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Explaining “Sickness"

When a person gets a flu, their nose runs, they cough, they have fever,
their eyes get swollen & glassy, they lose their appetite, they’re lethargic
and feel bad, they are weak, they lose their spark, etc.

We’ve all been programmed to believe this is sickness! News flash: All
those amazing symptoms have a reason that is a great reason! Your nose
runs to excrete wastes. You get diarrhea to excrete “stuff”. The fever is
there to fight/kill the offending organism/situation. The tear glands produce
tears to cool the cornea so its heat-sensitive protein make-up is not
damaged. There is no appetite because the body shuts down digestive
cycles & shunts all energy to defense/healing/restoration. All these
activities are designed for one purpose only – to restore health & remove
the invading “organism”.

That being said, “sickness” is perceived in a whole new light. These “bad’
things/symptoms are not random effects that need to be treated. It does not
mean you’re “sick”. It means your body is doing exactly what it has been
designed & programmed to do.

This type of “sickness” is an example of phenomenal health! It is what

should happen! It may not be pleasant, but it is an expression of health that
will keep you alive and well.

There is an Intelligence ruling our bodies. It is a part of the Intelligence that

rules the Universe. That intelligence inside of you knows what is best for
your body. It knows that all body systems need regular exercise in order to
function at their optimum level at all times. The body expects to reformat
and purge what needs enhancement. Like other parts of the body, the
immune system also needs to be exercised.

We have a built-in “alarm” that activates the immune system, temporarily

kicking in our immune response when we are “attacked” by a bug or a
lowered level of immune function of some sort. The response is an
activation of the immune system to fight off the invading “organism”.

This is NOT sickness, it is an expression of good health– the body doing

exactly what it is programmed. This is good! So, when you get “sick”, that
is wonderful!

This is the process of health achievement & maintenance, if you are

generally healthy. Please understand that having the occasional flu is a
very important part of great health! Your body will not be at its best without
it. So, relax & know the truth! Antibiotics do NOT enhance your immune
function, your body does.

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