When The Poor Outsmart The Rich

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Rich but ugly or poor but good-looking?

By Angelo Miguel Flores

Compared to the past few decades, more and more Filipinos live beyond their
means. But when the going gets tough, the predators go out to prey on those who can
get the tough going.

According to a survey conducted by the Social Weather Station (SWS) on

November 27-30, 2010, 51 percent of 1,200 respondents in the country chose ugly but
rich partners, 46 percent chose good-looking but poor partners, while the other 4
percent do not care. Majority of the respondents who chose ugly but rich partners are
women while men still prefer looks over wealth.

In Metro Manila and different parts of Luzon (55 percent), more respondents
chose to have rich partners regardless of their personal appearance. But it cannot be
concluded that the Philippines is a nation that is all about the money because in
Mindanao more respondents said they would rather have good-looking partners though
low on the green. In Visayas, the survey resulted to a 50-50 outcome.

As they often say, standards die with age. The standards of a thirteen year-old
person would most probably be all about the looks. Young love is a hopeful one. What
young people see on television, they tend to want to mimic in real life. Of course, what
is seen on television is an exaggeration of real life. Good looks, loaded bank accounts,
fairytale-like love stories. But as they grow older, they realize that that kind of person
rarely (if not cannot) exist in real life. So in the end, the standards created by young,
hopeful love shrinks on its seat.

Although most Filipinos say they have certain standards when choosing a
partner, it all boils down to who you connect with and who you can imagine turning the
pages to the next chapters of your life with you. -AMFlores

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