Reports say that police smacked the boy, Azharuddin
Mohammed Ismail, with a bamboo stick before ordering him
The authorities claim he and other families were squatting
on land that was owned by the government.
He played a younger version of one of the main characters
in the film, which scooped eight Oscars.
"We are homeless, we have nowhere to go," Azharuddin
said after the demolition.
The family lived in a temporary makeshift shelter made up
of plastic sheets over bamboo sticks, in a slum near Bandra
East in Mumbai.
He said he had been fast asleep when the demolition squad
came and asked them to leave, later tearing down the entire
row of tents pitched on the land.
The family claim they had not been informed about the
planned demolition.
Municipal official, Uma Shankar Mistry, who was present
during the demolition, told the BBC that the authorities only
razed temporary and illegal homes which had recently been
erected next to the slum.
He said the houses were in an area that was meant for a
public garden.
Housing promise
The mother of the child actor said that she did not know
what would happen to her family now and that the help
promised by local authorities and by the film's makers had
not materialised.
"Our house has been broken down by officials. We have not
been given any alternate accommodation. Earlier the
authorities had said they would give us a house. But I don't
think that will happen any more," Shamim Ismail told the
The families of Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail and co-star
Rubina Ali, who played a younger version of the film's
female lead, had been promised new accommodation by a
local housing authority.
But a decision about whether or not this will go ahead is still
Film director Danny Boyle has strongly denied charges of
The film's makers have set up funds to pay for their
education and they have been enrolled in school for the first
They also recently announced that they will donate
£500,000 to a charity which will help children living in the
slums of Mumbai.
The film has made more than $200m (£140m) in box office

Wednesday, 07 July 2004 consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed

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