Awana Christmas Party Program

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Awana South Christmas Party

Date: 26th December, 2010

Time: 8:30 – 12:00 a.m.
Venue: Grand Regal Hotel
Host: Zel and G
Teachers in charge:
CD (Christmas song), Awana Songs, CD player, 2 microphones, record sheet, presents, 4 big
rubbish bags, (LCD projector if possible)
Christmas Party Program

Time Activity Objectives Remarks

8:30-9:00 Registration -To account the number of 1 table, 2 people in charge,
participants attendance sheet
9:00-9:30 Gathering of the -To give students time to see Christmas song as
Children the decoration of the hall. background music
9:30-9:45 Welcoming of the -To contextualize the party. Leading Teachers gives a
Children and guest short speech
Program Music still on
9:45-10:00 Songs: singing together -To give students chances to Music, Z Girls
Dance use the Christmas words
10:00-10:30 Games: -To give students chances to Music off
1. Christmas Greeting apply the formulate Christmas Greeting:
expressions to express good
Students put down as record sheet, students bring
many names of new -To give students chances to pencils, presents
friends in other class as apply present tense to
possible exchange information 20 questions
2. 20 questions -To give students chances to Presents
Students in each group apply present tense yes-no
take turn to ask a Y/N question to find out
question. Teacher information
The one who can guess
what the present is gets
that present.
10:30-10:55 Exchange Christmas -Let students give out the Students say, ‘This is for you.
presents & cards Christmas cards & presents Hope you like the Christmas
produced in Task Two present!’ when they exchange
- To give students chances the presents & cards
to apply the expressions
they have learnt in Task
10:55-11:30 Eating time -Let students enjoy the food Students bring extra drinks
Each group go to their & drinks. and food to share
table to get the food.
Bounding with students.
11:30-12:00 Tidy up Clean Obviously Big rubbish bags (4)

Sample Intro:
Merry Christmas EVERYBODY!!!! I'm so happy that y’all could all make it here tonight. Make
yourself at home...The bathroom is (insert) The trashcan is (insert)...If you need ANYTHING
other than the open bar and wonderful food provided by (insert... ALL OF YOU) Let me and
(insert at least 3 other friends) know.

REMINDER: For the Glory of God and the future of these children is the reason why we do this.

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