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Gunbound Offline/LAN/Private Server packages final release

by blackscorpio

Packages :
1. WampServer2.0c.rar (for Php And SQL)
2. Gunbound_Classic_315.rar
3. Gb_Serv.rar (server files include database)
4. www.rar (web files to registration and disabled fetch)
5. Gunbound_Offline.rar (for installation guide)
6. MySqlAdmin (for manage SQL made by MaZ Ganis Sesepuh NyiterZ)
7. Guide_installation.rar

Unpack all .rar files ..

Remember that I’ve configured it for LAN mode with server IP localhost/ and client
server IP and use GB classic Dark Thor. And you must plug in cable for LAN or
have any connections.

Instalation Steps :
1. Install WampServer2.0c normaly with user=root and pass=(none) and locate in
(C:\Wamp) then launch it and put online ..
2. Execute MySqlAdmin then connect it
3. Create 4 databases = admin,batch,user,gunbound
4. Import Sqldump from : \GbServ\DB files(admin.sql, batch.sql, gunbound.sql, user.sql)
5. Go to database gunbound -> table applicationsetting and browse
6. Set Notice and BaseURL: Your Server IP FulldownloadURL : Your Server IP/fetch.php
( then postedit(v)
7. Open :GbServ\server\ folders then open setting.txt for all server (if you want use offline
and LAN mode Only just skip this step or configure your Ip server)
8. Go to www folder then copy allfiles (gunbound folder,nProtect,Fetch.php,Fetch.dll,and
notice.txt) then put on you webserver root directory (C:\wamp\www\files here….)
9. Go to Gb_serv then run install-service.bat then start-server.bat , check them if
everythings goes successfully
10. Install the client Gunbound_Classic_315.rar (don’t run it first)
11. Go to start menu->Run->type ”regedit”
13. Then make some changes :
BuddyIP =
IP =
Url_Fetch =
Url_ForgotPwd = (none)
Url_Notice =
Url_Signup =
14. Done… now run your game, please reg id first to login. ……

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