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Content Server Release Notes

Version 5.3 SP6

P/N 300-006-858 A01
May 2008
Copyright © 1994-2008 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.

Revision History:
May 2008: Initial Release.
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Product Description .............................................................................. 13

Chapter 2 New Features and Changes ................................................................... 15
New features for version 5.3 ........................................................................ 15
New features for service pack 5.3 SP6 .......................................................... 17
New features for service pack 5.3 SP5 .......................................................... 19
New features for service pack 5.3 SP4 .......................................................... 22
New features for service pack 5.3 SP3 .......................................................... 23
New features for service pack 5.3 SP2 .......................................................... 23
New features for service pack 5.3 SP1 .......................................................... 24
Changed features ....................................................................................... 26
Changed features in version 5.3 ............................................................... 26
Changed features in service pack 5.3 SP6.................................................. 26
Changed features in service pack 5.3 SP5.................................................. 26
Changed features in service pack 5.3 SP4.................................................. 27
Changed features in service pack 5.3 SP3.................................................. 27
Changed features in service pack 5.3 SP2.................................................. 27
Changed features in service pack 5.3 SP1.................................................. 27
Removed features ....................................................................................... 28
Removed features in version 5.3 .............................................................. 28
Removed features in service pack 5.3 SP6 ................................................. 28
Removed features in service pack 5.3 SP5 ................................................. 28
Removed features in service pack 5.3 SP4 ................................................. 28
Removed features in service pack 5.3 SP3 ................................................. 29
Removed features in service pack 5.3 SP2 ................................................. 29
Removed features in service pack 5.3 SP1 ................................................. 29

Chapter 3 Fixed Problems ..................................................................................... 31

QueueMgt administration job does not remove queue items (81615) .............. 31
Index agent failing to start against Content Server (92461) ............................. 31
Indexing error seen on slow or overloaded machines (93413) ......................... 32
Index agent gives an error message on HP Itanium (95049) ........................... 32
Problems with deletion of an index agent using the index agent
configuration program (96471) .................................................................... 33
Non-working of a functionality (96486) ........................................................ 33
Error signing documents larger than 50 M for HP and Linux only
(98441) ....................................................................................................... 33
Error setting environment variables for indexing software on
Solaris 9 platform (102498) .......................................................................... 34
ROW_BASED DQL hint failure (103719) ...................................................... 34
Windows/SQL Server upgrade problem (104774) .......................................... 34

Content Server Release Notes 3

Table of Contents

Electronic signature (esignature) failure (105039) .......................................... 34

Error when installing remote Content Server (105181) ................................... 34
Microsoft Word and Excel templates in upgraded repositories
(105197) ..................................................................................................... 35
Location linking failure for Java lifecycles in some cases (105219) ................... 35
Problem with LDAP configuration with SSL (106055).................................... 36
Failure of dmFTSearchew on executing a fulltext query in FAST
(109613) ..................................................................................................... 36
Indexing and search stops on HP-UX and HP Itanium after
migration to FAST (110011) ......................................................................... 36
Queries in Content Server 5.3 SP2 with Chinese characters return
wrong results (110730) ................................................................................ 37
Importing a synonym file corrupts the index server (111040) ......................... 37
Trailing spaces of a folder name are stripped off the path returned
for a folder Id (111077) ................................................................................ 37
Certutil utility not available for HPIA64 (111394) .......................................... 37
dm_retention_managers group members cannot remove or add
contents in a retained object (113992) ........................................................... 37
WDK application installer fails in Japanese and Korean Windows
(115836) ..................................................................................................... 38
Problems in indexing a large amount of files (115982) ................................... 38
Error when importing or checking in on RSA SSO Solaris
environment (125699) ................................................................................. 38
esignature functionality is not supported on Solaris 10 (127336) ..................... 38
100% CPU usage on Content Server machine behavior on Oracle
10g (130974) ............................................................................................... 39
Problems with import operation (132060) ..................................................... 39

Chapter 4 Environment and System Requirements ............................................... 41

Hardware requirements .............................................................................. 41
Content Server machine requirements...................................................... 41
Software requirements ................................................................................ 42
Content Server environment.................................................................... 43
Exceptions ......................................................................................... 48
Notes ................................................................................................. 49
Full-Text index server environment.......................................................... 50
Exceptions ......................................................................................... 51
Notes ................................................................................................. 51
Index agent administration tool environment ........................................... 52
Exceptions ......................................................................................... 52
Notes ................................................................................................. 52
Additional operating environments ......................................................... 53
Exceptions ......................................................................................... 53
Notes ................................................................................................. 53
Cross-product dependencies ....................................................................... 53

Chapter 5 Known Problems and Limitations ......................................................... 55

Known problems ........................................................................................ 55
Indexing failure due to batch loss (89623) ................................................. 55
Inability to search specially formatted text in PDFs (90418) ........................ 56

4 Content Server Release Notes

Table of Contents

Failure to search for Japanese, Korean, Russian, Chinese and

Greek characters (94672) ......................................................................... 56
Numerous warning messages in index agent log file (103073) .................... 56
Switching index modes causes error from IA jsp page (104927) .................. 56
Failover to ACS (105202) ......................................................................... 56
Network locations in Portals login page (105111) ...................................... 57
Retention dates in Centera stores (106298) ................................................ 57
Thesaurus on AIX (106820) ...................................................................... 57
Double-byte characters are corrupted on eSignature pages
(107683) ................................................................................................. 57
Too much disk space used during first creation of index (109280) ............... 57
High Availability functionality does not allow switching
between Index Servers (109615) ............................................................... 58
Cobra tool fails to run on HP-UX (109874) ................................................ 58
Content Server allows the is_standby attribute to be set to
FALSE in multiple fulltext config objects (110059) ..................................... 58
Problems with IndexServer uninstaller on HP Itanium (118051) ................. 58
Centera plugin used with Centera Filestores is not enforcing
RPS policies (120780) .............................................................................. 58
Problems with creating a document on distributed store (123155) .............. 59
Problems with Get Well -ftdql query with search word
MARKET (126582) .................................................................................. 59
Failure in content migration using EMC Centera (132772) ......................... 59
Failure to check in the root of a virtual document — [FIGSJKE]
(133142) ................................................................................................. 60
Viewing the index agent log file ............................................................... 60
Error indexing text or XML files .............................................................. 60
Createaudit API...................................................................................... 60
Upgrade fails on HP-UX with "JVM Not Found" error............................... 61
Searching mixed-language documents with the lemmatize
feature turned on .................................................................................... 61
Constraint on adding retention policies with conditional phases ................ 62
Fulltext unable to index Office 2007 documents ........................................ 62
User created with blank values when you synchronize users
with AD and user_address does not have any values in it (145922) ............ 62
While trying to start tomcat_acs on AIX-DB2, system throws
an error (154293) ..................................................................................... 62
When accessing the ACS page on RHL 5.1 platforms,
(156141) ................................................................................................. 63
Add $DB2_BASE /sqllib/lib32 variable to the LD_LIBARAY_
PATH (151490) ....................................................................................... 63
Limitations................................................................................................. 63
Solaris is not supported for Sybase 15.0 .................................................... 63

Chapter 6 Technical Notes ..................................................................................... 65

Installation notes ........................................................................................ 65
Platform-independent installation and upgrade notes ............................... 67
Full release ......................................................................................... 67
Installation manuals ........................................................................... 67
Content Server upgrade paths ............................................................. 68
Upgrading the remote servers in a distributed configuration ................. 68
ACS servers in an upgrade .................................................................. 68
Content Server and index server on the same host ................................ 69
Installing remotely.............................................................................. 70
Full-text indexing software not supported on VMWare ......................... 70
Consolidated full-text indexing and high-availability indexing .............. 70
Choosing the correct hardware for full-text indexing ............................ 70

Content Server Release Notes 5

Table of Contents

Upgrading DFC .................................................................................. 71

Default settings in docbase config may affect client access ..................... 71
Resolving type cache problems on clients after upgrade ........................ 72
Moving repositories across platforms and the AEK.key file ................... 72
Setting the server_os_codepage and client_codepage on the
Japanese Content Server...................................................................... 72
The database_refresh_interval Key ...................................................... 73
Windows-specific installation notes and issues ......................................... 73
Windows installation owner account ................................................... 73
Installing the Korean data dictionary information on
Japanese Windows ............................................................................. 73
Upgrading distributed configurations .................................................. 73
Installation issues for all UNIX platforms ................................................. 74
Change for Tomcat application server startup ....................................... 74
New command line for launching repository configuration ................... 74
_s entry in the Service Names file......................................................... 74
Installation issues specific to AIX ............................................................. 74
Upgrading on AIX with DB2 ............................................................... 75
C++ runtime library version ................................................................. 75
AIX host requirement ......................................................................... 75
Installation issues specific to HP-UX ........................................................ 75
Installing on HP-UX when the device name for the temp
directory is longer than 15 characters ................................................... 75
Environment variable values on HP-UX on PA_RISC processors ............ 76
Environment variable values on HP-UX on Itanium processors ............. 76
Environment variables (UNIX and Linux) ................................................ 76
Installation issues specific to Sybase ......................................................... 77
Repository upgrade may hang on Sybase platforms .............................. 77
Requirement for installing the index server .............................................. 77
Upgrading a 5.3 or later repository that is indexed .................................... 77
If you are retaining the existing index .................................................. 78
If you are deleting the existing index.................................................... 78
Upgrading the full-text components in 5.3 SP3 ......................................... 78
Workaround for bug 110011 — Problems indexing from fixml
on HP platforms ..................................................................................... 79
Installing with Oracle Real Application Clusters ....................................... 79
Installation of Sybase and post configuration parameters .......................... 79
Installation of Content Server on Sybase 12.5.4 ......................................... 80
Repository sizes of Sybase ....................................................................... 80
Before upgrading from 5.2.x on HP-UX .................................................... 80
Correct PATH and SHLIB_PATH settings for ia64 (HP only) ...................... 80
Problem with queries returning 0 for SCORE is fixed ................................ 81
Constraint on SAN devices...................................................................... 81
Index Server installation constraint (HP-UX only) ..................................... 81
Fix for bug 119539 — updated Server setenv scripts .................................. 81
Operating system patches required for full-text indexing
(HP-UX 11.23 only) ................................................................................. 82
Setting default directories for repository data and log files on
Windows with SQL Server ..................................................................... 82
Post installation task to enable synonym searches ..................................... 82
Changes to dm_ftengine_config object ..................................................... 83
Required patches for full-text indexing host (HP-UX 11.23 only) ................ 83
Configuration notes .................................................................................... 84
Setting the base URL for the ACS server ................................................... 85
New server.ini parameter — deferred_update_queue_size ........................ 86
Additional steps for enabling thesaurus searching .................................... 86
Content Storage Services license requirement ........................................... 87

6 Content Server Release Notes

Table of Contents

DNS requirement for web-based client hosts in distributed

environment .......................................................................................... 87
Apache Tomcat application server ........................................................... 87
Tracing change for dm_LDAPSynchronization job .................................... 88
Content Server failover change ................................................................ 88
Index needed for Retention Policy Services............................................... 88
New user authentication attributes .......................................................... 88
Host machine requirements for Surrogate Get and content
replication .............................................................................................. 89
Generating compatible login tickets in mixed Content Server
version environments ............................................................................. 89
Restart Content Server after importing or resetting a login
ticket key ............................................................................................... 89
The File .......................................................................... 89
New directories in installation ................................................................ 90
New directory for full-text .................................................................. 90
New directory for language files (Oracle Only) ..................................... 90
The oldest_client_version attribute .......................................................... 90
Surrogate Get change .............................................................................. 90
DMCL exception handling on UNIX platforms ......................................... 91
Heap corruption and continue on exception ......................................... 91
DMCL stack trace files ........................................................................ 91
Obtaining a DMCL stack trace on Solaris 9 ....................................... 92
Obtaining a DMCL stack trace on Solaris 8 ....................................... 92
Obtaining a DMCL stack trace on AIX 5.2 or 5.3 ............................... 92
Storage policy updates ............................................................................ 93
Setting default_app_permit in docbase config .......................................... 93
Changes to the dm_event_sender script arguments ................................... 93
Job trace files .......................................................................................... 94
New dmcl.ini keys to control DMCL trace file size and backups ............ 94
New tracing options ............................................................................... 95
New Database ID and Session ID for -osqltrace .................................... 95
rpctrace.............................................................................................. 95
Content-addressed storage notes ............................................................. 96
Storage location of ca store plug-ins ..................................................... 96
Fix for bug 115732 — ca store plugin requirement in a
distributed environment ..................................................................... 96
Required permissions on Centera host ................................................. 97
Setting clocks and time zones for Centera hosts and Content
Server hosts........................................................................................ 97
Specifying multiple Centera IP addresses in ca store objects .................. 97
Setfile, Setcontent, and Removerendition changes ................................ 98
Note regarding the Shutdown method and Windows platforms ................ 98
Updating the federation methods ............................................................ 98
Migrating to Documentum Content Services for EMC Centera
(CSEC) 5.3 from CSEC 1.2c or Prior .......................................................... 99
What migration does .......................................................................... 99
Migrating the objects ........................................................................ 100
Auditing content migration in lifecycle actions ....................................... 101
Fix for bug 118794 — Backwards compatibility problem
in generated Docbasic code for validations and workflow
expressions .......................................................................................... 101
Ability to set the default retention period as a number of days................. 104
Backing out the new attribute ............................................................ 105
Support for Centera clusters .................................................................. 105
Storage requirements for the ca store plug-in ..................................... 106
Example of use ................................................................................. 106
Ability to set the C-clip buffer size ......................................................... 107
Fix for bug 69470 — audit cache limit too small ...................................... 108

Content Server Release Notes 7

Table of Contents

New valid options for param_name in dm_ftengine_config ..................... 108

New event, dm_addesignature_failed (108577) ....................................... 109
New ability to configure connect retry logic for LDAP servers ................. 109
Setting the retry_interval property for user authentication................... 110
How the environment variables are used ....................................... 110
How to set the environment variables ............................................ 110
Unsupported tracing option .................................................................. 111
eSign Audit trail electronic sign operations ............................................ 111
New Centera pool options ..................................................................... 114
Using Centera with Content Server on a Unix/Linux platform ................. 114
Content encryption key length and algorithm......................................... 115
Enhancements to MIGRATE_CONTENT................................................ 115
MIGRATE_CONTENT now supports subtypes as predicate
target ............................................................................................... 115
Changes to configuration parameters in dm_ftengine_config ................... 116
New parameter, acl_check_db ........................................................... 116
Modifications to names of two existing parameters ............................. 116
dm_format.mime_type lengthened ........................................................ 117
New environment variable for tracing electronic signatures .................... 117
New environment variable for query performance .................................. 117
Support for RSA Access Manager .......................................................... 118
Content Server to Connection Broker projection ..................................... 118
New server.ini option for extended permissions ..................................... 118
Change to Assemble method implementation......................................... 119
New key for session pooling ............................................ 119
LIST_SESSIONS output ........................................................................ 119
Usability notes ......................................................................................... 120
Adding DocProcessors to the index server.............................................. 121
Using WF_PromoteLifecycle method in automatic workflow
activities .............................................................................................. 122
New administration method—FIX_LINK_CNT ...................................... 122
String datatype maximum length on SQL Server .................................... 123
Dmbasic lifecycles and Retention Policy Services .................................... 123
DQL hints and FTDQL queries .............................................................. 123
Remote hosts failed or ACS not available messages ................................. 123
Workaround for bug 81615 .................................................................... 123
WORKFLOW_AGENT_DIED error ....................................................... 124
Tracing default for surrogate get is changed ........................................... 124
Supported versions in repository federations.......................................... 124
Java method server ............................................................................... 125
Printing from lifecycle programs ........................................................... 125
Indexable formats ................................................................................. 125
Index agent warning message................................................................ 126
Change to dm_FTCreateEvents ............................................................. 126
Excluding object types from indexing .................................................... 126
Note on using LDAP directory servers with multiple Content
Servers ................................................................................................. 126
Swedish grammatical normalization ...................................................... 127
New server.ini key................................................................................ 127
Full-text indexing and adding types or adding attributes to a
type ..................................................................................................... 127
Netegrity plug-in use ............................................................................ 128
Change to dm_retention_managers group .............................................. 128
Support for Sybase ASE 15.0 on Windows and Linux platforms ............... 128
Content encryption in TCS .................................................................... 128
Using memory map interface to write files ............................................. 128
Full-text version in 5.3 SP4 is 4.3.1 .......................................................... 129
The query plug-in hint .......................................................................... 129

8 Content Server Release Notes

Table of Contents

The TRY_FTDQL_FIRST hint ................................................................ 130

Configuring batched returns for non-FTDQL queries .............................. 130
Configuring the temporary table batch size ........................................ 131
Configuring duplicate checking batch size ......................................... 131
Large file handling ............................................................................... 131
Constraint on method argument values.................................................. 132
Note on user passwords ........................................................................ 132
Full-text high availability error troubleshooting ...................................... 132
No full-text support for /3GB switch on Windows................................... 132
Grammatical normalization implementation in full-text
searches is changed to avoid query timeouts .......................................... 132
SQL Server 2005 error message in event log (Documentum Bug
126657; SQL Server 2005 bug 745) .......................................................... 133
Page size allotment for processes changed by Solaris .............................. 133
If a query returns failure due to empty HTTP response (120598) .............. 134
Indexing Office 2007 files ...................................................................... 135
Content compression characterization .................................................... 135
Increased query timeout settings .......................................................... 137
Wildcard term count threshold increased ............................................... 137
The TRY_FTDQL_FIRST hint ................................................................ 137
TRY_FTDQL_FIRST hint enhancement .............................................. 138
New object types supporting email archiving ............................................. 138
dm_message_address ........................................................................... 139
dm_message_archive ............................................................................ 140
dm_message_attachment ...................................................................... 143
dm_message_route ............................................................................... 144
dm_message_user_data ........................................................................ 145

Chapter 7 Documentation .................................................................................... 147

Content Server documentation set ............................................................. 147
Obtaining the correct documentation ......................................................... 148
Documentation corrections and clarifications ............................................. 148
Content Server 5.3 SP1 Release Notes, September 2005 ............................ 148
Content Server Fundamentals ............................................................... 148
Content Server Fundamentals 5.3 SP1 Workflows chapter ................... 149
Content Server Full-Text Indexing Installation Guide .............................. 149
Disk space requirements for indexing and installation ........................ 149
System Administrator’s Guide, Correction to information
about Netegrity SiteMinder Policy Server ............................................... 150
System Migration Guide, Migrating Content Server chapter .................... 150
Activity object type ........................................................................... 150
Workflow object type ........................................................................ 151
Content Server Administrator’s Guide, Full-Text Indexing
chapter ................................................................................................ 151
Content Server Administrator’s Guide, Full-Text Indexing
chapter ................................................................................................ 152
Content Server Administrator’s Guide, Full-Text Indexing
chapter ................................................................................................ 152
Content Server Administrator’s Guide, Content Management
chapter ................................................................................................ 152
Content Server Administrator’s Guide, Managing User
Authentication chapter ......................................................................... 152
Content Server Administrator’s Guide, Protecting Repository
Objects chapter ..................................................................................... 153
Content Server Administrator’s Guide, Supported and
Unsupported Formats Appendix ........................................................... 153

Content Server Release Notes 9

Table of Contents

Content Server Installation Guide, Required Environment

Variables on UNIX and Linux Hosts Appendix ....................................... 153
Content Server Installation Guide, Planning for Content Server
Installation chapter ............................................................................... 153
Content Server Installation Guide, Planning for Content Server
Installation chapter ............................................................................... 154
Content Server Installation Guide, Preparing for Content
Server Installation chapter ..................................................................... 154
Incomplete change install owner procedure in Content Server
Install Guide 5.3 SP1 (136045) ................................................................ 154
Content Server Full-Text Indexing Installation Guide .............................. 154
Content Server Full-Text Indexing System Installation and
Administration Guide ........................................................................... 155
Documentum Object Reference Manual ..................................................... 155
5.3 FCS Object Reference Manual correction ............................................... 155
Object Reference Manual correction ........................................................... 156
Content Server API Reference Manual ....................................................... 156
Assume and Authenticate API methods ................................................. 156
Addnote API ........................................................................................ 156
Content Server DQL Reference Manual ...................................................... 156
Missing information in the SELECT statement description ...................... 157
Incorrect information about searching on accent and diacritical
marks .................................................................................................. 157
Accent and diacritical marks ............................................................. 157
Case sensitivity in index searches .......................................................... 158
Netegrity plug-in incorrectly documented .................................................. 158
Netegrity plug-in for Solaris, AIX and Linux platforms ............................... 158
System Administrator’s Guide ................................................................... 158

Chapter 8 Software Media, Organization, and Files ............................................. 159

Software Media ........................................................................................ 159
Organization ............................................................................................ 159
Files ......................................................................................................... 159

Chapter 9 Installation ........................................................................................... 161

Chapter 10 Troubleshooting and Getting Help ...................................................... 163

10 Content Server Release Notes

Table of Contents

List of Figures

Figure 6–1. Content Server and Centera cluster configuration in single-repository

distributed environment ........................................................................... 107
Figure 6–2. Small file compression percentages ................................................................ 135
Figure 6–3. Medium file compression percentages ........................................................... 136
Figure 6–4. Large file compression percentages ................................................................ 136

Content Server Release Notes 11

Table of Contents

List of Tables

Table 4–1. Content Server machine requirements.............................................................. 42

Table 4–2. Index server machine requirements ................................................................. 42
Table 4–3. Content Server environment............................................................................ 43
Table 4–4. Full-Text index server environment.................................................................. 50
Table 4–5. Index agent administration tool environment ................................................... 52
Table 4–6. Additional operating environments ................................................................. 53
Table 4–7. Cross-product dependencies ........................................................................... 54
Table 6–1. dm_migrate_to_ca_store.ebs Arguments ........................................................ 100
Table 6–2. RSA plug-in modules .................................................................................... 118
Table 6–3. Mapping of new email archiving types to previous types ................................ 138
Table 6–4. Attributes defined for the message address type ............................................. 139
Table 6–5. Attributes defined for the message archive type.............................................. 140
Table 6–6. Attributes defined for the message attachment type ........................................ 143
Table 6–7. Attributes defined for the message route type................................................. 144
Table 6–8. Attributes defined for the message user data type ........................................... 145

12 Content Server Release Notes

Chapter 1
Product Description

Content Server is the core of the EMC Documentum content management platform. Content Server
governs the content repository and enables a rich set of content management services for controlling
both content and processes throughout distributed enterprises. Documentum Content Server lets you
store, manage, and deploy all types of content, including HTML and XML, graphics, and multimedia.
Content Server provides services such as integrated workflow, lifecycle, and process automation;
version control, robust security, and a data dictionary for capturing and configuring business rules.
With EMC Documentum Content Server, users can share and reuse trusted content on demand within
and between business units. Administrators can define, organize, automate, and monitor all the
functions and tasks of even complex business processes.
The SP3 release adds to these capabilities. For example, the release adds high availability support for
fulltext indexing. For a listing of all new features, refer to Chapter 2, New Features and Changes.
The SP6 release is a full release. It does not need to be applied to an existing 5.3 installation.

Content Server Release Notes 13

Product Description

14 Content Server Release Notes

Chapter 2
New Features and Changes

This section lists new features in the Content Server 5.3 set of releases.

New features for version 5.3

This section describes features that are new to Content Server. Some of the features listed
below were introduced in the 5.2.5 SP releases and will only be new to you if you are
upgrading from 5.2 or 5.2.5. Those features are noted in the list.
Content Server 5.3 contains the following new and enhanced features:

1. New indexing implementation and architecture

For information about this, refer to the Content Server Administrator’s Guide. The
Content Server Installation Manual contains procedures for setting up and using the
new implementation.
2. New querying ability called FTDQL
FTDQL is a subset of the SELECT statement syntax that queries the fulltext index
rather than the repository. Using FTDQL provides performance benefits. For details,
refer to the SELECT statement description in the Content Server DQL Reference Manual.
3. The ability to use SSL communications between Content Server and client libraries is
now part of the standard server package. It is no longer controlled by the Trusted
Content Services license.
4. Enhancements to ACLs that provide additional flexibility in assigning object-level
5. Ability to define groups as dynamic groups
6. Support for Java in lifecycle entry criteria, actions on entry, post-entry actions, and
validation programs
7. New workflow functionality, including:

Content Server Release Notes 15

New Features and Changes

• Support for XPath specifications in route case conditions

• New workflow timer implementation, including the ability to use a timer to
automatically resume suspended activities
• Support for work queues
• Ability to define the number of tasks required to complete an activity (5.2.5 SP1)
• Ability to limit the number of output ports selected by a user upon completion of
a task (5.2.5 SP1)
• Ability to define transition behavior when multiple, contradictory (revert and
forward) ports are selected (5.2.5 SP1)
• Ability to define a task subject, using parameters resolved at runtime, to provide
more information for task owners (5.2.5 SP1)
• Ability to record a component name in the package object, for use in the task
subject (5.2.5 SP1)
8. New attributes for users. The attributes are:
• user_login_name
• user_login_domain
• user_password
• restricted_folder_ids
The user_login_name and user_login_domain attributes replace user_os_name and
user_os_domain for authentication purposes. The user_password attribute stores a
user password if the user is validated using a password stored in the repository.
The restricted_folder_ids attribute is used if you want to restrict a user’s access to a
particular set of folders.
For information about using these attributes, refer to the Content Server
Administrator’s Guide.
• User_os_name is copied onto user_login_name during LDAP synchronization.
• User_os_name and user_name have a restriction of 32 bytes and hence they are
truncated accordingly.
• But user_login_name is not truncated, as it can be 80 bytes long.
• User_login_name is always used to authenticate against Operating system or
LDAP server.
9. Global login tickets and application access tokens

16 Content Server Release Notes

New Features and Changes

10. Ability to use digital shredding to remove content files stored in file store storage
areas. (This feature requires a Trusted Content Services license.)
11. A change to the connection pooling implementation that changes how the
connect_recycle_interval value in the dmcl.ini file is interpreted
12. The Content Storage Services license, an optional license for Content Server that
allows you to define storage and migration policies for content files (5.2.5 SP2)
13. The Collaborative Services license, an optional license for Content Server that
provides support for the Collaborative Editions of EMC Documentum clients.
14. Support for Retention Policy Services, an optional product that allows you to define
retention policies to govern document retention in the repository.
15. During installation, on UNIX and Linux platforms, most required environment
variables are now set by a script. Environment variables (UNIX and Linux), page
76, describes this change in more detail.
16. Adding an attribute or type to a repository does not require reindexing the
repository. Refer to Full-text indexing and adding types or adding attributes to a
type, page 127 for a description of this feature.

New features for service pack 5.3 SP6

Content Server 5.3 Service Pack 5 introduces the following new features:

1. New ACS Tomcat Instance

The 5.3 SP6 server installer will add a new Tomcat instance to the existing
installation. This will be installed in %DM_HOME%/tomcat_acs. All ACS requests
would be handled by this new Tomcat instance. By default, the ACS server will listen
on port 9060, but can be customized during installation.
2. Parallel Streaming (ACS enabled mode)
This feature is available with ACS enabled mode only. The new UCF client will break
a download request for large content files into multiple segments to be processed in
parallel. This may provide better performance in cases where bandwidth is not a
To configure parallel streaming on ACS, you must modify the file
(available at DM_HOME\tomcat_acs\webapps\ACS\WEB-INF\classes\config. By
default, the parallel streaming will be configured as follows:

Content Server Release Notes 17

New Features and Changes

The first policy, Throttle has 3 values. The first value indicates the number of active
ACS requests that must be present for this policy to take effect. The second value
indicates how many new threads per user that are allowed once the policy has taken
effect. Basically, this means the maximum number of parallel threads a single user is
allowed. The third value dictates how many threads a user may hijack in order to
satisfy their content transfer request. This should almost always be set at 0.
The second policy ReplaceRequest comes into play when the ACS server has
reached a certain level of activity.
The first value indicates the threshold at which the policy is enforced. When there
are 50 active threads in the example above, then the ReplaceRequest policy will be
activated. The second value indicates how many threads a user may hijack from
other individual content transfers in order to perform their own content transfer.
For example, if 5 users were consuming 10 threads each to perform their export
operation, and a 6th user came along, the user could take only one thread. This
thread will be taken from the user who is consuming the most number of threads. In
our example, where all 5 previous users had 10 threads each one random user will
loose one thread. If there were more than 50 concurrent content transfers for that
ACS server, then each client would be allocated only a single thread until the level
of activity had decreased to a more manageable level.
By default, a single UCF client is permitted to use a maximum of 5 threads or streams
during content transfer.
To configure a maximum number of streams that an individual client can consume,
add the parameter to the ucf.client.config.xml file as
<option name="">

When determining whether a file should be segmented into multiple streams, the
UCF client also considers the setting for min.parallel.segment.size, also configured in
the ucf.client.config.xml.
<option name="min.parallel.segment.size">
<option name="measurement.time.interval">
<value> 300</value>
<option name="single.thread.throughput">

This value for min.parallel.segment.size specifies the smallest segment that can be
requested. Therefore, files that are smaller than this value will not be segmented.
In addition, when large files are segmented, and if the final chunk is smaller than

18 Content Server Release Notes

New Features and Changes

this value, it will not be requested. The previous request will continue reading the
remaining bytes of the file.
The default value for min.parallel.segment.size is 131072 (or 128Kb).
The values for measurement.time.interval and single.thread.throughput are used to
determine if the WAN conditions warrant the enabling of parallel streaming. Due to
the disk I/O cost associated with concurrently downloading multiple streams of data,
it is sometimes faster to download the content as a single stream rather than break it
into multiple streams. Parallel streaming will be turned on if the number of bytes
specified in single.thread.throughput is greater than the number of bytes actually
transferred in the number of milliseconds specified by measurement.time.interval.
For example, if single.thread.throughput is set to 1048576 (1Mb), and
measurement.time.interval is set to 500, the UCF client will opt to turn on parallel
streaming if less than 1MB has been transferred in the first 500ms of the content
transfer operation.
The ucf.client.config.xml file is located in the client machine
The values of “ucfInstallsHome” and “appId” can be fetched from ucf.installer.config.xml
(inside <appRoot>\wdk\contentXfer on appserver).
Typically ucfInstallsHome = $java{user.home}\Documentum\ucf
And appId = shared

New features for service pack 5.3 SP5

Content Server 5.3 Service Pack 5 introduces the following new features:

1. Support is added for the Content Services for EMC Centera license on the HP
Itanium platform.
2. CSEC support for application registration
With this release, the Content Server name and the server’s version level will be
recorded in the Centera SDK log files when Content Server communicates with
the Centera SDK.
3. Support for RSA Access Manager for user authentication
Refer to Support for RSA Access Manager, page 118, for complete information.
4. Introduces a new server.ini key, owner_xpermit_flag.
For information, refer to New server.ini option for extended permissions, page 118.

Content Server Release Notes 19

New Features and Changes

5. New full-text indexing features:

• State of the Index job
This job generates reports on the state of the full-text index. The job provides
information equivalent to running ftintegrity in completeness mode plus more.
For example, it provides information about the index server, such as disk space
usage and server node statistics. Complete details about the job and how to use
it are in the Content Server Full-Text Indexing System Installation and Administration
Guide, version 5.3 SP5.
• Selective indexing
This feature allows you to stop fulltext indexing of specified object types. The
feature is available for dm_sysobject or any subtype in repository at version 5.3
SP5 or higher. Details about using the feature are in the Content Server Full-Text
Indexing System Installation and Administration Guide, version 5.3 SP5.
• One new configuration parameter option for dm_ftengine_config and
modification of the names of the fds_query_host and fds_query_port parameter
For information, refer to Changes to configuration parameters in
dm_ftengine_config, page 116.
• Increased query timeout settings
Increased query timeout settings , page 137, describes these enhancements.
• Increased wildcard term count threshold for queries
Wildcard term count threshold increased, page 137
• TRY_FTDQL_FIRST hint is enhanced:
• Errors arising when the wildcard threshold is exceeded are now recognized
and handled
TRY_FTDQL_FIRST hint enhancement, page 138, describes the enhancement.
• Content Server no longer returns an error if a query that includes
TRY_FTDQL_FIRST is not FTDQL compliant. Instead, Content Server
executes the query a non-FTDQL query.
• Added a new xPDF filter to provide better support for indexing PDF documents
This provides better support for PDF documents imported into the repository
through scanning or those with special fonts.
6. The mac_access_protocol property in the docbase config is now set to “nt” by default.
7. Information about content compression characterization is provided.
Content compression characterization, page 135, provides this information.

20 Content Server Release Notes

New Features and Changes

8. A new Centera SDK variable for all UNIX platforms is implemented and set
automatically to provide enhanced performance for the Centera plug-in.
The variable is named FP_OPTIONS_MAXCONNECTIONS.
9. The restriction against executing an Assemble method inside an explicit transaction
is lifted, with one exception.
The exception occurs if the Assemble method is issued with the interrupt_freq
argument. If this argument is included, then the method may not be executed inside
an explicit transaction.

Content Server Release Notes 21

New Features and Changes

New features for service pack 5.3 SP4

Content Server 5.3 Service Pack 4 introduces the following new features:

1. New dmcl.ini keys to control DMCL trace file size and backups.
Refer to Job trace files, page 94 for a description of this feature.
2. New Database ID and Session ID for -osqltrace and a new server tracing option.
Refer to New tracing options, page 95 for a description of this feature.
3. New eSign Audit trail electronic sign operations.
Refer to eSign Audit trail electronic sign operations, page 111 for a description of
this feature.
4. Supports using the memory map interface to write files.
Refer to Using memory map interface to write files, page 128 for a description
of this feature.
5. Supports full-text version 4.3.1.
Refer to Full-text version in 5.3 SP4 is 4.3.1, page 129
6. Release 5.3 SP4 includes the following new features for the full-text indexing
• New DQL hint that may be passed to the query plugin to turn grammatical
normalization on or off for the query.
The query plug-in hint, page 129, describes this new hint.
• A new DQL hint that directs Content Server to try the query first as an FTDQL
query and if that times out, to retry the query against the repository metadata
The TRY_FTDQL_FIRST hint, page 137, describes this new hint.
• Performance improvements for non-FTDQL queries
Configuring batched returns for non-FTDQL queries, page 130, describes these
performance improvements.
• Improved large file handling.
Refer to Large file handling, page 131 for a description of this feature.
• Support for a load balancer process in high availability configurations.
• Improved implementation resulting in fewer query timeouts.

22 Content Server Release Notes

New Features and Changes

Note: The 5.3 SP4 release also supports EMC Documentum Content Server OEM
Edition, a separate product available only to our partners. Please contact your sales
representative for more information.

New features for service pack 5.3 SP3

Content Server 5.3 Service Pack 3 introduces the following new features:

1. New capabilities for content-addressed storage areas:

• Ability to set the default retention period as a number of days.
Refer to Ability to set the default retention period as a number of days, page
104 for a description of this feature.
• Support for Centera clusters:
• Ability for a Content Server to write to a local Centera cluster
• Ability for a Content Server to fail over to a remote Centera cluster for read
Refer to Support for Centera clusters, page 105 for a description of this feature.
• Ability to configure the size of the C-clip buffer
Refer to Ability to set the C-clip buffer size, page 107 for a description of this
2. Support for fulltext indexing deployments that combine consolidated indexing with
high-availability indexing.
Refer to Consolidated full-text indexing and high-availability indexing, page 70 for a
more detailed description.

This release note also contains additional information about the hardware requirements
for full-text indexing and querying the full-text index. For complete information, refer to
Choosing the correct hardware for full-text indexing, page 70.

New features for service pack 5.3 SP2

Content Server 5.3 Service Pack 2 introduces the following new features:

1. Full-text indexing high-availability support

Content Server Release Notes 23

New Features and Changes

Full-text indexing in a high-availability configuration provides redundant support

for both indexing and querying operations. For complete details, refer to the Content
Server Full-Text Indexing Installation Guide.
2. New server.ini parameter to set the size of the deferred object update record queue
Refer to New server.ini parameter — deferred_update_queue_size, page 86 for a
description of this parameter.
3. New administration method to set the r_link_cnt attribute correctly, if needed
Refer to New administration method—FIX_LINK_CNT, page 122 for description of
the new method.
4. New object types supporting email archiving
The object types supporting email archiving are installed by a script when a
repository is configured. Release 5.3 SP1 introduced the object types. In 5.3 SP2, the
architecture of the underlying types changed slightly, and consequently, a new set
of object types is introduced, replacing the object types introduced in 5.3 SP1. For
information about the new types and how they map to the previous types, refer to
New object types supporting email archiving, page 138.
5. Support for adding DocProcessor processes to the index server
Additional DocProcessor processes can be added to increase the index server’s
indexing capacity. For instructions, refer to Adding DocProcessors to the index
server, page 121.

New features for service pack 5.3 SP1

5.3 Service Pack 1 introduces the following new features:

1. Distributed content support for web-based users

This new feature supports fast access to content for remote users accessing a
repository through web-browsers. The feature includes a new service, Accelerated
Content Services, represented by the ACS server. The ACS server is installed with
Content Server. It also supports Branch Office Caching Services, an optional product
that provides the BOCS server.
The new distributed model for web-based users is fully described in the Documentum
Distributed Configuration Guide.
2. A new, automated installer for remote Content Servers in distributed content
3. Full-text indexing enhancements, including:

24 Content Server Release Notes

New Features and Changes

• Ability to partition an index

• Thesaurus searching
• Ability to index multiple repositories with one index server installation
• Ability to install indexing software on a platform that differs from the Content
Server host installation platform
• Search summary results and term-hit highlighting in the summary
For information about these configuration options, refer to the Content Server
Administrator’s Guide and the Content Server Full-Text Indexing Installation Guide. The
supported platforms for indexing software are described in Chapter 4, Environment
and System Requirements.
4. Support for content compression and duplicate content checking and prevention
Content compression is supported for file store and content-addressed storage areas.
Duplicate content checking and prevention is a feature supporting content archiving,
particularly of email and its attachments. If enabled, it ensures that only one copy of
an attachment or content file is archived regardless of how many users are recipients
of the mail. This feature is supported for file store storage areas.
5. New DQL hint, ROW_BASED
The ROW_BASED hint directs Content Server to return results as rows, rather than
in an object-based format. This affects not only the format of the returned results, but
also some syntax rules for the SELECT statement. For example, it loosens constraints
on how repeating attributes can be referenced in the query. It also affects what is
returned by an asterisk (*) in the selected values list. For a full description of its use,
refer to the Content Server DQL Reference Manual.
6. Support for new workflow functionality, including
• Ability to define a skill level for users performing workflow tasks
This feature is available only through Business Process Manager.
• Changed implementation of the workflow agent’s master session, to allow
multiple workflow agents to execute against the same repository.
The new implementation allows each agent’s master session to claim a set of
work items, ensuring that there are no conflicts if multiple agents are running
against a repository.
7. Batch processing for object replication jobs
You can configure the job to dump and load the objects in batches, thereby reducing
requirements for temporary disk space and limiting lost work when a failure occurs.
For information, refer to the Documentum Distributed Configuration Guide.
8. Two new arguments for the Content Replication job:

Content Server Release Notes 25

New Features and Changes

• -batch_size, which allows users to configure the size of the batches used to
process the content files being replicated
• -source_servers, which allows users to identify the servers to which the job is to
9. A set of scripts supporting high availability. The scripts provide running or stopped
status information about Content Server, the connection broker, and the index agent.
The scripts can be integrated into commercial monitoring packages. For a list of the
scripts, refer to the Content Server Administrator’s Guide.
10. Dmclean has a new argument, -clean_aborted_wf. If specified, the method removes
all aborted workflows in the repository.
11. Saveasnew API has a new argument, to indicate where to store new copies of content
12. Lock API has a new argument.
The argument, validate_stamp, controls whether the vstamp value is validated
before a lock is placed on an object.

Changed features
This section lists the features that have changed from the product.

Changed features in version 5.3

The following features have changed from the product in 5.3:

1. For a listing of the changes to the object type hierarchy, DQL, and DMCL API that
support the new features, refer to the EMC Documentum 5.3 System Migration Guide.

Changed features in service pack 5.3 SP6

The output of LIST_SESSIONS has changed and refer section LIST_SESSIONS output,
page 119 to for more information.

Changed features in service pack 5.3 SP5


26 Content Server Release Notes

New Features and Changes

Changed features in service pack 5.3 SP4

1. The ability to override the time interval value configured in the retry_interval
property of an ldap config object is changed. (Refer to New ability to configure
connect retry logic for LDAP servers, page 109 for the implications of this change.
2. Document’s Extended permissions are enhanced in MACL feature which is restricted
by TCS license.
3. Grammatical normalization implementation in full-text searches is changed to avoid
query timeouts. (Refer to Grammatical normalization implementation in full-text
searches is changed to avoid query timeouts, page 132 for the implications of this

Changed features in service pack 5.3 SP3


Changed features in service pack 5.3 SP2


Changed features in service pack 5.3 SP1

1. The distributed content model is changed in many details. Refer to the Distributed
Content Guide for details of the new implementation.
2. The LDAP Synchronization job is now run by the Java method server.
3. In distributed content configurations, remote Content Servers with a proximity
value of 9000 or higher cannot be used for data requests even if the primary Content
Server is not running.
4. The dm_SurrogateGet and dm_ContentReplication methods now use a global login
ticket to connect to the target repositories. (Refer to Host machine requirements for
Surrogate Get and content replication, page 89 and Surrogate Get change, page
90for the implications of this change.)
5. Repository sessions cannot fail over to Content Servers with proximity values 9000
or greater.

Content Server Release Notes 27

New Features and Changes

Removed features
This section lists the features that are removed from the product.

Removed features in version 5.3

The following features are removed from the product in 5.3:

1. The pre-5.3 architecture for fulltext indexing is no longer supported.

2. Term-hit highlighting is not supported in the current 5.3 indexing implementation.
3. The SEARCH TOPIC clause of the SELECT statement is deprecated.
4. Various object types and attributes.
The change in indexing architecture is reflected in the removal or deprecation of
a number of object types and attributes. For a listing of these, refer to the EMC
Documentum 5.3 System Migration Guide.
5. ADD_FTINDEX and DROP_FTINDEX options for ALTER TYPE DQL statement.
These syntax options are obsolete because the new indexing implementation
indexes all attributes regardless of data type and regardless of the attribute’s origin
(system-defined or custom).

Removed features in service pack 5.3 SP6


Removed features in service pack 5.3 SP5


Removed features in service pack 5.3 SP4


28 Content Server Release Notes

New Features and Changes

Removed features in service pack 5.3 SP3


Removed features in service pack 5.3 SP2

1. The object types that support email archiving, introduced in 5.3 SP1, are replaced
in 5.3 SP2 with a new set of object types. If there are no instances of the old types
in a repository, upgrading the repository removes the old type definitions from the
repository. (Refer to New object types supporting email archiving, page 138, for
information about the changes.)

Removed features in service pack 5.3 SP1

1. ContentRepl.cnt password file
Surrogate get and content replication jobs, the two features that used this file, now
use global login tickets instead.
2. RECOVER_TIMEOUT_TASKS administration method
The method is replaced by the RECOVER_AUTO_TASKS administration method.
3. setupdist utility
The setupdist utility is no longer used for setting up distributed content

Content Server Release Notes 29

New Features and Changes

30 Content Server Release Notes

Chapter 3
Fixed Problems

This section identifies problems and limitations, documented in the release notes of the applicable
minor version release or prior service pack(s), that have since been resolved.
Within two weeks of a release a more comprehensive list of fixed bugs is posted on the Powerlink
site ( You will need to navigate to at Support > KnowledgeBase Search >
Documentation and White Papers Search and then select Fixed Bugs Lists in the Select Document
Type(s) dropdown and the name and version of your product. You must have a software support
agreement to log in and access this list of fixed bugs.

QueueMgt administration job does not remove

queue items (81615)
When a work item generated from an activity that has its performer set to “All Users in a
Group” is completed, the remote_pending attribute of the associated dmi_queue_item is
left set to T. (It should be set to F at that point.) As a result, the QueueMgt administration
job does not remove those queue items.
This bug is regarded as fixed because a usable workaround is supplied. For instructions,
refer to Workaround for bug 81615, page 123.

Index agent failing to start against Content

Server (92461)
The index agent fails to start against Content Server if the dctm-server.jar file is
in the user’s $CLASSPATH environment variable when or is executed.
This bug is specific to the Solaris, Linux, AIX and HP-UX platforms.

Content Server Release Notes 31

Fixed Problems

Indexing error seen on slow or overloaded

machines (93413)
When the full-text indexing software is installed on slow or very heavily loaded
computers, some queue items may not be processed. They fail with the following error:
’DOCUMENT_ERROR Batch is no longer active
(callback lost in network problems or restart of status server)-
resend documents in batch’

If any queue items fail with this message, resubmit them to the index agent using
Documentum Administrator.

Index agent gives an error message on HP

Itanium (95049)
On HP Itanium, the index agent gives the following error message in the index agent
log file:
2005-03-07 14:49:26,192 WARN FdsIndexer [Thread-7][DM_INDEX_AGENT_PLUGIN]
Callback for ID :_NO_KEY_ON_ERROR_ already reported
2005-03-07 14:49:26,193 WARN FdsIndexer [Thread-7][DM_INDEX_AGENT_PLUGIN]
Callback for ID :_NO_KEY_ON_ERROR_ already reported 2005-03-07 14:49:27,373
Callback for ID :_NO_KEY_ON_ERROR_ already reported
2005-03-07 14:49:30,023 WARN FdsIndexer [Thread-7][DM_INDEX_AGENT_PLUGIN]
Callback for ID :_NO_KEY_ON_ERROR_ already reported
2005-03-07 14:49:35,863 WARN FdsIndexer [Thread-7][DM_INDEX_AGENT_PLUGIN]
Callback for ID :_NO_KEY_ON_ERROR_ already reported
2005-03-07 14:49:39,082 WARN FdsIndexer [Thread-7][DM_INDEX_AGENT_PLUGIN]
Callback for ID :_NO_KEY_ON_ERROR_ already reported
2005-03-07 14:49:41,703 WARN FdsIndexer [Thread-7][DM_INDEX_AGENT_PLUGIN]
Callback for ID :_NO_KEY_ON_ERROR_ already reported

This problem affects the procserver binary on HP-UX ia64 only. To work around the
problem, enable lazy swap allocation for the procserver binary. If lazy swap allocation
is enabled, the procserver processes will allocate swap space as required instead of
reserving swap space ahead of time.

To perform the work around for 95049:

1. Stop all instances of the procserver binary.

2. Use following command to enable lazy swap allocation:
chatr +dz enable binary

32 Content Server Release Notes

Fixed Problems

where binary is the path to the procserver binary. You must have write access to the
binary and there cannot be any instances of the binary running when you issue
the command.

Problems with deletion of an index agent using

the index agent conguration program (96471)
Deleting an index agent using the index agent configuration program fails to delete the
dm_ftindex_agent_config object from the repository if the index agent was created in
MIGRATION mode and then changed to NORMAL mode before you deleted it.

To work around this bug:

1. After deleting the index agent, fetch the object ID of its dm_ftindex_agent_config
2. Use a Destroy API method to delete the object.

Non-working of a functionality (96486)

The functionality represented by the dm_docbase_config.trust_by_default attribute does
not work as expected for multiple repositories. Setting the attribute to F (FALSE) does
not prohibit a user from logging in with a global login ticket if the issuing repository is
not a trusted repository.

Error signing documents larger than 50 M for

HP and Linux only (98441)
This bug existed in CAS -bug 68013. But now exists with TCS. Signing documents
through CAS that exceed 50mb in size will fail to include the content. The signature page
is included in the resulting PDF but the content of the file is missing.

Content Server Release Notes 33

Fixed Problems

Error setting environment variables for

indexing software on Solaris 9 platform
[Index server install] On Solaris 9 environment, environment variables are not set
properly by executing setupenv.csh even though the process returns the message:
"Environment variables successfully set."

ROW_BASED DQL hint failure (103719)

ROW_BASED hint does not work in conjunction with fulltext search.

Windows/SQL Server upgrade problem

Installer hangs during upgrade of 5.3 to 5.3 SP1 on Windows (SQL Server) if the
installation log becomes very large. The log files are created in the install directories
(C:\Documentum, C:Program Files\Shared, etc.). The workaround is to delete the log

Electronic signature (esignature) failure

The esignature functionality is broken. Error message is:
Arguments: "testenv" "tuser2" "object_id"

Error when installing remote Content Server

On UNIX, you may see the following error while installing a remote Content Server:

34 Content Server Release Notes

Fixed Problems

Failed to connect to docbase repository_name as user user_name

This indicates that the server has attempted to run the headstart script before the server
is completely started. To work around the problem, re-execute the panel.

Microsoft Word and Excel templates in

upgraded repositories (105197)
In an upgraded repository, attempting to create a new document from a Microsoft
Word or Excel template throws an error in Word or Excel. This indicates that the
templates are corrupted. New templates exist in the upgraded installation in the
$DM_HOME/install/workspace/templates directory. Use Setfile to replace the corrupted
templates with the new templates.

To install new Word and Excel templates:

1. Start IAPI and connect to the repository.

2. To replace the Word template, type the following commands:
retrieve,c,dm_document where object_name = "Blank Word 97 / 2000 Template"

3. To replace the Excel template, type the following commands:

retrieve,c,dm_document where object_name = "Blank Excel 97 / 2000 Template"

Location linking failure for Java lifecycles in

some cases (105219)
When a Java lifecycle is attached to a document, the document is not linked to the location
specified in the Location Expression of a state if the location folder has Korean name.

Content Server Release Notes 35

Fixed Problems

Problem with LDAP conguration with SSL

If an ldap config object with SSL enabled is set to server config object, reinit fails on
Solaris repositories.

Failure of dmFTSearchew on executing a

fulltext query in FAST (109613)
When you execute a fulltext query which returns a very large resultset in FAST fulltext
5.3 SP1, dmFTSearchew fails with the following error message: “QRServer Error (1012).
Resource limit exceeded. Error from QRServer; error code -2.”

Indexing and search stops on HP-UX and HP

Itanium after migration to FAST (110011)
Indexing and search stops completely throwing error messages on HP-UX and HP
Itanium after successful migration to FAST. Workaround: If you are using HP-UX and
HP Itanium, perform the following instruction after installing the IndexServer before
starting it:
Copy % cp $DOCUMENTUM/fulltext/IndexServer/bin/DocumentumFileRetriever2.xml for
HP to $Documentum/fulltext/IndexServer/etc/processors/DocumentumFileRetriever2.xml.
Now, the IndexServer is ready to use.
Note: If the IndexServer is already started, shut it down and then perform the instruction.
FAST needs the following HP-UX operating system-specific parameter settings:

1. Set maxdsiz or data seg size at 2 GB (0x80000000)

2. Enable Largefiles on the system
3. Set the following HP-UX kernel parameters:
4. maxusers: 256 or higher
5. max_thread_proc: 256 or higher
6. maxfiles: 1024 or higher

36 Content Server Release Notes

Fixed Problems

Queries in Content Server 5.3 SP2 with Chinese

characters return wrong results (110730)
In Content Server 5.3 SP2, the following queries with Chinese characters return wrong
select r_object_id from dm_document search document contains ’???????3?’
where object_name like ’FTDQL_001h_472428’

Importing a synonym le corrupts the index

server (111040)
The index server becomes unusable after a synonym file is imported.
The workaround for this issue is documented in Additional steps for enabling thesaurus
searching, page 86.

Trailing spaces of a folder name are stripped

off the path returned for a folder Id (111077)
The trailing spaces of a folder name are stripped off the path returned for a folder Id when
the folder name ends with a space which causes a ’Path Not Found’ exception in DFC.

Certutil utility not available for HPIA64 (111394)

Support for LDAP SSL on HPIA 64 requires Certificate Database Tool Certutil to create
database files like cert7.db. That utility is not currently available on that platform.

dm_retention_managers group members

cannot remove or add contents in a retained
object (113992)
The members of the dm_retention_managers group are not allowed to remove or add
contents in a retained object, and also to change the containment in a retained VDM.

Content Server Release Notes 37

Fixed Problems

WDK application installer fails in Japanese and

Korean Windows (115836)
WDK application installer fails in Japanese and Korean Windows operating system
throwing an error message at the end of the installation immediately after entering the
global repository user name and password. The workaround is to use the local_path
or installation path with only ASCII characters. So, you have to install the WDK
applications on the Japanese/Asian machines on directories having only ASCII characters
in the installation path.

Problems in indexing a large amount of les

When the index agent indexes a certain amount of files, even after the increasing
the limit for the file from 1024 to 10240, it fails with the following error message:
“StellentConverter: ERROR Processor exception: OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open

Error when importing or checking in on RSA

SSO Solaris environment (125699)
When you try to import or check in on RSA SSO Solaris environment, it results in an error.
Workaround: Refresh the page and you will get the login page again.

esignature functionality is not supported on

Solaris 10 (127336)
The esignature functionality is not supported on Solaris 10 operating system. Error
message is:
ed. Method Returned : -1 : Arguments: "sp4mar" "tuser2" "090d75c380002604" "/export/
_1071922238" "/export/marvel1/pokroi/dctm/share/temp/addesignature/dm_esigndefs_
29426_090d75c380002604_1071922238" "" "false" "" ""."

38 Content Server Release Notes

Fixed Problems

100% CPU usage on Content Server machine

behavior on Oracle 10g (130974)
When you have JMS Inbound activity template configured with BEA WebLogic 9.2 JMS,
the BPM Designer hangs when workflow is edited and saved and the CPU usage on the
Content Server machine is 100%. This behavior is seen only on Oracle 10g.

Problems with import operation (132060)

When you try to import xml applications, it fails at times with DM_API_E_NO_Collection

Content Server Release Notes 39

Fixed Problems

40 Content Server Release Notes

Chapter 4
Environment and System Requirements

This chapter lists the hardware (machine) requirements and software versions supported with
this release. Machine resources, non-Documentum software components (Operating System, Java
Runtime Environment, and so forth), and other EMC Documentum products determine the unique
environment for each EMC Documentum product. Hardware requirements, page 41, addresses basic
machine resource requirements. Software requirements, page 42, addresses specific software versions
that are required for the installation platform.
Content Server operates on a single environment (refer to Table 4–3, page 43), with a second server
used to manage full-text indexing.

Hardware requirements
This section lists nominal machine resources required for product installation and use.
Your individual machine requirements vary depending on factors such as the number
of products installed, size of your deployment, number of users, and network latency.
The Documentum System Sizing Tool dynamically generates estimates of your hardware
resource requirements based on your user and hardware profile.
You can download the Documentum System Sizing Tool from the Powerlink website
( by navigating to: Support > Technical Documentation and
Advisories > Software ~ D ~ Documentation > Documentum Systems > Systems Sizing.

Content Server machine requirements

The following table provides nominal resource requirements for the Content Server host
machine and the index server host machine. You can run Content Server and the index
server on the same host machine; however, you need to ensure that the cumulative
installation requirements listed in both Table 4–1, page 42 and Table 4–2, page 42 are met.
In other words, if Content Server and the index server are on the same host, a minimum

Content Server Release Notes 41

Environment and System Requirements

of 6 GB of RAM is required (2 MB for Content Server and 4 GB for the index server). For
best performance, we recommend that you run the index server and Content Server on
separate host machines.

Table 4-1. Content Server machine requirements

Hard disk space RAM [1] CPU Display

4 GB [2] Recommended: 2 Refer to the A video card
GB [3] Supported capable of
Processor Type displaying a
column for your minimum of 256
operating system in colors (SVGA), or
Table 4–3, page 43. 800 x 600

Note: The following notes apply to the Content Server machine requirements table:
[1] The amount of RAM that is available after taking into consideration all other
RAM utilization requirements.
[2] If you are installing Content Server on a UNIX or Linux system, 300 megabytes of
space are required in the /var/tmp directory.
[3] For better performance and if there is also a global repository housed on the same
host, along with other Documentum services deployed on that machine (such as
CIS or SCS).

Table 4-2. Index server machine requirements

Hard disk space RAM [1] CPU

3.2 GB to install, 3 GB to 4 GB Refer to the Supported
run Processor Type column for
your operating system in
Table 4–4, page 50.

Note: The following notes apply to the index server machine requirements table:
[1] The amount of RAM that is available after taking into consideration all other
RAM utilization requirements.

Software requirements
This section provides information on supported software environments.
The tables in this section reflect the latest versions of third-party products, upon which
the EMC Documentum product depends, that are supported at the time of this release.
For information on currently supported environments and future updates, refer to

42 Content Server Release Notes

Environment and System Requirements

Product Information System on the Powerlink website:

For detailed information about the policies governing supported products, refer to the
Customer Guide to EMC Software Support Services available on the Powerlink website:

Content Server environment

A Content Server environment consists of a specific combination of operating system
and RDBMS, and, optimally, an index server host machine for the full-text index server.
The following table lists the supported Content Server environments for Content Server.

Table 4-3. Content Server environment

Operating system Processor RDBMS

Windows 2000 SP4 Update Intel (x86) Oracle 9i Release 2 (
Rollup 1
Windows 2000 SP4 Update Intel (x86) Oracle 10g Release 1
Rollup 1 (
Windows 2000 SP4 Update Intel (x86) Oracle 10g Release 2
Rollup 1 (
Windows 2000 SP4 Update Intel (x86) SQL Server 2000 SP4
Rollup 1
Windows 2000 SP4 Update Intel (x86) SQL Server 2005 SP2
Rollup 1
Windows 2000 SP4 Update Intel (x86) DB2 Universal Database
Rollup 1 (UDB) 8.1 FixPak 15
Windows 2000 SP4 Update Intel (x86) DB2 Universal Database
Rollup 1 (UDB) 8.2 FixPak 8
Windows 2000 SP4 Update Intel (x86) DB2 Universal Database
Rollup 1 (UDB) 9.1 FixPak 4
Windows 2000 SP4 Update Intel (x86) Sybase Adaptive Server
Rollup 1 Enterprise (ASE) 15.0.2
ESD #1
Windows Server 2003 SP2 Intel (x86) Oracle 9i Release 2 (
(32-bit version)
Windows Server 2003 SP2 Intel (x86) Oracle 10g Release 1
(32-bit version) (

Content Server Release Notes 43

Environment and System Requirements

Operating system Processor RDBMS

Windows Server 2003 SP2 Intel (x86) Oracle 10g Release 2
(32-bit version) (
Windows Server 2003 SP2 Intel (x86) SQL Server 2000 SP4
(32-bit version)
Windows Server 2003 SP2 Intel (x86) SQL Server 2005 SP2
(32-bit version)
Windows Server 2003 SP2 Intel (x86) DB2 Universal Database
(32-bit version) (UDB) 8.1 FixPak 15
Windows Server 2003 SP2 Intel (x86) DB2 Universal Database
(32-bit version) (UDB) 8.2 FixPak 8
Windows Server 2003 SP2 Intel (x86) DB2 Universal Database
(32-bit version) (UDB) 9.1 FixPak 4
Windows Server 2003 SP2 Intel (x86) Sybase Adaptive Server
(32-bit version) Enterprise (ASE) 15.0.2
ESD #1
Solaris 8 UltraSPARC Oracle 9i Release 2 (
Solaris 8 UltraSPARC Oracle 10g Release 1
Solaris 8 UltraSPARC Oracle 10g Release 2
Solaris 8 Intel (x86) DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) 8.1 FixPak 15
Solaris 8 Intel (x86) DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) 8.2 FixPak 8
Solaris 8 Intel (x86) DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) 9.1 FixPak 3a
Solaris 8 UltraSPARC Sybase Adaptive Server
Enterprise (ASE) 12.5.4
ESD #6
Solaris 9 UltraSPARC Oracle 9i Release 2 (
Solaris 9 UltraSPARC Oracle 10g Release 1
Solaris 9 UltraSPARC Oracle 10g Release 2
Solaris 9 Intel (x86) DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) 8.1 FixPak 15

44 Content Server Release Notes

Environment and System Requirements

Operating system Processor RDBMS

Solaris 9 Intel (x86) DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) 8.2 FixPak 8
Solaris 9 Intel (x86) DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) 9.1 FixPak 3a
Solaris 9 UltraSPARC Sybase Adaptive Server
Enterprise (ASE) 12.5.4
ESD #6
Solaris 10 UltraSPARC Oracle 9i Release 2 (
Solaris 10 UltraSPARC Oracle 10g Release 1
Solaris 10 UltraSPARC Oracle 10g Release 2
Solaris 10 Intel (x86) DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) 8.1 FixPak 15
Solaris 10 Intel (x86) DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) 8.2 FixPak 8
Solaris 10 Intel (x86) DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) 9.1 FixPak 3a
Solaris 10 UltraSPARC Sybase Adaptive Server
Enterprise (ASE) 12.5.4
ESD #6
AIX 5L V5.2 TL10 Power Oracle 9i Release 2 (
AIX 5L V5.2 TL10 Power Oracle 10g Release 1
AIX 5L V5.2 TL10 Power Oracle 10g Release 2
AIX 5L V5.2 TL10 Power DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) 8.1 FixPak 15
AIX 5L V5.2 TL10 Power DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) 8.2 FixPak 8
AIX 5L V5.2 TL10 Power DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) 9.1 FixPak 4
AIX 5L V5.3 TL7 Power Oracle 9i Release 2 (
AIX 5L V5.3 TL7 Power Oracle 10g Release 1

Content Server Release Notes 45

Environment and System Requirements

Operating system Processor RDBMS

AIX 5L V5.3 TL7 Power Oracle 10g Release 2
AIX 5L V5.3 TL7 Power DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) 8.1 FixPak 15
AIX 5L V5.3 TL7 Power DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) 8.2 FixPak 8
AIX 5L V5.3 TL7 Power DB2 Universal Database
(UDB) 9.1 FixPak 4
HP-UX 11 PA-RISC 2.0 Oracle 9i Release 2 (
HP-UX 11 PA-RISC 2.0 Oracle 10g Release 1
HP-UX 11 PA-RISC 2.0 Oracle 10g Release 2
HP-UX 11i version 2 PA-RISC 2.0 Oracle 9i Release 2 (
Update 2 (B.11.23)
HP-UX 11i version 2 PA-RISC 2.0 Oracle 10g Release 1
Update 2 (B.11.23) (
HP-UX 11i version 2 PA-RISC 2.0 Oracle 10g Release 2
Update 2 (B.11.23) (
HP-UX 11i version 2 Itanium Oracle 9i Release 2 (
Update 2 (B.11.23)
HP-UX 11i version 2 Itanium Oracle 10g Release 1
Update 2 (B.11.23) (
HP-UX 11i version 2 Itanium Oracle 10g Release 2
Update 2 (B.11.23) (
HP-UX 11i version 3 PA-RISC 2.0 Oracle 9i Release 2 (
Update 1 (B.11.31)
HP-UX 11i version 3 PA-RISC 2.0 Oracle 10g Release 1
Update 1 (B.11.31) (
HP-UX 11i version 3 PA-RISC 2.0 Oracle 10g Release 2
Update 1 (B.11.31) (
HP-UX 11i version 3 Itanium Oracle 9i Release 2 (
Update 1 (B.11.31)
HP-UX 11i version 3 Itanium Oracle 10g Release 1
Update 1 (B.11.31) (

46 Content Server Release Notes

Environment and System Requirements

Operating system Processor RDBMS

HP-UX 11i version 3 Itanium Oracle 10g Release 2
Update 1 (B.11.31) (
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Intel (x86) Oracle 9i Release 2 (
3.0 Update 8
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Intel (x86) Oracle 10g Release 1
3.0 Update 8 (
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Intel (x86) Oracle 10g Release 2
3.0 Update 8 (
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Intel (x86) Sybase Adaptive Server
3.0 Update 8 Enterprise (ASE) 12.5.4
ESD #6
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Intel (x86) Sybase Adaptive Server
3.0 Update 8 Enterprise (ASE) 15.0.2
ESD #1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Intel (x86) Oracle 9i Release 2 (
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Intel (x86) Oracle 10g Release 1
4.6 (
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Intel (x86) Oracle 10g Release 2
4.6 (
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Intel (x86) Sybase Adaptive Server
4.6 Enterprise (ASE) 12.5.4
ESD #6
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Intel (x86) Sybase Adaptive Server
4.6 Enterprise (ASE) 15.0.2
ESD #1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Intel (x86) Oracle 9i Release 2 (
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Intel (x86) Oracle 10g Release 1
5.1 (
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Intel (x86) Oracle 10g Release 2
5.1 (
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Intel (x86) Sybase Adaptive Server
5.1 Enterprise (ASE) 12.5.4
ESD #6

Content Server Release Notes 47

Environment and System Requirements

Operating system Processor RDBMS

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Intel (x86) Sybase Adaptive Server
5.1 Enterprise (ASE) 15.0.2
ESD #1
SuSE Linux Enterprise Intel (x86) Oracle 9i Release 2 (
Server 9 SP3
SuSE Linux Enterprise Intel (x86) Oracle 10g Release 1
Server 9 SP3 (
SuSE Linux Enterprise Intel (x86) Oracle 10g Release 2
Server 9 SP3 (
SuSE Linux Enterprise Intel (x86) Sybase Adaptive Server
Server 9 SP3 Enterprise (ASE) 12.5.4
ESD #6
SuSE Linux Enterprise Intel (x86) Sybase Adaptive Server
Server 9 SP3 Enterprise (ASE) 15.0.2
ESD #1
SuSE Linux Enterprise Intel (x86) Oracle 9i Release 2 (
Server 10 SP1
SuSE Linux Enterprise Intel (x86) Oracle 10g Release 1
Server 10 SP1 (
SuSE Linux Enterprise Intel (x86) Oracle 10g Release 2
Server 10 SP1 (
SuSE Linux Enterprise Intel (x86) Sybase Adaptive Server
Server 10 SP1 Enterprise (ASE) 12.5.4
ESD #6
SuSE Linux Enterprise Intel (x86) Sybase Adaptive Server
Server 10 SP1 Enterprise (ASE) 15.0.2
ESD #1


• The following functionalities are not supported for HP-UX on Itanium:

— eSignature manifestation
— eTrust Siteminder Single Sign-on
• The following features are not supported for Linux operating systems:
— eSignature manifestation

48 Content Server Release Notes

Environment and System Requirements

• eSignature manifestations for Trusted Content Services do not support Adobe PDF


• For Content Server running with Oracle 10g (10.1.0.x) databases, the minimum
required version is
• AIX version 6.0, version 7.0 (with all current APARs applied), and version 8.0 C++
runtimes are supported.
• According to IBM, DB2 8.1 FixPak 7a is functionally equivalent to DB2 8.2 and DB2
8.1 FixPak 8 same as DB2 8.2 FixPak 1.
• The following Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese localized RDBMS are
supported: Oracle, SQL Server, and DB2.
• The database can be either a local or remote installation. We only support those
operating system and database combinations that are listed in the table when the
database is installed locally. If a particular database version is not available on a
particular operating system, using the version specified in the 5.3 release notes. For
example, Oracle 10g Release 1 ( is not available on AIX as of SP1, but Oracle
10g Release 1 ( is supported because we supported it with our 5.3 release.
The database can be installed on any operating system supported by the database
vendor, provided the database client can be installed on the Content Server host. For
example, Content Server can be installed on a Windows host and use a database
installed on a Solaris host. When the database is installed remotely, verify that you
can connect to the database by using a database client from the system where you
intend to install Content Server.
• We also support 100% Intel compatible processors. Customers will have to obtain
the 100% compatibility statement and guarantee/assurance from the processor and
OS vendors and log bugs directly with those vendors if any compatibility issues
are discovered.
• XWindows is required for the GUI installer on UNIX operating systems.
• The following Windows 2000 editions are supported: Server, Advanced Server,
Data Center Server
• The following Windows 2003 editions are supported: Standard, Enterprise, Data
• A private copy of the Tomcat servlet container is installed by Content Server. This
application server is required for LDAP user synchronization, Java Lifecycles, and
the ACS server.
• We support 64-bit version of Red Hat and SuSE Linux through the 32-bit compatibility
mode with 100% Intel compatible processor like AMD64 or Intel EM64T.

Content Server Release Notes 49

Environment and System Requirements

• The EMC Centera SDK version 3.1 SP1 is included by the installer. For information
on supported EMC Centera Cluster versions with this Centera SDK version, see the
product documentation for EMC Centera.
• LDAP Servers:
— Active Directory for Windows 2000 SP4 & 2003 SP1
— Oracle Internet Directory Release
— Oracle Internet Directory 10g R2 (10.1.2) & 10g R3 (10.1.4)
— Sun Java System Directory Server 5.2 P5 & 6.0
• The RDBMS may be installed on a different machine from Content Server. Refer to
the Content Server Installation Guide for detailed descriptions of the Content Server
and RDBMS installation environment.
• The operating systems listed in this table include virtualized versions of the
operating system running in any version of VMware Intel-architecture (VMware ESX
Server, GSX Server and Workstation).

Full-Text index server environment

The following table provides information about supported environments for a full-text
indexing server:

Table 4-4. Full-Text index server environment

Operating system Processor

Windows 2000 SP4 Update Rollup 1 Intel (x86)
Windows Server 2003 SP2 (32-bit version) Intel (x86)
Solaris 8 UltraSPARC
Solaris 9 UltraSPARC
Solaris 10 UltraSPARC
AIX 5L V5.2 TL10 Power
AIX 5L V5.3 TL7 Power
HP-UX 11 PA-RISC 2.0
HP-UX 11i version 2 Update 2 (B.11.23) PA-RISC 2.0
HP-UX 11i version 2 Update 2 (B.11.23) Itanium
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 Update 8 Intel (x86)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.6 Intel (x86)

50 Content Server Release Notes

Environment and System Requirements

Operating system Processor

SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP3 Intel (x86)
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1 Intel (x86)


• The index server cannot be installed on the Microsoft Cluster Services environment,
but if installed on a separate host, the index server can index and respond to queries
from a repository installed on Microsoft Cluster Services.
• No multinode partitioning support.


• Localized Japanese, and Korean operating systems are supported.

• The indexing software must run with Content Servers with the same version. For
example, you can only run Index Server 5.3 SP6 with Content Server 5.3 SP6.
• Several multinode indexing configurations have been tested by Documentum. These
are the only multinode configurations supported by Documentum. Documentum
Professional Services installation guidance is required for any mulitnode
configuration. Installations without Professional service guidance are not supported.
The proposed architecture must be reviewed before deployment. Contact your
Account manager to arrange for review and approval of the proposed architecture.
Support provides support of multinode configurations only in runtime and only
after an architectural review deems the configuration supportable.
• We support 64-bit version of Red Hat and SuSE Linux through the 32-bit compatibility
mode with 100% Intel compatible processor like AMD64 or Intel EM64T.
• VMware is supported for development and testing environments only and not for
production environments.
• The following patches are required for HP-UX with PA-RISC 2.0:
— PHCO_34944
— PHKL_31500
— PHKL_34032

Content Server Release Notes 51

Environment and System Requirements

Index agent administration tool environment

Table 4-5. Index agent administration tool environment

Operating system Browser Java plug-in

Windows 2000 SP4 Update Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 Sun JRE 1.4.2_16
Rollup 1
Internet Explorer 7
Windows 2000 SP4 Update Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 MS JVM
Rollup 1
Internet Explorer 7
Windows XP SP2 (32-bit Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 Sun JRE 1.4.2_16
Internet Explorer 7
Windows XP SP2 (32-bit Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 MS JVM
Internet Explorer 7
Windows Server 2003 SP2 Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 Sun JRE 1.4.2_16
(32-bit version)
Internet Explorer 7
Windows Server 2003 SP2 Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 MS JVM
(32-bit version)
Internet Explorer 7


• No support for Index Server or Index Agent with VMware.



52 Content Server Release Notes

Environment and System Requirements

Additional operating environments

Table 4-6. Additional operating environments

Product Operating environment

VMware Workstation, GSX Server, ESX Server
eTrust Siteminder Policy Server 5.5 SP4 Supported with Content Server-supported
eTrust Siteminder Policy Server 6.0 SP5
RSA Access Manager 5.5 Supported with Content Server-supported
RSA Access Manager 6.0


For the additional operating environments supported with this release, the following
exceptions apply:
• No support for eTrust Siteminder on HP-UX 11i version 2 Update 2 for Itanium.


• Documentum fully supports all of our products running on an OS that is virtualized

within any version of VMware as long as that OS is supported by the appropriate
EMC Documentum product. Note that VMware supports only x86 microprocessor
• Computer Associates eTrust SiteMinder was formerly known as Netegrity

Cross-product dependencies
The following table lists optional and required versions of products that are depended
on in order to enable additional features.
You may have to install some of the products listed in Table 4–7, page 54 on separate
host or client machines due to differences in the DFC versions included with those
products. Before installing a product, check the product’s Installation Guide for supported
installation configurations.

Content Server Release Notes 53

Environment and System Requirements

Table 4-7. Cross-product dependencies

EMC products Included by installer

For Content Server: • DFC 5.3 SP2, 5.3 SP3, 5.3 SP4, 5.3 SP5,
5.3 SP6**
• EMC Centera SDK
• Tomcat
* Interoperability with all other 5.3.x version EMC Documentum client products, while
not required to enable full functionality, is supported. EMC Documentum 5.3 products
do not support any 4.x version of Content Server.

By default, Content Server with Collaboration Services or RPS enabled can accept only
version 5.3 or 5.3 SPx clients. Refer to the product documentation for instructions
on how to change this setting.

For information about the supported configurations for products listed in this table,
Refer to the Release Notes for the product.

** This version of DFC works properly with any EMC Documentum client product
with version number 5.2.5 or 5.3, with the exception of the following DFC features,
which work only when DFC is accessing Content Server version 5.3 or 5.3 SPx:
• Fetching service-based object (SBO) implementations from a repository’s global
registry (Pre-5.3 Documentum systems do not have global registries.)
• Web Services 5.3 or 5.3 SPx

54 Content Server Release Notes

Chapter 5
Known Problems and Limitations

This section identifies problems and limitations that may affect your use of the product.
Note: This section and the Technical Notes section may refer to platforms or features that are
not supported for this release of your product. Check Chapter 4, Environment and System
Requirements to verify requirements.
EMC Documentum makes the latest information about customer-reported issues and known
problems are posted on the Powerlink site ( You must have a software
support agreement to log in and access the list of issues.

Known problems
This section describes known defects in EMC Documentum software that may affect
your use of the product.

Indexing failure due to batch loss (89623)

Some documents failed to be indexed with the error message from dmi_queue_item as:
DOCUMENT_ERROR Batch probably lost during processing
This bug happens when some XML documents cause problems in the index server’s
document processor, causing the entire batch to fail. If a batch of documents (usually
a maximum of five) fails with this error, submit the dmi_queue_items persisted in the
warning state with this error one by one, preferably when the repository is not being
actively used so that only one item gets into each batch submitted to the index server
by the index agent.

Content Server Release Notes 55

Known Problems and Limitations

Inability to search specially formatted text in PDFs

Some text in specially formatted areas in some PDF documents is not searchable.

Failure to search for Japanese, Korean, Russian,

Chinese and Greek characters (94672)
Japanese, Chinese, Korean , Russian and Greek strings are not searchable. Some German
strings are not searchable as well.

Numerous warning messages in index agent log le

IA log has hundreds messages like this: "WARN FdsIndexer [Thread-39][DM_INDEX_
AGENT_PLUGIN] Callback for ID :08000928800027d8 already reported" following by
"ERROR DSAPICallback [RequestProcessor[1033]]Callback error - Could not send event
to client!
This typically occurs when attempting to delete objects that are not in the index. The
warnings do not indicate a problem in the index and may be ignored.

Switching index modes causes error from IA jsp page

The Index Agent jsp page caused an internal server error when the migration mode was
switched to normal mode against an upgraded AIX/DB2 repository.

Failover to ACS (105202)

If the Webtop application is running in HTTP mode and a connection attempt to an ACS
server fails, the application cannot failover to connect to another ACS server.

56 Content Server Release Notes

Known Problems and Limitations

Network locations in Portals login page (105111)

The Portals login page displays a list of default network locations, but does not map
automatically to the client’s correct network location.

Retention dates in Centera stores (106298)

When a Centera content-addressed store is used, you cannot set a retention date past
the date January 1, 2038 for content files in the store. This restriction applies to both
the retention date set on the store itself and to retention dates set by Retention Policy
Services, provided that a Centera store is in use. If the retention date is later than January
1, 2038, the content files have no retention set.

Thesaurus on AIX (106820)

Thesaurus searching does not work on the AIX operating system.

Double-byte characters are corrupted on eSignature

pages (107683)
Double-byte characters are corrupted for name, title and justification text in the
eSignature page.

Too much disk space used during rst creation of index

If large numbers of documents are being indexed while the fulltext index is being built,
enormous amounts of disk space are required.

Content Server Release Notes 57

Known Problems and Limitations

High Availability functionality does not allow switching

between Index Servers (109615)
For High Availability without load balancer - if it is needed to switch between two
instances of Index Server, you must restart the server first—which is not feasible for
High Availability.

Cobra tool fails to run on HP-UX (109874)

The cobra tool fails to run on HP-UX environment. Error message is:
[WARNING ]: Exception in doquery: exceptions.IOError:[Errno 32] Broken pipe
To run the ftintegrity tool successfully on HPUX (PARISC), the workaround is to change
the extension of the query plugin to ".sl" in ftintegrity.params.txt file manually.

Content Server allows the is_standby attribute to be set

to FALSE in multiple fulltext cong objects (110059)
Content Server should not allow - is_standby to be set to FALSE for more than one
dm_fulltext_index object. (This can only occur if high availability is incorrectly setup
using the manual steps.)

Problems with IndexServer uninstaller on HP Itanium

IndexServer uninstaller fails to remove the IndexServer directory under
$DOCUMENTUM/fulltext location on HP Itanium.

Centera plugin used with Centera Filestores is not

enforcing RPS policies (120780)
When content is migrated from filestores to Centera storage areas using the
MIGRATE_CONTENT method, the Centera plugin is not preserving the retention
policies from RPS.

58 Content Server Release Notes

Known Problems and Limitations

Problems with creating a document on distributed store

If you create a document on distributed store where components are stored with
compression turned on, then the content is not compressed when saved on compress
store. As a result, when you try to retrieve the content as getfile, the content is corrupted
as Content Server tries to decompress the file. However, this problem occurs only when
you create a document on distributed store.

Problems with Get Well -ftdql query with search word

MARKET (126582)
The Get Well -ftdql query with search word MARKET returns less objects than
ftdql query with the search word MARKETING. The query with MARKET returns
MARKETS, MARKETED, and MARKETING, but query with MARKETING returns
mostly MARKETING and less MARKETINGNET texts.

Failure in content migration using EMC Centera

When migrating content from one content-addressed storage area to another
content-addressed storage area and both storage area objects reference the identical
Centera connection string, the content migration fails.
Note: The Centera connection string is set in a_storage_params[0] of the storage area’s
ca store object.
The workaround for this bug is to set the following option in the a_storage_params
property for both the source and target ca store objects in the migration operation:

After setting this option, execute the ’reinit’ command or restart the server.

Caution: Set the option in the index position [1] or higher. Do not overwrite the
connection string in a_storage_params[0].

Content Server Release Notes 59

Known Problems and Limitations

Failure to check in the root of a virtual document —

[FIGSJKE] (133142)
[FIGSJKE]: You will not be able to check in the root of a virtual document when you try
to perform the ’Cancel Checkout’ operation for any of its child.

Viewing the index agent log le

If you are using a browser on the Windows 2000 platform to view the index agent log file
from the Index Agent Admin Tool, you must click Open twice to see the log file.

Error indexing text or XML les

The following error when indexing a text or XML file indicates that the mime_type
attribute in the format object is not set correctly:
ERROR DocumentException: EXOpenExport() failed: no filter available for this file

To resolve the error, set the format’s mime_type attribute to:


Createaudit API
The Createaudit method, used to create audit trail entries for custom events, currently
does not record attribute values in the audit trail entry’s attribute_list attribute. To work
around this issue, you can use the Create, Set, and Save API methods to create the audit
trail entry.
If the total length of the attribute names and values that you want to record is greater
than the size of the attribute_list attribute, use Create, Set, and Save to also create a
dmi_audittrail_attrs object to store the overflow. If you require an audittrail attrs object
for the overflow, you must create and save that before you save the audittrail object.
Here is the sequence of actions needed:

60 Content Server Release Notes

Known Problems and Limitations


Upgrade fails on HP-UX with "JVM Not Found" error

When you have more than one product (package) installed in the same environment and
if one of them is upgraded to 5.3 SP4, it would fail with "JVM Not Found" error during
the next/second product (package) upgrade. For example, assume, you have the 5.3
SP3 version of Content Server and fulltext installed in the same environment (meaning
$DOCUMENTUM and $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED are shared by both Content Server
and fulltext) and Content Server is upgraded to SP4 successfully. When you try to
upgrade fulltext now, it would fail with the error message.
Workaround: After the first product is upgraded, create a file called JVMCount at
$DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/java/1.4.2_11. The file should contain the number "100" (no
quotes around). Then, continue to upgrade the next product.

Searching mixed-language documents with the

lemmatize feature turned on
The way that lemmatization works in the IndexServer is, that the words ’running’ and
’runs’ will both be grammatically normalized by reduction and indexed as the word ’run’.
During the query time, querying for ’running’ or ’runs’ or ’run’ would all get reduced to
’run’ as well and the search is successful. This works well when the query-string and
the content being indexed are both of the same language. However, for documents with
more than one language in it, for example when you use little English mixed in to a
primarily French document which was lemmatized according to French grammar rules,

Content Server Release Notes 61

Known Problems and Limitations

querying for English may not work as expected. For instance, if you search for the word
’individuals’, it will not find a match for the word ’individual’ within the document.

Constraint on adding retention policies with conditional

You may not add a conditional retention policy to a document stored in a
content-addressed storage area if that object already has conditional policies that have
all been triggered.

Fulltext unable to index Ofce 2007 documents

Microsoft Office 2007 supports two XML formats (2003 XML doc and Windows XML
doc). When the file is stored in .docx format, though Content Server accepts this format,
fulltext is unable to index such a document. Workaround: You should save the file as XML
file if you want the indexing to be done on your 2007 documents.

User created with blank values when you synchronize

users with AD and user_address does not have any
values in it (145922)
When you create a user through DA, the user_address is a required field. When you
synchronize users with AD and the user_address does not have any values in AD, the
user is still created (53 SP4) with a blank values in it. However, if you are interested in
having email address for all users in docbase, you need to configure the LDAP data with
email addresses. LDAPSync will not set the email addresses as the function of the job is
to mimic the data in the LDAP.

While trying to start tomcat_acs on AIX-DB2, system

throws an error (154293)
When you try to start tomcat_acs on AIX-DB2, the system throws an error. By design,
the INSTALLER reads the primary docbroker host and port from dmcl.ini or prompts
the user to enter them and migrates those settings to the ACS If you later
create a new docbroker using the configuration program the ACS will not

62 Content Server Release Notes

Known Problems and Limitations

be updated with information about the docbroker. If you want to change your docbroker
after the installer has run then you must do so manually.

When accessing the ACS page on RHL 5.1 platforms,

exception (156141)
When access the ACS page on RHL 5.1 platforms, the DFC_DOCBROKER_REQUEST_
FAILED throws exception. This happens only on changing the port number of
tomcat_acs/ webapps/ACS/WEB_INF/classes/ file to the actual port on
which the docbroker is listening.

Add $DB2_BASE /sqllib/lib32 variable to the

In the Solaris DB2 platform, add $DB2_BASE /sqllib/lib32 to the LD_LIBARAY_PATH
variable as all the Documentum utilities should be linked to the lib32 library.

This section describes limits on the usability of current functionality. The limitations
may be part of the product design or may result from issues with associated third-party

Solaris is not supported for Sybase 15.0

In the 5.3 SP4 release, Solaris is not supported for Sybase 15.0. The Sybase versions
supported for 5.3 SP4 are Sybase 12.5.4 and Sybase 15.0. This means that solaris/sybase
will link with the ASE 12.5.4 libraries and be equivalent to SP3. Windows and Linux will
still have ASE 15.0 client libraries. Windows only matters to the embedded project, but
Linux will affect Enterprise. So, for Linux, you need to install the ASE 15.0 libraries
regardless of your database 12.5.4 or 15.0.

Content Server Release Notes 63

Known Problems and Limitations

Note: Sybase 15.0 is supported on Windows, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and SuSE Linux
Enterprise. Sybase 12.5.4 is supported on Suse Linux Enterprise, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, and Solaris.

64 Content Server Release Notes

Chapter 6
Technical Notes

This section provides configuration and usability notes for current product features. The following
subsections are included:
• Installation notes, page 65
• Configuration notes, page 84
• Usability notes, page 120
• New object types supporting email archiving, page 138

Installation notes
This section contains information about installation requirements and installation
procedures that supplements the information in Content Server Installation Guide. The
following additional information is presented:
• Platform-independent installation and upgrade notes, page 67, including
— Full release, page 67
— Installation manuals, page 67
— Content Server upgrade paths, page 68
— Upgrading the remote servers in a distributed configuration, page 68
— ACS servers in an upgrade, page 68
— Content Server and index server on the same host, page 69
— Installing remotely, page 70
— Full-text indexing software not supported on VMWare, page 70
— Consolidated full-text indexing and high-availability indexing, page 70
— Choosing the correct hardware for full-text indexing, page 70
— Upgrading DFC, page 71

Content Server Release Notes 65

Technical Notes

— Default settings in docbase config may affect client access, page 71

— Resolving type cache problems on clients after upgrade, page 72
— Moving repositories across platforms and the AEK.key file, page 72
— Setting the server_os_codepage and client_codepage on the Japanese Content
Server, page 72
— The database_refresh_interval Key, page 73
• Windows-specific installation notes and issues, page 73, including
— Windows installation owner account, page 73
— Installing the Korean data dictionary information on Japanese Windows, page 73
— Upgrading distributed configurations, page 73
• Installation issues for all UNIX platforms, page 74
— Change for Tomcat application server startup, page 74
— New command line for launching repository configuration, page 74
— _s entry in the Service Names file, page 74
• Installation issues specific to AIX, page 74
— Upgrading on AIX with DB2, page 75
— C++ runtime library version, page 75
— AIX host requirement, page 75
• Installation issues specific to HP-UX, page 75
— Installing on HP-UX when the device name for the temp directory is longer than
15 characters, page 75
— Environment variable values on HP-UX on PA_RISC processors, page 76
• Environment variables (UNIX and Linux), page 76
• Installation issues specific to Sybase, page 77
— Repository upgrade may hang on Sybase platforms, page 77
• Requirement for installing the index server, page 77
• Upgrading a 5.3 or later repository that is indexed, page 77
• Upgrading the full-text components in 5.3 SP3, page 78
• Workaround for bug 110011 — Problems indexing from fixml on HP platforms,
page 79
• Installing with Oracle Real Application Clusters, page 79
• Installation of Sybase and post configuration parameters, page 79
• Installation of Content Server on Sybase 12.5.4, page 80
• Repository sizes of Sybase, page 80

66 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

• Before upgrading from 5.2.x on HP-UX, page 80

• Correct PATH and SHLIB_PATH settings for ia64 (HP only), page 80
• Problem with queries returning 0 for SCORE is fixed, page 81
• Constraint on SAN devices, page 81
• Index Server installation constraint (HP-UX only), page 81
• Fix for bug 119539 — updated Server setenv scripts, page 81
• Operating system patches required for full-text indexing (HP-UX 11.23 only), page 82
• Setting default directories for repository data and log files on Windows with SQL
Server , page 82
• Post installation task to enable synonym searches, page 82
• Changes to dm_ftengine_config object, page 83
• Required patches for full-text indexing host (HP-UX 11.23 only), page 83

Platform-independent installation and upgrade notes

The items in this section apply to all host platforms.

Full release

Content Server 5.3 SP6 is a full release that can be used to create new installations.
Content Server 5.3 SP6 does not need to be applied to an existing 5.2.x and 5.3

Installation manuals

Two installation manuals apply to this release:

• For installing Content Server, use the Content Server Installation Guide version 5.3
SP3, dated July, 2006.
• For installing the full-text indexing software, use the Content Server Full-Text Indexing
Installation Guide version 5.3 SP4, dated December, 2006.

Content Server Release Notes 67

Technical Notes

Content Server upgrade paths

The upgrade paths to Content Server 5.3 SP5 are the same as for 5.3 SP4, with the
addition that you can upgrade to 5.3 SP5 from 5.3 SP4. For more information on the
supported upgrade paths, refer to the Content Server Installation Guide.

Upgrading the remote servers in a distributed conguration

The procedure for upgrading a remote Content Server in a distributed content

configuration is different depending on the server release from which you are upgrading:
• If the Content Server and repository are on release 5.3 SP2, run the Content Server
installation program on the remote host, but do not run the server configuration
program. Restart the remote Content Server and connection broker.
This applies to distributed configurations created on 5.3 SP2 or upgraded to 5.3 SP2
from an earlier release.
• If the Content Server and repository are on an earlier release than 5.3 SP1 (for
example, 5.2.5), use the manual instructions on page 121 of the Content Server
Installation Guide version 5.3 SP1.

ACS servers in an upgrade

If you upgrade to 5.3 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4 or SP5 from an earlier Content Server version,
the file is not populated correctly and the ACS server does not function
correctly. End users may not be able to access content files, Surrogate Get does not
work, and there are performance problems when content files are retrieved. You must
manually populate the file on each host where Content Server is installed.

To manually populate the le:

1. Log in to the Content Server host as the installation owner.

2. Navigate to $DM_HOME/tomcat/webapps/ACS/WEB-INF/classes/config (UNIX) or
%DM_HOME%\tomcat\webapps\ACS\WEB-INF\classes\config (Windows).
3. Open the file in a text editor.
4. Set the repository.acsconfig parameter to the object name of the ACS server’s acs
config object:

5. Set the repository.login parameter to the user login name of the Documentum
installation owner:

68 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes


6. Do not set the repository.password parameter.

7. Set the parameter to the name of the server config object for the
Content Server with which the ACS server is installed.
• If the Content Server is the primary Content Server, the syntax is:

For example, if the repository name is iolanthe:
• If the Content Server is a remote server:

For example:
8. Save the file.
9. Restart Tomcat and the ACS server.
10. Navigate to $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/logs (UNIX) or %DOCUMENUM%\logs
and examine the AcsServer.log file to confirm that the ACS server is projecting
correctly to the connection brokers defined in the acs config object or server config
11. Use the following command to confirm that the connection broker projections are
dmqdocbroker -t connection_broker_host -i -a -c
getservermap repository_name

Content Server and index server on the same host

If the Content Server and index server are installed on the same host, the values in the
hardware requirements tables for the two components must be added together. For
example, the Content Server requires a minimum of 512 MB of RAM and the index
server requires a minimum of 4 GB of RAM. If they are installed on the same host, a
minimum of 4.5 GB of RAM is required.

Content Server Release Notes 69

Technical Notes

Installing remotely

Displaying the installer remotely across platforms is not supported. For example,
remotely displaying from Solaris to Solaris usually works, but Solaris to an HP UX
Server or Exceed is not supported.

Full-text indexing software not supported on VMWare

The index agent and index server are not currently supported on VMWare. Statements in
the supported environments chapter indicating otherwise are incorrect.

Consolidated full-text indexing and high-availability indexing

Consolidated indexing is a full-text indexing configuration in which multiple repositories

are indexed into a single index by one index server instance. High-availability indexing
is a configuration in which each repository is indexed redundantly into two indexes
by two index server instances.
As of Content Server 5.3 SP3, you can combine these two configurations. In other words,
multiple repositories are redundantly indexed into two indexes by two index server
instances. Use the instructions in the Content Server Full-Text Indexing Installation Guide to
set up the combined configuration. At a high level, you must:

1. Create the first consolidated indexing configuration with index agent A and index
server A.
2. Follow the high-availability instructions to create the duplicate indexing queue
and indexing user.
3. Create the second consolidated indexing configuration with index agent B and index
server B.

Choosing the correct hardware for full-text indexing

Indexing and querying the indexes are both high-I/O processes. Choosing the correct
hardware to support a full-text indexing installation is critical for adequate performance
and avoiding query time-outs. If the hardware does not have sufficient capacity, indexing
may take too long and full-text queries may time out.
The following restrictions apply to the hardware used for storing the index and
associated FIXML:

70 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

• Network Attached Storage devices (NAS) are not supported for index or FIXML
• Do not place the index or FIXML on a volume that is mounted as an NFS or CIFS
share or any other NAS protocol.
Use the following guidelines in determining the correct hardware for your full-text
indexing installation:
• Choose a disk system that provides high rates of I/O.
A large full-text index, reaching tens or hundreds of gigabytes in size, requires
disk I/O capacity of thousands of I/Os per second. A RAID or a high-performance
SAN-based disk array such as EMC Symmetrix is suitable for indexing.
• Choose network hardware, such as fiber, to provide the highest possible bandwidth
between the host and the SAN.
• If possible, increase the amount of memory cache before or associated with the disk.

Upgrading DFC

Upgrading DFC from the version installed by a particular Content Server version is
not supported.

Default settings in docbase cong may affect client access

If you install or upgrade Content Server with either a Collaborative Services license or a
Retention Policy Services license, the procedure sets:
• dm_docbase_config.oldest_client_version attribute to 5.3
• dm_docbase_config.check_client_version attribute to T
These settings mean that Content Server will accept connection requests from
Documentum client applications only if the applications are at or above the 5.3 version
The oldest_client_version attribute identifies the lowest version level of a Documentum
client that is expected to connect to the repository. This value is used by the DFC to
determine which XML chunking algorithm to use for XML content when the content is
saved to the repository. (Refer to The oldest_client_version attribute, page 90 for more
information about this.) It is also used in conjunction with the check_client_version
attribute setting to control access to the repository in general.
When check_client_version is T, Content Server checks the value in oldest_client_version
and does not accept connection requests from Documentum client applications older
than the version specified in oldest_client_version.

Content Server Release Notes 71

Technical Notes

Caution: You can change the settings. However, allowing users to connect from pre-5.3
clients will allow users to bypass the retention controls enforced by Retention Policy
Services (RPS) if you have RPS enabled and retention policies defined and assigned to
objects. Additionally, pre-5.3 clients will not recognize the access controls imposed by
rooms (a feature of Collaboration Services).

Resolving type cache problems on clients after upgrade

When users start a client such as Desktop Client or Webtop, the DMCL is initialized and
started. As part of that process, the DMCL creates a client-side type cache. The cache is
held as long as the DMCL continues to run. The DMCL continues to run while the user is
connected. Even if a user’s repository session (in Desktop Client or Webtop) times out or
the user disconnects from the repository, the DMCL continues—it does not stop.
If a repository upgrade occurs while the DMCL is running, the client-side type cache
becomes inconsistent with the repository. Users will receive errors when they attempt to
access the repository after the upgrade.
To resolve this issue, after the repository is upgraded, users on Windows client hosts
must log out of Windows and application servers must be rebooted.

Moving repositories across platforms and the AEK.key le

Bug number 67875 has been fixed. An AEK.key file created in one platform, such as
Windows, can be used on a UNIX platform and an AEK.key file created on a UNIX
platform can be used on a Windows platforms. This now makes it possible to move a
repository between platforms without AEK errors.

Setting the server_os_codepage and client_codepage on the

Japanese Content Server

In the Japanese environment, some jobs and methods do not run correctly if the
server_os_codepage attribute of the server config object and the client_codepage key
of the dmcl.ini file are set differently. When you install the server in the Japanese
environment, ensure that client_codepage in the dmcl.ini file on the server host is set to
the same code page as the server_os_codepage server config attribute.

72 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

The database_refresh_interval Key

During server installation or upgrade, the change checker process runs once per minute
by default. The process updates type caches as types are created or altered.
If you are upgrading, ensure that the database_refresh_interval key is set to 1 minute or
remove it from the server.ini file.

Windows-specic installation notes and issues

This section contains information specific to the Windows platform.

Windows installation owner account

On Windows, user accounts are not case-sensitive, but Content Server installation fails if
you connect to the host using the incorrect case in the user name. For example, if the
account is set up as JPSmith and you connect as jpsmith, you can log in to the host, but
server installation fails.

Installing the Korean data dictionary information on Japanese


When you are installing Content Server on a Windows machine in the Japanese locale,
automatically installing the data dictionary information for the Korean locale does not
function properly.
To install the Korean locale, you must run the data dictionary population script
from a remote client which is running on Korean Windows. The script is found in
%DM_HOME%\bin. The command line to execute the script is:
dmbasic -fdd_population.ebs -eLoadDataDictionary --
docbase_name docbase_owner owner_password

Upgrading distributed congurations

If you are upgrading a distributed configuration on Windows, do not reboot the remote
hosts using Terminal Services. Reboot the remote hosts directly from those hosts.

Content Server Release Notes 73

Technical Notes

Installation issues for all UNIX platforms

This section contains installation information for all UNIX platforms.

Change for Tomcat application server startup

When Tomcat application server is started on a UNIX platform, it now passes the
following to Java:

This change means that any user-defined value in:

• LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Solaris or Linux
will not be used by Tomcat for Java methods or by the ACS server. If you
require that directories other than $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/dfc be searched
when loading native code shared libraries, it is now necessary to edit the file

New command line for launching repository conguration

The command line that starts repository configuration program has changed from prior
releases. Refer to the Content Server Installation Guide for the new command line.

_s entry in the Service Names le

With this release, SSL communications are no longer controlled by the Trusted Content
Services license. Because of this change, an <service_name>_s entry in the etc/services file
is now required for all repositories. For information about setting up this service entry,
refer to the Content Server Installation Guide.

Installation issues specic to AIX

This section contains information specific to the AIX platform.

74 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Upgrading on AIX with DB2

If you are on Content Server 5.2.5 or any 5.2.5 Service Pack version of the server and the
database is DB2 8.1.5, use the following upgrade order:

1. Upgrade Content Server to 5.3 SP1.

2. Upgrade DB2 to version 8.1 FixPak 7a.

C++ runtime library version

If you are installing Content Server on an AIX host, version 6.0 or version 7 of the C++
runtime library must be installed on the AIX host.

AIX host requirement

With this release, there is no longer a requirement for AIX to be in 32-bit mode. (The
Content Server Installation Guide released in March, 2005, incorrectly lists 32-bit mode as a
requirement for Content Server on AIX.)

Installation issues specic to HP-UX

This section contains information specific to sites running on the HP-UX operating

Installing on HP-UX when the device name for the temp directory is
longer than 15 characters

InstallShield cannot reliably install on HP-UX when the device name for the temp
directory is longer than 15 characters. To work around this problem, start the installer
using the is:tempdir flag and point the installer to a temp directory on a device that
has a shorter path. The syntax is:
installer_name -is:tempdir new_directory_name
where installer_name is the name of the installer executable and new_directory_name is the
temp directory you have chosen. For example:
serverHPUXSuiteSetup.bin -is:tempdir /export/plecomet1/mydir

Content Server Release Notes 75

Technical Notes

Environment variable values on HP-UX on PA_RISC processors


environment variable must include some settings that are not documented in the Content
Server Installation Guide.
The SHLIB_PATH environment variable must include the following:
• $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/PA_RISC2.0/native_threads
The LDAP Synch job does not run properly without this setting.
• $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/java/1.4.2_02/jre/lib/PA_RISC/server/
• usr/lib
The JAVA_HOME environment variable must include $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/
Create an environment variable called LD_PRELOAD, and set LD_PRELOAD to
$DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/java/1.4.2_02/jre/lib. Using LD_PRELOAD requires that
HP-UX must be patched with the PHSS_28434 patch or later.

Environment variable values on HP-UX on Itanium processors

On HP-UX on Itanium processors, make sure to add “$CLASSPATH” in

tomcat/bin/ file in CLASSPATH variable whenever you are running ldapsync
on HPIA environment.
Add libjss37.jar file path in CLASSPATH variable.

Environment variables (UNIX and Linux)

In prior releases, all required environment variables were set manually on the UNIX
platforms. With this release, all the required variables, with five exceptions (and the
exceptions documented elsewhere in these Release Notes), are set by a script during
installation. However, there is a bug in the process that occurs when you are upgrading
an existing repository. For information about which variables are set, which must
be set manually, and a workaround for the upgrade bug, refer to the Content Server
Installation Guide, in the section titled “Upgrading the Connection Broker, the Server,
and the Repository”.

76 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Installation issues specic to Sybase

This section contains information specific to sites running on the Sybase RDBMS.

Repository upgrade may hang on Sybase platforms

On Sybase platforms, upgrading a repository may hang if the database transaction

log is too small. When the repository is upgraded, it opens a long-running transaction
while the upgrade script is running. If the transaction log is too small, the transaction
hangs with locked system tables because the database server cannot write information to
the transaction log.
If you encounter this problem, perform the following procedure. After you complete the
procedure, the repository upgrade procedure should be able to continue.

To continue with an upgrade on the Sybase platform:

1. Issue the following command on the Sybase database:

sp_dboption db_name,’trunc log on chkpt’,true
where db_name is the name of the database created for the Documentum repository.
2. Issue a checkpoint command to truncate the transaction log.
3. If steps 1 and 2 fail to resolve the problem and allow the upgrade to proceed, increase
the transaction log space.

Requirement for installing the index server

The Windows file cscript.exe is required for running the index server installer. Do not
delete cscript.exe from a Windows host on which you are installing the index server.

Upgrading a 5.3 or later repository that is indexed

These instructions clarify a section in the Content Server Full-Text Indexing Installation
If you are upgrading a 5.3 or later repository that is already indexed, follow one of the
procedures below, depending on whether you want to reindex the repository. The first
of the two procedures is recommended.

Content Server Release Notes 77

Technical Notes

If you are retaining the existing index

To retain the existing index, use this procedure, which is recommended:

To upgrade an indexed 5.3 or later repository, retaining the existing index:

1. Upgrade the repository to the current release.

2. Run the index agent configuration program and delete the existing index agent.
3. Uninstall the index agent software.
4. Uninstall the existing index server, but do not delete the existing index when the
uninstaller asks you whether to delete the index.
5. Install the current index server and index agent configuration program.
6. Configure an index agent in normal mode.

If you are deleting the existing index

If you must create a new index for the repository, use the following procedure:

To upgrade an indexed 5.3 or later repository and create a new index:

1. Upgrade the repository to the current release.

2. Run the index agent configuration program and delete the existing index agent.
3. Uninstall the existing index server and accept the option to delete the existing index.
4. Install the current index server and index agent configuration program.
5. Configure an index agent in migration mode.
6. Create a new index for the repository.
7. Use the Index Agent Admin Tool to change the index agent to normal mode.

Upgrading the full-text components in 5.3 SP3

If you are using full-text index components 5.3 SP2, DO NOT upgrade it as the upgrade
will overwrite any full-text index components hotfixes that have been previously
applied. The SP3 Fulltext components do not contain any additional bug fixes so an
upgrade is not needed.

78 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Caution: If you previously applied Fulltext hotfixes to SP2 and you mistakenly upgrade
the SP2 Fulltext components, you’ll have to reapply those hotfixes.

Workaround for bug 110011 — Problems indexing from

xml on HP platforms
Bug 110011 occurs when the Index Agent has problems indexing from fixml, the format
to which all indexable text is converted before being indexed. The problem occurs on
files that are greater than 10MB. To workaround this bug, we are providing a file for
HPUX and HP iTanium that reduces the maximum file size to 10MB.
The file is named DocumentumFileRetriever2.xml.forHP and after the index agent is
installed, it is found in $DOCUMENTUM/fulltext/IndexServer/bin. This file sets the
maximum file size to 10MB for HPUX and HP iTanium platforms.

To use the le:

1. If the index agent is started already, shut it down.

2. Copy $DOCUMENTUM/fulltext/IndexServer/bin/DocumentumFileRetriever2.xml.
forHP to:

3. Restart the index agent.

Note: The workaround for this bug also reduces the maximum file size for other
platforms from 200MB to 150MB.

Installing with Oracle Real Application Clusters

If you are installing Content Server with Oracle Real Application Clusters, set the value
of the Oracle parameter MAX_COMMIT_PROPAGATION_DELAY to 0 (zero). This
value is required to ensure that the data Content Server uses is consistent across all
Oracle nodes. Values other than zero are not supported.

Installation of Sybase and post conguration

When you are installing Sybase, the mandatory page size should be 4k. To set the post
configuration parameters:

Content Server Release Notes 79

Technical Notes

• Stop the Sybase server

• Open the $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASZ/server_name.cfg file in a text editor
• Set Number of open objects=4000
• Set Number of open indexes=3000
• Set Number of locks=20000
• Set Number of user connections=200
• Set Procedure cache size=48000
• Set Number of open data partitions=2500 (additional for Sybase 15.0)
• Save the $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASZ/server_name.cfg file
• Restart the Sybase server

Installation of Content Server on Sybase 12.5.4

When you are configuring the docbase, it is mandatory that Sybase 15.0 client libraries
and LD_LIBRARY_PATH should point to OCS-15_0/lib directory. Also, when installing
Content Server on Sybase 12.5.4, it is suggested not to have OCS-12_5 libraries in the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH. You should ensure that the SYBASE_OCS variable be set to
OCS-15.0/lib libraries.

Repository sizes of Sybase

A data file size should be 400 MB and a log file size should be set to 250 MB.

Before upgrading from 5.2.x on HP-UX

When upgrading from 5.2.x on HP-UX , check the SHLIB_PATH environment variable.
If that environment variable has a reference to a version of Java that is 1.3 or older,
remove that reference before upgrading.

Correct PATH and SHLIB_PATH settings for ia64 (HP

The settings in these variables for HP ia64 are not listed in the Content Server installation
Guide. The description in that manual for these variables are for PA_RISC.

80 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

These variables should contain the following settings for ia64:

• in PATH

Problem with queries returning 0 for SCORE is xed

Bug 126242 reported that some queries with SCORE in the selected values returned 0
for the SCORE value if the query was subjected to grammatical normalization. This
bug has been fixed in the 5.3 SP4 release.

Constraint on SAN devices

If you are using a SAN storage device for the full-text index, you cannot use the SAN
replication feature on the device. The reason is that the Index Server cannot use the
storage that accessed the files and data by any third-party software. Also, FAST states
that it does not run network, anti-virus, backup, and monitoring utility on a system
running the FAST full-text index server.

Index Server installation constraint (HP-UX only)

You cannot install the Index Server on HP-UX (B.11.23 U 9000/800) in a directory that
contains an “_d” in the directory path.

Fix for bug 119539 — updated Server setenv scripts

You should set $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/sparc/client and $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/sparc in the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Solaris, in that order.

Content Server Release Notes 81

Technical Notes

Operating system patches required for full-text indexing

(HP-UX 11.23 only)
If you are installing the full-text indexing software on an HP-UX 11.23 host, you must
also install the following operating system patches:
• PHCO_34944
• PHKL_31500
• PHKL_34032

Setting default directories for repository data and log

les on Windows with SQL Server
If you set an explicit default data or log directory or both in the configuration settings
for the SQL Server installation, use the Custom configuration mode to configure the
repositories and specify the full paths for the data and log file directories. If you use
Express configuration option, the SQL Server client used by the installation program is
unable to pick up your default settings for the data and log file directories, nor does the
installation program allow you to specify the locations during the installation.

Post installation task to enable synonym searches

After installing the full-text indexing software, perform the following procedure if you
wish to execute synonym searches against the index.
Note: You must also generate the synonyms to be searched. This procedure only enables
searching after the synonyms are generated.

To enable synonym searches:

1. Log in to the index server host as the installation owner.

2. Navigate to %FASTSEARCH%\etc\config_
3. Open the qtf-config.xml file in an editor.
4. Insert the following entry after the <instance-re name=”tokenize”/> entry:
<instance-ref name="synonymy"/>

5. Save the file.

82 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Changes to dm_ftengine_cong object

The index agent configuration program, which would be located at
<programDir>/IndexAgents (for example, C:\Program Files\Documentum\IndexAgents
on windows, $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/IndexAgents on non-windows platform),
creates this the first time an agent is created for given docbase.
The installation procedure for the full-text sofware no longer sets the following
configuration parameters:
• fds_config_name_server_port
• query_engine_host_name
• query_engine_port
However, existing dm_ftengine_config objects are not changed. That is, these parameters,
if defined, in an existing object, are not removed.

Required patches for full-text indexing host (HP-UX

11.23 only)
If you are installing the full-text indexing software on an HP-UX host (either PA-RISC or
Itaniumn), you must install the following patches:
• On HP-UX Itanium
— PHSS_34040
— PHSS_32502
— BUNDLE11i B.11.23.0409.3 Required patch bundle for HP-UX 11i v2 (B.11.23),
September 2004
— FEATURE11i B.11.23.0609.051 Feature Enablement Patches for HP-UX 11i v2,
September 2006
— HWEnable11i B.11.23.0609.053 HardwareEnablement Patches for HP-UX 11i
v2, September 2006
— PHCO_34944 :pthread:library
— PHSS_34441 :aC++:Runtime:IA:A.06.10:PA:A.03.70

Content Server Release Notes 83

Technical Notes

Conguration notes
This section contains information about the configuration of your installation. The
following topics are included:
• Setting the base URL for the ACS server, page 85
• New server.ini parameter — deferred_update_queue_size, page 86
• Additional steps for enabling thesaurus searching, page 86
• Content Storage Services license requirement, page 87
• DNS requirement for web-based client hosts in distributed environment, page 87
• Apache Tomcat application server, page 87
• Tracing change for dm_LDAPSynchronization job, page 88
• Content Server failover change, page 88
• Index needed for Retention Policy Services, page 88
• New user authentication attributes, page 88
• Host machine requirements for Surrogate Get and content replication, page 89
• Generating compatible login tickets in mixed Content Server version environments,
page 89
• Restart Content Server after importing or resetting a login ticket key, page 89
• The File , page 89
• New directories in installation , page 90
• The oldest_client_version attribute, page 90
• Surrogate Get change, page 90
• DMCL exception handling on UNIX platforms, page 91
• Storage policy updates, page 93
• Setting default_app_permit in docbase config , page 93
• Changes to the dm_event_sender script arguments, page 93
• Job trace files, page 94
• New tracing options, page 95
• Content-addressed storage notes, page 96
• Note regarding the Shutdown method and Windows platforms, page 98
• Updating the federation methods, page 98
• Migrating to Documentum Content Services for EMC Centera (CSEC) 5.3 from CSEC
1.2c or Prior, page 99
• Auditing content migration in lifecycle actions, page 101
• Fix for bug 118794 — Backwards compatibility problem in generated Docbasic code
for validations and workflow expressions, page 101
• Ability to set the default retention period as a number of days, page 104

84 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

• Support for Centera clusters, page 105

• Ability to set the C-clip buffer size, page 107
• Fix for bug 69470 — audit cache limit too small, page 108
• New valid options for param_name in dm_ftengine_config, page 108
• New event, dm_addesignature_failed (108577), page 109
• New ability to configure connect retry logic for LDAP servers, page 109
• Unsupported tracing option, page 111
• eSign Audit trail electronic sign operations, page 111
• New Centera pool options, page 114
• Using Centera with Content Server on a Unix/Linux platform, page 114
• Content encryption key length and algorithm, page 115
• Enhancements to MIGRATE_CONTENT, page 115
• Changes to configuration parameters in dm_ftengine_config, page 116
• dm_format.mime_type lengthened, page 117
• New environment variable for tracing electronic signatures, page 117
• New environment variable for query performance, page 117
• Support for RSA Access Manager, page 118
• Content Server to Connection Broker projection, page 118
• New server.ini option for extended permissions, page 118
• Change to Assemble method implementation, page 119
• New key for session pooling, page 119

Setting the base URL for the ACS server

The ACS server base URL is formed from the value of the r_host_name attribute of the
server config object at the time the ACS server is installed. The value of r_host_name
is identical to the value returned by the operating system’s hostname command. The
r_host_name value is therefore determined by how the host computer is set up.
Depending on how a network is configured, some browser hosts cannot resolve the ACS
server base URL. To remedy this, (for example, if you need a fully-qualified domain
name in the ACS server base URL or if you need to point to a specific network card),
modify the acs_base_url attribute of the acs config object. The format of the ACS server
base URL saved in the acs_base_url attribute is:

Use the API or DQL to modify the value of the r_host_name portion of the URL.

Content Server Release Notes 85

Technical Notes

New server.ini parameter — deferred_update_queue_

This parameter controls the size of the deferred object update record queue. The queue
is set to 1024 by default when Content Server is installed. The valid range for this
parameter is 256 to 4096.
If repository operations generate a large number of deferred object updates, you may
want to increase the queue size. If the queue fills up, the deferred updates are performed
immediately, which may impact performance of an application.

Additional steps for enabling thesaurus searching

This section describes the workaround for bug 111040, in which importing a synonym
file makes the index server unusable.
To enable thesaurus searching, use the instructions in the Content Server Administrator’s
Guide, in the chapter called “Full-Text Indexing.” After you create the synonym file, but
before you import the synonym file, you must modify the NodeConf.xml file in the index
server installation. The instructions below apply to Windows, UNIX, and Linux hosts.

To modify the NodeConf.xml le:

1. Log in to the index server host as the user who installed the software.
2. Navigate to the $FASTSEARCH/etc directory (UNIX or Linux) or
%FASTSEARCH%\etc (Windows).
3. Back up the NodeConf.xml file by copying it to NodeConf.xml.init.
4. Copy the original NodeConf.xml file to NodeConf.xml.mod.
The first section of the file is:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE nodes SYSTEM "NodeConf.dtd">
<node host="localhost">
<!-- Global options -->

<portrange base="13000" count="4000"/>

86 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes


5. Delete the entries <proc>cachemanager</proc> and <proc>anchorserver-storage</proc>.

6. Immediately below the <proc>indexer</proc> entry, add a new entry

7. Immediately below the <proc>statusserver</proc> entry, add two new entries:


8. Save the file.

9. Continue with the instructions in the Content Server Administrator’s Guide and import
the file using the createnew option to run the script.

Content Storage Services license requirement

A Content Storage Services license is required to use the content duplication checking
and prevention feature.

DNS requirement for web-based client hosts in

distributed environment
In a configuration that includes ACS or BOCS servers, the machines hosting the Web
browsers must be able to resolve the base URLs defined for the ACS or BOCS servers
using DNS. (The base URLs for the servers are recorded in the acs config object for the
server and are defined through Documentum Administrator.) This means that the client
hosts must have access to DNS entries for the ACS and BOCS server machines.

Apache Tomcat application server

Apache Tomcat, installed with Content Server, is required by EMC Documentum
Content Server. It supports a variety of features and licenses in the server. Use of an
alternative application server, instead of Apache Tomcat, is not supported.

Content Server Release Notes 87

Technical Notes

The Tomcat instance must be running in order to run the LDAP Synchronization job
and the ACS server.

Tracing change for dm_LDAPSynchronization job

The dm_LDAPSynchronization job no longer generates the files named
trace_ldapsync_dfc.txt and trace_ldapsync_dmcl.txt. Additionally, the job no longer
automatically generates trace information. To trace the job, you must enable tracing
through the file, by setting dfc.tracing.enabled to true. When enabled, the
tracing information is logged in the DFC trace file.

Content Server failover change

Starting with Release 5.3 SP1, repository sessions cannot fail over to Content Servers with
proximity values 9000 or greater.

Index needed for Retention Policy Services

If you are installing Retention Policy Services (an optional product license), you must
create an index on the i_retainer_id attribute of the dm_sysobject object type. This index
is required for proper functioning of Retention Policy Services. Use the MAKE_INDEX
administration method to create the index. Executing it through the API Apply method,
the syntax is:

New user authentication attributes

Release 5.3 added new attributes to user objects that are now used in place of the
previous attributes user_os_name and user_os_domain. The new attributes are
user_login_name and user_domain_name. For information about these attributes and
their use in user authentication, refer to the Content Server Administrator’s Guide.

88 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Host machine requirements for Surrogate Get and

content replication
The methods invoked by the surrogate get feature and content replication now use
global login tickets to connect to the target repositories. That generated ticket is valid for
five minutes. To ensure that surrogate get and content replication jobs work properly
using the ticket, the clocks on the host machine on which the method runs and the host
machine of the target Content Server must be synchronized.

Generating compatible login tickets in mixed Content

Server version environments
If a single repository has Content Servers at mixed version levels of 5.2 SPx and 5.3
SP4, the login tickets generated by the 5.3 SP4 server are not automatically backward
compatible. To enable the 5.3 SP4 Content Server to generate login tickets that are
accepted by the 5.2 SPx Content Server, this release introduces a new server.ini key,
To cause the 5.3 SP4 Content Server to generate backwards compatible login tickets, set
the key in the server’s server.ini file as follows:
server_login_ticket_version = 1

This setting directs the Content Server to generate login tickets that are backwards
compatible with the 5.2x Content Server.

Restart Content Server after importing or resetting a

login ticket key
After executing an IMPORT_TICKET_KEY or RESET_TICKET_KEY, you must restart
Content Server for the changes to take effect.

The File

On UNIX hosts, the installer creates a file called in the installation
owner’s home directory. The file contains information on which products
the user has installed. The file is critical to the successful operation of
Documentum software. Do not edit or remove this file unless instructed to do so by
Documentum Technical Support.

Content Server Release Notes 89

Technical Notes

New directories in installation

The following directories are added to the directory structure of a basic Content Server

New directory for full-text

A basic Content Server 5.3 installation now includes the following directory
not found in the directory structure of previous releases. This directory is
%DOCUMENTUM%\fulltext ($DOCUMENTUM/fulltext).

New directory for language les (Oracle Only)

A basic Content Server 5.3 installation contains an additional directory not found in
the directory structure of previous releases. This directory is %DM_HOME%\Oracle
($DM_HOME/Oracle). This directory will contain the language files needed by Oracle.
During installation, the environment variable, ORA_NLS33 is set to that location. Do not
remove that directory or reset that variable.

The oldest_client_version attribute

In release 5.x, the DFC handles XML chunks internally in a new manner. To use this new
implementation, all Documentum clients must be at the 5.x level.
To determine whether to use the new or old implementation, the DFC is using a new
attribute in the docbase config object. The attribute is called oldest_client_version
(string32). It identifies the oldest Documentum client version that is accessing the
Docbase. The attribute should be set manually after you update the Docbase.
If it is not set or is not set to 5.x, the DFC assumes that the Docbase cannot use the new

Surrogate Get change

The dm_SurrogateGet method is reconfigured to use the dmbasic method server if that
server is running. (If the dmbasic method server is not enabled, dm_SurrogateGet is run
by Content Server.) Because the method is running in the dmbasic method server, it

90 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

now writes information on each content file it retrieves into the method server log file.
The messages are pre-pended with identifying information to distinguish them from
messages written by other methods.

DMCL exception handling on UNIX platforms

Note: Release 5.2.5 introduced the DMCL exception handling feature. In that release,
it was supported only on Windows platforms because its behavior on UNIX platforms
had not been fully investigated. For 5.2.5 SP1, after further investigation, support
was extended to UNIX platforms, with the exception of Linux. The DMCL exception
handling feature is not supported on Linux. (No new source code was introduced for
UNIX support.)
Release 5.2.5 SP1 added supports for DMCL exception handling on UNIX platforms,
with the exception of Linux. The feature is supported by three attributes:
• terminate_on_exception
• exception_count
• exception_count_interval
For general instructions on setting these attributes to enable the feature, refer to the
section “Configuring DMCL Exception Handling” in Chapter 6, Clients and Sessions, of
the Content Server Administrator’s Guide.

Heap corruption and continue on exception

On UNIX platforms, the DMCL data structures are in the global process heap.
Consequently, there is no way to validate the DMCL after an exception. Therefore, on
UNIX, the DMCL is always allowed to continue on exception. Typically, if this happens,
the DMCL encounters more exceptions and terminates after some number of exceptions.
(The actual number depends on how the exception_count and exception_count_interval
attributes are set. Refer to the System Administrator’s Guide for information about those

DMCL stack trace les

When a DMCL exception occurs, a description of the exception and a DMCL stack
trace is written to a file. The file is named dmcl_err_pidpid_number_date_time.txt (For
information about the format of the name and where the file is stored, refer to the
documentation in the Content Server Administrator’s Guide.)

Content Server Release Notes 91

Technical Notes

On some UNIX platforms, additional configuration, not described in the Content Server
Administrator’s Guide, is required to obtain the stack trace. Those platforms are:
• Solaris 9
• Solaris 8
• AIX 5.2 or 5.3
The following sections describe how to obtain DMCL stack traces on those platforms.

Obtaining a DMCL stack trace on Solaris 9

On Solaris 9, a DMCL stack trace is not included in the error report file
generated by the DMCL by default. To include a stack trace, set the
DM_ENABLE_DMCL_STACK_TRACING environment variable to 1 in the application
server environment:

Obtaining a DMCL stack trace on Solaris 8

On Solaris 8, you cannot include a stack trace in the file that contains the exception
description. Use the following procedure to obtain a stack trace on Solaris 8.

To obtain a stack trace on Solaris 8:

1. Set the following environment variable to 1 in the application server environment:


2. Reproduce the problem.

3. Run the UNIX command pstack on the resulting core file, redirecting the output
to a file.
For example:
pstack core > core.out
The stack trace is recorded in the file (core.out in the example).

Obtaining a DMCL stack trace on AIX 5.2 or 5.3

On AIX 5.2 or 5.3, a DMCL stack trace is not included in the error report file generated by
the DMCL by default. To produce a stack trace in that file, use the following procedure.

To produce a stack trace on AIX 5.2 or 5.3:

1. Install the patch APAR IY53004.

92 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

2. Set the DM_ENABLE_DMCL_STACK_TRACING environment variable to 1 in the

application server environment:

Storage policy updates

The DFC maintains a cache of storage policy information. The cache is updated
at intervals defined by the dfc.storagepolicy.validation.interval property in the file. The default interval is 5 seconds. You can reset the interval.
If you increase the interval, then it takes longer for policy changes to be recognized
by the storage policy engine in the DFC. If you decrease the interval, changes may be
available for use sooner but performance may be degraded.
For information about the location of the file and how to set properties,
refer to the DFC Release Notes for 5.3.

Setting default_app_permit in docbase cong

The lowest permit to which the default_app_permit attribute in the docbase config now
may be set is Browse. Prior to release 5.2.5 SP3, the lowest acceptable setting was None.
Installing 5.3 does not reset this attribute if it is set, even if it is set to None. Nor is an
error or warning generated.
Note: A None setting does not prevent users from viewing the object when the object
is selected using DQL. The lowest level that can be enforced when using DQL to select
objects is Browse.

Changes to the dm_event_sender script arguments

The order of the arguments in the dm_event_sender script has changed. If you have
customized this script, you must move the customizations to the new script. Do
not use the older version. Using the older version will result in the removal of the file after the first execution because the temp_file_name$ argument
is now in the position formerly occupied by the mailScript$ argument.

Content Server Release Notes 93

Technical Notes

Job trace les

Typically, each system administration job generates an individual trace file. However, if
the dmcl.ini file used by the Content Server executing a job has the trace_file key set, the
tracing information generated by the job is recorded in the location defined by that key.
When that occurs, Documentum Administrator cannot display the trace file for the job.
Note: Content Server uses the dmcl.ini file found in %DOCUMENTUM%
($DOCUMENTUM) on the server’s host machine.

New dmcl.ini keys to control DMCL trace le size and backups

The 5.3 SP4 release introduces two new dmcl.ini keys that control the size of the
DMCL trace file. It allows you to specify a maximum log file size and how many
log files to keep. The keys are max_file_size and max_backup_index. The keys are
used when the trace_file key is set to a folder path. These keys are specified in the
DMAPI_CONFIGURATION section of the dmcl.ini file.
The max_file_size key defines a maximum size for the DMCL trace file, in megabytes.
The max_backup_index key controls how many backup files are retained for each
DMCL trace file. These keys work together, and are only effective when both are set and
trace_file is set to a folder path.
For example, suppose a dmcl.ini file contains the following entries in the

The trace_level value turns on full DMCL tracing. The generated file is stored in
c:\temp\dmcl. The file can reach a maximum size of 100 MB. When the file reaches that
size, it is backed up. The file may have a maximum of 5 back-up files. So, supposing
the file is named dmcl_trace_230515. When the file reaches 100 MB, it is renamed
dmcl_trace_230515.1 and a new dmcl_trace_230515 is started. When that file reaches 100
MB, the first backup file is renamed from dmcl_trace_230515.1 to dmcl_trace_230515.2,
the current dmcl_trace_230515 file is renamed to dmcl_trace_230515.1, and another
dmcl_trace_230515 file is started. The file named dmcl_trace_230515 always has the
most recent trace information and the file named dmcl_trace_230515.1 is the most
recent backup file.
If trace_file is set to an actual file name, max_file_size and max_backup_index are
ignored and the default behavior occurs — the files are written to the specified file
and the size of the file is controlled by the file size defined at the operating system

94 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

level. Similarly, even if trace_file is set to a folder path, if either max_file_size or

max_backup_index is not set, the default behavior occurs.

New tracing options

Release 5.3 SP4 introduces Database ID and Session ID for -osqltrace and a new tracing
option, rpctrace.

New Database ID and Session ID for -osqltrace

Release 5.3 SP4 introduces new Database ID and Session ID for -osqltrace, that allows
the content server to print out the Session ID and database ID for each SQL statement.
SessionID is the Documentum sessionID and DBID is the database connection ID (each
database gives a connection ID). So far DBID is valid for Oracle/SQL Server and Sybase.
• -osqltrace gives more details for SQL Server:
SessionID: DBID:51 Fetched 2 with batch hint 20
SessionID: DBID:51 SELECT GB_.r_object_id FROM dbo.dm_acl_s GB_
WHERE (GB_.owner_name=? AND GB_.object_name=?)
SessionID: DBID:51 :p00:agboan
SessionID: DBID:51 :p01:dm_4500014e80000500


Release 5.3 SP4 introduces a new server tracing option, rpctrace, that allows you to trace
RPC calls. The trace information is recorded in the server log file. There are two ways
to turn on RPC tracing:
• Specify -orpctrace on the server start-up command line.
• Use the SET_OPTIONS administration method as follows:
• To turn off RPC tracing, use SET_OPTIONS and specify the value as F:

Content Server Release Notes 95

Technical Notes

Content-addressed storage notes

The following notes address configuration and usability items for content-addressed
storage areas.

Storage location of ca store plug-ins

The content of dm_plugin objects created for ca store plug-ins must be assigned to a file
store storage area. The storage area can be encrypted. Do not store such content in
a ca store storage area.

Fix for bug 115732 — ca store plugin requirement in a distributed


When Content Server is installed, the ca store plug-in is installed under

%DM_HOME%/bin ($DM_HOME/bin) and a dm_plugin object is created whose content
is set to the plug-in library. The content storage area for plugin object is set to filestore_01,
which means that the plug-in library is stored under the location of filestore_01. The
object ID of the plugin object is recorded in a_plugin_id attribute of the ca store object.
In a single-repository distributed environment, the plug-in library must be accessible to
all the repository servers. There are two ways to accomplish this:
• Make the filestore_01 storage area accessible to all Content Servers in the repository.
• Store the dm_plug in object in a distributed storage area that has a component
accessible to each of the Content Servers.
Neither of these solutions was acceptable for all customers. Consequently, a third
solution has been implemented:
• With this release, the a_plugin_id attribute is no longer a required attribute. If you
create a ca store object and do not set the a_plugin_id attribute, Content Server
will use the plug-in library found in %DM_HOME%/bin ($DM_HOME/bin) by
default. Each server has a local copy of the plug-in library under %DM_HOME%/bin
($DM_HOME/bin). This eliminates the need to cross-mount filestore_01 or to store
the plugin object in a distributed store.
To use this solution, you can create the ca store object using IAPI or IDQL. You can
use Documentum Administrator if you are using Documentum Administrator v. 5.3
SP4. Prior versions of Documentum Administrator do not allow you to create a ca
store object without specifying a value for a_plugin_id.

96 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Required permissions on Centera host

If the connection string specified in dm_ca_store.a_storage_params[0] specifies a Centera

profile as part of the string, the Centera permissions assigned to the profile must be:
• read
• write
• delete
• exists
If there is no profile specified in the connection string, the connection to the Centera host
uses the anonymous profile. In such cases, the anonymous profile must also have the
Centera read, write, delete, and exists permissions.
The profile used by a connection that is requesting a privileged delete must have
privileged delete permissions.
To ensure that security is maintained, do not give other applications any permissions to
the Centera pool that Documentum Content Server uses.

Setting clocks and time zones for Centera hosts and Content
Server hosts

The actual retention date stored in the Centera host for a content file is calculated using
the clock on the Centera host machine. Consequently, to ensure calculation of correct
retention periods, the time zone information and the internal clocks on Centera host
machines and Content Server host machines must be set to matching times (within the
context of their respective time zones). For example, if the Content Server host is in
California and the Centera host machine is in New York, when Content Server’s time is
1:00 p.m. PST, the time on the Centera host should read 4:00 p.m. EST.
Failure to synchronize the times may result in incorrect retention dates for the stored

Specifying multiple Centera IP addresses in ca store objects

When a ca store is created for a Centera storage system, index position 0 of the
a_storage_params attribute is set to the IP address of the Centera node. With Centera
SDK 2.1 (packaged and installed with Content Server), a_storage_params[0] can contain
a comma-separated list of IP addresses, each representing a Centera node. When that
list is passed to the appropriate SDK function, the SDK connects to the first available
Centera node in the list.

Content Server Release Notes 97

Technical Notes

Setle, Setcontent, and Removerendition changes

The behavior of the Setfile and Setcontent methods was changed in release 5.2.5 SP3.
Previously, a user or application could execute these methods against an existing
document in a content-addressed storage area to replace a current page in the
document without checking out the document. That is no longer true. A document in a
content-addressed storage area must be checked out before executing either method to
replace an existing content page.
Similarly, you must now check out a document to execute a Removerendition method to
remove a rendition of the document that is stored in a content-addressed storage area.

Note regarding the Shutdown method and Windows

On Windows platforms, the Shutdown method does not use the Window service
manager to shutdown the server. Consequently, all of the associated processes may not
be shut down appropriately. Therefore, on Windows platforms, it is recommended
that you shut down a server through the Windows service manager rather than using
the Shutdown method.

Updating the federation methods

If you have a federation whose members are a mixture of Docbase versions, including
5.2.5, 5.2.5 SP1, 5.2.5 SP2, 5.2.5 SP3, 5.3, and versions prior to 5.2, you must update the
method_verb attribute for the following federation methods in those Docbases in the
federation that have a version of 5.2 or earlier:
• dm_ldif_import
• dm_ldif_export
• dm_ldif_copy
• dm_ldif_status
Set the method_verb attribute to:
java dm_ldif_import

Note: It is not necessary to update the method_verb attribute for the methods in
Docbases with versions of 5.2.5 SP1, 5.2.5 SP2, 5.2.5 SP3, or 5.3.

98 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Migrating to Documentum Content Services for EMC

Centera (CSEC) 5.3 from CSEC 1.2c or Prior
Use the procedures and information in this section to migrate objects stored in a
Centera storage system using Content Services for EMC Centera version 1.2c or prior to
Documentum Content Services for EMC Centera version 5.3 SP1. If you are currently
using CSEC versions 5.2.5, 5.2.5 SP1, 5.2.5 SP2, 5.2.5 SP3, or 5.3, migration is not
necessary—ignore this section.

Caution: Performing the migration procedure described here does not remove the prior
version of CSEC. It is strongly suggested that you do not continue to use the old version
to store content in the Centera storage system after migrating to CSEC 5.3 SP1. If you
do, you must re-run the migration and full-text scripts to migrate and index any content
stored using the old version, as that content cannot be handled using CSEC 5.3. To
ensure that content is not archived using the older version of CSEC, stop the CSEC
Archiver that is part of the older product.

What migration does

Migrating to CSEC 5.3 SP1 does not actually move any content. The migration simply
updates the dmr_content objects and the SysObjects that contain that content to reflect
the implementation of CSEC for 5.3 SP1.
All the operations performed during migration are performed within a single transaction.
The transaction is committed if all operations succeed or aborted if any operation fails.
For each content object to be migrated, the migration operation

1. Retrieves the r_object_id and set_file attribute values of the content object.
2. Uses the set_file attribute value to create a relative path to the content.
The Documentum CSEC 5.3 SP1 plug-in uses the relative content path to access the
3. Updates the dmr_content object.
The i_contents attribute is set to the relative content path, the storage_id attribute is
set to the object ID of the CA storage area, and the data_ticket attribute is set to 1.
4. Determines which SysObject objects have that content as page zero and, for those
meeting that criteria, sets the a_storage_type attribute to the name of the CA store
object and increments the i_vstamp attribute.
The SysObjects are checked out prior to updating and unlocked after being updated.

Content Server Release Notes 99

Technical Notes

Migrating the objects

Documentum provides a script to migrate objects from CSEC 1.2c or prior

to CSEC 5.3 SP1. The script is dm_migrate_to_ca_store.ebs. It is found in
%DM_HOME%\install\admin ($DM_HOME/install/admin).
You can migrate all objects with content in a particular storage area at once or you can
migrate them in batches. If you want to migrate in batches, set the constant MaxMigrate
in the dm_migrate_to_ca_store.ebs script before running the script. By default, the
constant is set to 2147483647, which effectively means “migrate all objects”. The default
entry in the script looks like this:
Const MaxMigrate As Long = 2147483647

Use a text editor to set the constant to any positive integer to migrate only that number of
objects when the script is executed. For example, suppose you set the constant as follows:
Const MaxMigrate As Long = 1000

When the script runs, only 1000 content objects are migrated.

To migrate objects to CSEC 5.3 SP1:

1. Create a ca store storage area for the migrated objects.

Use Documentum Administrator to create the storage area. Refer to the online help
if needed.
2. Run the dm_migrate_to_ca_store.ebs script.
The syntax for the script is:
dmbasic -f dm_migrate_to_ca_store.ebs -pdocbasename
username password current_storage_name ca_store name
trace_level -eEntryMigrate|EntryReport

Note: You can direct the output of the script to a text file. To do so, append the
filename to the end of the command line using the following format:

Table 6–1, page 100, describes the script arguments.

Table 6-1. dm_migrate_to_ca_store.ebs Arguments

Argument Description
docbasename Name of the Docbase that contains the storage areas.
username User name used by the script to connect to the
Docbase. This is the user’s user_os_name value. This
must be the Docbase owner.
password Password for the user account identified in username

100 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Argument Description
current_storage_name Storage name of the storage used by CSEC 1.2c (or

(The default name for this storage area is typically

ca_store_name Name of the CA store storage area. This is the CA
store object’s object_name.
trace_level This argument is optional. Valid values are 0 (no
tracing) to 10. The default is 0.
EntryMigrate EntryMigrate performs the migration operations.
EntryReport EntryReport generates a report listing the objects that
would be migrated, but does not actually perform
the migration.

If you turn on tracing for the method, the trace file is named dm_migrate_to_ca_store_
trace.out and is stored n the current working directory.

Auditing content migration in lifecycle actions

In release 5.2.5 SP3, the DfChangeStorageAction lifecycle function was changed. The
function now moves primary content by resetting the a_storage_type attribute and
moves renditions by calling MIGRATE_CONTENT. Consequently, if you are auditing
content movement (the dm_move_content event) for a particular document, the audit
trail is only generated for any renditions moved when the move is a result of an
execution of DfChangeStorageAction.

Fix for bug 118794 — Backwards compatibility problem

in generated Docbasic code for validations and
workow expressions
Bug 118794 is a result of a fix for bug 104218. The 104218 bug fix was introduced in 5.3
Prior to release 5.3 SP2, the Docbasic code generated for expressions in attribute value
validations (defined in the data dictionary for attributes of custom, user-defined object
types) and workflow transition conditions used the Docbasic Integer data type, which
is 16 bits. However, this caused a problem, reported in bug 104218, if an expression

Content Server Release Notes 101

Technical Notes

referred to a value greater than 2**16. In 5.3 SP2, the fix for bug 104218 resolved the
issue by changing Content Server so that the generated Docbasic code used the Long
datatype. However, this caused backwards compatibility problems with expressions
that were generated prior to 5.3 SP2. To resolve the backwards compatibility issue,
reported in bug 118794, in 5.3 SP3, the changes for 104218 are backed out and a new
resolution is provided.
In 5.3 SP3, whether the generated Docbasic code uses Integer or Long is dependent on
the setting of a new environment variable called DM_DOCBASIC_COND_EXPR_DATA_
TYPE. If this variable is set to LONG, the code is generated using the Long datatype. If
the variable is not set or is set to anything other than LONG, the code is generated using
the Integer datatype. This environment variable is not set by default. Consequently, the
default is to use Integer in the generated code.
Using the Long datatype has the following consequences:
• You must upgrade all EMC Documentum clients to at least version 5.3 because
DFC-based clients at version 5.2.x or earlier will not be able to perform validation
if there are any constraint expressions.
• To allow DFC 5.3-based Documentum clients to perform validation successfully, you
must migrate all constraint expressions to Java.
The use of Integer or Long in the generated Docbasic code in a repository should be
consistent. All generated code should use Integer or all should use Long. To resolve any
inconsistencies for sites that have generated code under varying release versions, the 5.3
SP3 release provides a script that you can run to recreate all generated code to use either
Integer or Long datatype. The script is named dm_recreate_expr.ebs, and it is found in
the .../install/admin directory. The script provides the following update options:
• All generated Docbasic code for expressions in workflow transitions and attribute
value validations
• All generated Docbasic code for expressions in workflow transitions only
• All generated Docbasic code for expressions in attribute value validations only
This option operates on the attribute value validation expressions defined for
user-defined object types (those types whose names do not start with ’dm’ prefix).
Note: Only user-defined custom object types can have attribute value validation
expressions defined in the data dictionary. Therefore, when the script is run to update
these expressions, only custom types are affected.
Depending on DM_DOCBASIC_COND_EXPR_DATA_TYPE, the script will regenerate
the Docbasic code to use either Integer datatype or Long datatype. If the environment
variable is not set or is set to any value other than LONG, the script regenerates
the Docbasic code using Integer datatype. If the variable is set to LONG, the script
regenerates the code using Long datatype.

102 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

To use the Long datatype:

1. Set the DM_DOCBASIC_COND_EXPR_DATA_TYPE environment variable to

This variable is case sensitive. The value must be LONG, all uppercase.
On UNIX platforms, set this in the script.
On Windows platforms, set it as a system environment variable.
2. If you have Docbasic code that was generated prior to 5.3 SP2, use the
dm_recreate_expr.ebs script to regenerate the code to use Long datatype.
To recreate generated code for all expressions, use the following syntax:
dmbasic -f dm_recreate_expr.ebs -e Recreate -- docbase_name
username password all
To recreate generated code for only workflow transition expressions, use the
following syntax:
dmbasic -f dm_recreate_expr.ebs -e Recreate -- docbase_
name username password dm_activity
To recreate generated code for only attribute value validation expressions, use the
following syntax:
dmbasic -f dm_recreate_expr.ebs -e Recreate -- docbase_name
username password dm_type

To use the Integer datatype:

1. Ensure that the DM_DOCBASIC_COND_EXPR_DATA_TYPE environment variable

is not set.
2. If you have Docbasic code that was generated in a 5.3 SP2 repository, use the
dm_recreate_expr.ebs script to regenerate the code to use Integer datatype.
To recreate generated code for all expressions, use the following syntax:
dmbasic -f dm_recreate_expr.ebs -e Recreate -- docbase_name
username password all
To recreate generated code for only workflow transition expressions, use the
following syntax:
dmbasic -f dm_recreate_expr.ebs -e Recreate -- docbase_
name username password dm_activity
To recreate generated code for only attribute value validation expressions, use the
following syntax:
dmbasic -f dm_recreate_expr.ebs -e Recreate -- docbase_name
username password dm_type
Here is a sample of the script’s output:
Sample output:
C% dmbasic -f dm_recreate_expr.ebs -eRecreate -- mouse1 userX happy all
Connected to docbase mouse1 as user userX
Re-creating expression for activities...

Content Server Release Notes 103

Technical Notes

Re-creating expression for object 4c00091480007101

Re-creating expression for object 4c00091480008d4e
Re-creating expression for object 4c00091480008d97
Re-creating expression for object 4c00091480008d9d
Re-creating expression for object 4c0009148000b532
Re-creating expression for object 4c0009148000b53b
Re-creating expression for object 4c0009148000bb92
Re-creating expression for object 4c0009148000bc3e
Re-creating expression for object 4c0009148001211b
Re-creating expression for object 4c00091480012906
Re-creating expression for object 4c00091480012d43
Re-creating expression for object 4c00091480013105
Re-creating expression for object 4c00091480013d05
Number of objects affected: 13
Re-creating expression for custom types...
Re-creating expression for object 03000914800001ad
Re-creating expression for object 03000914800001ab
Re-creating expression for object 03000914800001ac
Number of objects affected: 3

Ability to set the default retention period as a number

of days
Note: This feature is only available for content-addressed storage areas. Using
content-addressed storage areas requires a Content Services for EMC Centera license.
This release introduces the capability of setting the default retention period as a number
of days, rather than as an absolute date. In previous releases, the default retention
period was defined as a absolute date, and content was retained until that date. With
this release, the default retention period can be defined as a number of days, and the
content is retained for the specified number of days, counting from the time the content
is saved to storage.
The new capability is implemented using a new attribute, default_retention_days, which
is added to the dm_store object type definition. This is an integer attribute. The attribute
is effective only for ca store objects (the repository representation of a content-addressed
storage area) and only for new ca store objects created after the feature is enabled.
The new attribute, and consequently the new capability, is not installed and enabled by
default. When 5.3 SP3 is installed, an administration method that enables this feature
is also installed. The first time you use Documentum Administrator to create a new
content-addressed storage area after installing 5.3 SP3, you are offered the option of
running the method. If you choose to do so, the method adds the new attribute to the
dm_store object type and to all ca store objects. The value of the attribute is set to zero for
existing ca store objects.
You must restart Content Server after you run the method.

104 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

You can set both the default_retention_days and a_default_retention_date attributes. If

you do so, the value in default_retention_days takes precedence and will be the value
used to calculate the i_retain_until date.
Note: The default retention period is applied to content saved or migrated to the
storage area if an explicit retention value is not specified as part of the save or migration

Backing out the new attribute

An administration method is provided to remove the new attribute if needed. The

method is called DEFAULT_RETENTION_ATTR. To drop the attribute, the syntax is:
EXECUTE default_retention_attr
You can execute this from the API or DQL options within Documentum Administrator.
Documentum Administrator does not expose this method through the method listings.
You must have at least Sysadmin user privileges to run this method.
Executing the method removes the default_retention_days attribute from dm_store
and all ca store objects.
After executing this method, you must restart the repository using the 5.3 SP3 Content
Note: The content in the content-addressed storage areas is not affected when you
remove the attribute.

Support for Centera clusters

Note: This capability is only available for content-addressed storage areas. Using
content-addressed storage areas requires a Content Services for EMC Centera license.
This release provides new support for Centera clusters that allows you to configure a
content-addressed storage area that represents Centera clusters so:
• A Content Server can write to the Centera cluster closest to itself.
• A Content Server can read from the Centera cluster closest to itself and, if needed,
fail over to read from another Centera cluster
Note: Configuring bi-directional replication between the Centera clusters will avoid the
need for read failovers on the part of Content Servers.
The configuration is accomplished by identifying the primary and secondary clusters for
each Content Server in the connection string. The specified primary cluster is the cluster

Content Server Release Notes 105

Technical Notes

that the associated Content Server will use for write operations and read operations.
The specified secondary cluster is the cluster the server will use if an attempt to read
content from the primary cluster fails.
The connection string is specified in a_storage_params[0], in the ca store object. The
format for the connection string when you are identifying primary and secondary
clusters for one or more Content Servers is:

• The primary cluster_id is the name or IP address of the Centera cluster to which
the Content Server will write
• The secondary cluster_id is the name or IP address of the Centera cluster from which
the Content Server will read if it cannot read from the specified primary cluster
Note: Including a Centera profile specification is optional.
The a_storage_params attribute is 1024 characters. Consequently, you must assign
names to the Centera cluster nodes that are short enough to allow the full connection
string to fit within the attribute.

Storage requirements for the ca store plug-in

The ca store plug-in must be in a storage area that is accessible to the Content Server or
servers using the plug-in. If the Content Servers are all on one host machine, the ca store
plug-in may be stored in any file store storage area accessible to all the servers. If the
Content Servers are on different host machines, either:
• Store the plug-in in a distributed storage area (The plug-in object’s a_storage_type
attribute should be set to dm_distributedstore) in which each Content Server has at
least one near component
• Store the plug-in in a file store that is shared by all Content Servers

Example of use

Suppose you have single-repository distributed configuration with two Content Servers
at different sites and a Centera cluster at each site. The server config names are:
• sc1 for Content Server 1
• sc2 for Content Server 2
The names for the Centera cluster nodes are:

106 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

• cc1 for Centera cluster 1

• cc2 for Centera cluster 2
For Content Server 1, the server should write to Centera cluster 1 and Centera cluster
2 is the failover read cluster for the server. For Content Server 2, the server writes to
Centera cluster 2 and Centera cluster 1 is the server’s failover read cluster. To obtain that
configuration, you set a_storage_params[0] to:

Figure 6–1, page 107, illustrates this configuration.

Figure 6-1. Content Server and Centera cluster conguration in single-repository distributed environment

Ability to set the C-clip buffer size

Note: This feature is only available for content-addressed storage areas. Using
content-addressed storage areas requires a Content Services for EMC Centera license.
The client (SDK) C-clip buffer is used by Centera to manage C-clips created by an
application. The default value for this buffer in releases prior to 5.3 SP3 was 16K. In
release 5.3 SP3, the default is changed to 150K. If an application is managing a large
number of concurrent sessions or using embedded C-clips or both, the default size may

Content Server Release Notes 107

Technical Notes

not be large enough. If the buffer is full, Centera pages out the overflow to files on the
local disks. This can be a performance issue. Release 5.3 SP3 introduces a pool option
setting that allows you to resize the buffer.
The pool option is specified in the a_storage_params attribute of the ca store object (at
index position 1 or greater). The format of the specification is:

where <integer> is an integer number representing the number of kilobytes. For example,
suppose you want to enlarge the buffer to 200 kilobytes. You would specify the following
in a_storage_params:

Setting clip_buffer_size sets the FP_OPTION_BUFFERSIZE configuration parameter.

This parameter controls the size of the client C-clip buffer.
If you require assistance determining the appropriate size for the C-clip buffer, contact
Centera Technical Support.

Fix for bug 69470 — audit cache limit too small

Content Server maintains an in-memory cache of audited object types. The maximum
number of entries in that cache is fixed at server startup. For some enterprises, that limit
was too small. Consequently, for 5.3 SP4, the limit is raised to 3000 entries (from 500).
Note that each entry in the cache requires 28 bytes. This change, then, adds an addition
70,000 bytes to the requirements for shared memory.

New valid options for param_name in dm_ftengine_

This release adds two new optional settings for param_name in the dm_ftengine_config
object type. The settings are:
• temp_table_batch_size
• temp_table_remove_dup_size
These additions support changes to full-text query processing to increase performance.
The name of the parameter is set in param_name and the value for the parameter is set in
the corresponding index position in param_value.
Use the temp_table_batch_size parameter to enhance performance by batching the
storage of the result rows in the temporary table. The value defines the number of result
rows to be inserted into the temporary table with each batch. Because rows are returned

108 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

by relevance ranking, highest to lowest, the first batch will contain the most relevant
results. The full-text indexing engine makes use of the temp_table_batch_size option, if it
is set, if a query meets the following conditions:
• The query must be the “outermost” query.
If the query contains a subquery or subselect, the temp_table_batch_size parameter
value is not applied to any fulltext search clause in that subquery or subselect.
• The query does not contain a selected value or clause that operates on the entire
set of returned values
For example, the count function requires the full set of returned rows. Similarly, the
GROUP BY clause operates on the full set of returned rows. Consequently, if either
of these, or any other that operates on the full set of returned rows, is included in the
query, batching results does not occur.
• The query is not an FTDQL query.
Use the temp_table_remove_dup_size parameter to control whether duplicate rows are
removed from full-text query results. The value directs the full-text engine to remove
duplicate rows in any result set whose total number of result rows is less than or equal to
the size specified in the parameter. For example, if you set temp_table_remove_dup_size
to 2000, then duplicate rows are removed from all result sets that are <= 2000 rows. If a
result set has more than 2000 rows, duplicates are not removed.
These new options operate independently of each other. You can set one or the other or

New event, dm_addesignature_failed (108577)

To resolve bug 108577, the 5.3 SP4 release adds a new system event,
dm_addesignature_failed. This event is audited automatically and cannot be turned
off. The event is generated whenever an attempt to add an electronic signature to an
object using Addesignature method fails.

New ability to congure connect retry logic for LDAP

This release adds the ability to override the time interval value configured in the
retry_interval property of an ldap config object.

Content Server Release Notes 109

Technical Notes

Setting the retry_interval property for user authentication

The retry_interval property in an ldap config object defines the time interval between
attempts by Content Server to contact the LDAP server represented by the ldap config
object. This value is used when the LDAP server is chosen as the primary server for a
user’s authentication if the first attempt to contact the server fails. By default, the value is
set to 5 seconds. So, if retry_count is set to 3 (its default), Content Server waits 5 seconds
between each attempt to contact the primary LDAP server.
You can change the default. You can also override the property setting to define different
intervals between each attempt.
To override the property setting, you set two environment variables:

How the environment variables are used


INCREMENT_SECONDS, the server uses them to calculate the length of time between
attempts to connect to the primary LDAP server. The formula for the calculation is:
INCREMENT_SECONDS) = interval length

where LDAP_RECONNECT_TIME_SECONDS is the value in that variable; retry_no

is the sequential number of the retry attempt. starting from 0 for the first attempt;
and LDAP_RECONNECT_INCREMENT_SECONDS is the value in that environment
For example, suppose that you set LDAP_RECONNECT_TIME_SECONDS to 3 and
LDAP_RECONNECT_INCREMENT_SECONDS to 4, and that retry_count is set to 3.
If the first attempt at connection fails, Content Server waits for 3 seconds before trying

If the second attempt fails, Content Server waits 7 seconds before attempting for a third

How to set the environment variables

On Windows, set the variables as system-level environment variables.

On UNIX, set the variables by adding the following lines to the dm_start_docbase script:

110 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes



where value is an integer representing a number of seconds.

You must restart Content Server to make the variable values take effect.

Unsupported tracing option

The 5.3 SP4 release includes an unsupported script that provides automated
data collection for the purposes of tracing and diagnostics. The script is named
information.ebs. Running the script obtains a wide range of information about the
current session, such as the settings in the dmcl.ini and server.ini file, and prints the
information to standard out.
Support note esg40263 describes how to use this script.

eSign Audit trail electronic sign operations

This new feature helps to audit successful/failure status and also captures any failure
messages encountered during the electronic signature operations. The current
implantation in Content Server creates an Audit Record only when the e-sign entry
succeeds. When there are failures the error messages are logged in Session Log and the
some other messages are written to the Docbase log. This feature is related to logging
all e-sign related activities in Audit-Trail and centralizing the log file. The architectural
diagram is as shown:

Some of the highlights are as follows:

Content Server Release Notes 111

Technical Notes

• Creates an Audit Record when the e-sign operation succeeds with the relevant
justification provided by the user
• Creates an Audit Record when the e-sign operation fails with the relevant error
message(s) and or informational messages
• All informational, warning and error messages are logged in the Docbase log so that
even if Auditing is not enabled, errors will be logged in a centralized file
• Removes redundant logging from esign_pdf.ebs file
• Removes confusing informational message from esign_pdf.ebs files
• ‘dm_addesignature’ Audit Entry is created for a successful ‘addesignature’ API Call
• ‘dm_addesignature_failed’ Audit Entry is created for an unsuccessful ‘addesignature’
API Call
• ‘dm_addesignature_failed’ Audit Entry is not created for the following categories:
Reason: All the above error messages are not Audited since their upper level
error messages are Audited.

Reason: Content is required to calculate hash, even to create a
dm_addesignature_failed event. Since the content related operation itself has
failed dm_addesignature_failed, Audit Event will not be done for all the above
error messages.

Reason: DB related error has occurred.


112 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Reason: All the above error messages will not be audited because of the
inconsistent and wrong Audit Records.

• dm_addesignature_failed Audit Trail record will be created for the following error

Content Server Release Notes 113

Technical Notes

New Centera pool options

Release 5.3 SP4 introduces two additional supported pool_option settings for Centera
configuration. These settings are:
• use_collision_avoidance
• max_connections
The use_collision_avoidance option is a Boolean option that, if set to T, allows content
of any size to be written to the Centera storage area without checking for duplicate
instances of the content on the host. Setting this option to T overrides the Centera storage
strategy configuration. This is useful in those situations when Centera system’s storage
strategy is configured to perform single-instance checking but you wish to ignore that
setting for a particular business reason. To use this option, add the following in the
a_storage_params property:

If the option is set to F or not set, the single-instancing configuration defined in the
Centera system is used.
The max_connections option is used to configure the maximum number of socket
connections that the Centera SDK can establish with the Centera storage system. The
default number is 99. If an application needs to establish more connections than that, you
can reset the maximum, up to 999. To do so, add the following in the a_storage_params

where integer is the new maximum number of connections.

Using Centera with Content Server on a Unix/Linux

If you are using Centera (CA store) with Content Server on a UNIX/Linux platform, the
following environment variable must be set in the shell in which the Content Server
is started, to avoid performance issues:

The syntax will vary depending on the shell being used.

114 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Content encryption key length and algorithm

The content encryption feature of Trusted Content Services uses a key whose length is
192 bits and it is used with the Triple DES-EDE-CBC algorithm.

Enhancements to MIGRATE_CONTENT
The MIGRATE_CONTENT administration method has been enhanced with the
following changes:
• The log file now records performance metrics. The metrics show the amount of time
spent in the repository and in the storage area. These metrics are recorded for each
object successfully migrated, and as accumulated totals for every 100 objects and a
grand total at the completion of the method.
• A new argument is added that allows you to specify a dm_sysobject as the target of a
DQL query to select items to migrate.
Refer to MIGRATE_CONTENT now supports subtypes as predicate target, page
115, for details.

MIGRATE_CONTENT now supports subtypes as predicate target

MIGRATE_CONTENT allows you to provide a DQL predicate, which is used to

construct a DQL query to determine which content to migrate. The predicate can be
applied to either content objects or to instances of an object type. In previous releases,
the only object type that you could specify in the MIGRATE_CONTENT arguments was
dm_sysobject. In Release 5.3 SP5, you can now specify subtypes of dm_sysobject.
A target subtype is identified in a new argument called TYPE_TO_QUERY. The
argument can be included in the method arguments only if the SYSOBJECT_QUERY
argument is T. This new argument allows you to reference custom attribute of
dm_sysobject subtypes in the predicate. Previously, because the predicate can only
reference properties defined for the target object type, you could only reference
properties defined for dm_sysobject in the predicate.
The full syntax for this form of MIGRATE_CONTENT is now:
EXECUTE migrate_content WITH target_store=’target_storage_
name’,query=’DQL_predicate’[,sysobject_query=T|F [,type_to_query=

Content Server Release Notes 115

Technical Notes

For example, suppose you want to migrate all content of a subtype called
“loan_documents”, and that subtype has a property named customer_state. The
following MIGRATE_CONTENT statement will execute against all loan_document
objects and moves the content for those belonging to customers in CA (California) state:
EXECUTE migrate_content
WITH target_store=’storage_005’,

Changes to conguration parameters in

This section describes the enhancements to the configuration parameters you can define
in the dm_ftengine_config object.

New parameter, acl_check_db

This optional configuration parameter forces the permission checks carried out against
search results to be conducted against the repository. The system will check the ACL
identified in the acl_name and acl_domain properties in the repository for each returned
This parameter is not set by default. Setting it to true ensures that the permissions used
to determine an object’s accessibility are up-to-date, but does incur some performance
overhead for the search.

Modications to names of two existing parameters

The names of the following existing configuration parameters are changed:

• fds_query_host is changed to fds_qrserver_host
• fds_query_port is changed to fds_qrserver_port
During an upgrade to SP5, if these parameters are present in the dm_ftengine_config,
the installation process will not remove the existing parameters, but will add new ones
with the new names.

116 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

dm_format.mime_type lengthened
The mime_type property in dm_format is lengthened from string(64) to string(256).

New environment variable for tracing electronic

This release introduces the environment variable named DM_DEBUG_ESIGN_METHOD.
If this variable is set to 1, Content Server logs additional information about electronic
signatures generated by Addesignature to the repository log file.
You must restart Content Server after setting this variable.

New environment variable for query performance

The DM_GROUP_LIST_LIMIT variable is introduced to resolve bug 118025. This bug
reported a query performance problem with SQL Server when a user is a member of a
large number of groups.
For example, suppose a user who is a member of 500 groups executes the following
SELECT r_object_id FROM dm_document WHERE object_name LIKE ’%dm%’
When this query is translated to SQL, a subquery is needed to perform the ACL checking
because the default group list limit for queries is 250. The performance is slower due
to the need for the subquery. The new environment variable is introduced to reset the
default group list limit.
To set the variable on Windows, set the variable as a system variable. Use a no-sign
integer as the value.
On UNIX platforms, add the following line to the dm_start_repository script after the
first line of the script:

where value is the number to which you wish to reset the limit.
You must restart Content Server after setting the variable.

Content Server Release Notes 117

Technical Notes

Support for RSA Access Manager

Installing Content Server 5.3 SP6 installs the EMC RSA Plug-in for Documentum. This
plug-in allows you to use the RSA Access Manager 5.5 with Content Server for user
authentication. It allows Content Server to authenticate users based on RSA ClearTrust
single sign-on tokens instead of passwords.
EMC Documentum Webtop and WebPublisher, and other Documentum WDK-based
applications, support the RSA plug-in, with some configuration required. The
configuration requirements are described in the Web Development Kit Release Notes and in
all WDK-based product release notes for 5.3 SP6.
The Content Server installation procedure stores the plug-in in the %DM_
HOME%\install\external_apps\authplugins\RSA ($DM_HOME/install/external_apps/
authplugins/RSA) directory. There is a README.txt file that describes how to install the
plug-in. Table 6–2, page 118, lists the files for the plug-in on the supported platforms.

Table 6-2. RSA plug-in modules

Platform Plug-in module

Windows dm_rsa.dll
Solaris, Linux, and AIX
HP Itanium

Content Server to Connection Broker projection

It is possible for the underlying database to be down or inaccessible while the Content
Server is still running. In those situations, the Content Server’s projections to the
connection broker will use information from cached copies of the docbase config and
server config objects for the projection. Note that this cached information may be out of

New server.ini option for extended permissions

This option, which is introduced to resolve bug 123034, is named owner_xpermit_default.
The option is a string datatype with one valid value: ACL
If the option is set to ACL, then an object owner has only the extended permissions
assigned explicitly. The owner is not granted default extended permissions.

118 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

If the option is not set, an object’s owner has all the extended permissions available to an
object owner by default.

Change to Assemble method implementation

In this release, the constraint against executing the Assemble method in an open explicit
transaction is removed, with one exception. The exception is when the interrupt_freq
argument is set to a positive number in the method’s arguments. In such cases, Assemble
may not be executed in an explicit transaction.

New key for session pooling

A new key is introduced to set the value of the session timeout value in
the DFC session pool, if DMCL connection pooling is disabled. The new key is named:

Values in this key are specified in seconds. The default value expiration interval is 20
minutes. Unused sessions in the pool are released from the DFC session pool after the
expiration interval.

The description of LIST_SESSIONS output is given below:
• typelockdb_session_id
Database session id for type locking
• tempdb_session_ids
List of temporary database sessions
• last_rpc
The last RPC that the server ran for the session
• current_rpc
The current RPC being run by the server for the session.
After the RPC is completed, the server will not clear this field. Therefore, last_rpc
and current_rpc will be same in the situation where the server has completed an
RPC for the session and has not executed another RPC for the session. However, if

Content Server Release Notes 119

Technical Notes

last_rpc and current_rpc are the same, it could also mean that the server is running
the same RPC again.
• last_completed_rpc
The last time the server completed an RPC for session

Usability notes
This section contains miscellaneous items regarding the use and usability of the product.
The following topics are included:
• Adding DocProcessors to the index server, page 121
• Using WF_PromoteLifecycle method in automatic workflow activities, page 122
• New administration method—FIX_LINK_CNT, page 122
• String datatype maximum length on SQL Server, page 123
• Dmbasic lifecycles and Retention Policy Services, page 123
• DQL hints and FTDQL queries, page 123
• Remote hosts failed or ACS not available messages, page 123
• Workaround for bug 81615, page 123
• WORKFLOW_AGENT_DIED error, page 124
• Tracing default for surrogate get is changed, page 124
• Supported versions in repository federations, page 124
• Java method server, page 125
• Printing from lifecycle programs, page 125
• Indexable formats, page 125
• Index agent warning message, page 126
• Excluding object types from indexing, page 126
• Note on using LDAP directory servers with multiple Content Servers, page 126
• Swedish grammatical normalization, page 127
• New server.ini key, page 127
• Full-text indexing and adding types or adding attributes to a type, page 127
• Netegrity plug-in use, page 128
• Change to dm_retention_managers group, page 128
• Support for Sybase ASE 15.0 on Windows and Linux platforms, page 128
• Content encryption in TCS, page 128
• Full-text version in 5.3 SP4 is 4.3.1, page 129
• Using memory map interface to write files, page 128

120 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

• The query plug-in hint, page 129

• The TRY_FTDQL_FIRST hint, page 137
• Configuring batched returns for non-FTDQL queries, page 130
• Large file handling, page 131
• Constraint on method argument values, page 132
• Note on user passwords, page 132
• Full-text high availability error troubleshooting, page 132
• No full-text support for /3GB switch on Windows, page 132
• Grammatical normalization implementation in full-text searches is changed to avoid
query timeouts, page 132
• SQL Server 2005 error message in event log (Documentum Bug 126657; SQL Server
2005 bug 745), page 133
• Page size allotment for processes changed by Solaris, page 133
• If a query returns failure due to empty HTTP response (120598), page 134
• Indexing Office 2007 files, page 135
• Content compression characterization, page 135
• Increased query timeout settings , page 137
• Wildcard term count threshold increased, page 137
• The TRY_FTDQL_FIRST hint, page 137

Adding DocProcessors to the index server

DocProcessors are index server processes that convert a Documentum internal format to
a format that can be processed by the index server. To increase indexing throughput, you
can add DocProcessor processes on the index server host. It is recommended that the
number of DocProcessors total no more than 1.5 DocProcessors per CPU on the machine
on which the index server runs. For example, on a two-CPU system, we recommend a
maximum of 3 DocProcessors.

To add DocProcessors to an index server:

1. Log on to the index server host as the installation owner.

2. From the command line, enter the following command and press Enter:
nctrl add procserver

You see the following, in which the DocProcessor is referred to by its alternate
name, procserver:
Connecting to Node Controller at localhost:port_number...
Attempting to add the following processes: procserver

Content Server Release Notes 121

Technical Notes

Process procserver_number_of_DocProcessor started successfully

(pid DocProcessor_pid)

You can delete DocProcessors with the following procedure.

To delete DocProcessors from an index server:

1. Log on to the index server host as the installation owner.

2. From the command line, enter the following command and press Enter:
nctrl remove procserver

Using WF_PromoteLifecycle method in automatic

workow activities
If you choose to use the WF_PromoteLifecycle method for an automatic activity in a
workflow, you must perform one of following actions to ensure that the workflow does
not fail when the activity’s method executes:
• Install Java on the Content Server host.
Dmbasic will then use the Java you install instead of using the Java installed by
Content Server.
• Set the PATH environment variable to include the correct directories:
cmd>setenv PATH "$PATH;C:\Program Files\Documentum\jre\142_04\bin\client"

On UNIX and Linux systems, you must ensure that the or and or files are in the shared library path.

New administration method—FIX_LINK_CNT

Use this method to update the r_link_cnt attribute for a folder object if needed. The
syntax is:
EXECUTE fix_link_cnt FOR folder_object_id
Use this method if the value of a folder’s r_link_cnt attribute is incorrect. The method
determines how many documents are linked to the specified folder and then sets that
value in the folder’s r_link_cnt attribute. The method has no arguments.

122 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

The method returns T (TRUE) if successful or F (FALSE) if unsuccessful. Executing the

method requires either Superuser privileges or Write permission on the specified folder.

String datatype maximum length on SQL Server

For a repository installed on a SQL Server database, the maximum length of the string
attribute is 4000 characters. (The Documentum Object Reference incorrectly documents the
maximum length for SQL Server as 7000.)

Dmbasic lifecycles and Retention Policy Services

If a lifecycle is written in dmbasic and an object is attached to the lifecycle, a retention
policy cannot be assigned to that object. This is because lifecycles written in dmbasic
bypass DFC and BOF, as well as BOF customizations, and are processed directly by
the DMCL API. Retention policies are enforced by DFC and BOF. It is recommended
that you write lifecycles in Java.

DQL hints and FTDQL queries

With the exception of ROW_BASED, all DQL hints may be used within an FTDQL query.
The ROW_BASED hint may not be used within an FTDQL query.

Remote hosts failed or ACS not available messages

If the acs log file contains a “Remote Hosts Failed” or “ACS not available” message,
the cause is likely one of the following:
• The ACS server is not running.
• The file the user requested cannot be retrieved from the storage area
• One of the repositories configured in the file is down.

Workaround for bug 81615

When a work item generated from an activity that has its performer set to “All Users in a
Group” is completed, the remote_pending attribute of the associated dmi_queue_item is

Content Server Release Notes 123

Technical Notes

left set to T. (It should be set to F at that point.) The remote_pending attribute designates
which queue items need to be copied to a remote repository. In this case, when the work
items are first generated, the attribute is set to T so that any users in the group whose
home repository is a remote repository receive the task. After the task is completed, it
should be reset to F.
When the attribute is T, the dm_QueueMgt administration job, which is responsible for
removing old and unneeded queue items, does not remove those queue items. The job
does not remove queue item objects that have remote_pending set to T.
To workaround this problem, ensure that the dm_distOperations job is scheduled to run
before the dm_QueueMgmt job. By default, the dm_distOperations job runs continuously
and polls for queue items to distribute every 5 minutes, and the dm_queueMgmt job
runs once a day. The dm_distOperations job will change the remote_pending attribute to
FALSE on these left-behind queue items and then the Queue Mgmt job will remove them.
To ensure that dm_distOperations runs prior to dm_QueueMgmt, you can create a job
sequence that runs dm_DistOperations before running dm_QueueMgt.

When a Content Server is started, the procedure may log the following error:

This error means that the workflow agent stopped and was restarted during the server
startup process. So long as the agent is running after the Content Server is started and
running, you can ignore this error in the log.

Tracing default for surrogate get is changed

Tracing surrogate get operations is now turned off by default. Instructions for turning it
on are found in the Documentum Distributed Configuration Guide.

Supported versions in repository federations

For release 5.3 SP1, a federation can contain any mix of 5.1 and higher repositories.
However, if the governing repository is a 5.3 or 5.3 SP1 repository, keep in mind the
following caveats:

124 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

• Prior releases do not support dynamic groups. Consequently, any dynamic groups
defined in the governing repository are propagated to any pre-5.3 members as
standard, non-dynamic groups.
• Similarly, prior releases do not support access restricting (AccessRestriction,
ExtentendRestriction) entries in ACLs. If the federation’s federation mode is
replicating ACLs with those kinds of entries to pre-5.3 member repositories, the
entries are ignored by pre-5.3 Content Servers.
• The restricted_folder_ids attribute for users (introduced in release 5.3) is a local
attribute. This means that any restricted users in the governing repository are
propagated as unrestricted users in the member repositories. (If the member is a 5.3
repository, you can set that attribute locally if desired.)

Java method server

Caution: The Content Server installation program installs and configures an instance
of Apache Tomcat as the Java method server and to run the ACS server. Do not use
this Tomcat instance for any other purpose, including running Documentum WDK
applications such as Documentum Administrator or Webtop.
Additionally, the Tomcat application server is currently the only application server
supported for use with Documentum Content Server. No other application server can
be used.

Printing from lifecycle programs

If you issue a print statement in a program executed as entry criteria, action-on-entry,
or post-entry action, you must direct the statement’s output to a file. If you do not,
the print statements go nowhere.

Indexable formats
Format objects in the repository define which file formats Content Server recognizes.
These format objects also identify which formats are indexable (through the can_index
attribute). However, the format objects often represent multiple versions of the same
format. For example, the format object for the MS Word format may represent multiple
versions of MS Word. In some instances, not all versions of the format can be indexed. For
a list of indexable formats and versions, refer to the Content Server Administrator’s Guide.

Content Server Release Notes 125

Technical Notes

Index agent warning message

The index agent some displays a warning message “No web server port for status
provided, logging of status done to debug log.” The message is harmless and can be

Change to dm_FTCreateEvents
In previous releases, the queueperson argument of the dm_FTCreateEvents tool was
hard-coded to dm_fulltext_index_user. Because high-availability configurations
require the existence of more than one full-text user in the repository, the value of the
queueperson argument can now be explicitly specified when the tool is used. If not
specified, the value defaults to dm_fulltext_index_user.

Excluding object types from indexing

You can write a custom module that excludes an object type from full-text indexing.
Refer to the Documentum Developer Web site for instructions.

Note on using LDAP directory servers with multiple

Content Servers
If multiple Content Servers are running against a particular repository, you must perform
some additional steps to enable LDAP authentication regardless of the particular
Content Server to which a user connects.

To enable LDAP authentication with multiple Content Servers:

1. Install the Content Server software and create a Content Server and repository.
2. Install the LDAP directory server and follow the directions in to properly configure
the directory server and repository for LDAP authentication.
3. Create the nonprimary Content Servers.
4. Using Documentum Administrator, connect to one of the nonprimary Content
5. Navigate to the existing ldap config object.
6. Re-enter the Binding Name and Binding Password for the LDAP directory server.

126 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

7. Save the ldap config object.

8. Perform steps 4 to 7 for each nonprimary Content Server.

Swedish grammatical normalization

In this 5.3 SP3 release, grammatical normalization is enabled for Swedish, and the choice
appears in the index server installer. However, when you choose the parts of speech to
normalize, do not choose Nouns, adjectives, and verbs or Nouns and verbs. These
options do not work.

New server.ini key

The key max_storage_info_count is added to the server.ini key.
The maximum storage information count key defines the maximum number of storage
areas for which Content Server maintains information in shared memory. Valid values
are positive integers from 100 to 65535. The value defined by the key does not limit the
number of storage areas you can create. For example, if the key is set to 150 and you
already have 150 storage areas, you can create additional storage areas, but information
for the additional storage areas is not maintained in memory.
In a multiserver environment, ensure that this key is set to the same value for all Content
The default value is 100.

Full-text indexing and adding types or adding attributes

to a type
Starting in release 5.3, you do not have to reindex the repository or reindex all objects of
a particular type when you add an attribute to an existing type or create a new object
type. This is because the index server does not require a change to the schema for a type
change. In the indexing model used in 5.3 and later Content Server versions, objects
are indexed when operations are performed that generate indexing queue items. New
attributes and types are automatically reflected in the index.

Content Server Release Notes 127

Technical Notes

Netegrity plug-in use

With release 5.3 SP2, the Netegrity plug-in installed with Content Server is usable
without intervention from Documentum Professional Services or Documentum
Developer Support. Instructions for configuring the feature are found in Web Development
Kit and Client Application Development Guide .

Change to dm_retention_managers group

In the 5.3 SP4 release, members of the dm_retention_managers group are now allowed to
remove content from immutable objects.

Support for Sybase ASE 15.0 on Windows and Linux

For 5.3 SP4, Sybase ASE 15.0 on Windows and Linux platforms is supported. If you
want to use Sybase ASE 12.5 server on these platforms you should download and use
Sybase OCS 15.0 libraries (Sybase ASE 15 client libraries), since the server is compiled
and built using Sybase OCS 15.0 libraries. Sybase OCS 15.0 libraries works with Sybase
ASE 12.5 server.

Content encryption in TCS

For 5.3 SP4, the key length is 192-bits for use with the Triple DES-EDE-CBC algorithm.

Using memory map interface to write les

Release 5.3 SP4 introduces a new feature for performance improvement. To enable
this feature, you have two options that can be configured in the CA store object to
use the memory map interface. To use the memory map interface to write files, you
should set the a_storage_params[1] to pool_option:use_mmap:T. If you do not want to
use it or leave it blank, set it to F. This feature is provided to improve performance
for small files having an overhead on memory. The default content size for using the
memory mapped interface can also be specified using the second option and this size,
by default, is 100 Kilobytes. In order to set it to a different size, specify an option in the
a_storage_params[2] to pool_option:max_mmap_file_size:<size> as given in the example.

128 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Example 6-1. Specifying an option in the a_storage_params[2]


Note: This is an optional feature.

Full-text version in 5.3 SP4 is 4.3.1

The 5.3 SP4 release will include FAST 4.3.1 and some reindexing will be done during

The query plug-in hint

The query plug-in hint allows you to specify on a per-query basis whether to use or turn
off grammatical normalization, also known as lemmatization, for the query. This hint is
useful if the normalization mode you wish to use with the query is different from the
lemmatization choice made when you installed the full-text indexing system.
The syntax of the hint is:

It is passed in the query in the ENABLE clause. For example:

SELECT r_object_id,object_name FROM dm_document
WHERE object_owner=’JohnDoe’

If grammatical normalization is turned on globally, but you want to execute one query
without using that feature, add the following to the end of the query:

For example:
SELECT r_object_id, object_owner FROM dm_document

Setting the hint to 0 directs the query plug-in not to perform a grammatically normalized
search, but only return results that match the search term or phrase exactly.
If grammatical normalization is turned off globally, but you want to execute a query
using that feature, add the following to the end of the query:

For example:

Content Server Release Notes 129

Technical Notes

SELECT r_object_id, object_owner FROM dm_document


Setting the hint to 1 turns on the feature for that query.


The 5.3 SP4 release introduces a new DQL hint, TRY_FTDQL_FIRST. This hint is useful
if a query is timing out or exceeds a resource limit in the full-text engine. When it is
included in a query, the query is first executed as an FTDQL query and, if a timeout or
resource-exceeded error occurs, it is then retried as a standard query.
In the query’s syntax, the hint must appear at the end of the query, in the ENABLE
clause; for example:
SELECT object_owner, object_name FROM dm_document
SEARCH DOCUMENT CONTAINS ’engineering proposal’
WHERE subject=’transportation’

If the ENABLE option also includes the FTDQL or NOFTDQL hints, these hints are

Conguring batched returns for non-FTDQL queries

Queries that contain a SEARCH clause but are not FTDQL queries are processed using a
temporary table. Content Server populates a temporary table with the results returned
by the SEARCH clause and then filters the results for security and matches to any other
conditions specified in the query. If the SEARCH clause has returned a large number of
results, processing them may take some time. To improve performance, the results are
populated into the temporary table and processed in batches. The size of the batches
is configurable. For instructions, refer to Configuring the temporary table batch size,
page 131.
Note: If the query also contains a UNION, IN DOCUMENT, or IN ASSEMBLY clause in
addition to a SEARCH clause, multiple batches cannot be used. In such cases, all results
are populated into the temporary table for processing in one batch.
Additionally, the full-text engine may return duplicate hits for an object. Content Server
processes the results returned by the full-text engine to remove duplicates if possible.
This processing is also performed in batches, and the size of each batch is configurable.
For instructions, refer to Configuring duplicate checking batch size, page 131.

130 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Conguring the temporary table batch size

The batch size used to populate the temporary table for result processing is controlled
by the temp_table_batch_size parameter for the full-text engine configuration. This
parameter is set in the dm_ftengine_config object. The parameter name is set in
param_name property and the value is set in the param_value property. These are
repeating properties, so you must set the name and value at the same index position
within the property. The value is an integer number representing the number of results
in each batch.
Reinitialize Content Server after setting this parameter.
If this parameter is not set, the default batch size is 20000. Note that setting this
parameter to 0 disables the use of batching the returns.

Conguring duplicate checking batch size

The size of each batch of results processed for duplicate checking is controlled by
the temp_table_remove_dup_size parameter for the full-text engine configuration.
This parameter is set in the dm_ftengine_config object. The parameter name is set in
param_name property and the value is set in the param_value property. These are
repeating properties, so you must set the name and value at the same index position
within the property. The value is an integer number representing the number of results
in each batch.
Reinitialize Content Server after setting this parameter.
If this parameter is not set, the default batch size is 20000.

Large le handling

The fulltext engine is configured to reject for indexing any fixml file larger than 10MB.
The rejection is logged in the dmi_queue_item and in the index agent log file. The error
message is:
DOCUMENT_ERROR Module :FIXMLFilter - Error: Process(objectID)
failure: docproc.ProcessorStatus.NotPassing’

where objectID is the object ID of the document containing the rejected content.
Do not reset the rejection threshold unless told to do so by EMC Documentum Support

Content Server Release Notes 131

Technical Notes

Constraint on method argument values

Methods represented by dm_method objects do not accept equals (=) signs in command
line arguments.

Note on user passwords

User passwords should not include an equals (=) sign if the user will be executing
dm_methods. Methods represented by dm_method objects do not accept equals signs in
command line arguments.

Full-text high availability error troubleshooting

In a high-availability environment for a full-text installation, a search query returns the
following error if the RTS search component on both index servers are down:
[DM_FULLTEXT_E_SEARCH_NEW_FAIL]error:"dmFTSerchNew failed with error:
QRServer Error (0):"

If you receive that error and have a high-avialability environment, check to determine if
the RTS search component on both index servers are down.

No full-text support for /3GB switch on Windows

The full-text engine does not support using the /3GB switch on the Windows platform.

Grammatical normalization implementation in full-text

searches is changed to avoid query timeouts
Grammatical normalization is the behavior that causes a full-text index search to return
results that contain terms or phrases grammatically similar to the term or phrased on
which the search is conducted. For example, if the query is searching the term “car” in
the subject property, the query returns all objects that have “car” as the subject, but also
all that have “cars” as the subject.
In this release, grammatical normalization is disabled in the certain circumstances to
avoid query timeouts. The feature is disabled when a query contains:

132 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

• A search on a phrase of more than one word

• A search condition that contains an asterisk (*) or question mark (?) used as a

SQL Server 2005 error message in event log

(Documentum Bug 126657; SQL Server 2005 bug 745)
The following error message may appear in the SQL Server error log or the Windows
event log:
During rollback, the following process did not hold an expected
lock: process %d with mode %d at level %d for row %S_RID in database
database_name under transaction transactionID. Restore a backup
of the database, or repair the database.

According to Microsoft: “Although you receive this error message in the SQL Server
error log, you can safely ignore this error message.”
The rollback operation should have completed successfully without causing any
problems. The bug that causes this error is expected to be fixed in SQL Server 2005 SP2.

Page size allotment for processes changed by Solaris

The Sun Solaris operating system uses a feature called Multiple Page Size Support
(MPSS) to increase the efficiency for applications to access virtual memory, resulting
in significant performance improvements for applications that use large memory
intensively. In Solaris 8 and 9 releases, the default page size per process was 8 KB.
Solaris 10 uses MPSS to allow a much bigger heap size up front, by changing the default
OS pagesize of 8 KB to 4 MB or the maximum pagesize supported by the combination of
the underlying operating system and hardware. As heap is allocated on a per-process
basis, with this larger default size there may be a much larger pre-allocation of system
memory when running a high number of processes, including the Documentum Content
The current page size can be verified by determining the process id <pid> of one of
the Documentum server processes, then issuing a "pmap -sx <pid>” command, and
reviewing the Pgsz column:
# ps -ef | grep documentum
(assuming process id ’5928’ is returned)

# pmap -sx 5928

5928: ./documentum -docbase_name naveed_solora53oski -security acl
Address Kbytes RSS Anon Locked Pgsz Mode Mapped File

Content Server Release Notes 133

Technical Notes

01800000 12288 12288 12288 - 4M rwx-- [ heap ]

To change this default behavior, according to Sun’s whitepaper (http://learningsolaris.

com/docs/Multiple_page_sizes_bp.pdf), the following commands can be issued on the
Content Server, using ksh as an example below:
$ export LD_PRELOAD=$ $ export MPSSHEAP=8K

Note: You may need to add the /usr/lib directory (or the corresponding location for to the list of trusted directories by issuing the following command from
the O/S as well:
$ crle -u -s /usr/lib

Then restart the connection broker and Content Server processes. If the Content Server
and/or connection broker process are already started, you will need to first shut both
processes down, set the environment variables as above and then restart both the
connection broker and Content Server. Afterwards, verify using the pmap command
# pmap -sx 11966
11966: ./documentum -docbase_name naveed_solora53oski
-security acl -init_fil
Address Kbytes RSS Anon Locked Pgsz Mode Mapped File
020F0000 384 384 352 - 8K rwx-- [ heap ]

Additional information regarding MPSS, optional pagesize values and the effect
of modifying this parameter can be found at Sun’s website. One such reference is

If a query returns failure due to empty HTTP response

If a query returns the following error, rerun the query. The error may occur because a
rare problem occurred in communications between Content Server and the Index Agent
application server. The error is:
"dmFTSearchNew failed with error: LUCENE_DMSearch::processResults:
empty response from http post, error code: -2"

134 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Indexing Ofce 2007 les

If you want to index Office 2007 files, then you need to save the files as .XML format
and NOT as .docx format.

Content compression characterization

These graphs provide information about how much a file is compressed when
compression is enabled for a storage area. The percentages are averages representing the
average percentages by which a file was compressed. For example, a small PowerPoint
document (PPT) was compressed by approximately 42.41%, meaning that after
compression, the document was approximately 57.59% of its original size.
Figure 6–2, page 135, shows the compression percentages for small files in various

Figure 6-2. Small le compression percentages

Figure 6–3, page 136, shows the compression figures for medium-size files in various

Content Server Release Notes 135

Technical Notes

Figure 6-3. Medium le compression percentages

Figure 6–4, page 136, shows the compression figures for large files in various formats.

Figure 6-4. Large le compression percentages

136 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Increased query timeout settings

This release increases the settings for the query timeout and summary timeout. The
query timeout setting determines how long the Index Server attempts to execute a query
before timing out the query. The summary timeout setting determines how long the
Index Server attempts to extract the text defined by the SUMMARY DQL key word for
each returned result. If the summary timeout is exceeded, the query fails.
In previous releases, the query timeout was set to 12 seconds and the summary timeout
was set to 17 seconds. The 5.3 SP5 release increases each to 60 seconds.

Wildcard term count threshold increased

The wildcard threshold is the maximum number of terms a wildcard in a query can hit
in the index. If the threshold is exceeded, the query returns an error. Previously, the
threshold was set to 500. In this release, the threshold is set to 20,000.
Note that if a query that includes the TRY_FTDQL_FIRST hint exceeds the threshold,
the query is retried against the database.
, provides instructions for setting this configuration value.


The Hotfix introduces a new DQL hint, TRY_FTDQL_FIRST. This hint is useful if a query
is timing out, exceeds a resource limit in the full-text engine, or is not FTDQL compliant.
When it is included in a query that contains a WHERE clause, the query is first executed
as an FTDQL query and, if a timeout or resource-exceeded error occurs or the query is
not FTDQL compliant, Content Server retries the query as a standard query.
Note: If the query does not include a WHERE clause, including TRY_FTDQL_FIRST
does not add any value. The query will not be run against the database if a query timeout
or resource exceeded error occurs.
In the query’s syntax, the hint must appear at the end of the query, in the ENABLE
clause; for example:
SELECT object_owner, object_name FROM dm_document
SEARCH DOCUMENT CONTAINS ’engineering proposal’
WHERE subject=’transportation’

If the ENABLE option also includes the FTDQL or NOFTDQL hints, these hints are

Content Server Release Notes 137

Technical Notes

TRY_FTDQL_FIRST hint enhancement

This release enhances the implementation of the TRY_FTDQL_FIRST hint. In the

previous release, queries that included this hint and that encountered following error
[DM_FULLTEXT_E_SEARCH_NEW_FAIL]error: "dmFTSearchnew failed with
error(1017): Wildcard term count threshold exceeded,Error from
QRServer, error code-2"

Now, such a query is retried against the database.

New object types supporting email archiving

These object types replace the email archiving types introduced (and documented) in
the 5.3 SP1 release. There is one new type and four that replace the previous types. The
replacements are:

Table 6-3. Mapping of new email archiving types to previous types

Previous type name New type name

dm_email_address_table dm_message_address
dm_mail_message dm_message_archive
dm_route_table dm_message_route
dm_userdata_table dm_message_user_data
The new type is named dm_message_attachment.
If you install or upgrade a repository, the new types are installed. Upgrading removes
the older types unless there are instances of a type in the repository. If there are no
instances of a previous type, the upgrade procedure will remove the old type definitions
unless there are object instances of the types.
For example, if you have objects of type dm_mail_message in your repository, the
upgrade procedure will not remove the dm_mail_message type definition from the
repository. If there are no instances of dm_mail_message, the upgrade will remove the
definition of the dm_mail_message from the repository.

Caution: These object types are used by certain Documentum clients and must not
be modified or deleted.

138 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Supertype: Persistent Object
Subtypes: None
Internal Name: dm_message_address
Object type tag: 00
A message address object records a unique email address found in the header of an email
message. A unique address is an address not currently represented in the repository
by another message address object. Each time a unique address is found in an archived
message, a message address object is created to record the address. Message address
objects are primarily used by personal and compliance archiving applications.
The following attributes are defined for this type:

Table 6-4. Attributes dened for the message address type

Attribute Datatype Single/ Description

addr_id string(16) S Hash value of the email
addr_type string(1) S Identifies the kind of email
message. Valid values are:

0, meaning Exchange email


1, meaning SMTP email


2, Lotus Notes email

email_addr string(1024) S Fully qualified email
address of the user
friendly_name string(128) S User’s name as it appears
prepended to the full
email address. This name
typically appears in double
quotes prior to the actual
email address in angle
mail_user string(128) S User’s name as it appears in
the actual email address.

Content Server Release Notes 139

Technical Notes

Attribute Datatype Single/ Description

primary_domain string(512) S Primary domain of the email
sub_domain string(512) S Subdomains in the email

Supertype: Document
Subtypes: None
Internal name: dm_message_archive
Object type tag: 09
A message archive object is used to store an email message. The header information in
the message is stored in the object’s attributes and the actual content of the message
is stored as content. Message archive objects are primarily used by personal and
compliance archiving applications.
The following attributes are defined for the type:

Table 6-5. Attributes dened for the message archive type

Attribute Datatype Single/ Description

attachment_count integer S Total number of message
attachments in the email
datamodel_version string(6) S Used internally to manage
data model changes
is_archive_message string(1) S Identifies whether the
message is an “archive”
message. Valid values are:

0, meaning the message is

not an archive message

1, meaning the message is

an archive message, and the
message_id is deterministic.

Archive messages are

immutable. Non-archive
messages may be edited,

140 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Attribute Datatype Single/ Description

and the message_id is set
internally and is unique to
this message.
message_class string(1) S Identifies the class of
message represented by the
mail message object. Valid
values are:

0, email message

1, contact entry

2, calendar entry

3, task entry

4, posted note

5, journal entry

6, sticky note

7, schedule entry

8, document

9, delivery report

10, read receipt report

11, all other types of reports

12, all other types

13, FaceTime instant


14, boomberg message

15, Aikonix instant message

25, IMLogic instant message

26, MindAlign instant


255, unknown

Content Server Release Notes 141

Technical Notes

Attribute Datatype Single/ Description

message_doctype string(1) S Identifies the kind of email
message. Valid values are:

0, meaning MAPI mail


1, meaning SMTP message

2, Lotus Notes email

message_id string(24) S Email message identifier
message_ string(1) S The level of importance of
importance the email message. Valid
values are:

0, normal

1, low

3, medium

5, high
message_link_ integer S Link number in a SysObject
count chain
message_sensitivity string(1) S Specifies the sensitivity of
the message. Valid values
are 1 to 255.
message_size integer S Size of the complete email
message, including headers
and routing information, in
message_subject string(256) S Subject line of the message
parent_message_id string (24) S Message identifier of the
root message if this message
is an embedded message.
receive_date Date S GMT date and time at which
the message was received

142 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Attribute Datatype Single/ Description

sent_date Date S GMT date and time at which
the message was sent.
tracking_id string(2000) S Used internally to track
message source

Supertype: Persistent Object
Subtypes: None
Internal name: dm_message_attachment
Object type tag: 00
A message attachment object records the names of attachments sent with email messages.
The attachments represented by this object type are bound to the parent email message
by the value in the message_object_id attribute. Message attachment objects are created
when an email message that has an attachment is archived. Message attachment objects
are primarily used by personal and compliance archiving applications.
The following attributes are defined for the type:

Table 6-6. Attributes dened for the message attachment type

Attribute Datatype Single/ Description

attachment_name string(512) S Attachment file name
attachment_ integer S Order of the attachment
position entry
format_name string(64) S Name of the attachment’s
message_object_id ID S Object ID of the message
archive object representing
the email message to
which this attachment was

Content Server Release Notes 143

Technical Notes

Supertype: Persistent Object
Subtypes: None
Internal name: dm_message_route
Object type tag: 00
A message route object is created when an email message is archived. Message route
objects store the routing information found in the To, From, bcc, and cc lists. Each
object records one address in the message. Message route objects are primarily used by
personal and compliance archiving applications.
The following attributes are defined for the type:

Table 6-7. Attributes dened for the message route type

Attribute Datatype Single/ Description

addr_id string(16) S Hash value of the email
message_object_id ID S Object ID of the message
archive object representing
the email message that
contains this email address
route_bit_flags string(1) S Used internally
route_type string(1) S Identifies the source of the
email address. Valid values

1, meaning To

2, meaning From

3, meaning cc

4, meaning bcc

5, meaning Distributed list

6, meaning any other source

144 Content Server Release Notes

Technical Notes

Supertype: Persistent Object
Subtypes: None
Internal name: dm_message_user_data
Object type tag: 00
A message user data object records application-specific information about a user
referenced in an archived message. Message user data objects are created when an
email message is archived. The objects are primarily used by personal and compliance
archiving applications.
The following attributes are defined for the type:

Table 6-8. Attributes dened for the message user data type

Attribute Datatype Single/ Description

message_object_id string(16) S Object ID of the message
archive object that contained
the email address.
user_data string(2000) S Application-specific
information about the
user identified in user_tag.
user_tag string(64) S Tag name assigned to the
user by the application

Content Server Release Notes 145

Technical Notes

146 Content Server Release Notes

Chapter 7

This section describes the documentation related to this product.

Content Server documentation set

The following document titles comprise the Content Server documentation set:
• Content Server Release Notes, version 5.3 SP6 (this document)
• Content Server Installation Guide, version 5.3 SP3
• Content Server Full-Text Indexing System Installation and Administration Guide, version
5.3 SP5
• Content Server Fundamentals, version 5.3 SP1
• EMC Documentum Object Reference Manual, version 5.3 SP1
• Content Server API Reference Manual, version 5.3 SP1
• Content Server DQL Reference Manual, version 5.3 SP1
• Content Server Administrator’s Guide, version 5.3 SP1
• EMC Documentum Distributed Configuration Guide, version 5.3 SP1
• Content Server Combined Index, version 5.3 SP1
The core Content Server documentation is not republished for 5.3 SP6 release. All
changes for 5.3 SP6 are documented in this release note.
The PDFs of the Content Server Fundamentals, the Distributed Configuration Guide , the
Content Server Administrator’s Guide, and the reference manuals contain clickable links to
the other manuals. The Content Server Combined Index contains clickable index entries
for the core manuals. Clicking the links and index entries opens the correct PDF to
the referenced page.
Note that on some systems, the correct PDF opens, but to the first page of the manual,
not to the referenced page.

Content Server Release Notes 147


There is additional full-text indexing information in whitepapers found on the Technical

Support Website or MarketingNet. However, the whitepaper titled "Full-Text Agent
Throughput", referenced in the Content Server Full-Text Indexing System Installation and
Administration Guide will not be available until early 2007.

Obtaining the correct documentation

The Powerlink site ( contains the downloadable packages
for specific product versions along with the release notes, installation guide, and
other relevant documentation associated with the product version. To locate product
documentation, navigate to Support > Technical Documentation and Advisories >
Software ~ D ~ Documentation, then select your product.
Note: The majority of Content Management products are listed under Software D >
Documentum ?, where ? = a letter, or letters, in the alphabet.
Product documentation that is available online from the application (Help, for example)
does not appear as a separate item; it is automatically downloaded and installed with
the software.

Documentation corrections and clarications

This section lists corrections to the product documentation.

Content Server 5.3 SP1 Release Notes, September 2005

The September version of this release note indicated that LDAP and object replication are
not supported on the HP Itanium platform. LDAP and object replication are supported
on the Itanium platform. The September release note was incorrect and those limitations
are removed in the current release note.

Content Server Fundamentals

Content Server Fundamentals is in the process of being refocused on
• Providing information about the basic features and behaviors of the Content Server
(rather than “how to” information)
• Describing behaviors in terms of the DFC, rather than the DMCL API.

148 Content Server Release Notes


As part of this refocusing effort, the information about creating workflows using the API
has been removed, and the workflows and lifecycle chapters are rewritten from the
context of the user interface products (Workflow Manager, Business Process Manager,
and Lifecycle Editor) more typically used to create and manage these features.
The appendix called “Using DQL” has been moved to the DQL Reference Manual.
Chapter 5, Server Internationalization, incorrectly refers to a document named
"Managing XML Content in Documentum". The correct name of that document is "XML
Application Development Guide".

Content Server Fundamentals 5.3 SP1 Workows chapter

Evaluating the starting condition under the section How execution proceeds (page
242), the content should read as “When a workflow is created, the trigger_threshold
value is copied to the r_trigger_threshold attribute in the workflow object.” instead of
“When a workflow is created, these values are copied to the r_trigger_threshold and
r_trigger_event attributes in the workflow object.”

Content Server Full-Text Indexing Installation Guide

The section on disk space requirements in the Content Server Full-Text Indexing Installation
Guide is updated as follows:

Disk space requirements for indexing and installation

The disk space requirements for full-text indexing and installing the software are as
• Sufficient space to install the indexing software
Refer to the Content Server release notes for this space requirement.
• On UNIX and Linux, a minimum of 1GB of free space in the /tmp directory during
• If the index server and full-text index are on the same drive, a minimum of 3 GB
of free space is required on that drive.
• If the index server and full-text index are on different drives, a minimum of 3 GB of
free space is required on each drive (6 GB total).
• Sufficient space for the full-text index

Content Server Release Notes 149


Depending on the content being indexed, this may vary from approximately
one-third the space taken up by the content files to several times the amount of
space taken up by the content files. For example, 10 GB of content may produce an
index ranging in size from 3 GB to 35 GB.
• Transient space for full-text indexing operations
During the time period when the index server is adding entries to an index, a copy
of the index is used for querying operations. After the index entries are added,
the updated index is used for querying and the copy is deleted. Before the copy is
deleted, the disk space used by the index may increase by as much as 50% over the
disk space used before the index updates began.

System Administrator’s Guide, Correction to

information about Netegrity SiteMinder Policy Server
The Administrator’s guide incorrectly states that Documentum clients do not support
the Netegrity plug-in provided with Content Server out-of-the-box. The correct
information is that ECM Documentum Webtop does support the Netegrity plug-in
with no customizations needed.

System Migration Guide, Migrating Content Server

The section titled “Workflow Object Type” is incorrect. The following subsections,
Activity Object Type and Workflow Object Type, contain the correct information.

Activity object type

The following two attributes in the object type are deprecated:

• pre_timer
• post_timer
These attributes are superceded by the pre_timer_increment and post_timer_increment
attributes in the activity object type. In 5.3, pre_timer and post_timer can only be set if a
user uses Workflow Manager to create an activity definition. Business Process Manager
sets the pre_timer_increment and post_timer_increment attributes instead.
When a repository is upgraded, the values in the pre_timer and post_timer activity
attributes are multiplied by 60 and the result recorded in pre_timer_increment[0] and

150 Content Server Release Notes


post_timer_increment[0]. (pre_timer and post_timer values are interpreted as hours,

while pre_timer_increment[0] and post_timer_increment[0] values are interpreted as
Similarly, if a user sets the either deprecated attribute through Workflow Manager, when
the activity definition is saved, the value is converted to minutes and saved also in the
corresponding 5.3 attribute (pre_timer_increment[0] or post_timer_increment[0]).

Workow object type

The following two attributes of the dm_workflow object type are obsolete:
• r_pre_timer
• r_post_timer
When a repository is upgraded, the dm_wfTimer_upgrade.ebs script is executed.
This script finds all existing dm_workflow objects that have values for r_pre_timer,
r_post_timer, or both and creates timer objects representing those values.

Content Server Administrator’s Guide, Full-Text

Indexing chapter
Two sections in the 5.3 SP1 Content Server Administrator’s Guide are obsolete and will be
removed from future versions of the manual:
• In the “Format” chapter on page 66, the section called “The topic_transform and
topic_format attributes”
The topic_transform and topic_format attributes apply only to Content Server
versions before 5.3, which used the Verity full-text indexing software.
• In the “Full-Text Indexing” chapter on page 306, the section called “Indexing Content
in Nonindexable Formats”
The section applies only to Content Server versions before 5.3. The correct
information on indexing content in nonindexable formats is called “How format
objects determine which renditions are indexed.” It is on page 292.
In addition, there are errors regarding how accents and diacritical marks are handled.
Indexing and searching are accent-and diacritical-insensitive. If a search term includes
an accent or diacritical mark, the search returns all matching words with or without the
accent or diacritical mark.

Content Server Release Notes 151


Content Server Administrator’s Guide, Full-Text

Indexing chapter
In the Content Server Administrator’s Guide, in the chapter called “Full-Text Indexing,”
the description of indexing is clarified to read as follows:
Full-text indexing enables the rapid searching and retrieval of text strings within content
files and attributes. A full-text index is an index on the attributes and content files
associated with SysObjects and SysObject subtypes. All attributes of all SysObjects and
SysObject subtypes are indexed, regardless of data type. If a SysObject has an associated
content file, the content file is also indexed, provided the a_full_text attribute of the object
is set to TRUE and the format of the content file is indexable. If the a_full_text attribute is
set to FALSE, the content file is not indexed. Content files in all storage areas are indexed.

Content Server Administrator’s Guide, Full-Text

Indexing chapter
In the Content Server Administrator’s Guide, in the section called “Choosing parts of speech
to index”, on page 296, the ’Swedish’ language should be added to the grammatical
normalization list of languages.

Content Server Administrator’s Guide, Content

Management chapter
The content duplication checking and prevention feature requires a Content Storage
Services license.

Content Server Administrator’s Guide, Managing User

Authentication chapter
A section on using LDAP directory servers in a multi-Content Server environment is
added. The section, Note on using LDAP directory servers with multiple Content
Servers, page 126, is reproduced above in the Usability Notes section of this Release Note.

152 Content Server Release Notes


Content Server Administrator’s Guide, Protecting

Repository Objects chapter
In the chapter called Protecting Repository Objects, Table 11–7, Usage of generic
attributes in API events, contains incorrect information for the Addrendition and
Removerendition events. The descriptions of these events state that the attribute
id_2 stores the object ID of the content object representing the rendition. The correct
information is that the id_1 attribute records that object ID.

Content Server Administrator’s Guide, Supported and

Unsupported Formats Appendix
The Microsoft Windows Outlook Express eml format is not supported.

Content Server Installation Guide, Required

Environment Variables on UNIX and Linux Hosts
In the Appendix B called Required Environment Variables on UNIX and Linux Hosts,
Table B–1, $SYBASE_OCS/lib should be added as a Required Value for the Environment

Content Server Installation Guide, Planning for Content

Server Installation chapter
In the Planning for Content Server Installation chapter, the section named Full-text
Indexing incorrectly references an obsolete manual, the Content Server Full-Text
Indexing Installation Guide. That manual has been replaced by the Content Server
Full-Text Indexing System Installation and Administration Guide, version 5.3 SP4.

Content Server Release Notes 153


Content Server Installation Guide, Planning for Content

Server Installation chapter
In step 2 of Copy a repository (Creating a repository copy to test an upgrade section),
the step does not mention that the install owner account must be the same. When you
create the repository copy, ensure that you use the same repository name, repository
ID, and repository owner name and password as the production repository. This has
been fixed in Content Server version 6.5.

Content Server Installation Guide, Preparing for

Content Server Installation chapter
In the Content Server Installation Guide, the section ’Setting the PATH environment
variable’ under Chapter 3: Preparing for Content Server Installation, the path
JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/client to invoke java from dmbasic is missing. You should include
the path environment variable for any Windows platform. If you do not add the path
JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/client, you will get an error message "Java VM is not initialized".

Incomplete change install owner procedure in Content

Server Install Guide 5.3 SP1 (136045)
There is a simple procedure in the Content Server Install Guide 5.3 SP1 (page 138) to
change the Install Owner Account where there are some other steps required to fully
accomplish this task.
Workaround: This can be resolved by creating a new superuser in the Docbase with
the same name as the user_os_name. Also, it is necessary to make some updates to
method_verbs and jobs, that require a user as an argument, after the install owner
change has been made.

Content Server Full-Text Indexing Installation Guide

The Content Server Full-Text Indexing Installation Guide is replaced by the Content
Server Full-Text Indexing System Installation and Administration Guide, version 5.3 SP4.

154 Content Server Release Notes


Content Server Full-Text Indexing System Installation

and Administration Guide
In the “Installing Full-Text Indexing Components” chapter, the text under Installing a
consolidated deployment section should read as follows: “To install a consolidated
deployment, install the index server and configure an index agent for each repository,
then index each repository as described in Chapter 7, Creating and Managing the
Full-Text Index.”

Documentum Object Reference Manual

The following items are incorrectly documented in the manual:
• Maximum length of the string datatype on SQL Server
The manual currently says the maximum is 7000. The correct value is 4000.
• rend_backing_store attribute in dm_server_config object type
The description of this attribute should read “obsolete.”
• topic_format and topic_transform attributes in dm_format object type
The descriptions of these attributes should read “obsolete.”
• user_password attribute in dm_user object type
The description of the user_password has a typographic error. The literal value
shown as “inline_password” is incorrect. It should be “inline password” (no

5.3 FCS Object Reference Manual correction

The Object Reference Manual published for the 5.3 FCS release of Content Server
incorrectly describes the value stored in dm_user.user_login_domain for LDAP users.
The correct description of that value for LDAP users is:
“If the user is an LDAP user, the attribute stores the object name of the LDAP config
object representing the LDAP directory against which the user is authenticated.”
Note: The attribute description is correct in the 5.3 SP1 documentation.

Content Server Release Notes 155


Object Reference Manual correction

In EMC® Documentum® System Version 6 Object Reference Manual (part number
300-005-215), page 419, the descriptions for the properties a_application_type and
a_status are incorrect. The current description, "Currently unused.", should be changed
to, "Reserved for use by Documentum products."

Content Server API Reference Manual

This section lists the corrections to the Content Server API Reference Manual.

Assume and Authenticate API methods

The sections on the Assume and Authenticate API methods are not correct in one
particular: Windows unified login does not work with the Assume and Authenticate
API methods.

Addnote API
The documentation of the Addnote API is unclear about the required permissions to use
this method. To clarify:
If you are adding a note to a document that is not part of a workflow, you must have
Relate permission on the document. However, if the document is part of a package in a
workflow, you must not only have Relate permission on the document but must also
be a performer in the workflow.

Content Server DQL Reference Manual

This section lists the corrections to the Content Server DQL Reference Manual.

156 Content Server Release Notes


Missing information in the SELECT statement

The SELECT statement description fails to note that all DQL hints except ROW_BASED
may be used within an FTDQL query.

Incorrect information about searching on accent and

diacritical marks
The description of the SELECT statement incorrectly describes how accent and diacritical
marks are handled during a search. Here is the correct information:

Accent and diacritical marks

Some languages use accents and diacritical marks on some characters or syllables in
words. Searches are insensitive to accent and diacritical marks. When you search on a
word or phrase, the search returns all objects that contain the word or phrase, even if
some matches also contain an accent or diacritical mark. Similarly, when you search on a
word or phrase that contains such marks, the search ignores the marks and returns all
objects that contain the word or phrase, spelled with or without the accent or diacritical
For example, suppose you issue the following query:
SELECT owner_name,r_creation_date FROM dm_document

The query returns all documents that contain, in metadata or content, the word cote,
including those with instances of the word with accents or diacritical marks (côte, côté,
and so forth).
Now, suppose you issue the following query that specifies a search term that includes
an accent:
SELECT owner_name,r_creation_date FROM dm_document

That query also returns all documents that contain, in metadata or content, the word
cote, including those with instances of the word with accents or diacritical marks (côte,
côté, and so forth).

Content Server Release Notes 157


Case sensitivity in index searches

The documentation of the SEARCH DOCUMENT CONTAINS clause in the SELECT
statement description incorrectly says that searches may be case sensitive under certain
circumstances. The correct information is that searches of the index are always case

Netegrity plug-in incorrectly documented

The Content Server Administrator’s Guide, Version 5.3 SP1 states that customers must
contact Documentum Professional Services or Documentum Developer Support for
instructions on configuring the Netegrity SSO plug-in installed with Content Server. As
of release 5.3 SP2, this is no longer true. Instructions for configuring the plug-in are now
described in the Web Development Kit and Client Application Development Guide and can
be completed without EMC Documentum intervention.

Netegrity plug-in for Solaris, AIX and Linux

The Table 10–1 Netegrity plug-in files (page 368) in the Content Server Administrator’s
Guide, Version 5.3 SP1 states ’ (Solaris)’ which is incorrect. This
should be read as (Solaris, AIX and Linux).

System Administrator’s Guide

A dmcl.ini key named persistent_cache_write_interval” does not exist. This non-existent
key is incorrectly referenced in the table of dmcl.ini keys and in the section called
Defining the persistent cache write interval in the Managing Repository Sessions chapter.
The actual name of the dmcl.ini key is “client_cache_write_interval”.

158 Content Server Release Notes

Chapter 8
Software Media, Organization, and Files

This section describes the media in which the software is available, the organization of the product
components in the available media, and the file names for all available product components which
can be downloaded.

Software Media
This product is available as an FTP download from the Powerlink site
( You should have received instructions through email
regarding how to download products.

The Powerlink site ( provides access to https://emc. where a complete listing of products is available
for download.

The following modules\files comprise the contents of this release:
• bofcollaborationSetup.jar
• bofworkflowSetup.jar
• consistency_checker.ebs
• dfcoperatingsystemSetup.jar
• serveroperatingsystemSetup.jar

Content Server Release Notes 159

Software Media, Organization, and Files

• serverWinSuiteSetup.exe (Windows) or serveroperatingsystemSuiteSetup.bin (UNIX

and Linux)
• serveroperatingsystemSuiteSetup.jar
• tcfSetup.jar
• tomcatoperatingsystemversionnumberSetup.jar
The following files comprise the contents of this release after the compressed full-text
indexing distribution file is untarred or unzipped:
• dfcoperatingsystemSetup.jar
• fulltextoperatingsystemSuiteSetup.jar
• fulltextWinSuiteSetup.exe (Windows) or fulltextoperatingsystemSuiteSetup.bin (UNIX
and Linux)
• indexAgentoperatingsystemSetup.jar
• IndexServer.jar
• indexServerSetup.jar
• tomcatoperatingsystemversionnumberSetup.jar

160 Content Server Release Notes

Chapter 9

This section contains instructions for installing the product. If your system meets the requirements
listed in Chapter 4, Environment and System Requirements, you are ready to install the software.
The Content Server Installation Guide, version 5.3 SP3 and Content Server Full-Text Indexing System
Installation and Administration Guide, version 5.3 SP4, contain the instructions for new installations and
upgrades. The topic Installation notes, page 65 contains additional important installation information.
Note: The Content Server configuration program now includes a dialog box for enabling Records
Manager in the repository. You must provide a license key for Records Manager.

Content Server Release Notes 161


162 Content Server Release Notes

Chapter 10
Troubleshooting and Getting Help

Documentum’s technical support services are designed to make your deployment and management of
Documentum products as effective as possible. The Customer Guide to EMC Software Support Services
provides a thorough explanation of Documentum’s support services and policies. You can download
this document from the Powerlink site ( by navigating to: Support >
Request Support > Software Customer Guide and Offerings.

Content Server Release Notes 163

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