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I walked down the hall, all alone with no one in the house. I looked straight ahead, knowing what, or
whom, I would see. I looked into the glass door and saw a man, no a boy, around 17, but I knew who he
was. I would always know him. He had black, rustled hair. He was almost a head taller than me, with big
almond eyes, the color of shadows and hauntings with a straight prominent nose. His lips were in a tight
line, looking grim. He stood right behind me, just looking at me with sad, wistful eyes, almost like he was
pleading with me. But there was something more - something deeper that looked faintly like accusation
in his eyes.
“Caden, I’m so sorry I-” I said, turning around to embrace him, to erase the guilt that has been eating
at me. But there was no one.
No one.

Chapter 1

This can’t be happening…it can’t be happening!! Why me? Those thoughts floated around my mind,
making me dizzy and nauseous.

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