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Bilinear Forms

Tim Campion
January 28, 2011

1 Terminology
Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over a field k of characteristic 6= 2
and Q ∈ V ∗ ⊗ V ∗ a bilinear form. We say that V is a Q-module.

Nondegeneracy Q induces a map Q† : V → V ∗ by v 7→ Q(v, −). V is

called nondegenerate if Q† is an isomorphism. The largest-dimension of a
subspace of V on which V is nondegenerate is called its rank. Note that a
subspace of a nondegenerate space need not be nondegenerate.

Symmetry (Q, V ) is called braided if there is  ∈ k such that Q(v, w) =

Q(w, v) for all v, w ∈ V . The case  = 1 is called symmetric; the case  = −1
is called alternating; the case  = 0 is the trivial module– we will generally
silently exclude this case unless we explicitly mention it.
If char k = 2, then the notions of symmetric and alternating coincide. If
char k 6= 2, then V is alternating if and only if Q(v, v) = 0 for all v ∈ V .
For Q(v, v) = −Q(v, v) implies 2Q(v, v) = 0; since char k 6= 2, this implies
Q(v, v) = 0. Conversely, we have

0 = Q(v+w, v+w) = Q(v, v)+Q(v, w)+Q(w, v)+Q(w, w) = Q(v, w)+Q(w, v)

Any subspace of an -braided space is -braided, in contrast to the fact

that a subspace of a nondegenerate space need not be nondegenerate. A
1-dimensional alternating space in char k 6= 2 is degenerate; we will shortly
see that this is true of all odd-dimensional alternating spaces.

Orthogonality If Q(v, w) = 0 then we write v ⊥ w and say v is left
orthogonal to w. The left orthogonal complement W ⊥ of a subspace W ⊂
V is the set of all vectors left orthogonal to every element of W . If v is
left orthogonal to w for all w ∈ V , then v is called left isotropic. Q is
nondegenerate iff none of its elements are isotropic. 1
If V is nondegenerate and W ⊂ V , then dim W ⊥ = dim V − dim W
because Q† is an isomorphism; the image of W has the same dimension as
W , and so ker Q† |W = W ⊥ has the complementary dimension in V . 2
All of these notions can, of course be defined on the right, too. If V is
braided, then left orthogonal is the same as right orthogonal; left isotropic is
the same as right isotropic. For if Q(v, w) = ±Q(w, v), then Q(v, w) = 0 if
and only if Q(w, v) = 0. A space where left and right orthogonality coincide
is called ambidextrous.

Bases A basis {e1 , . . . , en } for V is called sparse if for each ei there is at

most one eji with Q(ei , eji ) 6= 0 and moreover Q(ek , ei ) = 0 for k 6= ji .
A basis {e1 , . . . , en } for V is called an orthogonal basis if Q(ei , ej ) = 0 for
i 6= j. A basis {e1 , . . . , en , f1 , . . . , fn } for V is called symplectic if Q(ei , fj ) =
−Q(fj , ei ) = δij . Orthogonal and symplectic bases are sparse.
It suffices to consider left isotropy alone, because Q is nondegenerate iff its matrix is
invertible; but inverses of square matrices can have only 2-sided inverses.
Linear algebra fact: Let V be a finite dimensional vector space. Then W ⊂ V ∗ is
uniquely determined by ker W , by which I mean the intersection of the kernels of all
elements of W , and they are complementary under any identification V ∼ = V ∗ sending
ker W to a comlementary subspace of W , of which there exists at least one. This is a
special case of the Nullstellensatz... Here’s an algorithmic way to do it (I would like to
have a more conceptual way, but perhaps that’s not in the cards after all... No, I still think
it might be.): choose a basis for ker W ; we will extend it to one on V . Let 0 = Λ0 ⊂ V ∗ , and
inductively choose vi ∈ ker Λ0 and λi ∈ W such that λi (vi ) 6= 0, setting Λi = Λi−1 ∪ {λi }.
This continues until ker Λ = ker W . Then we can apply Gram-Schmidt: normalize so that
λi (vi ) = 1. Set µ1 = λ1 ; we P have µ1 (vj ) = δ1j . Inductively suppose that λi vj = δij for
i < k. Then let µk = λk − i<k λk (vi )µi . Then µk (vi ) = δik; this holds for i ≥ k because
it was true of λk and all the µi with i < k in the definition (since we chose vj to be in
ker λi for i < j); it holds for i < k because we subtracted off those components. Then
µ1 , . . . , µn is a dual basis to v1 , . . . , vn (where
P we extended with a basis on W too). So if
λ(W ) = 0, then write λ(vi ) = ci . Then λ = ci µi is in W .

2 Decomposition of Bilinear Forms
Lemma 1. Let (Q, V ) be a nondegenerate bilinear module and e ∈ V . If
v ∈ e⊥ is left-isotropic in e⊥ , then v is a scalar multiple of e.

Proof. Since V is nondegenerate, e⊥ is of codimension 1. Pick f ∈ V \e⊥ , a

complement. Since V is nondegenerate, we can normalize f so that Q(e, f ) =
1. If e0 ∈ e⊥ is left-isotropic, then by the nondegeneracy of V we must have
Q(e0 , f ) = c 6= 0. Then W (e0 −ce, f ) = 0. Since e0 −ce is also left-isotropic on
e⊥ , we see that e0 −ce is in fact left-isotropic on V . Since V is nondegenerate,
in fact e0 = ce.
So if e 6∈ e⊥ , then e⊥ is nondegenerate, while if e ∈ e⊥ in an ambidextrous
space, then any complementary subspace to e in e⊥ is nondegenerate (since if
e0 were isotropic in W , then it would also be isotropic in e⊥ , as Q(e0 , e) = 0).

Lemma 2. Let (Q, V ) be a nondegenerate module. Let e, f ∈ V and W ⊂ e⊥ .

If W is nondegenerate and there is a sparse basis for W , then there exists
f 0 ∈ W ⊥ with f − f 0 ∈ e⊥ .

Proof. Let w1 , . . . , wn be a sparse basis for W , and let wi0 be the partner
of wi .PSince W is nondegenerate, we have Q(wi , wi0 ) 6= 0 for all i. Let
f0 = i ωi wi for scalars ωi we are about to set. Certainly f − f 0 ∈ e⊥ .
Q(wi ,f )
Then Q(wi , f 0 ) = Q(wi , f ) + i ωi0 Q(wi , wi0 ). So let ωi = − Q(w
i ,wi0 )
; then
0 ⊥
f ∈W .

Theorem 3. An ambidextrous module (Q, V ) has a sparse basis.

Proof. Let (Q, V ) be an -braided module, and let e ∈ V . First consider

the case that e 6∈ e⊥ . By Lemma 1, e⊥ is nondegenerate. By induction (the
theorem holds if dim V = 0, 1) there is a sparse basis B for e⊥ . Adjoining e
to this basis provides a sparse basis for V , with e being its own partner.
Now consider the case that e ∈ e⊥ . By Lemma 1, if W ⊂ e⊥ is com-
plementary to e, then W is nondegenerate. By induction, there is a sparse
basis B for W . Since V is nondegenerate, there is f ∈ V with Q(e, f ) = 1;
since f 6∈ e⊥ , we have V = e⊥ ⊕ f (abstractly, not orthogonally). By Lemma
2, there is f 0 ∈ W ⊥ with f 0 − f ∈ e⊥ . Then Q(e, f 0 ) = Q(e, f ) = 1 while
Q(b, f ) = 0 for any b ∈ B. Since V is ambidextrous, we also have Q(f, b) = 0,
so adjoining e, f 0 to B provides a sparse basis for V .

Corollary 4. A symmetric module has an orthogonal basis. An alternating
module has a symplectic basis.
Proof. The alternating case is clear: take a sparse basis, the partner of a
basis vector is itself only if that vector is isotropic. Otherwise, we have a
partition of the basis into {e1 , . . . , en , f1 , . . . , fn } where ei , fi are partners; any
partners with Q(ei , fi ) = 0 are isotropic and can be reassigned to themselves.
Normalize fi so that Q(ei , fi ) = 1; since V is alternating then Q(fi , ei ) = −1.
So this is a symplectic basis.
In the symmetric case, we can again separate out the isotropic vectors. Of
the remaining vectors, some are self-partnered, and hence already orthogonal.
The others can be normalized as in the alternating case, except now we have
Q(ei , fi ) = Q(fi , ei ) = 1. Then the vectors vi = ei + fi , wi = ei − fi have
Q(vi , wi ) = 0 and Q(vi , vi ) = 2, Q(wi , wi ) = −2, and span the same space
as ei , fi (recall char k 6= 2). So these along with the self-partners provide an
orthogonal basis.
Theorem 5. Any bilinear module can be decomposed as orthogonal the di-
rect sum of a nondegenerate symmetric module, a nondegenerate alternating
module, and uniformly isotropic module.
Proof. If V is alternating, we are done. Otherwise, there is an element e ∈ V
which is not self-orthogonal. Then e⊥ is nondegenerate by Lemma 1, and
there is a sparse basis for e⊥ by Corollary 4. By Lemma 2, there is e0
orthogonal to e⊥ with e − e0 ∈ e⊥ . Then adjoining e0 to the sparse basis
on e⊥ continues to provide a sparse basis, whether Q(e0 , e0 ) = 0 (and we
expand the uniformly zero part) or whether Q(e0 , e0 ) 6= 0 (and we expand the
symmetric part).

3 Invariants of Bilinear Forms

The alternating and symmetric and trivial parts of a bilinear form are in-
variant, because Q|W is -braided iff Q(v, w) = 12 (Q|W (v, w) + Q|W (w, v))
for all v, w ∈ W (including the  = ±1, 0).
Trivial modules have only one invariant: dimension.
It is immediate from the above discussion that, up to isomorphism, there
is a unique nondegenerate alternating form of rank 2n for each n ∈ N, and it
is the direct sum of n copies of the 2-dimensional alternating form; degenerate
alternating forms simply tack on direct sums of the trivial form.

Symmetric modules are more complicated. We’ve seen that they can
be diagonalized; dimensions can be stretched so that the diagonal entries
2 2
are defined up to isomorphism only mod k × ; in particular if k × = k ×
(for instance, if k is algebraically closed), then all nondegenerate symmetric
modules of the same rank are isomorphic. But change of basis multiplies the
determinant by the square of the basis matrix, so the determinant in k × /k ×
is an invariant. Over the reals, the signature is another invariant. In other
fields, other invariants are used.

4 Automorphisms of Bilinear Modules

This is the great can of worms! This is essentially equivalent to the study of
semisimple Lie groups (or algebraic groups)!

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