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Semantics is the aspect of

language function that relates to
understanding the meanings of
words, phrases and sentences,
and using words appropriately
when we speak.
Children with semantic difficulties have a very hard time
understanding the meaning of words and sentences

Features it includes are:-

• delayed language development
• learning to talk by memorising phrases, instead of putting words
together freely
• muddling up 'I' and 'you'
• problems with understanding questions, particularly questions
involving 'how' and 'why'
• difficulty following conversations
• Children with this disorder have problems understanding the
meaning of what other people say, and they do not understand how
to use speech appropriately themselves.
• People with semantic processing difficulties have
particular trouble with abstract words like 'curious' or
'vague', words that relate to feelings and emotions such
as 'embarrassed' and 'anxious', and words that refer to
status (for instance 'expert' or 'authority')
• They have difficulty with idioms, sayings and slang
expressions, often taking them literally or interpreting
them oddly.
• For example, when asked if he enjoyed spending time
with his friends, a 13 year old with semantic processing
problems replied, "I don't see how you can spend time,
and I certainly don't see how you could enjoy it because
spending time is not something you can do. You can only
actually spend money".
English Semantics Practice

One of the best ways to practice the

understanding of semantic meaning is to
define characteristic or features of a word
• Eg:Ball.
• A ball is in round shape.It can be kick,bounce
and roll.
• Dog
• It has 4 legs,barks and licks people’s faces.
2)Write a sentence in another way without
changing the meaning. For example:
• She has been feeling blue. → She has been
feeling sad.
• Reading a book, the woman jumped from
fright. → The woman who was reading a book
jumped because she was frightened.
• The detective was digging for the truth. → The
detective was seeking the truth.

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