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SURYA R U G S • TE X TIL E S • A RT 360≠ o f S t y l e

Table of Contents


2 10 18 30 42 54 60 100 116 136

Surya Inspired Accessory Wall Art Textiles Best Licensed Shag Solid/Tone on Natural
Capabilities Colors Packages Sellers Brands Tone/Stripes Fiber

www.s m
148 204 258 330 340 346 354 362 374 375
Contemporary Transitional Traditional Southwest/ Braided Animal Kids Indoor/ Rug Pads Visual
Lodge Outdoor Index

www.s m 1
Surya Capabilities
Vertical Manufacturer for over 30 years
Surya h a s b e e n m a n u f a c t u r i n g r u g s i n I n d i a s i n c e 19 76 , b u i l d i n g o u r infrastructure
so that we operate as a true vertical manufacturer. Recently awarded ISO 9001 certification for
quality, we are one of the few wholesalers in the US who have the capabilities to control each
step in the developmental process of every rug f ro m s p i n n i n g a n d d ye i n g t h e wo o l , to t u f t i n g ,
k n o t t i n g a n d we av i n g , to w a s h i n g a n d f in ish in g . Th e a d va n ta g es are trem endou s, giving u s the
a b il it y to co n tro l th e q u al i ty, co n sisten c y, a n d lea d times in th e p roduction of our products.
O u r d a ily co m m u n i c a ti o n s with our factory allows us to innovate at a faster pace than any
of our competitors. Surya can service customers from our overseas facilities, as well as from
ou r U. S. wareh o u se, l o cated in Ca lh o un , G eo rg ia .

2 www.s m
Leader in Color and Design
Surya’s award winning floor accents are the result of our expert
understanding and use of color and design. Our talented team
of textile, graphic, and interior designers continues to transform
today’s trends into the most versatile and inspiring selection
of accessories on the market. PATTERN COLOR
Surya has also partnered with leading upholstered furniture
manufacturers to develop exclusive rug and accessory
collections that coordinate and complement their top selling
pro d u c t l i n e s , m a k i n g i t e a s i er than ever for our clients
to c re a te t h e l o o k th ey wan t.


www.s m 3
Our Coordinated Retail Packages
Every g re a t ro o m d e s i g n b egins with a muse, and Surya rugs are
undeniably the inspiration for any interior that they adorn. Surya seeks
out the world’s leading designers to create and develop each new rug
collection with unparalleled attention to pattern, texture, color, and
quality. As a continuation of this mission, Surya has now extended its
v i s i o n to i n c l u d e a w i d e a r ray of unique accessories to accompany
each of its rugs.

Never before has it been easier to realize a complete interior concept.

Co o rd i n a t i n g s e t s i n c l u d e hand crafted accent pillows, throws, a nd
e xc l u s i ve f i n e a r t . E a ch l i m i ted edition work has been giclée printed
o n t h e h i g h e s t q u a l i t y p a p e r or premier canvas, and is signed and
numbered by the original artist. The color palettes and motifs of Surya’s
accessories have been developed with a comprehensive decorative
concept and theme in mind, and therefore, encompass several rug
collections, making the combinations and possibilities unlimited.

4 www.s m
Talented In-House Design Expertise

S u ry a’ s fo c u s o n p ro d u c t d e velopment and marketing are in direct

re s p on s e to w h at o u r cu s to mers wa n t. Bec a use we un d ersta n d th at
proper presentation of products is essential to creating visual interest,
a n d u l t i m a te l y to i n c re a s i n g sales, our team of in-house designers
works directly with retailers to aid them in effectively promoting and
merchandising all of our products.

We strive daily to provide our customers with impeccable service, and

to tailor our processes to make it easier for them to assist their clients
in product selection and ordering. From providing marketing schemes
to helping to design showrooms, to pre-selecting complete accessory
groups that coordinate with our rug collections, we are offering our
customers quality design and sales solutions that work.

www.s m 5
Our Coordinated Retail Packages

Surya’s products and services are uniquely tailored to meet the

demands of the design services industry. “Our Check-Out Policy”
allows customers to choose any 2’ x 3’ rug sample and either sell
the piece to their client, or return it within 90 days to receive
a full refund for the cost of the rug.

D e s i g n e rs c a n u t i l i ze o u r e x t raordinary product catalog which

is delivered to all active customers twice each year and is organized
by s t y l e to m a ke i t e a s i e r to find exactly the rug you want. Our
c l i e n t s c a n e f f o r t l e s s l y c o m p l e t e a n y ro o m b y s e l e c t i n g f ro m
hundreds of established coordinated accessory packages that are
available at three different price points, or by selecting there own
arrangement of coordinated accessories. Many of our rugs are also
available in customsizes, allowing you to specify the dimensions
based on your room.

R U G S • T E X T I L E S • A RT
360≠ o f S t y l e


6 www.s m
A-111 A-111 CAE-1005 CAE-1009
Ancient Treasures Ancient Treasures Caesar Caesar
• 100% Wool • 100% Wool
• Hand Tufted • Hand Tufted

CAE-1005 Sizes: CAE-1009 Sizes:

• 100% Semi-Worsted • 100% Semi-Worsted 2' x 3' $ 2' x 3' $
New Zealand Wool New Zealand Wool 4' x 6' $ 4' x 6' $
5' x 8' $ 5' x 8' $
• Hand Tufted • Hand Tufted 6' x 9' $ 6' x 9' $
7'6" x 9'6" $ 7'6" x 9'6" $
• Made in India • Made in India 8' x 11' $ 8' x 11' $
9' x 12' $ 9' x 12' $
• Custom Sizes Available • Custom Sizes Available 10' x 14' $ 10' x 14' $
12' x 15' $ 12' x 15' $
2'6" x 8' $ 2'6" x 8' $
3' x 12' $ 3' x 12' $
4' Round $ 4' Round $
A-111 Sizes: A-111 Sizes: 6' Round $ 6' Round $
2' x 3' $ 2' x 3' $ 8' Round $ 8' Round $
3'3" x 5'3" $ 3'3" x 5'3" $ 9'9" Round $ 9'9" Round $
5' x 8' $ 5' x 8' $ 4' Square $ 4' Square $
8' x 11' $ 8' x 11' $ 6' Square $ 6' Square $
9' x 13' $ 9' x 13' $ 8' Square $ 8' Square $
2'6" x 8' $ 2'6" x 8' $ 9'9" Square $ 9'9" Square $
8' Round $ 8' Round $ 6' x 9' Oval $ 6' x 9' Oval $
8' Octagon $ 8' Octagon $ 8' x 10' Oval $ 8' x 10' Oval $
8' Star $ 8' Star $ 2' x 4' Hearth $ 2' x 4' Hearth $

Versatile Display and POP Solutions

Surya provides retailers with display options that facilitate sales without the requirement
of a l arg e i nvestmen t in inven to r y. Our two Spec ia l Ord er Display racks allow retailers
to s h o wc a s e t h e co l or, quality, texture and finishes of Surya rugs in a complete 2' x 3'
s a m pl e o r an 18" co rner sa mple th a t c a n be so ld , retur n ed, or exchanged within
9 0 day s. A l l s ampl e rug s a re a cco mpa n ied by a qua lity co lor PO P tag exhib iting
coordinating accessories.

Surya also offers retailers effective marketing tools for displaying and promoting the
popular Candice Olson collection within their stores. Along with the purchase of a custom
rug display rack, retailers will receive a larger than life Candice Olson banner for both the
interior and the window. The rack holds up to 40 5' x 8' rugs and each rug comes with its
own quality POP hand tag.

www.s m 7
State of the Art Website
Surya’s new interactive website is an incomparable tool
fo r re ta i l e rs a n d t h e i r c u s tomers. Visually stimulating
and completely user-friendly, now clients can shop our
collection of rugs and accessories by color, size, style,
d e s i gne r, o r co l l ecti o n n am e. Viewers c a n selec t
individual accessory items or browse hundreds
of coordinating accessory groups.

T h ro u g h a s e c u re a n d re l i able system, merchants can

access their personal accounts to place on-line orders,
t ra ck s h i p m e n t s , ch e ck o rder status, view stock, and
review account balances. Everything our retailers need
to better assist their customers is at their fingertips
with no need to make multiple phone calls or wait
until regular business hours.

8 www.s m
by S U R YA

Consumer Recognized Brands

Remaining on the forefront of what’s new and upcoming in the vast world of fashion and
design remains our focus. Inspired by contemporary themes and influential personalities,
each new collection is a direct translation of our modern world.

With the most aggressive licensing program in the industry, Surya is developing partnerships
with renowned and respected lifestyle experts, fashion, and interior designers and cultural
icons of our time in order to create and develop exclusive rug and accessory collections that
are a direct reflection of today. Some of our most recent collaborations include Candice
Olson, Bob Mackie, B. Smith, the Smithsonian Institute, and Seventeen Magazine.

www.s m 9
INSPIRED COLORS A t S u r y a , we l o o k t o t h e wo r l d a ro u n d u s a s i n s p i ra t i o n fo r co l o r a n d d e s i g n . N a t u re , f a s h i o n ,
and everyday objects all combine to create a r i ch b a ck d ro p o r c o l o r s p l a s h fo r o u r b e s t
s e l l i n g p ro d u c t s . It is a collaboration of these natural elements, today’s upholstery trends
and the latest in fabric and paint selections that influence our rug and accessory desig ns and
e n s u r e t h a t t h e y w i l l w o r k i n e v e r y ro o m , i n e v e r y h o m e , a n d fo r e ve r y c u s to m e r. I t ’ s a s i m p l e
a n d e l e g a n t s y s t e m t h a t a l l o ws u s to co n t i n u o u s l y c re a te n e w a n d d i s t i n c t i ve p ro d u c t s fo r o u r
c l i e n t s . We w a n t e d t o i l l u s t r a t e s o m e o f o u r ‘ I n s p i r e d C o l o r s ’ , a n d w e h o p e t h a t y o u w i l l
b e i n s p i re d t o o .

10 www.s m

BT-1105 SNOW






C l a s s i c a n d t i m e l e s s , w h i te i s a l w ay s a n i d e a l ch o i ce w h e n
d e c o ra t i n g a s p a c e . Wi t h a n u n l i m i t e d s e l e c t i o n o f s h a d e s
s u ch a s i vo r y, l i n e n , a n d e g g s h e l l y o u c a n l aye r yo u r i n t e r i o r
with a multitude of hues in white ranging from cool
to warm. Never boring, never dull, white can stand alone,
o r i t c a n b e a c c o m p a n i e d b y a b s o l u t e l y a n y o t h e r c o l o r.

www.s m



P l u m i s u n d o u b te d l y t h e c o l o r o f s u b l i m e s e re n i t y. Co o l s h a d e s

WISTERIA o f d e e p p u r p l e , s o f t l a v e n d e r, a n d r i c h a m e t h y s t a l l e v o k e
a sense of peaceful calm. When you envelope your space with
s o f t s h a d e s o f p l u m , y o u a re c e r ta i n to c re a te a t ra n q u i l re f u g e
yo u ’ l l re t u r n to a g a i n a n d a g a i n .



www.s m

Re m i n i s ce n t o f f a l l l e ave s , w a r m h o l i d ay c i d e r, s p r i n g p o p p i e s , a n d
s co rch i n g s u n s e t s , t h e c o l o r r u s t i s t h e p e r fe c t y e a r ro u n d a cce n t fo r
yo u r i n te r i o r. T h i s w a r m , r i ch e a r t h to n e i n s ta n t l y i n f u s e s yo u r h o m e
w i t h a s e n s e o f we l c o m e . A n d , i t ’ s e x t re m e ve rs a t i l i t y a l l o ws yo u t h e
f re e d o m to c re a te a n i nv i t i n g s p a c e t h a t i s u n i q u e l y yo u r o w n .






P-0035 M-102

www.s m
D e e p a rc t i c p o o l s , a z u re g e m s t o n e s , a n d t h e e v e n i n g s k y j u s t a f t e r
t h e s u n h a s s e t , a l l m e s m e r i z i n g l y b e a u t i f u l s h a d e s o f te a l . L aye re d
tone on tone or combined with warm, rich browns and gold, teal can
b e b o t h s o o t h i n g a n d s o p h i s t i c a te d . M a ke i t a s b o l d o r a s s u b t l e
a s yo u w i s h ; te a l i s t h e p e r fe c t ch o i c e fo r h o m e s ra n g i n g f ro m
co n te m p o ra r y t o t ra d i t i o n a l .








TWILIGHT www.s m








E n l i ve n a n d e n e rg i ze y o u r i n te r i o rs w i t h b o l d a n d m o d e r n
punches of lime. Even the name itself makes your lips
p u cke r a n d y o u r e y e s c l o s e . W h e t h e r yo u r s t y l e i s c l a s s i c
o r w h i m s i c a l , t h i s b r i g h t h u e w i l l i n s p i re yo u r c re a t i v i t y
a n d a d d a l i tt l e z i n g to y o u r h o m e .

www.s m




Sleek, urbane, and modern, silver makes a statement
o f e d g y co n f i d e n ce a l l o n i t s o w n . C a l l i n g to m i n d i m a g e s
o f s h i n i n g s te e l , i c y w i n te r s k i e s , a n d ro u g h h e we d s to n e ,
s i l ve r c a n a d d ch ic e leg a n ce to you r d écor. Kee p it s of t
STEEL w i t h a m o noch rom a tic p a lette , or m a ke a b o ld s ta tem e n t
by a cce nt i n g it with b la ck.




www.s m







D ar k o r m i l k , e ve r yo n e l o ve s ch o co l a te. A n d , n o t o n l y d o e s
i t br i ng i ns ta nt s a t i s fa c t i o n to t he pa l a te , it a ls o en ca s e s a ny
interior that it adorns with a sensual richness. Delicious
t o b e h o l d , i t i s e x t re m e l y v e r s a t i l e a n d b l e n d s b e a u t i f u l l y
w i t h a w i d e ra n g e o f o t h e r co l o rs . Fro m t ra d i t i o n a l to u l t ra
m o de r n, cho co l a te i s t he pe r fe c t co m pl e m en t.

www.s m
S u r y a i s yo u r so u rce fo r Co mplete Accesso r y

Accessory Solutions. O u r d e s i g n t e a m h a s d e v e l o p e d
a n e x c l u s i v e l i n e of coordinating accessories, VALUE
w h i ch i n c l u d e s a n assortment of hand crafted PACKAGE
pillows and throws and a compilation
o f s i g n e d a n d n u mbered fine art pieces. Each
acce s s o ry g ro u p i s c re a t e d t o c o m p l e m e n t
o u r aw a rd w i n n i n g r u g s . Co o rd i n a te s e t s m ay
b e c u s t o m i z e d b y t h e s e l e c t i o n of individual
pieces, or you may choose to purchase
an entire accessory package at the price “WINFREY”
Page 25

po i n t t h a t f its yo ur budget. Each five piece

‘ensemble’ set includes a 5x8 inspiration
r u g , a s e t o f t wo designer accent pillows,
a l u x u r i o u s t h r o w, a n d a f r a m e d p i e c e
o f l i m i t e d e d i t i o n a r t . T h e re a re hundreds
o f p re - s e t a r ra n g ements ranging in styles PACKAGE
f ro m t ra d i t i o n a l t o c o n te m p o ra r y.

Inspirational Rug


Page 24

Set of Coordinating
Designer Pillows Limited Edition Art


A Luxurious Page 28

Hand -Crafted Throw


Page 26

18 www.s m

“Ringo” “Stylist”
RUG C HN - 15 31 RUG C H N - 15 3 3
PILLOW PC - 10 0 5 PILLOW PC - 10 0 2
T HROW TOB - 10 0 2 THROW TOB- 10 0 9
ART ER13 8 A- ST 101 A RT PK90 9 E - ST101


“Rio” “Disco”
RUG C HN - 15 0 6 RUG C H N - 15 3 2
PILLOW PC - 10 0 2 PILLOW PC - 10 01
T HROW TOB - 10 0 9 THROW TOB- 10 0 2
ART AP14 6 A- ST 101 A RT AR115 A- ST101


“Bali” “Alpha”
RUG C HN - 15 0 5 RUG C H N - 15 3 6
PILLOW PC - 10 0 2 PILLOW PC - 10 0 5
T HROW TOB - 10 0 9 THROW TOB- 10 0 8
ART AP147 A- ST 101 A RT JA191 A- ST101


“M adrid” “Genesis”
RUG C HN - 15 0 2 RUG C H N - 15 0 0

PILLOW P- 0 0 0 7 PILLOW PC - 10 0 2
T HROW TOB - 10 0 3 THROW TOB- 10 0 9
ART LG12 6 A- ST 101 A RT AP147 A- ST101

www.s m 19

“London” “Retro”
RUG T W T- 2 4 0 6 RUG TW T- 2 4 0 4
PILLOW WL- 14 0 4 PILLOW PC - 10 0 2
T HROW TOB - 10 0 9 THROW TOB- 10 0 9
ART JA26 5 A- ST 101 A RT PK90 9 E - ST101


“Berlin” “Monroe”
RUG T W T- 2 4 0 3 RUG C H N - 15 37
PILLOW AG- 0 0 01 PILLOW PC - 10 0 5
T HROW TOB - 1010 THROW TOB- 10 0 8
ART BE919 E - ST 101 A RT PJ15 9 A- ST101


“Chelsea” “Milan”
RUG C R K- 16 0 3 RUG F LT- 10 5 2
PILLOW PC - 10 0 2 PILLOW PC - 10 0 5
T HROW TOB - 10 0 9 THROW TOB- 1010
ART BE93 5 E - ST 101 A RT JA28 3 A- ST101


“Times S quare” “Broadway”

RUG C R K- 16 0 4 RUG C RK- 16 0 5

PILLOW PC - 10 0 3 PILLOW PC - 10 0 5
T HROW TOB - 10 0 3 THROW TOB- 10 0 8
ART BE22 4 A- ST 101 A RT LS92 3 E - ST101

20 www.s m

“Beleize” “Costa Rica”

PILLOW PC - 10 0 2 PILLOW PC - 10 01
T HROW TOB - 10 0 9 THROW TOB- 10 01
JA26 3 A- ST 10 9 JA94 4 E - ST110
ART JA26 5 A- ST 10 9 A RT JA94 5 E - ST110


“Aurora” “Agatha”
RUG AU G- 9 3 31 RUG AUG - 9 3 2 9
PILLOW PC- 10 01 PILLOW PC - 10 0 2
T HROW TOB - 10 01 THROW TOB- 10 0 9
ART HO112 A- ST 112 A RT SJ19 0 A- ST101


“Pembroke” “Jennifer”
RUG C HN - 15 41 RUG AUG - 9 311
PILLOW PC - 10 0 3 PILLOW PC - 10 0 5
T HROW TOB - 10 0 8 THROW TOB- 10 0 2
ART LS94 0 E - ST 101 A RT SP12 2 A- ST15 0


“Thomas” “Wesley”
RUG AU G- 9 3 0 4 RUG AUG - 9 3 0 5

PILLOW PC- 10 0 2 PILLOW PC - 10 0 3

T HROW TOB - 10 0 4 THROW TOB- 10 0 8
ART LS94 5 E - ST 111 A RT LS92 4 E - ST111

www.s m 21

“Fame” “Frisco”
RUG FM - 7 0 73 RUG F M - 7 010
PILLOW P- 0 0 37 PILLOW BT- 110 0
T HROW TEE - 10 0 9 THROW TEE - 10 0 5
ART BE90 7 E - ST 10 5 A RT JA26 5 A- ST10 2


“Brianna” “Centur y”
RUG FM - 7 013 RUG ATH - 5 0 0 0
PILLOW TT- 13 0 4 PILLOW PC - 110 2
T HROW TOB - 10 0 6 THROW TOB- 10 0 9
ART JA27 0 A- ST 10 2 A RT LS93 9 E - ST147


“Gracie” “Cozumel”
RUG M-62 RUG RA I - 10 2 6
PILLOW P- 016 2 PILLOW P- 0173
T HROW TOB - 10 01 THROW TOB- 10 0 6
ART JA94 5 E - ST 10 2 A RT AR12 3 A- ST15 0


“Kraven” “Cubism”
RUG ET H- 9 611 RUG LG D - 18 0 0

PILLOW PSR- 113 A PILLOW PC - 10 0 2

T HROW TOB - 10 0 8 THROW TOB- 10 0 9
ART LS93 8 E - ST 15 0 A RT AP14 6 A- ST10 2

22 www.s m

“M ambo” “Panama”
RUG R AI - 10 0 3 RUG RA I - 10 01
PILLOW PC- 10 0 3 PILLOW P- 0 0 74
T HROW TOB - 10 0 3 THROW TEE - 10 0 6
ART SJ28 2 A- ST 14 9 A RT LS10 7 A- ST14 9


“Baja” “Palm Springs”

RUG R AI - 10 31 RUG RA I - 10 2 3
PILLOW PSTS- 9 019 PILLOW P- 015 0
T HROW TOB - 10 01 THROW TOB- 10 0 4
ART AB178 A- ST 14 9 A RT MD118 A- ST14 9


“Tango” “Cha-Cha”
RUG R AI - 1011 RUG RA I - 10 21
PILLOW PC- 10 0 5 PILLOW P- 015 0
T HROW TOB - 10 0 8 THROW TOB- 10 0 8
ART SP13 2 A- ST 14 9 A RT MD118 A- ST14 9


“S ophia” “Elizabeth”
RUG FLO - 8 9 0 2 RUG F LO - 8 9 0 3

PILLOW P- 015 0 PILLOW P- 014 9

T HROW TOB - 10 0 9 THROW TOB- 10 0 8
ART SP12 2 A- ST 14 9 A RT SP13 2 A- ST14 9

www.s m 23

“Gilda” “Lucille”
RUG M-204 RUG M - 116
PILLOW PC - 10 01 PILLOW P- 0 0 4 0
T HROW TOB - 10 01 THROW TMR- 2 0 0 5
ART KC25 3 A- ST 10 4 A RT MH12 9 A- ST10 2


“S pringfield” “Columbus”
RUG CO S- 8 818 RUG CO S - 8 817
PILLOW P- 015 0 PILLOW PC - 10 0 3
T HROW TOB - 10 0 9 THROW TOB- 10 0 9
ART KC17 5 A- ST 111 A RT AB173 A- ST13 9


“Wilson” “Hughes”
RUG C RN - 6 0 0 4 RUG C A E - 10 0 7
PILLOW PC - 10 0 4 PILLOW PC - 1101
T HROW TMR- 2 0 0 5 THROW TOB- 10 01
ART AB174 A- ST 13 9 A RT SP12 6 A- ST15 0


“M onticello” “Ridgemont”
RUG CRN - 6 0 0 9 RUG C RN - 6 0 0 6

PILLOW P- 0176 PILLOW PC - 110 3

T HROW TOB - 10 0 2 THROW TOB- 10 0 8
ART JA19 2 A- ST 112 A RT SJ18 9 A- ST14 0

24 www.s m

“Rockfeller” “Getty”
RUG C AE - 10 0 5 RUG C A E - 10 01
PILLOW PC- 12 01 PILLOW PC - 1101
T HROW TEE - 10 0 7 THROW TOB- 10 0 8
ART PJ913 E - ST 14 0 A RT SP115 A- ST15 0


“Buffet” “Winfrey”
RUG C AE - 10 0 9 RUG C RN - 6 013
PILLOW PC - 110 2 PILLOW PC - 1101
T HROW TOB - 10 0 9 THROW TOB- 10 0 2
ART SJ18 9 A- ST 14 0 A RT SP12 3 A- ST13 9


“Jefferson” “Washington”
RUG C RN - 6 0 0 2 RUG C RN - 6 012
PILLOW PC- 10 0 4 PILLOW PC - 110 2
T HROW TMR- 2 0 0 5 THROW TOB- 10 0 9
ART DE92 6 E - ST 14 2 A RT PK119 A- ST14 9


“Gates” “Vanderbilt”
RUG C AE - 1012 RUG C A E - 10 0 4

PILLOW PC- 110 5 PILLOW PC - 10 0 4

T HROW TEE - 10 01 THROW TEE - 10 0 5
ART SJ28 2 A- ST 14 2 A RT AB174 A- ST13 9

www.s m 25

“Heather” “Sydney”
RUG ART- 2 0 6 RUG A RT- 19 3
PILLOW OD- 8 0 01 PILLOW BT- 110 3
T HROW TIA- 10 0 6 THROW TEE - 10 0 9
ART BD90 5 E - ST 10 5 A RT BE921 E - ST15 2


“Holly” “Tokyo”
RUG N Y- 5 0 8 4 RUG BST- 4 2 8
PILLOW PC - 10 01 PILLOW PBST- 4 2 8
T HROW TOB - 10 0 8 THROW TEE - 10 0 7
ART DE919 E - ST 10 4 A RT BE919 E - ST117


“S ahara” “Barcelona”
RUG G- 5 9 RUG DA Z- 6 511
PILLOW WL- 14 0 5 PILLOW PC - 10 0 4
T HROW TOB - 10 0 2 THROW TOB- 10 0 9
ART SL12 5 A- ST 10 5 A RT JA26 3 A- ST10 2


“LA” “Amsterdam”
RUG HST- 3 0 0 5 RUG S R- 10 9

PILLOW PC - 10 01 PILLOW P- 0 0 4 0
T HROW TOB - 10 01 THROW TOB- 10 0 6
ART KC17 5 A- ST 10 2 A RT JP10 3 A- ST14 2

26 www.s m

“Carmen” “Alice Springs”

RUG STS- 9 019 RUG A RT- 191
PILLOW PSTS- 9 019 PILLOW P- 0 0 73
T HROW TOB - 10 01 THROW TOB- 10 0 2
ART MH14 3 A- ST 14 6 A RT JA94 5 E - ST14 4


“Rialto” “Oslo”
RUG ART- 6 6 RUG BST- 479
T HROW TEE - 10 0 5 THROW TEE - 10 0 7
ART JA92 9 E - ST 115 A RT BE22 4 A- ST117


“Chiquita” “Terrence”
RUG G- 6 6 RUG BST- 471
PILLOW PC - 10 0 3 PILLOW PC - 12 01
T HROW TOB - 10 0 9 THROW TOB- 10 0 9
ART SP12 2 A- ST 14 2 A RT LS947 E - ST14 0


“Hillsdale” “Brittney”
RUG DST- 113 3 RUG STS - 9 0 2 0

PILLOW PC- 110 2 PILLOW AG - 0 0 01

T HROW TOB - 10 0 9 THROW TOB- 1010
ART SP12 2 A- ST 14 2 A RT JA93 0 E - ST10 2

www.s m 27

“M ichelle” “Susan”
RUG GR A- 9 9 01 RUG A- 12 5
PILLOW P- 0 0 6 2 PILLOW PC - 12 01
T HROW TOB - 10 0 2 THROW TEE - 10 0 5
ART SL12 5 A- ST 114 A RT LG12 5 A- ST117


“Whitney” “Laura”
RUG STS- 9 0 21 RUG STS I I - 9 0 67
PILLOW AG- 0 0 0 2 PILLOW PC - 12 01
T HROW TOB - 10 0 7 THROW TEE - 10 01
ART JA191 A- ST 14 0 A RT PK910 E - ST14 0


“Joan” “Tara”
RUG STSI I - 9 0 6 2 RUG S E A- 121
T HROW TOB - 10 01 THROW TOB- 10 0 3
ART JA94 4 E - ST 14 0 A RT BE919 E - ST10 2


“Isabella” “Lucianna”
RUG N AT- 7 019 RUG TA M - 10 0 0

PILLOW P- 0178 PILLOW PC - 110 5

T HROW TOB - 10 0 9 THROW TOB- 10 0 8
ART SP12 2 A- ST 113 A RT PJ92 3 E - ST117

28 www.s m

“Mosley” “Somerset”
RUG SE B - 1014 RUG S E B- 1018
PILLOW PC - 110 5 PILLOW PC - 110 4
T HROW TEE - 10 0 4 THROW TOB- 10 0 5
ART PK118 A- ST 121 A RT LS94 5 E - ST117


“Westbrook” “Warren”
RUG A- 111 RUG E M P - 10 2
PILLOW PC- 1101 PILLOW P- 015 0
T HROW TOB - 10 01 THROW TOB- 10 0 9
ART LS94 6 E - ST 117 A RT MD118 A- ST10 5


“Hamilton” “Hornsby”
RUG A- 113 RUG C L F- 10 0 0
PILLOW P- 0 0 2 4 PILLOW PC - 12 0 3
T HROW TOB - 10 0 2 THROW TOB- 10 0 9
ART SP12 6 A- ST 14 2 A RT SP12 4 A- ST14 2


“Terr y Town” “Bakers Mill”

RUG SE B - 10 4 6 RUG C L F- 10 0 2

PILLOW PC- 110 5 PILLOW PC - 110 2

T HROW TEE - 10 0 4 THROW TEE - 10 0 4
ART SJ281 A- ST 14 2 A RT SJ19 0 A- ST14 5

www.s m 29
Surya has dramatically expanded our wall art
Wall A rt p ro g ra m to i n c l u d e h u ndreds of images available
i n o ve r f i f t y s i ze s w i t h numerous framing options.
Our talented group of contemporary artists
f ro m a ro u n d t h e w o r l d h a v e c re a t e d e x c l u s i v e
a r t w o r k s t h a t a re re f l e c t i v e o f t o d a y ’ s d e s i g n
p a le ttes an d c u l tu ral th emes a s much a s th ey a re
a t ra n s l a t i o n o f t h e i r own creative process. Each
l i m i te d e d i t i o n a r t p i e ce is giclée printed on the
h i g h e s t q u a l i t y p a p e r o r p re m i e re c a n v a s a n d
i s s i g n e d a n d n u m b e re d b y t h e o r i g i n a l a r t i s t .
Our collection of limited edition art pieces
i s m a d e i n t h e U n i te d States and can be shipped
to o u r cu s to mers i n l es s th a n two weeks.

I ntroducin g our new custom wall art P ro g ram

Up da ti ng your walls with custom framed art
1. Go to and select our Custom
Wall Art option. s p e c i f i c a l l y t a i l o re d t o y o u r n e e d s w i l l re a l l y

make an impact on your space. Beautiful

2. Select your image from our archive of over
3,000 images, then choose your dimensions, contemporary or traditional looks for your
format, and preferred frame option. w a l l s h a s n e v e r b e e n e a s i e r o r m o re a f f o rd a b l e .

3. View your completed piece and wholesale O rd e r t h ro u g h o u r e x c l u s i v e w e b s i t e , y o u c a n

cost before you make your purchase.
tailor your art piece to fit your specific style

and budget. Go to and select our

C u s t o m Wa l l A r t o p t i o n . S e l e c t y o u r i m a g e

from our archive of over 3,000 images, then

c h o o s e y o u r d i m e n s i o n s , f o r m a t , a n d p re f e r re d

frame option. View your completed piece and

w h o l e s a l e c o s t b e f o re y o u m a k e y o u r p u rc h a s e .

Made in the United States, your custom art

piece will ship out in less than two weeks.

30 m

Browse from hundreds of images selecting from traditional, transitional,
and contemporary styles.

Each group represents the sizes and framing options available per image.
Each image only belongs to one group.

2 4
The style code represents the format (canvas or paper), dimensions, mounting To submit an order reference the image number and then the style code.
(linen or mat), and framing style.


The canvas is stretched to cover The stretched canvas is free-floating to appear The print is mounted and appears suspended The print is cropped and matted
the entire frame. suspended within the frame. within the linen liner to the image for a low cost option.


Width: 1 5/8” Width: 1 5/8” Width: 1 3/4” Width: 3”
Content: Wood Content: Wood Content: Wood Content: MDF
Description: Black Description: Espresso Description: Black Description: Brown with Bronze Lip

Width: 3” Width: 3” Width: 2” Width: 1 5/8”
Content: Wood Content: Wood Content: Wrapped Foil Content: Wrapped Foil
Description: Distressed Brown Description: Dark Brown with Gold Lip Description: Etched Silver Contemporary Description: Contemporary Silver

Width: 1 1/4” Width: 1 1/4” Width: 1 5/8” Width: 1 5/8”
Content: MDF Content: MDF Content: MDF Content: MDF
Description: Black Description: Espresso Description: Black Description: Espresso

www.s m 31

S t y le O ptions (28 STYLE OPTIONS AVAILABLE)

Style Code Canvas/Paper Outside Dimension Mat or Liner Moulding Code*

ST101 Canvas 24" x 24" N/A N/A

ST102 Canvas 30" x 30" N/A N/A

ST104 Canvas 40" x 40" N/A N/A KC253A-ST102

ST107 Canvas Framed 40" x 40" N/A C IMAGE NUMBER STYLE CODE

ST109 Paper Framed 14" x 14" (set of 2) Matted L

ST110 Paper Framed 14" x 14" (set of 2) Matted K
ST111 Paper Framed 27" x 27" Matted L
ST112 Paper Framed 27" x 27" Matted K
ST117 Paper Framed 30" x 30" Linen Liner B
ST118 Paper Framed 30" x 30" Linen Liner A
ST119 Paper Framed 30" x 34" Linen Liner B
ST120 Paper Framed 30" x 34" Linen Liner A
ST126 Paper Framed 30" x 30" Linen Liner H
ST127 Paper Framed 30" x 30" Linen Liner E
ST128 Paper Framed 30" x 30" Linen Liner F
ST129 Paper Framed 30" x 34" Linen Liner H
ST130 Paper Framed 30" x 34" Linen Liner E
ST131 Paper Framed 30" x 34" Linen Liner F
ST135 Paper Framed 30" x 30" Linen Liner G
ST136 Paper Framed 30" x 34" Linen Liner G
ST140 Paper Framed 30" x 30" Mini Linen Liner J KC253A-ST119
ST141 Paper Framed 30" x 34" Mini Linen Liner J IMAGE NUMBER STYLE CODE

ST144 Paper Framed 30" x 30" Mini Linen Liner I

ST145 Paper Framed 30" x 34" Mini Linen Liner I
ST147 Paper Framed 27" x 27" Matted J
ST148 Paper Framed 27" x 27" Matted I
ST152 Paper Framed 30" x 30" Mini Linen Liner D
ST153 Paper Framed 30" x 34" Mini Linen Liner D
*For detailed moulding descriptions see page 31

32 www.s m

Style Code Canvas/Paper Outside Dimension Mat or Liner Moulding Code*

ST105 Canvas 36" x 48" N/A N/A

ST108 Canvas Framed 36" x 48" N/A C
ST113 Paper Framed 30" x 36" ** Matted L

ST114 Paper Framed 30" x 36" ** Matted K
ST121 Paper Framed 30" x 36" ** Linen Liner B
ST122 Paper Framed 30" x 36" ** Linen Liner A MD118A-ST105 MD118A-ST108
ST132 Paper Framed 30" x 36" ** Linen Liner H
ST133 Paper Framed 30" x 36" ** Linen Liner E
ST134 Paper Framed 30" x 36" ** Linen Liner F
ST137 Paper Framed 30" x 36" ** Linen Liner G
ST142 Paper Framed 30" x 36" ** Mini Linen Liner J
ST146 Paper Framed 30" x 36" ** Mini Linen Liner I
ST149 Paper Framed 30" x 36" ** Matted J
ST150 Paper Framed 30" x 36" ** Matted I
ST154 Paper Framed 30" x 36" ** Mini Linen Liner D

*For detailed moulding descriptions see page 31

**Actual outside dimensions vary from 30" x 35" to 30" x 38". MD118A-ST132 MD118A-ST150


Style Code Canvas/Paper Outside Dimension Mat or Liner Moulding Code*
ST103 Canvas 24" x 48" N/A N/A
ST106 Canvas Framed 24" x 48" N/A C
ST115 Paper Framed 24" x 36" Linen Liner B AB174A-ST103 AB174A-ST106
ST123 Paper Framed 24" x 36" Linen Liner H
ST124 Paper Framed 24" x 36" Linen Liner E
ST125 Paper Framed 24" x 36" Linen Liner F
ST138 Paper Framed 24" x 36" Linen Liner G
ST139 Paper Framed 24" x 36" Mini Linen Liner J
ST143 Paper Framed 24" x 36" Mini Linen Liner I
ST151 Paper Framed 24" x 36" Mini Linen Liner D AB174A-ST116 AB174A-ST143
*For detailed moulding descriptions see page 31 IMAGE NUMBER STYLE CODE IMAGE NUMBER STYLE CODE

www.s m 33
(reference page 32 for size and frame options)

PK164A P K 165A M B12 3 A MB 126A J A275A


BD 908E B D907E J A 27 0 A B E297A B E296A

P J910E P J 911E M D 141 A MD 142A LG 145A

JA279A J A276A LG 14 0 A AP 147A AP 146A

34 www.s m
(Reference page 32 for size and frame options)

A B19 6A AB 197A BE 2 9 0 A BE 2 91 A KC253A

MH12 9A MH130A SA 10 6 P H O 111 A H O112A

DE 919 E AB 204A A B2 0 5 A A B111 A AB 110A

KC175A KC 174A PJ 16 0 A PJ 15 9 A LG 144A

www.s m 35
(Reference page 32 for size and frame options)

JQ903E J Q904E LS 9 2 3 E AB 179A AB 180A


S J189A SJ 190A TG 2 0 0 A TG 201A S J 129A

JA280A J A281A J A 274 A P J 169A P J 168A

AP 150A AP 151A PK 9 0 9 E P J 174A P J 175A

36 www.s m
(Reference page 32 for size and frame options)

LG 14 6A E R 138A E R 141 A JA284A J A285A

TG 19 3A TG192A PK 910 E PJ 9 2 3 E P J 922E

PK167A P K 168A A B19 0 A A B18 9 A J D 106a

PJ178A P J 179A LG 12 4 a LG 12 5 a LG 126a

www.s m 37
(Reference page 33 for size and frame options)

PJ167A P J 166A A B19 4 A A B19 5 A AK 148A AK 149A


BE292A B E 293A A B2 0 8 A A B2 0 9 A AB 210A AB 211A

TG204A TG205A J D 13 3 A J D 13 2 A J A297A J A298A

V00056 V 00057 V 0 0 0 74 V00080 V 00160 V 00307

38 www.s m
(Reference page 33 for size and frame options)

TG19 8A TG199A K W15 6 A K W155A

SP12 6A SP 124A KC 2 5 8 A KC259A

MD12 2A MD123A M D 12 4 A MD 125A

CB 13 4A C B 135A SA 10 3 MD 133A

www.s m 39
(Reference page 33 for size and frame options)

AB166A AB 165A A B167 A A B16 8 A J A257A J A258A


BE254A B E 255A JA236A J A 2 37 A B E294A B E195A

SA223A SA 2 2 4 A J D 12 9 A BD 157A B D 158A

40 www.s m
(Reference page 33 for size and frame options)
A B173A LS 9 21 E AR119A

A B174A LS 9 2 2 E AR121A

JD130A JA928E J D 143A

JD131A J A 9 27 E J D 104A

MP136A S P12 3 A J A929A

www.s m 41
Surya’s growing collection of fine textiles
TEXTIL ES now incl udes hand crafted accent pillows,
throws, and poufs. Developed to coordinate
with some of our best selling rugs, our quality
pillows are exquisitely created in myriad colors
ranging from subtle muted earth tones to vibrant
and bold jewel tones. Layering, embroidery, and
applied details make each of these pieces
unique. Each pillow is constructed of varying
materials such as cotton, wool, jute, linen, and
velvet and is filled with either a poly-fiber
or a down-feather blend insert.

All five collections of throws have also been

designed t o c o m p l e m e n t o u r r u g s . M a d e
of a combination of wool, polyester, and bamboo
and is available in both solids and multi-colored.
They are the perfect culminating accents.

P M H -118 PMH - 122 PMH - 119 PM H- 12 0 PM H- 121

18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”

P - 012 0 P -0127 P- 0126 P- 013 0 P- 012 4

P- 0123
18” x 18” 13” x 20” 18” x 18” 13 ” x 2 0 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
18” x 18”
18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ”

42 m
P-0066 P- 0038 P- 0001 BT- 110 4 P- 0 0 5 5
18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”

P-0045 P- 0237 P- 0235 P- 0 2 2 8 P- 0 2 2 3
18” x 18” 18" x 18" 13" x 20" 13 ” x 2 0 ” 18 " x 18 "
2 2” x 22” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 22’ x 22’
22” x 22” 22” x 22”

P-0049 P- 0085 P- 0068 P- 0 0 2 5 P- 0 017

18" x 18" 18" x 18" 18" x 18" 18 " x 18 " 18 " x 18 "

P-0008 P- 0087 P- 0233 P- 0 213 P- 0 0 4 4

18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
22” x 22” 22” x 22”

www.s m 43
P - 02 2 6 PG- 59 P- 0225 P - 0176 P- 0171
18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
22” x 22” 22” x 22”

W L-14 0 5 P- 0167 P- 0004 P- 0179 P- 0 0 6 2

18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 13 ” x 2 0 ” 18 ” x 18 ”

P - 0 2 57 P- 0230 P- 0042 P- 0 0 41 BT- 110 5

20” x 20” 18" x 18" 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
22” x 22”

P - 00 4 8 P- 0211 GM- 3002 SP- 12 01 LT- 5 0 01

18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
22” x 22”

44 www.s m
P S R- 113 A PSTS- 9021 P- 0178 PSR- 113 B P- 014 9
18” x 18” 18” x 18” 13” x 20” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”

W L-14 0 4 T T- 1305 GM- 3001 P- 014 8 PC - 12 0 3
18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
22” x 22”

P - 016 6 P- 0083 P- 0168 P- 0 0 2 0 P- 0 010

18” x 18” 18” x 18” 13” x 20” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”

N P - 70 01 P- 0035 AG- 0002 K H- 4 0 0 3 LT- 5 0 0 2

18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
22” x 22”

www.s m 45
F U-2 0 0 3 NP- 7002 P- 0043 P- 0 0 5 6 F I - 10 0 3
18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
22” x 22” 22” x 22”

F U-2 0 0 5 P- 0040 PSTS- 9020 F U- 2 0 0 4 PL- 9 0 01

18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
22” x 22” 22” x 22”

P - 0197 P- 0198 P- 0219 P - 0173 P- 0 2 01

18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
22” x 22” 22” x 22” 22” x 22” 22” x 22” 22” x 22”

P - 00 2 2 PSR- 106B PB ST- 428C P- 0 0 74 P- 0 0 27

18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”

46 www.s m
P C - 12 0 2 P- 0009 BT- 1103 GM-3005 PC A P- 10 0 3
18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”

P - 010 6 P-0111 T T- 1304 P- 010 8 P- 010 3
18” x 18” 13” x 20” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
18 ” x 18” 22” x 22” 22” x 22”
22 ” x 22”

P - 018 8 P- 0182 P- 0181 P- 013 6 P- 010 4

18” x 18” 13”x 20” 13”x 20” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
22” x 22” 18” x 18” 18” x 18”
2 2” x 22” 22” x 22”

P - 010 0 P B ST- 428C P- 0119 F I - 10 0 2 P- 0 016

13” x 20” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
18” x 18”

www.s m 47
P L-9 0 0 4 P- 0163 P- 0206 P- 0 2 0 9 P- 0 2 0 8
18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
22” x 22” 22” x 22” 22” x 22”

P-0229 P- 0031 P- 0002 AG - 0 0 01 GM-3004

18 " x 18" 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
22” x 22” 22” x 22”

P L-9 0 0 2 P- 0180 P- 0204 PC - 12 01 PA RT- 6 6

18” x 18” 13” x 20” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”
18” x 18” 22” x 22”
22” x 22”

P SEA-121 PSEA- 121A P- 00 0 7 BT- 110 0

18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”

48 www.s m
P L-9 0 0 5 BT- 1102 P- 0026 P- 0 0 3 3
18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ”

OD-8 0 01 P- 0162 PSTS- 9019 P- 015 0
18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18 ” 18 ” x 18 ”

P -0 0 73 P- 0061 P- 0024 P- 0 013

18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18 ” x 18 ”
22” x 22”

P -0 0 6 0 P- 0216 P- 0217 P- 016 9

18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 13 ” x 2 0 ”
22” x 22” 22” x 22”

www.s m 49
P C - 1101 PC-1102 PC-1103 PC-1104 PC-1105 PC-1106
18 " x 18" 18" x 18" 18" x 18" 18" x 18" 18" x 18" 18" x 18"
22 " x 22"

P C-10 01 PC- 1002 PC- 1003 PC - 10 0 4


18 " x 18" 18" x 18" 18" x 18" 18" x 18"

20 " x 20" 20" x 20" 20" x 20" 20" x 20"
22 " x 22" 22" x 22" 22" x 22" 22" x 22"

P C -10 0 5 PC- 1006 PC - 10 0 7

18" x 18" 18" x 18" 18" x 18"
20" x 20" 20" x 20" 20" x 20"
22" x 22" 22" x 22" 22" x 22"

P C -10 0 8 PC- 1009 PC - 1010

18" x 18" 18" x 18" 18" x 18"
20" x 20" 20" x 20" 20" x 20"
22" x 22" 22" x 22" 22" x 22"

50 www.s m
Surya unveils a new collection of coordinating outdoor accent pillows that can deliver style while enduring the rigors
of any climate. Surya’s exclusive line of outdoor decorative pillows have been designed and created to retain their original
form and beauty under the most extreme outdoor conditions. Every outdoor pillow is fade, stain and mildew resistant
making them extremely durable and easy to maintain. Surya’s decorative outdoor pillows are also made from 100%
Polypropylene with poly fiber fills and are available in a multitude of colors and patterns including floral, stripes,
and contemporary designs all of which complement Surya’s outdoor rug collections.
P -0 2 3 9 P- 0240 P- 0241 P- 0 2 4 2 P- 0 2 4 3
18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18”

P -0 2 4 4 P- 0249 P- 0250 P- 0 2 47 P- 0 2 4 8
18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18”

P -0 2 4 5 P- 0246 P- 0255 P- 0 2 5 6
18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 18”

P -0 2 5 4 P- 0251 P- 0252 P- 0 2 5 3
20” x 20” 20” x 20” 20” x 20” 20” x 20”

www.s m 51

Po u f -1 Pouf- 3 Po uf -4 Po uf -6
Chocola te / B l ue Ch o co l ate / Red Cho co late / L ime W hite / B lack

50% Cotton / 50% Jute
High Density Cotton Fill
22" x 22" x 12"

TO B-10 01 TOB - 10 0 7 TOB - 10 0 8 TOB -1004 TOB-1005

Bu rg u ndy Rust Ta n Avo c ad o I vo r y

51 " X 71 "

TO B-10 06 TOB - 1010 TOB - 10 0 9 TOB - 1002 TOB-1003

Spa Blu e Teal B ro wn B l ack G re y

52 www.s m
T I A-10 0 7 T IA- 10 0 6 TIA- 10 0 5 TIA- 10 0 4 TIA-1003 TIA-1001 T IA-1000
Avoc a do Teal Aqua B ro wn Plum Pumpk in Tan

50" X 67 "

T E E -10 0 8 T E E -10 0 7 TEE- 10 0 3 TEE- 10 0 5 TEE- 10 0 4 T E E -1001 TE E -1006 T E E -1009
Ru st/ Brow n/ Cam el Brow n/ G ray/Ivo ry Mauve/Gray B l ue/B ei ge B l ue/Yel l o w C re am/G ray G re e n /I vo r y C it r us /I vo r y

55" X 78 "

T M R-2 0 0 5 TMR- 2 0 0 4 TMR- 2 0 01 TM R- 2 0 0 0 T MR-2003 T MR-2002

Coral Red/ Ca ram el B ro wn/Caramel Ci trus/ P l um Pl um/Tan S k y B lue /B ro wn Aq ua/Tan

50" X 7 0 "

TST-2 0 0 6 TST- 2 0 0 3 TST- 2 0 0 2 TST- 2 0 0 5 TST-2001 TST-2004 TST-2000

G ray / Plu m Fern Red O range G o ld B e ig e Aq ua

50" X 7 0 "

www.s m 53

HST-3005 pg.171 BST-428 pg.159 BST-493 pg.158 IN-8020 pg.153 NY-5084 pg.177

MST-1 pg.172 SH-7408 pg.78 ART-55 pg.164 SH-7412 pg.79 DAZ-6511 pg.165

NY-5091 pg.175 G-85 pg.179 ART-66 pg.162 IN-8072 pg.153 STS-9008 pg.167

FM-7108 pg.190 FM-7107 pg.191 COS-8887 pg.188 LFT-2300 pg.196 LFT-2304 pg.196

54 www.s m

G-59 pg.178 DST-387 pg.213 TAM-1000 pg.216 STSII9062 pg.225 TAM-1004 pg.216

STSII-9067 pg.225 COS-8818 pg.245 FLO-8907 pg.235 G-44 pg.215 ART-192 pg.161

SEA-121 pg.228 FAL-1000 pg.90 NAT-7001 pg.221 SR-113 pg.168 SR-142 pg.223

BST-495 pg.158 BST-471 pg.210 ATH-5008 pg.241 ATH-5017 pg.242 COS-8889 pg.244

www.s m 55

CAE-1012 pg.307 CAE-1001 pg.309 CAE-1009 pg.309 CRN-6019 pg.320 CAE-1005 pg.307

DST-20 pg.301 CAE-1010 pg.309 CRN-6002 pg.320 CRN-6001 pg.314 CRN-6013 pg.317

CRN-6004 pg.315 TJ-44 pg.269 TJ-6575 pg.272 CRN-6011 pg.319 TJ-1143 pg.270

TJ-2000 pg.274 A-111 pg.296 CAE-1003 pg.309 CAE-1007 pg.310 CAE-1004 pg.307

56 www.s m

AROS-2 pg.101 AROS-5 pg.101 VIV-802 pg.110 AROS-8 pg.101 AROS-6 pg.101

MET-8686 pg.103 ASH-1300 pg.105 VIV-800 pg.110 VIV-803 pg.110 SHI-5001 pg.109

VIV-805 pg.110 MET-8683 pg.103 AROS-1 pg.101 AROS-10 pg.101 AROS-13 pg.101

BRK-3300 pg.104 SHI-5012 pg.109 TOD-1000 pg.102 AROS-11 pg.101 VIV-801 pg.110

www.s m 57

NAT-7019 pg.222 M-116 pg.131 ATL-5990 pg.119 M-179 pg.126 M-174 pg.125

SCU-7516 pg.75 M-64 pg.124 M-62 pg.124 M-102 pg.134 SCU-7522 pg.76


JS-2 pg.145 SOHO BROWN pg.142 SOHO BEIGE pg.142 JUTE NATURAL pg.145 JS-4 pg.145

COT-1933 pg.144 PAN-4600 pg.141 PAN-4629 pg.141 MLY-1000 pg.139 ZHU-1204 pg.147

58 www.s m

DST-381 pg.332 EMP-102 pg.302 CAS-9902 pg.331 CAS-9900 pg.331 JT-1033 pg.335

NMD-702 pg.305 DST-380 pg.332 JT-8 pg.335 STF-4000 pg.336 SKY-5001 pg.338


ALF-9514 pg.372 RAI-1023 pg.369 ALF-9503 pg.373 RAI-1011 pg.366 RAI-1006 pg.366

RAI-1001 pg.366 RAI-1031 pg.364 RAI-1000 pg.366 ALF-9504 pg.373 ALF-9510 pg.372

www.s m 59
Collection: Lumin ous Co l l e c t i o n : Luminous
Item: LMN-3000 (N e w ) Item: LMN-3001 (New )

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Silk Accents Silk Accents

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Silver • Sky M us hro o m • S ilve r

Candice Olson
Mention the two words Divine and Design to anyone and the name Candice Olson
immediately comes to mind. Her impeccable talent for design and her overwhelming
charisma have made her a household name. Each unique design is an expression of
Olson’s signature style; each one imparts a sense of sophistication and timelessness
with a contemporary edge. Hand-tufted in India of 100% New Zealand wool, the
patterns are graphic and flowing in an array of hues ranging from warm to cool color

Collection: Lumin ous Co l l e c t i o n : Luminous

Item: LMN-3002 (N e w ) Item: LMN-3003 (New)

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Silk Accents Silk Accents

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ivor y • Beig e • Bla ck • White G ray • S ilve r • I vo r y

60 m
Col l e ct i on: D ec a d en t
I te m : DCT- 6 5 0 0 (Ne w )

2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Viscose Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
Gray-B lue • Silver

Collection: D ec a d en t
I te m : DCT- 6 5 01 (Ne w )

2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$$
Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
Ivo ry • B eige • Tan

Collection: D ec a d en t
I te m : DCT- 6 5 0 2 (Ne w )

2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
D CT-6501

9' x 13'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Inventory at your Fingertips

Now you can check product availability from anywhere in the world,
Hand Carved Details 24 hours a day. Simply visit our at and log in to verify
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$$ inventory, place orders, track shipments, or view your customer history.
Hand Knotted Everything you need to increase sales and grow your business, is at your
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India fingertips.
B eige • Ivo ry m 61
Collection : Mo de r n C l a s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : M od e r n Classic s
Item: CAN-1955 (New) Item: CAN-1958 (New)

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Chocolate • G olden Brow n • Ta n Ch artre us e • W hite • L ig ht B lue

Collection : Mo de r n C l a s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : M od e r n Classic s
Item: CAN-1964 (New) Item: CAN-1957 (New)

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Off White • G ray Blu e • Ivor y C re am • Tan • I vo r y

62 www.s m
Collec t ion: Mo de r n C l a s s i c s
I te m: CAN-1903

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Ch arco al • Auburn

Colle c t ion: Mo de r n C l a s s i c s Collection: Mo dern Classic s

I te m: CAN-1906 Item: CAN-1904

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Sky • Ivo ry C re am • G o ld e n B ro wn

www.s m 63
Collection: M o de r n C l a s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : M od e rn Classic s
Item: CAN-1907 Item: CAN-1914

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Pale Blu e • White • G ray Pale G re e n • I vo r y

Collection: M o de r n C l a s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : M od e rn Classic s
Item: CAN-1912 Item: CAN-1913

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Chocolate • Ivor y Ivo r y • C ho co late

64 www.s m
Collection: M odern C la s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : M od e rn C la s sic s
Item: CAN-1921 Item: CA N-1923

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors
Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Co co a • I vo r y • Cream • Lig ht G ray • G ray • Blu e • Si l ver Sage B ei ge • Gray B l ue • Tan • C re am • Taupe • M us hro o m • G ray

Collection: M odern C la s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : M od e rn C la s sic s

Item: CAN-1942 Item: CAN-1943

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ta u pe • M u shroom C ho co late • B ro wn

Collection: M odern C la s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : M od e rn C la s sic s

Item: CAN-1944 Item: CA N-1940

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Beig e • Cha m pag ne B e ig e • I vo r y

www.s m 65
Collection: M odern C l a s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : M od e rn Classic s
Item: CAN-1918 Item: CA N-1953

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Plush High/Low Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Beig e • Ta n • Ivor y Taupe • I vo r y

Collection: M odern C l a s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : M od e rn Classic s

Item: CAN-192 0 Item: CAN-1952

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Plush High/Low Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Chocolate • Beig e • G old • M u shroo m S ilve r S ag e • W hite

Collection: M odern C l a s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : M od e rn Classic s

Item: CAN-1919 Item: CA N-1954

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Plush High/Low Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

C hocolate • Br ick • Red-Ora ng e • M u sh ro o m G ray B lue • S ilve r

66 www.s m
Collection : Mo de r n C l a s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : M od e rn Classic s
Item: CAN-1924 Item: CAN-1925

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors
Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

L i g ht Brow n • Brown • Beig e • M ocha • Ivo ry Li gh t Rus t • Oran g e • G o ld • S an d • C ho co late

Collection : Mo de r n C l a s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : M od e rn Classic s
Item: CAN-1926 Item: CAN-1927

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

L i ght G ray • Blu e-G ray • Lig ht Blu e • Charco al Ivo ry • W hite • Taupe • L ig ht G ray

www.s m 67
Collection: M o de r n C l a s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : M od e rn Classic s
Item: CAN-1945 Item: CAN-1946

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Cream • Ivor y • Pear • Dar k Sa g e Ch o co l ate • B ro wn • M us hro o m • C afe

Collection: M o de r n C l a s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : M od e rn Classic s
Item: CAN-1947 Item: CAN-1948

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Blu e G ray • Lig ht Blu e • White Ch o co l ate • M e d ium B ro wn • B r ick • Re d

68 www.s m
Collec t i o n : Mo de r n C l a s s i cs
Item: CAN-1933

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 5 colors
Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Ivor y • White

I te m : CAN-1934 Item: CAN-1935

Ta u p e • M u shroom Sl ate • Gray B l ue

C AN-1933

I te m : CAN-1936 Item: CAN-1938

The Perfect Match

Let Surya’s talented design team help you to locate the perfect rug and
coordinating accessories for your interior. Just send us a swatch of your
inspiration fabric, and we will combine it with the ideal rug, accent pillows,
luxurious throw and custom art pieces. Complete Accessory Solutions, at
your service.
C h o cola te • Brow n Taup e • B ei ge m 69
Colle c t ion: Mo de r n C l a s s i cs
I te m: CAN-1951

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

B l ack • Wh i te

Collec t ion: Mo de r n C l a s s i cs Collection: Mo dern Classic s

I te m: CAN-1950 Item: CAN-1949

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Chocola te • Ru s t • B ri ck I vo r y • B e ig e • L ig ht G re e n

70 www.s m
Collection: M o de r n C l a s s i cs
Item: CAN-1902

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

C rea m • L i ght Blu e • Lig ht G reen • Lavender • Ligh t Gray

Collection: M o de r n C l a s s i cs
Item: CAN-1901

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Complete your home with Surya.

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
P-0178 PSR-113B PC-1003 TEE-1001
B ei g e • G old • Sag e • M u shroom • Tan pg.45 pg.45 pg.50 pg.53

www.s m 71
Co l l e c t i o n : M od ern Classic s
Item: CAN-1915

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Viscose Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

S k y • S ilve r

Co l l e c t i o n : M od ern Classic s
Item: CAN-1916

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes
C AN-1915

Every Rug Needs a Rug Pad.

Adding one of our premium rug pads to your rug purchase not only Available in 2 colors
Viscose Accents
provides additional cushion and durability, but it can also extend the Plush Pile
Cost: $$$
life of your favorite rug by absorbing the effects of daily wear and tear.
Hand Tufted
Perfect for any floor surface, our quality rug pads ensure that the beauty 100% NZ Wool
Made in India
of your rug will endure for years to come.
Tan • B e ig e

72 www.s m
Co l l ecti o n : Fusi o n
Item: FSN-6000 (New)

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
Sample Blanket

Available in 4 colors
Ribbon Shag
Lustrous Sheen
Ultra Plush
Cost: $$$

Hand Woven
100% Polyester
Made in India

Si l ver Gray • Gray

Collect io n : Fu sio n Co l l ec ti o n : Fus i o n Co l l e ct i o n : Fu s i o n

I tem : FSN-6001 (New) I tem: FSN-6002 (New) Ite m : FSN-6003 (New)

Bl ack Charcoal Go l d e n B e i ge Cre am White

www.s m 73
Co l l ecti o n : Scu l p tu re
Item: SCU-7500

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 10 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Crafted
100% Wool
Made in India

Ch o co l ate

Col lectio n : S c u lp t u re Collection: Sculpture Co l l ec ti o n : Sc ul pture Co l l ec ti o n : S cu l p t u re Co l l e ct i o n : S cu l p t u re

I tem: SCU-7501 Ite m : SCU-750 2 I tem: SCU-7503 I tem: SCU-7504 Ite m : SCU-7505

B l a ck Pe ar Si l ver Sage I vo r y K hak i G re e n

Col lecti o n : S c u lp t u re Collection : Sc ul pture Co l l ec ti o n : Sc ul pture Co l l e ct i o n : S cu l p t u re

I tem: SCU-7506 Ite m : SCU-7507 I tem: SCU-7508 Ite m : SCU-7509

Gray Dark Red Li gh t B l u e B e ig e

74 www.s m
Co l l ecti o n : Scul p tu re
Item: SCU-7510

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 10 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Crafted
100% Wool
Made in India

B l ack

Colle c t io n : S c u lp t u re Collection: Scu l pture Co l l ec ti o n : Sc ul pture Co l l e ct i o n : S cu l p t u re Co l l e ct i o n : S cu l p t u re

I tem: SCU-7511 Ite m : SCU-7512 I tem: SCU-7513 I tem : SCU-7514 Ite m : SCU-7515

I vo r y B ei ge Ch o co l ate D ar k Re d Pe ar

Collect io n : S c u lp t u re Collecti o n : Sc ul pture Co l l ec ti o n : Sc ul pture Co l l e ct i o n : S cu l p t u re

I tem: SCU-7516 Ite m : SCU-7517 I tem: SCU-7518 Ite m : SCU-7519

S i l ver Sag e Li gh t B l ue Kh aki G re e n G ray

www.s m 75
Co l l ecti o n : Scu l p tu re
Item: SCU-7520

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 10 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Craftedw
100% Wool
Made in India

Li gh t B l ue

Col lectio n : S c u lp t u re Collection: Sculpture Co l l ec ti o n : Sc ul pture Co l l ec ti o n : S cu l p t u re Co l l e ct i o n : S cu l p t u re

I tem: SCU-7521 Ite m : SCU-752 2 I tem: SCU-7523 I tem: SCU-7524 Ite m : SCU-7525

B l a ck Gray Si l ver Sage D ar k Re d I vo r y

Col lecti o n : S c u lp t u re Collection : Sc ul pture Co l l ec ti o n : Sc ul pture Co l l e ct i o n : S cu l p t u re

I tem: SCU-7526 Ite m : SCU-7527 I tem: SCU-7528 Ite m : SCU-7529

K h a k i G reen Pear Ch o co l ate B e ig e

76 www.s m
Co l l ecti o n : Scul p tu re
Item: SCU-7530

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 10 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Crafted
100% Wool
Made in India

Ivo ry

Colle c t io n : S c u lp t u re Collection: Scu l pture Co l l ec ti o n : Sc ul pture Co l l e ct i o n : S cu l p t u re Co l l e ct i o n : S cu l p t u re

I tem: SCU-7531 Ite m : SCU-7532 I tem: SCU-7533 I tem : SCU-7534 Ite m : SCU-7535

D a r k Re d B ei ge Si l ver Sage G ray Pe ar

Collect io n : S c u lp t u re Collecti o n : Sc ul pture Co l l ec ti o n : Sc ul pture Co l l e ct i o n : S cu l p t u re

I tem: SCU-7536 Ite m : SCU-7537 I tem: SCU-7538 Ite m : SCU-7539

C hocolate Kh aki Green B l ack L ig ht B lue

www.s m 77
Collection: Shib ui Co l l e c t i o n : S h ibui
Item: SH -7400 Item: SH -7417

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 10' 2'6" x 10'
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes
Silk Accents
Silk Accents Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India
Red • Bu rg u ndy • Sa nd Re d - B ro wn • Re d

Julie Cohn
Julie Cohn is an artist, designer, and developer of products and designs for the
corporate and home interior markets. She is a founding partner in the multidisciplinary
product firm, Two Women Boxing and surface design firm Julie Cohn Design.
Hospitality and design firms have enlisted her talents for large hotel projects for Ritz,
Hyatt, Hilton and others. Her collection is rich, elegant and urbane by masterfully
mixing wool and silk.

Collection: Shib ui Co l l e c t i o n : S h ibui

Item: SH -7406 Item: SH-7408

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 10' 2'6" x 10'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes
Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors
Silk Accents Silk Accents
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India
Blu e • G ray • Beig e • Ivor y Gray • L ig ht G ray • B e ig e • C re am

78 m
Collection: Shi b u i Co l l e c t i o n : S h i b u i
Item: SH-1208 Item: SH-7412

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'

9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 10' 2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes 18" Corner
Custom Sizes
Available in 5 colors
Silk Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
Pa le Blu e • Silver

Collection: Shi b u i
Item: SH-7413 Available in 5 colors
Silk Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

2' x 3' Tan • G o ld

4' x 6'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner Co l l e c t i o n : S h i b u i
Custom Sizes Item: SH-7414
Available in 5 colors
Silk Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$
Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
2' x 3'
M u shroom • Cobalt 4' x 6'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Collection: Shi b u i Custom Sizes
Item: SH-1211

2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes

Available in 5 colors Available in 5 colors

Silk Accents Silk Accents
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India
Chocola te • G olden Brown I vo r y • G ray • Fe r n

www.s m 79
Co l l e c t i o n : Sh i b u i
Item: SH-7404

2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'

9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors
Silk Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Gray • B l ue • Navy

Co l l e c t i o n : Sh i b u i
Item: SH-7405

2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors
Silk Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Sp ani s h Mo ss • Dark Fern • B urgundy

80 www.s m
Collection: S h i b u i
Item: SH-7402

2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors
Silk Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Ta n • Bu rg u ndy • Cocoa

Collection: S h i b u i
Item: SH-7409

2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Need a Custom Sized Rug?

Available in 4 colors Can’t seem to find a rug to accommodate your unique space? We can help.
Silk Accents
Plush Pile More than 800 of our quality area rugs are available for order in custom
Cost: $$$$
sizes. Whether your space is extra cozy or exceptionally expansive, Surya
Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool has a rug that offers the perfect fit.
Made in India

Beig e • G old • Cocoa

www.s m
Collection: M osaic Co l l e c t i o n : M os a ic
Item: MOS-1001 Item: MOS-1002

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors
Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

White • Lig ht G ray • Silver O f f W hite • B lack • Re d

B. Smith
B. Smith is regarded as one of today’s leading experts in casual but elegant living. The
celebrated host of the Lifestyle television show B. Smith with Style has partnered
with Surya to develop rug collections that reflect her wide range of taste. The Mosaic
and Sag Harbor collections are hand-tufted and hand-woven constructions made of
100% New Zealand wool. Each piece has also been created to coordinate with her
existing furniture and home accessory lines, making them the centerpiece of a total
room design.

Collection: M osaic Co l l e c t i o n : M os a ic
Item: MOS-1004 Item: MOS-1019

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Brown • Orang e • Ru st • Beig e B lack • M o cha • B e ig e

82 m
Col l e ct i on: Sag H ar b o r
I te m : SAG- 10 01

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Woven
100% Wool
Made in India
Gre e n • Gra ss • Light Green • Rus t • O range • Sky Blue • Taupe

Col l e ct i on: Sag H ar b o r

I te m : SAG- 10 0 2

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $$
Hand Woven
100% Wool
Made in India
Bl a ck • Bl u e • G o ld • Ivo ry • Kerry B lue • Taup e • Light Gold

Col l e ct i on: Sag H ar b o r

I te m : SAG- 10 0 5 (Ne w )

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" Your decorating ideas brought to life.
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Woven
100% Wool
Made in India
P-0197 P-0198 TOB-1004
Re d • Bu rg u ndy • B right Red • Go ld • Yello w • Tan • I vory
pg.46 pg.46 pg.52
www.s m 83
Bob Mackie
Bob Mackie, one of the world’s most acclaimed
fashion and costume designers, has partnered
with Surya to develop a collection of rugs that
are as elegant, luxurious, and striking as his
award-winning couture creations. His one of
a kind pieces have been worn by some of the
most glamorous women in Hollywood. Bob
Mackie’s collection for Surya was inspired by
some of his most beautiful fabrics. Each rug
is a tribute to his impeccable eye for color,
his expert attention to quality and detail,
and his flare for the opulent and dramatic.
Hand-tufted of New Zealand wool, the
patterns and hues in this collection span a
multitude of interior styles from traditional
to contemporary and are undeniably a
statement of flawless taste.

Co l l e c t i o n: Mo dern e
Item: MDR-1008

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Unlimited possibilities to design your room.

Available in 3 colors
Viscose Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool / Viscose
Made in India

B lack • G ray

P-0235 PC-1007 P-0223 TOB-1002

pg.43 pg.50 pg. 43 pg.52

www.s m
Co l l e c t i o n : Mo de r n e
Item: MDR-1020

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Viscose Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool / Viscose
Made in India

Ch o co l ate • Ch amp agne

Co l l e c t i o n : Mo de r n e
Item: MDR-1007

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Viscose Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool / Viscose
Made in India

Ch arco al • Si l ver

www.s m 85
Collection: Cow Parade Co l l e c t i o n : Cow Pa ra d e
Item: COW-1000 Item: COW-1001

5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Cow Figurine Included Cow Figurine Included
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Poly Acrylic 100% Poly Acrylic
Made in China Made in China

P u r p l e • Red • B lu e • Black • Yellow • G reen • M a roo n • Taup e Red • Ye llo w • L ig ht O ran g e • G ras s • Rub y

Cow Parade
For the philanthropist with an appreciation of art, the Cow Parade Collection is an
extension and continuation of one of the largest public art events in history. Each
hand-tufted rug is a horizontal representation of a specific bovine that Botticelli
featured among the thousands of sculptures created. Every rug is accompanied by a
replica of the cow that inspired it, giving you two beautiful works of art as well as an
interesting conversation piece.

Collection: Cow Parade Co l l e c t i o n : Cow Pa ra d e

Item: COW-1002 Item: COW-1005

5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Cow Figurine Included Cow Figurine Included
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Poly Acrylic 100% Poly Acrylic
Made in China Made in China

Rub y • Red • G o l d • Ora ng e • Yellow • G reen • Blu e • Lig ht B l ue • Lavender B l ack • G ray • O ran g e • Re d • Tan • Ye llo w
Ivor y • Roy al Blu e

86 m
Collection: Cow Parade Co l l e c t i o n : Cow Pa ra d e
Item: COW-1006 Item: COW-1009

5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Cow Figurine Included Cow Figurine Included
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Poly Acrylic 100% Poly Acrylic
Made in China Made in China

Red • Yellow • G old • Sky Blu e • Pu r ple • G rass B l ue • Re d • Ye llo w • B lack • C re am • G ray

Collection: Cow Parade Co l l e c t i o n : Cow Pa ra d e

Item: COW-1007 Item: COW-1012

5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Cow Figurine Included Cow Figurine Included
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Poly Acrylic 100% Poly Acrylic
Made in China Made in China

Ru b y • B l a ck • G ray • Forest • Sky • Pink • Lavender • Yel l o w Ivo ry • B lack • Re d • Ye llo w • B lue

Collection: Cow Parade Co l l e c t i o n : Cow Pa ra d e

Item: COW-1008 Item: COW-1013

5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Cow Figurine Included Cow Figurine Included
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Poly Acrylic 100% Poly Acrylic
Made in China Made in China

Black • Ivor y • Red Re d • I vo r y

www.s m 87
Collection: Zun a Co l l e c t i o n : Z una
Item: ZUN-1009 Item: ZUN-1012

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Cho co l a te • Ru b y • I vor y • M int • Bu rg u ndy • G olden Brow n • Ro se • Pi nk Ch o co l ate • Ruby • Ivo r y • Pin k • M in t • G o ld e n B ro wn • Ro s e • B urg un d y

Jill Rosenwald
Jill Rosenwald is an accomplished ceramic artist who has spent decades cultivating
and perfecting her own unique and recognizable style. Her hand thrown and hand
painted pottery pieces are sold around the world by respected establishments such
as Barneys and Neiman Marcus. Her creations are representations of a fusion of
popular and fresh color palettes, captivating patterns, and natural design elements.
Jill Rosenwald is known for her elegant sensibility and has a signature style that is
inspiring and undeniable. Her creative partnership with Surya has resulted in an
exciting assortment of hand-woven and hand-tufted wool rugs and a variety of
exclusive hand-crafted accent pillows that are graphic, bold, and sophisticated.

Collection: Zun a Co l l e c t i o n : Z una

Item: ZUN-1000 Item: ZUN-1001

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

G ra ss • Cream • G ray C harco al • C re am • G ray

88 m
Collection : Fa l l o n Co l l e c t i o n : Fa llon
Item: FAL-1014 Item: FAL-1015

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors
Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Lim e G reen • Chocolate I vo r y • Taupe

Collection : Fa l l o n Co l l e c t i o n : Fa llon
Item: FAL- 1016 Item: FAL-1017

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors

Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Sa g e • Ivor y C ho co late • I vo r y

www.s m 89
Co l l e c t i on: Fallo n
Item: FAL-1000

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

Available in 13 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Woven
100% Wool
Made in India

B ro wn • I vo r y

Item: FAL-1001 I te m : FAL-1002 I te m : FAL-1003 I te m : FAL-1004

Yel l o w • Ivo ry Co ral • I vo r y G ray • I vo r y S ag e • I vo r y

FA L-1004

Item: FAL-1005 I te m : FAL-1007 I te m : FAL-1008 I te m : FAL-1009

Sophisticated style, timeless look.

Sky • Ivo ry Tur q uo is e • I vo r y C ho co late • Pale B lue I vo r y • G o ld e n B ro wn

Item: FAL-1010 I te m : FAL-1011 I te m : FAL-1012 I te m : FAL-1013

PSR-106B PC-1104 TST-2003 B ro wn • Rus t B lue • I vo r y C ho co late • Fuchs ia B r ick • G o ld

pg.46 pg.50 pg.53

90 www.s m
Collection: S mithson ian Co l l e c t i o n : S mit h s onia n
Item: SMI-2104 Item: SMI-2108

Smithsonian® Smithsonian®
Collection Collection
by S U R YA by S U R YA

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

C h o co l a te • B rown • Cora l • Ru by • G reen • Cream • Go l d Re d • K hak i • I vo r y

Surya has collaborated with the world’s most prestigious institution to develop
its Smithsonian Collection. Our exclusive compilation of rugs is hand-tufted of
100% New Zealand wool and is inspired by artifacts found within the Smithso-

Smithsonian® nian’s vast archives. The color palettes are reflective of the original inspiration
pieces however, the final product is graphic, stylized, and completely in keeping

Collection with today’s modern sense of aesthetics.

by S U R YA

Collection: S mithson ian Co l l e c t i o n : S mit h s onia n

Item: SMI-2103 Item: SMI-2101

Smithsonian® Smithsonian®
Collection Collection
by S U R YA by S U R YA

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Hand Carved Details Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

C hocola te • Brow n • Red • Pink Ch o co late • Pale B lue • Tan • B urg un d y m 91
Collec tion: Sm ithsoni a n
I tem: SM I- 2112

by S U R YA

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
Ch i n a Bl ue • I vory

Collec tion: Sm ithsoni a n

I tem: SM I- 2113

by S U R YA

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
I vory • Navy

Collec tion: Sm ithsoni a n

I tem: SM I- 210 9

Enliven your home with vibrant colors. by S U R YA

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Viscose Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
P-0229 PC - 1010 P-0206 TEE-1004 Made in India
pg.48 pg.50 pg. 48 pg.53 Sky • Ch ocol a te • Ta n

92 www.s m
Collection: S m i th s o n i a n
Item: SMI-2111

by S U R YA

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Plush High/Low Pile

Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Ivor y

Collection: A rch i ve
Item: ACH-1700

by S U R YA

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Friendly Check Out Policy

Surya’s clients can utilize our ‘Check-Out Policy’ to order a 2’x3' or 18"
Flat Pile corner sample of any rug within our vast collection. This sample will allow
Cost: $$
you to illustrate the color, fiber, texture, and feel of the rug to your customer.
Hand Woven
100% Wool And, you can either sell the rug to your customer, or return it within 90 days
Made in India
and pay only the cost of shipping.
Nav y • Tan

www.s m 93
Collection: In sp ired C la s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : I ns pire d C la ssic s
Item: INS-8000 (N e w ) Item: INS-8003 (New )

2' x 2'9" 2' x 2'9"

3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
2'3" x 8' 2'3" x 8'

Looped Texture Looped Texture

Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Hooked Hand Hooked

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in China Made in China

Pale Blu e • Ivor y C ho co late • I vo r y

Country Living
The Country Living rug collection features classic country construction in a variety
of traditional and modern motifs. Inspired by the comfortable inviting style found
in the pages of the magazine. From farmhouse flat weave stripes to energetic loop
hooked floral, each rug was designed to add warmth and beauty to the home and
work easily with any décor.

Collection: In sp ired C la s s i cs Co l l e c t i o n : I ns pire d C la ssic s

Item: INS-8013 (Ne w ) Item: INS-8017 (New)

2' x 2'9" 2' x 2'9"

3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
2'3" x 8' 2'3" x 8'

Looped Texture Looped Texture

Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Hooked Hand Hooked

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in China Made in China

Coral • Ivor y S ilve r S ag e • I vo r y

94 m
Collection : Co u n tr y J u te s Co l l e c t i o n : Count ry J u tes
Item: CTJ-2000 (New) Item: CTJ-2001 (New)

2'6" x 4' 2'6" x 4'

3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10'6" 8' x 10'6"

Rope Loop Knotted Loop
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Jute 100% Jute
Made in India Made in India

Ta n • Beig e Tan • B e ig e

Collection : Co u n tr y J u te s Co l l e c t i o n : Count ry J u tes

Item: CTJ-2002 (New) Item: CTJ-2003 (New)

2'6" x 4' 2'6" x 4'

3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10'6" 8' x 10'6"

Looped Texture Looped Texture

Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Jute 100% Jute
Made in India Made in India

Tan • Crea m Tan • C re am

www.s m 95
Colle c t ion: Fa r m h o u s e Str i p es
I te m: FAR-7007 (New)

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'

Available in 3 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Woven
100% Wool
Made in India

Green • Li me • Wh i te

Collec t ion: Fa r m h o u s e Str i p es Collection: Farm ho u se St rip es

I te m: FAR-7008 (New) Item: FAR-7009 (New)

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Nav y • Blu e • Lavender Co ral • B urg un d y • I vo r y

96 www.s m
Collection: Farm h o u s e Str i p e s Co l l e c t i o n : Fa r m ho u se St rip es
Item: FAR-7000 (New) Item: FAR-7003 (New)

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'

Available in 5 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Woven
100% Wool
Made in India

Nav y • Lig ht Blu e

Collection: Farm h o u s e Str i p e s

Item: FAR-7001 (New) Available in 5 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Woven
2' x 3' 100% Wool
3'6" x 5'6" Made in India
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' G ray • I vo r y

Co l l e c t i o n : Fa r m ho u se St rip es
Available in 5 colors Item: FAR-7004 (New)
Flat Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Woven 2' x 3'

100% Wool 3'6" x 5'6"
Made in India 5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Bla ck • Ivor y

Collection: Farm h o u s e Str i p e s

Item: FAR-7002 (New)

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'

Available in 5 colors Available in 5 colors

Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Red • Ivor y B ro wn • B e ig e

www.s m 97
Collection: H u n ti n g to n B ra i ds Co l l e c t i o n : S um mer B raids
Item: HNT-4500 (New) Item: SMR-6501 (New)

3' Round 1'10" x 2'10"

5' Round 2'3" x 3'10"
7' Round 3'6" x 5'6"
9' Round 5' x 7'
11' Round 6' x 9'
1'10" x 2'10" Oval 8' x 10'
2'3" x 3'10" Oval 9' x 12'

2' x 5' Oval 11' x 14'

3'6" x 5'6" Oval 2' x 5'
2' x 7' Oval 2' x 7'
5' x 7' Oval 2' x 9'
2' x 9' Oval 2' x 11'
6' x 9' Oval 3' Square
8' x 10' Oval 5' Square
2' x 11' Oval 7' Square
9' x 12' Oval 9' Square
11' x 14' Oval 11' Square

Available in 6 colors
Available in 6 colors Outdoors Safe
Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

80% Wool / 20% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

Tea l • Chocolate • Brown • Ta u pe • Ivor y N avy • Ye llo w • G ray • W hite

I te m : HNT-4501 (New) Item: HNT-4502 (New) Item: HNT-4503 (New) Item: SMR-6500 (New) I te m : SMR-6502 (New) I te m : SMR-6503 (New)

C h o co l a te • B row n Da r k G reen • G reen • Li gh t Navy • B l ue • Sky Eggp l ant • Red C ho co late • M o cha D ar k G re e n • L ime
Mu s h ro o m • I vor y Blu e • Tan • Ivory Gray B l ue • Ivo ry Pal e B l ue • Wh i te B lue • W hite G ray • W hite

I te m: HNT-4504 (New) Item: HNT-4505 (New) Item: SMR-6504 (New) I te m : SMR-6505 (New)

Red • Ru st Red • Pink Ch o co l ate • Mo ch a Rust • Tan • G ray • W hite C ho co late • G o ld

M ocha • Ivor y Rust • B ro wn • Ivo ry G ray • W hite

98 www.s m
Collec t i o n : Se a s i de Str i p e s Co l l e c t i o n: Cab in B asic s
Item: SSD-7502 (New) Item: CBN-5501 (New)

3' Round 3' Round

5' Round 5' Round
7' Round 7' Round
9' Round 9' Round
11' Round 11' Round
1'10" x 2'10" Oval 1'10" x 2'10" Oval
2'3" x 3'10" Oval 2'3" x 3'10" Oval

2' x 5' Oval 2' x 5' Oval
3'6" x 5'6" Oval 3'6" x 5'6" Oval
2' x 7' Oval 2' x 7' Oval
5' x 7' Oval 5' x 7' Oval
2' x 9' Oval 2' x 9' Oval
6' x 9' Oval 6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval 8' x 10' Oval
2' x 11' Oval 2' x 11' Oval
9' x 12' Oval 9' x 12' Oval
11' x 14' Oval 11' x 14' Oval

Available in 6 colors
Outdoors Safe Available in 6 colors
Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$$

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

Lim e • White B ro wn • B e ig e

I te m : SSD-7500 (New) Item: SSD-7501 (New) Item: SSD-7503 (New) Item: CBN-5500 (New) I te m : CBN-5502 (New) I te m : CBN-5503 (New)

N av y • W h i te Yellow • White Red • Wh i te B l ue • B ei ge B e ig e • B ro wn Re d • B e ig e

I te m: SSD-7504 (New) Item: SSD-7505 (New) Item: CBN-5504 (New) I te m : CBN-5505 (New)

Federa l Blu e • White Tan • Wh i te Ye llo w • B e ig e Te al • B e ig e

www.s m 99
S u r y a h a s ta ke n t h i s beloved retro design into the 21st century by combining different fibers
Shag to create variety in density and movement. It certainly is not your grandma’s shag, with innovative
constructions and c o l o r p a l e t t e s , o u r a s s o r t m e n t o f s h a g r u g s i s a s v a r i e d a n d v e rs a t i l e as the
rooms they complement. Whether you want a traditional polyester s h a g i n a s h o c k i n g b r i g h t
orange, a modern interpretation of chunky square felted wool, or an ultra luxurious hand woven
b le n d o f N ew Z eal an d wo o l a n d silk, we h ave a sh a g th a t wi ll fit your lifestyle and your budget.

SHI-5005 AROS-6 FSN-6001 Yeti Collection

Metropolitan Collection

100 www.s m

Co l l ecti o n : Aro s
Item: AROS-2
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'6"
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
4' x 10'
8' Round
10' Round
8' Square
18" Corner
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

Available in 14 colors
Ultra Plush
Cost: $$$

Hand Woven (Shag)

100% NZ Felted Wool
Made in India

Ivo ry

Col l ection : Aros Co l l e cti o n : Aro s Colle c t ion: A ros Colle c t ion: A ros Colle c t ion: Aro s Co llec t io n : Aro s Co llec t io n : Aro s
Item: AROS-1 Item: AROS-5 Item: AROS-6 Item: AROS-10 Item: AROS-11 Item: AROS-7 Item: AROS-8

Red Ru st Li me Green Natural S pa B lue G re e n G ray

Col l ection : Aros Co l l e cti o n : Aro s Colle c t ion: A ros Colle c t ion: A ros Co llec t io n : Aro s Co llec t io n : Aro s
Item: AROS-9 Item: AROS-12 Item: AROS-13 Item: AROS-15 Item: AROS-3 Item: AROS-4

Ta n Sky Blu e B l ack P urp l e G o ld B ro wn

www.s m 101

Co l l ecti o n : Tod d
Item: TOD-1000
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

Available in 5 colors
Minimal Shedding
Ultra Plush
Cost: $$$$

Hand Woven (Shag)

100% NZ Felted Wool
Made in India

Ivo ry

Collecti o n : To d d Collectio n : To d d Co l l ec ti o n : To d d Co l l e ct i o n : To d d
I tem: TOD-1001 Ite m : TOD-1002 I tem: TOD-1003 Ite m : TOD-1004

Brown D a rk Bei ge Ac i d G re e n C a r ro t

102 www.s m

Co l l ecti o n: Me tro p o l i ta n

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'6"
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

Available in 6 colors
Ultra Plush
Cost: $$$

Hand Woven (Shag)

100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Collect io n : M e t ro p olita n Co l l ec ti o n : Metro po l i tan Co l l e ct i o n : M e t ro p o l i ta n

I tem : MET-8683 I tem: MET-8682 Ite m : MET-8680

Ivor y Li me B lue G ray

Collect io n : M e t ro p olita n Co l l ec ti o n : Metro po l i tan Co l l e ct i o n : M e t ro p o l i ta n

I tem : MET-8684 I tem: MET-8685 Ite m : MET-8686

Chocolate Ta n G ray

www.s m 103

Co l l e c t i o n : B e r k l e y
Item: BRK-3300
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'6"
2'6" x 8'
4' x 10'
8' Round
8' Square
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Ultra Plush
Cost: $$$

Hand Woven (Shag)

100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Ivo ry

Co l l e c t i o n : Po i s e
Item: POI-7600
2' x 3'
3' x 5'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'

Ultra Plush
Cost: $$

Hand Woven
100% Wool
Made in China

Ivo ry

104 www.s m

Collection: A s h to n
Item: ASH-1300
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'6"
2'6" x 8'
4' x 10'
8' Round
8' Square
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Viscose Accents
Ultra Plush
Cost: $$$

Hand Woven (Shag)

100% NZ Wool / Viscose
Made in India

Ivor y

Collection: A s h to n
Item: ASH-1305
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'6"
2'6" x 8'
4' x 10'
8' Round
8' Square
Custom Sizes
A SH-1305

Natural Beauty
Surya’s discerning compilation of environmentally conscious rugs combine
Viscose Accents
Ultra Plush natural fiber such as hemp, jute, and bamboo to create selections that are
Cost: $$$
not only eco-friendly, but also visual works of art. Each rug is constructed
Hand Woven (Shag)
100% NZ Wool / Viscose of sustainable, renewable resources, and is, by nature’s design, extremely
Made in India
durable and long-lasting.
Lim e m 105
Co l l ecti o n : Bou l e va rd
Item: BLV-8000
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

Available in 7 colors
Ultra Plush
Cost: $$$

Hand Woven
100% NZ Wool / Viscose
Made in India

Ch o co l ate • B l ack • B ei ge

Col lecti o n : B o u le vard Co l l ec ti o n : B o ul evard Co l l e ct i o n : B o u l e va rd

I tem: BLV-8003 I tem: BLV-8004 Ite m : BLV-8005

Ru st • Tan Go l d • Wh i te C ho co late • Tan

Col lecti o n : B o u le vard Co l l ec ti o n : B o ul evard Co l l e ct i o n : B o u l e va rd

I tem: BLV-8006 I tem: BLV-8007 Ite m : BLV-8008

B l ack • Cream • Ivor y Ivo ry • Gray-B l ue • Go l d • Go l den B ro wn W hite • I vo r y • B e ig e

106 www.s m

Co l l ecti o n : Fusi o n
Item: FSN-6000 (New)

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
Sample Blanket

Available in 4 colors
Ribbon Shag
Lustrous Sheen
Ultra Plush
Cost: $$$

Hand Woven
100% Polyester
Made in India

Si l ver Gray • Gray

Collect io n : Fu sio n Co l l ec ti o n : Fus i o n Co l l e ct i o n : Fu s i o n

I tem : FSN-6001 (New) I tem: FSN-6002 (New) Ite m : FSN-6003 (New)

Bl ack Charcoal Go l d e n B e i ge Cre am White

www.s m 107

Co l l ecti o n : Aries
Item: ARS-3800
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

Available in 7 colors
Ribbon Shag
Ultra Plush
Cost: $$$

Hand Woven
100% Polyester
Made in India

Grap e

Col lecti o n : Arie s Co l l ec ti o n : A r i es Co l l e ct i o n : A ri e s

I tem: ARS-3807 I tem: ARS-3818 Ite m : ARS-3821

Sa pphire Aqua G o ld

Col lecti o n : Arie s Co l l ec ti o n : A r i es Co l l e ct i o n : A ri e s

I tem: ARS-3822 I tem: ARS-3827 Ite m : ARS-3829

Sc ar let Cel ado n Ste e l G ray

108 www.s m

Co l l ecti o n: Sh i m m e r

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'6"
2'6" x 8'
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

Available in 10 colors
Ribbon Shag
No Shedding
Ultra Plush
Cost: $$$

Hand Woven (Shag)

100% Polyester
Made in India

Colle c t io n : S him m e r Collection: Shim m er Co l l ec ti o n : Sh i m m er Co l l ec t i o n : S h i mme r Co l l e ct i o n : S h i mme r

Item: SHI-5000 Ite m : SHI-5001 I tem: SHI-5004 I tem : SHI-5005 Ite m : SHI-5007

Plum Gray Sky G re e n O ran g e

Col le c t io n : S him m e r Collection: Shi m m er Co l l ec ti o n : Sh i m m er Co l l ec t i o n : S h i mme r Co l l e ct i o n : S h i mme r

I tem : SHI-5008 Ite m : SHI-5009 I tem: SHI-5010 I tem : SHI-5011 Ite m : SHI-5012

Gold Go l d Si l ver C hampag n e S c ar le t

www.s m 109

Co l l e c t i o n : Viv id
Item: VIV-800
1'9" x 2'10"
2'6" x 4'2"
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
9' x 13'
6' Round
8' Round
10' Round
18" Corner
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

Available in 18 colors
Shoelace Shag
No Shedding
Ultra Plush
Cost: $$$

Hand Woven (Shag)

100% Polyester
Made in India

G o ld

I te m : VIV-801 Item: VIV-802 Item: VIV-803 Item: VIV-804 I te m : VIV-805 I te m : VIV-806

B l a ck Silver Wh i te Rust B ro wn Re d

I te m : VIV-807 Item: VIV-817 Item: VIV-818 Item: VIV-832 (New) I te m : VIV-833 (New) I te m : VIV-834 (New)

Lime Pink Sky B l ue Teal S k y B lue Ras pb e r r y

I te m: VIV-835 (New) Item: VIV-836 (New) Item: VIV-837 (New) Item: VIV-838 (New) I te m : VIV-839 (New)

M a roon Go l den B ro wn Ch arco al B ro n ze G re e n

110 m
Co l l ecti o n : H arve s t
Item: HVT-6 800
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors
Looped Texture
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Woven (Shag)

50% Jute / 50% Polyester
Made in India

Co p per

Collect io n : Harve st Co l l ec ti o n : Har ves t Co l l e ct i o n : H a rve s t

I tem : HVT-6801 I tem: HVT-6802 Ite m : HVT-6803

G ol d Ru s t Champagne

www.s m 111

Co l l ecti o n : Sha do w
Item: SHD-6900
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Woven (Shag)

50% Polyester / 50% Wool
Made in India

Ch o co l ate

Collecti o n : S hado w Co l l ec ti o n : Sh ad o w Co l l e ct i o n : S h a d o w
I tem: SHD-6902 I tem: SHD-6906 Ite m : SHD-6908

Red Pa l e B l u e Ivory

112 www.s m

Co l l ecti o n: Ye ti

2' x 3'
3' x 5'
5' x 8'

Available in 10 colors
Minimal Shedding
Faux Fur Shag
Medium Pile
Cost: $$

Machine Made
100% Modified Acrylic
Made in China

Colle c t io n : Ye t i Collection: Yeti Co l l ec ti o n : Yeti Co l l ec t i o n : Ye t i Co l l e ct i o n : Ye t i

Item: YET-1300 Ite m : YET-1301 I tem: YET-1302 I tem : YET-1303 Ite m : YET-1304

C rea m O nyx Pi nk L ave n d e r Ye llo w G re e n

Col le c t io n : Ye t i Collection: Yeti Co l l ec ti o n : Yeti Co l l ec t i o n : Ye t i Co l l e ct i o n : Ye t i

I tem : YET-1305 Ite m : YET-1306 I tem: YET-1307 I tem : YET-1308 Ite m : YET-1309

Gray Li gh t B l ue Wh i te Re d C harco al

www.s m 113

Col l e ct i on: Conce pt s Co l l e c t i o n: Co n cep t s
I tem: CPT- 1714 Item: CPT-1700
1'11" x 3'3" 1'11" x 3'3"
5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"
7'10" x 10'10" 7'10" x 10'10"
Sample Blanket

No Shedding
Plush Pile
Cost: $

Machine Made
100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A.
Be i ge • Gray B lue • B lack • Go lden B ro wn • Tan

Col l e ct i on: Conce pt s

I tem: CPT- 1712

1'11" x 3'3"
5'3" x 7'6" Available in 6 colors
7'10" x 10'10" No Shedding
Plush Pile
Cost: $

Machine Made
100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A.

Rus t

No Shedding
Plush Pile
Cost: $ Item: CPT-1701 I te m : CPT-1703 I te m : CPT-1704
Machine Made
100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A.
Re d • Ru st • Sage • Sky • Tan • B lack • B ro wn • Beige • I vory

Col l e ct i on: Conce pt s

I tem: CPT- 1716

1'11" x 3'3"
5'3" x 7'6"
7'10" x 10'10"
B l ue Gray C ho co late S ag e

Item: CPT-1707 I te m : CPT-1710

No Shedding
Plush Pile
Cost: $

Machine Made
100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A.
Be i g e • Ivo ry • Sage • Green • Rus t • Sky • Red
Go lden B ro wn • B ro wn
G o ld I vo r y

114 www.s m

Co l l ecti o n: C r i n k l e

2' x 3'
3' x 5'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
2'3" x 8'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round
9' Round

Available in 8 colors
No Shedding
Plush Pile
Cost: $

Machine Made
100% Polypropylene
Made in K.S.A.

Collect io n : Crin kle Collect i o n : C r i n k l e Co l l ec ti o n : C r i n k l e Co l l e ct i o n : C ri n k l e

Item: CRK-1600 Ite m : CRK-1601 I tem: CRK-1602 Ite m : CRK-1603

Ru sty Red Ivo ry B l ack C ho co late • B ro wn

Collect io n : Crin k le Collecti o n : C r i n k l e Co l l ec ti o n : C r i n k l e Co l l e ct i o n : C ri n kl e

Item: CRK-1604 Ite m : CRK-1605 I tem: CRK-1606 Ite m : CRK-1607

G ray Go l d Mus h ro o m Putt y

www.s m 115

I f y o u a re s e a rch i n g fo r a r u g t o p ro v i d e t h e p e r fe c t b a ck d ro p t o y o u r d é c o r w i t h o u t b e i n g t o o
SOLID/TONE ON TONE/STRIPES overpowering or conspicuous, Surya’s immense selection of solids, stripes, and tone-on-tone
d e s i g n s i s e xa c t l y w h a t yo u a re l o o k i n g fo r. Ava i l a b l e i n my r i a d co l o rs , f i b e rs , a n d co n s t r u c t i o n s ,
this collection offers a multitude of options for the designer hoping to make a subtle and
sophisticated statement. These simple and textural floor accents can complement interiors ranging
from co n tem po rary to tra d itio n a l ma kin g th em ex tremely versatile and adaptab le to any space.



116 m
Collection : Naya Co l l e c t i o n : A rt is t St u dio
Item: NY-5070 Item: ART-212

2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"

5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 9' x 13'
18" Corner 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes 8' Round
Custom Sizes

N E / ST R I P E S
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ivor y B ro wn

Collection : Na tu ra Co l l e c t i o n : N a t ura
Item: NAT-7019 Item: NAT-7041
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Available in 2 colors Hard Twist Texture
Hard Twist Texture Hand Carved Details
Hand Carved Details Cut/Loop Pile
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Tea k • A lm ond B ro wn

www.s m 117

Co l l ecti o n: M ug a l

2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
N E / ST R I P E S

9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

Available in 6 colors
Silk Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Col lecti o n : M u gal Co l l ec ti o n : Mug al Co l l e ct i o n : M u g a l

I tem: IN-1441 I tem: IN-1476 Ite m : IN-8243

Silver • Crea m O l i ve Green • Cream C ho co late

Col lecti o n : M u gal Co l l ec ti o n : Mug al Co l l e ct i o n : M u g a l

I tem: IN-8247 I tem: IN-8253 Ite m : IN-8256

Br ick Teal S ilve r G ray

118 www.s m

Co l l ecti o n: Atl a n ti s

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'

8' x 11'
9' x 13'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

N E / ST R I P E S
Available in 5 colors
Viscose Accents
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Collect io n : At lan t is Collection: Atla n ti s Co l l ec ti o n : Atl an ti s Co l l e ct i o n : At l a n t i s Co l l e ct i o n : At l a n t i s

I tem : ATL-5990 Ite m : ATL-6001 I tem: ATL-6013 I tem : ATL-6014 Ite m : ATL-6015

B ro w n G ray • Si l ver Sage Navy G o ld

www.s m 119

Co l l ecti o n: Arti s t Stu di o

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
N E / ST R I P E S

8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 6 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Col lecti o n : Art ist St u dio Co l l ec ti o n : A r ti s t Stud i o Co l l e ct i o n : A rt i s t St u d i o

I tem: ART-83 I tem: ART-84 Ite m : ART-85

Pea G reen B ei ge Aq ua

Col lecti o n : Art ist St u dio Co l l ec ti o n : A r ti s t Stud i o Co l l e ct i o n : A rt i s t St u d i o

I tem: ART-219 I tem: ART-220 Ite m : ART-221

G olden Brow n Ivo ry Co ra l

120 www.s m

Collection: Ess e n ce Co l l e c t i o n : Raj
Item: ESS-4603 Item: R ST- 1215

2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'

5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 7'9" Round
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Viscose Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool / Viscose
Made in India

Brown • Tan

N E / ST R I P E S
Collection: Ess e n ce
Item: ESS-4607
Undyed Wool
2' x 3' Plush High/Low Pile
3'3" x 5'3" Cost: $$$
5' x 8'
8' x 11' Hand Tufted
2'6" x 8' 100% NZ Wool
8' Round Made in India
Custom Sizes
B e ig e • G ray

Co l l e c t i o n : S e ren dip it y
Item: SER-7216
Viscose Accents
Plush Pile 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
Cost: $$$ 5' x 8'
8' x 11'
Hand Tufted 2'6" x 8'
100% NZ Wool / Viscose Custom Sizes
Made in India

Beig e • Ivor y

Collection: Kha r m a
Item: KHA-1003
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Viscose Accents Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Crafted

100% NZ Wool / Viscose 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

M u shroom • G ray B e ig e • L ig ht B e ig e

www.s m 121

Co l l ecti o n: N o b l e

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
N E / ST R I P E S

8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Sample Blanket

Available in 9 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Crafted
100% Wool
Made in India

Col le c t io n : No b le Collection: Nob l e Co l l ec ti o n : N o b l e Co l l e ct i o n : N o b l e Co l l e ct i o n : N o b l e

I tem: NOB-1004 Ite m : NOB-1005 I tem: NOB-1006 I tem : NOB-1007 Ite m : NOB-1010 (New)

Gold Rust Go l den B ro wn B ro wn Pale G re e n

Col lect io n : No b le Collecti o n : N o b l e Co l l ec ti o n : N o b l e Co l l e ct i o n : N o b l e

I tem: NOB-1011 (New) Ite m : NOB-1012 (New) I tem: NOB-1013 (N ew) Ite m : NOB-1014 (New)

D a rk G reen P urp l e B l ue D e n im Re d

122 www.s m

Co l l ecti o n : Spe ctr u m
Item: SPE-5300

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"

5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

N E / ST R I P E S
Available in 5 colors
Viscose Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Crafted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Go l den B ro wn

Col lect io n : S p e c t ru m Collec ti o n : Spec tr um Co l l ec ti o n : Spec tr um Co l l e ct i o n : S p e ct ru m

I tem : SPE-5301 Ite m : SPE-5302 I tem: SPE-5303 Ite m : SPE-5309

Ivory G ray Sa g e M us h ro o m

www.s m 12 3
Collection: M ys ti q u e Co l l e c t i o n : M y s t ique
Item: M-64 Item: M-292

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
N E / ST R I P E S

5' x 8' 5' x 8'

8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
7'9" Round Custom Sizes
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Crafted Hand Crafted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Beig e • Ta n L ig ht B ro wn

Collection: M ys ti q u e Co l l e c t i o n : M y s t ique
Item: M-62 Item: M-293
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
7'9" Round Custom Sizes
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Crafted Hand Crafted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Red • Ru by Aq uamar in e

124 www.s m

Co l l ecti o n: Mys ti q u e

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'

8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

N E / ST R I P E S
Available in 9 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Crafted
100% Wool
Made in India

Colle c t io n : M y st iq ue Collection: My s ti q ue Co l l ec ti o n : My s ti q ue Co l l e ct i o n : M ys t i q u e Co l l e ct i o n : M ys t i q u e
I tem: M-171 Ite m : M-172 I tem: M-174 I tem : M-175 Ite m : M-205

Cora l J al ap eño B ro wn I vo r y B r ick

Collect io n : M y st iq u e Collecti o n : My s ti q ue Co l l ec ti o n : My s ti q ue Co l l e ct i o n : M ys t i q u e
I tem: M-206 Ite m : M-235 (New) I tem: M-236 (New) Ite m : M-237 (New)

Beig e Go l d Gray B lue Rub y Re d

www.s m 12 5
Co l l ecti o n : Mys ti q u e
Item: M-179

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
N E / ST R I P E S

5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

Available in 6 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Crafted
100% Wool
Made in India

Dark Sage

Col lect io n : M y st iq u e Collection: M ysti q ue Co l l ec ti o n : My s ti q ue Co l l e ct i o n : M ys t i q u e Co l l e ct i o n : M ys t i q u e

I tem : M-177 Ite m : M-178 I tem: M-207 I tem : M-208 Ite m : M-209

Spa Blue Ivo ry Rus t C ho co late Re d

126 www.s m

Co l l ecti o n: Mys ti q u e

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'

8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

N E / ST R I P E S
Available in 6 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Crafted
100% Wool
Made in India

Collect io n : M y st iq u e Co l l ec ti o n : My s ti q ue Co l l e ct i o n : M ys t i q u e
I tem : M-106 I tem: M-105 Ite m : M-318

Yellow Gray Re d

Collect io n : M y st iq u e Co l l ec ti o n : My s ti q ue Co l l e ct i o n : M ys t i q u e
I tem : M-319 I tem: M-320 Ite m : M-321

M oss Sky B e ig e

www.s m 127

Co l l e c t i o n : My st iq u e
Item: M-211
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
6' Round
8' Round
9'9" Round
8' Square
9'9" Square
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 22 colors
Cut/Loop Pile
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Crafted
100% Wool
Made in India

G ray B lue

I te m : M-262 Item: M-263 Item: M-265 Item: M-266 Item: M-327 I te m : M-328 I te m : M-329

I vo r y Da r k Beig e Ch o co l ate Taupe C ame l D ar k G re e n G re e n

I te m : M-330 Item: M-331 Item: M-332 Item: M-333 Item: M-334 I te m : M-335 I te m : M-336

Co b a l t Da r k Ru st Rust Red Dark B ro wn Nat ural B urg un d y

I te m : M-337 Item: M-338 Item: M-339 Item: M-340 Item: M-341 I te m : M-342 I te m : M-343

L i m e G reen G old B ro wn Dark B l ue Dar k G ray Te al C re am

128 www.s m

Collectio n : Mys ti q u e
Item: M-294
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
8' Square
9'9" Square
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 19 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Crafted
100% Wool
Made in India

Chocola te

Item: M-295 I tem : M-298 I tem : M-299 I te m: M-300 I te m: M-304 Ite m: M-305 Ite m: M-308 Ite m: M-309

Light Orange Golden Brown Red Red -O ra n g e Ma roon L i gh t B l u e Blue Nav y

I tem : M-310 I tem : M-312 I te m: M-315 I te m: M-344 Ite m: M-345 Ite m: M-346

Green Laven d er-G ray D a r k G reen Beig e S an d L i m e Gre e n

I tem: M-347 I te m: M-348 I te m: M-349 Ite m: M-352 (New)

C ha rcoa l White P lu m J e t B l ack

www.s m 12 9
Collection: M yst i q u e Co l l e c t i o n : M y s t iq u e
Item: M-104 Item: M-278

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
N E / ST R I P E S

5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush High/Low Pile

Cost: $$

Hand Crafted
100% Wool

Made in India


Collection: M yst i q u e
Item: M-290 Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
2' x 3' Plush High/Low Pile
3'3" x 5'3" Cost: $$
5' x 8'
8' x 11' Hand Crafted
2'6" x 8' 100% Wool
Custom Sizes Made in India

O ran g e

Co l l e c t i o n : M y s t iq u e
Item: M-279
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
Cost: $$ 5' x 8'
8' x 11'
Hand Crafted 2'6" x 8'
100% Wool Custom Sizes
Made in India

Beig e

Collection: M yst i q u e
Item: M-317
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Crafted Hand Crafted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Lim e G reen G ray

130 www.s m

Collec t i o n : Mys ti q u e
Item: M-116
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

Available in 6 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Crafted
100% Wool
Made in India

Br ick • Tan • Beig e • Brown • Mo s s

I te m : M-169 Item: M-201 Item: M-202

Lucil le Coll ecti on

G ray • B ei ge • Ta n • Brow n Plu m • M au ve • Choco l ate B l ue • Li gh t B l ue • B ro wn • Tan

I te m: M-203
Tan • Beig e

Item: M-204
B ei ge
The designer's choice.

M-116 P-0040 TMR-2005 MH129A

D a r k Sag e • Sag e • Brown Red • Wi ne • Mush ro o m • B ei ge pg.131 pg.46 pg.53 pg.35
Sa nd • Beig e Ivo ry m 131
Collection: In dus Va l l e y Co l l e c t i o n : I nd us Valley
Item: IND-1 Item: IND-20

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
N E / ST R I P E S

5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile

Cost: $$$

Hand Crafted
100% NZ Wool

Made in India

Co co a • B ro w n • G old • Cinna m on • Du st y Rose • Pa le Co ral • Red • B urgundy

M oss G reen • Jade G reen • Forest Green

Collection: In dus Va l l e y
Item: IND-40
2' x 3' Plush Pile
3'3" x 5'3" Cost: $$$
5' x 8'
8' x 11' Hand Crafted
2'6" x 8' 100% NZ Wool
18" Corner Made in India
Custom Sizes
B ro wn • O ld B r ick

Co l l e c t i o n : I nd us Valley
Item: IND-78 (New)
Plush Pile 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
Cost: $$$ 5' x 8'
8' x 11'
Hand Crafted 2'6" x 8'
100% NZ Wool Custom Sizes
Made in India

Ta u pe • G ray • M u shroom • Pale Bl ue

Collection: In dus Va l l e y
Item: IND-2
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Crafted Hand Crafted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ivor y • G ray • Beig e • G old • Dar k Bro wn Ivo ry • B ei ge • Tan • B ro wn • M us hro o m • C ho co late

132 www.s m

Co l l ecti o n : M on te g o
Item: MON-7000

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"

5' x 8'
8' x 10'6"

N E / ST R I P E S
Available in 4 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Woven
100% Jute
Made in India

Red • Ch o co l ate

Collect io n : M o n te go Co l l ec ti o n : Mo n teg o Co l l e ct i o n : M o n te g o
I tem : MON-7001 I tem: MON-7006 Ite m : MON-7007

Navy • Tan C h o co l a te • Gray Tan • Brown

www.s m 13 3
Collection: Jewel To n e Co l l e c t i o n : Cos m opolitan
Item: JT-2004 Item: COS-8905

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

N E / ST R I P E S

3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"

5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes 8' Round

Available in 2 colors
Reversible Hand Carved Details

Flat Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $ Cost: $$

Hand Woven Hand Tufted


100% Wool 100% Polyester

Made in India Made in China

Ora n ge • I vor y • Br ig ht Blu e • Da r k Rose • G old • Red • Aqua S ag e • I vo r y • S k y • Ar my


Collection: Cosmopo l i ta n Co l l e c t i o n : M y s t ique

Item: COS-8904 Item: M-103
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details Looped Texture
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Crafted

100% Polyester 100% Wool
Made in China Made in India

C h o co l a te • A r my • Lig ht Blu e • Sky • M ocha • Sage • Wh i te Red • Rust • G o ld • B ro wn • Taupe • S ag e • I vo r y • Tan

Collection: M ystiq u e Co l l e c t i o n : M y s t ique

Item: M-102 Item: M-287
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Looped Texture
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Crafted Hand Crafted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

B u rgu n d y • Gold • Orang e • Brown • Pu m pkin • Lavender • Sage Re d • G o ld • B e ig e • S ag e • C ho co late

134 www.s m

Collection: Fro n ti e r Co l l e c t i o n : Fron t ier
Item: FT-30 Item: FT-50

2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'

5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $

Hand Woven
100% Wool
Made in India

Tau pe • Blu e • G reen • Brown • B ei ge

N E / ST R I P E S
Collection: Fro n ti e r
Item: FT-31 Available in 2 colors
2' x 3' Flat Pile
3'6" x 5'6" Cost: $
5' x 8'
8' x 11' Hand Woven
2'6" x 8' 100% Wool
Custom Sizes Made in India

Re d • I vo r y

Co l l e c t i o n : Fron t ier
Item: FT-51
Flat Pile 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
Cost: $ 5' x 8'
8' x 11'
Hand Woven 2'6" x 8'
100% Wool Custom Sizes
Made in India

Red • Orang e • Ta u pe • G old • Ivo ry

Collection: Fro n ti e r
Item: FT-33
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Brow n • Lig ht Brow n • Crea m • Rust B ro wn G ray • I vo r y

www.s m 13 5
I f yo u are l o o ki n g fo r a f lo o r co ver in g th a t g o es beyo n d quality and b eauty, there’s no b etter

NATURAL FIBER s o u rc e t h a n M o t h e r N a t u re . S u r y a ’ s d i s c r i m i n a t i n g c o m p i l a t i o n o f n a t u r a l f i b e r r u g s o f f e r s
t o d a y ’ s e n v i ro n m e n t a l l y c o n s c i o u s b u y e r a n a r t f u l s e l e c t i o n . A combination of bare essentials
and exquisite opulence, the pieces in this collection represent true natural beauty. The simplicity
of the fibers is accentuated t h ro u g h a v a r i e t y o f p a t t e r n s a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n s t h a t c re a t e v i s u a l
i n te re s t , m o ve m e n t , a n d t e x t u re . W h e t h e r y o u r h o m e i s f o r m a l a n d s o p h i s t i c a t e d o r c a s u a l
a n d rel axed, S u rya’ s asso r tmen t o f n a tura l f iber r ug s will com plem ent you r décor.



136 m
Collection: S carb orough Co l l e c t i o n : S c a rboroug h
Item: SCR-5102 Item: SCR-5106
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Hemp 100% Hemp
Made in India Made in India

H o n ey • Cream • Red • Bu rg u ndy • Lig ht Sag e Li gh t B ro wn • H o n e y • G re e n • S ag e • Re d

Collection: S carb orough Co l l e c t i o n : S c a rboroug h

Item: SCR-5105 Item: SCR-5104
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Hemp 100% Hemp
Made in India Made in India

H o n ey • G reen • Cream • Bu rg u ndy • Lig ht Brown Sage • B urg un d y • C re am • H o n e y • G o ld e n B ro wn

Collection: S carb orough Co l l e c t i o n : S c a rboroug h

Item: SCR-5103 Item: SCR-5107
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Hemp 100% Hemp
Made in India Made in India

C rea m • Honey • Brow n • Bu rg u ndy • Sag e Ho ney • Cream • Li gh t B ro wn • B lue • Re d • C ho co late • G re e n • Taupe

www.s m 137

Co l l ecti o n: Trin i da d

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors
Looped Texture
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Woven
100% Hemp
Made in India

Col lecti o n : Trin idad Collectio n : Tr i n i d ad Co l l ec ti o n : Tr i n i d ad Co l l e ct i o n : Tri n i da d

I tem: TND-1113 Ite m : TND-1112 I tem: TND-1116 Ite m : TND-1117

Chocolate • Tan • Beige • C ream C hocol a te • Ta n • Bei ge • C rea m • Brown C h ocol a te • Ta n • Bei ge • C re a m • B ro w n C h illi Pe ppe r
M u sh roo m

138 www.s m

Co l l ecti o n: Ma r l e y

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Woven
100% Hemp
Made in India

Col lect io n : M arle y Collec ti o n : Mar l ey Co l l ec ti o n : Mar l ey Co l l e ct i o n : M a rl e y

I tem : MLY-1000 Ite m : MLY-1001 I tem: MLY-1002 Ite m : MLY-1005

Brown Bei ge G re e n Tur quo is e

www.s m 13 9
Co l l ecti o n: Trop i cs

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors
Thin Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Woven
100% Jute
Made in India

Col lecti o n : Tro p ic s Collectio n : Tro pi c s Co l l ec ti o n : Tro pi c s Co l l e ct i o n : Tro p i cs

I tem: TRO-1003 Ite m : TRO-1004 I tem: TRO-1007 Ite m : TRO-1009

Blue Gray S ea Foa m L i me Na t ura l

140 www.s m

Co l l ecti o n: Pa n a m a

2'6" x 4'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'6"

Available in 7 colors
Medium Pile
Cost: $

Hand Woven
90% Jute / 10% Chenille
Made in India

Colle c t io n : Pan am a Collection: Pa nam a Co l l ec ti o n : Pan am a Co l l e ct i o n : Pa n a ma Co l l e ct i o n : Pa n a ma

I tem: PAN-4600 Ite m : PAN-4601 I tem: PAN-4602 I tem : PAN-4603 Ite m : PAN-4629

G reen B ro wn B urgundy Red Tan Rus t

Collect io n : Pan am a Collecti o n : Pan am a Co l l ec ti o n : Pan am a Co l l e ct i o n : Pa n a ma

I tem: PAN-4630 Ite m : PAN-4631 I tem: PAN-4604 Ite m : PAN-4605

Sky Si l ver Ta n B ro wn

www.s m 141

Co l l e c t i o n: S o ho
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
9' x 13'

Available in 8 colors
Cotton Border
Flat Pile
Cost: $

Hand Woven
100% Natural Jute
Made in India

B e ig e • Re d


Cos ta Rica Collection

B ei ge B e ig e • B lack B e ig e • B lue


Make your home unique.

B ei ge • B ro wn B e ig e • G re e n B e ig e • O ran g e


SOHO RED PC-1001 TOB-1001 JA944E / JA945E

pg.142 pg.50 pg.52 pg.30 B e ig e • Ye llo w

142 www.s m
Co l l ecti o n: Qu i to

2'6" x 4'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'6"
9' x 13'
6' Round
8' Round
6' Square
8' Square
Sample Blanket

Available in 6 colors
Medium Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Woven (Shag)

100% Jute
Made in India

Collect io n : Qu ito Co l l ec ti o n : Q ui to Co l l e ct i o n : Qu i to
I tem : QUI-1000 I tem: QUI-1001 Ite m : QUI-1002

Blea ch Natural B ro wn

Collect io n : Qu ito Co l l ec ti o n : Q ui to Co l l e ct i o n : Qu i to
I tem : QUI-1003 I tem: QUI-1004 Ite m : QUI-1005

Orang e B l ue G re e n

www.s m 14 3
Co l l ecti o n: Co n ti n e n ta l

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
8' Round
8' Square
Sample Blanket

Available in 10 colors
Looped Texture
Thin Pile
Cost: $

Hand Woven
100% Jute
Made in India

Col le c t io n : Co n t in e nta l Collection: Con ti n en tal Co l l ec ti o n : Co n ti n en tal Co l l ec t i o n : Co n t i n e n ta l Co l l e ct i o n : Co n t i n e n ta l

Item: COT-1930 Ite m : COT- 1931 I tem: COT-1932 I tem : COT-1933 Ite m : COT-1934

B l ea ch Natural Aubergi ne B ro wn O ran g e

Col le c t io n : Co n t in e nta l Collection: Conti n en tal Co l l ec ti o n : Co n ti n en tal Co l l ec t i o n : Co n t i n e n ta l Co l l e ct i o n : Co n t i n e n ta l

I tem : COT-1935 Ite m : COT-1936 I tem: COT-1940 I tem : COT-1941 Ite m : COT-1942

Blue Green Li me Green G ray B lue Re d

144 www.s m

Col l e ct i on: Jute Nat ural
I te m : J U TE N AT U RA L

J u te Nat ural
2'3" x 4'
4' x 5'9"
5' x 7'6"
8' x 10'6"
10' x 13'6"
2'6" x 7'6"
6' Round
8' Round
8' Square
18" Corner

J S - 13
Available in 2 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $

Hand Woven
100% Jute
Made in India
Na t u ra l

Col l e ct i on: Jute Nat ural

I te m : J U TE B L E AC H

J S -4
2'3" x 4'
4' x 5'9"
5' x 7'6"
8' x 10'6"
10' x 13'6"
2'6" x 7'6"
6' Round
8' Round
8' Square

Available in 2 colors JS-1

Flat Pile
Cost: $

Hand Woven
100% Jute

Made in India

Collection: Jute Wo ve n Co l l e c t i o n : J ute Wove n Co l l e c t i o n : J ute Wove n Collection: J u te Wo ven

Item: JS-1 Item: JS-2 Item: JS-4 Item: JS-13
2'6" x 4' 2'6" x 4' 2'6" x 4' 2'6" x 4'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8' 5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10'6" 8' x 10'6" 8' x 10'6" 8' x 10'6"

Reversible Reversible Reversible Reversible

Flat Pile Flat Pile Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Woven Hand Woven Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Jute 100% Jute 100% Jute 100% Jute
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

Ta n B ro wn Ta n B ro wn

www.s m 14 5
Collection: Co u n tr y J u te s Co l l e c t i o n : Count ry J u tes
Item: CTJ-2000 (New) Item: CTJ-2001 (New)

2'6" x 4' 2'6" x 4'

3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10'6" 8' x 10'6"

Rope Loop Knotted Loop

Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Jute 100% Jute
Made in India Made in India

Ta n • Beig e Tan • B e ig e

Collection: Co u n tr y J u te s Co l l e c t i o n : Count ry J u tes

Item: CTJ-2002 (New) Item: CTJ-2003 (New)

2'6" x 4' 2'6" x 4'

3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10'6" 8' x 10'6"

Looped Texture Looped Texture

Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Jute 100% Jute
Made in India Made in India

Tan • Crea m Tan • C re am

146 www.s m

Collec t i o n : Zh u
Item: ZHU-1204
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'

Available in 5 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $

Hand Woven
100% Bamboo
Made in China

Honey • Crea m • Brown Border

I te m : ZHU-1200 Item: ZHU-1201

Red wo o d • Bla ck Border B l ack • B l ack B o rder

Z HU-1204

I te m : ZHU-1202 Item: ZHU-1203

Inspired Colors
If you’re looking for your next design muse, browse through our “Inspired
Color” section. We’ve taken the latest color trends from interior design
and fashion and translated them into Complete Accessory Solutions that
are certain to spark your creative juices.

L i gh t B ro w n • Brow n Border Ho ney • Go l den B ro wn m 147
M a n y i n teri o r desi g ners v iew a n ew spa ce a s a bla n k c a nvas on which to create a strategically
Contemporary p l a n n e d l i v i n g wo r k o f a r t w h e re e a ch p i e c e m u s t b o t h s p e a k fo r i t s e l f a n d co m p l e m e n t t h e
overall design. Surya’s renowned team of experts has masterfully constructed an entire
selection of floor accents that can do both. Our unique collection of contemporary rugs
i s d e f i n e d b y c l e a n l i n e s , m o d e r n m o t i fs a n d a b o l d u s e o f co l o r. O u r g ra p h i c re p re s e n ta t i o n s
c a n a d d m o v e m e n t a n d exc itemen t to a n ec lec tic spa ce, or they can infuse a m inim alist room
w it h s eren i ty an d cal m with so f t, wa r m h ues a n d to n e- o n - tone m ulti-dim ensional constru ction.

DAZ-6531 ART-225 COS-8871 RMT-2113


148 m
Collection : Sh i b u i Co l l e c t i o n : S h ibui
Item: SH-7402 Item: SH-7405

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'

2'6" x 10' 2'6" x 10'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors

Silk Accents Silk Accents
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Tan • Bu rg u ndy • Cocoa Spani sh M o s s • D ar k Fe r n • B urg un d y

Collection : Sh i b u i Co l l e c t i o n : S h ibui
Item: SH-7404 Item: SH-7409

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 10' 2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes 18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors

Silk Accents Silk Accents
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

G ray • Blu e • Nav y B e ig e • G o ld • Co co a

www.s m 14 9
Collection: Shib ui Co l l e c t i o n : S h ibu i
Item: SH-7412 Item: SH-7413

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'

2'6" x 10' 2'6" x 10'

18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes
Available in 5 colors
Silk Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$
Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
Tan • G old

Collection: Shib ui
Item: SH-7414 Available in 5 colors
Silk Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

2' x 3' M us hro o m • Co b alt

4' x 6'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner Co l l e c t i o n : S h ibu i
Custom Sizes Item: SH-1211
Available in 5 colors
Silk Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$
Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
2' x 3'
Ivor y • G ray • Fer n 4' x 6'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes
Collection: Shib ui
Item: SH-1208

2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes
Available in 5 colors
Available in 5 colors Silk Accents
Silk Accents Plush Pile
Plush Pile Cost: $$$$
Cost: $$$$
Hand Knotted
Hand Knotted 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool Made in India
Made in India
Pa le Blu e • Silver C ho co late • G o ld e n B ro wn

150 www.s m

Collection : Sh i b u i Co l l e c t i o n : S h ibui
Item: SH-7406 Item: SH-7400

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'

2'6" x 10' 2'6" x 10'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Silk Accents Silk Accents
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Blu e • G ray • Beig e • Ivor y Re d • B urg un d y • S an d

Collection : Sh i b u i Co l l e c t i o n : S h ibui
Item: SH-7408 Item: SH-7417

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 10' 2'6" x 10'
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Silk Accents

Silk Accents Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

G ray • Lig ht G ray • Beig e • Crea m Re d - B ro wn • Re d

www.s m 151

Colle c t ion: Du s k
I te m: DSK-6701
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
Custom Sizes

Viscose Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
90% Wool / 10% Viscose
Made in India

Mus h ro o m • Ch o co l ate • Taupe

Collec t ion: Du s k Collection: D u sk

I te m: DSK-6705 Item: DSK-6702
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

90% Wool / 10% Viscose 90% Wool / 10% Viscose
Made in India Made in India

Beig e • Taup e C harco al • L ig ht G ray

152 www.s m

Collection: M u g a l
Item: IN-8072
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

B row n • Da r k Ta n • Beig e • Pale Aqu a

Collection: M u g a l
Item: IN-8020
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Surya On Display
Available in 2 colors Surya offers retailers a budget friendly solution for expanding their
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile inventory. Our Special Order Display Racks allow you to display our 2’
Cost: $$$$
x 3’ or 18" corner samples rugs, complete with high quality color POP
Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool hang tags. Individual samples can be sold, returned, or exchanged at no
Made in India
additional charge, ensuring your product selection is always fresh.
Co co a • B l a ck • G old • Dar k Brow n • Ta n • Cara m el • Gray
Copper • Sa g e G reen m 153
Collection: M u g a l Co l l e c t i o n : M ug a l
Item: IN-8043 Item: IN-8005
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 10' 2'6" x 10'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Silk Accents
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

C a ra m el • Sa nd Beig e • Rose • Bu rg u ndy • M oss Green B l ack • O l i ve Gre e n • G ar n e t Ro s e • G o ld • B r ick

G ray • Pale M int • G a r net Rose

Collection: M u g a l Co l l e c t i o n : M ug a l
Item: IN-8049 Item: IN-8035
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 10' 2'6" x 10'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Beig e • Ta n • Olive • Lig ht Brown Carame l • B lack • Tan • B r ick

154 www.s m

Collection: M u g a l
Item: IN-8046
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Silk Accents
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Bla ck • Beig e • Tan

Collection: M u g a l
Item: IN-8006
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Creative solutions for your home.

Silk Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
P-0179 P-0225 PC-1005 PC-1009
B l a ck • Tan • Bronze • G old • Crea m pg.44 pg.44 pg.50 pg.50
www.s m 155
Collection: Lu m i n o u s Co l l e c t i o n : Lum inous
Item: LMN-3000 (New) Item: LMN-3001 (New)

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Silk Accents Silk Accents

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Silver • Sky M us hro o m • S ilve r

Collection: Lu m i n o u s Co l l e c t i o n : Lum inous

Item: LMN-3002 (New) Item: LMN-3003 (New)

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Silk Accents Silk Accents

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ivor y • Beig e • Black • White Gray • S ilve r • I vo r y

156 www.s m

Col l e ct i on: Decade n t
I te m : DCT- 6 5 0 0 (Ne w )

2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Viscose Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
Gray-B lue • Silver

Col l e ct i on: Decade n t

I te m : DCT- 6 5 01 (Ne w )

2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$$
Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
Ivo ry • B eige • Tan

Col l e ct i on: Decade n t

I te m : DCT- 6 5 0 2 (Ne w )

2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13' Just right. Right away.
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India P-0171 P-0176 TOB-1005 LS937E
B eige • Ivo ry
pg.44 pg.44 pg.52 pg.30

www.s m 157
Collec tion: Bom bay
I tem: BST- 4 9 3

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
Li gh t Brown • Be i ge

Collec tion: Bom bay

I tem: BST- 4 9 5

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
Sa n d Brown • Burn t O ra n ge

Collec tion: Bom bay


I tem: BST- 4 9 6

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
A color for every style. 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
PC-1106 PC-1005 PC-1003 TOB-1009 Made in India
pg.50 pg.50 pg.50 pg.52 Li gh t Brown • Bl a ck

158 www.s m

Col l e ct i on: Bombay
I te m : B ST- 4 2 8

2' x 3'
2'6" x 4'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
Sp a • B ro wn • Taup e • Cho co late

Col l e ct i on: Bombay

I te m : B ST- 4 3 5

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
C re a m • B ro wn • G o lden B ro wn • Cho colate
Tokyo Col lection

Col l e ct i on: Bombay

I te m : BST- 479

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
Your inspiration. Our design.
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India BST-428 PBST-428 TEE-1007 BE919E
C ho co late • B lue • Pale B lue • Cream
pg.159 pg.47 pg.53 pg.30

www.s m 159

Colle c t ion: Ar ti s t Stu di o
I te m: ART-87
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

B urgundy • Caramel • Tan • Mo s s • B ei ge

Collec t ion: Ar ti s t Stu di o Collection: Art ist St u dio

I te m: ART-62 Item: ART-59
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Looped Texture
Hard Twist
Hand Carved Details
Cut/Loop Pile Cut/Loop Pile
Plush High/Low Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

M oss • Brow n • Celer y • Co co a • Mi nt • Rust G ray • B e ig e • B lue • M in t • C ame l

160 www.s m

Col l e ct i on: Ar tist St udio
I te m : ART- 19 3

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
Lime • B ro wn

Col l e ct i on: Ar tist St udio

I te m : ART- 19 5

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
B lue Gray • Dark G ray • Light G ray

Col l e ct i on: Ar tist St udio

I te m : ART- 19 2

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
Complete your home with Surya.
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India TT-1304 PCAP-1003 PC-1006 TOB-1009
B ro wn • Lime
pg.47 pg.47 pg.50 pg.52
www.s m 161
Collec tion: A r tist Stu di o
I tem: A RT- 6 6

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes
Available in 3 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
Brown • Bl ue

Collec tion: A r tist Stu di o

I tem: A RT- 19 0

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes
Available in 3 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
Bl a ck • W h i te

Collec tion: A r tist Stu di o

I tem: A RT- 191

Your decorating ideas brought to life.

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
P-0100 P-0119 TOB-1006 OM129A Made in India
pg.47 pg.47 pg.52 pg.30 Re d • Bl a ck

162 www.s m

Collection: Arti s t Stu di o Co l l e c t i o n : A rt ist St u dio
Item: ART-2 06 Item: ART-81
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
Custom Sizes 18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Brown • Sky • Cora l Red

Collection: Arti s t Stu di o

Item: ART-2 24
Hand Carved Details
2' x 3' Plush High/Low Pile
3'3" x 5'3" Cost: $$$
5' x 8'
8' x 11' Hand Tufted
9' x 13' 100% NZ Wool
2'6" x 8' Made in India
8' Round
Custom Sizes
B ro wn • S pa B lue

Co l l e c t i o n : A rt ist St u dio
Available in 3 colors Item: ART-78
Hard Twist Texture
Plush High/Low Pile 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
Cost: $$$ 5' x 8'
8' x 11'
Hand Tufted 9' x 13'
100% NZ Wool 2'6" x 8'
Made in India 8' Round
Custom Sizes
Bla ck • G old • Ivor y

Collection: Arti s t Stu di o

Item: ART-2 25
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ivor y • Sky • Chocolate S pa B lue • I vo r y • G ray

www.s m 163

Collection: A r ti s t Stu di o Co l l e c t i o n : A rt is t St udio
Item: ART-55 Item: ART-99
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
2' x 3' Custom Sizes
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'

2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Beig e • Pale G reen • G ray • Black B lue • B lack

Collection: Ca b a n a Co l l e c t i o n : C a ba na
Item: CAB-901 Item: CAB-929
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Brown • Ivor y • Red • G old • Bra ss Mo ch a • Green • O f f W hite • Rus t • C ho co late

164 www.s m

Collection: D a zzl e
Item: DAZ-6531
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
3' Round
6' Round
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

B ei ge • G old • Pa le Blu e • Tu r qu oise • G ra ss • Rus t

Collection: D a zzl e
Item: DAZ-6511
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
3' Round
6' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes
DAZ -6531

Unlimited possibilities to design your room.

Available in 2 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

B ro w n • Blu e • G old • Ora ng e • Black • M u stard

P-0031 PC-1005 PC-1004
pg.48 pg.50 pg.50

www.s m 165
Collection: D a zzl e Co l l e c t i o n : D a z z le
Item: DAZ-6538 Item: DAZ-6537
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
3' Round 3' Round
6' Round 6' Round
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Chocola te • G reen Gray • Ivo ry • Yel l o w Gre e n • S k y • C ho co late • Taupe • Rus t

Collection: D a zzl e Co l l e c t i o n : Room mates

Item: DAZ-6539 Item: RMT-2113
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
3' Round Custom Sizes
6' Round
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

G ray Blu e • G ray • Lig ht G ray • M u shroom Ch o co l ate • B rown • Tan • B e ig e • G re e n • S k y

Go ld • L ig ht G re e n

166 www.s m

Collection: Stel l a Sm i th Co l l e c t i o n : Stella S m it h
Item: STS-9008 Item: STS-9010
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Chocola te • Plu m • Beig e • Tau pe • Spa B l ue

Collection: Stel l a Sm i th
Item: STS-9007 Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
2' x 3' Plush Pile
3'3" x 5'3" Cost: $$$
5' x 8'
8' x 11' Hand Tufted
2'6" x 8' 100% NZ Wool
18" Corner Made in India
Custom Sizes
B urg un d y • Re d • O ran g e

Co l l e c t i o n : Stella S m it h
Available in 3 colors Item: STS-9011
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
Cost: $$$ 5' x 8'
8' x 11'
Hand Tufted 2'6" x 8'
100% NZ Wool Custom Sizes
Made in India

Ora ng e • G old • Bu rg u ndy • Beig e • Tan

Collection: Stel l a Sm i th
Item: STS-9009
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors Available in 2 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Off White • G ray • M u shroom • Pal e B l ue S k y B lue • M in k • G ray • Tan

www.s m 167

Colle c t ion: Ste l l a Sm i th II
I te m: STSII-9058
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

B urgundy • O range • Pal e B l ue • Go l d • B ro wn • Ro se

Collec t ion: Stu di o Collection: St u dio

I te m: SR-113 Item: SR-111
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 2'6" x 8'
2'6" x 8' 8' Round
8' Round 8' Square
8' Square Custom Sizes
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Beig e • Caramel B e ig e • C re am

168 www.s m

Collection : Stu di o Co l l e c t i o n : St ud io
Item: SR-109 Item: SR-124
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
8' Square 8' Square
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ta ng er ine • Aqu a • Cream G old • G olden Tan B e ig e • B ro wn

Collection : Stu di o Co l l e c t i o n : St ud io
Item: SR-125 Item: SR-102
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
8' Square 8' Square
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Brow n • Ivor y • Beig e Re d • G o ld • Tan

www.s m 169

Collection: Ca p e Co l l e c t i o n : C a pe
Item: CAP-1011 Item: CAP-1013
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Lim e • Brow n C ho co late • Re d

Collection: S a fa r i Co l l e c t i o n : S a fa ri
Item: SAF-10811 Item: SAF-10824
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Brown • Lim e B urg un d y • G o ld

17 0 www.s m
Collection: N aya
Item: HST-3005
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
5'9" Round
7'9" Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Bu rg u ndy • Ta n • Beig e • Black

Collection: N aya
Item: NY-5149
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes
H ST-3005

Packaged to Perfection
Surya’s exclusive coordinating accessories have been skillfully combined to
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile create complete accessory packages which include an inspiration rug, two
Cost: $$$
designer accent pillows, a luxurious throw, and a limited edition fine art
Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool piece. Available at three retail price points, we are making it easier than
Made in India
ever for you to complete your room design.
Beig e • Sag e • Lig ht G reen • G ray

www.s m 171

Colle c t ion: N aya
I te m: MST-1
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
7'9" Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Wi ne • O range • Go l d • B urgundy • Gray

Collec t ion: N aya Collection: Nay a

I te m: MST-2 Item: NY-5024
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
5'9" Round 7'9" Round
7'9" Round 18" Corner
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Charcoa l • Avoc ado • Blue • Go l den B ro wn Tangeri ne • G ray • O ran g e • Fo re s t G re e n • B ro wn • Aq ua

S ag e G re e n • D ar k B r ick • Rus t

172 www.s m

Col l e ct i on: Naya
I te m : N Y- 515 9

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
White • B lue

Col l e ct i on: Naya

I te m : N Y- 5157

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
B rick • Cho co late

Col l e ct i on: Naya


I te m : N Y- 515 6

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes
Sophisticated style, timeless look.

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
P-0031 P-0002 TIA-1006
Cho co late • G o ld
pg.48 pg.48 pg.53

www.s m 173
Colle c t ion: N aya
I te m: NY-5054
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
7'9" Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Sp a B l ue • B ro wn • Li me • B ei ge

Collec t ion: N aya Collection: Nay a

I te m: NY-5153 Item: NY-5170
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Aqu a • Blu e-Gray Dark Ch o co late • Aq uamar in e • L ig ht G re e n • I vo r y

174 www.s m

Collection : Naya Co l l e c t i o n : N ay a
Item: NY-4008 Item: NY-5125
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes 18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details Cut/Loop Pile
Plush High/Low Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Beig e • Brown Tan • G ray B lue • L ig ht G ray

Collection : Naya Co l l e c t i o n : N ay a
Item: NY-5070 Item: NY-5091
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 7'9" Round
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Plush High/Low Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ivor y B ro wn • B eig e • M o s s • C arame l • C harco al

www.s m 17 5
Collection: N aya Co l l e c t i o n : N ay a
Item: NY-5163 Item: NY-5164
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

M u shroom • G ray • Plu m Ch o co l ate • Rus t - Re d • G o ld e n B ro wn

Collection: N aya Co l l e c t i o n : N ay a
Item: NY-5167 Item: NY-5168
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

G re en • G old • Chocolate • Sag e • Beig e Ch o co l ate • B urgun d y • G o ld e n B ro wn • M us hro o m

S ag e • B e ig e

176 www.s m

Collection: N aya
Item: NY-5084
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

B ei ge • Tan • Brown • M oss • G ray • Bu rg u ndy

Collection: G o a
Item: G-229
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes
Ho lly Collection

Enliven your home with vibrant colors.

Hand Carved Details

Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
NY-5084 PC-1001 TOB-1008 DE919E
C h a rcoa l • Orang e • Ru by • G old • Brow n pg.177 pg.50 pg.52 pg.35
www.s m 17 7
Collection: Goa Co l l e c t i o n : G oa
Item: G -59 Item: G-244
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 2'6" x 8'
12' x 15' Custom Sizes
2'6" x 8'
2'6" x 12'
5'9" Round
7'9" Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Black • Ec r u W hite • B lack

Collection: Goa Co l l e c t i o n : G oa
Item: G -60 Item: G-77
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
7'9" Round 18" Corner
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Hard Twist Texture

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Brown • Da r k Brown I vo r y B e ig e • Co co a B ro wn • L ime

Collection: Goa Co l l e c t i o n : G ra me rc y
Item: G -169 Item: GR A-9942 (New )
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
7'9" Round Custom Sizes
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Chocola te • Ec r u W hite • B lack- Re d

178 www.s m

Col l e ct i on: Goa
I te m : G- 8 5

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
5'9" Round
7'9" Round
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
W h i te • P i nk • P ump kin • Fern • Aqua • G o ld • Coral Rose • Rust
B lue • B lack • Red

Col l e ct i on: Goa

I te m : G- 2 0 0

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
7'9" Round
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
Brown • B eige • Co co a • Dark Green • Moss

Col l e ct i on: Goa

I te m : G- 2 01

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
7'9" Round
Custom Sizes
The designer's choice.

Available in 3 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India P-0198 PC-1006 P-0219 TOB-1005
Bl a ck • Bro wn • G o ld • B eige • B urgundy • Caramel
pg.46 pg.50 pg.46 pg.52

www.s m 179

Collection: Goa Co l l e c t i o n : G oa
Item: G-96 Item: G-240
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
7'9" Round 7'9" Round
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

B ei ge • Ma hog any • Br ig ht Lim e • Orang e • Bri gh t Ro se Ch o co late • Rus t • Re d • Ye llo w • S k y • W hite

Collection: Goa Co l l e c t i o n : G oa
Item: G-234 Item: G-241
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
7'9" Round Custom Sizes
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Chocolate • Sc a r let G re e n • C ho co late

Collection: Goa Co l l e c t i o n : G oa
Item: G-233 Item: G-242
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
7'9" Round Custom Sizes
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

M u shroom • Pa le Blu e C ho co late • G o ld

180 www.s m

Collection : Go a Co l l e c t i o n : G oa
Item: G-5027 (New) Item: G-5030 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Brown • Beig e S e afo am • B e ig e

Collection : Go a Co l l e c t i o n : G oa
Item: G-5028 (New) Item: G-5029 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Sa g e • Beig e Rus t • B e ig e

www.s m 181

Collection: Urb an Co l l e c t i o n : Urba n
Item: URB-6102 Item: URB -6101
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Crafted Hand Crafted

100% Wool / Viscose 100% Wool / Viscose
Made in India Made in India

Sky • Cha rcoal C ho co late • S k y

Collection: Urb an Co l l e c t i o n : Urba n

Item: URB-6103 Item: URB-6100
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Viscose Accents
Viscose Accents Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Crafted Hand Crafted

100% Wool / Viscose 100% Wool / Viscose
Made in India Made in India

Ru st -Red • Tan Re d • C harco al

Collection: Urb an Co l l e c t i o n : S pla s h

Item: URB-6104 Item: SPL-9871
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes 8' Round

Available in 2 colors
Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Crafted Hand Tufted

100% Wool / Viscose 100% Wool
Made in India Made in China

Ivor y • Ru st-Red Sage • Gra s s • Co ral • G o ld e n B e ig e • B ro wn • Ro s e Re d

182 www.s m

Col l e ct i on: Cosmo U lt ra
I te m : CS U - 10 0 0

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'

Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Polyester / Viscose
Made in China
Pl u m • Grap e • Ras p berry • P ink • Gold

Col l e ct i on: Cosmo U lt ra

I te m : CS U - 1014

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'

Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$
Hand Tufted
100% Polyester / Viscose
Made in China
Brown • Ta n • Mint • Light Green • B lue G ray • Light Brow n

Col l e ct i on: Cosmo U lt ra


I te m : CS U - 1015

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' Make your home unique.

Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Polyester / Viscose
Made in China
P-0130 P-0124 TIA-1004
Bl ack • Light Gray • Silver • Dark G ray
pg.42 pg.42 pg.53

www.s m 18 3
Collection: Co s m o p o l i ta n Co l l e c t i o n : Cos m opolitan
Item: COS-8832 Item: COS-8908
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

C h o co l a te • Golden Brown • G olden Ta n • Ivor y • Pal e B l ue B ro wn • Tan • Ar my • L ig ht B lue • G ray- B lue

Collection: Co s m o p o l i ta n Co l l e c t i o n : Cos m opolitan

Item: COS-8812 Item: COS-8902
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

Lig ht G ray • Chocolate • Brown Go l den B ro wn • O l i ve • G o ld • Pale B lue • B lue - G re e n

184 www.s m

Col l e ct i on: Cosmo po litan
I te m : CO S - 8 871

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Polyester
Made in China
Ol i ve • Kerry B lue • Tan • Medium B ro wn • Sap

Col l e ct i on: Cosmo po litan

I te m : CO S - 8 9 0 6

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile
Cost: $$
Hand Tufted
100% Polyester
Made in China
Army • Sage • Cho co late • Ivo ry

Col l e ct i on: Cosmo po litan


I te m : CO S - 8 8 5 8

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Creative solutions for your home.
18" Corner

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Polyester
Made in China
P-0204 P-0009 TOB-1003
Brown • B lack • Green • Cream • Rus t • Pale Blue
pg.48 pg.47 pg.52

www.s m 18 5
Collection: Co s m o p o l i ta n Co l l e c t i o n : Cos m opolitan
Item: COS-8919 (New) Item: COS-8923 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

Sea Foam • Chocola te • Tan • Beig e Ch o co l ate • B ro wn • Rus t • G ray B lue

Collection: Co s m o p o l i ta n Co l l e c t i o n : Cos m opolitan

Item: COS-8924 (New) Item: COS-8926 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

Ta u p e • M u shroom • Chocolate • Off White • Sky Ivo ry • O range • Gold • L ig ht O live • S k y • C ho co late

186 www.s m

Collection: Cos m o p o l i ta n Co l l e c t i o n : Co sm o p o litan
Item: COS-8904 Item: COS-8915 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Polyester
Made in China

C h o cola te • A r my • Lig ht Blu e • Sky • M ocha • Sage • Wh i te

Collection: Cos m o p o l i ta n
Item: COS-8905 Loop Details
Hand Carved Details
2' x 3' Plush Pile
3'6" x 5'6" Cost: $$
5' x 8'
8' x 11' Hand Tufted
2'6" x 8' 100% Polyester
8' Round Made in China

S e afo am • B e ig e • I vo r y

Co l l e c t i o n : Co sm o p o litan
Available in 2 colors Item: COS-8917 (New)
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
Cost: $$ 5' x 8'
8' x 11'
Hand Tufted 2'6" x 8'
100% Polyester 8' Round
Made in China

Sa g e • Ivor y • Sky • A r my

Collection: Cos m o p o l i ta n
Item: COS-8907
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round

Loop Details
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

L i gh t Blu e • Sky • Ivor y • Sag e • A r my • Bro wn • Ch o co l ate L ig ht O live • B e ig e • I vo r y

www.s m 187

Collection: Cosmop oli ta n Co l l e c t i o n : Cos mopoli tan
Item: COS-8887 Item: COS-8809
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner

Available in 3 colors Available in 2 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

B ro wn • Lig ht Brown • Ta n • Beig e • Ru st Ivo ry • Pal e B l ue • Rais in • C ho co late • L ime ad e • Pale M in t

Collection: Cosmop oli ta n Co l l e c t i o n : Cos mopoli tan

Item: COS-8893 Item: COS-8808
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner

Available in 3 colors Available in 2 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

B row n • Tan • Beig e • Lig ht G reen B lack • L ig ht G ray • W hite

Collection: Cosmop oli ta n Co l l e c t i o n : Cos mopoli tan

Item: COS-8888 Item: COS-8903
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round

Available in 3 colors
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

G ray • Lig ht G ray • Lig ht Blu e B l ack • Ch arco al • Tan • G o ld e n B ro wn • L ig ht G ray

188 www.s m

Collection : Co s m o p o l i ta n Co l l e c t i o n : Cos mo p o litan
Item: COS-8868 Item: COS-8872
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 18" Corner

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

Brow n • Chocolate • Ta n B l ack • C harco al • L ig ht G ray

Collection : Co s m o p o l i ta n Co l l e c t i o n : Cos mo p o litan

Item: COS-8869 Item: COS-8900
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner

Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

Tan • Beig e • Ivor y Ru s t • L ig ht Rus t • B e ig e

www.s m 18 9
Colle c t ion: Fo r u m
I te m: FM-7108 (New)
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round

6' Round
8' Round
9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Kidney
8' x 10' Kidney
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Ch o co l ate • Go l d • Red

Collec t ion: Fo r u m Collection: Fo ru m

I te m: FM-7072 Item: FM-7073
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6" 7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
10' x 14' 10' x 14'
12' x 15' 12' x 15'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
3' x 12' 3' x 12'
4' Round 4' Round
6' Round 6' Round
8' Round 8' Round
9'9" Round 9'9" Round
4' Square 4' Square
6' Square 6' Square
8' Square 8' Square
9'9" Square 9'9" Square
6' x 9' Kidney 6' x 9' Kidney
8' x 10' Kidney 8' x 10' Kidney
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Black • Wh i te C ho co late • L ime

190 www.s m

Collection: Fo r u m
Item: FM-7007
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round
9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Kidney
8' x 10' Kidney
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

C h o co l a te • Red • G reen • G old • Lig ht Blu e • O range

White • Brown • Lig ht Brow n

Collection: Fo r u m
Item: FM-7107 (New)
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round
9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Kidney
8' x 10' Kidney
Custom Sizes
F M-7007

Interactive Website
Our state of the art website is an incomparable tool for retailers and
Plush Pile their customers. Shop our entire selection of rugs and accessories and
Cost: $$
access your personal account to verify product availability, place orders,
Hand Tufted track shipments, or view your account status and history. Everything
100% Wool
Made in India you need to conduct business with Surya from anywhere in the world,
24 hours a day.
C h o co l a te • Brown • Ru st • G reen • Tau pe • Bu rgundy
G old • Lig ht Blu e m 191
Collection: Forum Co l l e c t i o n : Forum
Item: FM-7001 Item: FM-7014
2' x 3' 4' Round 2' x 3' 4' Round
4' x 6' 6' Round 4' x 6' 6' Round
5' x 8' 8' Round 5' x 8' 8' Round
6' x 9' 9'9" Round 6' x 9' 9'9" Round
7'6" x 9'6" 4' Square 7'6" x 9'6" 4' Square
8' x 11' 6' Square 8' x 11' 6' Square
9' x 12' 8' Square 9' x 12' 8' Square
10' x 14' 9'9" Square 10' x 14' 9'9" Square
12' x 15' 6' x 9' Kidney 12' x 15' 6' x 9' Kidney
2'6" x 8' 8' x 10' Kidney 2'6" x 8' 8' x 10' Kidney
3' x 12' Custom Sizes 3' x 12' Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Chocola te • Red B urgundy • G o ld • B ro wn • C ho co late • Tan • B e ig e

Collection: Forum Co l l e c t i o n : Forum

Item: FM-7010 Item: FM-7086
2' x 3' 4' Round 2' x 3' 4' Round
4' x 6' 6' Round 4' x 6' 6' Round
5' x 8' 8' Round 5' x 8' 8' Round
6' x 9' 9'9" Round 6' x 9' 9'9" Round
7'6" x 9'6" 4' Square 7'6" x 9'6" 4' Square
8' x 11' 6' Square 8' x 11' 6' Square
9' x 12' 8' Square 9' x 12' 8' Square
10' x 14' 9'9" Square 10' x 14' 9'9" Square
12' x 15' 6' x 9' Kidney 12' x 15' 6' x 9' Kidney
2'6" x 8' 8' x 10' Kidney 2'6" x 8' 8' x 10' Kidney
3' x 12' Custom Sizes 3' x 12' Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

B rown • Beig e • Tan • Pa le Blu e Be ig e • M o cha • B ro wn • G ray- B lue

Collection: Forum Co l l e c t i o n : Forum

Item: FM-7008 Item: FM-7087
2' x 3' 4' Round 2' x 3' 4' Round
4' x 6' 6' Round 4' x 6' 6' Round
5' x 8' 8' Round 5' x 8' 8' Round
6' x 9' 9'9" Round 6' x 9' 9'9" Round
7'6" x 9'6" 4' Square 7'6" x 9'6" 4' Square
8' x 11' 6' Square 8' x 11' 6' Square
9' x 12' 8' Square 9' x 12' 8' Square
10' x 14' 9'9" Square 10' x 14' 9'9" Square
12' x 15' 6' x 9' Kidney 12' x 15' 6' x 9' Kidney
2'6" x 8' 8' x 10' Kidney 2'6" x 8' 8' x 10' Kidney
3' x 12' Custom Sizes 3' x 12' Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Chocola te • G old • Bu rg u ndy B ro wn • B lack • Tan • B e ig e

192 www.s m

Collection: Fo r u m
Item: FM-7078
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round
9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Kidney
8' x 10' Kidney
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

B ei ge • Pale Blu e • Chocolate • Brown • Lig ht Tan

Collection: Fo r u m
Item: FM-7080
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round
9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Kidney
8' x 10' Kidney
Custom Sizes

Just right. Right away.

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

B l a ck • Brown • Tan • Ta u pe • Ru st • Beig e

P-0180 P-0204 TEE-1005
pg.48 pg.48 pg.53

www.s m 19 3
Collec tion: For um
I tem: F M - 7 0 0 2

2' x 3' 4' Round

4' x 6' 6' Round
5' x 8' 8' Round
6' x 9' 9'9" Round
7'6" x 9'6" 4' Square
8' x 11' 6' Square
9' x 12' 8' Square
10' x 14' 9'9" Square
12' x 15' 6' x 9' Kidney
2'6" x 8' 8' x 10' Kidney
3' x 12' Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India
Sky • Red Brown • Ch ocol a te • Ta n • Be i ge

Collec tion: For um

I tem: F M - 7 013

2' x 3' 4' Round

4' x 6' 6' Round
5' x 8' 8' Round
6' x 9' 9'9" Round
7'6" x 9'6" 4' Square
8' x 11' 6' Square
9' x 12' 8' Square
10' x 14' 9'9" Square
12' x 15' 6' x 9' Kidney
2'6" x 8' 8' x 10' Kidney
3' x 12' Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile
Cost: $$
Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India
Sky • Ap pl e G re e n • Li gh t Brown • Be i ge

Collec tion: For um

I tem: F M - 7 0 9 0

2' x 3' 4' Round

4' x 6' 6' Round
5' x 8' 8' Round
6' x 9' 9'9" Round
7'6" x 9'6" 4' Square
F M-7002

8' x 11' 6' Square

9' x 12' 8' Square
10' x 14' 9'9" Square
12' x 15' 6' x 9' Kidney
2'6" x 8' 8' x 10' Kidney
3' x 12' Custom Sizes
Bring Great Design Outdoors
Now you don’t have to compromise your own personal style for functional
durability. Surya’s indoor/outdoor rugs are designed to retain their
original beauty even under extreme conditions. Constructed of 100% Plush Pile
Cost: $$
Polypropylene, and resistant to stains, humidity, and UV Rays, these rugs
Hand Tufted
are perfect for entry areas, children’s playrooms, outdoor entertaining 100% Wool
spaces, or any high traffic space. Made in India
Black • Brown • Ta n • G ol d • Be i ge

194 m
Collection : Mys ti q u e Co l l e c t i o n : E a rt h
Item: M-46 Item: ETH-9611
2' x 3' 2' x 4'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'9" x 5'9"
5' x 8' 5'2" x 7'7"
8' x 11' 7'9" x 11'2"
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 7'8"
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details No Shedding
Plush Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Crafted Machine Made

100% Wool 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in India Made in Egypt

S and • Ivor y • Beig e • Charcoa l • Bu rg undy B ei ge • Go ld • Rus t • C ho co late • Co co a

Collection : Lo f t Co l l e c t i o n : Lof t
Item: LFT-2301 (New) Item: LFT-2302 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

B l a ck • Tan • Chocolate • Beig e • G old • Bl ue-Gray B ei ge • Rus t • G ray- B lue • B ro wn • Re d • Ye llo w

Brown • G ray G re e n • B lack

www.s m 19 5
Collection : Lo f t Co l l e c t i o n : Lof t
Item: LFT-2300 (New) Item: LFT-2303 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Red • Ta n • Blu e-G ray • G old • Orang e • B l ack Red • Green • B e ig e • G o ld • C ho co late • G ray- B lue
G ray • Chocola te

Collection : Lo f t Co l l e c t i o n : Lof t
Item: LFT-2304 (New) Item: LFT-2305 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Red • Ru s t • Chocolate • M u shroom • Beig e • Go l d • Green Li gh t B l ue • Navy • Re d • B e ig e • Taupe • Rus t • G re e n

Go l d • Tan • B ro wn • C ho co late

196 www.s m

Collection: Lo f t
Item: LFT- 2308 (New)
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
9' x 13'
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

B l u e • G ray • Beig e • Brown • Chocolate

Collection: Lo f t
Item: LFT- 2306 (New)
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
9' x 13'
Custom Sizes

A color for every style.

Plush Pile
Cost: $

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India
P-0178 PC-1002 PC-1003 BE223A
L i gh t B l u e • Tea l • Ru st • Ta n • Red • Beig e • Cho co l ate pg.45 pg.50 pg.50 pg.30
www.s m 197
Collection: Le g e n d Co l l e c t i o n : Le g e nd
Item: LGD-1800 Item: LGD-1801
1'11" x 3'3" 1'11" x 3'3"
5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"
7'10" x 10'10" 7'10" x 10'10"

No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

Red • Ru s t • Brown • Bla ck • Tan • Beig e • Ivor y • Sage • Sky Ivo ry • Red • Rus t • B ro wn • B lack • Tan • B e ig e • S ag e • S k y

Collection: Le g e n d Co l l e c t i o n : Le g e nd
Item: LGD-1802 Item: LGD-1803
1'11" x 3'3" 1'11" x 3'3"
5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"
7'10" x 10'10" 7'10" x 10'10"

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

B l a ck • Ru st • Sky • Sag e • Ivor y • Beig e Ivo ry • Tan • S k y • S ag e • Rus t • B e ig e

198 www.s m

Collection: C harleston Co l l e c t i o n : C h a rle s ton
Item: CHN-1505 Item: CH N-1531
1'11" x 3'3" 1'11" x 3'3"
5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"
7'10" x 10'10" 7'10" x 10'10"

No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

B l a ck • Red • Blu e • Brow n • M ocha • Beig e • G ray B l ue B l ue-Gray • B ei g e • Tan • B ro wn • B lack • L ig ht B lue • Co ral

Collection: C harleston Co l l e c t i o n : C h a rle s ton

Item: CHN-1533 Item: CHN-1536
1'11" x 3'3" 1'11" x 3'3"
5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"
7'10" x 10'10" 7'10" x 10'10"

Available in 2 colors
No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

B ro w n • Ta n • Beig e • Blu e-G ray • Lig ht Blu e • Cora l • B l ack B ro wn • Go ld • B lack • B e ig e • S ag e • Tan • Rus t

Collection: C harleston Co l l e c t i o n : C h a rle s ton

Item: CHN-1506 Item: CH N-1535
1'11" x 3'3" 1'11" x 3'3"
5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"
7'10" x 10'10" 7'10" x 10'10"

Available in 2 colors
No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

B l a ck • B ei ge • Tan • Red • Lig ht Blu e • Brown • Gray B l ack • Gold • B e ig e • Tan • S ag e • Rus t • B ro wn

www.s m 19 9
Collection: C harl e s to n Co l l e c t i o n : Aug usta
Item: CHN-15 00 Item: AUG-9326
1'11" x 3'3" 2'2" x 4'6"
5'3" x 7'6" 3'9" x 5'9"
7'10" x 10'10" 5'2" x 7'6"
7'9" x 11'2"
2'2" x 7'7"
7'10" Round

Available in 2 colors
No Shedding
Medium Pile
Cost: $

Machine Made
100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A.

Brown • Bla ck • Ta n • Lig ht Blu e • Co ral

Collection: C harl e s to n
Item: CHN-15 02
No Shedding
1'11" x 3'3" Medium Pile
5'3" x 7'6" Cost: $
7'10" x 10'10"
Machine Made
100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in Egypt

B l ack • C ame l • I vo r y • S ag e • B urg un d y

Co l l e c t i o n : C h a rl esto n
Available in 2 colors Item: CHN-1566 (New)
No Shedding
Medium Pile 1'11" x 3'3"
5'3" x 7'6"
Cost: $ 7'10" x 10'10"
Machine Made
100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A.

Blu e G ray • Bla ck • Tan • M ocha • Co ral

Collection: C harl e s to n
Item: CHN-15 32
1'11" x 3'3"
5'3" x 7'6"
7'10" x 10'10"

No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

B l a ck • Coral • Blu e-G ray • Beig e • Lig ht Blu e • B ro wn • Tan B ei ge • Tan • B ro wn • G ray B lue • Rus t • B lack • C ho co late

200 www.s m

Collection : Twi s t Co l l e c t i o n : Tw is t
Item: TWT-2401 Item: TWT-2403
4'11" x 7'6" 4'11" x 7'6"
7'6" x 10'6" 7'6" x 10'6"
2'3" x 7'6" 2'3" x 7'6"
2'3" x 11'2" 2'3" x 11'2"

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors
No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in K.S.A. Made in K.S.A.

Ta u p e • I vor y • Brow n • Chocolate • Ca m el • Li gh t Green Ch o co l ate • Me d ium B ro wn • Tan • B e ig e • I vo r y

Collection : Twi s t Co l l e c t i o n : Tw is t
Item: TWT-2404 Item: TWT-2406
4'11" x 7'6" 4'11" x 7'6"
7'6" x 10'6" 7'6" x 10'6"
2'3" x 7'6" 2'3" x 7'6"
2'3" x 11'2" 2'3" x 11'2"
18" Corner 18" Corner

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in K.S.A. Made in K.S.A.

C h ocolate • Ivor y • Ca m el • Ta u pe • Bro wn Taupe • I vo r y • C ame l • B ro wn

www.s m 201

Collection: Alfresco Co l l e c t i o n : A rt is t St ud io Co l l e c t i o n : A rt is t St ud io Collection: Art ist St u dio
Item: ALF-9507 Item: ART-55 Item: ART-78 Item: ART-81
5'3" Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round
7'3" Round
8'9" Round

Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Thin Pile Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$
Machine Made Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% Polypropylene 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in Egypt Made in India Made in India Made in India

B l a ck • Red • B ei g e Beige • Pal e Green • Gray Spa B l ue • Ivo ry • Gray B ro wn • S pa B lue

B l ack

Collection: Artist Studio Co l l e c t i o n : A rt is t St ud io Co l l e c t i o n : A rt is t St ud io Collection: Art ist St u dio

Item: ART-83 Item: ART-84 Item: ART-85 Item: ART-87
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Available in 7 colors Available in 7 colors Available in 7 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

Pea G reen B ei ge Aqua B urg un d y • C arame l • Tan

M o s s • B e ig e

Collection: Artist Studio Co l l e c t i o n : Bombay Co l l e c t i o n : Bombay Collection: Co sm o p o litan

Item: ART-99 Item: BST-428 Item: BST-435 Item: COS-8808
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Available in 7 colors Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% Polyester
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in China

B l u e • B l a ck Spa • Bro wn • Taupe • Ch o co l ate Cream • B ro wn • Go l den B ro wn B lack • L ig ht G ray • W hite

Ch o co l ate

Collection: Cosmop olita n Co l l e c t i o n : D a z z le Co l l e c t i o n : D re a m Collection: G o a

Item: COS-8809 Item: DAZ-6511 Item: DST-342 Item: G-200
8' Round 3' Round 8' Round 7'9" Round
6' Round

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details Available in 2 colors Available in 3 colors
Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% Polyester 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in China Made in India Made in India Made in India

Ivo r y • Pa l e B l u e • Ra isin Brown • B l ue • Go l d • O range Go l d • B ei ge • B ro nze B ro wn • B e ig e • Co co a • D ar k

Choco l a te • L i m ea d e • Pale M int B l ack • Mustard G re e n • M o s s

202 www.s m

Collection: Goa Co l l e c t i o n : N ay a Co l l e c t i o n : M y s t ique Collection: My st iq u e
Item: G-96 Item: HST-3005 Item: M-62 Item: M-64
7'9" Round 5'9" Round 7'9" Round 7'9" Round
7'9" Round

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$ Cost: $$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Crafted Hand Crafted
100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

Be ig e • Ma h o ga ny • B r i ght Lim e Bu rg u ndy • Tan • B ei ge • B l ack Red • Ruby B e ig e • Tan

Ora n ge • B r i gh t Ro se

Collection: Naya Co l l e c t i o n : N ay a Co l l e c t i o n : N ay a Collection: Co sm o p o litan

Item: MST-1 Item: NY-5024 Item: NY-5054 Item: COS-8812
7'9" Round 7'9" Round 7'9" Round 8' Round

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush High/Low Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% Polyester
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in China

Wi n e • Ora n ge • G old Ta ngeri ne • Gray • O range Sp a B l ue • B ro wn • Li me • Be ig e L ig ht G ray • C ho co late • B ro wn

B u rgu n d y • G ray Forest Green • B ro wn • Aqua
Sag e Green • Dark B ri ck • Rus t

Collection: Playgroun d Co l l e c t i o n : Play g round Co l l e c t i o n : Play g round Collection: St u dio

Item: PLY-6027 Item: PLY-6030 Item: PLY-6016 Item: SR-102
4' Round 4' Round 4' Round 8' Round
6' Round 6' Round 6' Round
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Looped Texture Looped Texture Looped Texture Hand Carved Details

Medium Pile Medium Pile Medium Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $$$
Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Tufted
100% Polyester 100% Polyester 100% Polyester 100% NZ Wool
Made in China Made in China Made in China Made in India

B l u e • Ora n ge • G ray Orang e • Wh i te • Red-O range Ro yal B l ue • B l ue • Li gh t Blue Re d • G o ld • Tan

Lig ht Green • Yel l o w • B l ue Wh i te

Collection: Studio Co l l e c t i o n : St ud io Co l l e c t i o n : St ud io Collection: St u dio

Item: SR-109 Item: SR-111 Item: SR-124 Item: SR-125
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush High/Low Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

Ta n g er i n e • Aq u a • C ream G old B ei ge • Cream B ei ge • B ro wn B ro wn • I vo r y • B e ig e

G o l d en Ta n

www.s m 203

I n t e r i o r t re n d s a re driven by changes in fashion which are continuously transforming , keeping
T RA NSITIO NA L m o st peo pl e’ s d éco r in a co n sta n t sta te o f f lux . Sur ya is making it easier than ever to com b ine
a m u l t i t u d e o f s t y l e s with our inspiring collection of transitional rugs. Solid, textural designs
c a n b ri n g an el eg an t u r ba n feel to yo ur ro o m, wh ile la rg e scale patterns with geom etric or floral
m o ti fs c an l en d a m o re mo d er n o r f a n c if ul mo o d . I n n o va tions in fiber construction and a broad
col o r pal ette al l o w you to d ec id e o n wh eth er yo ur r ug will be the b ackdrop to you r décor, or the
fo c a l p o i n t o f yo u r room.

FLO-8962 TAM-1000 FAL-1005 IN-1227


204 m
Collection: Son o m a Co l l e c t i o n : S ono m a
Item: SNM-9012 Item: SNM-8991
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
4' x 6' 4' x 6'
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
10' x 14' 10' x 14'
2'6" x 10' 2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes 18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

G ray- B l u e • Blu e-G ray • Chocola te • Ru st • Bei ge • Ivo ry • Red

Collection: Son o m a
Item: SNM-8989
2' x 3' Flat Pile
4' x 6' Cost: $$$$
6' x 9'
8' x 10' Hand Knotted
9' x 12' 100% NZ Wool
10' x 14' Made in India
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes B l ue • Rus t • B e ig e • Co g n ac • Fad e d B ro wn

Co l l e c t i o n : S ono m a
Available in 3 colors Item: SNM-8981
Flat Pile 2' x 3'
4' x 6'
Cost: $$$$ 6' x 9'
8' x 10'
Hand Knotted 9' x 12'
100% NZ Wool 10' x 14'
Made in India 2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes
Blu e • Brown • Ru st • Chocolate • B ei ge

Collection: Son o m a
Item: SNM-9013
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
6' x 9'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ru st • Bu rg u ndy • G old • Ta n • Sage B lue • Rus t • S o f t G re e n • G o ld

www.s m 205

Collec tion: Sonora
I tem: SO N - 10 4 0

2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
Lod e n G re e n • D a rk G ol d • Ta n

Collec tion: Sonora

I tem: SO N - 10 41

2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$
Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
Rust • Ta n • Be i ge • Cre a m

Collec tion: Sonora

I tem: SO N - 10 4 2

2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes

Designer Exclusives
by S U R YA

Surya offers its retailers a growing list of sought-after consumer recognized Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture
brands that are certain to increase their revenues. Our partnerships Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
with such respected names as Candice Olson, Country Living and the Cost: $$$$

Smithsonian Institute immediately signify high-end design and quality. Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
Be i ge • Ta n • Brown

206 m
Collection: D imen sions Co l l e c t i o n : M ug a l
Item: DMN-6601 Item: IN-1227
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 10' 2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Silk Accents
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Sc a r let • Chocola te O ff Wh i te • C ho co late • L ig ht B lue • Tan

Collection: M ugal Co l l e c t i o n : M ug a l
Item: IN-8262 (New ) Item: IN-1229
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 10' 2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Silk Accents
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Chocolate • G old • Lig ht G old Ta upe • I vo r y • Pale B lue

Collection: M ugal Co l l e c t i o n : M ug a l
Item: IN-8065 Item: IN-8269
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 10' 2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Silk Accents
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ta n • B ei g e • Bu rg u ndy • Lavender • Ja de • Bro wn B rown • Tan • B e ig e • Pe ach

www.s m 207

Co l l e c t i o n : M ug al
Item: IN-8072
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

B ro wn • D ar k Tan • B e ig e • Pale Aq ua

Co l l e c t i o n : M ug al
Item: IN-8020
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Your inspiration. Our design.

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
PC-1105 PC-1002 BE223A Co co a • B l ack • G o ld • D ar k B ro wn • Tan • C arame l • G ray
pg.50 pg.50 pg.30 Co ppe r • S ag e G re e n

www.s m
Collection: M ug a l Co l l e c t i o n : Bom b ay
Item: IN-8056 Item: BST-508
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
5' x 8' 3'3" x 5'3"
8' x 11' 5' x 8'
9' x 13' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 10' 9' x 13'
18" Corner 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes 8' Round
Custom Sizes

Silk Accents
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Ta n • Beig e • Bu rg u ndy • Cinna m on • B ro wn

Collection: Bom b ay Available in 3 colors

Item: BST-355 Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details
2' x 3' Plush Pile
3'3" x 5'3" Cost: $$$
5' x 8'
8' x 11' Hand Tufted
9' x 13' 100% NZ Wool
2'6" x 8' Made in India
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes Cho co late • K hak i • Co ral • B ro wn

Co l l e c t i o n : Bom b ay
Item: BST-509
Hard Twist
Plush Pile 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
Cost: $$$ 5' x 8'
8' x 11'
Hand Tufted 9' x 13'
100% NZ Wool 2'6" x 8'
Made in India 8' Round
Custom Sizes
C i n n a mon • Bla ck • G ra pe • G reen • G old • Tan • B ei ge • Gray
Avoc ado • Brow n

Collection: Bom b ay
Item: BST-506
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Sky • Dar k Brow n • White • Lavender I vo r y • B ro wn • Co ral • Re d

www.s m 209

Collection: Bo m b ay Co l l e c t i o n : Bombay
Item: BST-510 (New) Item: BST-512 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
8' Square 8' Square
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Loop Details Loop Details

Hand Carved Details Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

C h o co l a te • Bu rg u ndy • Brow n • Ru st • G reen • M i nt • Ivo ry Ivo ry • B ei ge • Tan • C re am • C ho co late • D ar k Re d

G ray • Sky M in t • M us hro o m

Collection: Bo m b ay Co l l e c t i o n : Bombay
Item: BST-511 (New) Item: BST-471
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
8' Square Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Hand Carved Details Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

B ro w n • Red • Blu e • Ivor y • Lig ht G reen • Go l d Pal e B lue • G o ld e n Tan

Beig e • Chocola te

210 www.s m

Collection : B o m b ay Co l l e c t i o n : D re a m
Item: BST-498 Item: DST-1133
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
Custom Sizes 18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Viscose Accents
Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Bla ck • G old • Ta n • Lig ht Brown Ch o co l ate • Jad e G re e n • L ig ht G o ld • Fo re s t G re e n

Collection : Dre a m Co l l e c t i o n : D re a m
Item: DST-400 Item: DST-402
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

P ra i r i e Sand • A nt iqu e G old • Bronze • Dark B ro wn P rai ri e Sand • A n t iq ue G o ld • B ro n ze • D ar k B ro wn

Jet • Black J e t • B lack

www.s m 211

Collection: D re a m Co l l e c t i o n : D re a m
Item: DST-1134 Item: DST-379
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
8' Octagon 8' Octagon
8' Star 8' Star
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush High/Low Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ol i ve • G olden Brow n • Beig e • M ocha • Choco l ate Go l d • Avo cado • B e ig e • Pe aco ck B lue • C in n amo n

Collection: D re a m Co l l e c t i o n : D re a m
Item: DST-342 Item: DST-296
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
8' Octagon 18" Corner
8' Star Custom Sizes
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

G old • Beig e • Bronze Go l d • Tan • Fe r n G re e n • M o s s G re e n • Rus t

212 www.s m

Collection: D re a m
Item: DST-387
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
8' Octagon
8' Star
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Ta n • Black • Bu r nished G old

Collection: G o a
Item: G-59
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
2'6" x 12'
5'9" Round
7'9" Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Complete your home with Surya.

Available in 4 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
PC-1101 PC-1102 TOB-1009 AB111A
Bla ck • Ec r u pg.50 pg.50 pg.52 pg.35

www.s m 213
Collection: G o a Co l l e c t i o n : G oa
Item: G-91 Item: G-56
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

D a r k B row n • Cocoa • Tan • Crea m • Ja de G reen B ro wn • Go l d • M o s s G re e n • Ce le r y G re e n

Wine • M ocha Brow n Jade G re e n • Te r raco tta

Collection: G o a Co l l e c t i o n : G oa
Item: G-64 Item: G-67
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 5'9" Round
Custom Sizes 7'9" Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

M ocha • Ta n • Beig e • Bronze Li gh t J ad e • Tan • Co co a

214 www.s m

Collection: G o a
Item: G-66
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

L i gh t B ei g e • M ocha • M ediu m Beig e • Da r k Bro wn

Rose • Beig e

Collection: G o a
Item: G-44
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
7'9" Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Your decorating ideas brought to life.

Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
P-0083 PC-1003 PC-1002 TOB-1009
Beig e • Tau pe • G old • Ivor y pg.45 pg.50 pg.50 pg.52

www.s m 215

Collection: Tamira Co l l e c t i o n : Ta m ira
Item: TAM-10 00 Item: TAM-1002
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 2'6" x 8'
2'6" x 8' 8' Round
8' Round
18" Corner

Available in 5 colors
Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
Viscose / Wool
Made in China

Spa • G olden Brow n • G old

Collection: Tamira Available in 5 colors

Item: TAM-10 04 Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details
2' x 3' Plush Pile
3'6" x 5'6" Cost: $$$
5' x 8'
8' x 11' Hand Tufted
9' x 13' Viscose / Wool
2'6" x 8' Made in China
8' Round
18" Corner
Ch o colate • G o ld e n B ro wn • G o ld

Available in 5 colors Co l l e c t i o n : Ta m ira

Viscose Accents Item: TAM-1001
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
Cost: $$$ 5' x 8'
8' x 11'
Hand Tufted 2'6" x 8'
Viscose / Wool 8' Round
Made in China

Tan • G old • G olden Brown

Collection: Tamira
Item: TAM-10 03
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round

Available in 5 colors Available in 5 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

Viscose / Wool Viscose / Wool
Made in China Made in China

Charcoa l • G olden Brow n • G old Te al • G o ld e n B ro wn • G o ld

216 www.s m

Collection: Tam i ra Co l l e c t i o n : Ta m ira
Item: TAM-1027 Item: TAM-1005
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round

Available in 3 colors
Viscose Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
Viscose / Wool
Made in China

Crea m • Olive • Lig ht G ray • Brown • Go l den

Collection: Tam i ra
Item: TAM-1028 Available in 2 colors
Viscose Accents
2' x 3' Plush Pile
3'6" x 5'6" Cost: $$$
5' x 8'
8' x 11' Hand Tufted
2'6" x 8' Viscose / Wool
8' Round Made in China

B ro wn • Tan

Co l l e c t i o n : Ta m ira
Available in 3 colors Item: TAM-1006
Viscose Accents
Plush Pile 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
Cost: $$$ 5' x 8'
8' x 11'
Hand Tufted 2'6" x 8'
Viscose / Wool 8' Round
Made in China

Crea m • Beig e • Da r k Sag e • Lig h t Green

Collection: Tam i ra
Item: TAM-1032
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round

Available in 3 colors Available in 2 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

Viscose / Wool Viscose / Wool
Made in China Made in China

Ivor y • Lig ht G ray • Da r k G reen • Mi nt L ig ht G ray • G ray • S ilve r

www.s m 217

Collection: Ta m i ra Co l l e c t i o n : E s s e nce
Item: TAM - 1016 Item: ESS-7630
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
Custom Sizes

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

Viscose / Wool 100% NZ Wool / Viscose
Made in China Made in India

Ta n • Crea m • Beig e • Chocolate • Br ick O ff Wh i te • Pal e Yel lo w • G o ld • L ig ht S ag e • L ig ht G ray

G ray

Collection: Es s e n ce Co l l e c t i o n : E s s e nce
Item: ESS-4603 Item: ESS-4607
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool / Viscose 100% NZ Wool / Viscose
Made in India Made in India

Brown • Tan B e ig e • I vo r y

218 www.s m

Collection: Es s e n ce
Item: ESS-7626
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Viscose Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool / Viscose
Made in India

B row n • G olden Brow n • Beig e • Ivor y

Collection: Es s e n ce
Item: ESS-7627
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Unlimited possibilities to design your room.

Available in 2 colors
Viscose Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool / Viscose
Made in India
P-0168 P-0149 P-0166 JQ903E / JQ904E
G ray • G ray Blu e • Silver • Cha rcoal pg.45 pg.45 pg.45 pg.36

www.s m 219
Collection: Es s e n ce Co l l e c t i o n : K h a rma
Item: ESS-7628 Item: KHA-1003
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details Viscose Accents
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool / Viscose 100% NZ Wool / Viscose
Made in India Made in India

Golden Brown • Chocolate • Beig e Mus hro o m • G ray

Collection: Es s e n ce Co l l e c t i o n : H ave n
Item: ESS-7629 Item: HVN-1206 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 9' x 13'
8' Round Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details Antique Wash
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Knotted

100% NZ Wool / Viscose 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

G ray • Lig ht G ray • Silver Ch o co l a te • G o ld • B e ig e • Tan

220 www.s m

Collection: N a tu ra
Item: NAT-7001
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

A lm ond • Bu tter nu t • Sa g e

Collection: N a tu ra
Item: NAT-7004
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Sophisticated style, timeless look.

Hand Carved Details

Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
P-0040 P-0136 TOB-1007 JQ903E
Wa l n u t • C u r r y • Cinnam on • Eu c a ly ptu s • Fer n • Li me pg.46 pg.47 pg.52 pg.36
G reen - B l u e • G old • M ediu m Ja de • M oss Jade • Mo ss
G reen/ Ivor y Blend • Rose

www.s m 221
Collection: N a tu ra Co l l e c t i o n : N a t ura
Item: NAT-7037 Item: NAT-7019
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Hard Twist Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Brown • G ray Te ak • Almo n d

Collection: N a tu ra Co l l e c t i o n : N a t ura
Item: NAT-7042 Item: NAT-7041
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details
Cut/Loop Pile
Plush Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Black • Ivor y B ro wn

222 www.s m

Collection : Stu di o Co l l e c t i o n : St ud io
Item: SR-143 Item: SR-106
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
8' Square 8' Square
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Bla ck • Bu rg u ndy • Tan • Beig e • G ol d B ei ge • Avo c ad o • Fe r n • M in t

Collection : Stu di o Co l l e c t i o n : St ud io
Item: SR-142 Item: SR-138
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
8' Square 8' Square
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

M u shroom • Pa le Blu e • G ray Blu e • Ivo ry Mus hro o m • O f f W hite

www.s m 223

Collection: Studio Co l l e c t i o n : Ste lla S m it h
Item: SR-101 Item: STS-9020
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 18" Corner
8' Square Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 Colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

B ei ge • Aq u a B l u e • Hot Pink • Pink • Yellow • G old • Terraco tta • Rus t • Jade

G reen • Ora ng e • Iv y G reen

Collection: Studio
Item: SR-150 (New) Available in 3 colors
Hand Carved Details
2' x 3' Plush Pile
3'3" x 5'3" Cost: $$$
5' x 8'
8' x 11' Hand Tufted
2'6" x 8' 100% NZ Wool
8' Round Made in India
Custom Sizes
B ro wn • Be ig e • Co co a • Tan • B lack • Aq ua

Co l l e c t i o n : Ste lla S m it h
Available in 2 Colors Item: STS-9021
Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
Cost: $$$ 5' x 8'
8' x 11'
Hand Tufted 2'6" x 8'
100% NZ Wool 18" Corner
Made in India Custom Sizes

C h o co l a te • B ro wn • G reen • Ru st • Red • Sa g e • Ivor y • Tan • Go l den B ro wn

Collection: Stella Sm i th
Item: STS-9019
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Bu rg u ndy • Rose Red • Red • M oss B ro wn • Tan • C arame l • G ray • Rus t O ran g e

224 www.s m

Collection : Ste l l a Sm i th II Co l l e c t i o n : A rt is t St u dio
Item: STSII-9067 Item: ART-229 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 8' Round
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Loop Details
Viscose Accents
Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

G ray • Aqu a • Beig e • Dar k Brow n • Coco a Mush ro o m • B l ue • Tan • O f f W hite • C ho co late • G ray B lue
B ei g e • D ar k Ro s e • M o cha

Collection : Ste l l a Sm i th II Co l l e c t i o n : A rt is t St u dio

Item: STSII-9062 Item: ART-230 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 9' x 13'
18" Corner 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes 8' Round
Custom Sizes

Loop Details
Viscose Accents
Hard Twist Texture
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

B u rgu n d y • Ru st • Cinna m on • Brow n • Cora l • Dark Go l d B ro wn • B l ack • C harco al • I vo r y • Tan • G o ld • Taupe

www.s m 225

Collection: Artist St u di o Co l l e c t i o n : A rt is t St udio
Item: ART-66 Item: A RT-192
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
2' x 3' 18" Corner
3'3" x 5'3" Custom Sizes
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'

8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes
Available in 3 colors
Available in 3 colors Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Brown • Blu e B ro wn • L ime

Collection: Artist St u di o Co l l e c t i o n : A rt is t St udio

Item: ART-190 Item: ART-193
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
2' x 3' 18" Corner
3'3" x 5'3" Custom Sizes
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes
Available in 3 colors
Available in 3 colors Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Bla ck • White L ime • B ro wn

Collection: Artist St u di o Co l l e c t i o n : A rt is t St udio

Item: ART-191 Item: A RT-195
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
2' x 3' Custom Sizes
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes
Available in 3 colors
Available in 3 colors Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Red • Bla ck B lue G ray • D ar k G ray • L ig ht G ray

226 www.s m

Collection : Ro o m m a te s Co l l e c t i o n : Roomm ates
Item: RMT-2100 Item: RMT-2108
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes 18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ru s t • Brown • Ta n • G old • Ca m el • Bu r nt O range Sky • Sp a • C ho co late • B ro wn • G re e n

Collection : Ro o m m a te s Co l l e c t i o n : Raj
Item: RMT-2105 Item: R ST- 1215
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner 7'9" Round
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Undyed Wool
Plush Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

B ro wn • M u shroom • Beig e • Pa le Blu e • B l ack B e ig e • G ray

www.s m 2 27
Co l l e c t i o n : S e a
Item: SEA-121
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

B ro wn • Sl ate B l ue • Tan • M o s s • C arame l • Co co a • G ray

C in n amo n

Co l l e c t i o n : C a pe
Item: CAP-1006
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes
Tara Coll ecti on

Enliven your home with vibrant colors.

Hand Carved Details

Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
SEA-121 PSEA-121A TOB-1003 BE919E
pg.228 pg.48 pg.52 pg.30 Rus t • Fe r n • B ro wn

228 www.s m
Collec t ion: Se a
I te m: SEA-151
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Viscose Accents
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Ch o co l ate • Go l d • Li gh t Green • Ruby • Green Yel l o w • Ivo ry • Ye llo w G re e n

Colle c t ion: Se a Collection: Eco

I te m: SEA-152 Item: ECO-2006
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes 18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Undyed Wool
Viscose Accents Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ru by • Bu rg u ndy • G old • Sage • Ivo ry • Go l den B ro wn C re am • L ig ht B ro wn • B ro wn

www.s m 229

Collection: G ra m e rcy Co l l e c t i o n : G ra m e rc y
Item: GRA-9927 Item: GRA-9906
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes 18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Co co a • Ru s t • Ru by • G reen • G olden Brown • Mi nt • Pal e B e ig e • C ho co late

Yellow • Latte

Collection: G ra m e rcy Co l l e c t i o n : G ra m e rc y
Item: GRA-9929 Item: GRA-9942 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Chocola te • Red • G old W hite • B lack- Re d

230 www.s m

Collec t ion: Gra m e rcy
I te m: GRA-9901
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Wh i te • B l ack

Colle c t ion: An ci e n t Tre a s u re s Collection: An c ien t Treasu res

I te m: A-141 (New) Item: A-142 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Chocola te • G old • Brown • Rust • B l ue • Green • Gray Go l d • Be ig e • S ag e G ray • I vo r y • B ro wn • B lack • D ar k

Sa g e • Ivor y • Cream • B l ack G re e n • B lue • Re d • Tan

www.s m 231

Collection: S a rdi n i a Co l l e c t i o n : S a rd inia
Item: SAR-7831 Item: SAR-7832
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
3' x 12' 3' x 12'
8' Round 8' Round
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

C h a rco a l • Lig ht G ray • Beig e • Ru st • G old • Sage B ei ge • Tan • Go l d • Ye llo w G re e n • Rus t • B ro wn • G ray
Brown • Tan

Collection: S a rdi n i a Co l l e c t i o n : S a rd inia

Item: SAR-7809 Item: SAR-7810
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 9' x 13'
3' x 12' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 3' x 12'
18" Corner 8' Round
Custom Sizes 18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

B l a ck • Tan • G old • M oss • Bu rg u ndy • Bei ge Pal e Mo s s • Dar k M o s s • Fo re s t G re e n • B ro wn

Da r k Tan • Avo c ad o

232 www.s m

Collection : Sa rdi n i a Co l l e c t i o n : S a rd in ia
Item: SAR-7829 Item: SAR-7836
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
3' x 12' 3' x 12'
8' Round 8' Round
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Dar k G reen • G old Taupe • I vo r y • C ho co late

Collection : Sa rdi n i a Co l l e c t i o n : S a rd in ia
Item: SAR-7830 Item: SAR-7814
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
3' x 12' 3' x 12'
8' Round 8' Round
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details Viscose Accents
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Black • Ivor y Mo ch a • Ch oco late • O live • B e ig e • Tan g e r in e

www.s m 233

Collec tion: Flor
I tem: F LO - 8 9 01

2' x 2'9"
2'6" x 4'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
2'3" x 8'
3' Round
4' Round
6' Round

Available in 3 colors
Looped Texture
Medium Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Hooked
100% Wool
Made in China
Pale Mint • Spri n g G re e n • G ol d • Ta n • I vory • Ca ra me l

Collec tion: Flor

I tem: F LO - 8 9 0 2

2' x 2'9"
2'6" x 4'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
2'3" x 8'
3' Round
4' Round
6' Round
18" Corner

Available in 3 colors
Looped Texture
Medium Pile
Cost: $$
Hand Hooked
100% Wool
Made in China
Coffee • Tan • Gold • Cora l • Avoc a d o • Burgun d y • Cl ay • W h i te
Min t • M oss • Rose • Bl ue G ray

Collec tion: Flor

I tem: F LO - 8 9 0 3

2' x 2'9"
2'6" x 4'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 10'

2'3" x 8'
3' Round
4' Round
6' Round

Interactive Website
Our state of the art website is an incomparable tool for retailers and
Available in 3 colors
their customers. Shop our entire selection of rugs and accessories and Looped Texture
access your personal account to verify product availability, place orders, Medium Pile
Cost: $$
track shipments, or view your account status and history. Everything
Hand Hooked
you need to conduct business with Surya from anywhere in the world, 100% Wool
24 hours a day. Made in China
Cream • Gold • Burgu n d y • Cora l • M i n t • Cl ay • M oss • Pa l e M i n t
I vor y • Avoc a d o • Spa n i sh M oss

234 www.s m

Collection : F l o r Co l l e c t i o n : F lor
Item: FLO-8969 (New) Item: FLO-8958
2' x 2'9" 2' x 2'9"
2'6" x 4' 2'6" x 4'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
2'3" x 8' 2'3" x 8'
3' Round 3' Round
4' Round 4' Round
6' Round 6' Round

Looped Texture Looped Texture
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Hooked Hand Hooked

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in China Made in China

Cha rcoal • G ray • Lig ht G ray • Beig e Dark Gray • Wh ite • Re d • B lue • G o ld • S ag e • G ray

Collection : F l o r Co l l e c t i o n : F lor
Item: FLO-8907 Item: FLO-8962
2' x 2'9" 2' x 2'9"
2'6" x 4' 2'6" x 4'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
2'3" x 8' 2'3" x 8'
3' Round 3' Round
4' Round 4' Round
6' Round 6' Round
18" Corner

Looped Texture Looped Texture

Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Hooked Hand Hooked

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in China Made in China

B l a ck • Ta n • Celer y • Ivor y • Cora l • Bu rg u ndy Red • Go l d Li gh t Gray • M us hro o m • G ray B lue • I vo r y

Persim m on • Spice Brow n • Lig ht M o s s

www.s m 235

Collection: Ba s i l i ca Co l l e c t i o n : Ba s ilic a
Item: BSL-7128 (New) Item: BSL-7131 (New)
2'2" x 3' 2'2" x 3'
5'2" x 7'6" 5'2" x 7'6"
7'6" x 10'6" 7'6" x 10'6"

Raised Viscose Raised Viscose

Chenille Field Chenille Field
Lustrous Sheen Lustrous Sheen
Thin Pile Thin Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille 60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille
Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Tan • Lig ht Blu e • Lig ht G reen • Ivor y Tan • Go l d • Mus hro o m • Taupe • B e ig e • Pale B lue
M u shroom • Lig ht G ray

Collection: Ba s i l i ca Co l l e c t i o n : Ba s ilic a
Item: BSL-7132 (New) Item: BSL-7133 (New)
2'2" x 3' 2'2" x 3'
5'2" x 7'6" 5'2" x 7'6"
7'6" x 10'6" 7'6" x 10'6"

Raised Viscose Raised Viscose

Chenille Field Chenille Field
Lustrous Sheen Lustrous Sheen
Thin Pile Thin Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille 60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille
Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

B ro w n • G old • Off White • Pale Blu e • Beige Ch o co l ate • B ro wn • G o ld e n B ro wn • Tan • O f f W hite

236 www.s m

Collection : B a s i l i ca Co l l e c t i o n : Ba s ilic a
Item: BSL-7134 (New) Item: BSL-7136 (New)
2'2" x 3' 2'2" x 3'
5'2" x 7'6" 5'2" x 7'6"
7'6" x 10'6" 7'6" x 10'6"

Raised Viscose Raised Viscose
Chenille Field Chenille Field
Lustrous Sheen Lustrous Sheen
Thin Pile Thin Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille 60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille
Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

C h o co l ate • Da r k Red • G old • G olden Brown • Rus t Ch o co l ate • B ro wn • D ar k Re d • G o ld e n B ro wn • Rus t • G o ld

Collection : B a s i l i ca Co l l e c t i o n : Ba s ilic a
Item: BSL-7135 (New) Item: BSL-7137 (New)
2'2" x 3' 2'2" x 3'
5'2" x 7'6" 5'2" x 7'6"
7'6" x 10'6" 7'6" x 10'6"

Raised Viscose Raised Viscose

Chenille Field Chenille Field
Lustrous Sheen Lustrous Sheen
Thin Pile Thin Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille 60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille
Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

C h o co l a te • Brow n • Da r k Red • G olden Brow n • Rust • Go l d Ch o co l ate • Dar k Re d • G o ld • G o ld e n B ro wn • Rus t

www.s m 2 37
Co l l e c t i o n : Ba s ilic a
Item: BSL-7103
2'2" x 3'
5'2" x 7'6"
7'6" x 10'6"

Available in 2 colors
Raised Viscose
Chenille Field
Lustrous Sheen
Thin Pile
Cost: $$

Machine Made
60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille
Made in Turkey

Ch o co l ate • B e ig e • G o ld e n B ro wn • O live

Co l l e c t i o n : Ba s ilic a
Item: BSL-7108
2'2" x 3'
5'2" x 7'6"
7'6" x 10'6"

The Perfect Match Available in 2 colors

Raised Viscose
Let Surya’s talented design team help you to locate the perfect rug and Chenille Field
Lustrous Sheen
coordinating accessories for your interior. Just send us a swatch of your Thin Pile
Cost: $$
inspiration fabric, and we will combine it with the ideal rug, accent pillows,
Machine Made
luxurious throw and custom art pieces. Complete Accessory Solutions, at 60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille
Made in Turkey
your service.
Ch o co l a te • G ray B lue • C harco al • Tan

238 m
Collection : B a s i l i ca Co l l e c t i o n : Ba s ilic a
Item: BSL-7100 Item: BSL-7101
2'2" x 3' 2'2" x 3'
5'2" x 7'6" 5'2" x 7'6"
7'6" x 10'6" 7'6" x 10'6"

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors
Raised Viscose Raised Viscose
Chenille Field Chenille Field
Lustrous Sheen Lustrous Sheen
Thin Pile Thin Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille 60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille
Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

L i gh t Blu e • Chocola te • Olive • Beig e • G ray B l ue Go l d • B ei g e • G o ld e n B ro wn • C ho co late

Collection : B a s i l i ca Co l l e c t i o n : Ba s ilic a
Item: BSL-7104 Item: BSL-7112
2'2" x 3' 2'2" x 3'
5'2" x 7'6" 5'2" x 7'6"
7'6" x 10'6" 7'6" x 10'6"

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Raised Viscose Raised Viscose
Chenille Field Chenille Field
Lustrous Sheen Lustrous Sheen
Thin Pile Thin Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille 60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille
Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Chocolate • G olden Brow n Ch arco al • S mo ke • Pale G ray

www.s m 239

Collection: Ba s i l i ca Co l l e c t i o n : Ba s ilic a
Item: BSL-7106 Item: BSL-7109
2'2" x 3' 2'2" x 3'
5'2" x 7'6" 5'2" x 7'6"
7'6" x 10'6" 7'6" x 10'6"

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Raised Viscose Raised Viscose
Chenille Field Chenille Field
Lustrous Sheen Lustrous Sheen
Thin Pile Thin Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille 60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille
Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Chocolate • Beig e Go l de n B ro wn • C ho co late

Collection: Ba s i l i ca Co l l e c t i o n : Ba s ilic a
Item: BSL-7105 Item: BSL-7111
2'2" x 3' 2'2" x 3'
5'2" x 7'6" 5'2" x 7'6"
7'6" x 10'6" 7'6" x 10'6"

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Raised Viscose Raised Viscose
Chenille Field Chenille Field
Lustrous Sheen Lustrous Sheen
Thin Pile Thin Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille 60% Viscose / 40% Acrylic Chenille
Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Chocola te • Tan Ta upe • L ig ht B lue

240 www.s m

Collection: Ath e n a
Item: ATH-5000
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round
9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Ta n • Brow n

Collection: Ath e n a
Item: ATH-5008
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round
9'9" Round

4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth
Custom Sizes
The designer's choice.

Hand Carved Details

Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

I vor y • Ta n • Chocola te • Pale Blu e

P-0083 PC-1003 TOB-1009
pg.45 pg.50 pg.52

www.s m 241
Collection: Ath e n a Co l l e c t i o n : At h e na
Item: ATH-5001 (New) Item: ATH-5017 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6" 7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
10' x 14' 10' x 14'
12' x 15' 12' x 15'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
3' x 12' 3' x 12'
4' Round 4' Round
6' Round 6' Round
8' Round 8' Round

9'9" Round 9'9" Round

4' Square 4' Square
6' Square 6' Square
8' Square 8' Square
9'9" Square 9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval 6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval 8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth 2' x 4' Hearth
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Pale Blu e • Ta u pe B l ack • Red • G o ld • Rus t • I vo r y • S ag e • B lue

Tan • G re e n

Collection: Ath e n a Co l l e c t i o n : At h e na
Item: ATH-5019 (New) Item: ATH-5006
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6" 7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
10' x 14' 10' x 14'
12' x 15' 12' x 15'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
3' x 12' 3' x 12'
4' Round 4' Round
6' Round 6' Round
8' Round 8' Round
9'9" Round 9'9" Round
4' Square 4' Square
6' Square 6' Square
8' Square 8' Square
9'9" Square 9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval 6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval 8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth 2' x 4' Hearth
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Of f W h i te • Chocolate • G old • Brow n • Red • Ligh t Mi nt Tan • B ei ge • B ro wn • C harco al • I vo r y

242 www.s m

Co l l e c t i o n : Ath e n a
Item: ATH-5003
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round

9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Ch o co l ate • Ruby • Co ral • Go l d

Co l l e c t i o n : Le g i o n
Item: LGN-6221 (New)
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

B l ack • Tan

www.s m 243

Collection: Le g i o n Co l l e c t i o n : Cos m opolitan
Item: LGN-6204 Item: COS-8889
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
7'6" x 9'6" 8' x 11'
8' x 11' 2'6" x 8'
2'6" x 8' 8' Round
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Hard Twist Texture Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Polyester
Made in India Made in China

B eig e • Tan • Brown • Lig ht Brow n B ro wn • Li gh t B ro wn • B e ig e • Tan • Rus t

Collection: Le g i o n Co l l e c t i o n : Cos m opolitan

Item: LGN-6213 Item: COS-8890
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
7'6" x 9'6" 8' x 11'
8' x 11' 2'6" x 8'
2'6" x 8' 8' Round
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Polyester
Made in India Made in China

B ro w n • Chocolate • Beig e • Tan • Ivor y • B l ack Mus h ro o m • M o cha • L ig ht B lue

G reen • G old

244 www.s m

Co l l e c t i o n : Co s m o p o l i ta n
Item: COS-8818
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Polyester
Made in China

Avo cado • Li gh t Fern • B ei ge • Tan • Caramel • Dark B ro wn • Taffy • Autumn Rus t • Pralin e

Co l l e c t i o n : Co s m o p o l i ta n
Item: COS-8817
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner

Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Polyester
Made in China

B ro wn • Tan • Aqua • Caramel • Ch es tnut

www.s m 245

Collection: Cosm o p o l i ta n Co l l e c t i o n : Cos mo p o litan
Item: COS-8871 Item: COS-8829
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Polyester
Made in China

Olive • Ker r y Blu e • Ta n • M ediu m Brown • Sap

Collection: Cosm o p o l i ta n
Item: COS-8828 Available in 2 colors
Hand Carved Details
2' x 3' Plush Pile
3'6" x 5'6" Cost: $$
5' x 8'
8' x 11' Hand Tufted
2'6" x 8' 100% Polyester
8' Round Made in China
18" Corner
Pale B lue • C ho co late

Co l l e c t i o n : Cos mo p o litan
Available in 2 colors Item: COS-8910 (New)
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
Cost: $$ 5' x 8'
8' x 11'
Hand Tufted 2'6" x 8'
100% Polyester 8' Round
Made in China

Silver G ray • White

Collection: Cosm o p o l i ta n
Item: COS-8816
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round

Mixed Yarns
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

Ca ram el • Ru st • Brown • M oss Ch o co l ate • B ro wn • Rus t B ro wn • S ag e • L ig ht B lue • I vo r y

B e ig e

246 www.s m

Collection: Co s m o p o l i ta n
Item: COS-8812
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Polyester
Made in China

Lig ht G ray • Chocolate • Brown

Collection: Co s m o p o l i ta n
Item: COS-8826
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner

Every Rug Needs a Rug Pad.

Adding one of our premium rug pads to your rug purchase not only
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile provides additional cushion and durability, but it can also extend the
Cost: $$
life of your favorite rug by absorbing the effects of daily wear and tear.
Hand Tufted
100% Polyester Perfect for any floor surface, our quality rug pads ensure that the beauty
Made in China
of your rug will endure for years to come.
Bla ck • Ec r u

www.s m 2 47
Collection : Am a zo n Co l l e c t i o n : A ma zon
Item: AMZ-7000 (New) Item: AMZ-7001 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

W h i te • D ar k G reen • G reen • Sa g e • Sky • Lig ht B l ue • Red Sky • B ei ge • Red • Pin k • M in t • S ag e • B ro wn • C ho co late

Ru st • Tan • Brown • Chocolate • G ol d Tan

Collection : Am a zo n Co l l e c t i o n : C a nopy
Item: AMZ-7002 (New) Item: CNP-6003 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Wool
Made in China Made in China

B ei ge • Da r k G reen • Olive • Sea foa m • Blu e • Sky • Red Sky • Pal e B l ue • G re e n • S ag e • L ig ht G re e n • Re d • Rus t
Rose • G old • Brow n • Yellow Co ral • Tan • B e ig e • C ho co late • M o cha

248 www.s m

Collection : C a n o p y Co l l e c t i o n : C a nop y
Item: CNP-6000 (New) Item: CNP-6001 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in China Made in China

B l a ck • D a r k G reen • G reen • Sag e • Ta n • Bei ge • Ivo ry Gray-B l ue • Dark Gre e n • G re e n • S ag e • Tan • B e ig e • I vo r y

Collection : J e we l To n e Co l l e c t i o n : J e we l To n e
Item: JT-155 Item: JT-21
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

B ei ge • Aqu a m a r ine • Fer n G reen • Red Clay • B ri gh t Go l d B l ue Gray • Go l d • Fe r n G re e n • B e ig e • Tan • G in g e r • Co ral

Da r k G old • Cocoa Brown G ray • Rus t

www.s m 249

Collection: M ystiq ue Co l l e c t i o n : M y s t ique
Item: M-116 Item: M-169
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner Sample Blanket
Sample Blanket Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Available in 6 colors Available in 6 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Crafted Hand Crafted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Br ick • Tan • Beig e • Brown • M oss G ray • B e ig e • Tan • B ro wn

Collection: M ystiq ue Co l l e c t i o n : M y s t ique

Item: M-201 Item: M-203
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Sample Blanket Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 6 colors Available in 6 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Crafted Hand Crafted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Plu m • M au ve • Chocolate • Ta n • Bei ge Dark S ag e • S ag e • B ro wn • S an d • B e ig e

Collection: M ystiq ue Co l l e c t i o n : M y s t ique

Item: M-202 Item: M-204
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Sample Blanket Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 6 colors Available in 6 colors

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush High/Low Pile Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Crafted Hand Crafted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Blu e • Lig ht Blu e • Brown • Ta n • Beige Red • Win e • M us hro o m • B e ig e • I vo r y

250 www.s m

Co l l ecti o n : Fall o n
Item: FAL-1000

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Sample Blanket
Custom Sizes

Available in 13 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Woven
100% Wool
Made in India

B ro wn • Ivo ry

Col l ection : Fallon Co l l e cti o n : Fa l l o n Colle c t ion: Fa llon Colle c t ion: Fa llon Co llec t io n : Fallo n Co llec t io n : Fallo n
Item: FAL-1001 Item: FAL-1002 Item: FAL-1003 Item: FAL-1004 Item: FAL-1008 Item: FAL-1009

Yel l o w • I vo r y Cora l • Ivor y Gray • Ivo ry Sage • Ivo ry C ho co late • Pale B lue I vo r y • G o ld e n B ro wn

Col l ection : Fallon Co l l e cti o n : Fa l l o n Colle c t ion: Fa llon Colle c t ion: Fa llon Co llec t io n : Fallo n Co llec t io n : Fallo n
Item: FAL-1010 Item: FAL- 1011 Item: FAL-1012 Item: FAL-1013 Item: FAL-1005 Item: FAL-1007

B ro w n • Ru s t Blu e • Ivor y Ch o co l ate • Fuch si a B ri ck • Go l d S k y • I vo r y Tur q uo is e • I vo r y

www.s m 251

Collec tion: Frontie r
I tem: F T- 41

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $

Hand Woven
100% Wool
Made in India
Re d • I vory

Collec tion: Frontie r

I tem: F T- 4 0

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $
Hand Woven
100% Wool
Made in India
Pa l e Bl ue • I vory
Red/Gold P i llo w Set

Collec tion: Frontie r

I tem: F T- 4 2

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
Make your home unique. 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Flat Pile
Cost: $

Hand Woven
100% Wool
P-0169 PC-1101 PC-1001 TOB-1008 Made in India
pg.49 pg.50 pg.50 pg.52 G ray • I vory

252 www.s m
Collection : Fro n ti e r Co l l e c t i o n : Front ier
Item: FT-48 Item: FT-18
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Pa le Blu e • Ivor y I vo r y • B lack

Collection : Fro n ti e r Co l l e c t i o n : Front ier

Item: FT-49 Item: FT-9
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ta u pe • Ivor y O l i ve • B r ick Re d • B e ig e • B ro wn

www.s m 253

Collection: Fou n da ti o n Co l l e c t i o n : C h arlesto n
Item: FND-1100 (New) Item: CHN-1560 (New)
2' x 3' 1'11" x 3'3"
3'3" x 5'3" 5'3" x 7'6"
5' x 7'6" 7'10" x 10'10"
7'9" x 9'9"

Available in 2 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Red • B ei ge • Brown • Ta u pe • Sa g e • G olden Brown • Go l d • Ch o co l ate

Collection: Fou n da ti o n
Item: FND-1102 (New) Twisted-Yarn Detail
No Shedding
2' x 3' Medium Pile
3'3" x 5'3" Cost: $
5' x 7'6"
7'9" x 9'9" Machine Made
100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A.

B e ig e • Tan • B ro wn • G ray B lue

Co l l e c t i o n : C h arlesto n
Item: CHN-1537
Available in 2 colors
Plush Pile 1'11" x 3'3"
5'3" x 7'6"
Cost: $ 7'10" x 10'10"
Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

B l a ck • Beig e • Red • Tau pe • Brown • Lig ht B l ue • B l ue • Go l d

Collection: Fou n da ti o n
Item: FND-1110 (New)
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 7'6"
7'9" x 9'9"

No Shedding
Plush Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Tufted Machine Made

100% Wool 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in India Made in U.S.A.

C h o colate • G old • Ru st Red • Tau pe • G reen • Li gh t B l ue B l ack • Coral • L ig ht B lue • B ro wn • Tan • B e ig e

254 www.s m

Col l e ct i on: Augusta
I te m : AU G- 9 311

2'2" x 4'6"
3'9" x 5'9"
5'2" x 7'6"
7'9" x 11'2"
2'2" x 7'7"
7'10" Round

No Shedding
Medium Pile
Cost: $

Machine Made
100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in Egypt
B lack • Ivo ry

Col l e ct i on: Augusta

I te m : AU G- 9 3 31

2'2" x 4'6"
3'9" x 5'9"
5'2" x 7'6"
7'9" x 11'2"
2'2" x 7'7"
7'10" Round
18" Corner

Available in 2 colors
No Shedding
Medium Pile
Cost: $
Machine Made
100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in Egypt
Bl a ck • B ro wn • B urgundy • Camel • I vory

Col l e ct i on: Augusta


I te m : AU G- 9 3 2 9

2'2" x 4'6"
3'9" x 5'9"
5'2" x 7'6"
7'9" x 11'2"
2'2" x 7'7"
7'10" Round
Creative solutions for your home.
18" Corner

Available in 2 colors
No Shedding
Medium Pile
Cost: $

Machine Made
100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in Egypt
P-0176 PC-1003 TOB-1002
Bl a ck • Camel • Ivo ry • B ro wn • Sage • Light Aqua
pg.44 pg.50 pg.52

www.s m 255

Collection: Artist Studio Co l l e c t i o n : A rt is t St ud io Co l l e c t i o n : A rt is t St ud io Collection: Art ist St u dio
Item: ART-190 Item: ART-191 Item: ART-192 Item: ART-193
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

B l a ck • W h i te Red • B l ack B ro wn • Li me L ime • B ro wn

Collection: Artist Studio Co l l e c t i o n : A rt is t St ud io Co l l e c t i o n : A rt is t St ud io Collection: B o m b ay

Item: ART-59 Item: ART-62 Item: ART-66 Item: BST-355
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Looped Texture
Hard Twist
Hand Carved Details
Cut/Loop Pile Cut/Loop Pile Available in 3 colors Hard Twist
Plush Pile Plush High/Low Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

G ray • B ei ge • B l u e • M int M oss • B ro wn • Cel ery • Co co a B ro wn • B l ue C in n amo n • B lack • G rape

C a m el Mi nt • Rust G re e n • G o ld • Tan • B e ig e
G ray • Avo c ad o • B ro wn

Collection: Bomb ay Co l l e c t i o n : D re a m Co l l e c t i o n : D re a m Collection: D ream

Item: BST-471 Item: DST-1134 Item: DST-387 Item: DST-400
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Hard Twist Texture Hand Carved Details Available in 2 colors

Plush Pile Plush High/Low Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

Pa l e B l u e • G o l d en Tan Olive • Go l den B ro wn • B ei ge Tan • B l ack • B urni sh ed G o ld Prair ie S an d • An t iq ue G o ld

Mo ch a • Ch o co l ate B ro n ze • D ar k B ro wn • J e t B lack

Collection: D ream Co l l e c t i o n : D re a m Co l l e c t i o n : D re a m Collection: D ream

Item: DST-402 Item: DST-296 Item: DST-379 Item: DST-1133
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Available in 2 colors
Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

P ra i r i e S a n d • A n t i q u e G old G old • Tan • Fern Green • Mo s s Go l d • Avo cado • B ei ge C ho co late • J ad e G re e n • L ig ht

Bron ze • D a r k B ro w n • Jet Bla ck Green • Rus t Peaco ck B l ue • Ci nnamo n G o ld • Fo re s t G re e n

256 www.s m

Collection: Flor Co l l e c t i o n : F lor Co l l e c t i o n : F lor Collection: G o a
Item: FLO-8902 Item: FLO-8901 Item: FLO-8907 Item: G-85
3' Round 3' Round 3' Round 5'9" Round
4' Round 4' Round 4' Round 7'9" Round
6' Round 6' Round 6' Round

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Looped Texture Looped Texture Looped Texture Available in 3 colors
Medium Pile Medium Pile Medium Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$ Cost: $$ Cost: $$$
Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Tufted
100% Wool 100% Wool 100% Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in China Made in China Made in China Made in India

Coffee • Ta n • G o l d • Coral Pale M i nt • Spri ng Green • Go l d B l ack • Tan • Cel ery • Ivo r y W hite • Pin k • Pumpk in • Fe r n
Avo c a d o • B u rgu n d y • Clay Tan • Ivo ry • Caramel Co ral • B urgundy Red • Go ld Aq ua • G o ld • Co ral Ro s e • Rus t
W hi te • M i n t • Mo s s • Rose Persi mmo n • Spi ce B ro wn • L ig ht B lue • B lack • Re d
B l u e G ray Mo s s

Collection: Goa Co l l e c t i o n : G oa Co l l e c t i o n : G oa Collection: Alfresco

Item: G-59 Item: G-60 Item: G-67 Item: ALF-9503
5'9" Round 7'9" Round 5'9" Round 5'3" Round
7'9" Round 7'9" Round 7'3" Round
8'9" Round

Available in 2 colors
Available in 4 colors Available in 4 colors Available in 2 colors Outdoors Safe
Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details Looped Texture
Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile Thin Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Machine Made
100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% Polypropylene
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in Egypt

B l a ck • Ecr u Bro wn • Dark B ro wn Li gh t Jade • Tan • Co co a B e ig e • G re e n • B ro wn

Collection: Alfresco Co l l e c t i o n : A lf re s co Co l l e c t i o n : Cos mopolita n Collection: St u dio

Item: ALF-9506 Item: ALF-9516 Item: COS-8812 Item: SR-101
5'3" Round 5'3" Round 8' Round 8' Round
7'3" Round 7'3" Round
8'9" Round 8'9" Round

Available in 3 colors
Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture Looped Texture Hand Carved Details
Thin Pile Thin Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $$ Cost: $$$
Machine Made Machine Made Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene 100% Polyester 100% NZ Wool
Made in Egypt Made in Egypt Made in China Made in India

G reen • Ta n • B ro w n • Da r k Tan • Green Li gh t Gray • Ch o co l ate • B ro wn B e ig e • Aq ua B lue • H o t Pin k

B ro w n Pin k • Ye llo w • G o ld • Te r raco tta
Rus t • J ad e G re e n • O ran g e
I vy G re e n

Collection: S ardin ia Co l l e c t i o n : S a rd inia Co l l e c t i o n : St ud io Collection: St u dio

Item: SAR-7809 Item: SAR-7810 Item: SR-106 Item: SR-138
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Available in 3 colors
Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture
Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush High/Low Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% Wool 100% Wool 100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

Black • Ta n • G o l d • Moss Pa le Mo s s • Dark Mo ss • Fo res t B ei ge • Avo cado • Fern • M in t M us hro o m • O f f W hite

B u rgu n d y • B ei ge G reen • B ro wn • Dark Tan
Avo cado

www.s m 2 57
E vo k i n g a s e n s e o f regal nostalgia, Surya’s vast collection of traditional r u g s s p a n s c e n t u r i e s
Traditional o f i n f l u e n c e f ro m t h e f i n e s t w e a v e r s o f Tu r k e y, T i b e t , I n d i a a n d Pe r s i a . O u r e x p e r t d e s i g n e r s
h a v e t a k e n t h e s p i r i t o f a n c i e n t m a s t e r s a n d t r a n s l a t e d O l d Wo r l d m o t i f s i n t o m o d e r n
m a s t e r p i e c e s b y c o m b i n i n g b re a t h t a k i n g p a t t e r n s w i t h today’s trendy color palettes. Luxurious
pile, sophisticated designs and antique finishes make Surya’s traditional rugs an unparalleled
ce nte r p i e ce to yo u r h ome. Wh eth er yo u a re l o o k i n g fo r a n h e i r l o o m q u a l i t y r u g o f h a n d k n o tte d
N e w Z e a l a n d wo o l a n d s i l k , o r a ma ch in e ma d e piece o f unm atched style and valu e, we have
e xa c tl y w h at yo u wan t .

A-111 CAE-1007 IMP-1003 TJ-59


258 m
Collec t ion: He i r l o o m
I te m: HLM-6001
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6"
8'6" x 11'6"
9'6" x 13'6"
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Minimal Shedding
Intricate Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

B ro wn • Cream • Mi nt • Ci nnamo n • Jade • B urgundy • Gray

Colle c t ion: He i r l o o m Collection: H eirlo o m

I te m: HLM-6004 Item: HLM-6005
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6" 5'6" x 8'6"
8'6" x 11'6" 8'6" x 11'6"
9'6" x 13'6" 9'6" x 13'6"
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
3' x 12' 3' x 12'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Minimal Shedding Minimal Shedding

Intricate Details Intricate Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$$ Cost: $$$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Bla ck • Fer n • Cora l • B urgundy • Jade Ci nnam o n • G o ld e n B e ig e • Fe r n G re e n • L ig ht G in g e r

M e d ium J ad e

www.s m 259

Co l l e c t i o n : I m perial
Item: IMP-1003
6' x 9'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
2' x 3' Sample
Custom Sizes

Silk Accents
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$$$

Hand Knotted
NZ Wool / Silk
Made in India

Ivo ry • Taup e • Te al • M e d ium B ro wn • S almo n

Co l l e c t i o n : Eve rest
Item: EVE-3101
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Need a Custom Sized Rug?

Can’t seem to find a rug to accommodate your unique space? We can help.
More than 800 of our quality area rugs are available for order in custom Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$$
sizes. Whether your space is extra cozy or exceptionally expansive, Surya
Hand Knotted
has a rug that offers the perfect fit. 100% Hand Carded NZ Wool
Made in Nepal

B ei ge • S ag e • D ar k S ag e • Rus t • B ro wn

260 m
Co l l e c t i o n : Im p e r i a l
Item: IMP-1001
6' x 9'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
2' x 3' Sample
Custom Sizes

Silk Accents
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$$$

Hand Knotted
NZ Wool / Silk
Made in India

Ice B l ue • Go l d • Ivo ry • Pea Green • Cayenne

Co l l e c t i o n : Im p e r i a l
Item: IMP-1002
6' x 9'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
2' x 3' Sample
Custom Sizes

Silk Accents
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$$$

Hand Knotted
NZ Wool / Silk
Made in India

Ice B l ue • Ivo ry • B ri ck • Mus h ro o m • Go l d • Red

www.s m 261

Co l l e c t i o n : A ins le y
Item: AIN-1001

2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Antique Wash
Thin Pile
Cost: $$$$$
Hand Knotted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
Sage • B ei ge • Cream • Rust B ro wn

262 www.s m

Collection: A i n s l e y
Item: AIN-1000
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Antique Wash
Thin Pile
Cost: $$$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

C ream • Beig e • Lig ht G reen • Pale Blu e

Collection: A i n s l e y
Item: AIN-1002
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes
A IN-1000

Just right. Right away.

Antique Wash
Thin Pile
Cost: $$$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Ru s t Brow n • Ta n • Cream • Br ick • M int

P-0149 PC-1106 PC-1005
pg.45 pg.50 pg.50

www.s m 263

Co l l e c t i o n : Ti m e l e s s
Item: TIM-7901
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Hard Twist Wool
Made in India

Red • B ei ge • Go l d • Rust • B l ack • Sandal wo o d • Cel ery • Jade • Co co a

Co l l e c t i o n : Ti m e l e s s
Item: TIM-7907
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Hard Twist Wool
Made in India

B ro wn • Pal e Go l d • B ei ge • Rust • Fern • Co co a

264 www.s m

Co l l e c t i o n : Ti m e l e s s
Item: TIM-7902
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Hard Twist Wool
Made in India

Po wder B l ue • B ei ge • B urgundy • Tan • B l ue

Co l l e c t i o n : Ti m e l e s s
Item: TIM-7913
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Hard Twist Wool
Made in India

O ff Wh i te • Ice B l ue • Rus t • Go l d • Green • B ei ge • B l ue • Sage • I vo r y

www.s m 265

Co l l e c t i o n : Te rra n
Item: TER-1000
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Undyed Wool
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

L ig ht G ray • G ray

Co l l e c t i o n : Te rra n
Item: TER-1003
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Friendly Check Out Policy

Surya’s clients can utilize our ‘Check-Out Policy’ to order a 2’x3' or 18"
Undyed Wool
corner sample of any rug within our vast collection. This sample will allow Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$$
you to illustrate the color, fiber, texture, and feel of the rug to your customer.
Hand Knotted
And, you can either sell the rug to your customer, or return it within 90 days 100% NZ Wool
Made in India
and pay only the cost of shipping.
B ro wn • C ho co late

266 m
Co l l e c t i o n : Ze u s
Item: ZEU-7800
2' x 3'
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Antique Wash
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Wool
Made in India

Rus t • Cream • B ro wn • Ivo ry • Red • Sage • Li gh t B l ue • B l ack • G re e n

Co l l e c t i o n : Ze u s
Item: ZEU-7801
2' x 3'
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Antique Wash
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Wool
Made in India

Rus t • B ro wn • Cream • Go l d • Li gh t B l ue • Peach

www.s m 2 67
Co l l e c t i o n : Ze u s
Item: ZEU-7804
2' x 3'
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Antique Wash
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Wool
Made in India

Cream • Rus t • Sage • Peach • Go l d

Co l l e c t i o n : Ze u s
Item: ZEU-7805
2' x 3'
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Antique Wash
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Wool
Made in India

Rus t • B ei ge • Peach • Go l d • Navy • Pal e Gray • Tan

268 www.s m

Collection: Ta j Ma h a l
Item: TJ-44
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6"
7'9" x 9'9"
8'6" x 11'6"
9'6" x 13'6"
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
8' Square
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

B l a ck • L i gh t G old • Da r k G old • Brow n • G ing er • Li gh t

Fe r n • M ediu m Wine • Beig e • Ru st

Collection: Ta j Ma h a l
Item: TJ-11
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6"
7'9" x 9'9"
8'6" x 11'6"
9'6" x 13'6"
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
8' Square
Custom Sizes

A color for every style.

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
PC-1005 PMH-120 PC-1003 TOB-1002
B u rgu n d y • B eig e • Lig ht G old • Bla ck • Tan • Da rk Gi nger pg.50 pg.42 pg.50 pg.52
D u s t y Cora l • Sag e G reen • Ru st • Olive G reen

www.s m 269

Co l l e c t i o n : Ta j Ma h a l
Item: TJ-1143
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6"
7'9" x 9'9"
8'6" x 11'6"
9'6" x 13'6"
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
8' Square
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Red • B l ack • Tan • B ei ge • Mo s s Green • Go l d • Li gh t Co co a

Co l l e c t i o n : Ta j Ma h a l
Item: TJ-1122
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6"
7'9" x 9'9"
8'6" x 11'6"
9'6" x 13'6"
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
8' Square
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

B ro wn • B ei ge • Red • Tan • Go l d • Sage Green • Li gh t B lue

270 www.s m

Collec t ion: Ta j Ma h a l
I te m: TJ-1123
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6"
7'9" x 9'9"
8'6" x 11'6"
9'6" x 13'6"
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
8' Square
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Cream • Aqua • Ch o co l ate • Sage • Rus t • B ro wn • Tan • B ei ge • Re d • G o ld

Colle c t ion: Ta j Ma h a l Collection: Taj Mahal

I te m: TJ-1130 Item: T J-1132
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6" 5'6" x 8'6"
7'9" x 9'9" 7'9" x 9'9"
8'6" x 11'6" 8'6" x 11'6"
9'6" x 13'6" 9'6" x 13'6"
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
8' Square 8' Square
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Brown • Chocolate • Lig ht B l ue • Gray • Ivo ry • Pi nk Red • B e ig e • S ag e • Rus t • Pin k • G o ld • I vo r y • G re e n

Lig ht Sa ge • Sage

www.s m 271

Co l l e c t i o n : Ta j Ma h a l
Item: TJ-6575
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6"
7'9" x 9'9"
8'6" x 11'6"
9'6" x 13'6"
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
8' Square
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

B urgundy • B l ack • Go l d • Tan • Fern Green • Gi nger • B ro wn • Pale S ag e

Co l l e c t i o n : Ta j Ma h a l
Item: TJ-6576
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6"
7'9" x 9'9"
8'6" x 11'6"
9'6" x 13'6"
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
8' Square
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Bla ck • Bu rgundy • Go l d • Rust • Ci nnamo n • Fern Green • Turquo i s e • Li me • Tan • B e ig e • G in g e r • Pale S ag e

272 www.s m

Collection : Ta j Ma h a l Co l l e c t i o n : Ta j M ahal
Item: TJ-101 Item: TJ-826
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6" 5'6" x 8'6"
7'9" x 9'9" 7'9" x 9'9"
8'6" x 11'6" 8'6" x 11'6"
9'6" x 13'6" 9'6" x 13'6"
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
8' Square 8' Square
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

D es er t S a g e • Beig e • Celer y • Coral • Bu rg u ndy • B l ue Gray Go l d • Medi um J ad e • Tan • D us t y Ro s e • B urg un d y

M oss G reen • Lig ht G old • Da r k Ja de • Tan Rus t • D ar k O live

Collection : Ta j Ma h a l Co l l e c t i o n : Ta j M ahal
Item: TJ-45 Item: TJ-909
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6" 5'6" x 8'6"
7'9" x 9'9" 7'9" x 9'9"
8'6" x 11'6" 8'6" x 11'6"
9'6" x 13'6" 9'6" x 13'6"
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
8' Square 8' Square
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

B ei ge • G old • Fer n G reen • Cinna m on • Gi nger B ro nze • Tan • Li g ht Fe r n • B ro wn • Rus t • D us t y O rchid

Celer y • M oss G reen

www.s m 273

Co l l e c t i o n : Ta j M a h a l
Item: TJ-2000

2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6"
7'9" x 9'9"
8'6" x 11'6"
9'6" x 13'6"
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
8' Square
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$
Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
B urgundy Red • B l ack • Go l d • Mo ss Green • Sage Green • B ei ge • G in g e r • Tan

274 www.s m

Collection: Ta j Ma h a l
Item: TJ-59
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6"
7'9" x 9'9"
8'6" x 11'6"
9'6" x 13'6"
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
8' Square
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

B u rgu n d y • D a r k G old • Forest G reen • Tan • Brown • Ivo ry

Ol i ve G reen • G ing er • Ru st • Du sty Rose

Collection: Ta j Ma h a l
Item: TJ-309
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6"
7'9" x 9'9"
8'6" x 11'6"
9'6" x 13'6"
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
8' Square
Custom Sizes

Your inspiration. Our design.

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
P-0169 PC-1101 PC-1005 PC-1001
B l a ck • D a r k Gold • M oss G reen • G ing er • Bu rg u ndy • Tan pg.49 pg.50 pg.50 pg.50
Shr im p • M ediu m Jade

www.s m 27 5
Collec tion: A ntolya
I tem: A N T- 97 0 2

2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Antique Wash
Thin Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
Re d • G ol d • Be i ge

Collec tion: A ntolya

I tem: A N T- 97 0 3

2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Antique Wash
Thin Pile
Cost: $$$$
Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
Taupe • M ush room • G ol d • Pa l e G ol d

Collec tion: A ntolya

I tem: A N T- 97 0 8 ( New)

2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
A NT-9702

2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Natural Beauty
Surya’s discerning compilation of environmentally conscious rugs combine
natural fiber such as hemp, jute, and bamboo to create selections that are
not only eco-friendly, but also visual works of art. Each rug is constructed Cost: $$$$

of sustainable, renewable resources, and is, by nature’s design, extremely Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
durable and long-lasting. Made in India
Light Brow n • G ol d • Be i ge • G re e n • Pe rsi mmon

276 m
Co l l e c t i o n : E s ta te
Item: EST-10503
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Hand Spun NZ Wool
Made in India

B ro wn • Tan • B urgundy • Pal e Mi nt • B ei ge • Pal e Fern

Co l l e c t i o n : E s ta te
Item: EST-10500
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Hand Spun NZ Wool
Made in India

B urgundy • Pal e Green • Tan • Pal e Mi nt

www.s m 27 7
Co l l e c t i o n : E s ta te
Item: EST-10506
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Hand Spun NZ Wool
Made in India

B ro wn • B urgundy • B ei ge • Pal e Mi nt

Co l l e c t i o n : So n o m a
Item: SNM-9002
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
6' x 9'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes

Flat Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Cream • Sage • Rus t • B ro wn

278 www.s m

Co l l e c t i o n : H ave n
Item: HVN-1200 (New)
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
Custom Sizes

Antique Wash
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Knotted
100% Wool
Made in India

B ei ge • Ivo ry • Rust • Li gh t Gray • Li gh t B l ue • Tan

Co l l e c t i o n : H ave n
Item: HVN-1201 (New)
2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
Custom Sizes

Antique Wash
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Knotted
100% Wool
Made in India

Ch o co l ate • Tan • B ei ge • Li gh t B l ue • Rust • Go l d

www.s m 279

Co l l e c t i o n : S ono m a
Item: SNM-8996
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
6' x 9'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Flat Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Cog n ac • B e ig e • Te al • G o ld

Co l l e c t i o n : S ono m a
Item: SNM-9006
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
6' x 9'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes

Complete your home with Surya.

Flat Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
PC-1106 PC-1005 TOB-1007 B ro wn • Si l ver Sag e • B lue • Rus t • G o ld • I vo r y • C re am
pg.50 pg.50 pg.52 S ag e • O ran g e • Tan

280 www.s m
Co l l e c t i o n : So n o m a
Item: SNM-9022
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
6' x 9'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes

Flat Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Pal e B l ue • Tan • Ivo ry • Go l d • Go l den B ro wn • Ch o co l ate

Co l l e c t i o n : So n o m a
Item: SNM-9008
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
6' x 9'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes

Flat Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

O ff Wh i te • B ro wn • Si l ver Sage • Rus t • Go l d • Green • B ei ge • B l ue • S ag e • I vo r y

www.s m 281

Co l l e c t i o n : So u m e k
Item: SMK-74
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
6' x 9'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
2'6" x 10'
4' x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Flat Weave
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

O l i ve • Tan • Go l d • Wi l l o w • Jade • Gi nger • Caramel

Co l l e c t i o n : So u m e k
Item: SMK-58
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
6' x 9'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
2'6" x 10'
4' x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Flat Weave
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Red • B l ue-Green • Mo s s Green • Go l d • Rust • Sage Green • Tan • Jad e G re e n

282 www.s m

Collection: S o u m e k
Item: SMK-59
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
6' x 9'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
2'6" x 10'
4' x 10'
Custom Sizes

Flat Weave
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

B ro w n • G o ld • Ta n • Jade G reen • Black • M oss Green

Bu rg u ndy • Beig e

Collection: S o u m e k
Item: SMK-51
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
6' x 9'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
2'6" x 10'
4' x 10'
Custom Sizes

Inspired Colors
If you’re looking for your next design muse, browse through our “Inspired
Flat Weave Color” section. We’ve taken the latest color trends from interior design
Cost: $$$$
and fashion and translated them into Complete Accessory Solutions that
Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool are certain to spark your creative juices.
Made in India

B l u e • Beig e • Bu rg u ndy • Ta n/ Brown Blend

Pa le Olive • G old

www.s m 283

Co l l e c t i o n : An a s ta ci a
Item: ANA-8402
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Ch arco al • Ruby • Go l d • Tan • O l i ve • Green • Cream

Co l l e c t i o n : An a s ta ci a
Item: ANA-8403
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Cream • B ro wn • Go l d • Green • Aqua • Co co a • Gray • Mi nt

284 www.s m

Collection: A l e xa n dr i a
Item: ALE-2709
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Hard Twist Wool
Made in India

C rea m • Aqu a Blu e • Chest nu t • Beig e • Tan

Collection: A l e xa n dr i a
Item: ALE-2704
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes
A LE-2709

Your decorating ideas brought to life.

Available in 2 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Hard Twist Wool
Made in India
P-0149 PC-1005 PC-1003 TEE-1001
B l a ck • Ivor y • Beig e Ru st • Pale M int • Coco a pg.45 pg.50 pg.50 pg.53

www.s m 285

Co l l e c t i o n : Al e xa n dr i a
Item: ALE-2702
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Hard Twist Wool
Made in India

B ei ge • Rust • Aqua B l ue • Dark Ro s e

Co l l e c t i o n : Al e xa n dr i a
Item: ALE-2710
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 10'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Hard Twist Wool
Made in India

B ro wn • Terraco tta • B ei ge • Ivo ry

286 www.s m

Co l l e c t i o n : B a b yl o n
Item: BL-1902
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Antique Wash
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Go l d • B urgundy • Tan • Ci nnamo n • Gray • Co co a • Mo ss • B e ig e

Co l l e c t i o n : B a b yl o n
Item: BL-1041
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Antique Wash
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Teal • Gray • B ro wn • Tan • B ei ge • Ivo ry • Rus t • Ch o co late

www.s m 2 87
Co l l e c t i o n : Ad a n a
Item: IT-1181
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Antique Wash
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Go l d • Rus t • Gin g e r • C ame l Tan • M o s s G re e n • B ro wn

Co l l e c t i o n : Ad a n a
Item: I T- 1015
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Surya On Display
Surya offers retailers a budget friendly solution for expanding their
Antique Wash
inventory. Our Special Order Display Racks allow you to display our 2’ Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$
x 3’ or 18" corner samples rugs, complete with high quality color POP
Hand Knotted
hang tags. Individual samples can be sold, returned, or exchanged at no 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India
additional charge, ensuring your product selection is always fresh.
B ro wn • B e ig e • I vo r y • S ag e • Rus t - Re d • Tan

288 m
Co l l e c t i o n : Ad a na
Item: I T-1013
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Antique Wash
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$
Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Li gh t B l ue • B ro wn • B ei ge • Tan • Ivo ry

www.s m 289

Colle c t ion: Ada n a
I te m: IT-874
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Antique Wash
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Navy B l ue • Dark Gi nger • Go l den Tan • Fern Green • Jade Green • B ro wn

Collec t ion: Ada n a Collection: Adan a

I te m: IT-9006 Item: IT-KASHAN
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9" 3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6" 5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Antique Wash Antique Wash

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$

Hand Knotted Hand Knotted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Crea m • Beig e • Sag e • Yellow Green • Go l den B ro wn Go l d • O l ive G re e n • D ar k Te al • G in g e r • M o s s G re e n

G ray • Blu e • Li gh t Gray B u rg un d y • Tan • B ro wn • B utte rs co tch

290 www.s m

Co l l e c t i o n : Vi n ta g e
Item: VTG-5200
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Lustrous Sheen
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

B ro wn • Cream • Tan • Li gh t Sage

Co l l e c t i o n : Vi n ta g e
Item: VTG-5201
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Lustrous Sheen
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Sage • Cream • Tan • Li gh t Rus t

www.s m 291

Co l l e c t i o n : Vi n ta g e
Item: VTG-5202
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Lustrous Sheen
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Cream • B ro wn • Tan • Ho ney • Li gh t Rus t

Co l l e c t i o n : Vi n ta g e
Item: VTG-5203
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Lustrous Sheen
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Ho ney • Cream • Li gh t Rus t • B ro wn

292 www.s m

Collec t ion: J a m i s o n
I te m: JMN-1000
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Viscose Accents
Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Taup e • Grass • Ch o co l ate • Red • B ei ge • Ivo ry • Go l d • Sage • B ro wn

Colle c t ion: An ci e n t Tre a s u re s Collection: An c ien t Treasu res

I te m: A-117 Item: A-128
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
8' Octagon Custom Sizes
8' Star
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Viscose Accents Viscose Accents

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ta n • G old • Rose • Blu e • Pi nk • B ei ge • B ro wn Li gh t B ro wn • B ro wn • Re d • Rus t • Ke r r y B lue • L ig ht

Olive • Rust B lue • Tan • I vo r y • S ag e • Taupe

www.s m 293

Co l l e c t i o n : An ci e n t Tre a s u re s
Item: A-143 (New)
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

Red • B l ack • Go l d • Tan • Green • B ro wn • Sky • B ei ge • Ivo r y

Co l l e c t i o n : An ci e n t Tre a s u re s
Item: A-144 (New)
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

B ei ge • Tan • Go l d • B ro wn • Red • Green • Sage • Sky • B l ack

294 www.s m

Collection : An ci e n t Tre a s u re s Co l l e c t i o n : A nc ie nt Treasu res
Item: A- 101 Item: A-103
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
8' Octagon 18" Corner
8' Star Custom Sizes
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

G o l d • G reen • Bu rg u ndy • Lig ht Jade • Ta n • B ei ge B l ack • B ri ck Re d • Ce le r y • O live • G o ld • B e ig e

Celer y • Cocoa B ro wn • C arame l

Collection : An ci e n t Tre a s u re s Co l l e c t i o n : A nc ie nt Treasu res

Item: A-118 Item: A-108
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 8' Octagon
Custom Sizes 8' Star
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ta n • Dar k Brow n • Cra nber r y • Celer y • Go l d B l ack • Red • G o ld • Tan • M o s s G re e n • B e ig e

Cinnam on • Sand Taupe • I vo r y

www.s m 295

Collection: A n ci e n t Tre a s u re s Co l l e c t i o n : A nc ie nt Treasu res
Item: A-111 Item: A-109
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
8' Octagon 8' Star
8' Star 18" Corner
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

G o l d • Red • Olive G reen • Chocola te • Ru st • M o ss Green B urgundy • O l i ve Gre e n • Tan • B lack • G o ld • Fe r n G re e n

Du sty Rose • Tan Ci nnamo n • B ro wn • Eme rald

Collection: A n ci e n t Tre a s u re s Co l l e c t i o n : A nc ie nt Treasu res

Item: A-110 Item: A-116
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

G o l d • Brow n • Cocoa • Sa g e G reen • Bu rg undy B ei ge • B l ack • Ce le r y • B urg un d y • M o s s G re e n

M oss • G reen B utte r • Rum

296 www.s m

Collec t ion: An ci e n t Tre a s ure s
I te m: A-115
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India

B urnt B ri ck • B ro wn • Go l d • Tan • Mo s s Green • Cream

Colle c t ion: An ci e n t Tre a s u re s Collection: An c ien t Treasu res

I te m: A-113 Item: A-114
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
Custom Sizes 18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Red • Black • Crea m • Mo s s Green • Rust B l ack • Re d • B e ig e • B ro wn • Ce le r y • C in n amo n • M o s s

Olive G reen • Go l d G re e n • G o ld

www.s m 2 97
Collection: A n ci e n t Tre a s u re s Co l l e c t i o n : A nc ie nt Treasu res
Item: A-125 Item: A-134
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

L i gh t B l u e • Chocola te • G reen • G old • Ivor y • Rus t • Red B ei ge • Ruby • Navy • S ag e • D ar k G o ld • B lue - G ray
Lig ht G reen • Sa g e • Brow n • Blu e Sal m o n • Ro s e • I vo r y

Collection: A n ci e n t Tre a s u re s Co l l e c t i o n : A nc ie nt Treasu res

Item: A-135 Item: A-137
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Red • N av y • Ivor y • Sa g e G reen • G old • Teal • B l ack B urgundy • G re e n • G o ld • I vo r y • S ag e

Beig e • Rose

298 www.s m

Co l l e c t i o n : B o m b ay
Item: BST-421
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

B ei ge • Tan • Gray • Ci nnamo n • B urgundy • Fern Green • Mo s s Gre e n • B ro wn

Co l l e c t i o n : B o m b ay
Item: BST-444
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

B ro wn • B ei ge • Go l d • Rust • Mo s s • Cel ery

www.s m 299

Co l l e c t i o n : C lif to n
Item: CLF-1000
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Go l den B ro wn • B e ig e • S ag e • S k y B lue • Tan • I vo r y

Co l l e c t i o n : C lif to n
Item: CLF-1002
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Unlimited possibilities to design your room.

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
P-0016 P-0002 PC - 1010 TIA-1006
pg.47 pg.48 pg.50 pg.53 Mo ch a • Li gh t B ro wn • S ag e • M in t • G ray B lue • B ro wn
B e ig e • I vo r y • Tan

300 www.s m
Collec t ion: Ra j
I te m: RST- 761
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Cut/Loop Pile
Plush High/Low Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

O l i ve Green • Go l d • Rus t B ro wn • Tan • B urgundy

Colle c t ion: Dre a m Collection: D ream

I te m: DST-20 Item: DST-19
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
8' Octagon Custom Sizes
8' Star
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Bu rg u ndy • Beig e • Go l d • Cel ery Go l d • Fe r n G re e n • B urg un d y • B e ig e • Tan • G in g e r

Taupe • M o s s G re e n • B ro wn

www.s m 301

Colle c t ion: E m p i re
I te m: EMP-102
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Ru st Red • B ro wn • Emeral d Green • Green • B ei ge • Go l d • Dark Cream • Gre e n - B ro wn • Rus t

Collec t ion: E m p i re Collection: S eb ast ian

I te m: EMP-103 Item: SEB-1017
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes 8' Round
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ta n • Jade • G ing er • Dar k Ro se • B ei ge • Mi nt Go l den B ro wn • S ag e • Rus t • Re d • G o ld • B e ig e

G re e n • S k y B lue

302 www.s m

Collection : Se b a s ti a n Co l l e c t i o n : S e ba s tian
Item: SEB-1052 (New) Item: SEB-1054 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

I vo r y • G old • Brown • Chocolate • Olive • G ol den B ro wn Ch o co l ate • Tan • G o ld • Re d • L ig ht B lue • B e ig e • G re e n

Ru st • Lig ht Blu e • M ocha S ag e • M o cha

Collection : Se b a s ti a n Co l l e c t i o n : S e ba s tian
Item: SEB-1053 (New) Item: SEB-1055 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

B l u e • Ta n • Beig e • Cream • Ru st • Black • Go l d Ch o co l ate • Ivo ry • G o ld • Re d • L ig ht B lue • B e ig e • G re e n

Lig ht Blu e • M ocha S ag e • M o cha • B lue

www.s m 303

Co l l e c t i o n : S e bast ian
Item: SEB-1044
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Ch o co l ate • B ro wn • Rus t • G re e n • S ag e • G o ld • C re am

Co l l e c t i o n : S e bast ian
Item: SEB-1023
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
Custom Sizes

Sophisticated style, timeless look.

Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India
P-0035 P-0083 P-0149 TOB-1008
pg.45 pg.45 pg.45 pg.52 Li gh t B l ue • B ro w n • G o ld • Re d • G re e n • W hite • B lack
B e ig e • Tan

304 www.s m
Collection : Se b a s ti a n Co l l e c t i o n : N oma d ic K ilim
Item: SEB-1046 Item: NMD-703
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3' x 5'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 7' x 9'
2'6" x 8' 8' x 11'
8' Round 9' x 13'
Custom Sizes 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture Reversible
Plush Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Woven

100% Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

S p a • C rea m • G reen • G old • Beig e • Brown • Rus t Go l d • Garnet Ro s e • Pale Ro s e • M in t • Ro y al B lue • Fe r n

Sa g e • Tan Green • Avo c ad o • B e ig e • Co co a

Collection : Sa rdi n i a Co l l e c t i o n : N oma d ic K ilim

Item: SAR-7814 Item: NMD-702
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
4' x 6' 3' x 5'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 7' x 9'
2'6" x 8' 8' x 11'
3' x 12' 9' x 13'
8' Round 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Viscose Accents Reversible

Plush Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Woven

100% Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

M o cha • Chocolate • Olive • Beig e • Ta ngeri ne Red • Ch arco al • B ro wn • G o ld • L ig ht G re e n • Pe ach

www.s m 305

Colle c t ion: Ti ta n
I te m: TTN-7000
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
10' x 14'
3' x 12'
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Rust • Gray B l ue • Cream • Navy • B ro wn • Tan • B ei ge

Collec t ion: Ti ta n Collection: Titan

I te m: TTN-7001 Item: TTN-7003
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
10' x 14' 10' x 14'
3' x 12' 3' x 12'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Lig ht Sag e • Ru st • Ta n • C ream • Li gh t B ro wn B ro wn • I vo r y • Tan • C re am • L ig ht G ray

306 www.s m

Col l e c t i on: Caesar
I te m : C AE - 10 0 5

2' x 3' 6' Round

4' x 6' 8' Round
5' x 8' 9'9" Round
6' x 9' 4' Square
7'6" x 9'6" 6' Square
8' x 11' 8' Square
9' x 12' 9'9" Square
10' x 14' 6' x 9' Oval
12' x 15' 8' x 10' Oval
2'6" x 8' 2' x 4' Hearth
3' x 12' 18" Corner
4' Round Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India
C h arcoa l • Be i g e • Bro wn • G o ld • Mo cha • Light B lue • Gray
Taup e • Ivo ry

Col l e c t i on: Caesar

I te m : C AE - 10 0 4

2' x 3' 6' Round

4' x 6' 8' Round
5' x 8' 9'9" Round
6' x 9' 4' Square
7'6" x 9'6" 6' Square
8' x 11' 8' Square
9' x 12' 9'9" Square
10' x 14' 6' x 9' Oval
12' x 15' 8' x 10' Oval
2'6" x 8' 2' x 4' Hearth
3' x 12' 18" Corner
4' Round Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$
Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India
C h a rcoa l • S pa • Rus t • Red • Cream • Light B ro wn • Black

Col l e c t i on: Caesar

CA E-1005

I te m : C AE - 1012 (New)
2' x 3' 6' Round
4' x 6' 8' Round
5' x 8' 9'9" Round
6' x 9' 4' Square
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
Enliven your home with vibrant colors.
10' x 14' 6' x 9' Oval
12' x 15' 8' x 10' Oval
2'6" x 8' 2' x 4' Hearth
3' x 12' 18" Corner
4' Round Custom Sizes

Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India P-0178 P-0083 PC-1203 PK119A
B e i g e • Gol d • L i gh t B lue • Kerry B lue • Light B ro wn • Mocha
pg.45 pg.45 pg.45 pg.30
Ivo ry • G ray

www.s m 307

Co l l e c t i o n : C a e s a r
Item: CAE-1022 (New)
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round

9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Red • Ivo ry • Go l d • Green • Sage • Rust • B ro wn • Gray B l ue • B l ack • Mo cha • Ye llo w

Co l l e c t i o n : C a e s a r
Item: CAE-1024 (New)
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round
9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Pl um • Go l d • Red • Sage • Dark Green • B ro wn • B l ack • Dark B l ue • Ivo r y • Taupe

308 www.s m

Collection : C a e s a r Co l l e c t i o n : C a e s a r
Item: CAE-1010 Item: CAE-1001
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6" 7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
10' x 14' 10' x 14'
12' x 15' 12' x 15'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
3' x 12' 3' x 12'
4' Round 4' Round
6' Round 6' Round
8' Round 8' Round
9'9" Round 9'9" Round

4' Square 4' Square
6' Square 6' Square
8' Square 8' Square
9'9" Square 9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval 6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval 8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth 2' x 4' Hearth
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

B ei ge • Ta n • G old • Bla ck • Lig ht Blu e • Rus t • Sage B ei ge • Rust Red • S ag e • C ho co late • B lack • G o ld • L ig ht
Ta u pe • G reen Bro wn • M in t • B ro wn

Collection : C a e s a r Co l l e c t i o n : C a e s a r
Item: CAE-1003 Item: CAE-100 9
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6" 7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
10' x 14' 10' x 14'
12' x 15' 12' x 15'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
3' x 12' 3' x 12'
4' Round 4' Round
6' Round 6' Round
8' Round 8' Round
9'9" Round 9'9" Round
4' Square 4' Square
6' Square 6' Square
8' Square 8' Square
9'9" Square 9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval 6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval 8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth 2' x 4' Hearth
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

C h o co l a te • Forest • Beig e • Ker r y Blu e • Raspberry • Sage Ch o co l ate • Rus t • S ag e • B e ig e • Tan • G o ld

Plu m • Bla ck • Rose • Wine • Olive B lue • L ig ht B ro wn

www.s m 309

Co l l e c t i o n : C a e s a r
Item: CAE-10 07
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round
9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Rust Red • Kerry B lue • Taupe • G ray B lue • G o ld • L ig ht

B ro wn • B lack

Co l l e c t i o n : C a e s a r
Item: CAE-10 27 (New)
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round
9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth
Custom Sizes
CA E-1007

Packaged to Perfection
Surya’s exclusive coordinating accessories have been skillfully combined to
create complete accessory packages which include an inspiration rug, two Plush Pile
Cost: $$
designer accent pillows, a luxurious throw, and a limited edition fine art
Hand Tufted
piece. Available at three retail price points, we are making it easier than 100% Wool
Made in India
ever for you to complete your room design.
B l ack • B ro wn • G o ld • Re d • Rus t • S ag e • D ar k G re e n
Tan • B e ig e • G ray B lue • Taupe

310 www.s m

Co l l e c t i o n : C a e s a r
Item: CAE-1028 (New)
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round

9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Ivory • Go l d • B l ack • Red • Rus t • Sage • Dark Green • Pal e B l ue • Gray B l u e • Tan • B e ig e • M in t

Co l l e c t i o n : C a e s a r
Item: CAE-1029 (New)
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round
9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Go l d • B ei ge • Taupe • Rust • O l i ve • Sage • B ro wn • B l ack • Pale B lue

www.s m 311

Co l l e c t i o n : C a e s a r
Item: CAE-1031 (New)
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round

9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Red • B l ack • O l i ve • Go l d • Rust • Tan • Ivo ry • Sage • B ro wn

Co l l e c t i o n : C a e s a r
Item: CAE-1032 (New)
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round
9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

B l ue • Sky • Gray-B l ue • Green • B ei ge • B ro wn • Go l den B ro wn • I vo r y

312 www.s m

Co l l e c t i o n : C a e s a r
Item: CAE-1033 (New)
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round

9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

B l ack • Go l d • Ivo ry • Gray • Mo ch a • Gray-B l ue • Sage • B ro wn

Co l l e c t i o n : C a e s a r
Item: CAE-1034 (New)
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round
9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Red • O l i ve • Green • Go l d • Taupe • Rust • Ivo ry • Tan • B lack

www.s m 313

Colle c t ion: C a e s a r
I te m: CAE-1036 (New)
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 12'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
4' Round
6' Round
8' Round

9'9" Round
4' Square
6' Square
8' Square
9'9" Square
6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
2' x 4' Hearth
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Ch o co l ate • Rus t • Go l d • B ei ge • Tan • Taup e

Collec t ion: C ro wn e Collection: Cro wn e

I te m: CRN-6003 Item: CRN-6001
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
4' x 6' 4' x 6'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
10' x 14' 10' x 14'
2'6" x 8' 12' x 15'
3' x 12' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 3' x 12'
18" Corner 8' Round
Custom Sizes 8' Octagon
8' Star
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

G old • Olive • Ru st • Brow n • B ei ge • Gray • Fern Fern • Go ld • Rus t • Tan • Co co a • B urg un d y • B lack
Bu rg u nd y

314 www.s m

Co l l e c t i o n : C ro wn e
Item: CRN-6012
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
8' x 11'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Co l a • Cream • Gi nger • O l i ve • Go l d • Gray • B urgundy • Tan

Co l l e c t i o n : C ro wn e
Item: CRN-6004
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
8' x 11'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
8' Round
8' Octagon
8' Star
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Go l den B ei ge • Rust • Go l d • Fern • B urgundy • Tan • O l i ve • L ig ht J ad e

www.s m 315

Co l l e c t i o n : C ro wn e
Item: CRN-6006
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
8' x 11'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Dark Tan • Li gh t Tan • Go l d • O l i ve • Fern • Terraco tta

Co l l e c t i o n : C ro wn e
Item: CRN-6007
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
8' x 11'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Go l d • Ch arco al • O l i ve • Rus t • B urgundy • Medi um Jade • Tan • Fer n • B ro wn

316 www.s m

Collection: Cro wn e
Item: CRN-6013
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
8' x 11'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

B u rgu n d y • Bla ck • Ru st • Tan • Fer n • G ray • O l i ve

Collection: Cro wn e
Item: CRN-6005
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
8' x 11'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes
Win frey Col l ecti on

The designer's choice.

Available in 3 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India
CRN-6013 PC-1101 TOB-1002 SP123A
Ru s t • N av y • Beig e • Olive • Bu rg u ndy • Bronze • Avo cado pg.317 pg.50 pg.52 pg.41

www.s m 317
Co l l e c t i o n : C ro wn e
Item: CRN-6008
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
8' x 11'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Cream B ei ge • Dark B ei ge • B urgundy • Go l d • Ci nnamo n • Li gh t B ei ge • M o s s G re e n

Co l l e c t i o n : C ro wn e
Item: CRN-6009
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
8' x 11'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Ch arco al • B ei ge • Go l d • Rust • Fern

318 www.s m

Co l l e c t i o n : C ro wn e
Item: CRN-6010
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
8' x 11'
10' x 14'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Dark Tan • B ei ge • Rus t • Gray • B l ack • B urgundy

Co l l e c t i o n : C ro wn e
Item: CRN-6011
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
8' x 11'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
8' Round
8' Octagon
8' Star
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 3 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

B ei ge • Dark Tan • Rus t • B urgundy • Gray • Go l d

www.s m 319

Co l l e c t i o n : C row n e
Item: CRN-6019
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
8' x 11'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
8' Round
8' Octagon
8' Star
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Dark Rus t • Dark M o s s • Tan • B lack • B ro wn • B urg un d y

G o ld • G ray • B e ig e

Co l l e c t i o n : C row n e
Item: CRN-6002
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
6' x 9'
8' x 11'
10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
3' x 12'
8' Round
8' Octagon
8' Star
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Make your home unique.

Available in 3 colors
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India
PC-1203 PSTS-9020 TOB-1007 Terraco tta • B e ig e • G o ld • O live • B ro wn
pg.45 pg.46 pg.52 C re am • B urg un d y

320 www.s m
Collec t ion: Le g i o n
I te m: LGN-6200
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

Ivo ry • Tan • Peach • Li gh t B ro wn • Gray • Sage • B ei ge • B l ack • B ro wn

Colle c t ion: Le g i o n Collection: Legio n

I te m: LGN-6203 Item: LGN-6209
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
7'6" x 9'6" 7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Pa le G reen • Lavender • Beige • Peach • Li gh t B l ue • Red B utte r • O f f W hite • G o ld • Rus t • G re e n • S ag e

Chocolate • Tan B ro wn • C ho co late

www.s m 321

Colle c t ion: Le g i o n
I te m: LGN-6212
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

B urgundy • B l ack • Go l d • Rust • B ro wn • Tan

Collec t ion: Le g i o n Collection: Legio n

I te m: LGN-6214 Item: LGN-6217
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
7'6" x 9'6" 7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Beig e • Bla ck • G old • Ivor y • Go l den B ro wn • Ch o co l ate Go l d • S ag e • C ho co late • B urg un d y • I vo r y

Brown • Mo ch a G re e n • D us t y Ro s e

322 www.s m

Collecti o n : Fo u n da ti o n Co l l e c t i o n : Foun dat io n
Item: FND-1106 (New) Item: FND-1105 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 7'6" 5' x 7'6"
7'9" x 9'9" 7'9" x 9'9"

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

B eig e • Ru st Red • Chocolate • G reen • Li gh t B l ue B ro wn • Ro se • G o ld • G o ld e n B ro wn • B lue • I vo r y • G re e n

G old • Brown

Collecti o n : Fo u n da ti o n Co l l e c t i o n : Foun dat io n

Item: FND-1103 (New) Item: FND-1107 (New)
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 7'6" 5' x 7'6"
7'9" x 9'9" 7'9" x 9'9"

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Red • Black • G old • G reen • G ray Blue • Ivo ry B ro wn • Gold • Rus t • B lue • G re e n • S ag e • Tan
G olden • Brown

www.s m 323

Collection : E a r th Co l l e c t i o n : E a rt h
Item: ETH-9618 Item: ETH-9619
2' x 4' 2' x 4'
3'9" x 5'9" 3'9" x 5'9"
5'2" x 7'7" 5'2" x 7'7"
7'9" x 11'2" 7'9" x 11'2"
2'6" x 7'8" 2'6" x 7'8"

Available in 3 colors
No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in Egypt Made in Egypt

Red • Ivor y • G old • Sa g e • Chocolate Go l d • Rus t • I vo r y • B ro wn • C re am

Collection : E a r th Co l l e c t i o n : E a rt h
Item: ETH-9616 Item: ETH-9617
2' x 4' 2' x 4'
3'9" x 5'9" 3'9" x 5'9"
5'2" x 7'7" 5'2" x 7'7"
7'9" x 11'2" 7'9" x 11'2"
2'6" x 7'8" 2'6" x 7'8"

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in Egypt Made in Egypt

I vo r y • Chocolate • G old • Ru st • Sa g e • Red Ch o co l ate • I vo r y • G o ld • S ag e • Rus t • Re d

324 www.s m

Collection : E a r th Co l l e c t i o n : A m brosia
Item: ETH-9603 Item: AB-32
2' x 4' 3'9" x 5'9"
3'9" x 5'9" 5'2" x 7'7"
5'2" x 7'7" 7'9" x 11'2"
7'9" x 11'2" 2'6" x 7'8"
2'6" x 7'8"

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors
No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in Egypt Made in Egypt

Black • Red • Beig e • M oss G reen B l ue-Gray • Tan • B e ig e • Navy • B ro n ze

Collection : E a r th Co l l e c t i o n : A m brosia
Item: ETH-9605 Item: AB-33
2' x 4' 3'9" x 5'9"
3'9" x 5'9" 5'2" x 7'7"
5'2" x 7'7" 7'9" x 11'2"
7'9" x 11'2" 2'6" x 7'8"
2'6" x 7'8"

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in Egypt Made in Egypt

Beig e • M oss G reen • G old B ei ge • Navy • G o ld • B lue • B urg un d y • B ro n ze

www.s m 325

Collection: Le g e n d Co l l e c t i o n : Le g e nd
Item: LGD-1805 Item: LGD-1809
1'11" x 3'3" 1'11" x 3'3"
5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"
7'10" x 10'10" 7'10" x 10'10"

No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

B l a ck • I vo ry • Beig e • Sa g e • Red • Sky • G old • B ro wn Gray B l ue • Sky • Red • B e ig e • Tan • G o ld e n B ro wn • I vo r y

Ta n • Ru st Sa g e • B lack • Rus t

Collection: Le g e n d Co l l e c t i o n : Le g e nd
Item: LGD-1810 Item: LGD-1812
1'11" x 3'3" 1'11" x 3'3"
5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"
7'10" x 10'10" 7'10" x 10'10"

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

B l a ck • S a ge • Ivor y • Ta n • Red • Ru st • Pale Blu e • B ei ge B urgundy • Tan • I vo r y • G re e n • S ag e • Rus t • B lack

B e ig e • G o ld

326 www.s m

Collection : C h a r l e s to n Co l l e c t i o n : Aug us ta
Item: CHN-1546 (New) Item: AUG-9305
1'11" x 3'3" 2'2" x 4'6"
5'3" x 7'6" 3'9" x 5'9"
7'10" x 10'10" 5'2" x 7'6"
7'9" x 11'2"
2'2" x 7'7"
7'10" Round
7'10" Octagon

Available in 2 colors
No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A. Made in Egypt

D a r k Nav y • Crea m • G old • Bu rg u ndy • G ray • Sage Ivo ry • Came l • S ag e • L ig ht Aq ua • B urg un d y

Brow n • G reen Ro s e • B ro wn

Collection : C h a r l e s to n Co l l e c t i o n : Aug us ta
Item: CHN-1541 Item: AUG-9304
1'11" x 3'3" 2'2" x 4'6"
5'3" x 7'6" 3'9" x 5'9"
7'10" x 10'10" 5'2" x 7'6"
7'9" x 11'2"
2'2" x 7'7"
7'10" Round
7'10" Octagon

Available in 2 colors
No Shedding No Shedding
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Heat-Set Poly 100% Heat-Set Poly
Made in U.S.A. Made in Egypt

B l a ck • Ta n • Beig e • Ivor y • G old • Sag e • Rus t-Red B ro wn • Ivo ry • Burg un d y • C ame l • Ro s e • L ig ht Aq ua

B lack • S ag e

www.s m 3 27
Collection: An cien t Trea s u re s Co l l e c t i o n : A nc ie nt Tre a s ure s Co l l e c t i o n : A nc ie nt Tre a s u res Collection: An c ien t Treasu res
Item: A-101 Item: A-103 Item: A-108 Item: A-110
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

G old • G reen • B u rgu n d y • Lig ht Bla ck • B ri ck Red • Cel ery B l ack • Red • Go l d • Tan • M o s s G o ld • B ro wn • Co co a • S ag e
J a d e • Ta n • B ei ge • Celer y Olive • Go l d • B ei ge • B ro wn Green • B ei ge • Taup e • Ivo r y G re e n • B urg un d y • M o s s G re e n
Co co a Caramel

Collection: An cien t Trea s u re s Co l l e c t i o n : A nc ie nt Tre a s ure s Co l l e c t i o n : A nc ie nt Tre a s u res Collection: An c ien t Treasu res
Item: A-111 Item: A-113 Item: A-114 Item: A-117
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors Viscose Accents

Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

G o l d • Red • Ol i ve Green Red • B l ack • Cream • Mo ss B l ack • Red • B ei ge • B rown Tan • G o ld • Ro s e • B lue • Pin k
Choco l a te • Ru s t • M o s s G reen G ree n • Rust • O l i ve Green Cel ery • Ci nnamo n • Mo s s Gre e n B e ig e • B ro wn • O live • Rus t
D u s t y Ro s e • Ta n Go l d Go l d

Collection: An tolya Co l l e c t i o n : Ba by lon Co l l e c t i o n : C row ne Collection: Cro wn e

Item: ANT-9703 Item: BL-1902 Item: CRN-6001 Item: CRN-6002
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Antique Wash Antique Wash Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Thin Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$ Cost: $$
Hand Knotted Hand Knotted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

Ta up e • M u s h ro o m • G o ld • Pa le G o l d • B urgundy • Tan Fern • Go l d • Rus t • Tan • Co co a Te r raco tta • B e ig e • G o ld • O live

Gold Cinnamo n • Gray • Co co a B urgundy • B l ack B ro wn • C re am • B urg un d y
Mo s s • B ei ge

Collection: C rown e Co l l e c t i o n : C row ne Co l l e c t i o n : C row ne Collection: Cro wn e

Item: CRN-6003 Item: CRN-6007 Item: CRN-6008 Item: CRN-6004
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$ Cost: $$ Cost: $$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% Wool 100% Wool 100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

G old • Ol i ve • Ru s t • Brown G old • Ch arco al • O l i ve • Rust Cream B ei ge • Dark B ei ge G o ld e n B e ig e • Rus t • G o ld

Be ig e • G ray • Fer n • B u rg u ndy Bu rg u ndy • Medi um Jade • Tan B urgundy • Go l d • Ci nnam o n Fe r n • B urg un d y • Tan • O live
Fern • B ro wn Li gh t B ei ge • Mo ss Gree n L ig ht J ad e

328 www.s m

Collection: C rown e Co l l e c t i o n : C row ne Co l l e c t i o n : C row ne Collection: Cro wn e
Item: CRN-6009 Item: CRN-6010 Item: CRN-6011 Item: CRN-6013
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Available in 3 colors
Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$ Cost: $$ Cost: $$
Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted Hand Tufted
100% Wool 100% Wool 100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

Cha rco a l • B ei ge • G o l d • Ru st Dar k Tan • B ei ge • Rus t • Gray B ei ge • Dark Tan • Rus t B urg un d y • B lack • Rus t • Tan
Fer n B l ack • B urgundy B urgundy • Gray • Go l d Fe r n • G ray • O live

Collection: C rown e Co l l e c t i o n : H e irloom Co l l e c t i o n : H e irloom Collection: H eirlo o m

Item: CRN-6019 Item: HLM-6001 Item: HLM-6004 Item: HLM-6005
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Minimal Shedding Minimal Shedding Minimal Shedding

Intricate Details Intricate Details Intricate Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$$$$ Cost: $$$$$ Cost: $$$$$
Hand Tufted Hand Knotted Hand Knotted Hand Knotted
100% Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

D a rk Ru s t • D a r k Mo s s • Ta n Brown • Cream • Mi nt B l ack • Fern • Co ral • B urgun d y C in n amo n • G o ld e n B e ig e • Fe r n

Bla ck • B ro w n • B u rgu n d y • G old Cinnamo n • Jade • B urgundy Jade G re e n • L ig ht G in g e r • M e d ium
G ray • B ei ge Gray J ad e

Collection: Adan a Co l l e c t i o n : Tim e le s s Co l l e c t i o n : Ta j M a h a l Collection: Taj Mahal

Item: IT-1181 Item: TIM-7902 Item: TJ-101 Item: TJ-1143
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Antique Wash Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$$ Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$
Hand Knotted Hand Knotted Hand Knotted Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% NZ Hard Twist Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

G old • Ru s t • G i n ger • Cam el Powder B l ue • B ei ge • B urgundy Desert Sage • B ei ge • Cele r y Re d • B lack • Tan • B e ig e • M o s s
Ta n • Mo s s G reen • Brow n Tan • B l ue Co ral • B urgundy • B l ue Gray G re e n • G o ld • L ig ht Co co a
Mo ss Green • Li gh t Go l d • D ar k
Jade • Tan

Collection: Taj M ahal Co l l e c t i o n : Ta j M a h a l Co l l e c t i o n : Ta j M a h a l Collection: Taj Mahal

Item: TJ-2000 Item: TJ-44 Item: TJ-6575 Item: TJ-826
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$ Cost: $$$$
Hand Knotted Hand Knotted Hand Knotted Hand Knotted
100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool 100% Semi-Worsted NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India Made in India Made in India

Burg u n d y Red • B l a ck • G old Bla ck • Li gh t Go l d • Dark Go l d B urgundy • B l ack • Go l d • Tan G o ld • M e d ium J ad e • Tan
M o s s G reen • S a ge G reen Brown • Gi nger • Li gh t Fern Fern Green • Gi nger • B ro wn D us t y Ro s e • B urg un d y • Rus t
B ei ge • G i n ger • Tan M edium Wi ne • B ei ge • Rust Pal e Sage D ar k O live

www.s m 329

T h e re a re c u l t u r a l i m a g e s t h a t re s o n a t e a p o w e r f u l c o n n e c t i o n w i t h i n e a c h o f u s. Fro m th e
S OU T HWEST/ LO DGE s i m pl e an d g raph i c m o tifs o f th e tr iba l So uthwest to th e Pe rsian d e s i g n s o f E a s t e r n n o m a d i c
p e o p l e s , t h e r e a r e s o m e p a t t e r n s t h a t p o s s e s s a g lo ba l appeal. In this spirit, S u rya has created
t he ru g s o f o u r S o u thwest/Lo d g e co llec tio n . 100% N ew Z e aland wool hand-woven or hand-tu fted
i n a f l a t - we ave c o n s t r u c t i o n , e a c h p i e c e i s re v e r s i b l e a n d o f f e r s a f e e l i n g o f b e i n g t r a d i t i o n a l
w it h o u t b ei n g to o fo rma l. Simple symmetr ic a l a n d g eo metric patterns wrought in warm , rich earth
ton es ref l ect th e essen ce o f a n c ien t pic to r ia ls a n d th e a p p e a ra n ce o f o r i g i n a l n o m a d i c K i l i m a n d
Soumek rugs.

JT-1033 NMD-703 STF-4003 SKY-5001


330 www.s m

Collection: Ca s p i a n
Item: CAS-9900
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Ultra Plush
Cost: $$$

Hand Knotted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

B ro wn • Ta n • Bu rg u ndy • Sea foa m • G old

Collection: Ca s p i a n
Item: CAS-9902
2' x 3'
3'9" x 5'9"
5'6" x 8'6"
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
8' Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes
C AS-9900

Interactive Website
Our state of the art website is an incomparable tool for retailers and
Ultra Plush their customers. Shop our entire selection of rugs and accessories and
Cost: $$$
access your personal account to verify product availability, place orders,
Hand Knotted track shipments, or view your account status and history. Everything
100% NZ Wool
Made in India you need to conduct business with Surya from anywhere in the world,
24 hours a day.
Pa l e Ja de • Brow n • Pa le G reen • G old
Da r k Brown • Beig e

www.s m 331

Collection: Em p i re Co l l e c t i o n : N ava jo
Item: EMP-102 Item: NAV-8301
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 2'6" x 8'
2'6" x 8' 18" Corner
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Hard Twist Texture

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ru s t Red • B rown • Em erald G reen • G reen • Beige • Go l d Co ral • B ro wn • L ig ht G o ld • M e d ium G o ld

Da r k Crea m • G reen-Brow n • Ru st

Collection: D re a m Co l l e c t i o n : D re a m
Item: DST-381 Item: DST-380
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 9' x 13'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 18" Corner
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

B u rgu n d y • Aqu a • Brown • Ter ra cotta • Bla ck • Bei ge • Jade B ro wn • B l ack • I vo r y • Rus t • G o ld • Tan

332 www.s m

Collection: N o m a di c K i l i m
Item: NMD-703
2' x 3'
3' x 5'
5' x 8'
7' x 9'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Flat Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Woven
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

G o l d • G a r n e t Rose • Pale Rose • M int • Roy al Blue • Fern

G reen • Avoc ado • Beig e • Cocoa

Collection: N o m a di c K i l i m
Item: NMD-702
2' x 3'
3' x 5'
5' x 8'
7' x 9'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Creative solutions for your home.

Flat Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Woven
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Red • C h a rcoal • Brow n • G old • Lig ht G reen • Peach

PC-1101 PC-1102 PC-1103
pg.50 pg.50 pg.50

www.s m 333

Collection: J e we l To n e II Co l l e c t i o n : J e we l Ton e II
Item: JTII-2028 Item: JTII-2034
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Reversible Reversible
Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Hard Twist Wool 100% Hard Twist Wool
Made in India Made in India

Brow n • Tan • Cora l Ch o co l ate • B ei ge • Tan • Re d • G o ld • S ag e • S ilve r S ag e

Collection: J e we l To n e II Co l l e c t i o n : J e we l Ton e II
Item: JTII-2035 Item: JTII-2026
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Reversible Reversible
Hard Twist Texture Hard Twist Texture
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Hard Twist Wool 100% Hard Twist Wool
Made in India Made in India

C h o co l a te • Orang e • Ru st • A r my • G old • Off Wh i te Red • B ei ge • B ro wn • Co co a • C ho co late • B urg un d y

334 www.s m

Collection : J e we l To n e Co l l e c t i o n : J e we l To n e
Item: JT-8 Item: JT-1090
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
18" Corner Custom Sizes
Custom Sizes

Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Red • B ro wn • Beig e • Tu r qu oise • Sag e G reen • B l ack • Go l d Go l d • B ro wn • B ei ge • B lack • Te r raco tta • Fe r n • B urg un d y

Collection : J e we l To n e Co l l e c t i o n : J e we l To n e
Item: JT-1033 Item: JT-1035
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Woven Hand Woven

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Red C l ay • G old • Aqu am ar ine • Sag e G reen • Bei ge • Fern B ro wn • Ch arco al • S ag e G re e n • B r ick Re d • Rus t • B e ig e
G reen • Brown Avo c ad o • Co co a

www.s m 335

Collection: S a n te Fe Co l l e c t i o n : S a nte Fe
Item: STF-4000 (New) Item: STF-4001 (New)

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'

Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

N av y • Lig ht G ray • G old • Ivor y • Red Gray B l ue • Mi nt • G o ld e n B ro wn • C ho co late

B urg un d y • I vo r y

Collection: S a n te Fe Co l l e c t i o n : S a nte Fe
Item: STF-4003 (New) Item: STF-4004 (New)

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

N av y • Red • G old • Ivor y • Ta n • G olden Bro wn B ei ge • Go l den B rown • C ho co late • Re d B le n d • B lue

G ray • B lue

336 www.s m

Collection: S a n te Fe
Item: STF-4006 (New)

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Wool
Made in India

C h o co l a te • G olden Brow n • Pea ch • Red Blend • Ivo ry

Collection: Bi g Sk y
Item: SKY-5000 (New)

2' x 3'
5'3" x 7'7"
7'9" x 11'2"
2'2" x 7'7"

Bring Great Design Outdoors

Now you don’t have to compromise your own personal style for functional
Plush Pile durability. Surya’s indoor/outdoor rugs are designed to retain their
Cost: $$
original beauty even under extreme conditions. Constructed of 100%
Machine Made Polypropylene, and resistant to stains, humidity, and UV Rays, these rugs
100% Polypropylene
Made in K.S.A. are perfect for entry areas, children’s playrooms, outdoor entertaining
spaces, or any high traffic space.
Red • G old • Chocolate • Brown • Ivor y

www.s m 3 37
Co l l e c t i o n : Big S ky
Item: SKY-5001 (New)

2' x 3'
5'3" x 7'7"
7'9" x 11'2"
2'2" x 7'7"

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Machine Made
100% Polypropylene
Made in K.S.A.

Red • G o ld • C ho co late • B ro wn • I vo r y

Co l l e c t i o n : Big S ky
Item: SKY-5004 (New)

2' x 3'
5'3" x 7'7"
7'9" x 11'2"
2'2" x 7'7"

Just right. Right away.

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Machine Made
100% Polypropylene
Made in K.S.A.
P-0181 PC-1004 AG-0002 TEE-1006
pg.47 pg.50 pg. 45 pg.53 Red • G o ld • C ho co late • B ro wn • I vo r y

338 www.s m

Col l e ct i on: Big Sk y
I te m : S KY- 5 0 0 5 (Ne w )

2' x 3'
5'3" x 7'7"
7'9" x 11'2"
2'2" x 7'7"

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Machine Made
100% Polypropylene
Made in K.S.A.
Bl a ck • B urgundy • B lue • Ivo ry • G o ld • Sage

Col l e ct i on: Big Sk y

I te m : S KY- 5 0 0 7 (Ne w )

2' x 3'
5'3" x 7'7"
7'9" x 11'2"
2'2" x 7'7"

Plush Pile
Cost: $$
Machine Made
100% Polypropylene
Made in K.S.A.
Red • G o ld • Cho co late • B eige

Col l e ct i on: Big Sk y

I te m : S KY- 5 0 0 8 (Ne w )

2' x 3'
5'3" x 7'7"
A color for every style.
7'9" x 11'2"
2'2" x 7'7"

Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Machine Made
100% Polypropylene
Made in K.S.A.
P-0035 TOB-1005 AB111A
Bu rgundy • B lack • Go ld • Ivo ry • B lue
pg.45 pg.52 pg.35

www.s m 339

F r o m f a m i l y ro o m t o k i t c h e n , b e d ro o m t o b a t h , d i n i n g ro o m t o p a t i o , braided rugs offer
Braided a d a z z l i n g array o f co lo r a n d d esig n po ssibilities. C o n s u m e r s a re d i s c o v e r i n g t h e v e r s a t i l i t y
of braided rugs which combine traditional craftsmanship with the latest trends in home
f a s h i o n . S e v e r a l s i z e o p t i o n s i n t h e t r a d i t i o n a l o va l shape, and a unique assortment
of rectan g l e b rai d s th at a d d versa tility to th e s t y l e . T h e t h re e I n d o o r / O u t d o o r q u a l i t i e s h a v e
f a s h i o n fo r wa rd co l o rs a n d a re s u re to enhance your living space, indoors or out. The two
t ra d i t i o n a l s t y l e d co l l ections keep with the traditional brai d feel, and are sure to beautify your
d é co r. A l l s ty l es are re versible to ex ten d th e life o f yo ur r ug.

HNT-4505 SSD-7503 DVR-2301 CBN-5501


340 m
Collec t i o n : Hu n ti n g to n B ra i ds Co l l e c t i o n: Cab in B asic s
Item: HNT-4500 (New) Item: CBN-5500 (New)

3' Round 3' Round

5' Round 5' Round
7' Round 7' Round
9' Round 9' Round
11' Round 11' Round
1'10" x 2'10" Oval 1'10" x 2'10" Oval
2'3" x 3'10" Oval 2'3" x 3'10" Oval
2' x 5' Oval 2' x 5' Oval
3'6" x 5'6" Oval 3'6" x 5'6" Oval
2' x 7' Oval 2' x 7' Oval
5' x 7' Oval 5' x 7' Oval
2' x 9' Oval 2' x 9' Oval
6' x 9' Oval 6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval 8' x 10' Oval

2' x 11' Oval 2' x 11' Oval
9' x 12' Oval 9' x 12' Oval
11' x 14' Oval 11' x 14' Oval

Available in 6 colors Available in 6 colors

Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Machine Made Machine Made

80% Wool / 20% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

Tea l • Chocolate • Brown • Ta u pe • Ivo ry B lue • B e ig e

I te m : HNT-4501 (New) Item: HNT-4502 (New) Item: HNT-4503 (New) Item: CBN-5501 (New) I te m : CBN-5502 (New) I te m : CBN-5503 (New)

C h o co l a te • B row n Da r k G reen • G reen • Li gh t Navy • B l ue • Sky B ro wn • B ei ge B e ig e • B ro wn Re d • B e ig e

Mu s h ro o m • I vor y Blu e • Tan • Ivory Gray B l ue • Ivo ry

I te m: HNT-4504 (New) Item: HNT-4505 (New) Item: CBN-5504 (New) I te m : CBN-5505 (New)

Red • Ru st Red • Pink Choco l ate • Mo ch a • Rus t Ye llo w • B e ig e Te al • B e ig e

M ocha • Ivor y B ro wn • Ivo ry

www.s m 341

Collec t i o n : Do ve r Co l l e c t i o n: Co n co rd
Item: DVR-2300 Item: CNC-2200
1'10" x 2'10" 3' Round
2'3" x 3'10" 5' Round
3'6" x 5'6" 7' Round
5' x 7' 9' Round
6' x 9' 11' Round
8' x 10' 1'10" x 2'10" Oval
9' x 12' 2'3" x 3'10" Oval
11' x 14' 2' x 5' Oval
2' x 5' 3'6" x 5'6" Oval
2' x 7' 2' x 7' Oval
2' x 9' 5' x 7' Oval
2' x 11' 2' x 9' Oval
3' Square 6' x 9' Oval
5' Square 8' x 10' Oval
7' Square 2' x 11' Oval
9' Square 9' x 12' Oval
11' Square 11' x 14' Oval

Available in 6 colors Available in 6 colors

Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Braided Braided
Cotton / Polypropylene Polyester / Wool
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

Ta n • Beig e • Brown • G old • Coral • Lig ht B l ue • Li gh t Green B ei ge • Co ral • Pin k • Pe ach • L ig ht B lue • G ray • B lue
M aroon • G ray

I te m : DVR-2301 Item: DVR-2302 Item: DVR-2303 Item: CNC-2201 I te m : CNC-2202 I te m : CNC-2203

Red • B r i ck • M o ch a • Bu tter Blu e • Nav y • G ray-Blue • Tan Pal e Green • Green • Mo ch a Red • Pi nk • Co ral • Ch a rco al L ig ht G re e n • Tan • B ro wn B lue • Navy • Ye llo w • Tan
B ro w n • B l a ck Bu tter • Brown B utter • B ro wn Taup e • Gray C harco al • K hak i L ig ht G re e n

I te m: DVR-2304 Item: DVR-2305 Item: CNC-2204 I te m : CNC-2205

C hocolate • Brown • M ocha G ol d • Yel l o w • Mo ch a Tan • B e ig e • L ig ht O ran g e B lack • L ig ht G re e n • Co ral

Bla ck • Bu tter • Ta u pe Ro s e • B ro wn Maroo n • Fo re s t • B ro w n • G ray • S k y • L ig ht G ray • Tan
Rus t • S ag e

342 www.s m

Collec t i o n : Su m m e r B ra i ds Co l l e c t i o n: S easide St rip es
Item: SMR-6500 (New) Item: SSD-7502 (New)

1'10" x 2'10" 3' Round

2'3" x 3'10" 5' Round
3'6" x 5'6" 7' Round
5' x 7' 9' Round
6' x 9' 11' Round
8' x 10' 1'10" x 2'10" Oval
9' x 12' 2'3" x 3'10" Oval
11' x 14' 2' x 5' Oval
2' x 5' 3'6" x 5'6" Oval
2' x 7' 2' x 7' Oval
2' x 9' 5' x 7' Oval
2' x 11' 2' x 9' Oval
3' Square 6' x 9' Oval
5' Square 8' x 10' Oval

7' Square 2' x 11' Oval
9' Square 9' x 12' Oval
11' Square 11' x 14' Oval

Available in 6 colors Available in 6 colors

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe
Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

E g g pla nt • Red • Pale Blu e • Wh i te L ime • W hite

I te m : SMR-6501 (New) Item: SMR-6502 (New) Item: SMR-6503 (New) Item: SSD-7500 (New) I te m : SSD-7501 (New) I te m : SSD-7503 (New)

Nav y • Yel l o w • G ray • White Chocola te • M ocha Dark Green • Li me Navy • Wh i te Ye llo w • W hite Re d • W hite
Blu e • White Gray • Wh i te

I te m: SMR-6504 (New) Item: SMR-6505 (New) Item: SSD-7504 (New) I te m : SSD-7505 (New)

Ru st • Ta n • G ray • White Ch o co l ate • Go l d Fed e ral B lue • W hite Tan • W hite

Gray • Wh i te

www.s m 343

Collection: We s tp o r t Co l l e c t i o n : Portofin o
Item: WPT-7300 Item: PTF-7400
1'10" x 2'10" 1'10" x 2'10"
2'3" x 3'10" 2'3" x 3'10"
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 7' 5' x 7'
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
11' x 14' 11' x 14'
2' x 5' 2' x 5'
2' x 7' 2' x 7'
2' x 9' 2' x 9'
2' x 11' 2' x 11'
3' Square 3' Square
5' Square 5' Square
7' Square 7' Square
9' Square 9' Square
11' Square 11' Square

Available in 6 colors Available in 6 colors

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe
Reversible Reversible
Flat Pile Flat Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$$

Braided Braided
100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

Lig ht G reen • White S k y • B e ig e

I te m : WPT-7301 Item: WPT-7302 Item: WPT-7303 Item: PTF-7401 I te m : PTF-7402 I te m : PTF-7403

N av y • W h i te Red • White Tan • Wh i te Rus t • B ei ge C ho co late • B e ig e Tan • B e ig e

I te m: WPT-7304 Item: WPT-7305 Item: PTF-7404 I te m : PTF-7405

Bla ck • White Ch o co l ate • Wh i te Navy • B e ig e S ag e • B e ig e

344 www.s m

Collec t i o n : Ve ra n da
Item: VRD-2500
3' Round
5' Round
7' Round
9' Round
11' Round
2'3" x 3'10" Oval
2' x 5' Oval
3'6" x 5'6" Oval
2' x 7' Oval
5' x 7' Oval
2' x 9' Oval
6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
2' x 11' Oval
9' x 12' Oval
11' x 14' Oval

Available in 6 colors
Outdoors Safe
Flat Pile
Cost: $$

100% Polypropylene
Made in U.S.A.

Tau pe • Off White

I te m : VRD-2501 Item: VRD-2502 Item: VRD-2503

Ker r y B l u e • Of f White Forest • Off White Maro o n • O ff Wh i te

I te m: VRD-2504 Item: VRD-2505

Designer Exclusives
by S U R YA

Surya offers its retailers a growing list of sought-after consumer recognized

brands that are certain to increase their revenues. Our partnerships
with such respected names as Candice Olson, Country Living and the
Smithsonian Institute immediately signify high-end design and quality.

Cha rcoal • Off White Taup e • O ff Wh i te

www.s m 345

N o t h i n g l i v e n s u p a ro o m l i k e a b o l d a n d s t r i k i n g a n i m a l p r i n t r u g . S urya h as an ex ten sive
Animal s e l ecti o n o f an i mal pr in ts a n d n a tura l h id es a re t h e i d e a l s o l u t i o n f o r a d d i n g a b i t o f i n t e re s t a n d
f l a i r t o y o u r s p a c e . H a n d tuf ted o f 100% N ew Z ea la n d Wool, in you r choice of high-contrast a n d
c o n t e m p o r a r y o r s u b t l e a n d s o p h i s t i c a t e d , o u r a n i m a l p a t t e r n s a re a v a i l a b l e i n a n a s s o r t m e n t
o f d e s i g n s : z e b r a , a l l i g a t o r, g i r a f f e , l e o p a rd a n d ch eeta h . We also have an extensive collection
of n atu ral h i d es o f th e f in est qua lity, ch o sen fo r th eir luster and softness. Each exceptional piece
i s n atu ral l y stai n resi s ta n t, a n d h a n d - stitch ed in a va r iety of geom etric patterns, or available
a s a co mpl ete h i d e.

TRL-1109 ALF-9518 TRL-1008 DST-387


346 m
Item: DUK-1002*
Si ze: 7' Square
Co l o r: Black • White
* All natural product. Each rug will
be unique in size, shape and color.

Item: DUK-1000*
S ize: 7' Square
Color : Brown Multi

Item: DUK-1001*
Si ze: 7' Square
Color : Brown • White

Collection: D u ke
Thin Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Crafted
100% Leather
Made in Argentina

www.s m 3 47
Co l l e c t i o n : Tra il
Item: TRL-1112
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
Custom Sizes

Thin Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Crafted
100% Leather
Made in India

B lack • C ho co late • S ilve r

Co l l e c t i o n : Tra il
Item: TRL-1109
2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
Custom Sizes

Your inspiration. Our design.

Thin Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Crafted
100% Leather
Made in India
P-0235 P-0223 P-0225 B l ack • G o ld e n B ro wn • Tan • B e ig e
pg.43 pg.43 pg.44

348 www.s m

Col l e ct i on: Trail
I te m : TR L- 1113

2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
Custom Sizes

Thin Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Crafted
100% Leather
Made in India
Cho co late • G ray • Light G ray

Col l e ct i on: Trail

I te m : TR L- 110 4

2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
Custom Sizes

Thin Pile
Cost: $$$
Hand Crafted
100% Leather
Made in India
L i g h t G ray • G ray • Smo ke • B lack • White

Col l e ct i on: Trail

I te m : TR L- 110 8

2' x 3'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
Custom Sizes
Just right. Right away.

Thin Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Crafted
100% Leather
Made in India PMH-121 PMH-119 PMH-118 PMH-120
Bl a ck • Gray • B eige • B ro wn • Go lden Brow n
pg.42 pg.42 pg.42 pg.42

www.s m 349

Co l l e c t i o n : G oa
Item: G-59
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
9' x 13'
12' x 15'
2'6" x 8'
2'6" x 12'
5'9" Round
7'9" Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

B lack • Ec r u

Co l l e c t i o n : M os a ic
Item: MOS-1001

2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes
Sahara Collection

Complete your home with Surya.

Available in 4 colors
Viscose Accents
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India
G-59 WL-1405 TOB-1002 SL125A
pg.178 pg.44 pg.52 pg.30 W hite • L ig ht G ray • S ilve r

350 www.s m

Collection: G o a
Item: G-169
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
7'9" Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Available in 4 colors
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile
Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool
Made in India

Chocola te • Ec r u

Collection: G o a
Item: G-60
2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8'
8' x 11'
2'6" x 8'
7'9" Round
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Inventory at your Fingertips

Available in 4 colors Now you can check product availability from anywhere in the world, 24
Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile hours a day. Simply visit our interactive website at and
Cost: $$$
log in to verify inventory, place orders, track shipments, or view your
Hand Tufted
100% NZ Wool customer history. Everything you need to increase sales and grow your
Made in India
business, is at your fingertips.
Brown • Da r k Brown

www.s m 351

Collection: D re a m Co l l e c t i o n : S a fa ri
Item: DST-387 Item: SAF-10800
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
9' x 13' 2'6" x 8'
2'6" x 8' 18" Corner
8' Round Custom Sizes
8' Octagon
8' Star
18" Corner
Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$$ Cost: $$$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% NZ Wool 100% NZ Wool
Made in India Made in India

Ta n • Black • Bu r nished G old Tan • Bro wn • K hak i • B e ig e

Collection: Le g i o n Co l l e c t i o n : Le g ion
Item: LGN-6221 (New) Item: LGN-6202
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3'3" x 5'3" 3'3" x 5'3"
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
7'6" x 9'6" 7'6" x 9'6"
8' x 11' 8' x 11'
2'6" x 8' 2'6" x 8'
Custom Sizes Custom Sizes

Plush Pile Plush Pile

Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Wool 100% Wool
Made in India Made in India

Black • Ta n B e ig e • Tan • B lack

352 www.s m

Collection: Cos m o p o l i ta n Co l l e c t i o n : A lfresco
Item: COS-8865 Item: ALF-9 516
2' x 3' 2'3" x 4'6"
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5'3" x 7'6"
8' x 11' 6' x 9'
2'6" x 8' 7'6" x 10'9"
8' Round 8'9" x 12'9"
2'3" x 7'9"
2'3" x 11'9"
5'3" Round
7'3" Round
8'9" Round
7'3" Square
8'9" Square

Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile

Cost: $$

Hand Tufted
100% Polyester
Made in China

Chocola te • Sa g e • Spa • Blu e • Taup e

Collection: Aug u s ta Available in 3 colors

Item: AUG-9320 Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture
2'2" x 4'6" Thin Pile
3'9" x 5'9" Cost: $
5'2" x 7'6"
7'9" x 11'2" Machine Made
2'2" x 7'7" 100% Polypropylene
7'10" Round Made in Egypt

Tan • G re e n

Co l l e c t i o n : A lfresco
Item: ALF-9 517
No Shedding
Medium Pile 2'3" x 4'6"
3'6" x 5'6"
Cost: $ 5'3" x 7'6"
6' x 9'
Machine Made 7'6" x 10'9"
100% Heat-Set Poly 8'9" x 12'9"
Made in Egypt 2'3" x 7'9"
2'3" x 11'9"
5'3" Round
Ivor y • Bla ck 7'3" Round
8'9" Round
7'3" Square
8'9" Square

Collection: Alfre s co
Item: ALF-9518
2'3" x 4'6"
3'6" x 5'6"
5'3" x 7'6"
6' x 9'
7'6" x 10'9"
8'9" x 12'9"
2'3" x 7'9"
2'3" x 11'9"
5'3" Round
7'3" Round
8'9" Round
7'3" Square
8'9" Square
18" Corner
Available in 3 colors
Available in 3 colors Outdoors Safe
Outdoors Safe Looped Texture
Looped Texture Thin Pile
Thin Pile Cost: $
Cost: $
Machine Made
Machine Made 100% Polypropylene
100% Polypropylene Made in Egypt
Made in Egypt
Ta n • Brow n Tan • B lack

www.s m 353

M o r e th an ever, to d ay’ s yo un g peo ple a re ta kin g a n a c tive role in the design and decorating
Kids o f t h e i r o w n s p a ce s , a nd they demand high style and variety. Colorful, fresh, and exuberant,
Su r ya’ s co l l ecti o n o f youth in spired r ug s a re sure to exc ite today’s sophisticated and designer
s av v y g en erati o n . A n i n f usio n o f br ig h t, bo ld co lo rs a n d g raphic designs these ru gs are a literal
t ra n sl ati o n o f w h at ki ds wa n t. A lo n g with th e qua lity co n stru ction, stain resistance, and u ltra
d u ra b l e f i b e rs t h a t t h eir parents want, this collection is cer tain to please everyone.

FLT-1056 CHI-1041 PLY-6021 LUX-1007

F LT- 1011

354 m
Collection : Lu xe Co l l e c t i o n : Lu xe
Item: LUX-1000 Item: LUX-100 2

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3' x 5' 3' x 5'
4'10" x 7' 4'10" x 7'
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details
Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

Pink • Hot Pink • Ivor y • Bla ck Lig ht B lue • Pe a G re e n

Collection : Lu xe Co l l e c t i o n : Lu xe
Item: LUX-1006 Item: LUX-100 7

2' x 3' 2' x 3'

3' x 5' 3' x 5'
4'10" x 7' 4'10" x 7'
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Plush Pile Plush Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

I vor y • Pu r ple • Red • Coral • Lim e • Ye l l o w Ch artreus e • Pin k • Re d • Ye llo w • W hite

www.s m 355

Collection: Ch i c Co l l e c t i o n : C h ic
Item: CHI-1000 Item: CHI-1004
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3' x 5' 3' x 5'
4'10" x 7' 4'10" x 7'
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

Aqu a • Sa g e • Lim e • Off White • Blu e Li me • Sky B lue • Pale B lue • W hite

Collection: Ch i c Co l l e c t i o n : C h ic
Item: CHI-1007 Item: CHI-1022
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3' x 5' 3' x 5'
4'10" x 7' 4'10" x 7'
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'

Hand Carved Details Hand Carved Details

Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Hand Tufted Hand Tufted

100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

P i n k • Hot Pink • Yellow • Pea G reen • Red Ch o co l ate • W hite • Pin k • H o t Pin k

356 www.s m

Collection: Ch i c
Item: CHI-1041 (New)
2' x 3'
3' x 5'
4'10" x 7'
6' x 9'
8' x 10'

Hand Carved Details

Medium Pile
Cost: $

Hand Tufted
100% Polyester
Made in China

L i m e • White • Blu e • Yellow • Lig ht Blu e • Orange

Collection: Ch i c
Item: CHI-1040 (New)
2' x 3'
3' x 5'
4'10" x 7'
6' x 9'
8' x 10'
C HI-1022

The Perfect Match

Hand Carved Details
Medium Pile
Cost: $ Let Surya’s talented design team help you to locate the perfect rug and
Hand Tufted coordinating accessories for your interior. Just send us a swatch of your
100% Polyester
Made in China
inspiration fabric, and we will combine it with the ideal rug, accent pillows,
luxurious throw and custom art pieces. Complete Accessory Solutions, at
G ray • L i ght Blu e • Lig ht G ray • Ivor y • Nav y • Orange
your service.

www.s m 3 57
Co l l ect i o n : P laygro u n d Col l ecti o n: Play g round Co l l ecti o n: Play g round Co lle c t io n : P lay gro u n d
Item: PLY-6000 Item: PLY-6004 Item: PLY-6003 Item: PLY-6011
4' Round 4' Round 4' Round 4' Round
6' Round 6' Round 6' Round 6' Round
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Looped Texture Looped Texture Looped Texture Looped Texture

Medium Pile Medium Pile Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $
Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Hooked
100% Polyester 100% Polyester 100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China Made in China Made in China

Pa l e P i n k • White Li gh t B l ue • Ch o co l ate Pal e B l ue • Yel l o w • Oran g e B lue • G ray • W hite

Tan •B l ack

Co l l ect i o n : P laygro u n d Col l ecti o n: Play g round Co l l ecti o n: Play g round Co lle c t io n : P lay gro u n d
Item: PLY-6001 Item: PLY-6006 Item: PLY-6007 Item: PLY-6016
4' Round 4' Round 4' Round 4' Round
6' Round 6' Round 6' Round 6' Round
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Looped Texture Looped Texture Looped Texture Looped Texture

Medium Pile Medium Pile Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $
Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Hooked
100% Polyester 100% Polyester 100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China Made in China Made in China

B u tter • W hite Li gh t Green • Ch o co l ate Li gh t Pi nk • Yel l o w • O ran g e Ro y al B lue • B lue

Tan •B l ack L ig ht B lue • W hite

Co l l ect i o n : P laygro u n d Col l ecti o n: Play g round Co l l ecti o n: Play g round Co lle c t io n : P lay gro u n d
Item: PLY-6002 Item: PLY-6008 Item: PLY-6005 Item: PLY-6009
4' Round 4' Round 4' Round 4' Round
6' Round 6' Round 6' Round 6' Round
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Looped Texture Looped Texture Looped Texture Looped Texture

Medium Pile Medium Pile Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $
Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Hooked
100% Polyester 100% Polyester 100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China Made in China Made in China

Pa l e G reen • White Li gh t Pi nk • Ch o co l ate Pal e Green • Yel l o w • O ran g e B lack • W hite • Re d

Tan • B l ack

Col l ecti o n: Play g round Co l l ecti o n: Play g round

Item: PLY-6012 Item: PLY-6010
4' Round 4' Round
6' Round 6' Round
8' Round 8' Round

Looped Texture Looped Texture

Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $
Hand Hooked Hand Hooked
100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

Sky • Green • B l ue-Gray • Red B l ue • Wh i te • Red

Yel l o w • B l ack • Wh i te O range • Yel l o w
Li gh t •Gray

358 www.s m

Col l ect i o n : P laygroun d Collecti o n: Play g round Co l l ecti o n: Play g round Co lle c t io n : P lay gro u n d
Item: PLY-6017 Item: PLY-6026 Item: PLY-6027 Item: PLY-6030
4' Round 4' Round 4' Round 4' Round
6' Round 6' Round 6' Round 6' Round
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Looped Texture Looped Texture Looped Texture Looped Texture

Medium Pile Medium Pile Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $
Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Hooked
100% Polyester 100% Polyester 100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China Made in China Made in China

D a r k Ora n ge • Bla ck Ch o co l ate • Wh i te B l ue • O range • Gray O ran g e • W hite • Re d - O ran g e

L ig ht G re e n • Ye llo w • B lue

Col l ect i o n : P laygroun d Collecti o n: Play g round Co l l ecti o n: Play g round Co lle c t io n : P lay gro u n d
Item: PLY-6018 Item: PLY-6024 Item: PLY-6028 Item: PLY-6031
4' Round 4' Round 4' Round 4' Round
6' Round 6' Round 6' Round 6' Round
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Looped Texture Looped Texture Looped Texture Looped Texture

Medium Pile Medium Pile Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $
Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Hooked
100% Polyester 100% Polyester 100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China Made in China Made in China

G reen • W h i te • Brow n Wh i te • P i nk B l ue • Li gh t B l ue • Wh i te L ig ht B lue • W hite

C ho co late • B lue

Col l ect i o n : P laygroun d Collecti o n: Play g round Co l l ecti o n: Play g round Co lle c t io n : P lay gro u n d
Item: PLY-6020 Item: PLY-6021 Item: PLY-6029 Item: PLY-6032
4' Round 4' Round 4' Round 4' Round
6' Round 6' Round 6' Round 6' Round
8' Round 8' Round 8' Round 8' Round

Looped Texture Looped Texture Looped Texture Looped Texture

Medium Pile Medium Pile Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $ Cost: $
Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Hooked Hand Hooked
100% Polyester 100% Polyester 100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China Made in China Made in China

G reen • W h i te • Red Lig ht Green • Wh i te • Yel l o w Ho t Pi nk • P i nk • Wh i te Pin k • W hite • C ho co late

Pi nk • Red H o t • Pin k

Collec ti o n: Play g round Co l l ecti o n: Play g round

Item: PLY-6022 Item: PLY-6023
4' Round 4' Round
6' Round 6' Round
8' Round 8' Round

Looped Texture Looped Texture

Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $
Hand Hooked Hand Hooked
100% Polyester 100% Polyester
Made in China Made in China

Pi nk • Red • B l ack Pal e Green • Red • B l ack

www.s m 359

Collection: Flirty Co l l e c t i o n : F lirt y
Ite m: FLT-1002 Item: FLT-1058

2'8" x 3'10" 2'8" x 3'10"

3'10" x 5'4" 3'10" x 5'4"
5'4" x 7'8" 5'4" x 7'8"
7'8" x 10'9" 7'8" x 10'9"
2'1" x 7'8" 2'1" x 7'8"
7'8" Round 7'8" Round

Thin Pile Thin Pile

Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Nylon 100% Nylon
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

Pink • White • Bla ck B lue • Ye llo w

Collection: Flirty Co l l e c t i o n : F lirt y

Ite m: FLT-1019 Item: FLT-1008

2'8" x 3'10" 2'8" x 3'10"

3'10" x 5'4" 3'10" x 5'4"
5'4" x 7'8" 5'4" x 7'8"
7'8" x 10'9" 7'8" x 10'9"
2'1" x 7'8" 2'1" x 7'8"
7'8" Round 7'8" Round

Thin Pile Thin Pile

Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Nylon 100% Nylon
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

Roy al Blu e • Lig ht G reen • Bla ck Re d • Pin k

Collection: Flirty Co l l e c t i o n : F lirt y

Ite m: FLT-1003 Item: FLT-1047

2'8" x 3'10" 2'8" x 3'10"

3'10" x 5'4" 3'10" x 5'4"
5'4" x 7'8" 5'4" x 7'8"
7'8" x 10'9" 7'8" x 10'9"
2'1" x 7'8" 2'1" x 7'8"
7'8" Round 7'8" Round

Thin Pile Thin Pile

Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Nylon 100% Nylon
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

Aqu a • Tu r qu oise • Pink • Red • White B lue • Ye llo w

360 www.s m

Collection: Flirty Co l l e c t i o n : F lirt y
Item: FLT-1010 Item: FLT-1045

2'8" x 3'10" 2'8" x 3'10"

3'10" x 5'4" 3'10" x 5'4"
5'4" x 7'8" 5'4" x 7'8"
7'8" x 10'9" 7'8" x 10'9"
2'1" x 7'8" 2'1" x 7'8"
7'8" Round 7'8" Round

Thin Pile Thin Pile

Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made
100% Nylon 100% Nylon
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

Chocolate • Beig e • Pink Pale Ye llo w • W hite

Collection: Flirty Co l l e c t i o n : F lirt y

Item: FLT-1038 Item: FLT-1050

2'8" x 3'10" 2'8" x 3'10"

3'10" x 5'4" 3'10" x 5'4"
5'4" x 7'8" 5'4" x 7'8"
7'8" x 10'9" 7'8" x 10'9"
2'1" x 7'8" 2'1" x 7'8"
7'8" Round 7'8" Round

Thin Pile Thin Pile

Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Nylon 100% Nylon
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

L ave nder • Pu r ple • Chocolate • White Tur q uo is e • W hite

Collection: Flirty Co l l e c t i o n : F lirt y

Item: FLT-1011 Item: FLT-1041

2'8" x 3'10" 2'8" x 3'10"

3'10" x 5'4" 3'10" x 5'4"
5'4" x 7'8" 5'4" x 7'8"
7'8" x 10'9" 7'8" x 10'9"
2'1" x 7'8" 2'1" x 7'8"
7'8" Round 7'8" Round

Thin Pile Thin Pile

Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Nylon 100% Nylon
Made in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A.

B ei ge • A r my • Pink • Lavender • White B l ue • W hite • C ho co late • G ray

www.s m 361

I f you are looking to increase the square footage of your home by creating outdoor
Indoor / O utdoor e n te r ta i n m e n t a n d l e isure areas, consider Surya’s stunning collection of indoor/outdoor rugs.
Our exquisite designs and beautiful color choices will make it possible for your outdoor
s p a c e s t o re f l e c t t h e s a m e s t y l e a n d p e rs o n a l i t y a s y o u r i n d o o r s p a c e s . Co n s t r u c t e d o f 10 0 %
Po l y p r o p y l e n e , r e s i s t a n t t o s t a i n s , h u m i d i t y, a n d U V R a y s , t h e s e r u g s h a v e b e e n c re a t e d
to wi th stan d th e ri g o rs o f a ny c lima te. With a multitud e o f pattern and design options, you r
o n l y d i l e m m a w i l l b e whether to use them inside or out.

RAI-1047 RAI-1011 RAI-1006 RAI-1031


362 www.s m

Collection: Ka u i
Item: KAU-1007
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
8' Round
18" Corner

Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture
Medium Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Hooked
100% Polypropylene
Made in China

B ro w n • Tan • G reen • M int • G old • Lig ht Bro wn

Collection: Ka u i
Item: KAU-1006
2' x 3'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
8' Round
18" Corner

Every Rug Needs a Rug Pad.

Outdoors Safe Adding one of our premium rug pads to your rug purchase not only
Looped Texture
Medium Pile provides additional cushion and durability, but it can also extend the
Cost: $$
life of your favorite rug by absorbing the effects of daily wear and tear.
Hand Hooked
100% Polypropylene Perfect for any floor surface, our quality rug pads ensure that the beauty
Made in China
of your rug will endure for years to come.
Ter ra co tta • Red • Cora l • Khaki • Ora ng e • Bei ge

www.s m 363

Co l l e c t i o n : Ra in
Item: RAI-1031
2' x 3'
3' x 5'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
8' Round
18" Corner

Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture
Medium Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Hooked
100% Polypropylene
Made in China

To mato • S an d • K hak i

Co l l e c t i o n : Ra in
Item: RAI-1046
2' x 3'
3' x 5'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
8' Round
Outdoor Pi ll ows

Need a Custom Sized Rug?

Can’t seem to find a rug to accommodate your unique space? We can help. Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture
More than 800 of our quality area rugs are available for order in custom Medium Pile
Cost: $$
sizes. Whether your space is extra cozy or exceptionally expansive, Surya
Hand Hooked
has a rug that offers the perfect fit. 100% Polypropylene
Made in China

Ch o co late • M o cha • S ag e • B e ig e

364 m
Collection: Kau i Co l l e c t i o n : Ra in
Item: KAU-1003 Item: RAI-1026
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
4' x 6' 3' x 5'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner

Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture
Medium Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Hooked
100% Polypropylene
Made in China

Chocola te • Brow n • Lig ht Bei ge

Collection: Rai n
Item: RAI-1002 Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture
2' x 3' Medium Pile
3' x 5' Cost: $$
5' x 8'
8' x 10' Hand Hooked
9' x 12' 100% Polypropylene
8' Round Made in China

B l ue Gray • Pale B lue • Pale Ye llo w • Rus t O ran g e

Co l l e c t i o n : Ra in
Outdoors Safe Item: RAI-1025
Looped Texture
Medium Pile 2' x 3'
3' x 5'
Cost: $$ 5' x 8'
8' x 10'
Hand Hooked 9' x 12'
100% Polypropylene 8' Round
Made in China

Dar k Brow n • Ta n

Collection: Rai n
Item: RAI-1009
2' x 3'
3' x 5'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
8' Round
18" Corner

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe

Looped Texture Looped Texture
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Hooked Hand Hooked

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in China Made in China

Brown • Da r k Sag e • Ta n • Sa g e • Mi nt D ar k B ro wn • S ag e

www.s m 365

Collection: Rain Co l l e c t i o n : Ra in
Item: RAI-1000 Item: R A I-1014
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3' x 5' 3' x 5'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 18" Corner

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture Looped Texture
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Hooked Hand Hooked

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in China Made in China

Sag e • Br ick • Tan • M int B ro wn • Dark Sage • S ag e • L ig ht B ro wn • Tan • B e ig e • Re d • G ray B lue

Collection: Rain Co l l e c t i o n : Ra in
Item: RAI-1001 Item: RAI-1011
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3' x 5' 3' x 5'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 18" Corner

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture Looped Texture
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Hooked Hand Hooked

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in China Made in China

D a r k Sa g e • Dar k Brow n • Sag e • M int • Blue-Gray B ei ge • Tan • B ro wn • M o s s • D ar k S ag e • S ag e • M in t • B r ick • B lue G ray

Collection: Rain Co l l e c t i o n : Ra in
Item: RAI-1006 Item: R A I-1003
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3' x 5' 3' x 5'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 18" Corner

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture Looped Texture
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Hooked Hand Hooked

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in China Made in China

Beig e • M oss • M int • Cranber r y Pal e B l ue • Tan • B e ig e • M o s s • S ag e • B r ick • M in t • B ro wn

366 www.s m

Collection: Rai n Co l l e c t i o n : Ra in
Item: RAI-1010 Item: RAI-1005
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3' x 5' 3' x 5'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 18" Corner

Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture
Medium Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Hooked
100% Polypropylene
Made in China

B ro wn • M ediu m Brown • Ta n • Sa g e • Mi nt • B l ue Gray

Collection: Rai n Available in 3 colors

Item: RAI-1052 (New) Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture
2' x 3' Medium Pile
3' x 5' Cost: $$
5' x 8'
8' x 10' Hand Hooked
9' x 12' 100% Polypropylene
8' Round Made in China

Tan • D ar k S ag e • S ag e • B lue - G ray

Co l l e c t i o n : Ra in
Outdoors Safe Item: RAI-1040
Looped Texture
Medium Pile 2' x 3'
3' x 5'
Cost: $$ 5' x 8'
8' x 10'
Hand Hooked 9' x 12'
100% Polypropylene 8' Round
Made in China 18" Corner

B u rgu ndy • Dar k G reen • Sag e • G old • Coral • B ro wn • Tan

Collection: Rai n
Item: RAI-1004
2' x 3'
3' x 5'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
8' Round
18" Corner

Available in 3 colors Available in 3 colors

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture Looped Texture
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Hooked Hand Hooked

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in China Made in China

M oss • Dar k Sa g e • Sa g e • Mi nt Li ght B lue • G re e n • G o ld • Rus t

www.s m 3 67
Collection: Rain Co l l e c t i o n : Ra in
Item: RAI-1043 Item: R A I-1045
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3' x 5' 3' x 5'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 18" Corner

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe

Looped Texture Looped Texture
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Hooked Hand Hooked

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in China Made in China

Brow n • Chocolate S ag e • S ilve r • L ig ht S ag e

Collection: Rain Co l l e c t i o n : Ra in
Item: RAI-1044 Item: RAI-1049
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3' x 5' 3' x 5'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 18" Corner

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe

Looped Texture Looped Texture
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Hooked Hand Hooked

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in China Made in China

Ta n • Brow n Pale B lue • S k y • I vo r y

Collection: Rain Co l l e c t i o n : Ra in
Item: RAI-1048 Item: R A I-1047
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3' x 5' 3' x 5'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner 18" Corner

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe

Looped Texture Looped Texture
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Hooked Hand Hooked

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in China Made in China

Bieg e • Brown Co ral • Re d • Rus t

368 www.s m

Collection : Ra i n Co l l e c t i o n : Ra in
Item: RAI-1021 Item: RAI-1050
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3' x 5' 3' x 5'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
8' Round 8' Round

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture Looped Texture
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Hooked Hand Hooked

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in China Made in China

B ei ge • Brown • Da r k G reen • Sa g e • M int • Wh i te Ch o co l ate • Pale B lue • Tan • B e ig e • B utte r • S ag e

G re e n • Rus t

Collection : Ra i n Co l l e c t i o n : Ra in
Item: RAI-1023 Item: RAI-1051
2' x 3' 2' x 3'
3' x 5' 3' x 5'
5' x 8' 5' x 8'
8' x 10' 8' x 10'
9' x 12' 9' x 12'
8' Round 8' Round
18" Corner

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe

Looped Texture Looped Texture
Medium Pile Medium Pile
Cost: $$ Cost: $$

Hand Hooked Hand Hooked

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in China Made in China

C h o co l a te • Bu rg u ndy • Cora l • Sag e • Da r k G reen • Go l d Si l ver Sage • M o s s • B e ig e • Tan • G o ld • S ag e

Ivor y • Ta n • Brow n G re e n • Rus t

www.s m 369

Collec tion: Rain
I tem: R A I- 10 5 6 ( N ew)
2' x 3'
3' x 5'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
8' Round

Available in 3 colors
Loop Details
Outdoors Safe
Plush Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Hooked
100% Polypropylene
Made in China
I vory • Sage • Gree n • Brown • Ta n • Re d • Cora l • G ol d • Bl ue

Collec tion: Rain

I tem: R A I- 10 5 4 ( N ew)
2' x 3'
3' x 5'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'
8' Round

Available in 3 colors
Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture
Medium Pile
Cost: $$
Hand Hooked
100% Polypropylene
Made in China
Chocolate • Brow n • G re e n • Sa ge • Cora l • Ta n • Be i ge • I vory

Collec tion: Rain

I tem: R A I- 10 5 8 ( N ew)
2' x 3'
3' x 5'
5' x 8'
8' x 10'
9' x 12'

8' Round

Friendly Check Out Policy

Surya’s clients can utilize our ‘Check-Out Policy’ to order a 2’x3' or 18" Available in 3 colors
Loop Details
corner sample of any rug within our vast collection. This sample will allow Outdoors Safe
Plush Pile
you to illustrate the color, fiber, texture, and feel of the rug to your customer. Cost: $$

And, you can either sell the rug to your customer, or return it within 90 days Hand Hooked
100% Polypropylene
and pay only the cost of shipping. Made in China
Ch ocol a te • Be i ge • Re d

370 m
Collection: Rai n Co l l e c t i o n : A lfresco
Item: RAI-1036 Item: ALF-9 517
2' x 3' 2'3" x 4'6"
3' x 5' 3'6" x 5'6"
5' x 8' 5'3" x 7'6"
8' x 10' 6' x 9'
9' x 12' 7'6" x 10'9"
8' Round 8'9" x 12'9"
18" Corner 2'3" x 7'9"
2'3" x 11'9"
5'3" Round
7'3" Round
8'9" Round

7'3" Square
8'9" Square

Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture
Medium Pile
Cost: $$

Hand Hooked
100% Polypropylene
Made in China

C hocola te • Pale Blu e • M ocha • Ta n • Red O range

Collection: Rai n Available in 3 colors

Item: RAI-1037 Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture
2' x 3' Thin Pile
3' x 5' Cost: $
5' x 8'
8' x 10' Machine Made
9' x 12' 100% Polypropylene
8' Round Made in Egypt

Tan • B lack

Co l l e c t i o n : A lfresco
Outdoors Safe Item: ALF-9 516
Looped Texture
Medium Pile 2'3" x 4'6"
3'6" x 5'6"
Cost: $$ 5'3" x 7'6"
6' x 9'
Hand Hooked 7'6" x 10'9"
100% Polypropylene 8'9" x 12'9"
Made in China 2'3" x 7'9"
2'3" x 11'9"
5'3" Round
Pa le Blu e • G ra ss • G reen • Ru st • G old • O ff Wh i te 7'3" Round
8'9" Round
7'3" Square
8'9" Square

Collection: Alfre s co
Item: ALF-9518
2'3" x 4'6"
3'6" x 5'6"
5'3" x 7'6"
6' x 9'
7'6" x 10'9"
8'9" x 12'9"
2'3" x 7'9"
2'3" x 11'9"
5'3" Round
7'3" Round
8'9" Round
7'3" Square
8'9" Square
18" Corner
Available in 3 colors
Available in 3 colors Outdoors Safe
Outdoors Safe Looped Texture
Looped Texture Thin Pile
Thin Pile Cost: $
Cost: $
Machine Made
Machine Made 100% Polypropylene
100% Polypropylene Made in Egypt
Made in Egypt
Ta n • Brow n Tan • G re e n

www.s m 371

Collection: Alfresco Co l l e c t i o n : A lf re s co
Ite m: ALF-9510 Item: A LF-9547
2'3" x 4'6" 2'3" x 4'6"
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
7'6" x 10'9" 7'6" x 10'9"
8'9" x 12'9" 8'9" x 12'9"
2'3" x 7'9" 2'3" x 7'9"
2'3" x 11'9" 2'3" x 11'9"
5'3" Round 5'3" Round
7'3" Round 7'3" Round

8'9" Round 8'9" Round

7'3" Square 7'3" Square
8'9" Square 8'9" Square
18" Corner

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe

Looped Texture Looped Texture
Thin Pile Thin Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in Egypt Made in Egypt

Beig e • G reen • Black • Brown B lack • S ag e • B e ig e

Collection: Alfresco Co l l e c t i o n : A lf re s co
Ite m: ALF-9514 Item: ALF-9513
2'3" x 4'6" 2'3" x 4'6"
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
7'6" x 10'9" 7'6" x 10'9"
8'9" x 12'9" 8'9" x 12'9"
2'3" x 7'9" 2'3" x 7'9"
2'3" x 11'9" 2'3" x 11'9"
5'3" Round 5'3" Round
7'3" Round 7'3" Round
8'9" Round 8'9" Round
7'3" Square 7'3" Square
8'9" Square 8'9" Square
18" Corner

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe

Looped Texture Looped Texture
Thin Pile Thin Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in Egypt Made in Egypt

Bla ck • Tan • Brown Tan • B ro wn • G re e n

Collection: Alfresco Co l l e c t i o n : A lf re s co
Ite m: ALF-9502 Item: A LF-9541
2'3" x 4'6" 2'3" x 4'6"
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
7'6" x 10'9" 7'6" x 10'9"
8'9" x 12'9" 8'9" x 12'9"
2'3" x 7'9" 2'3" x 7'9"
2'3" x 11'9" 2'3" x 11'9"
5'3" Round 5'3" Round
7'3" Round 7'3" Round
8'9" Round 8'9" Round
7'3" Square 7'3" Square
8'9" Square 8'9" Square

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe

Looped Texture Looped Texture
Thin Pile Thin Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in Egypt Made in Egypt

Tan • Olive B lack • B ro wn • G re e n • S ag e • Tan

372 www.s m

Collection: Alfresco Co l l e c t i o n : A lf re s co
Item: ALF-9549 Item: A LF-9506
2'3" x 4'6" 2'3" x 4'6"
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
7'6" x 10'9" 7'6" x 10'9"
8'9" x 12'9" 8'9" x 12'9"
2'3" x 7'9" 2'3" x 7'9"
2'3" x 11'9" 2'3" x 11'9"
5'3" Round 5'3" Round
7'3" Round 7'3" Round

8'9" Round 8'9" Round
7'3" Square 7'3" Square
8'9" Square 8'9" Square
18" Corner

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe

Looped Texture Looped Texture
Thin Pile Thin Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in Egypt Made in Egypt

Sag e • Beig e Gre e n • Tan • B ro wn • D ar k B ro wn

Collection: Alfresco Co l l e c t i o n : A lf re s co
Item: ALF-9503 Item: ALF-9504
2'3" x 4'6" 2'3" x 4'6"
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
7'6" x 10'9" 7'6" x 10'9"
8'9" x 12'9" 8'9" x 12'9"
2'3" x 7'9" 2'3" x 7'9"
2'3" x 11'9" 2'3" x 11'9"
5'3" Round 5'3" Round
7'3" Round 7'3" Round
8'9" Round 8'9" Round
7'3" Square 7'3" Square
8'9" Square 8'9" Square
18" Corner 18" Corner

Available in 2 colors Available in 2 colors

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe
Looped Texture Looped Texture
Thin Pile Thin Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $
Machine Made Machine Made
100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in Egypt Made in Egypt
Beig e • G reen • Brow n Tan • Re d • B lack

Collection: Alfresco Co l l e c t i o n : A lf re s co
Item: ALF-9563 Item: A LF-9507
2'3" x 4'6" 2'3" x 4'6"
3'6" x 5'6" 3'6" x 5'6"
5'3" x 7'6" 5'3" x 7'6"
6' x 9' 6' x 9'
7'6" x 10'9" 7'6" x 10'9"
8'9" x 12'9" 8'9" x 12'9"
2'3" x 7'9" 2'3" x 7'9"
2'3" x 11'9" 2'3" x 11'9"
5'3" Round 5'3" Round
7'3" Round 7'3" Round
8'9" Round 8'9" Round
7'3" Square 7'3" Square
8'9" Square 8'9" Square
18" Corner

Outdoors Safe Outdoors Safe

Looped Texture Looped Texture
Thin Pile Thin Pile
Cost: $ Cost: $

Machine Made Machine Made

100% Polypropylene 100% Polypropylene
Made in Egypt Made in Egypt

Sag e • Beig e • Brown B lack • Re d • B e ig e

www.s m 373

Rug Pad

Surya is pleased to introduce our quality rug pads, designed

to maximize your rug selection. Purchasing a rug can
b e a s u b s t a n t i a l i n v e s t m e n t t h a t p ro v i d e s c o m f o r t a n d
beauty to your home, and the addition of one of our
q u a l it y ru g pad s can en s ure th a t yo u will be a ble to en joy
your favorite rug for years to come. Utilizing a rug pad
n o t o n l y e n h a n ce s t h e l ook and functionality of your rug
b y a d d i n g c u s h i o n a n d preventing slipping , but it will also
extend the life of your rug.

Benefits Collection: Cushion Rug Pad

item: PAD-C (For use on any hard surface)

• Extends the life of your rug as the PAD-F AND PAD-C

2' x 3'
pad absorbs traffic wear and tear. 2' x 4'
3' x 5'
4' x 6'
5' x 8'
• Help avoid accidents from 6' x 9'
8' x 10'
slipping on moving rugs and 8' x 11'
9' x 12'
9' x 13'
tripping on turned up edges. 10' x 14'
12' x 15'
2' x 8'
2'6" x 10'
• Our Felt Rug Pad is reversible,
3' x 12'
3' Round
designed for use on all floor 4' Round
6' Round
8' Round
types; hard surface and carpet.
9'9" Round
8' Square
9'9" Square
• Pad can be rolled with rug for 6' x 9' Oval
8' x 10' Oval
12' x 60' Roll
your convenience (additional fee). Custom Sizes Available
Collection: Felted Rug Pad
item: PAD-F (For use on any surface)

374 www.s m

Wall Art* ER139A��������������� LS107A���������������� SP115A����������������� P-0061������������������������� pg.49 PC-1003���������������������� pg.50 Accessory Packages
AB110A����������������������� pg.35 ER140A��������������� LS225A ��������������� SP122A ��������������� P-0062������������������������� pg.44 PC-1004���������������������� pg.50 Agatha������������������������� pg.21
AB111A ����������������������� pg.35 ER141A ����������������������� pg.37 LS227A ��������������� SP123A ����������������������� pg.41 P-0066������������������������� pg.43 PC-1005���������������������� pg.50 Alice Springs��������������� pg.27
AB165A����������������������� pg.40 HO111A����������������������� pg.35 LS919E����������������� SP124A ����������������������� pg.39 P-0068������������������������� pg.43 PC-1006���������������������� pg.50 Alpha����������������������������pg.19
AB166A����������������������� pg.40 HO112A����������������������� pg.35 LS920E����������������� SP126A ����������������������� pg.39 P-0073������������������������� pg.49 PC-1007���������������������� pg.50 Amsterdam����������������� pg.26
AB167A����������������������� pg.40 JA190A ��������������� LS921E������������������������� pg.41 SP132A ��������������� P-0074������������������������� pg.46 PC-1008���������������������� pg.50 Aurora������������������������� pg.21
AB168A����������������������� pg.40 JA191A����������������� LS922E������������������������� pg.41 TA912E����������������� P-0083������������������������� pg.45 PC-1009���������������������� pg.50 Baja������������������������������� pg.23
AB173A����������������������� pg.41 JA192A ��������������� LS923E������������������������� pg.36 TA913E����������������� P-0085������������������������� pg.43 PC-1010����������������������� pg.50 Bakers Mill ����������������� pg.29
AB174A����������������������� pg.41 JA193A ��������������� LS924E����������������� TG175A��������������� P-0087������������������������� pg.43 PC-1101����������������������� pg.50 Bali ��������������������������������pg.19
AB177A��������������� JA236A����������������������� pg.40 LS925E����������������� TG176A��������������� P-0100������������������������� pg.47 PC-1102����������������������� pg.50 Barcelona��������������������� pg.26
AB178A��������������� JA237A ����������������������� pg.40 LS926E����������������� TG177A��������������� P-0103������������������������� pg.47 PC-1103����������������������� pg.50 Beleize������������������������� pg.21
AB179A����������������������� pg.36 JA257A ����������������������� pg.40 LS937E����������������� TG178A��������������� P-0104������������������������� pg.47 PC-1104����������������������� pg.50 Berlin��������������������������� pg.20
AB180A����������������������� pg.36 JA258A��������������� LS938E����������������� TG181A��������������� P-0106������������������������� pg.47 PC-1105����������������������� pg.50 Brianna������������������������� pg.22
AB181A��������������� JA263A��������������� LS939E����������������� TG182A��������������� P-0108������������������������� pg.47 PC-1106����������������������� pg.50 Brittney����������������������� pg.27
AB182A��������������� JA265A��������������� LS940E����������������� TG191A��������������� P-0111��������������������������� pg.47 PC-1201����������������������� pg.48 Broadway��������������������� pg.20
AB183A��������������� JA267A ��������������� LS945E����������������� TG192A����������������������� pg.37 P-0119 ������������������������� pg.47 PC-1202����������������������� pg.47 Buffet��������������������������� pg.25
AB184A��������������� JA270A ����������������������� pg.34 LS946E������������������������� pg.35 TG193A����������������������� pg.37 P-0120������������������������� pg.42 PC-1203����������������������� pg.45 Carmen����������������������� pg.27
AB185A��������������� JA272A ��������������� LS947E����������������� TG194A��������������� P-0123������������������������� pg.42 PCAP-1003����������������� pg.47 Century����������������������� pg.22
AB188A��������������� JA273A ��������������� LS948E����������������� TG198A����������������������� pg.39 P-0124������������������������� pg.42 PG-59��������������������������� pg.44 Cha-Cha����������������������� pg.23
AB189A����������������������� pg.37 JA274A������������������������ pg.36 MB123A ��������������������� pg.34 TG199A����������������������� pg.39 P-0126������������������������� pg.42 PL-9001����������������������� pg.46 Chelsea ����������������������� pg.20
JA275A ����������������������� pg.34 MB126A ��������������������� pg.34 TG200A����������������������� pg.36 P-0127������������������������� pg.42 PL-9002����������������������� pg.48 Chiquita����������������������� pg.27
AB190A����������������������� pg.37
JA276A ����������������������� pg.34 MD118A������������� TG201A����������������������� pg.36 P-0130������������������������� pg.42 PL-9004����������������������� pg.48 Columbus�������������������pg.24
JA277A ��������������� MD119A������������� TG204A����������������������� pg.38 P-0136������������������������� pg.47 PL-9005����������������������� pg.49 Costa Rica������������������� pg.21
AB194A����������������������� pg.38
JA278A ��������������� MD120A������������� TG205A����������������������� pg.38 PMH-118��������������������� pg.42 Cozumel ��������������������� pg.22
AB195A����������������������� pg.38 P-0148������������������������� pg.45
TG208A��������������� Cubism������������������������� pg.22
AB196A����������������������� pg.35 JA279A ����������������������� pg.34 MD121A������������� P-0149������������������������� pg.45 PMH-119��������������������� pg.42
TG209A��������������� Disco�����������������������������pg.19
AB197A����������������������� pg.35 JA280A����������������������� pg.36 MD122A��������������������� pg.39 P-0150������������������������� pg.49 PMH-120 ������������������� pg.42
V00056����������������������� pg.38 Elizabeth��������������������� pg.23
AB201A��������������� JA281A ����������������������� pg.36 MD123A��������������������� pg.39 P-0162������������������������� pg.49 PMH-121��������������������� pg.42
V00057����������������������� pg.38 Fame����������������������������� pg.22
AB202A��������������� JA282A��������������� MD124A��������������������� pg.39 P-0163������������������������� pg.48 PMH-122 ������������������� pg.42 Frisco ��������������������������� pg.22
AB203A��������������� JA283A��������������� MD125A��������������������� pg.39 V00074����������������������� pg.38 P-0166������������������������� pg.45 PSEA-121��������������������� pg.48
V00080����������������������� pg.38 Gates ��������������������������� pg.25
AB204A����������������������� pg.35 JA284A����������������������� pg.37 MD133A��������������������� pg.39 P-0167������������������������� pg.44 PSEA-121A����������������� pg.48 Genesis ������������������������pg.19
AB205A����������������������� pg.35 JA285A����������������������� pg.37 MD141A��������������������� pg.34 V00160 ����������������������� pg.38 P-0168������������������������� pg.45 PSR-106B��������������������� pg.46 Getty ��������������������������� pg.25
AB929E��������������� JA297A ����������������������� pg.38 MD142A��������������������� pg.34 V00307����������������������� pg.38 P-0169������������������������� pg.49 PSR-113A��������������������� pg.45 Gilda����������������������������� pg.24
AB930E��������������� JA298A����������������������� pg.38 MH129A��������������������� pg.35 Pillows P-0171 ������������������������� pg.44 PSR-113B��������������������� pg.45 Gracie��������������������������� pg.22
AK144A��������������� JA919E����������������� MH130A��������������������� pg.35 AG-0001��������������������� pg.48 P-0173 ������������������������� pg.46 PSTS-9019������������������� pg.49 Hamilton��������������������� pg.29
AK148A����������������������� pg.38 JA927E������������������������� pg.41 MH143A������������� AG-0002��������������������� pg.45 P-0176 ������������������������� pg.44 PSTS-9020 ����������������� pg.46 Heather����������������������� pg.26
AK149A����������������������� pg.38 JA928E������������������������� pg.41 MH144A������������� BT-1100����������������������� pg.48 P-0178������������������������� pg.45 PSTS-9021 ����������������� pg.45 Hillsdale����������������������� pg.27
AP134A��������������� JA929A����������������������� pg.41 MP136A ��������������������� pg.41 BT-1102����������������������� pg.49 P-0179������������������������� pg.44 SP-1201����������������������� pg.44 Holly����������������������������� pg.26
AP135A��������������� JA929E����������������� OM129A������������� BT-1103����������������������� pg.47 P-0180������������������������� pg.48 TT-1304����������������������� pg.47 Hornsby����������������������� pg.29
AP146A����������������������� pg.34 JA930E����������������� PJ150A����������������� BT-1104����������������������� pg.43 P-0181������������������������� pg.47 TT-1305����������������������� pg.45 Hughes������������������������� pg.24
AP147A����������������������� pg.34 JA931E����������������� PJ151A����������������� BT-1105����������������������� pg.44 P-0182������������������������� pg.47 WL-1404��������������������� pg.45 Isabella������������������������� pg.28
AP150A����������������������� pg.36 JA932E����������������� PJ159A������������������������� pg.35 FI-1002������������������������� pg.47 P-0188������������������������� pg.47 WL-1405��������������������� pg.44 Jefferson��������������������� pg.25
AP151A����������������������� pg.36 JA933E����������������� PJ160A������������������������� pg.35 FI-1003������������������������� pg.46 P-0197������������������������� pg.46 Jennifer����������������������� pg.21
JA934E����������������� PJ166A������������������������� pg.38 P-0198������������������������� pg.46
AR102A��������������� FU-2003 ��������������������� pg.46 TEE-1001��������������������� pg.53 Joan ����������������������������� pg.28
AR103A��������������� JA935E����������������� PJ167A������������������������� pg.38 FU-2004 ��������������������� pg.46 P-0201������������������������� pg.46 Kraven������������������������� pg.22
TEE-1003 ������������������� pg.53
AR113A��������������� JA944E������������������������� pg.30 PJ168������������������� FU-2005 ��������������������� pg.46 P-0204������������������������� pg.48 LA��������������������������������� pg.26
TEE-1004 ������������������� pg.53
AR114A��������������� JA945E������������������������� pg.30 PJ168A������������������������� pg.36 GM-3001 ������������������� pg.45 P-0206������������������������� pg.48 Laura����������������������������� pg.28
TEE-1005 ������������������� pg.53
AR115A��������������� JA946E����������������� PJ169A������������������������� pg.36 GM-3002������������������� pg.44 P-0208������������������������� pg.48 London ����������������������� pg.20
TEE-1006 ������������������� pg.53 Lucianna ��������������������� pg.28
AR118A��������������� JA947E����������������� PJ178A������������������������� pg.37 GM-3004������������������� pg.48 P-0209������������������������� pg.48
TEE-1007 ������������������� pg.53 Lucille��������������������������� pg.24
AR119A����������������������� pg.41 JA948E����������������� PJ179A������������������������� pg.37 GM-3005������������������� pg.47 P-0211������������������������� pg.44
TEE-1008 ������������������� pg.53 Madrid��������������������������pg.19
AR121A����������������������� pg.41 JA949E����������������� PJ905E����������������� KH-4003��������������������� pg.45 P-0213������������������������� pg.43
TEE-1009 ������������������� pg.53 Mambo����������������������� pg.23
AR123A��������������� JD104A����������������������� pg.41 PJ906E����������������� LT-5001����������������������� pg.44 P-0216������������������������� pg.49
TIA-1000��������������������� pg.53 Michelle����������������������� pg.28
AR124A��������������� JD105A��������������� PJ910E������������������������� pg.34 LT-5002����������������������� pg.45 P-0217������������������������� pg.49
TIA-1001��������������������� pg.53 Milan ��������������������������� pg.20
BD157A����������������������� pg.40 JD106A����������������������� pg.37 PJ911E������������������������� pg.34 NP-7001��������������������� pg.45 P-0219������������������������� pg.46
TIA-1003��������������������� pg.53 Monroe����������������������� pg.20
BD158A����������������������� pg.40 JD118A���������������� PJ912E����������������� NP-7002��������������������� pg.46 P-0223������������������������� pg.43
TIA-1004��������������������� pg.53 Monticello ����������������� pg.24
BD905E��������������� JD119A����������������� PJ913E����������������� OD-8001��������������������� pg.49 P-0225������������������������� pg.44
TIA-1005��������������������� pg.53 Mosley������������������������� pg.29
BD906E��������������� JD129A����������������������� pg.40 PJ922E������������������������� pg.37 P-0001������������������������� pg.43 P-0226������������������������� pg.44
TIA-1006��������������������� pg.53 Oslo����������������������������� pg.27
BD907E����������������������� pg.34 JD130A����������������������� pg.41 PJ923E������������������������� pg.37 P-0002������������������������� pg.48 P-0228������������������������� pg.43
TIA-1007��������������������� pg.53 Palm Springs��������������� pg.23
BD908E����������������������� pg.34 JD131A ����������������������� pg.41 PK118A ��������������� P-0004������������������������� pg.44 P-0229������������������������� pg.48
TMR-2000 ����������������� pg.53 Panama ����������������������� pg.23
BE223A����������������������� pg.30 JD132A����������������������� pg.38 PK119A ��������������� P-0007������������������������� pg.48 P-0230������������������������� pg.44
TMR-2001 ����������������� pg.53 Pembroke������������������� pg.21
BE224A��������������� JD133A����������������������� pg.38 PK157A��������������� P-0008������������������������� pg.43 P-0233������������������������� pg.43
TMR-2002 ����������������� pg.53 Retro����������������������������� pg.20
BE254A����������������������� pg.40 JD141A ��������������� PK158A��������������� P-0009������������������������� pg.47 P-0235������������������������� pg.43
TMR-2003 ����������������� pg.53 Rialto ��������������������������� pg.27
BE255A����������������������� pg.40 JD143A����������������������� pg.41 PK164A����������������������� pg.34 P-0010������������������������� pg.45 P-0237������������������������� pg.43
TMR-2004 ����������������� pg.53 Ridgemont����������������� pg.24
BE268A��������������� JP103A����������������� PK165A����������������������� pg.34 P-0013������������������������� pg.49 P-0239������������������������� pg.51
TMR-2005 ����������������� pg.53 Ringo����������������������������pg.19
BE269A��������������� JP104A����������������� PK166A��������������� P-0016������������������������� pg.47 P-0240������������������������� pg.51
TOB-1001������������������� pg.52 Rio����������������������������������pg.19
BE292A����������������������� pg.38 JQ903E����������������������� pg.36 PK167A����������������������� pg.37 P-0017������������������������� pg.43 P-0241������������������������� pg.51
TOB-1002������������������� pg.52 Rockfeller ������������������� pg.25
BE293A����������������������� pg.38 JQ904E����������������������� pg.36 PK168A����������������������� pg.37 P-0020������������������������� pg.45 P-0242������������������������� pg.51
TOB-1003������������������� pg.52 Sahara��������������������������� pg.26
BE296A����������������������� pg.34 KC174A����������������������� pg.35 PK169A��������������� P-0022������������������������� pg.46 P-0243������������������������� pg.51
TOB-1004������������������� pg.52 Somerset��������������������� pg.29
BE297A����������������������� pg.34 KC175A����������������������� pg.35 PK907E��������������� P-0024������������������������� pg.49 P-0244������������������������� pg.51
TOB-1005������������������� pg.52 Sophia ������������������������� pg.23
BE906E ��������������� KC253A����������������������� pg.35 PK908E��������������� P-0025������������������������� pg.43 P-0245������������������������� pg.51
TOB-1006������������������� pg.52 Springfield������������������� pg.24
BE907E ��������������� KC256A��������������� PK909E����������������������� pg.36 P-0026������������������������� pg.49 P-0246������������������������� pg.51 Stylist����������������������������pg.19
TOB-1007������������������� pg.52
BE916E����������������� KC257A��������������� PK910E������������������������� pg.37 P-0027������������������������� pg.46 P-0247������������������������� pg.51 Susan ��������������������������� pg.28
TOB-1008������������������� pg.52
BE917E����������������� KC258A����������������������� pg.39 RL138A ��������������� P-0031������������������������� pg.48 P-0248������������������������� pg.51 Sydney������������������������� pg.26
TOB-1009������������������� pg.52
BE918E����������������� KC259A����������������������� pg.39 RL139A ��������������� P-0033������������������������� pg.49 P-0249������������������������� pg.51 Tango��������������������������� pg.23
TOB-1010������������������� pg.52
BE919E����������������� KC926E��������������� RL149A ��������������� P-0035������������������������� pg.45 P-0250������������������������� pg.51 Tara������������������������������� pg.28
TST-2000��������������������� pg.53
BE920E ��������������� KC927E��������������� RL150A ��������������� P-0038������������������������� pg.43 P-0251������������������������� pg.51 Terry Town����������������� pg.29
TST-2001��������������������� pg.53
BE921E����������������� KW155A��������������������� pg.39 SA220A��������������� P-0040������������������������� pg.46 P-0252������������������������� pg.51 Thomas����������������������� pg.21
TST-2002��������������������� pg.53
BE934E ��������������� KW156A��������������������� pg.39 SA221A��������������� P-0041������������������������� pg.44 P-0253������������������������� pg.51 Times Square������������� pg.20
TST-2003��������������������� pg.53
BE935E ��������������� LG124A����������������������� pg.37 SA223A����������������������� pg.40 P-0042������������������������� pg.44 P-0254������������������������� pg.51 Tokyo��������������������������� pg.26
TST-2004��������������������� pg.53
CB134A����������������������� pg.39 LG125A����������������������� pg.37 SA224A����������������������� pg.40 P-0043������������������������� pg.46 P-0255������������������������� pg.51 Vanderbilt������������������� pg.25
TST-2005��������������������� pg.53
CB135A����������������������� pg.39 LG126A����������������������� pg.37 SA225A��������������� P-0044������������������������� pg.43 P-0256������������������������� pg.51 Warren������������������������� pg.29
TST-2006��������������������� pg.53
DE178A��������������� LG137A��������������� SJ189A������������������������� pg.36 P-0045������������������������� pg.43 P-0257������������������������� pg.44 Washington ��������������� pg.25
DE179A��������������� LG138A��������������� SJ190A������������������������� pg.36 P-0048������������������������� pg.44 PART-66����������������������� pg.48 Poufs Wesley������������������������� pg.21
DE919E ����������������������� pg.35 LG140A����������������������� pg.34 SJ281A����������������� P-0049������������������������� pg.43 PBST-428��������������������� pg.47 POUF-1����������������������� pg.52 Westbrook ����������������� pg.29
DE926E��������������� LG141A��������������� SJ282A����������������� P-0055������������������������� pg.43 PBST-428C����������������� pg.46 POUF-2����������������������� pg.52 Whitney����������������������� pg.28
DE927E��������������� LG144A����������������������� pg.35 SL125A������������������������� pg.30 P-0056������������������������� pg.46 PC-1001����������������������� pg.50 POUF-3����������������������� pg.52 Wilson������������������������� pg.24
ER138A����������������������� pg.37 LS106A���������������� SP114A����������������� P-0060������������������������� pg.49 PC-1002���������������������� pg.50 POUF-4����������������������� pg.52 Winfrey����������������������� pg.25
* Not all wall art images are in the catalog. Please visit to find the complete selection. www.s m 37 5
Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures
A-101 A-103 A-108 A-109 A-110 A-111 A-113 A-114
pg.295 pg.295 pg.295 pg.296 pg.296 pg.296 pg.297 pg.297
Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

A-115 A-116 A-117 A-118 A-125 A-128 A-134 A-135

pg.297 pg.296 pg.293 pg.295 pg.298 pg.293 pg.298 pg.298
Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures

Ancient Treasures



A-137 A-141 (New) A-142 (New) A-143 (New) A-144 (New) AB-32 AB-33 ACH-1700
pg.298 pg.231 pg.231 pg.294 pg.294 pg.325 pg.325 pg.93







AIN-1000 AIN-1001 AIN-1002 ALE-2702 ALE-2704 ALE-2709 ALE-2710 ALF-9502
pg.263 pg.262 pg.263 pg.286 pg.285 pg.285 pg.286 pg.372







ALF-9503 ALF-9504 ALF-9506 ALF-9507 ALF-9510 ALF-9513 ALF-9514 ALF-9516
pg.373 pg.373 pg.373 pg.373 pg.372 pg.372 pg.372 pg.353, 371







ALF-9517 ALF-9518 ALF-9541 ALF-9547 ALF-9549 ALF-9563 AMZ-7000 (New) AMZ-7001 (New)
pg.353, 371 pg.353, 371 pg.372 pg.372 pg.373 pg.373 pg.248 pg.248








AMZ-7002 (New) ANA-8402 ANA-8403 ANT-9702 ANT-9703 ANT-9708 (New) AROS-1 AROS-2
pg.248 pg.284 pg.284 pg.276 pg.276 pg.276 pg.101 pg.101

376 www.s m








pg.101 pg.101 pg.101 pg.101 pg.101 pg.101 pg.101 pg.101








AROS-11 AROS-12 AROS-13 AROS-15 ARS-3800 ARS-3807 ARS-3818 ARS-3821
pg.101 pg.101 pg.101 pg.101 pg.108 pg.108 pg.108 pg.108



Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio
ARS-3822 ARS-3827 ARS-3829 ART-55 ART-59 ART-62 ART-66 ART-78
pg.108 pg.108 pg.108 pg.164 pg.160 pg.160 pg.162, 226 pg.163
Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio
ART-81 ART-83 ART-84 ART-85 ART-87 ART-99 ART-190 ART-191
pg.163 pg.120 pg.120 pg.120 pg.160 pg.164 pg.162, 226 pg.162, 226
Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio
ART-192 ART-193 ART-195 ART-206 ART-212 ART-219 ART-220 ART-221
pg.161, 226 pg.161, 226 pg.161, 226 pg.163 pg.117 pg.120 pg.120 pg.120
Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio

Artist Studio




ART-224 ART-225 ART-229 (New) ART-230 (New) ASH-1300 ASH-1305 ATH-5000 ATH-5001 (New)
pg.163 pg.163 pg.225 pg.225 pg.105 pg.105 pg.241 pg.242








ATH-5003 ATH-5006 ATH-5008 ATH-5017 (New) ATH-5019 (New) ATL-5990 ATL-6001 ATL-6013
pg.243 pg.242 pg.241 pg.242 pg.242 pg.119 pg.119 pg.119

www.s m 37 7







ATL-6014 ATL-6015 AUG-9304 AUG-9305 AUG-9311 AUG-9320 AUG-9326 AUG-9329
pg.119 pg.119 pg.327 pg.327 pg.255 pg.353 pg.200 pg.255








AUG-9331 BL-1041 BL-1902 BLV-8000 BLV-8003 BLV-8004 BLV-8005 BLV-8006

pg.255 pg.287 pg.287 pg.106 pg.106 pg.106 pg.106 pg.106







BLV-8007 BLV-8008 BRK-3300 BSL-7100 BSL-7101 BSL-7103 BSL-7104 BSL-7105
pg.106 pg.106 pg.104 pg.239 pg.239 pg.238 pg.239 pg.240







BSL-7106 BSL-7108 BSL-7109 BSL-7111 BSL-7112 BSL-7128 (New) BSL-7131 (New) BSL-7132 (New)
pg.240 pg.238 pg.240 pg.240 pg.239 pg.236 pg.236 pg.236







BSL-7133 (New) BSL-7134 (New) BSL-7135 (New) BSL-7136 (New) BSL-7137 (New) BST-355 BST-421 BST-428
pg.236 pg.237 pg.237 pg.237 pg.237 pg.209 pg.299 pg.159







BST-435 BST-444 BST-471 BST-479 BST-493 BST-495 BST-496 BST-498
pg.159 pg.299 pg.210 pg.159 pg.158 pg.158 pg.158 pg.211








BST-506 BST-508 BST-509 BST-510 (New) BST-511 (New) BST-512 (New) CAB-901 CAB-929
pg.209 pg.209 pg.209 pg.210 pg.210 pg.210 pg.164 pg.164

378 www.s m








CAE-1001 CAE-1003 CAE-1004 CAE-1005 CAE-1007 CAE-1009 CAE-1010 CAE-1012 (New)
pg.309 pg.309 pg.307 pg.307 pg.310 pg.309 pg.309 pg.307








CAE-1022 (New) CAE-1024 (New) CAE-1027 (New) CAE-1028 (New) CAE-1029 (New) CAE-1031 (New) CAE-1032 (New) CAE-1033 (New)
pg.308 pg.308 pg.310 pg.311 pg.311 pg.312 pg.312 pg.313


Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics
CAE-1034 (New) CAE-1036 (New) CAN-1901 CAN-1902 CAN-1903 CAN-1904 CAN-1906 CAN-1907
pg.313 pg.314 pg.71 pg.71 pg.63 pg.63 pg.63 pg.64
Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics
CAN-1912 CAN-1913 CAN-1914 CAN-1915 CAN-1916 CAN-1918 CAN-1919 CAN-1920
pg.64 pg.64 pg.64 pg.72 pg.72 pg.66 pg.66 pg.66
Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics
CAN-1921 CAN-1923 CAN-1924 CAN-1925 CAN-1926 CAN-1927 CAN-1933 CAN-1934
pg.65 pg.65 pg.67 pg.67 pg.67 pg.67 pg.69 pg.69
Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics
CAN-1935 CAN-1936 CAN-1938 CAN-1940 CAN-1942 CAN-1943 CAN-1944 CAN-1945
pg.69 pg.69 pg.69 pg.65 pg.65 pg.65 pg.65 pg.68
Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

CAN-1946 CAN-1947 CAN-1948 CAN-1949 CAN-1950 CAN-1951 CAN-1952 CAN-1953

pg.68 pg.68 pg.68 pg.70 pg.70 pg.70 pg.66 pg.66

www.s m 379

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics

Modern Classics



CAN-1954 CAN-1955 (New) CAN-1957 (New) CAN-1958 (New) CAN-1964 (New) CAP-1006 CAP-1011 CAP-1013
pg.66 pg.62 pg.62 pg.62 pg.62 pg.228 pg.170 pg.170


Cabin Basics

Cabin Basics

Cabin Basics

Cabin Basics

Cabin Basics

Cabin Basics

CAS-9900 CAS-9902 CBN-5500 (New) CBN-5501 (New) CBN-5502 (New) CBN-5503 (New) CBN-5504 (New) CBN-5505 (New)
pg.331 pg.331 pg.99, 341 pg.99, 341 pg.99, 341 pg.99, 341 pg.99, 341 pg.99, 341







CHI-1000 CHI-1004 CHI-1007 CHI-1022 CHI-1040 (New) CHI-1041 (New) CHN-1500 CHN-1502
pg.356 pg.356 pg.356 pg.356, 357 pg.357 pg.357 pg.200 pg.200







CHN-1505 CHN-1506 CHN-1531 CHN-1532 CHN-1533 CHN-1535 CHN-1536 CHN-1537
pg.199 pg.199 pg.199 pg.200 pg.199 pg.199 pg.199 pg.254







CHN-1541 CHN-1546 (New) CHN-1560 (New) CHN-1566 (New) CLF-1000 CLF-1002 CNC-2200 CNC-2201
pg.327 pg.327 pg.254 pg.200 pg.300 pg.300 pg.342 pg.342







CNC-2202 CNC-2203 CNC-2204 CNC-2205 CNP-6000 (New) CNP-6001 (New) CNP-6003 (New) COS-8808
pg.342 pg.342 pg.342 pg.342 pg.249 pg.249 pg.248 pg.188








COS-8809 COS-8812 COS-8816 COS-8817 COS-8818 COS-8826 COS-8828 COS-8829

pg.188 pg.184, 247 pg.246 pg.245 pg.245 pg.247 pg.246 pg.246

380 www.s m








COS-8832 COS-8858 COS-8865 COS-8868 COS-8869 COS-8871 COS-8872 COS-8887
pg.184 pg.185 pg.353 pg.189 pg.189 pg.185, 246 pg.189 pg.188








COS-8888 COS-8889 COS-8890 COS-8893 COS-8900 COS-8902 COS-8903 COS-8904
pg.188 pg.244 pg.244 pg.188 pg.189 pg.184 pg.188 pg.134, 187







COS-8905 COS-8906 COS-8907 COS-8908 COS-8910 (New) COS-8915 (New) COS-8917 (New) COS-8919 (New)
pg.134, 187 pg.185 pg.187 pg.184 pg.246 pg.187 pg.187 pg.186







COS-8923 (New) COS-8924 (New) COS-8926 (New) COT-1930 COT-1931 COT-1932 COT-1933 COT-1934
pg.186 pg.186 pg.186 pg.144 pg.144 pg.144 pg.144 pg.144





Cow Parade

Cow Parade

Cow Parade
COT-1935 COT-1936 COT-1940 COT-1941 COT-1942 COW-1000 COW-1001 COW-1002
pg.144 pg.144 pg.144 pg.144 pg.144 pg.86 pg.86 pg.86
Cow Parade

Cow Parade

Cow Parade

Cow Parade

Cow Parade

Cow Parade

Cow Parade

COW-1005 COW-1006 COW-1007 COW-1008 COW-1009 COW-1012 COW-1013 CPT-1700
pg.86 pg.87 pg.87 pg.87 pg.87 pg.87 pg.87 pg.114








CPT-1701 CPT-1703 CPT-1704 CPT-1707 CPT-1710 CPT-1712 CPT-1714 CPT-1716

pg.114 pg.114 pg.114 pg.114 pg.114 pg.114 pg.114 pg.114

www.s m 381








CRK-1600 CRK-1601 CRK-1602 CRK-1603 CRK-1604 CRK-1605 CRK-1606 CRK-1607
pg.115 pg.115 pg.115 pg.115 pg.115 pg.115 pg.115 pg.115








CRN-6001 CRN-6002 CRN-6003 CRN-6004 CRN-6005 CRN-6006 CRN-6007 CRN-6008

pg.314 pg.320 pg.314 pg.315 pg.317 pg.316 pg.316 pg.318






Cosmo Ultra

Cosmo Ultra
CRN-6009 CRN-6010 CRN-6011 CRN-6012 CRN-6013 CRN-6019 CSU-1000 CSU-1014
pg.318 pg.319 pg.319 pg.315 pg.317 pg.320 pg.183 pg.183
Cosmo Ultra

Country Jutes

Country Jutes

Country Jutes

Country Jutes



CSU-1015 CTJ-2000 (New) CTJ-2001 (New) CTJ-2002 (New) CTJ-2003 (New) DAZ-6511 DAZ-6531 DAZ-6537
pg.183 pg.95, 146 pg.95, 146 pg.95, 146 pg.95, 146 pg.165 pg.165 pg.166







DAZ-6538 DAZ-6539 DCT-6500 (New) DCT-6501 (New) DCT-6502 (New) DMN-6601 DSK-6701 DSK-6702
pg.166 pg.166 pg.61, 157 pg.61, 157 pg.61, 157 pg.207 pg.152 pg.152







DSK-6705 DST-19 DST-20 DST-296 DST-342 DST-379 DST-380 DST-381
pg.152 pg.301 pg.301 pg.212 pg.212 pg.212 pg.332 pg.332








DST-387 DST-400 DST-402 DST-1133 DST-1134 DUK-1000 DUK-1001 DUK-1002

pg.213, 352 pg.211 pg.211 pg.211 pg.212 pg.347 pg.347 pg.347

382 www.s m








DVR-2300 DVR-2301 DVR-2302 DVR-2303 DVR-2304 DVR-2305 ECO-2006 EMP-102
pg.342 pg.342 pg.342 pg.342 pg.342 pg.342 pg.229 pg.302, 332








EMP-103 ESS-4603 ESS-4607 ESS-7626 ESS-7627 ESS-7628 ESS-7629 ESS-7630
pg.302 pg.121, 218 pg.121, 218 pg.219 pg.219 pg.220 pg.220 pg.218







EST-10500 EST-10503 EST-10506 ETH-9603 ETH-9605 ETH-9611 ETH-9616 ETH-9617
pg.277 pg.277 pg.278 pg.325 pg.325 pg.195 pg.324 pg.324







ETH-9618 ETH-9619 EVE-3101 FAL-1000 FAL-1001 FAL-1002 FAL-1003 FAL-1004
pg.324 pg.324 pg.260 pg.90, 251 pg.90, 251 pg.90, 251 pg.90, 251 pg.90, 251







FAL-1005 FAL-1007 FAL-1008 FAL-1009 FAL-1010 FAL-1011 FAL-1012 FAL-1013
pg.90, 251 pg.90, 251 pg.90, 251 pg.90, 251 pg.90, 251 pg.90, 251 pg.90, 251 pg.90, 251




Farmhouse Stripes

Farmhouse Stripes

Farmhouse Stripes

Farmhouse Stripes
FAL-1014 FAL-1015 FAL-1016 FAL-1017 FAR-7000 (New) FAR-7001 (New) FAR-7002 (New) FAR-7003 (New)
pg.89 pg.89 pg.89 pg.89 pg.97 pg.97 pg.97 pg.97
Farmhouse Stripes

Farmhouse Stripes

Farmhouse Stripes

Farmhouse Stripes





FAR-7004 (New) FAR-7007 (New) FAR-7008 (New) FAR-7009 (New) FLO-8901 FLO-8902 FLO-8903 FLO-8907
pg.97 pg.96 pg.96 pg.96 pg.234 pg.234 pg.234 pg.235

www.s m 383








FLO-8958 FLO-8962 FLO-8969 (New) FLT-1002 FLT-1003 FLT-1008 FLT-1010 FLT-1011
pg.235 pg.235 pg.235 pg.360 pg.360 pg.360 pg.361 pg.361








FLT-1019 FLT-1038 FLT-1041 FLT-1045 FLT-1047 FLT-1050 FLT-1058 FM-7001

pg.360 pg.361 pg.361 pg.361 pg.360 pg.361 pg.360 pg.192







FM-7002 FM-7007 FM-7008 FM-7010 FM-7013 FM-7014 FM-7072 FM-7073
pg.194 pg.191 pg.192 pg.192 pg.194 pg.192 pg.190 pg.190







FM-7078 FM-7080 FM-7086 FM-7087 FM-7090 FM-7107 (New) FM-7108 (New) FND-1100 (New)
pg.193 pg.193 pg.192 pg.192 pg.194 pg.191 pg.190 pg.254







FND-1102 (New) FND-1103 (New) FND-1105 (New) FND-1106 (New) FND-1107 (New) FND-1110 (New) FSN-6000 (New) FSN-6001 (New)
pg.254 pg.323 pg.323 pg.323 pg.323 pg.254 pg.73, 107 pg.73, 107







FSN-6002 (New) FSN-6003 (New) FT-9 FT-18 FT-30 FT-31 FT-33 FT-40
pg.73, 107 pg.73, 107 pg.253 pg.253 pg.135 pg.135 pg.135 pg.252








FT-41 FT-42 FT-48 FT-49 FT-50 FT-51 G-44 G-56

pg.252 pg.252 pg.253 pg.253 pg.135 pg.135 pg.215 pg.214

384 www.s m








G-59 G-60 G-64 G-66 G-67 G-77 G-85 G-91
pg.178, 213, 350 pg.178, 351 pg.214 pg.215 pg.214 pg.178 pg.179 pg.214








G-96 G-169 G-200 G-201 G-229 G-233 G-234 G-240
pg.180 pg.178, 351 pg.179 pg.179 pg.177 pg.180 pg.180 pg.180







G-241 G-242 G-244 G-5027 (New) G-5028 (New) G-5029 (New) G-5030 (New) GRA-9901
pg.180 pg.180 pg.178 pg.181 pg.181 pg.181 pg.181 pg.231







Huntington Braids
GRA-9906 GRA-9927 GRA-9929 GRA-9942 (New) HLM-6001 HLM-6004 HLM-6005 HNT-4500 (New)
pg.230 pg.230 pg.230 pg.178, 230 pg.259 pg.259 pg.259 pg.98, 341



Huntington Braids

Huntington Braids

Huntington Braids

Huntington Braids

Huntington Braids

HNT-4501 (New) HNT-4502 (New) HNT-4503 (New) HNT-4504 (New) HNT-4505 (New) HST-3005 HVN-1200 (New) HVN-1201 (New)
pg.98, 341 pg.98, 341 pg.98, 341 pg.98, 341 pg.98, 341 pg.171 pg.279 pg.279







HVN-1206 (New) HVT-6800 HVT-6801 HVT-6802 HVT-6803 IMP-1001 IMP-1002 IMP-1003
pg.220 pg.111 pg.111 pg.111 pg.111 pg.261 pg.261 pg.260








IN-1227 IN-1229 IN-1441 IN-1476 IN-8005 IN-8006 IN-8020 IN-8035

pg.207 pg.207 pg.118 pg.118 pg.154 pg.155 pg.153, 208 pg.154

www.s m 385








IN-8043 IN-8046 IN-8049 IN-8056 IN-8065 IN-8072 IN-8243 IN-8247
pg.154 pg.155 pg.154 pg.209 pg.207 pg.153, 208 pg.118 pg.118




Indus Valley

Indus Valley

Indus Valley

Indus Valley

IN-8253 IN-8256 IN-8262 (New) IN-8269 IND-1 IND-2 IND-20 IND-40

pg.118 pg.118 pg.207 pg.207 pg.132 pg.132 pg.132 pg.132
Indus Valley

Inspired Classics

Inspired Classics

Inspired Classics

Inspired Classics



IND-78 (New) INS-8000 (New) INS-8003 (New) INS-8013 (New) INS-8017 (New) IT-874 IT-1013 IT-1015
pg.132 pg.94 pg.94 pg.94 pg.94 pg.290 pg.289 pg.288




Jute Woven

Jute Woven

Jute Woven

Jute Woven
IT-1181 IT-9006 IT-KASHAN JMN-1000 JS-1 JS-2 JS-4 JS-13
pg.288 pg.290 pg.290 pg.293 pg.145 pg.145 pg.145 pg.145
Jewel Tone

Jewel Tone

Jewel Tone

Jewel Tone

Jewel Tone

Jewel Tone

Jewel Tone

Jewel Tone II
JT-8 JT-21 JT-155 JT-1033 JT-1035 JT-1090 JT-2004 JTII-2026
pg.335 pg.249 pg.249 pg.335 pg.335 pg.335 pg.134 pg.334
Jewel Tone II

Jewel Tone II

Jewel Tone II

Jute Bleached

Jute Natural



pg.334 pg.334 pg.334 pg.145 pg.145 pg.365 pg.363 pg.363








KHA-1003 LFT-2300 (New) LFT-2301 (New) LFT-2302 (New) LFT-2303 (New) LFT-2304 (New) LFT-2305 (New) LFT-2306 (New)
pg.121, 220 pg.196 pg.195 pg.195 pg.196 pg.196 pg.196 pg.197

386 www.s m








LFT-2308 (New) LGD-1800 LGD-1801 LGD-1802 LGD-1803 LGD-1805 LGD-1809 LGD-1810
pg.197 pg.198 pg.198 pg.198 pg.198 pg.326 pg.326 pg.326








LGD-1812 LGN-6200 LGN-6202 LGN-6203 LGN-6204 LGN-6209 LGN-6212 LGN-6213
pg.326 pg.321 pg.352 pg.321 pg.244 pg.321 pg.322 pg.244







LGN-6214 LGN-6217 LGN-6221 (New) LMN-3000 (New) LMN-3001 (New) LMN-3002 (New) LMN-3003 (New) LUX-1000
pg.322 pg.322 pg.243, 352 pg.60, 156 pg.60, 156 pg.60, 156 pg.60, 156 pg.355







LUX-1002 LUX-1006 LUX-1007 M-46 M-62 M-64 M-102 M-103
pg.355 pg.355 pg.355 pg.195 pg.124 pg.124 pg.134 pg.134







M-104 M-105 M-106 M-116 M-169 M-171 M-172 M-174
pg.130 pg.127 pg.127 pg.131, 250 pg.131, 250 pg.125 pg.125 pg.125







M-175 M-177 M-178 M-179 M-201 M-202 M-203 M-204
pg.125 pg.126 pg.126 pg.126 pg.131, 250 pg.131, 250 pg.131, 250 pg.131, 250








M-205 M-206 M-207 M-208 M-209 M-211 M-235 (New) M-236 (New)
pg.125 pg.125 pg.126 pg.126 pg.126 pg.128 pg.125 pg.125

www.s m 3 87







M-237 (New) M-262 M-263 M-265 M-266 M-278 M-279 M-287
pg.125 pg.128 pg.128 pg.128 pg.128 pg.130 pg.130 pg.134








M-290 M-292 M-293 M-294 M-295 M-298 M-299 M-300

pg.130 pg.124 pg.124 pg.129 pg.129 pg.129 pg.129 pg.129







M-304 M-305 M-308 M-309 M-310 M-312 M-315 M-317
pg.129 pg.129 pg.129 pg.129 pg.129 pg.129 pg.129 pg.130







M-318 M-319 M-320 M-321 M-327 M-328 M-329 M-330
pg.127 pg.127 pg.127 pg.127 pg.128 pg.128 pg.128 pg.128







M-331 M-332 M-333 M-334 M-335 M-336 M-337 M-338
pg.128 pg.128 pg.128 pg.128 pg.128 pg.128 pg.128 pg.128







M-339 M-340 M-341 M-342 M-343 M-344 M-345 M-346
pg.128 pg.128 pg.128 pg.128 pg.128 pg.129 pg.129 pg.129








M-347 M-348 M-349 M-352 (New) MDR-1007 MDR-1008 MDR-1020 MET-8680

pg.129 pg.129 pg.129 pg.129 pg.85 pg.84 pg.85 pg.103

388 www.s m








MET-8682 MET-8683 MET-8684 MET-8685 MET-8686 MLY-1000 MLY-1001 MLY-1002
pg.103 pg.103 pg.103 pg.103 pg.103 pg.139 pg.139 pg.139








MLY-1005 MON-7000 MON-7001 MON-7006 MON-7007 MOS-1001 MOS-1002 MOS-1004
pg.139 pg.133 pg.133 pg.133 pg.133 pg.82, 350 pg.82 pg.82







MOS-1019 MST-1 MST-2 NAT-7001 NAT-7004 NAT-7019 NAT-7037 NAT-7041
pg.82 pg.172 pg.172 pg.221 pg.221 pg.117, 222 pg.222 pg.117, 222


Nomadic Kilim

Nomadic Kilim




NAT-7042 NAV-8301 NMD-702 NMD-703 NOB-1004 NOB-1005 NOB-1006 NOB-1007
pg.222 pg.332 pg.305, 333 pg.305, 333 pg.122 pg.122 pg.122 pg.122







NOB-1010 (New) NOB-1011 (New) NOB-1012 (New) NOB-1013 (New) NOB-1014 (New) NY-4008 NY-5024 NY-5054
pg.122 pg.122 pg.122 pg.122 pg.122 pg.175 pg.172 pg.174







NY-5070 NY-5084 NY-5091 NY-5125 NY-5149 NY-5153 NY-5156 NY-5157
pg.117, 175 pg.177 pg.175 pg.175 pg.171 pg.174 pg.173 pg.173








NY-5159 NY-5163 NY-5164 NY-5167 NY-5168 NY-5170 PAN-4600 PAN-4601

pg.173 pg.176 pg.176 pg.176 pg.176 pg.174 pg.141 pg.141

www.s m 389








PAN-4602 PAN-4603 PAN-4604 PAN-4605 PAN-4629 PAN-4630 PAN-4631 PLY-6000
pg.141 pg.141 pg.141 pg.141 pg.141 pg.141 pg.141 pg.358








PLY-6001 PLY-6002 PLY-6003 PLY-6004 PLY-6005 PLY-6006 PLY-6007 PLY-6008

pg.358 pg.358 pg.358 pg.358 pg.358 pg.358 pg.358 pg.358







PLY-6009 PLY-6010 PLY-6011 PLY-6012 PLY-6016 PLY-6017 PLY-6018 PLY-6020
pg.358 pg.358 pg.358 pg.358 pg.358 pg.359 pg.359 pg.359







PLY-6021 PLY-6022 PLY-6023 PLY-6024 PLY-6026 PLY-6027 PLY-6028 PLY-6029
pg.359 pg.359 pg.359 pg.359 pg.359 pg.359 pg.359 pg.359







PLY-6030 PLY-6031 PLY-6032 POI-7600 PTF-7400 PTF-7401 PTF-7402 PTF-7403

pg.359 pg.359 pg.359 pg.104 pg.344 pg.344 pg.344 pg.344







PTF-7404 PTF-7405 QUI-1000 QUI-1001 QUI-1002 QUI-1003 QUI-1004 QUI-1005
pg.344 pg.344 pg.143 pg.143 pg.143 pg.143 pg.143 pg.143








RAI-1000 RAI-1001 RAI-1002 RAI-1003 RAI-1004 RAI-1005 RAI-1006 RAI-1009

pg.366 pg.366 pg.365 pg.366 pg.367 pg.367 pg.366 pg.365

390 www.s m








RAI-1010 RAI-1011 RAI-1014 RAI-1021 RAI-1023 RAI-1025 RAI-1026 RAI-1031
pg.367 pg.366 pg.366 pg.369 pg.369 pg.365 pg.365 pg.364








RAI-1036 RAI-1037 RAI-1040 RAI-1043 RAI-1044 RAI-1045 RAI-1046 RAI-1047
pg.371 pg.371 pg.367 pg.368 pg.368 pg.368 pg.364 pg.368







RAI-1048 RAI-1049 RAI-1050 RAI-1051 RAI-1052 (New) RAI-1054 (New) RAI-1056 (New) RAI-1058 (New)
pg.368 pg.368 pg.369 pg.369 pg.367 pg.370 pg.370 pg.370







RMT-2100 RMT-2105 RMT-2108 RMT-2113 RST-761 RST-1215 SAF-10800 SAF-10811
pg.227 pg.227 pg.227 pg.166 pg.301 pg.121, 227 pg.352 pg.170

Sag Harbor

Sag Harbor

Sag Harbor




SAF-10824 SAG-1001 SAG-1002 SAG-1005 (New) SAR-7809 SAR-7810 SAR-7814 SAR-7829
pg.170 pg.83 pg.83 pg.83 pg.232 pg.232 pg.233, 305 pg.233







SAR-7830 SAR-7831 SAR-7832 SAR-7836 SCR-5102 SCR-5103 SCR-5104 SCR-5105
pg.233 pg.232 pg.232 pg.233 pg.137 pg.137 pg.137 pg.137








SCR-5106 SCR-5107 SCU-7500 SCU-7501 SCU-7502 SCU-7503 SCU-7504 SCU-7505

pg.137 pg.137 pg.74 pg.74 pg.74 pg.74 pg.74 pg.74

www.s m 391








SCU-7506 SCU-7507 SCU-7508 SCU-7509 SCU-7510 SCU-7511 SCU-7512 SCU-7513
pg.74 pg.74 pg.74 pg.74 pg.75 pg.75 pg.75 pg.75








SCU-7514 SCU-7515 SCU-7516 SCU-7517 SCU-7518 SCU-7519 SCU-7520 SCU-7521

pg.75 pg.75 pg.75 pg.75 pg.75 pg.75 pg.76 pg.76







SCU-7522 SCU-7523 SCU-7524 SCU-7525 SCU-7526 SCU-7527 SCU-7528 SCU-7529
pg.76 pg.76 pg.76 pg.76 pg.76 pg.76 pg.76 pg.76







SCU-7530 SCU-7531 SCU-7532 SCU-7533 SCU-7534 SCU-7535 SCU-7536 SCU-7537
pg.77 pg.77 pg.77 pg.77 pg.77 pg.77 pg.77 pg.77







SCU-7538 SCU-7539 SEA-121 SEA-151 SEA-152 SEB-1017 SEB-1023 SEB-1044
pg.77 pg.77 pg.228 pg.229 pg.229 pg.302 pg.304 pg.304







SEB-1046 SEB-1052 (New) SEB-1053 (New) SEB-1054 (New) SEB-1055 (New) SER-7216 SH-1208 SH-1211
pg.305 pg.303 pg.303 pg.303 pg.303 pg.121 pg.79, 150 pg.79, 150








SH-7400 SH-7402 SH-7404 SH-7405 SH-7406 SH-7408 SH-7409 SH-7412

pg.78, 151 pg.81, 149 pg.80, 149 pg.80, 149 pg.78, 151 pg.78, 151 pg.81, 149 pg.79, 150

392 www.s m








SH-7413 SH-7414 SH-7417 SHD-6900 SHD-6902 SHD-6906 SHD-6908 SHI-5000
pg.79, 150 pg.79, 150 pg.78, 151 pg.112 pg.112 pg.112 pg.112 pg.109








SHI-5001 SHI-5004 SHI-5005 SHI-5007 SHI-5008 SHI-5009 SHI-5010 SHI-5011
pg.109 pg.109 pg.109 pg.109 pg.109 pg.109 pg.109 pg.109

Big Sky

Big Sky

Big Sky

Big Sky

Big Sky

Big Sky

SHI-5012 SKY-5000 (New) SKY-5001 (New) SKY-5004 (New) SKY-5005 (New) SKY-5007 (New) SKY-5008 (New) SMI-2101
pg.109 pg.337 pg.338 pg.338 pg.339 pg.339 pg.339 pg.91







SMI-2103 SMI-2104 SMI-2108 SMI-2109 SMI-2111 SMI-2112 SMI-2113 SMK-51
pg.91 pg.91 pg.91 pg.92 pg.93 pg.92 pg.92 pg.283



Summer Braids

Summer Braids

Summer Braids

Summer Braids

Summer Braids
SMK-58 SMK-59 SMK-74 SMR-6500 (New) SMR-6501 (New) SMR-6502 (New) SMR-6503 (New) SMR-6504 (New)
pg.282 pg.283 pg.282 pg.98, 343 pg.98, 343 pg.98, 343 pg.98, 343 pg.98, 343
Summer Braids







SMR-6505 (New) SNM-8981 SNM-8989 SNM-8991 SNM-8996 SNM-9002 SNM-9006 SNM-9008
pg.98, 343 pg.205 pg.205 pg.205 pg.280 pg.278 pg.280 pg.281








pg.205 pg.205 pg.281 pg.142 pg.142 pg.142 pg.142 pg.142

www.s m 393








pg.142 pg.142 pg.142 pg.206 pg.206 pg.206 pg.123 pg.123








SPE-5302 SPE-5303 SPE-5309 SPL-9871 SR-101 SR-102 SR-106 SR-109

pg.123 pg.123 pg.123 pg.182 pg.224 pg.169 pg.223 pg.169







SR-111 SR-113 SR-124 SR-125 SR-138 SR-142 SR-143 SR-150 (New)
pg.168 pg.168 pg.169 pg.169 pg.223 pg.223 pg.223 pg.224
Seaside Stripes

Seaside Stripes

Sante Fe

Sante Fe
Seaside Stripes

Seaside Stripes

Seaside Stripes

Seaside Stripes
SSD-7500 (New) SSD-7501 (New) SSD-7502 (New) SSD-7503 (New) SSD-7504 (New) SSD-7505 (New) STF-4000 (New) STF-4001 (New)
pg.99, 343 pg.99, 343 pg.99, 343 pg.99, 343 pg.99, 343 pg.99, 343 pg.336 pg.336
Sante Fe

Sante Fe

Sante Fe

Stella Smith

Stella Smith

Stella Smith

Stella Smith

Stella Smith
STF-4003 (New) STF-4004 (New) STF-4006 (New) STS-9007 STS-9008 STS-9009 STS-9010 STS-9011
pg.336 pg.336 pg.337 pg.167 pg.167 pg.167 pg.167 pg.167
Stella Smith

Stella Smith

Stella Smith

Stella Smith II

Stella Smith II

Stella Smith II


STS-9019 STS-9020 STS-9021 STSII-9058 STSII-9062 STSII-9067 TAM-1000 TAM-1001
pg.224 pg.224 pg.224 pg.168 pg.225 pg.225 pg.216 pg.216








TAM-1002 TAM-1003 TAM-1004 TAM-1005 TAM-1006 TAM-1016 TAM-1027 TAM-1028

pg.216 pg.216 pg.216 pg.217 pg.217 pg.218 pg.217 pg.217

394 www.s m








Taj Mahal
TAM-1032 TER-1000 TER-1003 TIM-7901 TIM-7902 TIM-7907 TIM-7913 TJ-11
pg.217 pg.266 pg.266 pg.264 pg.265 pg.264 pg.265 pg.269
Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

TJ-44 TJ-45 TJ-59 TJ-101 TJ-309 TJ-826 TJ-909 TJ-1122
pg.269 pg.273 pg.275 pg.273 pg.275 pg.273 pg.273 pg.270
Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

TJ-1123 TJ-1130 TJ-1132 TJ-1143 TJ-2000 TJ-6575 TJ-6576 TND-1112
pg.271 pg.271 pg.271 pg.270 pg.274 pg.272 pg.272 pg.138







TND-1113 TND-1116 TND-1117 TOD-1000 TOD-1001 TOD-1002 TOD-1003 TOD-1004
pg.138 pg.138 pg.138 pg.102 pg.102 pg.102 pg.102 pg.102







TRL-1104 TRL-1108 TRL-1109 TRL-1112 TRL-1113 TRO-1003 TRO-1004 TRO-1007
pg.349 pg.349 pg.348 pg.348 pg.349 pg.140 pg.140 pg.140







TRO-1009 TTN-7000 TTN-7001 TTN-7003 TWT-2401 TWT-2403 TWT-2404 TWT-2406
pg.140 pg.306 pg.306 pg.306 pg.201 pg.201 pg.201 pg.201








URB-6100 URB-6101 URB-6102 URB-6103 URB-6104 VIV-800 VIV-801 VIV-802

pg.182 pg.182 pg.182 pg.182 pg.182 pg.110 pg.110 pg.110

www.s m 395








VIV-803 VIV-804 VIV-805 VIV-806 VIV-807 VIV-817 VIV-818 VIV-832 (New)
pg.110 pg.110 pg.110 pg.110 pg.110 pg.110 pg.110 pg.110








VIV-833 (New) VIV-834 (New) VIV-835 (New) VIV-836 (New) VIV-837 (New) VIV-838 (New) VIV-839 (New) VRD-2500
pg.110 pg.110 pg.110 pg.110 pg.110 pg.110 pg.110 pg.345







VRD-2501 VRD-2502 VRD-2503 VRD-2504 VRD-2505 VTG-5200 VTG-5201 VTG-5202
pg.345 pg.345 pg.345 pg.345 pg.345 pg.291 pg.291 pg.292







VTG-5203 WPT-7300 WPT-7301 WPT-7302 WPT-7303 WPT-7304 WPT-7305 YET-1300
pg.292 pg.344 pg.344 pg.344 pg.344 pg.344 pg.344 pg.113







YET-1301 YET-1302 YET-1303 YET-1304 YET-1305 YET-1306 YET-1307 YET-1308
pg.113 pg.113 pg.113 pg.113 pg.113 pg.113 pg.113 pg.113







YET-1309 ZEU-7800 ZEU-7801 ZEU-7804 ZEU-7805 ZHU-1200 ZHU-1201 ZHU-1202
pg.113 pg.267 pg.267 pg.268 pg.268 pg.147 pg.147 pg.147






ZHU-1203 ZHU-1204 ZUN-1000 ZUN-1001 ZUN-1009 ZUN-1012

pg.147 pg.147 pg.88 pg.88 pg.88 pg.88

396 www.s m

6-A-7 3233



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