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 Kalimat Imperative (Imperative Sentence) adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk meminta orang melakukan atau
tidak melakukan sesuatu.
 Kalimat Imperative bisa menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama, menggunakan kata sifat atau menggunakan
bentuk negatif.
 Kalimat Imperative tidak ada yang berupa kalimat interrogative (kalimat tanya).
 Perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut:
1. Menggunakan kata kerja
a. Open the door !
b. Close your book !
2. Menggunakan Kata Sifat
a. Be careful !
b. Be nice with your friend !
3. Menggunakan bentuk negatif
a. Don’t be late !
b. Don’t stop here !

Exercise 1:
Give your imperative sentence from these sentences below !
Example: Your teacher will give you an examination. He says that you can’t look at the book.
He says: Don’t open your book !

1. Your hobby is watching new movie in the cinema. You heard that there is a new movie played in your town.
You will watch this but your mother forbid you.
She says: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Mr. Cipto wants to go to New Zealand. He will leave his children for one week. He says to his children to be
good boy and girl with their children’s friend.
He says: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. You bring motorcycle without driving license. In the middle of the street, a police officer stop you. He will
check your license.
He says: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Exercise 2:
Translate into English !
1. Letakkan bukumu di atas meja.
2. Buanglah sampah pada tempatnya.
3. Simpanlah uangmu di bank.
4. Jangan merokok di sini.
5. Rajin-rajinlah dalam belajarmu.
6. Jadilah anak yang baik.
7. Jagalah kebersihan sekitar kita.
8. Tunjukkan kemampuanmu.
9. Kirimlah suratmu segera.
10. Kerjakan pekerjaan rumahmu

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