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Where We Are in Place and Time

The changes in history for the landscape is that the river is now bigger. The
land is not rocky and has plants instead because the there is more water
around. The river is spread out onto different ways, not just one line. There
is a much bigger body of water so there should be more animals and fish. If
there were people living alongside the old river, they would have to change
the place they live otherwise they would be underwater. I think these
changes would be a positive for nature but not so good for the people
having to move out.

Most of the changes happened because the dam probably broke down and
sent out a flood, which is why the seeds that were settled in the rock grew
out and now there are plants everywhere. The flood sent the water into lots
of smaller rivers. Or maybe the owner of the dam saw that the dam
wouldn’t hold much more water so he had to let some out but it flooded the
rest of the river instead. This changed the course of history because the
river won’t be the same as before the dam was built. Or the change in the
river doesn’t have anything to do with the dam and there was a gigantic
downpour instead, the flood doesn’t seem like it can go that far.

In the future the river should keep flowing onto the new little rivers and add
to the greenery, maybe someone wants to live here. The dam will probably
be broken down because it doesn’t help with anything and the river is
already huge, then the guy who owns it won’t get money so he needs to find
a new job. Maybe there could be complaints about the river getting too big
and a new dam is built. Then the person who owns the dam should be more
careful than the last owner in making sure it doesn’t flood.

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