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Diode Applications

• Half wave rectifier and equivalent circuit

with piece-wise linear model
Ideal Vc Rf

vi vi

v i = VM sin (t)
Half Wave Rectifier
• We initially consider the diode to be ideal,
such that VC =0 and Rf =0
Half Wave Rectifier
• The (ideal) diode conducts for vi >0 and
since Rf =0
v0  v i

• For vi < 0 the (ideal) diode is an open circuit

(it doesn’t conduct) and
v0  0.
Half Wave Rectifier
• In this simplified (ideal diode) case the
input and output waveforms are as shown

The diode must withstand a peak inverse voltage

of V M
Half Wave Rectifier
• The average d.c. value of this half-wave-
rectified sine wave is
1 

VAV    VM sin d  0
2  0 
   cos   cos 0 
2 
Half Wave Rectifier
• So far this rectifier is not very useful.
• Even though the output does not change
polarity it has a lot of ripple, i.e. variations
in output voltage about a steady value.
• To generate an output voltage that more
closely resembles a true d.c. voltage we can
use a reservoir or smoothing capacitor in
parallel with the output (load) resistance.
Smoothed Half Wave Rectifier

Circuit with reservoir Output voltage

The capacitor charges over the period t1 to t2 when the diode is on and discharges from

t2 to t3 when the diode is off.

Smoothed Half Wave Rectifier
• When the supply voltage exceeds the output
voltage the (ideal) diode conducts. During
the charging period (t1 < t< t2)
vo = VM sin (t)
(The resistance in the charging circuit is
strictly Rf which we have assumed to be
zero. Even for a practical diode RfC will be
very small)
Smoothed Half Wave Rectifier
• When the supply voltage falls below the output voltage
the diode switches off and the capacitor discharges
through the load.
• During the discharge period (t2 < t< t3 ) and

vo = VM exp {- t’ /RC}

where t’= t- t2
• At time t3 the supply voltage once again exceeds the
load voltage and the cycle repeats
Smoothed Half Wave Rectifier
• The resistance in the discharge phase is the
load resistance R.
• RC can be made large compared to the
wave period.
• The change in output voltage (or ripple) can
then be estimated using a linear
approximation to the exponential discharge.
Smoothed Half Wave Rectifier
• vo = VM exp {- t’ /RC}  VM [ 1- (t’ /RC)]
• The change in voltage V is therefore
approximately given by VM t’ /RC
• For a the half wave rectifier this discharge
occurs for a time (t3 - t2 ) close to the period
T = 1/f, with f= frequency. VMT
• Giving the required result: ΔV 
Smoothed Half Wave Rectifier
• We can define a ripple factor as

Ripple factor 
where Vd.c. = (VM - V/2)

The lower the ripple factor the better

Half Wave Rectifier
• If we don’t consider the diode to be ideal
then from the equivalent circuit we obtain,
for vi >Vc:
vi – Vc – i Rf - iR =0
i.e. vi  Vc
( Rf  R )
• Giving
vo  iR  (vi  Vc )  vi  Vc
( Rf  R )
Non-Ideal Half Wave Rectifier

Non-Ideal Half Wave Rectifier
• A plot of v0 against vi is known as the
transfer characteristic

R/(R + Rf)

VC vi
Non-Ideal Half Wave Rectifier
• We usually have R>> Rf so that Rf can be
neglected in comparison to R.
• Often VM >> Vc so Vc can also be neglected.

The transfer characteristic then reduces to

v0  v i
Full-Wave (Bridge) Rectifier


• We initially consider the diodes to be ideal, such

that VC =0 and Rf =0
• The four-diode bridge can be bought as a package
Full-Wave (Bridge) Rectifier


• During positive half cycles vi is positive.

• Current is conducted through diodes D1, resistor
R and diode D2
• Meanwhile diodes D3 and D4 are reverse biased.
Full-Wave (Bridge) Rectifier


• During negative half cycles vi is negative.

• Current is conducted through diodes D3, resistor
R and diode D4
• Meanwhile diodes D1 and D2 are reverse biased.
Full-Wave (Bridge) Rectifier

• Current always flows the same way through the

load R.
• Show for yourself that the average d.c. value of
this full-wave-rectified sine wave is VAV = 2VM/
(i.e. twice the half-wave value)
Full-Wave (Bridge) Rectifier
• Two diodes are in the conduction path.
• Thus in the case of non-ideal diodes vo will
be lower than vi by 2VC.
• As for the half-wave rectifier a reservoir
capacitor can be used. In the full wave case
the discharge time is T/2 and VMT
ΔV 
Diode Clipper Circuits
• These circuits clip off portions of signal
voltages above or below certain limits, i.e.
the circuits limit the range of the output
• Such a circuit may be used to protect the
input of a CMOS logic gate against static.
Diode Clipper Circuits
Diode Clipper Circuits
• When the diode is off the output of these
circuits resembles a voltage divider
 RL 
vo    vi
 RL  RS 
Diode Clipper Circuits
• If RS << RL v0  vi

• The level at which the signal is clipped can

be adjusted by adding a d.c. bias voltage in
series with the diode.
For instance see example sheet 1,
Diode Clipper Circuits
• Let’s look at a few other examples of
clipper circuits.
Diode Clamper Circuits
• The following circuit acts as a d.c. restorer.
• see Q9, example sheet1.
Diode Clamper Circuits
• A bias voltage can be added to pin the
output to a level other than zero.

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