Performance Challenge Fund For Local Government Units

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Performance Challenge Fund for Local Government Units

Concept Note


1. The passage of the Local Government Code in 1991 has put the spotlight on Local Government Units
(LGUs), particularly on the huge responsibility that was entrusted to them as well as the amount of
resources that are now at their disposal to effectively discharge the devolved functions.
2. LGUs’ share in national internal revenues called the Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) has been
increasing since 1991. For the period 2001–2008, the IRA accounted for 16.6 % of the total national
government budget. For 2010, LGUs stand to receive P265.8 billion which accounts for 20.3% of the
total national government budget.
3. Under the LG Code, 20% of IRA should be set aside for development projects to be used for specific
programs, projects and activities in furtherance of the development agenda of the government. For
CY 2010, the 20% development funds of LGUs amounts to P53Billion.
4. On February 20, 2009, the Development Budget Coordinating Committee (DBCC) approved the
Performance Based Incentive Policy (Annex 1) which provides for an incentive framework to
rationalize national government intergovernmental transfers to LGU towards improving LGU
performance in governance and delivery of basic services.


The Performance Challenge Fund for Local Government Units (PC Fund) is an incentive fund to
LGUs in the form of counterpart funding to high-impact capital investment projects in the Annual
Investment Program and funded the 20% Development Fund consistent with national priorities . It
shall seek to rationalize national government intergovernmental transfers to LGUs, and encourage
alignment of local development initiatives with national government development agenda and

Specifically, the PC Fund aims to:

1. Recognize good governance performance particularly in the adoption of “good housekeeping”

governance areas of planning, budgeting, revenue mobilization, financial management and
budget execution, procurement, and resource mobilization;
Performance Challenge Fund for Local Government Units 1

2. Seek improvements in LGU performance by linking incentives/financial grants with performing

LGUs based on an established set of requirements and condition,
3. Encourage alignment local development programs with national development goals and priorities,
4. Stimulate LGU and private sector investments in sectors prioritized by the national government.


The PC Fund shall be open to all provinces, cities and municipalities awarded with the Seal of Good
Housekeeping provided that the LGU shall allocate counterpart fund to implement capital investment
projects aligned with the national development agenda and priorities.

LGUs may be targeted based on income class or alternative indicators of fiscal need (e.g.,
income/IRA per capita, poverty incidence) or level of LGU. Coverage will be limited by the volume of
grants that are sizeable enough to be attractive to the targeted LGUs.


Target LGUs must comply with the following criteria as seal of good housekeeping in key governance
areas of planning, budgeting, revenue mobilization, financial management and budget execution,
procurement, and resource mobilization in order to qualify for the grant.

Area Indicator

1. Good Planning 1. Updated and approved Comprehensive

Land Use Plan (optional)
2. Updated and approved Comprehensive
Development Plan
3. Updated and approved Annual Investment
4. Presence of Executive- Legislative Agenda
2. Sound Fiscal Management 1. Result of COA Audit (acceptable level)
2. LGU Annual Budget approved and
Performance Challenge Fund for Local Government Units 2

compliant to legal and statutory

3. Percentage of cost to collect revenues to
total local revenues (50% or less)
4. Growth in local revenues over 3 years
5. Presence of Updated Revenue Code
(every 5 years)
6. Presence of updated Schedule of Market
Values (every 3 years)
7. Regular submission of Statement of
Receipts and Expenditures (quarterly)
3. Values Transparency and 1. Functionality of Local Special Bodies
Accountability 2. Transparency of the procurement process
3. Compliance to the Anti-Red Tape Law
4. Full disclosure of local budget and finances,
and bids and public offerings through
posting in conspicuous places within public
buildings in the locality, or in print media of
community or general circulation, and in
their website
4. Valuing of Performance 1. Performance Monitoring Tool or Scorecard
Monitoring System being utilized
2. Published State of Local Governance
Performance Report, State of Development
Report, and Financial Report
3. Awards Received for Exemplary

After passing the eligibility criteria, qualified LGUs will selected on the basis of their equity funding
from the LGU 20% development fund on investments it would finance using the grant. Priority shall be
given to LGUs with partnership agreement and counterpart support with other LGUs and/or private
Performance Challenge Fund for Local Government Units 3



Option 1: P5M grant each  More LGUs can access  A province may have to
for 100 qualified (100 municipalities with counterpart more than 1
municipalities counterpart from 100 municipality
provinces)  Less coverage 100/1500
municipalities = less
Option 2: P10M grant each  With more multiplier effect  Prone to political
for 50 provinces. This will - 50 provinces with partiality/bias
benefit 50 of 80 provinces. counterpart from
atleast150 municipalities if
each province will have at
least 3 component
municipal/city partners
 Strengthens the oversight
function over component
cities and municipalities
 The province can
influence their component
cities and municipalities to
align their projects with
provincial and national
Option 3: P10M grant each  In view of having denser  Cities are in less need of
for 50 cities. This will benefit population, more financial subsidy that
50 of 130 cities. constituents to benefit provinces and
from project municipalities, in view of
higher IRA share
No counter-parting from
Performance Challenge Fund for Local Government Units 4

Option 4: By Auction  Encourage competition  Would still require

3 grants of P 20M among LGUs to align identification of level of
40 grants of P10M projects under DF with LGU as grant
This will benefit 43 national priorities (ranking beneficiaries
LGUs. shall be based on LGU
equity funding from the
20% DF)


The grants may support capital investments from a menu of investment projects that support national
priorities, particularly Pnoy priority programs on:

1. Improving Social Services (e.g. school buildings, hospital and health centers, housing and
2. Providing Public infrastructure (e.g. local roads and bridges, railways, ports and wharves),
3. Enhancing Economic Services (e.g. tourism facilities, irrigation systems, post harvest facilities,
cold storage facilities, and other economic infrastructures and growth enhancing projects such as
market, slaughterhouses, and water supply system)
4. Adapting to Climate Change and Preparing for Disaster (e.g. flood control, reforestation, solid
waste management facilities, evacuation centers, early warning and devices and rescue
5. Promoting Good Governance (Anti-Red Tape/ Anti-Corruption Systems)

In financing projects, the PC Fund may be used for the following:

1. as counterpart funds for foreign-assisted projects of the LGUs,

2. as co-financing for joint projects with other LGUs, and
3. as counterpart for projects of the LGUs with the private sector in the context of public partnership
in establishing more economic activities.

However, FC Fund can not be used to finance the following:

1. Tax payment,
2. Salaries and recurrent cost, and
3. Micro credits and loans.
Performance Challenge Fund for Local Government Units 5



The DILG with the DBM shall jointly administer the PC Fund subject to policy and implementation
guidelines which shall be formulated by the PC Fund Management Board. The PC Fund Management
Board shall be headed by the DILG and composed of the DBM, DOF, and League(s) of LGUs. The
Fund Management Board shall prescribe the policy guidelines for the effective implementation of the
PC Fund including fund utilization and project implementation, and focusing on the following:

1. Mechanics for the availment of grant and utilization of fund,

2. Evaluation guidelines for assessing LGU applications for grant
3. Monitoring & evaluation mechanism to track the progress in the implementation of PC Fund
funded projects
4. Post audit procedures of the program.

The DILG shall as act as the Technical Secretariat of the PC Fund Management Board.
Performance Challenge Fund for Local Government Units 6



An amount of P 500M is being requested for implementation of the project for CY 2011.

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