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Questionnaire for a company web site


Tell us about your company

1. What is the name of your company and what are its contact details?


Address (location and box number):


Phone number:

Fax number:

E-mail address:

Contact person (or persons):


2. How long has your company been operating?

3. What does your company do, and where does it do it?
4. What are your company's strengths?
5. Does anyone else do what your company does? If so, tell us why the reader should
come to you and not your competitors.
6. Who works in your company, and what are their qualifications and experience?
7. Do you want to include biographies and photos of your key personnel?
8. Describe your clients in general terms; for example, are they from one industry sector or
from all sectors? Are they individuals, small businesses or big organisations?
9. Tell us about some of the successful projects that your company has completed.
10. What is your company's attitude to quality and service? Make a statement about what
you try to achieve in these areas.
11. Are you certified? If so, give details.
12. Anything else?

Tell us about your audience

13. Who do you want to attract to your web site? Is it one section of the population or one
industry group in particular, or everyone?
14. What else can you tell us about your desired audience? Does it have a common age,
gender, or educational or professional background? Is there anything else that
distinguishes it from the general population?
15. Does your audience consist of people/industries that are like your existing clients, or do
you want to reach a broader section of society?
16. What does your audience know about what you do? Do they know and understand your
business activity, or do you have to educate it?
17. What will your audience want from you? Is its expectations realistic?
18. Anything else?

What do you want your web site to achieve?

19. Do you want to increase awareness in your target audience, correct misinformation,
build a relationship with potential clients, let potential clients know about you and what
you offer, make sales, or something else?

Describe how you want to talk to your audience

20. How do you want to come across to your audience; for example, do you want to be
informal or formal?
21. What sort of relationship do you want to develop with your audience?
22. How do you see yourselves and your company? Tick up to three of the words below -
the ones that best describe you.

Approachable easy to get to know professional reliable

Expert effective trustworthy caring
Experienced innovative

23. Are there any better words?


What do you want to say about your products/services?

24. What are your products/services?

25. Do you have existing brochures or fact sheets that you would like to put on line?
26. What are the benefits to your clients of using each product/service?
27. How do these differ from the benefits offered by your competitors?
28. Do you want separate profiles for each product or service, or each category of products
or services?

separate profiles for each product or service
separate profiles for each category of products or services

29. Do you want people to be able to order your product or service over the Internet?
30. If so, how will the product or service be paid for and delivered?

What else do you want on your web site?

31. Do you have a customer newsletter?

32. Do you want to provide a service/support desk facility?
33. Do you want to encourage customer feedback?
34. Do you want to offer a "tips and hints" corner?

How do you imagine your web site will look?

35. What image do you want to project?

36. Can you use the web site to display your product in some way? If so, can you supply us
with photographs, images or such like?
37. Do you have a company logo? If so, can you supply us with a digital file or photo of it?

We don't have a logo
We do have a logo, but can't supply a file or photo
We can supply a photo
We can supply a file
We can supply a photo and a file

38. Is your company's name printed in a special way; for example, in a particular font or
39. Anything else?

Other considerations

40. Do you want to link to other web sites, such as those of associated companies, suppliers
or clients, or those showing complementary services or products, or places of interest?
41. Where do you want your web site to be hosted?
42. Who in your organisation will be responsible for maintaining the information on the
web site? (Note: it may be several different people for different sections of the site.)
43. Do you have the skills in-house to do the computer side of the maintenance, or will you
require an external service to input new materials and make changes?

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