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Section B: Summary (10 marks) Time suggested: 30 minutes

What animal manufactures black ink and squirts it? Yes, that’s right. It is the octopus. This sea creature
lives at the bottom of the sea among the rocks, coral reefs and boulders. It eats crabs, mussels and
even lobsters.

There are about 300 recognized octopus species. For legs, the octopus has 8 tentacles that
have suction cups on the underside. This explains why the octopus can climb onto steep slippery rocks
without falling off. The octopus does not have a single bone in its body although it has a sheath that
looks like stiff plastic which gives it its shape.

Octopuses are highly intelligent, probably the most intelligent of the invertebrates. That is why
it can easily escape from its predators. One special feature of the octopus is its ability to change
colours easily to blend with its surroundings. This protects it from predators like the shark and other
bigger fish. When under attack, the octopus squirts ink that darkens the water and then it makes its

All octopuses are dangerous as they are poisonous. The blue-ringed octopus can kill a man.

Write a summary on what makes the octopus a unique creature.

Your summary must:

 not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below

 be in continuous writing (not note form)
 be written in one paragraph

Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.

Begin your summary as follows:

Of the many sea creatures, the octopus is unique because...

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