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Sai Smaran Chapter 42 BELOVED SWAMI’S GRACE ON MR VADGAMA After attending the grand programme of shat-laksharchana at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham, Mr & Mrs Vadgama every day chanted the mantra Aum Sri Sathya Sai Krishnaya Namaha, using their japamala, Beloved Swami says: Whatever you do, wherever you are, remember that I am with you and in you! That will save you from conceit and error That will make your service worthy of the people you serve. Mr Vadgama started attracting blessings from all angles. The manager ofthe giant supermarket chain store, Sainsburys, approached him with amassive order for production o: dishes for packaging of their food products. They also paid a large amount in advance for him to acquire bigger premises, buy the latest machinery, employ the necessary workforce, etc, and, last but not least, even arranged with their own bank to advance him the necessary loans to set up a whole new project. How could this be possible without Beloved Swami’s Grace? It was like a dream come true for Mr Vadgama. Just as the financial negotiations were going on, someone came to him with the news that a large warehouse just next door had come up for sale. He straightaway rang up the owner of the property and, with the authority of the Bank, the purchase was negotiated and confirmed. ‘The new property was acquired and the existing warehouse was to be vacated by the following Sunday, which was within four days, otherwise a fall month’s rent had to be paid. Mr Vadgama arranged with a specialist firm to move three machines Weighing 7 tons, 5 tons 2nd 3 tons to the new premises, next door. 304 ‘Sai Smaran , the manager of that firm called and said, “Sorry, we eaectde ie job as the equipment required to lift such heavy machines nut of order!” Mr Vadgama tried calling various other haulage firms make the move possible but to no avail! And at last, feeling very icjected, he started praying to God to solve this problem, yhouse when a man of Early on Sunday momning, he was at the warehouse » shor stature approached him and said, “Do you require someone to move your machines?” Mr Vadgama was surprised and asked, “Who e where the machines are to be shified to and the exact location o place them.” ‘Please take the machines to the premises next Vadgama rey joo temt il come through the door between both door from the outside and 1 warehouses and help you, Mr Vadgama was astonished to see this man take the 7-ton machine om the hoist. Wheeling it through the front entrance, the ma know you are not sure where to position this machine. Iw you just the right spot!” And he took it to one comer and sa is the best place, now let me bring the other machines. ‘The other two machines were shifted within half an hour and Me ith great satisfaction and happiness, inquired, “How muel ilgon shane ne Bry rr labour?” The man answered, “You can i id said, “I have only £70 Mr Vadgama had £70 cash in his pocket ani : cash on me. Ican pay the rest by cheque if that is OK with you?” The man replied in a strange manner, “This amount is enough for me.” Mr ‘Vadgama said, “Are you sure?” He replied, “Yes, sir!” ‘When Mr Vadgama put his hand in another pocket, he found a £5 note and said, “Here, have a drink with this!” 305 Sai Smaran ‘The man took the money and quickly left. When Mr Vadgama saw that the man had forgotten a whee! and tyre, he asked his son Niraj to jim back. When Niraj came out, there was no one there! He said tohis father, “How can the man with all his lifting equipment disappear so quickly? This is surely a miracle!” Both father and son ran up to the main road to see if they could spot him, but there was no one. Straightaway Mr Vadgama called us and narrated the story. We all knew that the man could not be anybody else but Our Beloved Lord Sail And He did the job of at least two hours in just 40 minutes! Mr ‘Vadgama’s wife felt sorry that she did not offer the ‘man’ a cup of tea or coffee! The wheel and tyre were left as a souvenir! This story spread among devotees throughout the U.K. Beloved Swami says: My miracles are part of the unlimited power of God and are in no sense the product of yogic powers, which are acquired. They are natural and unconstrained. There are no invisible igs helping Me. My divine power brings the objects in a moment, Iam everywhere. Besides being spontaneous tokens of My love, My so-called miracles are to plant the seed of faith in the minds of unbelievers, and to foster humanity and veneration towards a Higher Power Mr Vadgama’s faith increased and he approached Sai devotees to organise the spiritual sdhana of laksharchana atthe warehouse before commencement of business. The day before the programme, devotees brought two large photos of Shirdi Sai Baba and Sathya Sai Baba and placed them on the table where the altar was to be set up the next day. In the morning, when Mr Vadgama went to the warehouse and saw the photos, he said to himself, “These photos are so dusty, why didn’t these people clean them before bringing them in?” He went to fetcha cloth and was about to clean the photos when someone entered and said, “Please don’t do that. This is Bhagavan’s Grace. He is showering 306 Sai Smaran vibhuti for the devotees!” Mr Vadgama then asked, “Who is this old ‘nan?” Everything was explained to him about SI Five hundred people attended the laksharchana. An announcement was made, “We are very fortunate to have doctor [Gadhia] with us to perform this great spiritual sadhana, because he is flying to California, America, tomorrow.” Having explained everything, we started the laksharchana and Beloved Swami proved His omnipresence ~ ic. vibhuti started falling ffom the large photos continually throughout the chanting of the mantra sum Sri Sathya Sai Krishndya Namaha. This phenomenon, which confirmed the greatness of Beloved Swami and His message, was seen by all the devotees. On another occasion of laksharchana, rose flower petals were seen falling from a rose garland draped over a large photo of Beloved Swami, Everyone present observed the phenomenon and news of this was conveyed to the devotees in the U.K. Among the devotees at Mr Vadgama’s warehouse were Hirabhai and Chandanben from Pensacola, USA, who were introduced to me by nny sister. After witnessing this event, they requested me to perform laksharchana at their residence during our visit to America. My sister Hansa included Pensacola in our programme and Beloved Swami jessed the event by cracking a coconut placed on the altar. Mr Vadgama goes to India to meet Baba Mr Vadgama’s faith increased and he went to Prasanthi Nilayam. He not know anything about the rules of the ashram. Beloved Swami not look at him for a week and he murmured to a devotee next to him, “What type of God is He? He does not even look at u The person on the other side said, “This gentleman {pointing to someone] is from Australia and has been sitting here for over a month without Swami’s physical attention!” 307 Sai Smaré Mr Vadgama was disappoi pointed and decided to leave the next d iui the UK. Before leaving, he heard that Baba had also. depart dann rasanthl Nilayam for Whitefield, near Bangalore. He thought ‘nhis mind, “Now there isno need to worry, Ican leave for the UL: to Bangalore the taxi driver tried to reassure Mr Vadgam ‘Do not lose heart. Baba meets devotees in Whitefield and I surely physically acknowledge your presence there.” But Mr Vadgama was not interested. He asked the driver to take him ts 00d hotel in Bangalore for acomplete rest, and the next day he would 80 to the airport for the 1.00 p.m. flight to Bombay. inted. I give you my guarant os will ake you tothe airport in time, but please go for darshan at -00 a.m. and maybe you will get a chance to speak to Swami.’ Mr Vadgama agreed. In Whitefield, he wait 7 ie Waited for Baba who passed by but did not look at him. He then we iver and si . ent to the taxi i does not look at me!” sierra The next day Mr Vadgama was sittin ig With thousands of devotees, Beloved Swami passed by his side but once again did not ve him steps f ta letter from Dr Gad fowards him, and said: Accha~ is itso? He came closer and took the letters from him. Mr Vadgama said, “Swami, I want an interview!” Baba replied: 4fter to years — and walked away! The person seated by the side of Mr Vad, An d igama said, “You should ask for an interview. Swami knows whom to give and when to ‘ave an interview.” i - ae Mr Vadgama once again spoke loudly, “What does He 308 Sai Smaran Beloved Baba heard him, walked back and said these most important words: Swami knows everything! Your machines were moved by Swami but He did not take any money. The money that was given is ke the machine, between two logs of wood. Go and confirm it! Mi Vadgama was shocked and in tears. The person next to him asked, “Now, what is the matter?” He said, “It is between Baba and me!” From the ashram in Whitefield, Mr Vadgama went straight to the airport and flew to Bombay. He telephoned his daughter London and told her what Swami had said. She tol io Bhanubhai Patel and Gordhanbhai Patel, who came with a video camera to the warehouse. They asked Sangeeta to open the machine that was mentioned by Swami and, wonder of wonders, they found 1g £75 (the amount given to the man who shifted the machines), covered in vibhuti, between two logs of wood After an hour, Mr Vadgama was contacted in Bombay and everything ‘was reported to him. He was still not very satisfied. Back in London, on seeing the notes, he knew that they were the ones he had given to the man because of oil stains on them ~ at the time of giving the money, his hands were covered in oil! Now he was in tears because he realised it was Baba (God) who had visited him and done the difficult job of shifting! ‘As promised by Beloved Swami, after two years there was a message from Baba to Mr Vadgama to visit Prasanthi possible! Within three days Mr Vadgama arrived in Bangalore airport and was surprised to see someone holding a board with his name. ‘This person said, “Swami has sent me to receive you and take you to Prasanthi Nilayam as His guest. Tomorrow morning you will have coffee with Swami!” Tears welled up in Mr Vadgama’s eyes and his joy knew no bounds. ‘That night, through excitement, he could not sleep. In the moming he ‘was taken to Beloved Swami. At breakfast, Baba said: You have to do 309 Sai Smaran @ lot of service in future! At present, there are three warehouses wit three plants for manufacturing, destroying, and recycling inBangalre All dishes used during celebrations at all festivals are made there, To. the devotees sitting close by, Swami said: This Vadgama was washin twensils during Shirdi Baba’ time. Now he is manufacturing dishes and in the next birth he will be the storekeeper of Prema Sail 310 | purity of thought, word and deed ~ by manife: Chapter 43 VISITS TO SIX COUNTRIES sweden _[ Devotees in Sweden invited us to perform spiritual exercises and to ‘| present the Divine Message of Beloved Swami. Vinubhai and "| Bhartiben of Wembley, London, made all the necessary arrangements. 4 When we arrived, it was bitterly cold and, whi the roads were kept clear, there were heaps of snow, up to five feet high, on both sides. ‘The two Sathya Sai Centres in Sweden had organised the sadhana of ‘| laksharchana in both places. The first was in a hall with two hundred devotees. I explained each and every step of laksharchana and emphasised how Swami responds to our sadhana ~ if performed with 1g His omnipotence and omnipresence. The greatest mahima (miracle) is ‘trance? ion of His presence and hence we keep a chair for Beloved Swami to sit on! Asign of His presence was shown on that day, Just after [had explained the mahima of decorative lights going off and on three times if Swami | manifests in front of the devotees, the lights went off and on three times! Everyone realised this as a sign of His omnipresence. for many years, came to me and said, “You have revealed a wonderfull mahima. 1 experience this phenomenon often in my room and I feel ‘Swami is blessing me.” When this incident was narrated to devotees in Singatoka, Fiji, Beloved Baba created a lot of vibhuti over Swami’s Paduka. aL

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