Analyzing Business Behavior

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As the Vice President of Marketing for Graves Enterprise my job is to analyze the

primary and secondary market research available for their prospective markets. Presented for

analysis were a couple of prospective proposals for the consumer and business buying behavior.

The first question knows NOW what you do about consumer behavior and purchase patterns, as

shared by Kotler, what are your thoughts about the Consumers Product proposal. The problem is

whether or not the consumer proposal is at the best interest of the company. In my opinion this

proposal does not meet the standard of our operation.

In trying to align our marketing strategy with Kotler it is stated “Adopting a holistic

marketing orientation means understanding customers - gaining a 360 degree view of both their

daily lives and the changes that occur during their lifetime so that the right products are marketed

to the right customer the right way”[CITATION Kot09 \p 150 \l 1033 ] Meaning that order to be

successful you must a connection with the consumer to keep them interested. With pricing the

product at 1.5x for the eco-friendly aspect would not be a wise choice. It could be deemed too

expensive and consumers may not purchase it. With the market being so competitive they may

find another product comparable and at a lower cost. It is stated that “both price and economic

conditions will play a part in any eventual buying decision.”(page 3 lecture notes)

The second question is knowing NOW what you do about business purchasing and

decisions making processes within a business organization as shard by Kotler, what are your

thoughts about the Commercial Product Proposals? “Business Marketers face many of the same

challenges as consumer marketers. In particular understanding their customers and what they

value is of paramount importance to both”[CITATION Kot09 \p 182 \l 1033 ]

This proposal will not work, as well. Graves Enterprise did extensive research and

saying that they currently lead in the market of Schools, retail and office building. Their feeling

is that they are secure in this market. The plan in the proposal is to price at twice the cost of their

product line. By repackaging the product into “Specially formulated for Healthcare” with the

Skid-No-More floor wax still is no cause for doubling the price and believing that you will

remain secure in the market with high competition.

Lastly, what did I personally learn about Consumer Behavior that I did not previously

know? And what did I personally learn about Business Behavior that I did not previously know?

What was learned is consumer behavior can be very complex at time. Whether the product is

quality or priced competitive if a consumer perceives a purchase as a risk then it affects the

decision to purchase the product. With Business Behavior due to many businesses buying items

in bulk they are looking for pricing advantages. Most companies have buyers that make

purchases for the company so when making purchases for the company that are looking at

quality, quantity and profits.

What primary concept relative to purchasing behavior was the exercise trying to

demonstrate? This exercise was about how consumers and business make decisions when

making purchases on new products in the market. The reaction of the consumer and business

determines the success of the product. Market research is plays an extensive role then strategy on

implementing the product becomes the major task.

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