General Studies I

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CS 'MA'N) EXAM, 2010 \ '

r-\ B-- -OT-N---K-- H-T-A---'I



Paper I

1 Time· AIJowed : Three Hours I

I Maximum Marks : 300 ,



Each question is 'printed both In Hindi and in English.

Answers must be written in the medium. specified in the Admission Certificate i_ssued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the purpose. No marks will be given for the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Certificate.

Candidates should attempt all questions strictly in accordance with the instructions given under each question.

The' number of marks carried by each question is indicated at : the end of the question.


tzIFI t1 : 31"jdwf C5T fE:;:cfj '(ijqFd'( s« >rR-rm 85 f4BH ~ 'R

. f3QT i!! I



G· :;(' .,,'. '1 .. <r«: , • -; a 11

Answer the fol lo wirrg (in about 250 words ~r each



(a) "Disputes between the riparian states on sharing of river waters in post-Independence India are becoming increasingly complex." Objectively analyse the :major disputes in this connection, with special reference to the Southern States.

(b) Critically examine the differing estimates for en poverty figures, and (ii) GDP growth data for April -,June 2010, that have been in the news recently. In your vi cw, what estimates are rrror-e reflective of the ground reaHty, and why?

2. Answer any two of the fol1owing III about 150 words

each: 12x2=24

(a) "Daflrou s ie's predecessors had acted on the general principles of avoiding annexations, if these could be avoided. Dalhousie acted on the principles of annexation, if he could do so legitimately. His annexations were both of war and peace." Analyse.

(b) With respect to Cooperative Societies, what are ...

the sa1ient features of the l06th and 111 th Constitutional Amendment Bills as at present?



l Corrtd.]




-_ - ---~-

1. 'RJOOOiR"1R9d $ 6m cnF.Jt~ (31~Cfi 31R (1lN"JT 250 ::tl<l

~ m) : 20x2=40

(Cfi) ufq I d5ll1i1 ( ~ ~ ~ 'iit'11' q)f iif20q[{1 &){91 i{ ~C!O(12.114 'l[::;41 ~ ~ fqc(I(!O ~ \i1R:~ ~

~ ~ ~ In ~ fik{;:er ~ Sl9l0{9 fc:IcH<f q;r, ~ ·(I~l &i f4~1t1 Qql<1 ~ m~, CfftlPP8 ~ it

fcp~ cPt ti[ 0 I Chl ~ rz I

C&) ~ - ~ 2010 ~ ~ (i) ~ 3"liq;'$l~ am (ii) ~:gr tIT ti~f~ 31iCfl:$'i ~ q{(Xf{ N?r SU%C1.-I'C ~ m<?f if i@64 U i:f w ~, CflT '814 [c4':q Oil '{&Cfi ~ cnlr~q: I 34lq4; M:ql{ if, q;l.,~ Q(CFf)(19N{ ~1l:'i'"'1;:ft

ql@rnCf}nl cit ~ ~ SlRlR4~tl ~ ~, am~ ?


2. Rkif("iR9(1.q -ft rq;;:~r 'it ~ ~ <lr~lC ~ ~~q;

~ 150 ~I<l if m': i2x2 24

(C6) HSC1f!~Al ~ 'icfq~4'i ~ ~:il:llqc:1=n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~f14l;::q ~C&iffi lR,' ~ d,"",~ ~ ~ BendJ 2lT,

~ fCb;qr 2IT , S<:1Q1~1 ~ '8~lqcl~ <".fi{~ ~ f~cs:ict~i

~, ~ ~ itm ~ ~ it Cfl{ ~Cf)(11 ~,

q:;r4 fch'41 r 3ft4=; '8LfI4E.1"""f ~ ~ !{tifft ~ ~

2r I" ~~~~UI q;l~ct I

(1.3) 'EiQCflIU f1fitRpofi ~ *iki~ l:f, GdlOOtl"i ~ ~

3ijfft<, 106~ afu 111~ :eif4Y:tlFrtcti ~iH ffl;(<;.11 ~ 14i5fC1l{OT ~ cp:rr ~ ·7




4. Answer any tuJo of the following In about 150 words

each : 12x2=24 •

(c) '~Small-holder farms need to be strengthened to achieve national food security." Do you agree with this assessment? Substantiate.

3. Answer any two of the following In about 150 words

each : 12x2=24

(a) Comment on the spatial components in urban solid waste management in the country.

(b) . Assess the contributions made by the Indian Counci I of Agricultural Research (leAR) In agricultural .development.

(c) List the significant local storms of the hot-weather season in the country and bring out their socio-economic impact.

(a) What are the grounds of disqualification of a ~

Member of Parliament from either House? Quote relevant provisions in your answer.




(11) "·(I~l£{ {Si1"U ~ Cfit ~('"<1 ~ ~ :ft;rQ:" <il21-~ ~ 4llBf 'cJr ~:Ei1151 aFtlZt c€r 3ilq~\qCf)(11 ~ I" cp;rr a:w:r ~ 3i I Cfi c.1.... ~ m2i l1 ~14 ct ~ ? SPi lOr ~f~Q I


(Cfl) ~ it !II $(\ "itfr ~ - Cf)'(Cfi2: ~ ~ 1 ~ IR Cf)

~ 2 ch)' 'G"{ f2: cq 0 n ch\ r~ Cl I •

('(9) ~-fc1q;I:sa if <riH:dlJ:{ ~

(~.m:IJ.:.31R.) ~ ~ ~ 3'116h (f"'"1 &;1 F-..i1 q: I

(11) ~ it 4\64 ~ ~ C{~tq'I?f ~,r~Cfi ~1;jf c@ ~ 'il:O{ 1 $ Q ~ d ~ Ch 'f:i I q I f.J1 Ch - anflrq; ,1fqJCJ l1{ 51 Cf) I :{ I OS I ft1l!L ,


4. r~k1r~rGct -q it fq;;ifI' ;it ~ ~ elfZl1t{, ~ ~c:ilCfl

C17ftfJl' 150 ~ 1<1 if 1ft : 12x2-24

(Cfi) .~ it ~ fCfiW -GT ee:rt ~ BfiG: 'HGf4 cfit 3i=i~ql

~ CflIT 3lJ1;lR .~ ~ ? ~ "3W if §lfilk1 3QlSjm

~ ~ chtN1tJ; l




(b) Distinguish between the objectives, structure and functioning of the 'Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan' and the 'N avodaya Vidyalaya SaIiliti'.

(c) Bring out the salient features of the evolution and the current status of the 'Bharat Stage' vehicle emission norms in the country.

5. Write brief but precise notes on any six of the following. Your answer should not exceed 50 words in

each case. 5x6=30


(a) 'I'ranshum_ance in India

(b) Frontogenesis and Frontolysis

(c) -Golden Revolution

(d) Sea-floor spreading

(e) Legislative powers assigned to the Rajya Sabha under Art. 249 and Art. 312 of the Constitution



Causes for dorn irrarrt dendritic pattern of drainage in the Gangetic plains

(g) 'Break-of-bulk'towns

8-0TN-K-HT A


[Contd .J

(~) ~Chs{l~ fqQ[H4 fiJld~J affi ';p:fti;zt fq{lIC1<1 {if4fd' .~ -3~~4i, B{oq9ilan affi SiChI.qOI ~ ~ ~ chlRitctl

on ~ if (~ ~\l1' glQ91 3ff14-=1 l"Il-=lchl -Ep fc4r:tJre ~ 'iQi""Cl l[Ui ~ affi d==1ch1 cntlH"i Wrfu 11{ 5{CbI!it :s [f~ffct l

5. R+=01f{1f@ct if "it fch;€l- er lR ~ c1fcb-=l - qR!{1<>& R:UJfUllll . f<:'1Ml( I Slf4Ch. liP=!<1 it 3·UQCf)1 3m 50 ~I~

. it ~ :ij -;@ ~ oq(li!l!> I 5x6=30

(q;) cqr{(f if ~-SJqlff

(1.9) q 1<"11 !Fl'I rt"""' ~ cU fli ~ fct ==i I ~ I


(11) Jih.":S==i tciltRi~ I~

fer) '8~ ~ fc4@I,(ui

(s) ~ ~ 3ij=ci§< 249 affi 3I~~ 312 it ~ (1'J'4 ~ en) fi~je:f~l(1 fcrew:fi !i!IRh41

(~) Jlill£t ~GI" il 31qql~ ~ Qci4f\ a+rPfJRlCfj q2;:f ~ Chi {O f




6. Answer any three of the following in about 150 words

each : 12x3=36

(a) While bringing out their salient features, distinguish between either 'Madh ubani' Art and 'Manjusha' Art or 'Rajasthani' schools of painting and the 'Pahari' school of painting.

(b) Bring out the powers and responsibilities attached to the office of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.

(c) Distinguish between the following four literary awards:

(i) Jnanpith Award

(i i) Sahitya Akademi Award (i ii) Vyas Samrnari

(iv) Saraswati Saln.,nan

(d) After the September 1st changes, do you think that Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs) and Mutual Funds (MFs) are on a level playing field ?

Substantiate your answer from. the perspective of ~

an ordinary investor.

8-0TN-K-HT A


IContd .J

--- .----------------------------------------------



(Contd .J

- _ 6.. R J04ifC1 mH1 if it fct; ~. rf/;:T ~ ~ <1 F>J1 Q>, ~ $I ~ en

~ 150 ~I~ ~ ~ : 12x3=36

Cq:;) dPi~ 4~~~f ~ 'tR oqCflI~1 ;51<18 SQ:, "Z/T·rit l~' Ct)<.11 .~ (q"1:lI' ChC'l1 ~~, ~ ~5ICh(11 ~ t{I~"{44I~l' !?1rC1~1 ~ ~:tCf){.1I· ctt ~qi3I'$l" M~ ~ ~ chlRtll: I




(lJI) ~ iM1 ~ ~ ~ ~ it

3f1(G;lP=t("CIl ~ lIChI~1 slf<1t( I

. ('11) Pp:·=tf(?1f{g(1 -;qf{ '8lfuf84QJ 3'l~lij ~ ~ ~

cfi1 Rr1 t(: .

(i) ~f"i Lfld ~{'fC6[{

(ii) fllfufOq 3iCf)1e:1fI 9)'(%1'(. (iii) ¢lll'fi B AOi I Pi

(iv) fI'tfCId1 'fiUi I~

(er) 4~Ml fud~t( ~ qRqd~l' ~ 4!ioqlCi" ~ 3'11 qCh fC4:ql{ -q ~ fi~lr~ct ~ ~1'J1=i13if (1f~cfi) aiR' ~..3Wf 1:f;sT (~.~.) qit Q1: QCf)1 { -ft lfl1 31 ~ {+( 5Ut<1 ~ ? ~ ~ Rct~ICfi ~.~ ~, 3l1R ~ tit 511:"11 fU I d cbl Rit ct I

7. ,Answer any five of the following In about 150 words

each: 12x5=60

(a) What do you understand by 'repo rate' and 'reverse repo rate' ? What are the irrrpl icat.iorrs in raising ,these rates?

(b) "Cost-benefit analysis should not be the sale consideration, while deciding to host events like the Commonwealth Garnes." Critically comm.ent on this perspective.

(c) List any eight 'Rarnsar' wetland sites located in India. What is the 'Montreux Record' and what Indian sites are included in this Record?

(d) Are the 'Dedicated Freight Corridor' railway project and the 'Golden Quadrilaterar road project mutually complementary or competitive? Assess.

(e) "Uplifbnent of the neglected sections of society will be best served with many more centres of the Indira Gandhi National Tribal University." Expand on the assertion made.

(D Comment on the salient features of the recent draft Model Real Estate (Regulation of Development) Act of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation of the Central Government.




(~) ChS{)4 fI{CflI'l ~ 3ilElI+l 31h: ~I~{l '1:041 3q~IJF1 tl~leri1 ~ ~ ~ l1«'lGI ql:S(1 f.c£f~ ~&G (FeiCfiI(4 CflT ~Pt'4q;:1) ~ ~ ~:!\@ ~. ~ R: cq oil c€I Ri1 ({ .,


--7. f;:(l:04ifC1F~(1 ~ it I%;:~r rifq ~ ~ ~Wtl(, ~ SI~q;

~ 150 ~I~ if m :. 12x5=60

(Cfi) 31Jq 1:q) G1:' 31h: if{qfl tq) G:"{' it. ~ BA$ld ~ ?

~ -e:U cfit 1iif¥1~ ~ CFIT r~ref1l~ ~ ?

~ t .. ~ ...... ..4- +.......::.-.... n ,. ~

(?.9) {1~q:S(?1~1 Ch SlCf)I{ en -I3C1 3i1'!.l Zi1--n <=nl

. il~fi(I;ft ~ CfiT ROT?4 ~ 'Ell-Il'll C1llln-~

fcPt~t:f 0 r m I..:!. q,~ I~ fct=et ROn ;q M t.p01 ~ ~ :q I 1% l( 1" ~ ~ lR '~::P-II t11:q ~ I "reiCh f2 cq un chlRi1l{1

(71) 1lRO- if 3iGr~f1 fi.t;qj'l 31T3 1:GfI(' 'J1 ct);q ~C11 (~c~'s ~c.1l) ctT ~ ~-=iI$1J.\ I '~ RCflTi' CfllT t aW ~ REfili if ~-~ ~ 111'ld1l'1 ~(Y1 ~lIfiI~ ~ ~ ~ ?

(~) q<:JT ~flJOtfQd llTC1 llR1~l'(l' {c1~ qR4I '&1"""1 I aW ''("qfUPl ~' fI'$·CfJ qR41\i1~1 q{{X'I{ ~ ~ ~ fcf; q (ftl { Si nrE"':r4f ~ ? 3'1 f Cf) t1 ;os cQ r~ QO I

(:5=) H~:P41ci1 ~ ~ criiT Cf)T d{'4F"I ~rC;{1 TJt~ {qf(4 ·3"Fl\i1ld14 rq~qFctQI(1;q ~ ~ 31h: ~ ~ .~ ~ {"{~W4 ~ It 'tiqlf<d ~ In fct;"Q: ~ ~ ii q;i:fi~ cfit ~ f(11"( '{cfCh {oII4 $I I ~ Q ,





8. Answer each of the following, briefly but precisely.

Each answer should be less than 50 words. 5x6=30


(a) How is disagreement between the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of a State in passing of an ordinary Bill, resolved?

(b) Comment on the recent HFC-23 errrrssaorrs controversy that includes in its ambit some Indian

COIn purrres.

(c) Comment on the recoInrnendations of the Wadhwa Commission on the Public Distribution System.

(d) What are the salient features of the National Oil Spill Disaster Contingency Plan?

(e) You arrive first at the scene where a bus accident has just occurred. What erne rg ericy measures should you immediately and safely adopt?

(f) Bring out the sectoral and state-wise distribution patterns of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows into the country.



[Contd .J

I l


8-0TN-K-HT A



- - 8. . R &::r1 fC1R9 d if ~ SJ t=2I Cfi ~ ~ ~ .~ q R:q;;.s: ~

~ etrZ11~.1 5J~q:; ~ 50 '(1<1" ~ ~ if .~ ;ql~~ I 5x6=30

(q;) O\81l4F4 ~ Cf)) 'q[f{(i ~ -q {(>:ill c6t ~ qRf1G__ am fcrerr;; ~ ~ ¢ftq ~ cfit 1%"8 ~ Chi { -ft t!C1~llll \Jtlfll ~" ?

(lli) mB ~ "ttG.~.m.-23 3(fl-4~1 ~ Mc(I<, Riiflchl -qftfq .q '¥9 'li1{ffi4 cfJQRlli "4t ~lIf'"if1 ~ 1 'tR R lXIUT\ Chlf\l1 tt I

(Tf) filcf\31f~Cfl Fctfl{UI !>I u 11<:11 ~ ~ 3i104'PI c6t

rflq;IR~n ~ RUjon chl8rill: 1

(er) {1~1;q 'ffi:;r ~31lqGI 3<tIChf{l4Cfidl ~\ii~1 ~ JOOtl5"M ~uf ~ cp:rr ~ ? .

(:s) ~ ~ SeR:rj[ 314t-314t ~ ~, ~ ~ l:R 3lJq m Jct~ ~ ~ q§=q ~ ~ 1 311 q chi tttki am

I ~ ~ if fc.tM 3'ilql{1ChI(11~ 341'41 ~ 3iq"iFti

I . T.ufuv:: ?

(~) ~ it ret <:'?n 51 (;q~ f;=j~ ~il (~."iT. ~.) a:j Hctf;?i it;

" ~-CfR a:ttt {I'JfLI CfR ~(1{O I 5F@ .. 41 ~ 51GflI :(1 slr~q: I

9. Write brief notes on each of the following, In about ~

20 words each:


(a) Contributions of Latika Ghosh to the freedom.


(b) Bhai Maharaj Singh as a freedom fighter (c) Chandrayaan-II

Cd) Agnj-V.

(e) Babli Project

(f) "Swaval arnban' Scheme

(g) National Investment Fund (h) 'Aerostat' balloon

10. Who are the following and why have they been in the news recently? (Each answer should not exceed

20 words) 2x8=16

(a) Divya Ajithkurnar

(b) N.C. Saxena

(c) Islam A. Siddiqui

(d) Swarnalatha Cherukutty

(e) Nitin Nohria

(D Decpak MondaI

(g) Gaurav Singh Saini

(h) Upendra Limaye







. 9. RJ01f(1fuict -q ~ 51~q:; "tR ~ f2tX1fOl'4i f<.1MI{, ~

Sk~q} ~ 20 ~I<i if m : 2x8=16

(en) 'fCI ct;( (11 tA ~ t{ Cf)) (1 R1 q:; I tTt'Ef ih ~lll GJ-=t

("&) fqd~ d I -891I;:ft ~ ~ if ~ JOIQI{I\lt ffrQ

(71") ~~""'II"i II

(er) 3lfT.:r - V

(:s-) ci1iit<11 qRlil\5FiI

( ) ~ t ., """I"W-~--r-TT -:q fetl q et ~ ., lOll ci1-=i I

(~){I ~l~ f-"lCt ~T Rf't:l (\if) 'ltu ~"2"' :!ii1i1' {I

10. Rkiff1R9<1 ~ ~ a:tR ~ ~ Cfll,(u 1 QlC1 .q <9<itU ~ ~ ~ ? (~?-lCf) ~ 20 ~Ia<i if \J£IIGI if ~ ~

:i5U~~) 2x8=16

(en) R~f 3i::ffl C1~x:t R

(1.9) 1J3.m. '8~;:1I

("1l) $«111:"1 1{. fflR<c€l

(er) '!;;qUfc:1d 1 ~"61i~1

(s) PlftF"t ;fi~f{;ql

(T.f) ~qq) ~S(1

. (~) Jft'lCl ffrQ " ('if) m f~41~


~1"'1;:q ~ Sf~""-~ I

I ';!.u/fCi> : 300

l'k'4Cb Jtr-{ fl:;;f} 3Ik 3iu311 ;:;);ff if fJtlT ~ I

y!! .. if &s ~ 3?ft 11TUl1f if 1M & 13174 illfl:l! f31 fiiIJl 0JM:1 '& 3114d5 Maw- r:r:t" -q /dJ 21J TfllT ~ 3Ik ~ mUlA C/5J t4cc 0JM:1'l!J 3f1'<-9,«ICb $ ~ gr:o- r:p; 3.j/ds("l Afffrc ~ "CR" fd:>al JlFtJ tJ/&l! I JlJ~/-r:ffl" rrr 3fffiRirl JfJUlR ~ 31I?tRfP ~ M ffl 11/ EZlA if fHd 71f! 3fR: fR ii5T{ 3kts ;:ufr fili1i) I

:p./ cPT W'ft JI:J;ff ~ :JrR: Mr4Cb ~ 8s ;:ft& We! 7fTZ 3fjJwf &.; 31j?1/'< ifr (fj~4 iJlf&e I

Yf4d5 ~ i?p Be- A4H 3ic5 Irr-f c5 3io if tm? 7ff!" ~ I

Note: English version of the Instructions is printed on the front cover of this question paper.

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