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) VECTOR open enMoTnEERS St.George Protecting Timber Before and After Construction - Methods to Prevent Timber Degradation Roger T. Alworth, SE" ABSTRACT Timber isthe predominate material used in residential and low-rise commercial consiruction ‘and i included in approximately 90% ofall residential structures in the United States.* Timber has been used for decades, ifnot centuries, because iti readily available relatively cheap, easy 1o-wse, and has good mechanical properties. Timber is a renewable resource tha: is ligh weight economical, and eas) 10 handle. When properly designed, detailed and constructed, timber framed structures canreliably support high snow loads, hurricane winds, and seismic loads. The strength properties oftimber components are assigned based upon a comprehensive grading procedure. However, there are risks associated with timber framed structures that are not currently being ‘addressed by engineers, contactors or timber suppliers. The potential for degradation of timber ‘components afer grading isnot ypically accounted for by design professionals. Although ‘engineers assume thatthe strength of timber components will remain constant though the life of the structure, premature deterioration of timber structural components can rel! from termites, rot, andmold. In addition, mold growth on tinber components poses significant health risks” Several solutions are available to the building timber supply, engineering and construction indusries that can eliminate the risk of premature timber degradation, ‘Timber Design Specifications ~ Grading and Size ‘The National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS) is the basic specification in the United States for umber and is incomporated into all building codes. The strength properties of Jumber are based upon the characterises (for example: species, density, et) and size of the timber andthe NDS provides these design values using a method of grading. Grading of structural timber is typically performed visually as part of the production process at the mill although some timber is machine stress rated. Grade assignment i a fusetion of species, density, defects (knots), moisture content and location within the original log.* The, trade, ir tum, determines the assigned mechanical properties to be used in structural design.* For each species. size and grade, mechanical perties are tahulated in the NDS. In genera, the timber supply industry does a very good job of determining how strong timber eemponents are when they leave te mill. However, after timber has left the mill significant degradation often ‘occurs due to poor handling, improper storage, and moisture contact 18198 Sune S, Svea 101 / Sandy UT 4070 / Tf 9901775 / F [801] 9901776 / wm Degradation Before Construction Structural timber rarely gets delivered from the mill directly to the jo site, Infact, timber is often stored for extendec periods of time where degradation can occur. Many storage facilities expose timber to th elements and others are infested with termites. Some of this damaged ‘timber is discarded as unusable, which results in undue waste. More problematic, however, i ‘when damaged timber i shipped tothe job and installed without regard for its diminished condition. Degradation can also occur during shipping, handling and while on the ob ste. ‘The most common types of structural degradation that occur before construction are caused by fungi (decay fungi), excessive drying (cracks and warping), marine borers, and termites, Mold (mold fungi or stainers) does not cause a reduction inthe structural capability ofthe timber, however, mold has been associated with health problems and is often the precursor to decay fungi.® Excessive mold growth on timber is indicative of high moisture content, which can affect struetural properties. Degradation After Construction Even if the timber installed ina structure is initially free ftom degradation, risks stil remain throughout the life ofthe structure. Structural degradation of timber elements after construction is typically caused by temites and decay fungi. In some areas of the United States termite damage claims are on the rise.’ This may be due to increased awareness of the problem or increased termite infestation ~ the data is inconclusive. However, itis estimated that termite damage and control amo.nts o over $1.7 billion in the U.S. alone.* ‘There is @ nefarious addional risk associated with post-construction termite and decay fungi damage. The geographic areas in the United States where termite and fungi damage are most prolific Pacific Southwest, Gulf Coast, Hawaii, South, and Southeast are the same areas that tend to have larger earthquake and/or huricene risks. ‘This compounds the danger caused by termites or decay by causing unknown structural damage where other acts of nature require increased structural integrity.’ While structural engineers appropriately design structures in these areas to withstand nature’s most severe lateral loads, degradation ofthe load resisting clements that can result tte construction is not accounted for. Problems with Molé Improper design o installation of moisture barers, lashing, roofing, and exterior finishes ean result in water infiltration andthe formation of mold. Generally, water management of structures is accomplished with deflection, drainage, drying and durable materials (the 4Ds"”). Current studies indicate that many health issues may be linked to mycotoxins, which ae toxins formed by mold!" The exact level of risk to health is unclear, but what is clear is that there i a dramatic increase in litigation and repairs associated with mold abatement. Solving mold infestation ‘problems often requires the removal of interior and exterior finishes and is extremely expensive. Many insurance policies have exclusions for mold damage abatement and thus the home owner ‘or commercial building cwner is responsible forthe abatement costs ‘A Side Note - Fire Damage Fire, just like termites and decay fungi, ean cause degradation to strctural timber after consiruction. Because fie is so violent and rapid, the damage is obvious and typically addressed ‘immediately after the incident. Building codes address how the properties of structural timber are affected due to fire damage. However, some of the solutions to mitigating termite and decay fungi damage can also mitigate fie damage Solutions Fortunately, the problems and risks associated with the degradation of timber framing have solutions that can save billions of dollars for timber suppliers, contractors, and owmers ‘Before Construction ‘+ One common factor in the degradation of timber that ean occur before constuction is that the damage takes time. The frst solution would be to add a date stamp along with the grading stamp that indicates when untreated timber leaves the mill. Untreated timber that {is sold and delivered to the jo site after an extended period of time (for example: three ‘months after the original date stamp) would require additional inspection and cettification. This addtional cerification would indicate thatthe timber remains free of ‘mold, rot, and termite damage. This procedure would be an incentive to all in the supply chain to store and handle the timber appropriately o have it treated to prevent damage. ‘The second solution would be to treat all timber witha topically applied coating that ‘would inhibit the growth of mold, fungi, and termite attack. Such coatings are ‘commercially available and are relatively inexpensive” These coatings would provide protection forthe timber components forthe life of the structure. Ifsuch a coating were applied at the mil, the problems that occur in the supply chain would be solved as well Tn addition, some coatings may provide additional fre protection, ‘+ Timber that is significantly wetted prior to or during construction requires drying to approximately 19% moisture content or less. Currently, steps are rarely taken to 972709, " geten, “Moire and Wood-Frane Buildings.” "Rober Thiboenus, Ph.D. "Indoor fungal infesations and myectoxity: guidance for public eat profesional nd instil hygienists ni. ds. cov 4 Hinz pe oto pl- Wisconsin Bureau of Environmental ‘and Occupational Heath, 102004 reyes Desin of Wood Sects (2 Eaton

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