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The act of designing the company’s

offering and image to occupy a distinctive
place in the mind of the target market
The end result of positioning is the
successful creation –focused value
proposition (reason for target market to buy
the product)
 Positioning starts with a product ,it is not
what you do to a product it is what you do
to the mind of the prospect
In case of well established products
what does a competitor do ?
 Strengthen it’s own current position in the
consumer’s mind
 Grab an unoccupied position
 De-position or reposition the competition in
the customer’s mind
 Create an exclusive strategy
How many ideas to promote
Positioning errors
 Under positioning when consumers do not
see clarity
 Over-positioning too narrow image of a
 Confused positioning company making too
many claims or changing the brand image
too frequently
 Doubtful positioning
Positioning possibilities
 Attribute positioning size or no. of years
 Benefit positioning leader in certain benefit
 Use or application positioning
 User positioning
 Competitor positioning
 Quality or price positioning
 Important
 Distinctive
 Superior
 Preemptive
 Affordable
 Profitable
Types of industries
 Volume industry -profitability is correlated
with company size and market share
 Stalemated industry - few potential
competitive advantages and each is small
.profitability is unrelated to company market
 Fragmented industry - companies face many
opportunities for differentiation but each small
 Specialized industry -companies face many
differentiation opportunities , and each
differentiation can have high pay off
Differentiation tools
 Product
 Service
 Personnel
 Channel
 Image
 Form
 Features
 Performance quality
 Conformance quality
 Durability
 Reliability
 Reparability
 Design
 Ordering ease
 Delivery
 Installation
 Customer training
 Maintenance and repair
 Symbols , colours, slogans, special

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