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Four-item OBE (Overall Brand Equity)

1. It makes sense to buy Xxx instead of any other brand, even if they are the same?
2. Even if another brand has the same features as Xxxx, I would prefer to buy Xxx?
3. If there is another brand as good as Xxx, I prefer to buy Xxx?
4. If another brand is not different from Xxx in any way, it seems smarter to purchase Xxx?

Multidimensional Brand Equity (MBE) items

a) Brand Awareness

1. I know what Xxx look like?

2. I can recognize Xxx among other competing brand?
3. I am aware of Xxx?
4. Some characteristics of Xxx come to my mind quickly?
5. I can quickly recall the symbol or logo of Xxx?
6. Have difficulty in imagining Xxx in my mind?

b) Perceived Quality

1. Xxx is of high quality?

2. The likely quality of Xxx is extremely high?
3. The likelihood that Xxx would be functional is very high?
4. The likelihood that Xxx is reliable is very high?
5. Xxx must be very good quality?
6. Xxx appears to be of very poor quality?

c) Brand Loyalty

1. I consider myself to be loyal to Xxx?

2. Xxx would be my first choice?
3. I will not buy other brands if Xxx is available at the store?
Measuring brand equity: An evaluation of a consumer-based brand equity scale. Judith H
Washburn; Richard E Plank. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice; Winter 2002; 10, 1;
ABI/INFORM Globalpg. 46

Demographic Information

1. Age
2. Gender
3. Marital Status
4. Income
5. Level of Education
6. Job

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