Service Mgt. Purchasing Documents: Purchase Requisition Request For Quotation (RFQ)

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Service Mgt.

Purchasing Documents
Purchase Requisition

? Request for Quotation (RFQ)


Purchase Order/ Contract

Service Entry Sheet

Invoice Verification

Mm320_04.1 Purchasing Documents

Structure of the Documents

Item ## 22
Item ## 11
- Service Desc.
Document Desc. - Quantities
Header General - Conditions
-- General
General Data
Data Information
-- Statistics
-- Messages
Messages Sub-Item # 1
-- Conditions
Conditions Qty, Price,
Detailed Desc. Sub-Item # 1
Sub-Item # 2 Sub-Item # 2

Mm320_04.2 Purchasing Documents

Creating a Purchase
Requisition for Services
Overview Data: material field is left blank
and item category “D”, for service, is specified.

Services can be specified in

either outline (hierarchy) or
list form.

Account Assignments
Conditions Quantity
Item Screen
Price UOM
Value Limits

Mm320_04.3 Purchasing Documents

Creating an RFQ for a Service
Purchase Requisition
Service Specifications The RFQ can reference
1) Electrical work purchase requisitions for
2) Plumbing all or specified line items.

Service Specifications
1) Electrical work
2) Plumbing
Deadline for quotations

Mm320_04.4 Purchasing Documents

Creating a Purchase
Order/Contract for a Service

Service Create Modified Service

Specifications with Specifications

RFQ or Purchase Purchase
Requisition Order/Contract

Mm320_04.5 Purchasing Documents

Creating a Service Entry Sheet
Purchase Order

Confirming services as
Service they are performed
Entry Sheet

Checks whether Checks whether

services relate services relate
to a PO to a contract
Checks whether services
are covered by a limit
in a contract

Mm320_04.6 Purchasing Documents

MM320 - External Service Management
Chapter 4 - Purchasing Documents
• The following purchasing documents are used in MM
service management:
1. Purchase Requisition
2. Request for Quotation
3. Quotation
4. Purchase Order/Contract
5. Service Entry Sheet
6. Invoice Receipt/Verification
• Purchasing documents contain a header, items, and sub-items
(service specifications).

• Services can be specified in purchasing documents through either

outlines (hierarchies) or through the use of lists.

Mm320_04.7 Purchasing Documents

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