Final Year B.A. Degree Examination

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Part III—Economics (Main)


Time : Three Hours Maximum : 80 Marks

Answers may be written either in English or in Malayalam. Part A

Answer all the questions.

Give only alphabet of the correct answer of the following. Each question carries 1
1. Mercantilism developed in France was termed :
(a) Kameralism. (b) Colbertism.
(c) Bullionism. (d) Mercantile system.
2. Which of the following is a mercantilist ?
(a) Friedrirch List. (b) Robert Owen
(c) Sismondi. (d) Sir Thomas Mun.
3. Who is the author of Tableau Economique ?
(a) Turgot. (b) Condillac
(c) Antonio Serra. (d) Francois Quesnay

4. The Wealth of Nations was published in the year :

(a) 1759. (b) 1778.
(c) 1776. (d) 1763.
5. The economist who propounded overproduction arising out of underconsumption :
(a) David Ricardo. (b) J.B. Say
(c) J.M. Keynes. (d) Thomas Robert Malthus.
6. Who is the leader of utilitarian school ?
(a) Jeremy Bentham. (b) Adam Smith
(c) J.S.Mill. (d) Louis Blanc
7. The theory of Comparative costs was developed by :
(a) Adam Smith, (b) Marshall
(c) A.C. Pigou. (d) David Ricardo.
8. Who developed the theory of Protection ?
(a) Stanley Jevons. (b) Carl Monger
(c) Leon Walras. (d) Friedrirch List.

9. The founder of Welfare Economics

(a) Amartya Sen (b) Alfred Marshall
(c) J.S. Mill. (d) A.C. Pigou.

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