World Pulse Vision: Malalai Joya

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global Issues Through the Eyes of Women

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Design: Cary Design group

WriTing: Leighann Franson, Janet Champ
PHOTO: Mirjam Letsch / Peter Arnold Inc.
“Never again will I whisper in

the shadows of intimidation.”
malalai JOya | afgHan leaDer


Malalai Joya was Afghanistan’s youngest and most
outspoken parliamentarian. But she was silenced
after she publicly condemned the presence of warlords.
Through World Pulse, she speaks once again.

“When her time came to make her She was banned from Parliament
3-minute statement, she tugged and continues to be silenced by her
her black headscarf over her hair, country’s leaders. And although her
PHOTO: Tom Stoddart / Reportage by getty Images

stepped up to the microphone, and life remains in danger, she has con-
with emotional electricity made nected with new audiences through
the speech that would alter her life.” World Pulse. “Because my voice has
WORLD PULSE MAgAZINE (ISSUE 1, 2005) been silenced inside Afghanistan,
now it is only through media like
After making world headlines with World Pulse that I can reach my
her daring accusation of her coun- message to the world.”
try’s criminal leaders, Malalai Joya
became an international hero over-
night. But her bravery was met with
numerous assassination attempts.

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