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EEE 535

Quantum Transport in Nanostructures and in Graphene Systems

Spring 2011
Homework 2

Due: Tuesday, February 15, in class

1. Triangular confining potential. Consider Eq. (1.6.3) in the “green” textbook. Assume B = 0
and the following form for U (y):


U (y) = (1)
|e|εy, y > 0,

where ε > 0 is a constant (electrical field). Show that the eigenenergies are given by

h̄2 k2  (|e|εh̄)2 1/3

E(n, k) = Es + + cn ,
2m 2m
where cn > 0 and −cn are the zeros of Airy function Ai(s).

2. Binding in the z-direction. We have discussed in class that the extremely tight binding in the
z-direction effectively leads to a single subband. To get a feeling for this behavior, consider
a δ-function well given by V (z) = Sδ(z) and the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation in the
z-direction. The wave function is a decaying exponential everywhere: Ψ(z) ∼ e−κ|z| . Its discon-
tinuity in slope at z = 0 must be balanced by the δ-function in the potential. Using this fact show
that the exponential decay rate is given by κ = mS/h̄2 and there exists only one bounded state
with binding energy E0 = (h̄κ)2 /(2m).

3. Electron density versus Fermi energy. Understand solutions to Problems E.1.3 and E.1.4 (on
pages 346-349 in the “green” textbook) and write a computer program to reproduce Fig. E.1.3
on page 347.

4. Electron in a finite potential well. A finite potential well in 1D is defined to be

 0 −L/2 ≤ x ≤ L/2,
V (x) = V1 x < −L/2, (2)
V1 x > L/2.

• Suppose the electron energy E is less than V1 . Obtain an algebraic equation from which the
allowed energy values can be numerically calculated. (Hint: four parameters should appear
in your result: the electron mass m, the Planck’s constant h̄, the device size L, and the value
of the potential energy V1 .)
• When the device parameters are: L = 1nm and V1 = 1.6×10−18J, how many possible energy
levels are there?

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