Exective Summary

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With employee strength of 30,000 and 5.7 million customers, PTCL is the largest
telecommunications provider in Pakistan. PTCL also continues to be the largest CDMA operator in the
country with 0.8 million V-fone customers. The company maintains a leading position in Pakistan as an
infrastructure provider to other telecom operators and corporate customers of the country. It has the
potential to be an instrumental agent in Pakistan’s economic growth. PTCL has laid an Optical Fibre
Access Network in the major metropolitan centres of Pakistan and local loop services have started to be
modernized and upgraded from copper to an optical network.

This report is being started with the brief and complete introduction of organization, its
historical background, its services and its products offerings.

In this report organization structure is discussed as pr the requirement of internship. What is the
hierarchy in the organization as well as working of various departments are concisely discussed.

The most important thing the BUSINESS STRAGTEGIES is discussed in such a way that it’s not
difficult to understand it. Internal and External analysis has the vital importance, which in this report is
also done.

More over the Financial Analysis is also done which is depicting the financial position of the org
in the market place. Whereas SWOT analysis is done which clearly sows what are the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the organization.

Finally some suggestions and recommendations are given to org in this report. Limitation
although very few but can’t be negligible are discussed.

Thus this report completely depicts the true picture of PTCL in a meaningful way.

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