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What is a Brand?
Brand is more than a name of a symbol
It is physical and psychological attribute of a product which a
consumer perceives
Exp:Thums Up/Coke

A product is made in the factory, a
brand is something that is bought by a
customer. A product can be copied by a
competitor, a brand is unique. A
product can be quickly outdated; a
successful brand is timeless.
-Stephen King

Buildings age and become dilapidated, Machines wear out, People die, But what lives on
are Brands

How are Brands Different from Products?

Products Brands
Generic Unique, Distinct
Easy to copy Can not be copied
Functional Emotional, Functional
Concrete, Rational Conceptual, Perceived
Transaction oriented Relationship oriented
Describes ‘What Describes ‘What’ & ‘Who’

Product : COLA
A refreshing effervescent,
sugary carbonated beverage
Happiness, togetherness, memories,
the colour ‘Red’, ‘The Real Thing’, The

Young, youthful, aspirations, trendy,
more out of life, next generation
Thums Up
Strong, macho, daring, bold, grownup,
thrill, adventure
Strong Brand.
A strong brand is a product / service/person/place,
augmented in such a way that the buyer or user
perceives relevant, unique added values which match their
needs most closely.
Furthermore its strength results from being able to sustain
these added values in the face of

Successful Brands
Should deliver benefits
Some intangibles besides tangible benefits
Must be consistent with its personality
Benefits offered must be relevant to the customer

Why Build Brand?

Buyers’ Benefits
Criteria to Evaluate an offer (Knowledge about the offer)
Predictable Satisfaction during Re-buy
Knowledge of source (Whom to Complain!)
Sellers’ Benefits
Operational Ease
Legal Protection

Why Build Brand?

▪ Brands are major equity in most marketing

▪ Consumers perceives brands as higher

quality more reliable and a better value

▪ Branding helps the consumers

to simplify the decision
Separates you from your competitors

▪ Brand differentiates your product by making a promise to

“Ujala-Char bundonwala”

▪ Brands Command higher prices

Exp:Woodland shoes
▪ Brand generates loyalty
Therefore, it generates a recurring stream of profit through
repeat sales
Exp:Dettol / Fevicol

▪ A brand without loyal customer base is vulnerable

A brand with loyal customer base represents a substantial
barrier to competitors & cost of changing loyalty is higher

▪ Provide resilience in times of negative


▪ Enable to launch new products more

quickly and cost effectively.
Sometimes licensed to other marketers - Walt Disney

▪Brands Provide Mental Patents

▪Brand commands better shelf space,

better visibility and better co-operation at
the retail outlet

▪ Brands Enhance Marketing Programs

▪ Brands Attract Employees

Why Build Brand?
▪ Brands Increase Value

▪ Brands Allow Mistakes

Brand as a point of reference
Get me a “Xerox”of…..
“Aquaguard” ka pani hai….
Ek Nestle ki “cadbury” dena…..
TVS nai “luna” ai hai
Ek “Bisleri” dena



1.The brand excels at delivering the benefits customers truly desire

2.The brand stays relevant
3.The pricing strategy is based on consumer's perceptions of value
4.The brand is properly positioned
5.The brand is consistent:
6.The brand portfolio and hierarchy make sense
7.The brand makes use of and coordinates a full repertoire of marketing activities to build equity
8. The brands managers understand what the brand means to consumers:
9.The brand is given proper support, and that support is sustained over the long run
10.The company monitors sources of brand equity

Business (Market)

Producer Marketing activities Consumer/Buyer

Marketing Mix

(The origin of the word)
Communicare - Share

Communis - Common

Communicate - Impart,Transmit,Share
(Concise Oxford Dictionary)


Sender Message Receiver

Body language


Culture & Language Differences
Difference in Perception
Assumption & Pre-conceived ideas
Difference in Consumer Behaviour
Lack of knowledge about the subject
Difference in physical attributes
A Lengthy Channel
Political Barrier
Social/Ethical Barrier
Economical Barrier
Integrated Communication

Know the Company/Organization/Heritage

Integrated Communication
Know the Product/Brand
Target Audience
What does the Market say
How am I different or How do I communicate differently
Communication Objective
Our Communication Strategy
How do I reach Target Audience Effectively

Integrated Communication

Using The Communication Tools

Print & Electronic

Direct Marketing

Public Relation

Events & Exhibition


The 360 Degree Brand Experience

What is 360 Degree

Total Surround Experience
Wherever the consumer goes he is hit by our communication
Why is it required?
The era of overdose of communication
It is necessary that you create a top of mind awareness.
Different Target Audience
Cost Effective

Why is it required?
From the time the consumer sees your ad to the time he purchases the product a lot of change
Gives a big brand feel

Essence of 360 Degree

The main brand thought-single thought should be carried across all mediums.

The New Indian Consumer

Customer ?
Definition: [n] someone who pays for goods or services.

“Customer:The King”

(The Seniors/Peers,etc)

(Customers/Stake holders,etc)
Who am I?
Ambassador of the organisation
Goodwill/ Image generator
Sales Generator
Co-ordinator and a very important
team member
What a good Corporate Communication Can
Build Image and gain respect
Creates Goodwill
Attract Finance and Investments
Creates Stock Equity
Helps during crisis
Builds Brand Equity
Attract talents
Unifies Diverse group
What a good Corporate Communication Can
Marketing Department – Lower Marketing Costs
Sales Department – High Market Share
Finance Department – Access to Funds
Human Resource Department- Easier retention of staff .Access people at lower


The New Indian Consumer
The New Indian Consumer

The market construct has changed from a

suppliers market to a buyers market
The New Indian Consumer

The ‘me too’ syndrome is no longer valid

as consumer seek customized products
The New Indian Consumer

The consumer has more choices and

a result of it he spends more and
experiments more
The New Indian Consumer
A change consumer because of:

A huge increase in high income groups

‘Spend now save later’ mentality leading

to higher disposable income
The New Indian Consumer
The consumer wants to be treated as
an ‘individual’-not as a part of a
‘large physical mass’ and looks for a
‘post buy’ relationship to enhance
the value of her brand decision
The New Indian Consumer
Exposure to international concepts
leading to the development of global consumer
with a taste for new and exotic,increased health
consciousness,leisure and entertainment
needs,power of choice,metro sexual
attitude,changing retail scenario,customization
and co-habitence

The New Indian Consumer

Changing Expectation:
The change is consumer mindset has led
to changes in the expectations from
Product like cars are also expected to make a personality / lifestyle
statement.A cars performance,design,quality and technology,etc
are all taken for granted.Consumers are motivated by the brand
name,its styling,novelty,striking looks and accessories

The presentation of the shelf (packaging

impact,shelf throw) has assumed greater
The New Indian Consumer
Demographics no longer is the discriminator.
While defining segments one must look at the
mindsets as they are very important
discriminator today
The New Indian Consumer
Pester Power

Children are more informed,assertive and

exude individual view-points.With household
spends increasing and parents getting
friendlier,their influence on family decisions is

The New Indian Consumer

Rural Consumer
Rural India is not one soggy mass of people to
be segmented as single phrase “rural”

The studies are done on segmentation like

those who stay in satellite villages and
considerably different from further
island.Similarly who stay near the Indian railway
tracks are different from the rest.

The New Indian Consumer

Three Distinct focus areas:
Segmentation-Analytics,research and insights
will blend more effectively as companies
and brands smartly segment the market

Relationships and Experiences-Service

organization and brands will invest more on
Building relationship and delivering experiences

Creative Innovation:While organizations will continue

to innovate,the market leaders will effectively combine
creative ideas with innovation

Mass Marketing


Niche Marketing

Database Marketing



Then Now
Make Everything Inside Buy Outside(Outsource)
Improve in One’s own Benchmark others
Go it alone Network Collaboration
Functional Dept Processes /Multitasking team
Domestic Focus Global Focus
Product Centered Customer Centered
Standard Product Customized Product
Mass Marketing Target Marketing
Sustainable Competitive Advantage No Sustainable Competency
Slow Product Development Cycle Quick Product Development Cycle
Long Product Life Cycle Short Product Life Cycle
Hierarchical Organization Flattened Organization
Market Place Activity Market Space Activity

Marketing activities


Marketing Mix

The aim of marketing is to know and understand the

customer so well that the product of service fits him
and sells itself.Ideally marketing should result in a
customer who is ready to buy.All should be needed
then is to make the product or service available.
Peter Drucker
Marketing is the process of planning and
executing the conception,pricing,promotion,
and distribution of ideas,goods or services to
create exchange that satisfy individual and
organizational goals
American Marketing Association
The Marketing Concepts:
You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say, "I am very rich.Marry me!"
That's Direct Marketing.

You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl.One of your friends goes up to
her and pointing at you says, "He's very rich.Marry him."
That's Advertising.

The Marketing Concepts:

You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get her telephone number. The next day
you call and say "Hi,I'm very rich.Marry me."
That's Telemarketing.

You're at a party and see a gorgeous girl. You get up and straighten your tie, you walk up to her
and pour her a drink. You open the door for her, pick up her bag after she drops it, offer her a
ride, and then say, "By the way, I'm very rich.Will you marry me?"
That's Public Relations.

The Marketing Concepts:

You're at a party and see a gorgeous girl. She walks up to you and says, "You are very rich.."
That's Brand Recognition.

You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say, "I'm rich.Marry me" She gives you a
nice hard slap on your face.
That's Customer Feedback !!!!!
The Marketing Concepts:
You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say, "I am very rich.Marry me!" And she
introduces you to her husband
That's Demand and supply gap.

You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and before you say, "I am very rich.Marry
me!" she turns her face towards you………..she is your wife !

That's competition eating into your market share.

The Ten Demandments

The First Demandment

Earn My Trust
This is all about trust, integrity, advocacy, and quality. Forget all others if you can’t master this
The Second Demandment
Inspire Me
Craft meaningful emotional connections with your consumers through immersive experiences,
motivating messages that transcend their own products and relevant philanthropy.
The Third Demandment
Make it easy
Simplicity, speed and usefulness are the key to consumer ease. Don’t confuse complexity with
progress. The best things in life are often the easiest.
The Fourth Demandment
Put me in charge
Consumers except choices and control. particularly from service organization that can enable
self-paced self-service. Put consumers in the drivers seat or they’ll peel out of your parking lot
without a second thought
The Fifth Demandment
Guide Me
Too much white noise, too little context-that’s the problem. So filter the chaos with expert
advice, education and information. And stand shoulder to shoulder with your consumer as they
move through the decision making process and beyond
The Sixth Demandment
Anytime anywhere access…that’s the ticket in this’ round the clock world. Nine to five hours
won’t cut it for consumers who expect companies to be there for them all the time no matter
the channel
The Seventh Demandment
Get to know me
You can’t win consumer loyalty without understanding what consumes want. Listen learn and
study up on their real lives, don’t just drive into their data pool.
The Eighth Demandment
Exceed my expectation
Even demanding consumers can be wowed, so woo them by over delivering through
uncommon courtesies, surprising services and go-the-extra mile efforts that show you really
The Ninth Demandment
Reward Me
Treat your consumers like the VIP’s they are to you. Acknowledge and build their loyalty by
rewarding them by point programs, privileged access, or other winning ways.
The Tenth Demandment
Stay with me
Relationship are built not in a day, but in a life time, so stay with your consumers if you want
them to stay with you. Deliver or post-purchase promises, stay in touch in meaningful ways,
and evolve your brand to meet your consumers’ evolving needs over time.
The Ten Demandment
The First Demandment: Earn My Trust
The Second Demandment: Inspire Me
The Third Demandment: Make it easy
The Fourth Demandment: Put me in charge
The Fifth Demandment: Guide Me
The Sixth Demandment:24/7
The Seventh Demandment: Get to know me
The Eighth Demandment: Exceed my expectation
The Ninth Demandment: Reward Me
The Tenth Demandment: Stay with me
The Genie & Aladdin
Genie:The Character
Always with a positive attitude
Always Smiling
Always Prompt
Always finding solution
Always delighting the customer
Always Loyal

Arvind house
Adani supermarket
Auto rickshaw card
Call/telephonic complaint
100% OK Movement
AEC Extra bill
Credit card calls
Celebrity Endorsement
“The Glam Sellers”

FRED objectives
(Target market is aware of him, finds him friendly, likeable and
(Which says that there should be a link between the endorser and the
product as well between the endorser and the audience)
(The polio endorsement, for example, is successful as the masses see
him as a credible name-face-voice)
(In all his projections, he is seen to be one among the masses, and yet
he towers above them. He is different)

Celebrity endorsement:
Double-edged sword

Helps cut through competitive clutter

& build consumer empathy.
Miss the strike, and it can damage you
brand image
Reasons for Celebrities Endorsements
When the concerned brand has close substitutes available.
When there is a need to create a clear differentiation.
When a brand has to make an entry into the market and the life cycle of the
brand is feared short. In such cases the rationale is to make quick money and
A celebrity helps short hand a brand; in other words makes a brand stand out.
Celebs facilitate instant awareness and immediate attention.
Celebrity values define and refresh the brand image and a celebrity adds
dimension to it.
A celebrity lends instant credibility or aspiration to the brand. Celebrities save
time in creating the credibility a company has to build into the brands.
PR coverage
Gestalt Perception: Gestalt perception means using a celebrity as a remedy.
When a person is famous people forget about what he looks like. As everyone
knows the face, it is hard to judge whether the person is pretty or ugly. The
celeb is a remedy to managers who run out of ideas.

The first reason that most celebrities would endorse a product for, is the huge
compensation involved with it.
Star Sell
What a celebrity endorsement costs
Hritik Roshan: Rs 4-5 crore
Sachin Tendulkar: Rs 4-6 crore
Amitabh Bachchan:Rs4-6 crore
Aamir Khan: Rs2-2.5 crore
Shah Rukh Khan: Rs2-2.5 crore
Saurav Ganguly: Rs1.5 crore
Govinda: Rs1-1.5crore
Star Sell
What a celebrity endorsement costs
Aishwarya Rai: Rs 2-3 crore
Karishma Kapoor: Rs 1-1.5 crore
Kareena Kapoor: Rs 1-1.5 crore
Tabu: Rs 1 crore
Preity Zinta: Rs 1 crore
(Source: Industry estimates per brand/year)
Year 2001

Enhanced level of acknowledgement.
(KBC and Movers and Shakers helped stabilize the fast declining careers of
their hosts by providing strong audience recognition)
Endorsement breeds endorsement.

Messages delivered by well-known celebrities achieve a high degree of attention
and recall for consumers.
Celebrities are perceived Trustworthy – Trustworthiness refers to the customer’s
confidence in the source for providing information in an objective and honest
manner. People are more likely to trust the quality of a trustworthy celeb
endorsed brand over a non-endorsed one.
Ambitious psyche: People ape the celebrities in their day to day activities and
many even dream to become like a celebrity some day. Some know they
wouldn’t become as good as the celebrities but sharing common belongings
makes them feel better.
Physical Attraction: Consumers tend to perform positive stereotypes about such
people. Physically attractive people are more successful in changing beliefs
than non-attractive people.
Critical Issues
Only the tangible and visible costs are considered. The implicit costs remain
Duration of endorsement required For increase in sales, a celebrity can be
used for short-term promotions and brand activities. But for an image rub off,
he could be used for longer period.
Multiple endorsement:
Celebrity Life Cycle
The concept of a celebrity’s becoming bigger than the brand is known as

(For example, let’s consider Dinesh Suitings. Dinesh used Gavaskar and let him
rule the brand)

Can be prevented by means like short-term endorsements and constant

change of celebrities
(Classic example of which is the case of Lux.)

Tips for using celebrity

Catch the early bird
Action Shoes & Sachin Tendulkar
Brand Celebrity fit
Ensure celebrity do not dwarf the brand
Ensure sustainable strategy
Do not expect Magic

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