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Patran 2008 r1

Interface To ABAQUS
Preference Guide

Main Index
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Main Index
Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

1 Overview
Purpose 2
ABAQUS Product Information 3

What is Included with this Product? 4

Patran ABAQUS Integration with Patran 5

Configuring the ABAQUS Submit File 7

2 Building A Model
Introduction to Building a Model 10

Coordinate Frames 22

Finite Elements 23
Nodes 23
Elements 25
Multi-Point Constraints 27

Material Library 51

Materials Form 52

Element Properties 90
Element Properties Form 90

Loads and Boundary Conditions 332

Loads & Boundary Conditions Form 332

Load Cases 351

Group 352

3 Running an Analysis
Review of the Analysis Form 354

Main Index
ii Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

Analysis Form 355

Translation Parameters 357

Restart Parameters 358

Optional Controls 359

Direct Text Input 360

Step Creation 361

Select Load Cases 362
Output Requests 362
Direct Text Input 363
Solution Types 364

Step Selection 432

Read Input File 433

ABAQUS Input File Reader 435
Input Deck Formats 435
ABAQUS ELSET and NSET Entries 435

4 Read Results
Review of the Read Results Form 454
Upgrading ABAQUS ODB Results Files 454
Read Results Form 455
Flat File Results 456

Translation Parameters 457

Attach Method 457
Translate and Control File Methods 457

Select Results File 458

Results Created in Patran 458

Data Translated from the Analysis Code Results File 463

Key Differences between Attach and

Translate Methods 464
Result Type Naming Conventions 464
Vector vs. Scalar Moment and Rotational Results 464
Reaction Forces 465

Delete Result Attachment Form 466

Main Index

5 Files
Files 468

6 Errors/Warnings
Errors/Warnings 470

Main Index
iv Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

Main Index
Chapter 1: Overview
Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

1 Overview

Purpose 2
 ABAQUS Product Information 3

What is Included with this Product? 4

Patran ABAQUS Integration with Patran 5
 Configuring the ABAQUS Submit File 7

Main Index
2 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

Patran comprises a suite of products written and maintained by MSC.Software Corporation. The core of
the product suite is a finite element analysis pre and postprocessor. The Patran system also includes
several optional products such as advanced postprocessing programs, tightly coupled solvers, and
interfaces to third party solvers. This document describes one of these interfaces. See the Patran User
Manual for more information.
The Patran ABAQUS Application Preference Guide provides a communication link between Patran and
ABAQUS. It also provides customization of certain features that can be activated simply by selecting
ABAQUS as the analysis code preference in Patran.
Patran ABAQUS is integrated into Patran. The casual user will never need to be aware that separate
programs are being used. For the expert user, there are three main components of Patran ABAQUS:
several PCL files to provide the customization of Patran for ABAQUS, PAT3ABA to convert model data
from the Patran database into the analysis code input file, and ABAPAT3 to translate results and⁄or
model data from the analysis code results file into the Patran database.
Selecting ABAQUS as the analysis code under the “Analysis Preference” menu customizes Patran in five
main areas:
1. MPCs
2. Material Library
3. Element Library
4. Loads and Boundary Conditions
5. Analysis forms
PAT3ABA translates model data directly from the .Patran database into the analysis code-specific input
file format. This translation must have direct access to the originating Patran database. The program
name indicates the direction of translation: from Patran to ABAQUS.
ABAPAT3 translates results and⁄or model data from the analysis code-specific results file into the Patran
database. This program can be run such that the data is loaded directly into the Patran database, or if
incompatible computer platforms are being used, an intermediate file can be created. The program name
indicates the direction of translation: from ABAQUS to Patran.

Main Index
Chapter 1: Overview 3
ABAQUS Product Information

ABAQUS Product Information

ABAQUS is a general-purpose finite element computer program for structural and thermal analyses. It
is developed, supported, and maintained by Hibbitt, Karlsson, and Sorensen, Inc., 1080 Main Street,
Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02860, (401) 727-4200. See the ABAQUS User’s Manual for a general
description of ABAQUS’ capabilities.

Main Index
4 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
What is Included with this Product?

What is Included with this Product?

The Patran ABAQUS product includes all of the following items:
1. A PCL library file, abaqus.plb, contains Patran ABAQUS-specific definitions.
2. The executable programs pat3aba and abapat3 which perform the forward and results
translation of data. Although these programs are separate executables, they are run from within
Patran, and are transparent to the user.
3. Script files are also included to drive the programs in item 2. These script files are started by
Patran and control the running of the programs in Patran ABAQUS.
4. This Application Preference User’s Manual is included as part of the product. An on-line version
is also provided to allow you direct access to this information from within Patran.

Main Index
Chapter 1: Overview 5
Patran ABAQUS Integration with Patran

Patran ABAQUS Integration with Patran

Two diagrams are shown below to indicate how these files and programs fit into the Patran environment.
In some cases, site customization of some of these files is indicated. Please see the Patran Installation and
Operations Guide for more information on this topic.

Figure 1-1 shows the process of running an analysis. The abaqus.plb library defines the various
Translation Parameter, Solution Type, Solution Parameter, and Output Request forms called by the
Analysis form. When the Apply button is selected on the Analyze form, a.jba file is created, and the
script AbaqusSubmit is started. This script may need to be modified for your site installation. The
script, in turn, starts the PAT3ABA forward translation. Patran operation is suspended at this time.
PAT3ABA reads data from the database and creates the ABAQUS input deck. A message file is also
created to record any translation messages. If PAT3ABA finishes successfully, and you have requested
it, the script will then start ABAQUS.

Figure 1-1 Forward Translation

Figure 1-2 shows the process of reading information from an analysis results file. When the Apply button
is selected on the Read Results form, a .jbr file is created, depending on whether model or results
data is to be read. The ResultsSubmit script is also started. This script may need to be modified for

Main Index
6 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Patran ABAQUS Integration with Patran

your site installation. The script, in turn, starts the ABAPAT3 results translation. The Patran database is
closed while this translation occurs. A message file is created to record any translation messages.
ABAPAT3 reads the data from the ABAQUS results file. If ABAPAT3 can find the desired database, the
results will be loaded directly into it. If, however, it cannot find the database (for example, if you are
running on several incompatible platforms), ABAPAT3 will write all the data into a flat file. This flat file
can be taken to wherever the database is and read in using the read file selections.

Figure 1-2 Results Translation

Main Index
Chapter 1: Overview 7
Configuring the ABAQUS Submit File

Configuring the ABAQUS Submit File

The AbaqusSubmit script file controls the execution of the PAT3ABA translator and the ABAQUS
analysis code. It is located in the Patran directory called
The information that AbaqusSubmit uses to perform its operations can be categorized as specific to the
job and the site. The job specific information is automatically supplied by Patran as command line
arguments at run time. The site specific information is set within the script file at the time of installation.
The Host parameter defines the machine that is used to perform the ABAQUS analysis. When this
parameter is set to LOCAL, the analysis is performed on the same machine as the Patran session
(PAT3ABA translations are always performed on the same machine as the Patran session.)
The Scratchdir parameter defines the directory on the host machine that temporarily holds the
analysis files as they are created. The advantage of having a scratch directory is that the contents of the
analysis scratch files are never transferred across the network. This benefit is not achieved when the Host
parameter is set to LOCAL, so the Scratchdir parameter is ignored for this condition.
The Acommand is the ABAQUS analysis code executable. If the Host is not LOCAL then the executable
should include the complete pathname.

Main Index
8 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Configuring the ABAQUS Submit File

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model
Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

2 Building A Model

 Introduction to Building a Model 10

Coordinate Frames 22

Finite Elements 23
 Material Library 51

Element Properties 90

Loads and Boundary Conditions 332
 Load Cases 351

Group 352

Main Index
10 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Introduction to Building a Model

Introduction to Building a Model

There are many aspects to building a finite element analysis model. In several cases, the forms used to
create the finite element data are dependent on the selected analysis type. Other parts of the model are
created using standard forms.
Under Preferences on the Patran main form is a selection for Analysis Settings. Analysis Settings defines
the intended analysis code which is to be used for this mode.

The specified code may be changed at any time during model creation. As much data as possible will be
converted if the analysis code is changed after the modeling process has already begun. The setting of
this option defines what will be presented in several areas during the subsequent modeling steps.
These areas include the material and element libraries (including multi-point constraints), the applicable
loads and boundary conditions, and the analysis forms. The selected Analysis Type may also affect the
allowable selections in these same areas. For more details, see Analysis Codes (p. 426) in the Patran
Reference Manual.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 11
Introduction to Building a Model

Supported ABAQUS Commands

The following tables summarize all the ABAQUS commands supported by the Patran ABAQUS
Preference Guide. The tables indicate where in this guide you can find more information on how the
commands are supported

Table 2-1 Supported ABAQUS Model Definition Options

History Patran Interface to ABAQUS ABAQUS/
Definition Preference Guide Standard
Options Command Page No. Section #
Initial Options ∗HEADING • p. 334 7.2.1
Node Definition ∗NODE • p. 18 7.3.6
∗NSET • p. 18 7.3.8
∗TRANSFORM • p. 16 7.3.11
Element ∗ELEMENT • p. 19 7.4.2
Definition ∗ELSET • p. 328 7.4.2
∗RIGID SURFACE • p. 154, p. 155, p. 156 p. 261 7.4.7
∗SLIDE LINE • p. 147 7.4.8
Property ∗BEAM GENERAL • p. 106, p. 113, p. 121 7.5.2
Definition SECTION
∗BEAM SECTION • p. 108, p. 115 to p. 119, 7.5.3
*CENTROID • p. 114 7.5.2

Main Index
12 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Introduction to Building a Model

Table 2-1 Supported ABAQUS Model Definition Options (continued)

History Patran Interface to ABAQUS ABAQUS/
Definition Preference Guide Standard
Options Command Page No. Section #
∗DASHPOT • p. 100, p. 101, p. 128 to p. 131 7.5.5
∗FRICTION • p. 102 to p. 104, p. 132, p. 133, 7.5.7
• p. 136 to p. 145, p. 148 to p. 152
• p. 255 to p. 259, p. 289
Property ∗GAP • p. 132, p. 133, p. 294, p. 298 7.5.8
Definition • p. 300
*GAP • p. 294, p. 298, p. 300
∗HOURGLASS • p. 232, p. 235, p. 238, p. 241, 7.5.13
STIFFNESS • p. 244, p. 246, p. 248, p. 251,
• p. 252, p. 254, p. 287
∗INTERFACE • p. 102, p. 104, p. 136, p. 138, 7.5.14
• p. 140, p. 142, p. 145, p. 148,
• p. 150, p. 152, p. 255, p. 257,
• p. 259, p. 289, p. 294, p. 298,
• p. 300
∗MASS • p. 96 7.5.17
∗ROTARY INERTIA • p. 97 7.5.18
∗SHELL GENERAL • p. 238, p. 241, p. 246 7.5.19
∗SHELL SECTION • p. 80, p. 134, p. 135, p. 232, 7.5.20
• p. 234, p. 235, p. 237, p. 244,
• p. 292, p. 293, p. 295, p. 296
∗SOLID SECTION • p. 123, p. 248, p. 251, p. 252, 7.5.21
• p. 254, p. 287, p. 291, p. 297,
• p. 299
∗SPRING • p. 98, p. 99, p. 124 to p. 127
∗SURFACE • p. 103, p. 136, p. 255, p. 257, 7.5.26
• p. 259, p. 289

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 13
Introduction to Building a Model

Table 2-1 Supported ABAQUS Model Definition Options (continued)

History Patran Interface to ABAQUS ABAQUS/
Definition Preference Guide Standard
Options Command Page No. Section #
∗TRANSVERSE • p. 107, p. 108, p. 110, p. 113, 7.5.27
SHEAR STIFFNESS • p. 115, p. 119, p. 121, p. 232,
• p. 234, p. 235, p. 237, p. 238,
• p. 241, p. 244, p. 246
Material ∗MATERIAL • p. 44 7.6.2
∗CAP HARDENING • p. 69 7.6.4
∗CAP PLASTICITY • p. 69 7.6.5
∗CONDUCTIVITY • p. 77, p. 78, p. 79 7.6.8
∗CREEP • p. 70, p. 71 7.6.9
∗DAMPING • p. 49, p. 72 to p. 75 7.6.11
∗DEFORMATION • p. 64 7.6.12
∗DENSITY p. 49 to p. 59, p. 72 to p. 79 7.6.13
Material ∗DRUCKER-PRAGER • p. 69 7.6.16
Definition ∗ELASTIC • p. 49, p. 72, p. 73, p. 74, 7.6.17
• p. 75

∗EXPANSION p. 49 to p. 59, p. 72 to p. 79 7.6.18

∗HYPERELASTIC p. 51 to p. 56 7.6.22
∗HYPERFOAM • p. 57, p. 59 7.6.23
∗LATENT HEAT • p. 57, p. 59 7.6.27
∗NO COMPRESSION • p. 57, p. 59 7.6.29
∗NO TENSION • p. 57, p. 59 7.6.30
∗PLANAR TEST • p. 69
∗PLASTIC • p. 65, p. 66, p. 67 7.6.34
∗POTENTIAL • p. 65 to p. 67, p. 70, p. 71 7.6.37
∗RATE DEPENDENT • p. 65 to p. 68

Main Index
14 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Introduction to Building a Model

Table 2-1 Supported ABAQUS Model Definition Options (continued)

History Patran Interface to ABAQUS ABAQUS/
Definition Preference Guide Standard
Options Command Page No. Section #
∗SPECIFIC HEAT • p. 77, p. 78, p. 79 7.6.40
∗VISCOELASTIC • p. 60, p. 61, p. 62, p. 63 7.6.43
*YIELD • p. 68 7.6.44
Material ∗ORIENTATION • p. 80, p. 232, p. 234, p. 235, 7.7.1
Orientation p. 237, p. 238, p. 241, p. 244,
p. 246, p. 248, p. 251, p. 287,
p. 295, p. 296, p. 297, p. 299
Kinematic ∗BOUNDARY • p. 313, p. 317, p. 318 9.5.1
Constraints ∗EQUATION • p. 24 7.8.3
∗MPC • p. 25 to p. 42 7.8.4
Initial Conditions ∗INITIAL • p. 316, p. 326 7.9.1
Restart Options ∗RESTART • p. 332 7.10.1
Miscellaneous ∗AMPLITUDE • p. 346 7.11.1
Model Options ∗PSD-DEFINITION • p. 378 7.11.3
∗SPECTRUM • p. 374 7.11.5
∗WAVEFRONT • p. 334 7.11.9

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 15
Introduction to Building a Model

The following ABAQUS History Definition options are supported.

Table 2-2 Supported ABAQUS History Definition Options

History Patran Interface to ABAQUS Standard
Definition Preference Guide Section
Options Command Page No. No.
Step Initialization/ *STEP • p. 336, p. 346, p. 382, p. 386, 9.2.1
Termination p. 390, p. 394, p. 402
∗END STEP • p. 336 9.2.2
Procedure ∗BUCKLE • p. 349 9.3.2
∗DYNAMIC • p. 352, p. 386 9.3.4
∗FREQUENCY • p. 359, p. 366, p. 374, p. 377 9.3.5
∗HEAT TRANSFER • p. 401, p. 402 9.3.7
∗MODAL DYNAMIC • p. 359 9.3.8
∗RANDOM RESPONSE • p. 377 9.3.9
∗RESPONSE • p. 374 9.3.10
∗STATIC • p. 382 9.3.12
∗STEADY STATE • p. 366, p. 370 9.3.13
∗VISCO • p. 390, p. 394 9.3.15
Loading Definition ∗BASE MOTION • p. 359, p. 365, p. 366 9.4.2
∗CFLUX • p. 325 9.4.4
∗CLOAD • p. 313 9.4.5
∗DFLUX • p. 325 9.4.9
∗DLOAD • p. 314, p. 316 9.4.10
∗FILM • p. 324 9.4.12
∗TEMPERATURE • p. 314 9.4.18
Prescribed ∗BOUNDARY • p. 318 9.5.1
Miscellaneous ∗CORRELATION • p. 377 9.4.6
History Options ∗MODAL DAMPING • p. 359 to p. 364 9.6.6

Main Index
16 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Introduction to Building a Model

Table 2-2 Supported ABAQUS History Definition Options (continued)

History Patran Interface to ABAQUS Standard
Definition Preference Guide Section
Options Command Page No. No.
Print Definition ∗EL PRINT • p. 338 9.8.2
∗ENERGY PRINT • p. 338 9.8.3
∗MODAL PRINT • p. 338 9.8.4
∗NODE PRINT • p. 338 9.8.6
∗PRINT • p. 338 9.8.7
File Output ∗EL FILE • p. 338 9.9.2
Definition ∗ELEMENT MATRIX • p. 338
∗ENERGY FILE • p. 338 9.9.3
FILE FORMAT • p. 338 9.9.4
∗MODAL FILE • p. 338 9.9.5
∗NODE FILE • p. 338 9.9.6
∗PREPRINT • p. 338

The following ABAQUS element types are supported.

Table 2-3 Supported ABAQUS Element Types

Preference Guide Page
Element Types No.
Stress-Displacement Elements
Beam Elements
Two-dimensional B21 B22H • p. 106, p. 108
B21H B23
B22 B23H
Three-dimensional B31 B33 • p. 113, p. 115, p. 119
B31H B33H
B32 B34
Three-dimensional B31OS B32OS • p. 121
Open Section B31OSH B32OSH

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 17
Introduction to Building a Model

Table 2-3 Supported ABAQUS Element Types (continued)

Preference Guide Page
Element Types No.
Stress-Displacement Elements
Beam Elements
One-dimensional C1D2 C1D3 • p. 123
Axisymmetric CAX3 CAX4R CAX8 • p. 252

Axisymmetric with CGAX3 CGAX6 • p. 253

Plane Strain CPE3 CPE4R CPE8 • p. 248

Generalized Plane CGPE5 CGPE6RH • p. 249

Plane Stress CPS3 CPS6 • p. 251




Main Index
18 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Introduction to Building a Model

Table 2-3 Supported ABAQUS Element Types (continued)

Preference Guide Page
Element Types No.
Stress-Displacement Elements
Beam Elements
Three-dimensional C3D4 C3D10 C3D27 • p. 287

C3D4H C3D10HC3 C3D27H

C3D6 C3D27R
Membrane Elements
Membrane Elements M3D3 M3D8 • p. 254

M3D4 M3D8R

M3D4R M3D9

M3D6 M3D9R

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 19
Introduction to Building a Model

Table 2-3 Supported ABAQUS Element Types (continued)

Preference Guide Page
Element Types No.
Stress-Displacement Elements
Shell Elements
Shell S3RF S4RF • p. 244, p. 246
S4R STRI3 • p. 235, p. 237, p. 241
S4R5 S9R5 • p. 232, p. 234, p. 238
S8R • p. 40, p. 41, p. 235,
p. 237, p. 241
S8R5 • p. 40, p. 41, p. 232,
p. 234, p. 238
STRI35 • p. 232, p. 234, p. 238
STRI65 • p. 232, p. 234, p. 235,
p. 237, p. 238, p. 241
Special Elements
Axisymmetric SAX1 SAX2 • p. 134, p. 135
Elbow Elements
Elbow Elements ELBOW31 ELBOW31C • p. 117

Spring Elements
Spring Elements SPRING1 • p. 98, p. 99
SPRING2 • p. 125, p. 127
SPRINGA • p. 124, p. 126
Dashpot Elements
Dashpot Elements DASHPOT1 • p. 100
DASHPOT2 • p. 101, p. 129, p. 131
DASHPOTA • p. 128, p. 130
Mass Element
Mass Element MASS • p. 96
Rotary Inertia Element
Rotary Inertia Element ROTARY1 • p. 97

Main Index
20 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Introduction to Building a Model

Table 2-3 Supported ABAQUS Element Types (continued)

Preference Guide Page
Element Types No.
Special Elements
Gap Elements
Gap Elements GAPCYL • p. 132
GAPSPHER • p. 133
GAPUNI • p. 132
Small Sliding Contact Elements
Interface INTER1 • p. 136
INTER2 INTER3 • p. 255
INTER4 INTER9 • p. 289
Axisymmetric INTER2A INTER3A • p. 257
Rigid Surface Contact Elements
Rigid Surface IRS3 IRS9 • p. 259
IRS12 • p. 102
IRS13 • p. 104
IRS21 IRS22 • p. 148
IRS31 IRS32 • p. 152
Axisymmetric IRS21A IRS22A • p. 150
Slide Line Contact Elements
Two-dimensional ISL21 ISL22 • p. 138, p. 147
Three-dimensional ISL31 ISL32 • p. 142, p. 147
Axisymmetric ISL21A ISL22A • p. 140, p. 147
ISL31A ISL32A • p. 145, p. 147
Heat Transfer Elements
Heat Transfer Elements
Axisymmetric DCAX3 DCAX6 • p. 297
Axisymmetric DCCAX2 DCCAX2D
Convection/Diffusion DCCAX4 DCCAX4D • p. 297
One-dimensional DC1D2 DC1D3 • p. 291

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 21
Introduction to Building a Model

Table 2-3 Supported ABAQUS Element Types (continued)

Preference Guide Page
Element Types No.
Heat Transfer Elements
Heat Transfer Elements
Two-dimensional DC2D3 DC2D6 • p. 297
Two-dimensional DCC2D4 • p. 297
Convection/Diffusion DCC2D4D
Three-dimensional DC3D4 DC3D10 • p. 299
DC3D6 DC3D15
DC3D8 DC3D20
Three-dimensional DCC3D8 DCC3D8D • p. 299
Interface Elements DINTER1 • p. 294
DINTER2 DINTER3 • p. 298
DINTER4 DINTER8 • p. 300
Interface Elements, DINTER2A • p. 298
Axisymmetric DINTER3A
Shell Elements DS4 • p. 295, p. 296
Shell Elements, DSAX1 • p. 292, p. 293
Axisymmetric DSAX2

Main Index
22 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Coordinate Frames

Coordinate Frames
Coordinate frames will generate different ABAQUS input, depending on the use of the coordinate frame.
Unreferenced coordinate frames will not be translated into ABAQUS.

If a node references a coordinate frame in the Analysis Coordinate Frame field, the nodal degrees-of-
freedom will be rotated into that system through the use of the *TRANSFORM option. All vector type
loads or boundary conditions must reference the same coordinate frame as the node.
If a coordinate frame is referenced for element property orientation, the appropriate *ORIENTATION
option will be created.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 23
Finite Elements

Finite Elements
Finite Elements in Patran allows the definition of basic finite element constructs, including the creation
of nodes, element topology, and multi-point constraints.

The nodes form will generate the ∗klab option (see Section 7.3.6 in the ABAQUS / Standard
User’s Manual).
The name of the node set to which the nodes will be assigned will be based on the associated analysis
coordinate frame number. For example, creating nodes in analysis coordinate frame “Coord 1" will
generate the ABAQUS option ∗NSET, NSET=CID1.

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24 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Finite Elements

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 25
Finite Elements

Finite elements in Patran simply assigns element topology, such as Quad⁄4, for standard finite elements.
The type of element to be created is not determined until the element properties are assigned. See Element
Properties Form for details concerning the ABAQUS element types. Elements can be created either
discretely using the Element object, or indirectly using the Mesh object.

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26 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Finite Elements

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 27
Finite Elements

Multi-Point Constraints
Multi-point constraints (MPCs) can also be created from the Finite Elements menu. These are special
element types which define a rigorous behavior between several specified nodes. The forms for creating
MPCs are found by selecting MPC as the Object on the Finite Elements form. The full functionality of
the MPC forms are defined in Create Action (FEM Entities) (Ch. 3) in the Reference Manual - Part III .

Main Index
28 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Finite Elements

MPC Types
To create an MPC, you must first select the type of MPC you want to create from an option menu. The
types that will appear in this option menu are dependent on the current Analysis Type preference setting.
The following table describes the MPC types that are supported.

MPC Type Analysis Type Description

Explicit Structural Creates an ∗EQUATION option which defines an explicit
MPC between a dependent degree-of-freedom and one or
Thermal more independent degrees-of-freedom. The dependent term
consists of a node ID and a degree-of-freedom, while an
independent term consists of a coefficient, a node ID, and a
degree-of-freedom. An unlimited number of independent
terms and one dependent term can be specified.
Rigid (Fixed) Structural Creates a BEAM type MPC between one independent node
and one or more dependent nodes in which all six structural
degrees-of-freedom are rigidly attached to each other. An
unlimited number of dependent terms and one independent
term can be specified. Each term consists of a single node.
Rigid (Pinned) Structural Creates a LINK type MPC between one independent node
and one or more dependent nodes in which only the three
translational structural degrees-of-freedom are rigidly
attached to each other. An unlimited number of dependent
terms and one independent term can be specified. Each term
consists of a single node.
Linear Surf-Surf Structural Creates a LINEAR type MPC between a dependent node on
one linear 2D element and two independent nodes on
Thermal another linear 2D element to model a continuum. One
dependent and two independent terms can be specified.
Each term consists of a single node.
Linear Surf-Vol Structural Creates an SS LINEAR type MPC between a dependent
node on a linear 2D plate element and two independent
nodes on a linear 3D solid element to connect the plate
element to the solid element. One dependent and two
independent terms can be specified. Each term consists of a
single node.
Linear Vol-Vol Structural Creates a BILINEAR type MPC between a dependent node
on one linear 3D solid element and four independent nodes
Thermal on another linear 3D solid element to model a continuum.
One dependent and four independent terms can be
specified. Each term consists of a single node.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 29
Finite Elements

MPC Type Analysis Type Description

Quad. Surf-Surf Structural Creates a QUADRATIC type MPC between a dependent
node on one quadratic 2D element and three independent
nodes on another quadratic 2D element to model a
continuum. One dependent and three independent terms can
be specified. Each term consists of a single node.
Quad. Surf-Vol Structural Creates an SS BILINEAR type MPC between a dependent
node on a quadratic 2D plate element and three independent
nodes on a quadratic 3D solid element to connect the plate
element to the solid element. One dependent and three
independent terms can be specified. Each term consists of a
single node.
Quad. Vol-Vol Structural Creates a C BIQUAD type MPC between a dependent node
on one quadratic 3D solid and eight independent nodes on
another quadratic 3D solid element to model a continuum.
One dependent and eight independent terms can be
specified. Each term consists of a single node.
Slider Structural Creates a SLIDER type MPC between one dependent node
and two independent nodes which forces the dependent
node to move along the vector defined by the two
independent nodes. One dependent and two independent
terms can be specified. Each term consists of a single node.
Elbow Structural Creates an ELBOW type MPC which constrains two nodes
of ELBOW31 or ELBOW32 elements together. One
dependent and one independent terms can be specified.
Each term consists of a single node.
Tie Structural Creates a TIE type MPC which makes all active degrees-of-
freedom equal at two nodes. One dependent and one
independent terms can be specified. Each term consists of a
single node.
Revolute Structural Creates a REVOLUTE type MPC which defines a revolute
joint. One dependent and two independent terms can be
specified. Each term consists of a single node.
V Local Structural Creates a V LOCAL type MPC which constrains the
velocity components at the first node to be equal to the
velocity components at the third node along local, rotating,
directions. These local directions rotate according to the
rotation at the second node. One dependent and two
independent terms can be specified. Each term consists of a
single node.

Main Index
30 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Finite Elements

MPC Type Analysis Type Description

Universal Structural Creates a UNIVERSAL type MPC which defines a
universal joint. One dependent and three independent
terms can be specified. Each term consists of a single node.
SS Linear Structural Creates an SS LINEAR type MPC which constrains a shell
node to a line of solid nodes for linear elements. One
dependent and an unlimited number of independent terms
can be specified. Each term consists of a single node.
SS Bilinear Structural Creates an SS BILINEAR type MPC which constrains a
shell node to a line of solid nodes for quadratic elements.
One dependent and an unlimited number of independent
terms can be specified. Each term consists of a single node.
SSF Bilinear Structural Creates an SSF BILINEAR type MPC which constrains a
mid-side shell node to a line of mid-face solid nodes for
quadratic elements. One dependent and an unlimited
number of independent terms can be specified. Each term
consists of a single node.

Whenever a list of degrees-of-freedom is expected for an MPC term, a listbox containing the valid
degrees-of-freedom is displayed on the form. A degree-of-freedom is valid if:
1. It is valid for the current Analysis Type Preference.
2. It is valid for the selected MPC type.
In most cases, all degrees-of-freedom which are valid for the current Analysis Type preference are valid
for the MPC type.
The following degrees-of-freedom are supported by the Patran ABAQUS MPCs for the various
analysis types:

Degrees-of-Freedom Analysis Type

UX Structural
UY Structural
UZ Structural
RX Structural
RY Structural
RZ Structural
Temperature Thermal

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 31
Finite Elements

Note: Care must be taken to make sure that a degree-of-freedom selected for an MPC actually exists
at the nodes. For example, a node that is attached only to solid structural elements will not have
any rotational degrees-of-freedom. However, Patran will allow you to select rotational degrees-
of-freedom at this node when defining an MPC.

Explicit MPCs
Creates an *EQUATION option. (See Section 7.8.3 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual). No
constant term is allowed for this type of equation. The A1 multiplier for the dependent term will be set
to -1.0 to create the desired equation.

Main Index
32 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Finite Elements

Rigid (Fixed) MPCs

Creates an *MPC option of type BEAM for each dependent node (see Section 7.8.4 in the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual). This provides a rigid beam between two nodes to constrain the
displacement and rotation at the first node to the displacement and rotation at the second node,
corresponding to the presence of a rigid beam between the two nodes.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 33
Finite Elements

Rigid (Pinned) MPCs

Creates an *MPC of type LINK for each dependent node (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual). This provides a pinned rigid link between two nodes in order to keep the distance
between the two nodes constant. The displacements of the first node are modified to enforce this
constraint. The rotations at the nodes, if any, are not involved in this constraint.

Main Index
34 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Finite Elements

Linear Surf-Surf MPCs

Creates an *MPC option of type LINEAR (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).
This is the standard method for mesh refinement of first-order elements.
This MPC constrains each degree-of-freedom at the dependent node to be interpolated linearly from the
corresponding degrees-of-freedom at the independent nodes

Note: Linear Surf-Surf and Linear Surf-Vol MPCs both generate the ABAQUS ∗MPC type LINEAR.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 35
Finite Elements

Linear Surf-Vol MPCs

Creates an *MPC option of type SS LINEAR (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s
This is the standard method for mesh refinement of first-order elements. This MPC constrains each
degree-of-freedom at the dependent node to be interpolated linearly from the corresponding degrees-of-
freedom at the independent nodes.

Note: Linear Surf-Surf and Linear Surf-Vol MPCs both generate the ABAQUS ∗MPC type SS

Main Index
36 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Finite Elements

Linear Vol-Vol MPCs

Creates an *MPC option of type BILINEAR (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s
Manual). This is a standard method for mesh refinement of first-order solid elements in three dimensions.
This MPC constrains each degree-of-freedom at the dependent node to be interpolated bilinearly from
the corresponding degrees-of-freedom at the independent nodes.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 37
Finite Elements

Quad. Surf-Surf MPCs

Creates an *MPC option of type QUADRATIC (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s
Manual). This is a standard method for mesh refinement of second-order elements.
This MPC constrains each degree-of-freedom at the dependent node to be interpolated quadratically from
the corresponding degrees-of-freedom at the independent nodes.

Note: Quad Surf-Surf and Quad Surf-Vol MPCs both generate the ABAQUS *MPC type

Main Index
38 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Finite Elements

Quad. Surf-Vol MPCs

Creates an *MPC option of type SS BILINEAR (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s
Manual). This is a standard method for mesh refinement of second-order elements.
This MPC constrains each degree-of-freedom at the dependent node to be interpolated quadratically from
the corresponding degrees-of-freedom at the independent nodes.

Note: Quad Surf-Surf and Quad Surf-Vol MPCs both generate the ABAQUS ∗MPC type SS

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 39
Finite Elements

Quad. Vol-Vol MPCs

Creates an *MPC option of type C BIQUAD (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s
Manual). This is a standard method for mesh refinement of second-order solid elements in three
This MPC constrains each degree-of-freedom at the dependent node to be interpolated by a constrained
biquadratic from the corresponding degrees-of-freedom at the eight independent nodes.

Main Index
40 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Finite Elements

Slider MPCs
Creates an *MPC option of type SLIDER (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).
This MPC will keep a node on a straight line defined by two other nodes, but allows the possibility of
moving along the line, and the line to change length.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 41
Finite Elements

Main Index
42 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Finite Elements

Elbow MPCs
Creates an *MPC option of type ELBOW (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).
This MPC constrains two ELBOW31 or ELBOW32 elements together, where the cross-sectional
direction changes.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 43
Finite Elements

Pin MPCs
Creates an *MPC option of type PIN (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual). This
MPC provides a pinned joint between two nodes. This makes the displacements equal, but leaves the
rotations, if they exist, independent of each other.

Tie MPCs
Creates an *MPC option of type TIE (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual). This
MPC makes all active degrees-of-freedom equal at two nodes.
If there are different degrees-of-freedom active at the two nodes, only those in common will be
constrained. It is usually used to join two parts of a mesh when corresponding nodes on the two parts are
to be fully connected.

Main Index
44 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Finite Elements

Revolute MPCs
Creates an *MPC option of type REVOLUTE (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 45
Finite Elements

Main Index
46 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Finite Elements

V Local MPCs
Creates an *MPC option of type V LOCAL (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 47
Finite Elements

Universal MPCs
Creates an *MPC option of type UNIVERSAL (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual).

SS Linear MPCs
Creates an *MPC option of type SS LINEAR (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s
Manual). This MPC is used to constrain a shell node to a solid node line for linear elements (S4R or
S4R5; C3D8, C3D8R; SAX1; CAX4; etc.) or for midside lines on quadratic elements (S8R, S8R5;
C3D20, C3D20R; etc.).
This MPC is only valid for small rotations.

Main Index
48 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Finite Elements

SS Bilinear MPCs
Creates an *MPC option of type SS BILINEAR (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s
Manual). This MPC is used to constrain a corner node of a quadratic shell element (S8R, S8R5) to a line
of edge nodes on 20-node bricks.
This MPC is only valid for small rotations.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 49
Finite Elements

SSF Bilinear MPCs

Creates an *MPC option of type SSF BILINEAR (see Section 7.8.4 in the ABAQUS/Standard User’s
Manual). This MPC is used to constrain a corner node of a quadratic shell element (S8R, S8R5) to a line
of edge nodes on 20-node bricks.
This MPC is only valid for small rotations.

Main Index
50 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Finite Elements

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 51
Material Library

Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

Material Library
Selecting Materials from this Patran window displays the main form for the creation of materials. The
following sections provide an introduction to the Materials form, followed by the details of all the
material property definitions supported by the Patran ABAQUS Application Interface.

Main Index
52 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form

Materials Form
The Materials form shown below provides the following options for the purpose of creating
ABAQUS materials.

Change Material Status

The approach to defining material properties in Patran is similar to that in ABAQUS; the complete
material model is defined by individually defining the necessary constitutive models. For example, to
define a material for a plasticity analysis, one would first define the elastic properties and select Apply.
Then the plastic properties are defined by selecting Plastic as Option 1, the yield criteria as Option 2, the
hardening law as Option 3, entering the appropriate data and pushing Apply.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 53
Materials Form

Not all constitutive model options are valid for a particular material in a particular ABAQUS analysis.
For example, it is not permissible to have both elastic and hyperelastic properties defined for the same
ABAQUS material. Patran, however, allows these different constitutive models to be defined and then
“deactivated” for a given ABAQUS analysis. This is done on the form displayed when the Change
Material Status button is selected on the main Materials form. For example, if a user defines both Elastic
and Hyperelastic properties for a given material, one of these constitutive options must be deactivated on
the Change Material Status form before initiating the ABAQUS analysis.

Temperature Dependence
ABAQUS allows most material properties to be functions of temperature. The ABAQUS interface in
Patran generally supports this as well. The first step in defining a temperature dependent material
property is to define a temperature dependent material field in the Fields application. This field can then
be selected from a listbox on the Materials, Input Options form. When the databox for a material property
that may be temperature dependent is selected, the fields listbox appears.
The following table shows the allowable selections for all options when the Action is set to Create and
the Analysis Type in the Analysis Preference form is set to Structural. The various options have different
names, depending on previous selections.

Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic • Elastic Material Failure Theory
Hyperelastic Incompressible Test Data

• Ogden
• Polynomial

• Ogden
• Mooney Rivlin
• Neo Hookean
• Polynomial
Slightly Compressible Test Data

• Ogden
• Polynomial

• Ogden
• Polynomial

Main Index
54 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form

Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Compressible Test Data

• Ogden

• Ogden
Viscoelastic Frequency • Formula
• Tabular
Time • Prony
• Creep Test Data
• Combined Creep Test Data
• Relaxation Test Data
• Combined Relax Test Data
• Deformation
Plastic Mises/Hill • Perfect Plasticity
• Isotropic
• Kinematic
• Drucker-Prager Compression


Modified D-Prager/Cap Cap Hardening
Creep • Time
• Strain
• Hyperbolic
2D • Elastic Material Failure Theory
Viscoelastic Frequency • Formula
Time • Prony
• Creep Test Data
Combined Creep Test Data
• Relaxation Test Data
Combined Relax Test Data

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 55
Materials Form

Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Plastic Mises/Hill • Perfect Plasticity
• Isotropic
• Kinematic
• Drucker-Prager Compression


Modified D-Prager/Cap Cap Hardening
Creep • Time
• Strain
• Hyperbolic
3D • Elastic Engineering Constants Material Failure Theory
• [D] Matrix
Viscoelastic Frequency • Formula
Time • Prony
• Creep Test Data
Combined Creep Test Data
• Relaxation Test Data
Combined Relax Test Data
Plastic Mises/Hill • Perfect Plasticity
• Isotropic
• Kinematic
• Drucker-Prager Compression


Modified D-Prager/Cap Cap Hardening
Creep • Time
• Strain
• Hyperbolic

Main Index
56 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form

Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

3D • Elastic [D] Matrix Material Failure Theory
Viscoelastic Frequency • Formula
Time • Prony
• Creep Test Data
Combined Creep Test Data
• Relaxation Test Data
Combined Relax Test Data
Plastic Mises/Hill • Perfect Plasticity
• Isotropic
• Kinematic
• Drucker-Prager Compression


Modified D-Prager/Cap Cap Hardening
Creep • Time
• Strain
• Hyperbolic
Composite • Laminate
Rule of Mixtures

HAL Cont. Fiber

HAL Disc. Fiber

HAL Cont. Ribbon

HAL Disc. Ribbon

HAL Particulate

Short Fiber 1D

Short Fiber 2D

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 57
Materials Form

The following table shows the allowable selections for all options when the Action is set to Create and
the Analysis Type is set to Thermal in the Analysis Preference form. The various options have different
names, depending on previous selections.

Object Option 1
Isotropic Thermal
3D Orthotropic Thermal
3D Anisotropic
Composite Laminate

Rule of Mixtures

HAL Cont. Fiber

HAL Disc. Fiber

HAL Cont. Ribbon

HAL Disc. Ribbon

HAL Particulate

Short Fiber 1D

Short Fiber 2D

Main Index
58 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form



Object Option 1 Option 2

Isotropic Elastic Material Failure Theory

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 59
Materials Form

More data input is available for defining the Elastic properties for the Isotropic materials. Listed below
are the descriptions for the remaining material properties.

Property Name Description

Reference Temperature This is the reference value of temperature for the coefficient of
thermal expansion. The thermal strain in the material is based on
the difference between the current temperature and this reference
value (default is 0.0).
Thermal Expansion Coeff Coefficient of thermal expansion for the isotropic material.
Fraction Critical Damping Set this parameter equal to the fraction of critical damping to be
used with this material in calculating composite damping factors
for the modes (for use in modal dynamics). The default is 0.0. The
value is ignored in direct integration dynamics.
Mass Propornl Damping Factor for mass proportional damping in direct integration
dynamics (default = 0.0). This value is ignored in modal dynamics.
Stiffness Propornl Damping Factor for stiffness proportional damping in direct integration
dynamics (default = 0.0). This value is ignored in modal dynamics.

Main Index
60 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic Hyperelastic Incompressible Test Data -

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 61
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic Hyperelastic Incompressible Coefficients - Ogden

Main Index
62 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic Hyperelastic Incompressible Coefficients -
Moony Rivlin
Neo Hookean

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 63
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic Hyperelastic Slightly Compressible Test Data -

Main Index
64 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic Hyperelastic Slightly Compressible Coefficients - Ogden

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 65
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic Hyperelastic Slightly Compressible Coefficients - Polynomial

Main Index
66 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic Hyperelastic Compressible Test Data - Ogden

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 67
Materials Form

More data input is available for defining the Hyperelastic properties. Listed below are the descriptions
for the remaining material properties.

Property Name Description

Volumetric Pressure Material field defining volume ratio (current volume/original
volume) as a function of pressure. This field appears on the
Poisson’s Ratio Effective Poisson’s ratio of the material which will be equal to all
ν i . This is the value of the POISSON parameter on the
*HYPERFOAM option. If no value is given, the lateral strains
should be entered.
Density Defines the material mass density. This quantity appears on the
*DENSITY option.
Thermal Expansion Coeff Coefficient of thermal expansion for the isotropic material. This
parameter appears as a on the *EXPANSION option.

Main Index
68 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic Hyperelastic Compressible Coefficients - Ogden

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 69
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic, 2D Orthotropic, Viscoelastic Frequency Tabular

3D Orthotropic or 3D Anisotropic Formula

Main Index
70 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic, 2D Orthotropic, Viscoelastic Time Prony

3D Orthotropic or 3D Anisotropic

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 71
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic, 2D Orthotropic, Viscoelastic Time Creep Test Data

3D Orthotropic or 3D Anisotropic Combined Creep Test Data

Main Index
72 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic, 2D Orthotropic, Viscoelastic Time Relaxation Test Data

3D Orthotropic or 3D Anisotropic Combined Relax Test Data

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 73
Materials Form

Deformation Plasticity

Object Option 1
Isotropic Deformation Plasticity

Main Index
74 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic, 2D Orthotropic, Plastic Mises/Hill Perfect Plasticity

3D Orthotropic or 3D Anisotropic

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 75
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic, 2DOrthotropic, Plastic Mises/Hill Isotropic

3DOrthotropic or 3D Anisotropic

Main Index
76 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic, 2D Orthotropic, Plastic Mises/Hill Kinematic

3DOrthotropic or 3D Anisotropic

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 77
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic, 2D Orthotropic, Plastic Drucker-Prager Compression

3D Orthotropic or 3D Anisotropic Tension


Main Index
78 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Isotropic, 2D Orthotropic, Plastic Modified Cap Hardening
3D Orthotropic or 3D Anisotropic

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 79
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2

Isotropic, 2D Orthotropic, Creep Time

3D Orthotropic or 3D Anisotropic Strain

Main Index
80 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2

Isotropic, 2D Orthotropic, Creep Hyperbolic

3D Orthotropic or 3D Anisotropic

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 81
Materials Form

2D Orthotropic (Lamina)


Option 1 Option 2
Elastic Material Failure Theory

Main Index
82 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form

3D Orthotropic


Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Elastic Engineering Constants Material Failure Theory

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 83
Materials Form


Object Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

3D Orthotropic Elastic [D] Matrix Material Failure Theory

Main Index
84 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form

3D Anisotropic


Option 1 Option 2
Elastic [D] Matrix

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 85
Materials Form

More data input is available for defining the Elastic properties for the 3D Anisotropic materials. Listed
below are the descriptions for the remaining material properties.

Property Name Desciption

D1212 (C34) Coefficients in the 6 x 6 stress-strain matrix for the 3D
anisotropic material.
D1212 (C44)

D1113 (C15)

D2213 (C25)

D3313 (C35)

D1213 (C45)

D1313 (C55)

D1123 (C16)

D2223 (C26)

D3323 (C36)

D1223 (C46)

D1323 (C56)

D2323 (C66)
Density Defines the material mass density.

Main Index
86 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form

Isotropic (Thermal)

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 87
Materials Form

3D Orthotropic (Thermal)

Main Index
88 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Materials Form

3D Anisotropic (Thermal)

The Composite forms allow existing materials to be combined to create new materials. All of the
composite materials, with the exception of the laminated composites, can be assigned to elements like
any homogeneous material through the element property forms. For the laminated composites, the
section thickness is entered indirectly through the definition of the stack, and the Homogeneous option
on the Element Properties Form for shells, plates and beam must be changed to Laminate to avoid reentry
of this information.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 89
Materials Form

For details on how to use these forms, refer to the Composite Materials Construction (p. 116) in the Patran
Reference Manual.


Main Index
90 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Patran I nterface to ABAQU S Preference Gu ide

Element Properties
By choosing the Element Properties item, located on the application switch for Patran, an element
properties form will appear. When creating element properties, several option menus are available. The
selections made in these option menus will determine which element property form is presented, and
ultimately, which ABAQUS element will be created.
The following pages give an introduction to the Element Properties form, followed by the details of all
the element property definitions supported by the Patran ABAQUS Application Preference.

Element Properties Form

When Element Properties is selected on the main menu, this is the form which will be displayed. Four
option menus on this form are used to determine which ABAQUS element types are to be created, and
which property forms are to be displayed. The individual property forms are documented later in this
section. For more details, see the Element Properties Forms (p. 67) in the Patran Reference Manual.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 91
Element Properties

Main Index
92 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

The following table shows the allowable selections for all option menus when Analysis Type is set to

Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Name

0D • Mass MASS
• Rotary Inertia ROTARYI
Grounded Spring • Linear SPRING1
• Nonlinear SPRING2
Grounded Damper • Linear DASHPOT1
• Nonlinear DASHPOT2
IRS (single node) • Planar Elastic Slip Soft Contact IRS12
Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No
• Spatial Elastic Slip Soft Contact IRS13
Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No
1D Beam in XY Plane • General Section Standard Formulation B21, B22
Hybrid B21H, B22H
Cubic Interpolation B23
Cubic Hybrid B23H
• Box Section Standard Formulation B21, B22
B21H, B22H
Hybrid B23
Cubic Interpolation B23H
Cubic Hybrid
• Circular Beam Standard Formulation B21, B22
(Solid) Hybrid B21H, B22H
Cubic Interpolation B23
Cubic Hybrid B23H

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 93
Element Properties

Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Name

• Hexagonal Beam Standard Formulation B21, B22
Hybrid B21H, B22H
Cubic Interpolation B23
Cubic Hybrid B23H
• I Section Standard Formulation B21, B22
Hybrid B21H, B22H
Cubic Interpolation B23
Cubic Hybrid B23H
• Pipe Section Standard Formulation B21, B22
Hybrid B21H, B22H
Cubic Interpolation B23
Cubic Hybrid B23H
• Rectangular Standard Formulation B21, B22
Section Hybrid B21H, B22H
Cubic Interpolation B23
Cubic Hybrid B23H
• Trapezoid Section Standard Formulation B21, B22
Hybrid B21H, B22H
Cubic Interpolation B23
Cubic Hybrid B23H
Beam in Space • General Section Standard Formulation B31, B32
Hybrid B31H, B32H
Cubic Interpolation B33
Cubic Hybrid B33H
Cubic Initially Straight B34
• Arbitrary Section Standard Formulation B31, B32
Hybrid B31H, B32H
Cubic Interpolation B33
Cubic Hybrid B33H
Cubic Initially Straight B34
• Box Section Standard Formulation B31, B32
Hybrid B31H, B32H
Cubic Interpolation B33
Cubic Hybrid B33H
Cubic Initially Straight B34
• Circular Section Standard Formulation B31, B32
Hybrid B31H, B32H
Cubic Interpolation B33
Cubic Hybrid B33H
Cubic Initially Straight B34
• Curved w/Pipe Standard Formulation ELBOW31,
Section Ovalization Only ELBOW32
Ovalization Only with ELBOW31B
Approximated Fourier ELBOW31C
• Hexagonal Section Standard Formulation B31, B32
Hybrid B31H, B32H
Cubic Interpolation B33
Cubic Hybrid B33H
Cubic Initially Straight B34

Main Index
94 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Name

• I Section Standard Formulation B31, B32
Hybrid B31H, B32H
Cubic Interpolation B33
Cubic Hybrid B33H
Cubic Initially Straight B34
• L Section Standard Formulation B31, B32
Hybrid B31H, B32H
Cubic Interpolation B33
Cubic Hybrid B33H
Cubic Initially Straight B34
• Open Section Standard Formulation B31OS, B32OS
Hybrid B31OSH,
• Pipe Section Standard Formulation B31, B32
Hybrid B31H, B32H
Cubic Interpolation B33
Cubic Hybrid B33H
Cubic Initially Straight B34
• Rectangular Standard Formulation B31, B32
Section Hybrid B31H, B32H
Cubic Interpolation B33
Cubic Hybrid B33H
Cubic Initially Straight B34
• Trapezoidal Standard Formulation B31, B32
Section Hybrid B31H, B32H
Cubic Interpolation B33
Cubic Hybrid B33H
Cubic Initially Straight B34
• Truss Standard Formulation CID2, CID3
Hybrid CID2H, CID3H
Spring Linear • Standard Formulation SPRINGA
Fixed Direction SPRING2
Nonlinear • Standard Formulation
Fixed Direction
Damper Linear • Standard Formulation DASHPOTA
Fixed Direction DASHPOT2
Nonlinear • Standard Formulation
Fixed Direction

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 95
Element Properties

Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Name

1D Gap • Cylindrical True Distance GAPCYL
Elastic Slip Soft Contact
(continued) Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No
• Spherical True Distance GAPSPHER
Elastic Slip Soft Contact
Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No
• Uniaxial True Distance GAPUNI
Elastic Slip Soft Contact
Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No
Axisym Shell • Homogeneous SAX1, SAX2
• Laminate

Main Index
96 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Name

1D • 1D Interface Elastic Slip Soft Contact INTER1
Elastic Slip Hard
(continued) Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis
Elastic Slip Vis
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
No Separation
ISL (in plane) • Planar Elastic Slip Soft Contact ISL21, ISL22
Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No
• Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Soft Contact ISL21A,
Elastic Slip Hard Contact ISL22A
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No
ISL (in space) • Parallel Elastic Slip Soft Contact ISL31, ISL32
Elastic Slip Hard Contact ISL31, ISL32
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
No Separation

Lagrange Vis Damping

Lagrange Vis Damping No


Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 97
Element Properties

Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Name

1D ISL (in space) • Radial Elastic Slip Soft Contact ISL31A,
(continued) Elastic Slip Hard Contact ISL32A
(continued) Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No
• Slide Line --
IRS (planar/axisym) • Planar Elastic Slip Soft Contact IRS21, IRS22
Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No
• Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Soft Contact IRS21A,
Elastic Slip Hard Contact IRS22A
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No
Separation1D (cont.)
• IRS Elastic Slip Soft Contact IRS31, IRS32
(beam/pipe) Elastic Slip Hard
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis
Elastic Slip Vis
Damping No
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
No Separation

Main Index
98 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Name

1D • Rigid Surf --
(continued) --
• Rigid Surf (Cyl)
• Rigid Surf (Axi)
• Rigid Surf --
R2D2, RAX2
• Rigid Line
• Rebar Axisymmetric SFMAX1,
General Axisymmetric SFMGAX1,
• Mech Joint (2D
• Mech Joint (3D

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 99
Element Properties

Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Name

• 1D Gasket Axisymmetric Link Gasket Behavior Model GKAX2
Thickness Behavior Only GKAX2N
Built-in Material GKAX2
3D Link Gasket Behavior Model GK3D2
Thickness Behavior Only GK3D2N
Built-in Material GK3D2
2D Link Gasket Behavior Model GK2D2
Thickness Behavior Only GK2D2N
Built-in Material GK2D2

Main Index
100 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Name

2D Shell Thin • Homogeneous STRI35, S4R5,
STRI65, S8R5,
Laminate S9R5
Thick Homogeneous S3R, S4R,
• General Thin Homogeneous STRI35, S4R5,
STRI65, S8R5,
Laminate S9R5
• General Thick Homogeneous S3R, S4R,
• Large Strain
• General Large S3R, S4R, S8R
2D Solid • Plane Strain Standard Formulation CPE3, CPE4,
Hybrid CPE3H,
Hybrid / Reduced CPE4RH,
Integration CPE8RH
Reduced Integration CPE4R, CPE8R
Incompatible Modes CPE4I
Hybrid/Incompatible CPE4IH
Modes CPE6M,
Modified CPE6MH
• Plane Stress Standard Formulation CPS3, CPS4,
Reduced Integration CPS6, CPS8
Incompatible Modes CPS4R, CPS8R
Modified CPS4I
Modified/Hybrid CPS6M,

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 101
Element Properties

Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Name

2D 2D Solid • Axisymmetric Standard Formulation CAX3, CAX4,
(continued) CAX6, CAX8
(continued) Hybrid CAX3H,
Hybrid/Reduced CAX4RH,
Integration CAX8RH
Reduced Integration CAX4R,
Incompatible Modes CAX4I
Hybrid/Incompatible CAX4IH
Modified CAX6M
Modified/Hybrid CAX6MH
• Axisymmetric with Standard Formulation CGAX3,
Twist CGAX4,
Hybrid CGAX3H,
Hybrid/Reduced CGAX4RH,
Integration CGAX8RH
Reduced Integration CGAX4R,
• Membrane Standard Formulation M3D3, M3D4,
M3D6, M3D8,
Reduced Integration M3D4R,
2D Interface • Planar Elastic Slip Soft Contact INTER2,
Elastic Slip Hard Contact INTER3
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No

Main Index
102 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Name

2D 2D Solid • Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Soft Contact INTER2A,
(continued) Elastic Slip Hard Contact INTER3A
(continued) Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No
IRS (shell/solid) Elastic Slip Soft Contact IRS3, IRS4,
Elastic Slip Hard IRS9
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis
Elastic Slip Vis
Damping No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
No Separation
• Rigid Surf --
• Rigid R3D3, R3D4
• 2D Rebar Cylindrical SFMCL9
General Standard Formulation SFM3D3,
Reduced Integration SFM3D4R,
• 2D Gasket Plane Strain Gasket Behavior Model GKPE4
Built-in Material GKPE4
Plane Stress Gasket Behavior Model GKPS4
Thickness Behavior Only GKPS4N
Built-in Material GKPS4
Axisymmetric Gasket Behavior Model GKAX4
Thickness Behavior Only GKAX4N
Built-in Material GKAX4

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 103
Element Properties

Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Name

Line Gasket Behavior Mode GK3D4L
Thickness Behavior Only GK3D4LN
Built-in Material GK3D4L
3D • Solid Standard Formulation C3D4, C3D6,
C3D8, C3D10,
Laminate C3D15, C3D20
Hybrid C3D4H,
Laminate C3D8H,
Hybrid/Red Integration C3D8RH,
Laminate C3D20RH
Reduced Integration C3D8R,
Laminate C3D20R
Incompatible Modes C3D8I
Hybrid/Incomp Modes C3D8IH


Modified C3D10M

Modified/Hybrid C3D1OH
• 3D Interface Elastic Slip Soft Contact INTER4,
Elastic Slip Hard INTER8,
Contact INTER9
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis
Elastic Slip Vis
Damping No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
No Separation
• Gasket Gasket Behavior Model GK3D8,
Thickness Behavior GK3D8N,
Only GK3D6N
Built-in Material GK3D8,

Main Index
104 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

The following table shows the allowable selections for all option menus when Analysis Type is set to

Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Name

1D • Link DCID2, DCID3
Axisymmetric • Homogeneous DSAX1, DSAX2
Shell • Laminate
• 1D Interface DINTER1
2D Shell • Homogeneous DS4, DS8
• Laminate
2D Solid • Planar Standard Formulation DC2D2, DC2D4,
DC2D6, DC2D8

• Axisymmetric Standard Formulation DCAX3,

Convection/Diffusion DCCAX4

Convection/Diffusion DCCAX4D
• 2D Interface Planar DINTER2,
Axisymmetric DINTER2A,

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 105
Element Properties

Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Name

3D • Solid Standard Formulation DC3D4, DC3D6,
Convection/Diffusion DCC3D8
Convection/Diffusion DCC3D8D
with Dispersion
• 3D Interface DINTER4,

Main Index
106 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Point Mass

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 0D Mass Point/1

Options above create MASS elements with ∗MASS properties.This creates a concentrated mass at a
point. The mass is associated with the translational degrees-of-freedom at a node.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 107
Element Properties

Rotary Inertia

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 0D Rotary Inertia Point/1

Options above createROTARI elements with ∗ROT ARY INERTIA properties. This element allows the
rotary inertia of a rigid body to be included at a node. An ∗ORIENTATION option may also be created,
as required.

Main Index
108 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Linear Spring (Grounded)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 0D Grounded Spring Linear Point/1

Options above create SPRING1 elements with ∗SPRING properties. This element defines a linear spring
between a node and ground. An ∗ORIENTATION option may also be created, as required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 109
Element Properties

Nonlinear Spring (Grounded)

Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 0D Grounded Spring Nonlinear Point/1

Options above create SPRING1 elements with ∗SPRING properties. This element defines a nonlinear
spring between a node and ground. An ∗ORIENTATION option may also be created, as required.

Linear Damper (Grounded)

Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 0D Grounded Damper Linear Point/1

Main Index
110 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Options above create DASHPOT1 elements with ∗DASHPOT properties. This element defines a linear
damper between a node and ground. An ∗ORIENTATION option may also be created, as required.

Nonlinear Damper (Grounded)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 0D Grounded Damper Nonlinear Point/1

Options above create DASHPOT1 elements with ∗DASHPOT properties. This element defines a
nonlinear dashpot between a node and ground. An ∗ORIENTATION option may also be created, as

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 111
Element Properties

Main Index
112 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

IRS (Single Node, Planar)

Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 0D IRS Planar Elastic Slip Soft Contact Point/1
node) Elastic Slip Hard Contact

Lagrange Soft Contact

Lagrange Hard Contact

Elastic Slip No Separation

Lagrange No Separation

Elastic Slip Vis Damping

Elastic Slip Vis Damping No


Lagrange Vis Damping

Lagrange Vis Damping No


Options above create IRS12 elements with ∗INTERFACE and ∗FRICTION properties. This element
defines an interface between a node on a planar model and a rigid surface.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 113
Element Properties

More=data input is available for creating IRS (single node, planar) elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.
Elastic Slip, Slip Tolerance, and No Sliding Contact are mutually exclusive. If values are entered for more
than one of these options, all but the first will be ignored.

Property Name Description

Friction in Dir_1 Defines the sliding friction in the element’s 1 direction. This is the
friction coefficient on the second card of the *FRICTION option
Elastic Slip Defines the absolute magnitude of the allowable maximum elastic
slip to be used in the stiffness method for sticking friction. This is
the value of the ELASTIC SLIP parameter on the ∗FRICTION
Slip Tolerance Defines the value of F f , to redefine the ratio of allowable
maximum elastic slip to characteristic element length dimension.
The default is .005. This is the value of the SLIP TOLERANCE
parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Stiffness in Stick This is currently not used.

Main Index
114 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Maximum Friction Stress Defines the equivalent shear stress limit of the gap element. This is
the value of the TAUMAX parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Clearance Zero-Pressure Defines the clearance at which the contact pressure is 0. This is the
c value on the *SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real
Pressure Zero Clearance Defines the pressure at zero clearance. This is the p 0 value on the
*SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property is only
used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Overclosure Defines the maximum overclosure allowed in points not considered
in contact. This is the c value on the *SURFACE CONTACT
option. This property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This
is a real constant.
Maximum Negative Defines the magnitude of the maximum negative pressure allowed
to be carried across points in contact. This is the p 0 value on the
Pressure *SURFACE CONTACT option. This property is only used for the
Hard Contact option. This is a real constant.
No Sliding Contact Chooses the Lagrange multiplier formulation for sticking friction
when completely rough (no slip) friction is desired.
Clearance Zero Damping Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero.
Damping Zero Clearance Damping coefficient at zero clearance.
Frac Clearance Const Fraction of the clearance interval over which the damping
Damping coefficient is constant.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 115
Element Properties

IRS (Single Node, Spatial)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 0D IRS Spatial Elastic Slip Soft Contact Point/1
node) Elastic Slip Hard Contact

Lagrange Soft Contact

Lagrange Hard Contact

Elastic Slip No Separation

Lagrange No Separation

Elastic Slip Vis Damping

Elastic Slip Vis Damping

No Separation

Lagrange Vis Damping

Lagrange Vis Damping

No Separation

Options above create IRS13 elements with ∗INTERFACE and ∗FRICTION properties. This element
defines an interface between a node on a spatial model and a rigid surface.

Main Index
116 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating IRS (single node, spatial) elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.
Elastic Slip, Slip Tolerance, and No Sliding Contact are mutually exclusive. If values are entered for more
than one of these options, all but the first will be ignored.

Property Name Description

Friction in Dir_1 Defines the sliding friction in the element’s 1- and 2-directions. These are
the friction coefficients on the second card of the ∗FRICTION option. If
Friction in Dir_2 Friction in Dir_2 is specified, then the ANISOTROPIC parameter is
included on the ∗FRICTION option. These values can be either real
constants or references to existing field definitions.
Elastic Slip Defines the absolute magnitude of the allowable maximum elastic slip to
be used in the stiffness method for sticking friction. This is the value of
the ELASTIC SLIP parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Slip Tolerance Defines the value of F f , to redefine the ratio of allowable maximum
elastic slip to characteristic element length dimension. The default is
.005. This is the value of the SLIP TOLERANCE parameter on the
∗FRICTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 117
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Stiffness in Stick This is currently not used.
Maximum Friction Defines the equivalent shear stress limit of the gap element. This is the
equivalent shear stress limit value on the second card of the *FRICTION
Stress option.
Clearance Zero-Pressure Defines the clearance at which the contact pressure is 0. This is the
c value on the *SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Pressure Zero Clearance Defines the pressure at zero clearance. This is the p 0 value on the
*SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property is only used
for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Overclosure Defines the maximum overclosure allowed in points not considered in
contact. This is the c value on the *SURFACE CONTACT option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Negative Defines the magnitude of the maximum negative pressure allowed to be
carried across points in contact. This is the p 0 value on the *SURFACE
Pressure CONTACT option. This property is only used for the Hard Contact
option. This is a real constant.
No Sliding Contact Chooses the Language multiplier formulation for sticking friction when
completely rough (no slip) friction is desired.
Clearance Zero Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero.
Damping Zero Damping coefficient at zero clearance.
Frac Clearance Const Fraction of the clearance interval over which the damping coefficient is
Damping constant.

General Beam in Plane

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Beam in XY General Standard Formulation Bar/2, Bar/3
Plane Section
Hybrid Bar/2, Bar/3

Cubic Interpolation Bar/2

Cubic Hybrid Bar/2

Options above create B21, B22, B23, B21H, B22H, or B23H elements, depending on the specified
options and topology. ∗BEAM GENERAL SECTION, SECTION=GENERAL properties are also
created. This defines a general section beam which is restricted to remain in the XY plane.

Main Index
118 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating General Beam in Plane elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.

Property Name Description

Poisson Parameter Permits an “overall” change of the cross section dimensions as a
function of the axial strains. This is the value of the POISSON
parameter on the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION option.
Shear Factor The product of this factor, the beam cross-sectional area, and the
shear modulus for the material defines the transverse shear stiffness
for the beam.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 119
Element Properties

Box Beam in Plane/Space

Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 1D Beam in Box Section Standard Formulation Bar/2, Bar/3
XY Plane
Hybrid Bar/2, Bar/3

Cubic Interpolation Bar/2

Cubic Hybrid Bar/2

Options above create B21, B22, B23, B21H, B22H, or B23H elements in a plane, or B31, B32, B33, B34,
B31H, B32H or B33H elements in space, depending on the specified options and topology. ∗BEAM
SECTION, SECTION=BOX properties are also created. The planar box section beam is restricted to
remain in the XY-plane. For the spatial beam, ∗TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS is also created, as

Main Index
120 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 121
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating Box Beam in Plane elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.

Property Name Description

Thickness_RHS Defines the wall thickness of the element cross section. These are for
the right-hand side, top, left-hand side, and bottom, respectively.
Thickness_TOP These are four of the data values on the second card of the *BEAM
SECTION option. These can be either real constants or references to
Thickness_LHS existing field definitions. These properties are required.
Poisson Parameter Permits an “overall” change of the cross section dimensions as a
function of the axial strains. This is the value of the POISSON
parameter on the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION option.
Shear Factor The product of this factor, the beam cross-sectional area, and the shear
modulus for the material defines the transverse shear stiffness for the
Definition of XY Plane (for Defines the orientation of the XY-plane of the element coordinate
beams in space only) system. The required input is a vector in the beam’s 1-direction. This
corresponds to the second line of data under the *BEAM SECTION
option. All of the Patran tools are available via the select menu to
define this vector.

Beam Shape Display in Plane/Space

All of the beam shapes can be displayed in their proper orientation on the 3D model. To activate the
display, go to Display/Load/BC/Elem. Props... and set the "Beam Display" option. These options are
discribed in detail in Display>LBC/Element Property Attributes (p. 385) in the Patran Reference Manual.
The beam display is shown on beam elements only, not geometry.

Main Index
122 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Additional Beam Shapes in Plane/Space

Additional commonly used beam cross-sectional shapes are defined by forms analogous to that for box
beams. The planar option defines a beam which is restricted to remain in the XY plane. For the spatial
beam, *ORIENTATION and *TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS is also created, as required.


This property will have the SECTION=CIRC parameter. All that is required for the definition of the cross
section is the radius. The integration schemes for planar analysis (left) and spatial analysis(right) are
shown below.

This property will have the SECTION=HEX parameter. All that is required for the definition of the cross
section is the circumscribing radius and the wall thickness. The integration schemes for planar analysis
(left) and spatial analysis (right) are shown below.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 123
Element Properties

This property will have the SECTION=I parameter. The height of section, flange widths, and associated
thicknesses are required. In addition, the height of the centroid, depicted as “l” is also required. This
allows placement of the origin of the local cross-section axis anywhere on the symmetry line. Note also
that judicious specification of the flange widths and thicknesses will allow modelling of a T-section. See
p. 3.5.2-11 of the ABAQUS User’s Manual for details. The integration schemes for planar analysis (left)
and spatial analysis (right) are shown below.

This property will have the SECTION=PIPE parameter. The pipe thickness and outside radius define
the cross section. The integration schemes for planar analysis (left) and spatial analysis (right) are
shown below.

Main Index
124 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties


This property will have the SECTION=RECT parameter. The section width and section height define the
cross section. The integration schemes for planar analysis (left) and spatial analysis (right) are
shown below.


This property will have the SECTION=TRAP parameter. The top and bottom width and section height
define the cross section. The integration schemes for planar analysis (left) and spatial analysis (right) are
shown below.

General Beam in Space

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Beam in General Standard Formulation Bar/2, Bar/3
Space Section
Hybrid Bar/2, Bar/3

Cubic Interpolation Bar/2

Cubic Hybrid Bar/2

Cubic Initially Bar/2


Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 125
Element Properties

Options above create B31, B32, B33, B34, B31H, B32H, or B33H elements depending on the specified
options and topology. *BEAM GENERAL SECTION properties are also created. This property will have
options are also created, as required. This defines a general section beam.

More data input is available for creating General Beam in Space elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.

Main Index
126 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Area Moment I12 Defines the area moment of the element cross section. This is the I12
value on the second card of the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION
option. This can be either a real constant or a reference to an existing
field definition.
Torsional Constant Defines the torsional constant of the element cross section. This is the
J value on the second card of the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION
option. This can be either a real constant or a reference to an existing
field definition.
Definition of XY Plane Defines the orientation of the XY plane of the element coordinate
system. The required input is a vector in the beam’s 1-direction. This
corresponds to the second line of data under the ∗BEAM GENERAL
SECTION option. All of the Patran tools are available via the select
menu to define this vector.
Centroid Coord 1 Defines the location of the centroid of the cross section with respect
to the local cross section coordinate system. These values are either
Centroid Coord 2 real constants or references to existing field definitions. These are the
values on the ∗CENTROID suboption of the ∗BEAM GENERAL
SECTION option.
Shear Centroid Coord 1 Defines the location of the shear centroid of the cross section with
respect to the nodal locations. These values are measured in the local
Shear Centroid Coord 2 cross section coordinate system. These values are either real constants
or references to existing field definitions. These are the values on the
Poisson Parameter Permits an “overall” change of the cross section dimensions as a
function of the axial strains. This is the value of the POISSON
parameter on the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION option.
Shear Factor The product of this factor, the beam cross-sectional area, and the shear
modulus for the material defines the transverse shear stiffness for the
beam. This value appears on the ∗TRANSVERSE SHEAR
Section Point Coord 1 Defines the coordinates of points in the beam cross section where
output is requested. These are lists of real constants. These values are
Section Point Coord 2 measured in the beam cross section coordinate system. The lists must
have the same number of entries. These are the values on the
SECTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 127
Element Properties

Arbitrary Beam in Space

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Beam in Arbitrary Standard Bar/2, Bar/3
Space Section Formulation
Bar/2, Bar/3
Cubic Interpolation
Cubic Hybrid
Cubic Initially

Options above create B31, B32, B33, B34, B31H, B32H, or B33H elements depending on the specified
options and topology. ∗BEAM SECTION, SECTION=ARBITRARY properties are also created.
∗ORIENTATION and ∗TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS options are created, as required. This
defines an arbitrary section beam.

Main Index
128 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating Arbitrary Beam in Space elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu

Property Name Description

Definition of XY Plane Defines the cross section axis N1 of the beam such that the tangent
along the beam and the cross section axes N1 and N2 form a right-
hand rule. This is the data on the second card of the ∗BEAM
SECTION option. This is a real vector. This property is required.
Poisson Parameter Permits an “overall” change of the cross section dimensions as a
function of the axial strains. This is the value of the POISSON
parameter on the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 129
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Shear Factor The product of this factor, the beam cross-sectional area, and the shear
modulus for the material defines the transverse shear stiffness for the
beam. This value appears on the ∗TRANSVERSE SHEAR

Main Index
130 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Curved Pipe in Space

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Beam in Curved Standard Formulation Bar/2, Bar/3
Space w/Pipe
Section Ovalization Only Bar/2

Ovaliz Only w/ Approx Bar/2


Options above create ELBOW31, ELBOW32, ELBOW31B, or C elements depending on the specified
options and topology. ∗BEAM SECTION, SECTION=ELBOW properties are also created.
∗ORIENTATION and ∗TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS options are created, as required. This
defines an elbow element.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 131
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating Curved Pipe in Space elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.

Property Name Description

Torus Radius Defines the radius of the elbow bend. This is one of the data values on the
second card of the *BEAM SECTION option. This is either a real
constant or a reference to an existing field definition. This property is
Integ Points around Pi Defines the number of integration points to be used around the pipe cross
section. This is the second value on the fourth card of the *BEAM
SECTION option. This is an integer value. This property is required.

Main Index
132 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Point Tangents Inters Defines the orientation of the XY plane of the element coordinate system.
This is the data on the second card of the *BEAM SECTION option. This
is a Node ID. This property is required.
Integ Points thru Thick Defines the number of integration points to be used through the pipe wall
thickness. This is the first value on the fourth card of the *BEAM
SECTION option. This is an integer value.
# Ovalization Modes Defines the number of ovalization modes to be included in the shape
functions of this element. This is the third value of the fourth card of the
*BEAM SECTION option. This is an integer value.
Poisson Parameter Permits an “overall” change of the cross section dimensions as a function
of the axial strains. This is the value of the POISSON parameter on the
Shear Factor The product of this factor, the beam cross-sectional area, and the shear
modulus for the material defines the transverse shear stiffness for the
beam. This value appears on the ∗TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS

L-Section Beam in Space

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Beam in L-Section Standard Formulation Bar/2, Bar/3
Hybrid Bar/2, Bar/3

Cubic Interpolation Bar/2

Cubic Hybrid Bar/2

Cubic Initially Straight Bar/2

Options above create B31, B32, B33, B34, B31H, B32H, or B33H elements depending on the specified
options and topology. ∗BEAM SECTION, SECTION=L properties are also created.
∗ORIENTATION and ∗TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS options are created, as required. This
defines an L-section beam.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 133
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating L-Section Beam in Space elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.

Property Name Description

Definition of XY Defines the cross section axis N1 of the beam such that the tangent along the
Plane beam and the cross section axes N1 and N2 form a right-hand rule. This is
the data on the second card of the *BEAM SECTION option. This is a real
vector. This property is required.
Poisson Parameter Permits an “overall” change of the cross section dimensions as a function of
the axial strains. This is the value of the POISSON parameter on the ∗BEAM
SECTION option.

Main Index
134 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Shear Factor The product of this factor, the beam cross sectional area, and the shear
modulus for the material defines the transverse shear stiffness for the beam.
This value appears on the ∗TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS option.

Open Beam in Space

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Beam in Open Standard Formulation Bar/2, Bar/3
Space Section
Hybrid Bar/2, Bar/3

Options above create B31OS, B32OS, B31OSH, or B32OSH elements depending on the specified
options and topology. ∗BEAM GENERAL SECTION, SECTION=GENERAL properties are also
created. ∗ORIENTATION and ∗TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS options are created, as required.
This defines an open section beam.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 135
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating Open Beam in Space elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.

Property Name Description

Area Moment I12 Defines the area moment of the element cross section. This is the I12 value on
the second card of the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION option. This can be
either a real constant or a reference to an existing field definition.
Torsional Constant Defines the torsional constant of the element cross section. This is the J value
on the second card of the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION option. This can be
either a real constant or a reference to an existing field definition.

Main Index
136 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Definition of XY Plane Defines the cross section axis N1 of the beam such that the tangent along the
beam and the cross section axes N1 and N2 form a right-hand rule. This is the
data on the second card of the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION option. This is
a real vector. This property is required.
1st. Sectorial Moment This can be either a real constant or a reference to an existing field definition.
This property is required for open section beams.
Warping Constant This can be either a real constant or a reference to an existing field definition.
This property is required for open section beams.
Centroid Coord 1 Defines the location of the centroid of the cross section with respect to the
local cross section coordinate system. These values are either real constants
Centroid Coord 2 or references to existing field definitions. These are the values on the
∗CENTROID suboption of the ∗BEAM GENERAL SECTION option.
Shear Center Coord 1 Defines the location of the shear centroid of the cross section with respect to
the local cross section coordinate system. These values are either real
Shear Center Coord 2 constants or references to existing field definitions. These are the values on
Poisson Parameter Permits an “overall” change of the cross section dimensions as a function of
the axial strains. This is the value of the POISSON parameter on the *BEAM
Shear Factor The product of this factor, the beam cross-sectional area, and the shear
modulus for the material defines the transverse shear stiffness for the beam.
This value appears on the ∗TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS option.
Section Point Coord 1 Defines the coordinates of points in the beam cross section where output is
requested. These are lists of real constants. These values are measured in the
Section Point Coord 2 beam cross section coordinate system. The lists must have the same number
of entries. These are the values on the ∗SECTION POINTS suboption of the


Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Truss Standard Bar/2. Bar/3
Bar/2. Bar/3

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 137
Element Properties

Options above create T3D2, T3D2H, T3D3, or T3D3H elements depending on the specified options and
topology. *SOLID SECTION properties are also created. The cross sectional area is included on the

Linear Spring (Axial)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Spring Linear Standard Formulation Bar/2

Options above create SPRINGA elements with *SPRING properties. This element defines a linear spring
between two nodes whose line of action is the line joining the two nodes.

Main Index
138 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Linear Spring (Fixed Direction)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Spring Linear Fixed Direction Bar/2

Options above create SPRING2 elements with *SPRING properties.This element defines a linear spring
between specified degrees-of-freedoms at two nodes. An *ORIENTATION option may also be created,
as required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 139
Element Properties

Nonlinear Spring (Axial)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Spring Nonlinear Standard Bar/2

Options above create SPRINGA elements with *SPRING properties.This element defines a nonlinear
spring between two nodes whose line of action is the line joining the two nodes.

Main Index
140 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Nonlinear Spring (Fixed Direction)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Spring Nonlinear Fixed Direction Bar/2

Options above create SPRING2 elements with ∗SPRING properties. This element type defines a
nonlinear spring between two nodes, acting in a fixed direction. An ∗ORIENTATION option may also
be created, as required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 141
Element Properties

Linear Damper (Axial)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Damper Linear Standard Bar/2

Options above create DASHPOTA elements with ∗DASHPOT properties. This element type defines a
linear damper between two nodes whose line of action is the line joining the two nodes.

Main Index
142 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Linear Damper (Fixed Direction)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Damper Linear Fixed Direction Bar/2

Options above create DASHPOT2 elements with ∗DASHPOT properties. This element type defines a
linear damper between two nodes, acting in a fixed direction. An ∗lofbkq^qflk option may also be
created, as required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 143
Element Properties

Nonlinear Damper (Axial)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Damper Nonlinear Standard Bar/2

Options above create DASHPOTA elements with ∗DASHPOT properties. This element type defines a
nonlinear damper between two nodes whose line of action is the line joining the two nodes.

Main Index
144 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Nonlinear Damper (Fixed Direction)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Damper Nonlinear Fixed Direction Bar/2

Options above create DASHPOT2 elements with ∗a^pemlq properties. This element type defines a
nonlinear damper between two specified nodes, acting in a fixed direction. An ∗lofbkq^qflk option
may also be created, as required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 145
Element Properties

Gap (Uniaxial), Gap (Cylindrical)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Gap Cylindrical True Distance Bar/2

Uniaxial Elastic Slip Soft Contact

Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No

Main Index
146 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Options above create GAPUNI or GAPCYL elements with *GAP properties. The ∗FRICTION option is
created, as required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 147
Element Properties

Gap (Spherical)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Gap Spherical True Distance Bar/2
Elastic Slip Soft Contact
Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No

Options above create GAPSPHER elements with *GAP properties. The *FRICTION option is created,
as required.

Main Index
148 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Axisymmetric Shell

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Axisymmetric Homogeneous Bar/2 Bar/3

Options above create SAX1 or SAX2 elements, depending on the specified topology, with *SHELL
SECTION properties.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 149
Element Properties

Axisymmetric Shell (Laminate)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Axisymmetric Shell Laminate Bar/2

Options above create SAX1 or SAX2 elements, depending on the specified topology, with ∗SHELL

Main Index
150 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 151
Element Properties

1D Interface

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D 1D Elastic Slip Soft Contact Bar/2
Interface Elastic Slip Hard
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis
Elastic Slip Vis
Damping No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
No Separation

Options above create INTER1 elements with *INTERFACE, *FRICTION, and *SURFACE CONTACT
properties. The SOFTENED parameter on the *SURFACE CONTACT option may be included,
depending on the selected option. This element defines an interface region between two portions of an
axisymmetric model. These elements must be created from one contact surface to the other.

Main Index
152 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating 1D Interface elements by scrolling down the input properties
menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu. Elastic
Slip, Slip Tolerance, and No Sliding Contact are mutually exclusive. If values are entered for more than
one of these options, all but the first will be ignored.

Property Name Description

Elastic Slip Defines the absolute magnitude of the allowable maximum elastic slip
to be used in the stiffness method for sticking friction. This is the value
of the ELASTIC SLIP parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Slip tolerance Defines the value of F f , to redefine the ratio of allowable maximum
elastic slip to characteristic element length dimension. The default is
.005. This is the value of the SLIP TOLERANCE parameter on the
∗FRICTION option.
Stiffness in Stick This is currently not used.
Maximum Friction Stress Defines the equivalent shear stress limit of the gap element. This is the
value of the TAUMAX parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 153
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Clearance Zero-Pressure Defines the clearance at which the contact pressure is 0. This is the c
value on the ∗SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Pressure Zero Clearance Defines the pressure at zero clearance. This is the p 0 value on the
*SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property is only used
for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Overclosure Defines the maximum overclosure allowed in points not considered in
contact. This is the c value on the ∗SURFACE CONTACT option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Negative Defines the magnitude of the maximum negative pressure allowed to be
Pressure carried across points in contact. This is the p 0 value on the ∗SURFACE
CONTACT option. This property is only used for the Hard Contact
option. This is a real constant.
No Sliding Contact Chooses the Language multiplier formulation for sticking friction when
completely rough (no slip) friction is desired.
Clearance Zero Damping Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero.
Damping Zero Clearance Damping coefficient at zero clearance.
Frac Clearance Const Fraction of the clearance interval over which the damping coefficient
Damping is constant.

Planar ISL (In Plane)

Analysis Type n Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 1D ISL (in Planar Elastic Slip Soft Contact Bar/2, Bar/3
plane) Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
No Separation

Main Index
154 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Options above create ISL21 or ISL22 elements (depending on the selected topology) with *INTERFACE
and *FRICTION properties. This element defines an interface between the edge of an element on a planar
model and another part of the model.

More data input is available for creating Planar ISL (in plane) elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.
Elastic Slip, Slip Tolerance, and No Sliding Contact are mutually exclusive. If values are entered for more
than one of these options, all but the first will be ignored.

Property Name Description

Friction in Dir_1 Defines the sliding friction in the element’s 1 direction. This is the
friction coefficient on the second card of the *FRICTION option.
Elastic Slip Defines the absolute magnitude of the allowable maximum elastic slip to
be used in the stiffness method for sticking friction. This is the value of
the ELASTIC SLIP parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 155
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Slip Tolerance Defines the value of F f , to redefine the ratio of allowable maximum
elastic slip to characteristic element length dimension. The default is
.005. This is the value of the SLIP TOLERANCE parameter on the
∗FRICTION option.
Stiffness in Stick This is currently not used.
Maximum Friction Stress Defines the equivalent shear stress limit of the gap element. This is the
value of the TAUMAX parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Clearance Zero Pressure Defines the clearance at which the contact pressure is 0. This is the
c value on the ∗SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Press Zero Clearance Defines the pressure at zero clearance. This is the p 0 value on the
∗SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property is only used
for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Overclosure Defines the maximum overclosure allowed in points not considered in
contact. This is the c value on the *SURFACE CONTACT option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Negative Defines the magnitude of the maximum negative pressure allowed to be
carried across points in contact. This is the p 0 value on the ∗SURFACE
Pressure CONTACT option. This property is only used for the Hard Contact
option. This is a real constant.
No Sliding Contact Chooses the Language multiplier formulation for sticking friction when
completely rough (no slip) friction is desired.
Clearance Zero Damping Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero.
Damping Zero Clearance Damping coefficient at zero clearance.
Frac Clearance Const Fraction of the clearance interval over which the damping coefficient is
Damping constant.

Main Index
156 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Axisymmetric ISL (In Plane)

Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 1D ISL (in Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Soft Contact Bar/2, Bar/3
plane) Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No

Options above create ISL21A or ISL22A elements (depending on the selected topology) with
*INTERFACE and *FRICTION properties. This element defines an interface between the edge of an
element on an axisymmetric model and another part of the model.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 157
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating Axisymmetric ISL (in plane) elements by scrolling down the
input properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this
menu. Elastic Slip, Slip Tolerance, and No Sliding Contact are mutually exclusive. If values are entered
for more than one of these options, all but the first will be ignored.

Property Name Description

Friction in Dir_1 Defines the sliding friction in the element’s 1 direction. This is the
friction coefficient on the second card of the *FRICTION option.
Elastic Slip Defines the absolute magnitude of the allowable maximum elastic slip
to be used in the stiffness method for sticking friction. This is the value
of the ELASTIC SLIP parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Slip Tolerance Defines the value of F f , to redefine the ratio of allowable maximum
elastic slip to characteristic element length dimension. The default is
.005. This is the value of the SLIP TOLERANCE parameter on the
∗FRICTION option.
Stiffness in Stick This is currently not used.

Main Index
158 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Maximum Friction Stress Defines the equivalent shear stress limit of the gap element. This is the
value of the TAUMAX parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Clearance Zero Pressure Defines the clearance at which the contact pressure is 0. This is the c
value on the *SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real
Press Zero Clearance Defines the pressure at zero clearance. This is the p 0 value on the
∗SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property is only
used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Overclosure Defines the maximum overclosure allowed in points not considered in
contact. This is the c value on the *SURFACE CONTACT option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real
Maximum Negative Defines the magnitude of the maximum negative pressure allowed to
Pressure be carried across points in contact. This is the p 0 value on the
*SURFACE CONTACT option. This property is only used for the
Hard Contact option. This is a real constant.
No Sliding Contact Chooses the Language multiplier formulation for sticking friction
when completely rough (no slip) friction is desired.
Clearance Zero Damping Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero.
Damping Zero Clearance Damping coefficient at zero clearance.
Frac Clearance Const Fraction of the clearance interval over which the damping coefficient
Damping is constant.

Parallel ISL (In Space)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D ISL (in Parallel Elastic Slip Soft Contact Bar/2, Bar/3
space) Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
No Separation
Lagrange Vis Dampin
Lagrange Vis Damping No

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 159
Element Properties

Options above create ISL31 or ISL32 elements (depending on the selected topology) with *INTERFACE
and *FRICTION properties. This element type defines an interface between the edge of an element and
another part of the model.

More data input is available for creating Parallel ISL (in space) elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.
Elastic Slip, Slip Tolerance, and No Sliding Contact are mutually exclusive. If values are entered for more
than one of these options, all but the first will be ignored.

Property Name Description

Friction in Dir_1 Defines the sliding friction in the element’s 1 and 2 directions. These are
the friction coefficients on the second card of the *FRICTION option. If
Friction in Dir_2 Friction in Dir_2 is specified, then the ANISOTROPIC parameter is
included on the *FRICTION option. These values can be either real
constants or references to existing field definitions.
Vector Defines the normal to the plane in which sliding contact occurs. This is
the second card of the *INTERFACE option. This value is a global
vector. This property is required.

Main Index
160 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Elastic Slip Defines the absolute magnitude of the allowable maximum elastic slip to
be used in the stiffness method for sticking friction. This is the value of
the ELASTIC SLIP parameter on the *FRICTION option.
Slip Tolerance Defines the value of F f , to redefine the ratio of allowable maximum
elastic slip to characteristic element length dimension. The default is
.005. This is the value of the SLIP TOLERANCE parameter on the
*FRICTION option.
Stiffness in Stick This is currently not used.
Maximum Friction Stress Defines the equivalent shear stress limit of the gap element. This is the
value of the TAUMAX parameter on the *FRICTION option.
Clearance Zero Pressure Defines the clearance at which the contact pressure is 0. This is the c
value on the *SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property
is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Pressure Zero Clearance Defines the pressure at zero clearance. This is the p 0 value on the
*SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property is only used
for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Overclosure Defines the maximum overclosure allowed in points not considered in
contact. This is the c value on the *SURFACE CONTACT option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Negative Defines the magnitude of the maximum negative pressure allowed to be
Pressure carried across points in contact. This is the p0 value on the *SURFACE
CONTACT option. This property is only used for the Hard Contact
option. This is a real constant.
No Sliding Contact Chooses the Language multiplier formulation for sticking friction when
completely rough (no slip) friction is desired.
Clearance Zero Damping Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero.
Damping Zero Clearance Damping coefficient at zero clearance.
Frac Clearance Const Fraction of the clearance interval over which the damping coefficient is
Damping constant.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 161
Element Properties

Radial ISL (In Space)

Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 1D ISL (in space) Radial Elastic Slip Soft Contact Bar/2, Bar/3
Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
No Separation

Options above create ISL31 or ISL32 elements (depending on the selected topology) with *INTERFACE
and *FRICTION properties. This element defines an interface between the edge of an element and
another part of the model.

Main Index
162 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating Radial ISL (in space) elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.
Elastic Slip, Slip Tolerance, and No Sliding Contact are mutually exclusive. If values are entered for more
than one of these options, all but the first will be ignored.

Property Name Description

Friction in Dir_1 Defines the sliding friction in the element’s 1- and 2-directions. These are
the friction coefficients on the second card of the ∗FRICTION option. If
Friction in Dir_2 Friction in Dir_2 is specified, then the ANISOTROPIC parameter is
included on the ∗FRICTION option. These values can be either real
constants or references to existing field definitions.
Vector Defines the normal to the plane in which sliding contact occurs. This is the
second card of the ∗INTERFACE option. This value is a global vector.
This property is required.
Elastic Slip Defines the absolute magnitude of the allowable maximum elastic slip to
be used in the stiffness method for sticking friction. This is the value of
the ELASTIC SLIP parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 163
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Slip Tolerance Defines the value of F f , to redefine the ratio of allowable maximum
elastic slip to characteristic element length dimension. The default is .005.
This is the value of the SLIP TOLERANCE parameter on the
∗FRICTION option.
Stiffness in Stick This is currently not used.
Maximum Friction Defines the equivalent shear stress limit of the gap element. This is the
Stress value of the TAUMAX parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Clearance Zero Defines the clearance at which the contact pressure is 0. This is the c value
Pressure on the ∗SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property is only
used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Pressure Zero Defines the pressure at zero clearance. This is the p 0 value on the
Clearance ∗SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property is only used
for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Overclosure Defines the maximum overclosure allowed in points not considered in
contact. This is the c value on the *SURFACE CONTACT option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Negative Defines the magnitude of the maximum negative pressure allowed to be
Pressure carried across points in contact. This is the p 0 value on the ∗SURFACE
CONTACT option. This property is only used for the Hard Contact
option. This is a real constant.
No Sliding Contact Chooses the Language multiplier formulation for sticking friction when
completely rough (no slip) friction is desired.
Clearance Zero Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero.
Damping Zero Damping coefficient at zero clearance.
Frac Clearance Const Fraction of the clearance interval over which the damping coefficient is
Damping constant.

Slide Line

Analysis Type n Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 1D Slide Line Bar/2, Bar/3

Options above create Slide Lines for the ISL elements. These elements must be equivalenced and

Main Index
164 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

IRS (Planar)

Analysis Option
Type Dimension Type 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 1D IRS Planar Elastic Slip Soft Contact Bar/2, Bar/3
(plane/axisym) Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 165
Element Properties

Options above create IRS21 or IRS22 elements (depending on the selected topology) with *INTERFACE
and *FRICTION properties. This element type defines an interface between the edge of a linear element
on a planar model and a rigid surface.

More data input is available for creating IRS (planar) elements by scrolling down the input properties
menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu. Elastic
Slip, Slip Tolerance, and No Sliding Contact are mutually exclusive. If values are entered for more than
one of these options, all but the first will be ignored.

Property Name Description

Friction in Dir_1 Defines the sliding friction in the element’s 1 direction. This is the
friction coefficient on the second card of the *FRICTION option.
Elastic Slip Defines the absolute magnitude of the allowable maximum elastic slip
to be used in the stiffness method for sticking friction. This is the value
of the ELASTIC SLIP parameter on the *FRICTION option.

Main Index
166 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Slip Tolerance Defines the value of F f , to redefine the ratio of allowable maximum
elastic slip to characteristic element length dimension. The default is
.005. This is the value of the SLIP TOLERANCE parameter on the
*FRICTION option.
Stiffness in Stick This is currently not used.
Maximum Friction Stress Defines the equivalent shear stress limit of the gap element. This is the
value of the TAUMAX parameter on the *FRICTION option.
Clearance Zero Pressure Defines the clearance at which the contact pressure is 0. This is the c
value on the *SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real
Pressure Zero Clearance Defines the pressure at zero clearance. This is the p 0 value on the
*SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property is only
used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Overclosure Defines the maximum overclosure allowed in points considered not in
contact. This is the c value on the *SURFACE CONTACT option.
This property is only used for the Hard Contact option. This is a
real constant.
Maximum Negative Defines the magnitude of the maximum negative pressure allowed to
Pressure be carried across points in contact. This is the p 0 value on the
*SURFACE CONTACT option. This property is only used for the
Hard Contact option. This is a real constant.
No Sliding Contact Chooses the Language multiplier formulation for sticking friction
when completely rough (no slip) friction is desired.
Clearance Zero Damping Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero.
Damping Zero Clearance Damping coefficient at zero clearance.
Frac Clearance Const Fraction of the clearance interval over which the damping coefficient
Damping is constant.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 167
Element Properties

IRS (Axisymmetric)

Analysis Dimensio
Type n Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 1D IRS Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Soft Contact Bar/2, Bar/3
(plane/axisym) Elastic Slip Hard
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis
Elastic Slip Vis
Damping No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
No Separation

Options above create IRS21A or IRS22A elements (depending on the selected topology) with
*INTERFACE and *FRICTION properties. This element type defines an interface between the edge of
a linear element on an axisymmetric model and a rigid surface.

Main Index
168 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating IRS (axisymmetric) elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.
Elastic Slip, Slip Tolerance, and No Sliding Contact are mutually exclusive. If values are entered for more
than one of these options, all but the first will be ignored.

Property Name Description

Friction in Dir_1 Defines the sliding friction in the element’s 1 direction. This is the
friction coefficient on the second card of the *FRICTION option.
Elastic Slip Defines the absolute magnitude of the allowable maximum elastic slip to
be used in the stiffness method for sticking friction. This is the value of
the ELASTIC SLIP parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Slip Tolerance Defines the value of F f , to redefine the ratio of allowable maximum
elastic slip to characteristic element length dimension. The default is
.005. This is the value of the SLIP TOLERANCE parameter on the
∗FRICTION option.
Stiffness in Stick This is currently not used.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 169
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Maximum Friction Stress Defines the equivalent shear stress limit of the gap element. This is the
value of the TAUMAX parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Clearance Zero Pressure Defines the clearance at which the contact pressure is 0. This is the c
value on the ∗SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property
is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Pressure Zero Clearance Defines the pressure at zero clearance. This is the p 0 value on the
∗SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property is only used
for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Overclosure Defines the maximum overclosure allowed in points considered not in
contact. This is the c value on the ∗SURFACE CONTACT option. This
property is only used for the Hard Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Negative Defines the magnitude of the maximum negative pressure allowed to be
Pressure carried across points in contact. This is the p 0 value on the ∗SURFACE
CONTACT option. This property is only used for the Hard Contact
option. This is a real constant.
No Sliding Contact Chooses the Language multiplier formulation for sticking friction when
completely rough (no slip) friction is desired.
Clearance Zero Damping Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero.
Damping Zero Clearance Damping coefficient at zero clearance.
Frac Clearance Const Fraction of the clearance interval over which the damping coefficient
Damping is constant.

IRS (Beam/Pipe)

Analysis Option
Type Dimension Type Option 1 2 Topologies
Structural 1D IRS Elastic Slip Soft Contact Bar/2, Bar/3
(beam/pipe) Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No

Main Index
170 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Options above create IRS31 or IRS32 elements (depending on the selected topology) with *INTERFACE
and *FRICTION properties. This element type defines an interface between a beam or pipe element on
a spatial model and a rigid surface.

More data input is available for creating IRS (beam/pipe) elements by scrolling down the input properties
menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu. Elastic
Slip, Slip Tolerance, and No Sliding Contact are mutually exclusive. If values are entered for more than
one of these options, all but the first will be ignored.

Property Name Description

Friction in Dir_1 Defines the sliding friction in the element’s 1 and 2 directions. These are
the friction coefficients on the second card of the *FRICTION option. If
Friction in Dir_2 Friction in Dir_2 is specified, then the ANISOTROPIC parameter is
included on the *FRICTION option. These values can be either real
constants or references to existing field definitions.
Elastic Slip Defines the absolute magnitude of the allowable maximum elastic slip to
be used in the stiffness method for sticking friction. This is the value of
the ELASTIC SLIP parameter on the *FRICTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 171
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Slip Tolerance Defines the value of F f , to redefine the ratio of allowable maximum
elastic slip to characteristic element length dimension. The default is
.005. This is the value of the SLIP TOLERANCE parameter on the
*FRICTION option.
Stiffness in Stick This is currently not used.
Maximum Friction Stress Defines the equivalent shear stress limit of the gap element. This is the
value of the TAUMAX parameter on the *FRICTION option.
Clearance Zero Pressure Defines the clearance at which the contact pressure is 0. This is the c
value on the *SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property
is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Pressure Zero Clearance Defines the pressure at zero clearance. This is the p 0 value on the
*SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property is only used
for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Overclosure Defines the maximum overclosure allowed in points not considered in
contact. This is the c value on the *SURFACE CONTACT option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Negative Defines the magnitude of the maximum negative pressure allowed to be
Pressure carried across points in contact. This is the p 0 value on the *SURFACE
CONTACT option. This property is only used for the Hard Contact
option. This is a real constant.
No Sliding Contact Defines the ROUGH parameter on the *FRICTION option. This
property is only used for the Lagrange option.
Clearance Zero Damping Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero.
Damping Zero Clearance Damping coefficient at zero clearance.
Frac Clearance Const Fraction of the clearance interval over which the damping coefficient is
Damping constant.

Rigid Surface (Segments)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Rigid Surf (Seg) Bar/2

Options above create a ∗RIGID SURFACE, TYPE=SEGMENTS option (see Section 7.4.7 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).
The rigid surface is defined by creating Bar/2 elements. All the elements must be connected and should
not have duplicate nodes. The start Point (Node ID) defines the positive progression direction along the
surface. The right-handed rotation from this direction defines the outward normal.

Main Index
172 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Rigid Surface (Cylindrical)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Rigid Surf (Cyl) Bar/2

Options above create a ∗RIGID SURFACE, TYPE = CYLINDRICAL option (see Section 7.4.7 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).
The rigid surface is first defined by creating Bar/2 elements. All the elements must be connected and
should not have duplicate nodes.
The rigid surface’s +x direction is defined from the start point (node ID) along the line of the rigid
surface. The +y direction is away from the object the rigid surface will be in contact with. The +z
direction (the surface generation vector) is defined by using right-hand rule, crossing the rigid surface’s
+x axis with the +y axis.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 173
Element Properties

Rigid Surface (Axisymmetric)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Rigid Surf (Axi) Bar/2

Options above create a ∗RIGID SURFACE, TYPE=AXISYMMETRIC option (see Section 7.4.7 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).

Main Index
174 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

The rigid surface is defined by creating Bar/2 elements. All the elements must be connected and should
not have duplicate nodes. The Start Point defines the positive progression direction along the surface. The
right-handed rotation from this direction defines the outward normal.

Rigid Surface (Bezier 2D)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Rigid Surf (Bz2D) Bar/2

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 175
Element Properties

Options above create a ∗RIGID SURFACE, TYPE=BEZIER option for use in two-dimensional analysis
(see Section 7.4.7 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).
The rigid surface is defined by creating Bar/2 elements. All the elements must be connected and should
not have duplicate nodes. The Start Point defines the positive progression direction along the surface. The
right-handed rotation from this direction defines the outward normal.

Rigid Line (LBC)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Rigid Line(LBC) Bar/2

Main Index
176 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

This property set is created when the Rigid-Deform contact LBC is created in the Loads/BCs menu. The
creation or deletion of this property set is not required by the user. The elements associated with this
property set are translated as R2D2 and RAX2 elements.


Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Rebar Axisymmetric Bar/2, Bar/3

The options above create SFMAX1, SFMAX2, SFMGAX1 and SFMGAX2 elements (depending on the
selected options and topologies) with *SURFACE SECTION properties. The *EMBEDDED ELEMENT
and *REBAR LAYER options are also created.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 177
Element Properties

Material Name Defines the material to be used. When entering data here, a list of all
isotropic materials in the database is displayed. You can either pick one from
the list with the mouse or type in the name. This identifies the material that
will be referenced on the *REBAR LAYER option. This property is
X-Sectional Area Defines the area of the rebar cross-section. This is the cross-sectional area
value on the *REBAR LAYER option. A real constant, a reference to an
existing field definition, or a real list may be entered. A real list is used to
specify the cross-sectional area for more than one rebar layer. This property
is required.
Spacing Defines the spacing of the rebars within a layer. This is the spacing value on
the *REBAR LAYER option. A real constant, a reference to an existing field
definition, or a real list may be entered. A real list is used to specify the
spacing for more than one rebar layer. This property is required.
Spacing Unit Type Defines the unit type for the spacing values. When “Angle” is specified, the
ANGULAR SPACING parameter is used for the *REBAR LAYER option.
“Distance” is the default value. This property is not required.

Main Index
178 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Rebar Orient. Angle Defines the angular orientation of the rebar from the meridional plane in
degrees. This is the angular orientation value on the *REBAR LAYER
option. A real constant, a reference to an existing field definition, or a real
list may be entered. A real list is used to specify the angular orientation for
more than one rebar layer. This property is required.
Host Property Set Defines the element property set of the elements that host the rebar elements.
This is the “HOST ELSET” parameter on the *EMBEDDED ELEMENT
option. A reference to an existing element property set may be specified. By
default, the solver determines the host elements based on the position of the
embedded elements within the model. This property is not required.
Roundoff Tolerance Defines the value below which the weigh factors of the host element’s nodes
will be zeroed out. This is the ROUNDOFF TOLERANCE parameter on the
*EMBEDDED ELEMENT option. A real scalar may be specified. The
default value is 1E+6. This property is not required.

Mech Joint (2D Model) - ALIGN

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint ALIGN Bar/2
(2D Model)

This option creates CONN2D2 elements. The connection type is set to ALIGN on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 179
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this

Main Index
180 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Mech Joint (2D Model) - AXIAL

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint AXIAL Bar/2
(2D Model)

This option creates CONN2D2 elements. The connection type is set to AXIAL on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 181
Element Properties

Force/Disp, X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between force and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY option. Use a
real constant or a non-spatial field to specify this property. The n on-spatial
fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used
to define stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature. The
dependent variable for this field is force, and displacement is a required
independent variable.
Zero Force Ref Len This property value defines the reference length of the unloaded connector
element. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the
constant to specify this property.
Damping, X Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between force and the
rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR DAMPING
option. A real constant or a non-spatial field may be used for this property.
The non-spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input”
method may be used to define damping that varies with velocity and
temperature. The dependent variable for these fields is force, and velocity is
a required independent variable.
Connector Min Stop This property value defines a lower limit for the connector's relative
position. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the
*CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real constant to specify this property.
Connector Max Stop This property value defines an upper limit for the connector's relative
position. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the
*CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real constant to specify this property.
Friction Lim, X Axis This property value defines the force limit associated with the friction
portion of the connector element. This value is translated to the ABAQUS
input file with the *CONNECTOR FRICTION option. A real constant or a
non-spatial field may be used to specify this property. The n on-spatial fields
that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used to
define a limit that varies with temperature and/or displacement. The
dependent variable for these fields is force.
Friction Stick Stiff This property value defines the stiffness associated with the friction portion
of the connector element. This value appears as the STICK STIFFNESS
parameter in the *CONNECTOR FRICTION option. Use a real constant to
specify this property.
Lock, Min Disp This property value defines the lower bound on the relative position that
triggers a locked condition in the connector element. This value is translated
to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR LOCK option. Use a
real constant to specify this property.

Main Index
182 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Mech Joint (2D Model) - BEAM

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint BEAM Bar/2
(2D Model)

This option creates CONN2D2 elements. The connection type is set to BEAM on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 183
Element Properties

Mech Joint (2D Model) - CARTESIAN

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint CARTESIAN Bar/2
(2D Model)

This option creates CONN2D2 elements. The connection type is set to CARTESIAN on the

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this
Force/Disp, X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between force and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
Force/Disp, Y Axis ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY option. Use a
real constant or a non-spatial field to specify this property. The n on-spatial
fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used
to define stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature. The
dependent variable for this field is force, and displacement is a required
independent variable.

Main Index
184 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Zero Force Ref Len These property values define the reference lengths for the components of the
unloaded connector element. These values are translated to the ABAQUS
input file with the *CONNECTOR CONSTITUTIVE REFERENCE option.
Use a real vector to specify this property.
Damping, X Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between force and the
rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element. It is
Damping, Y Axis translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR DAMPING
option. A real constant or a non-spatial field may be used for this property.
The non-spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input”
method may be used to define damping that varies with velocity and
temperature. The dependent variable for these fields is force, and velocity is
a required independent variable.
Connector Min Stop These property values define the lower limits for the components of the
connector's relative position. These values are translated to the ABAQUS
input file with the *CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real vector to specify
this property.
Connector Max Stop These property values define the upper limits for the components of the
connector's relative position. These values are translated to the ABAQUS
input file with the *CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real vector to specify
this property.

Mech Joint (2D Model) - JOIN

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint JOIN Bar/2
(2D Model)

This option creates CONN2D2 elements. The connection type is set to JOIN on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 185
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.

Mech Joint (2D Model) - JOINTC

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint JOINTC Bar/2
(2D Model)

This option creates JOINTC elements. The *JOINT, *SPRING and *DASHPOT options are used to
define the properties.

Main Index
186 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *JOINT option.
Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.
Units for Angles This property determines the units for the angle values. It may be set to either
"Degrees" or "Radians". The default value is "Radians".
Force/Disp, X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between force and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
Force/Disp, Y Axis ABAQUS input file with the *SPRING option. A real constant or a non-
spatial field may be used for this property. The non-spatial fields that have
been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used to define stiffness
that varies with displacement and temperature. The dependent variable for
this field is force, and displacement is a required independent variable.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 187
Element Properties

Mom/Rot about Z This stiffness property value defines the relationship between moment and
Axis relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file with the *SPRING option. A real constant or a non-
spatial field may be used for this property. The n on-spatial fields that have
been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used to define stiffness
that varies with displacement and temperature. The dependent variable for
this field is moment, and displacement is a required independent variable.
Damping, X Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between force and the
rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element. It is
Damping, Y Axis translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *DASHPOT option. A real
constant or non-spatial field may be used for this property. The non-spatial
fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be
used to define damping that varies with velocity and temperature. The
dependent variable for these fields is force, and velocity is a required
independent variable.
Rot Damping, Z Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between moment and
the rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *DASHPOT option. A real
constant or a non-spatial field may be used for this property. The non-spatial
fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be
used to define damping that varies with velocity and temperature. The
dependent variable for these fields is moment, and velocity is a required
independent variable.

Main Index
188 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Mech Joint (2D Model) - LINK

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint (2D LINK Bar/2

This option creates CONN2D2 elements. The connection type is set to LINK on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 189
Element Properties

Mech Joint (2D Model) - ROTATION

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint ROTATION Bar/2
(2D Model)

This option creates CONN2D2 elements. The connection type is set to ROTATION on the

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the
second node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.

Main Index
190 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Units for Angles This property determines the units for the angle values. It may be set to
either "Degrees" or "Radians". The default value is "Radians".
Mom/Rot about Z Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between moment
and relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY option. A
real constant or a non-spatial field may be used for this property. The
non-spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input”
method may be used to define stiffness that varies with displacement and
temperature. The dependent variable for this field is moment, and
displacement is a required independent variable.
Zero Moment Ref Ang This property value defines the reference angle of the unloaded
connector element. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file
a real constant to specify this property.
Rot Damping, Z Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between moment
and the rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element.
It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR
DAMPING option. A real constant or non-spatial field may be used for
this property. The n on-spatial fields that have been created with the
“Tabular Input” method may be used to define damping that varies with
velocity and temperature. The dependent variable for these fields is
moment, and velocity is a required independent variable.
Connector Min Stop This property value defines a lower limit for the connector's relative
position. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
the *CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real constant to specify
this property.
Connector Max Stop This property value defines an upper limit for the connector's relative
position. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
the *CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real constant to specify
this property.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 191
Element Properties


Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint (2D SLOT Bar/2

This option creates CONN2D2 elements. The connection type is set to SLOT on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Main Index
192 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.
Force/Disp, X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between force and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY option. Use a
real constant or a non-spatial field to specify this property. The n on-spatial
fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used
to define stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature. The
dependent variable for this field is force, and displacement is a required
independent variable.
Zero Force Ref Len This property value defines the reference length of the unloaded connector
element. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the
constant to specify this property.
Damping, X Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between moment and
the rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR DAMPING
option. A real constant or non-spatial field may be used for this property. The
non-spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method
may be used to define damping that varies with velocity and temperature.
The dependent variable for these fields is moment, and velocity is a required
independent variable.
Connector Min Stop This property value defines a lower limit for the connector's relative position.
This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR
STOP option. Use a real constant to specify this property.
Connector Max Stop This property value defines an upper limit for the connector's relative
position. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the
*CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real constant to specify this property.
Friction Lim, X Axis This property value defines the force limit associated with the friction
portion of the connector element. This value is translated to the ABAQUS
input file with the *CONNECTOR FRICTION option. A real constant or a
non-spatial field may be used to specify this property. The n on-spatial fields
that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used to
define a limit that varies with temperature and/or displacement. The
dependent variable for these fields is force.
Friction Stick Stiff This property value defines the stiffness associated with the friction portion
of the connector element. This value appears as the STICK STIFFNESS
parameter in the *CONNECTOR FRICTION option. Use a real constant to
specify this property.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 193
Element Properties

Mech Joint (2D Model) - TRANSLATOR

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint TRANSLATOR Bar/2
(2D Model)

This option creates CONN2D2 elements. The connection type is set to TRANSLATOR on the

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.

Main Index
194 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Mech Joint (2D Model) - WELD

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint WELD Bar/2
(2D Model)

This option creates CONN2D2 elements. The connection type is set to WELD on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 195
Element Properties

Mech Joint (3D Model) - ALIGN

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint ALIGN Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to ALIGN on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.

Main Index
196 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Mech Joint (3D Model) - AXIAL

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint AXIAL Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to AXIAL on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Force/Disp, X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between force and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY option. Use a
real constant or a non-spatial field to specify this property. The n on-spatial
fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used
to define stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature. The
dependent variable for this field is force, and displacement is a required
independent variable.
Zero Force Ref Len This property value defines the reference length of the unloaded connector
element. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the
constant to specify this property.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 197
Element Properties

Damping, X Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between moment and
the rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR DAMPING
option. A real constant or non-spatial field may be used for this property.
The non-spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input”
method may be used to define damping that varies with velocity and
temperature. The dependent variable for these fields is moment, and
velocity is a required independent variable.
Connector Min Stop This property value defines a lower limit for the connector's relative
position. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the
*CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real constant to specify this property.
Connector Max Stop This property value defines an upper limit for the connector's relative
position. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the
*CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real constant to specify this property.
Friction Lim, X Axis This property value defines the force limit associated with the friction
portion of the connector element. This value is translated to the ABAQUS
input file with the *CONNECTOR FRICTION option. A real constant or a
non-spatial field may be used to specify this property. The non-spatial fields
that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used to
define a limit that varies with temperature and/or displacement. The
dependent variable for these fields is force.
Friction Stick Stiff This property value defines the stiffness associated with the friction portion
of the connector element. This value appears as the STICK STIFFNESS
parameter in the *CONNECTOR FRICTION option. Use a real constant to
specify this property.
Lock Min Disp This property value defines the upper bound on the relative position that
triggers a locked condition in the connector element. This value is translated
to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR LOCK option. Use a
real constant to specify this property.

Main Index
198 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Mech Joint (3D Model) - BEAM

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint BEAM Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to BEAM on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 199
Element Properties

Mech Joint (3D Model) - CARDAN

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint CARDAN Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to CARDAN on the

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the
second node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.

Main Index
200 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Units for Angles This property determines the units for the angle values. It may be set to
either "Degrees" or "Radians". The default value is "Radians".
Mom/Rot about X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between moment and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
Mom/Rot about Y Axis ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY option. A
Mom/Rot about Z Axis real constant or a non-spatial field may be used for this property. The n on-
spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may
be used to define stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature.
The dependent variable for this field is moment, and displacement is a
required independent variable.
Zero Moment Ref Ang These property values define the reference angles for the components of
the unloaded connector element. These values are translated to the
REFERENCE option. Use a real vector to specify this property.
Rot Damping, X Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between moment and
the rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR DAMPING
option. A real constant or non-spatial field may be used for this property.
The n on-spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input”
method may be used to define damping that varies with velocity and
temperature. The dependent variable for these fields is moment, and
velocity is a required independent variable.


Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint CARTESIAN Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to CARTESIAN on the

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 201
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this
Force/Disp, X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between force and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
Force/Disp, YAxis ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY option. Use a
Force/Disp, Z Axis real constant or a non-spatial field to specify this property. The n on-spatial
fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used
to define stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature. The
dependent variable for this field is force, and displacement is a required
independent variable.

Main Index
202 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Zero Force Ref Len These property values define the reference angles for the components of the
unloaded connector element. These values are translated to the ABAQUS
input file with the *CONNECTOR CONSTITUTIVE REFERENCE option.
Use a real vector to specify this property.
Damping, X Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between force and the
rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element. It is
Damping, Y Axis translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR DAMPING
Damping, Z Axis option. A real constant or a non-spatial field may be used for this property.
The non-spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input”
method may be used to define damping that varies with velocity and
temperature. The dependent variable for these fields is force, and velocity is
a required independent variable.

Mech Joint (3D Model) - CONSTANT VELOCITY

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint CONSTANT Bar/2

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to CONSTANT VELOCITY on the

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 203
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify
this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify
this property.

Mech Joint (3D Model) - CVJOINT

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint CVJOINT Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to CVJOINT on the

Main Index
204 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 205
Element Properties

Mech Joint (3D Model) - CYLINDRICAL

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint CYLINDRICAL Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to CYLINDRICAL on the

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify
this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify
this property.

Main Index
206 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Mech Joint (3D Model) - EULER

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint EULER Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to EULER on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 207
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the
second node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.
Units for Angles This property determines the units for the angle values. It may be set to
either "Degrees" or "Radians". The default value is "Radians".

Main Index
208 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Mom/Rot about X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between moment and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
Mom/Rot about Y Axis ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY option. A
Mom/Rot about Z Axis real constant or a non-spatial field may be used for this property. The non-
spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may
be used to define stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature.
The dependent variable for this field is moment, and displacement is a
required independent variable.
Zero Moment Ref Ang These property values define the reference angles for the components of
the unloaded connector element. These values are translated to the
REFERENCE option. Use a real vector to specify this property.
Rot Damping, X Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between moment
and the rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element.
It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR
DAMPING option. A real constant or non-spatial field may be used for
this property. The n on-spatial fields that have been created with the
“Tabular Input” method may be used to define damping that varies with
velocity and temperature. The dependent variable for these fields is
moment, and velocity is a required independent variable.

Mech Joint (3D Model) - FLEXION-TORSION

Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 1D Mech Joint FLEXION-TORSION Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to FLEXION-TORSION on the

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 209
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the
second node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.
Units for Angles This property determines the units for the angle values. It may be set to
either "Degrees" or "Radians". The default value is "Radians".

Main Index
210 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Mom/Rot about X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between moment and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
Mom/Rot about Y Axis ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY option. A
Mom/Rot about Z Axis real constant or a non-spatial field may be used for this property. The non-
spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may
be used to define stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature.
The dependent variable for this field is moment, and displacement is a
required independent variable.
Zero Moment Ref Ang These property values define the reference angles for the components of
the unloaded connector element. These values are translated to the
REFERENCE option. Use a real vector to specify this property.
Rot Damping, X Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between moment
and the rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element.
It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR
DAMPING option. A real constant or non-spatial field may be used for
this property. The n on-spatial fields that have been created with the
“Tabular Input” method may be used to define damping that varies with
velocity and temperature. The dependent variable for these fields is
moment, and velocity is a required independent variable.

Mech Joint (3D Model) - HINGE

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint HINGE Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to HINGE on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 211
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.

Main Index
212 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Mech Joint (3D Model) - JOIN

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint (3D Model) JOIN Bar/2

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to JOIN on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 213
Element Properties

Mech Joint (3D Model) - JOINTC

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint (3D Model) JOINTC Bar/2

This option creates JOINTC elements. The *JOINT, *SPRING and *DASHPOT options are used to
define the properties.

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *JOINT
option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.
Units for Angles This property determines the units for the angle values. It may be set to
either "Degrees" or "Radians". The default value is "Radians".

Main Index
214 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Force/Disp, X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between force and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
Force/Disp, Y Axis ABAQUS input file with the *SPRING option. A real constant or a non-
Force/Disp, Z Axis spatial field may be used for this property. The non-spatial fields that have
been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used to define
stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature. The dependent
variable for this field is force, and displacement is a required
independent variable.
Mom/Rot about X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between moment and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
Mom/Rot about Y Axis ABAQUS input file with the *SPRING option. A real constant or a non-
Mom/Rot about Z Axis spatial field may be used for this property. The n on-spatial fields that have
been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used to define
stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature. The dependent
variable for this field is moment, and displacement is a required
independent variable.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 215
Element Properties

Mech Joint (3D Model) - LINK

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint (3D Model) LINK Bar/2

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to LINK on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.

Main Index
216 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Mech Joint (3D Model) - PLANAR

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint (3D Model) PLANAR Bar/2

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to PLANAR on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 217
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this

Mech Joint (3D Model) - RADIAL-THRUST

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint RADIAL-THRUST Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to RADIAL-THRUST on the

Main Index
218 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this
Force/Disp, X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between force and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
Force/Disp, ZAxis ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY option. Use a
real constant or a non-spatial field to specify this property. The non-spatial
fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used
to define stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature. The
dependent variable for this field is force, and displacement is a required
independent variable.
Zero Force Ref Len These property values define the reference lengths for the components of the
unloaded connector element. These values are translated to the ABAQUS
input file with the *CONNECTOR CONSTITUTIVE REFERENCE option.
Use a real vector to specify this property.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 219
Element Properties

Damping, X Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between force and the
rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element. It is
Damping, Z Axis translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR DAMPING
option. A real constant or a non-spatial field may be used for this property.
The n on-spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input”
method may be used to define damping that varies with velocity and
temperature. The dependent variable for these fields is force, and velocity is
a required independent variable.
Connector Min Stop These property values define the lower limits for the components of the
connector's relative position. These values are translated to the ABAQUS
input file with the *CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real vector to specify
this property.
Connector Max Stop These property values define the upper limits for the components of the
connector's relative position. These values are translated to the ABAQUS
input file with the *CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real vector to specify
this property.

Mech Joint (3D Model) - REVOLUTE

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint REVOLUTE Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to REVOLUTE on the

Main Index
220 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the
second node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.
Units for Angles This property determines the units for the angle values. It may be set to
either "Degrees" or "Radians". The default value is "Radians".

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 221
Element Properties

Mom/Rot about X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between moment and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY option. A
real constant or a non-spatial field may be used for this property. The non-
spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may
be used to define stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature.
The dependent variable for this field is moment, and displacement is a
required independent variable.
Zero Moment Ref Ang This property value defines the reference angle of the unloaded connector
element. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the
constant to specify this property.
Rot Damping, X Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between moment and
the rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR DAMPING
option. A real constant or non-spatial field may be used for this property.
The n on-spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input”
method may be used to define damping that varies with velocity and
temperature. The dependent variable for these fields is moment, and
velocity is a required independent variable.
Connector Min Stop This property value defines a lower limit for the connector's relative
position. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the
*CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real constant to specify this property.
Connector Max Stop This property value defines an upper limit for the connector's relative
position. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the
*CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real constant to specify this property.

Mech Joint (3D Model) - ROTATION

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint ROTATION Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to ROTATION on the

Main Index
222 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the
second node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.
Units for Angles This property determines the units for the angle values. It may be set to
either "Degrees" or "Radians". The default value is "Radians".

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 223
Element Properties

Mom/Rot about X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between moment and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
Mom/Rot about Y Axis ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY option. A
Mom/Rot about Z Axis real constant or a non-spatial field may be used for this property. The non-
spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may
be used to define stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature.
The dependent variable for this field is moment, and displacement is a
required independent variable.
Zero Moment Ref Ang These property values define the reference angles for the components of
the unloaded connector element. These values are translated to the
REFERENCE option. Use a real vector to specify this property.
Rot Damping, X Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between moment and
the rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR DAMPING
option. A real constant or non-spatial field may be used for this property.
The n on-spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input”
method may be used to define damping that varies with velocity and
temperature. The dependent variable for these fields is moment, and
velocity is a required independent variable.

Mech Joint (3D Model) - SLIDE-PLANE

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint SLIDE-PLANE Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to SLIDE-PLANE on the

Main Index
224 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify
this property.
Force/Disp, Y Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between force and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
Force/Disp, Z Axis ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY option. Use a
real constant or a non-spatial field to specify this property. The n on-spatial
fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used
to define stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature. The
dependent variable for this field is force, and displacement is a required
independent variable.
Zero Force Ref Len These property values define the reference lengths for the components of the
unloaded connector element. These values are translated to the ABAQUS
input file with the *CONNECTOR CONSTITUTIVE REFERENCE option.
Use a real vector to specify this property.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 225
Element Properties

Damping, Y Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between force and the
rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element. It is
Damping, Z Axis translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR DAMPING
option. A real constant or a non-spatial field may be used for this property.
The n on-spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input”
method may be used to define damping that varies with velocity and
temperature. The dependent variable for these fields is force, and velocity is
a required independent variable.
Connector Min Stop These property values define the lower limits for the components of the
connector's relative position. These values are translated to the ABAQUS
input file with the *CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real vector to specify
this property.
Connector Max Stop These property values define the upper limits for the components of the
connector's relative position. These values are translated to the ABAQUS
input file with the *CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real vector to specify
this property.

Mech Joint (3D Model) - SLOT

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint SLOT Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to SLOT on the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option.

Main Index
226 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.
Force/Disp, X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between force and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY option. Use a
real constant or a non-spatial field to specify this property. The n on-spatial
fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used
to define stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature. The
dependent variable for this field is force, and displacement is a required
independent variable.
Zero Force Ref Len This property value defines the reference length of the unloaded connector
element. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the
constant to specify this property.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 227
Element Properties

Damping, X Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between moment and
the rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR DAMPING
option. A real constant or non-spatial field may be used for this property. The
non-spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method
may be used to define damping that varies with velocity and temperature.
The dependent variable for these fields is moment, and velocity is a required
independent variable.
Connector Min Stop This property value defines a lower limit for the connector's relative position.
This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR
STOP option. Use a real constant to specify this property.
Connector Max Stop This property value defines an upper limit for the connector's relative
position. This value is translated to the ABAQUS input file with the
*CONNECTOR STOP option. Use a real constant to specify this property.
Friction Lim, X Axis This property value defines the force limit associated with the friction
portion of the connector element. This value is translated to the ABAQUS
input file with the *CONNECTOR FRICTION option. A real constant or a
non-spatial field may be used to specify this property. The n on-spatial fields
that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may be used to
define a limit that varies with temperature and/or displacement. The
dependent variable for these fields is force.
Friction Stick Stiff This property value defines the stiffness associated with the friction portion
of the connector element. This value appears as the STICK STIFFNESS
parameter in the *CONNECTOR FRICTION option. Use a real constant to
specify this property.

Mech Joint (3D Model) - TRANSLATOR

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint TRANSLATOR Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to TRANSLATOR on the

Main Index
228 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.

Mech Joint (3D Model) - UJOINT

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint UJOINT Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to UJOINT on the *CONNECTOR

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 229
Element Properties

SECTION option.

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file with
an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this property.

Main Index
230 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Mech Joint (3D Model) - UNIVERSAL

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D Mech Joint UNIVERSAL Bar/2
(3D Model)

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to UNIVERSAL on the

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 231
Element Properties

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the
second node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the
*CONNECTOR SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to
specify this property.
Units for Angles This property determines the units for the angle values. It may be set to
either "Degrees" or "Radians". The default value is "Radians".
Mom/Rot about X Axis This stiffness property value defines the relationship between moment and
relative displacement in the connector element. It is translated to the
Mom/Rot about Z Axis ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR ELASTICITY option. A
real constant or a non-spatial field may be used for this property. The n on-
spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input” method may
be used to define stiffness that varies with displacement and temperature.
The dependent variable for this field is moment, and displacement is a
required independent variable.
Zero Moment Ref Ang These property values define the reference angles for the components of
the unloaded connector element. These values are translated to the
REFERENCE option. Use a real vector to specify this property.
Rot Damping, X Axis This damping property value defines the relationship between moment and
the rate of change of relative displacement in the connector element. It is
Rot Damping, Z Axis translated to the ABAQUS input file with the *CONNECTOR DAMPING
option. A real constant or non-spatial field may be used for this property.
The non-spatial fields that have been created with the “Tabular Input”
method may be used to define damping that varies with velocity and
temperature. The dependent variable for these fields is moment, and
velocity is a required independent variable.

Mech Joint (3D Model) - WELD

Analysis Type n Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 1D Mech Joint (3D WELD Bar/2

This option creates CONN3D2 elements. The connection type is set to WELD on the *CONNECTOR

Main Index
232 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

SECTION option.

Node A Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the first
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this
Node B Analysis CID This property defines the directions for the degrees of freedom at the second
node of the connector element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
with an *ORIENTATION option and is referenced from the *CONNECTOR
SECTION option. Use an existing coordinate system to specify this

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 233
Element Properties

Axisym Link Gasket

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D 1D Gasket Axisymmetric Gasket Bar2
Link Behavior Model

These options create GKAX2 elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, width, initial gap and initial void values. The *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option is
used to define the behavior in the thickness direction. The *GASKET ELASTICITY option is used to
define the membrane and transverse shear behaviors.

Membrane Material This property defines the membrane material to be used. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the *GASKET ELASTICITY option with the
COMPONENT parameter set to MEMBRANE. The Elastic Modulus and
Poisson's Ratio may vary with temperature. This property is not required.
Behavior Type This property defines the type of behavior for the thickness direction. It may
be set to either "Damage" or "Elastic-Plastic". This value is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the TYPE parameter on the *GASKET THICKNESS
BEHAVIOR option. This property is required.

Main Index
234 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

F/L vs. Closure This property defines the force per unit length versus gasket closure for
(Loading) loading in the thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
parameter set to LOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either Displacement or Displacement and Temperature.
This property is required.
F/L vs. Closure This property defines the force per unit length versus gasket closure for
(Unloading) unloading in the thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input
file as the *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option with the
DIRECTION parameter set to UNLOADING. A non-spatial field created
with the "Tabular Input" method must be used to define this property. The
field's independent variables must be either displacement or displacement
and temperature. This property is not required.
Shear Stiffness This property defines the shear stiffness of the gasket elements. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as the *GASKET ELASTICITY option
with the COMPONENT parameter set to TRANSVERSE SHEAR. A real
constant or a non-spatial field may be used to define this property. The non-
spatial fields that have been created with the "Tabular Input" method may be
used to define shear stiffness that varies with temperature. This property is
not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
Width This property defines the width of the gasket element. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A real
constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property. This
property is required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 235
Element Properties

Axisym Link Gasket (Thick only)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D 1D Gasket Axisymmetric Thickness Bar2
Link Behavior Only

These options create GKAX2N elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, width, initial gap and initial void values. The *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option is
used to define the behavior in the thickness direction.

Main Index
236 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Behavior Type This property defines the type of behavior for the thickness direction. It may
be set to either "Damage" or "Elastic-Plastic". This value is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the TYPE parameter on the *GASKET THICKNESS
BEHAVIOR option. This property is required.
F/L vs. Closure This property defines the force per unit length versus gasket closure for
(Loading) loading in the thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file
parameter set to LOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either Displacement or Displacement and Temperature.
This property is required.
F/L vs. Closure This property defines the force per unit length versus gasket closure for
(Unloading) unloading in the thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input
file as the *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option with the
DIRECTION parameter set to UNLOADING. A non-spatial field created
with the "Tabular Input" method must be used to define this property. The
field's independent variables must be either displacement or displacement
and temperature. This property is not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
Width This property defines the width of the gasket element. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A real
constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property. This
property is required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Axisym Link Gasket (Material)

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 237
Element Properties

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D 1D Gasket Axisymmetric Built-in Material Bar2

These options create GKAX2 elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, width, initial gap and initial void values. The gasket material is specified using the
MATERIAL parameter on the *GASKET SECTION option.

Material Name This property defines the material to be used. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file as the MATERIAL parameter on the *GASKET SECTION option.
This property is required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.

Main Index
238 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
Width This property defines the width of the gasket element. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A real
constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property. This
property is required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

3D Link Gasket

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D 1D Gasket 3D Link Gasket Behavior Bar2

These options create GK3D2 elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, x-sectional area, initial gap and initial void values. The *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR
option is used to define the behavior in the thickness direction. The *GASKET ELASTICITY option is
used to define the transverse shear behavior.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 239
Element Properties

Behavior Type This property defines the type of behavior for the thickness direction. It may
be set to either "Damage" or "Elastic-Plastic". This value is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the TYPE parameter on the *GASKET THICKNESS
BEHAVIOR option. This property is required.
F vs. Closure This property defines the force versus gasket closure for loading in the
(Loading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to LOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either Displacement or Displacement and Temperature.
This property is required.

Main Index
240 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

F vs. Closure This property defines the force versus gasket closure for unloading in the
(Unloading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to UNLOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either displacement or displacement and temperature. This
property is not required.
Shear Stiffness This property defines the shear stiffness of the gasket elements. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as the *GASKET ELASTICITY option
with the COMPONENT parameter set to TRANSVERSE SHEAR. A real
constant or a non-spatial field may be used to define this property. The non-
spatial fields that have been created with the "Tabular Input" method may be
used to define shear stiffness that varies with temperature. This property is
not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
X-Sectional Area This property defines the x-sectional area of the gasket element. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to
define this property. This property is required.
Orientation System This property defines the coordinate system to use in defining the local two
and three directions for the gasket elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file as an *ORIENTATION option that is referenced in the *GASKET
SECTION option from the ORIENTATION parameter. An existing
coordinate frame may be used to define this property. This property is not
Orientation Axis This property defines the axis of rotation of the Orientation System for the
Orientation Angle. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an
*ORIENTATION option that is referenced in the *GASKET SECTION
option from the ORIENTATION parameter. An integer value of 1, 2 or 3
may be used to define this property. This property is not required. The
default value is 1.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 241
Element Properties

Orientation Angle This property defines the additional rotation about the Orientation Axis in
degrees. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an *ORIENTATION
option that is referenced in the *GASKET SECTION option from the
ORIENTATION parameter. A real constant or a spatially varying field may
be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

3D Link Gasket (Thick only)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D 1D Gasket 3D Link Thickness Bar2
Behavior Only

These options create GK3D2N elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, x-sectional area, initial gap and initial void values. The *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR
option is used to define the behavior in the thickness direction.

Main Index
242 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Behavior Type This property defines the type of behavior for the thickness direction. It may
be set to either "Damage" or "Elastic-Plastic". This value is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the TYPE parameter on the *GASKET THICKNESS
BEHAVIOR option. This property is required.
F vs. Closure This property defines the force versus gasket closure for loading in the
(Loading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to LOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either Displacement or Displacement and Temperature.
This property is required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 243
Element Properties

F vs. Closure This property defines the force versus gasket closure for unloading in the
(Unloading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to UNLOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either displacement or displacement and temperature. This
property is not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
X-Sectional Area This property defines the x-sectional area of the gasket element. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION
option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this
property. This property is required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may
be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may
be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Main Index
244 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

3D Link Gasket (Material)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D 1D Gasket 3D Link Built-in Material Bar2

These options create GK3D2 elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, x-sectional area, initial gap and initial void values. The gasket material is specified using the
MATERIAL parameter on the *GASKET SECTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 245
Element Properties

Material Name This property defines the material to be used. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file as the MATERIAL parameter on the *GASKET SECTION option.
This property is required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
X-Sectional Area This property defines the x-sectional area of the gasket element. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to
define this property. This property is required.
Orientation System This property defines the coordinate system to use in defining the local two
and three directions for the gasket elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file as an *ORIENTATION option that is referenced in the *GASKET
SECTION option from the ORIENTATION parameter. An existing
coordinate frame may be used to define this property. This property is
not required.
Orientation Axis This property defines the axis of rotation of the Orientation System for the
Orientation Angle. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an
*ORIENTATION option that is referenced in the *GASKET SECTION
option from the ORIENTATION parameter. An integer value of 1, 2 or 3
may be used to define this property. This property is not required. The
default value is 1.
Orientation Angle This property defines the additional rotation about the Orientation Axis in
degrees. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an *ORIENTATION
option that is referenced in the *GASKET SECTION option from the
ORIENTATION parameter. A real constant or a spatially varying field may
be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Main Index
246 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

2D Link Gasket

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D 1D Gasket 2D Link Gasket Behavior Bar2

These options create GK2D2 elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, x-sectional area, initial gap and initial void values. The *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR
option is used to define the behavior in the thickness direction. The *GASKET ELASTICITY option is
used to define the transverse shear behavior.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 247
Element Properties

Behavior Type This property defines the type of behavior for the thickness direction. It may
be set to either "Damage" or "Elastic-Plastic". This value is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the TYPE parameter on the *GASKET THICKNESS
BEHAVIOR option. This property is required.
F vs Closure This property defines the force versus gasket closure for loading in the
(Loading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to LOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either Displacement or Displacement and Temperature.
This property is required.
F vs Closure This property defines the force versus gasket closure for unloading in the
(Unloading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to UNLOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either displacement or displacement and temperature. This
property is not required.
Shear Stiffness This property defines the shear stiffness of the gasket elements. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as the *GASKET ELASTICITY option
with the COMPONENT parameter set to TRANSVERSE SHEAR. A real
constant or a non-spatial field may be used to define this property. The non-
spatial fields that have been created with the "Tabular Input" method may be
used to define shear stiffness that varies with temperature. This property is
not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
X-Sectional Area This property defines the x-sectional area of the gasket element. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION
option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this
property. This property is required.

Main Index
248 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may
be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may
be used to define this property. This property is not required.

2D Link Gasket (Thick only)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D 1D Gasket 2D Link Thickness Bar2
Behavior Only

These options create GK2D2N elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, x-sectional area, initial gap and initial void values. The *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR
option is used to define the behavior in the thickness direction.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 249
Element Properties

Behavior Type This property defines the type of behavior for the thickness direction. It may
be set to either "Damage" or "Elastic-Plastic". This value is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the TYPE parameter on the *GASKET THICKNESS
BEHAVIOR option. This property is required.
F vs Closure This property defines the force versus gasket closure for loading in the
(Loading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to LOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either Displacement or Displacement and Temperature.
This property is required.

Main Index
250 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

F vs Closure This property defines the force versus gasket closure for unloading in the
(Unloading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to UNLOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either displacement or displacement and temperature. This
property is not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
X-Sectional Area This property defines the x-sectional area of the gasket element. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION
option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this
property. This property is required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 251
Element Properties

2D Link Gasket (Material)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 1D 1D Gasket 2D Link Built-in Material Bar2

These options create GK2D2 elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, x-sectional area, initial gap and initial void values. The gasket material is specified using the
MATERIAL parameter on the *GASKET SECTION option.

Main Index
252 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Material Name This property defines the material to be used. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file as the MATERIAL parameter on the *GASKET SECTION option.
This property is required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
X-Sectional Area This property defines the x-sectional area of the gasket element. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to
define this property. This property is required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Thin Shell

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D Shell Thin Shell Homogeneous Tri/3, Quad/4, Tri/6,
Quad/8, Quad/9

Options above create STRI35, STRI65, S4R5, S8R5, or S9R5 elements with *SHELL SECTION
options may also be created, as required. This element defines a standard thin shell element.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 253
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating Thin Shell elements by scrolling down the input properties menu
bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.

Property Name Description

Orientation System Defines the orientation of the material within the shell
element. This is a reference to an existing coordinate system.
The referenced coordinate system defines the data used to
create the *ORIENTATION option.

Main Index
254 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Ave Shear Stiffness Defines the transverse shear stiffness. This is the value on the
*TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS option. This is either
a real constant or a reference to an existing field definition.
Membrane Hourglass Stiffness Define the artificial stiffness for hourglass control in
membrane, normal, and bending modes. These define
Normal Hourglass Stiffness parameters on the *HOURGLASS STIFFNESS option. These
Bending Hourglass Stiffness can be either real constants or references to existing field

Thin Shell (Laminated)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D Shell Thin Shell Laminate Tri/3, Quad/4, Tri/6,
Quad/8, Quad/9

Options above create STRI35, STRI65, S4R5, S8R5, or S9R5 elements with *SHELL SECTION
properties. *ORIENTATION and ∗TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS options may also be created,
as required. This defines a laminate thin shell element.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 255
Element Properties

Thick Shell

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D Shell Thick Shell Homogeneous Tri/3, Quad/4,
Tri/6, Quad/8

Options above create S3R, STRI65, S4R, or S8R elements with *SHELL SECTION properties.
may also be created, as required. This defines a homogeneous thick shell element.

Main Index
256 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating Thick Shell elements by scrolling down the input properties
menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.

Property Name Description

Orientation System Defines the orientation of the material within the shell element. This
is a reference to an existing coordinate system. The referenced
coordinate system defines the data used to create the

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 257
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Shear Stiffness K13 Defines the transverse shear stIffness. These are the values on the
*TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS option. These are either real
Shear Stiffness K23 constants or references to existing field definitions.
Membrane Hourglass Define the artificial stIffness for hourglass control in membrane,
Stiffness normal, and bending modes. These define parameters on the
Normal Hourglass Stiffness *HOURGLASS STIFFNESS option. These can be either real
Bending Hourglass Stiffness
constants or references to existing field definitions.

Thick Shell (Laminated)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D Shell Thick Shell Laminate Tri/3, Quad/4,
Tri/6, Quad/8

Options above create S3R, STRI65, S4R, or S8R elements with *SHELL SECTION properties.
*ORIENTATION and ∗TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS options may also be created, as required.
This defines a laminate thick shell element.

Main Index
258 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

General Thin

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D Shell General Thin Homogenous Tri/3, Quad/4,
Shell Tri/6, Quad/8,

Options above create STRI35, STRI65, S4R5, S8R5, or S9R5 elements with *SHELL GENERAL
STIFFNESS options may also be created, as required. This defines a general thin shell element.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 259
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating General Thin Shell elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.

Main Index
260 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Section Stiffness D14 Defines the symmetric half of the [D] section stiffness matrix on the
Section Stiffness D24 *SHELL GENERAL SECTION option. These properties are required.
Section Stiffness D34
Section Stiffness D44
Section Stiffness D15
Section Stiffness D25
Section Stiffness D35
Section Stiffness D45
Section Stiffness D55
Section Stiffness D16
Section Stiffness D26
Section Stiffness D36
Section Stiffness D46
Section Stiffness D56
Section Stiffness D66
Force Vector {F1..F6} Defines the 6 values of the {F} vector on the *SHELL GENERAL
SECTION option. This vector defines the generalized stresses caused
by a fully constrained unit temperature rise. This is a list of 6 real
constants. This property is required.
Temperature Scaling Define the temperature effects on the *SHELL GENERAL SECTION
Thermal Expansion Scaling option. These are lists of real values. Each list must have the same
Temperature Values number of values. These values are optional.
Orientation System Defines the orientation of the material within the shell element. This is
a reference to an existing coordinate system. The referenced coordinate
system defines the data used to create the *ORIENTATION option.
Reference Temperature Defines the reference temperature for all thermal effects on this
element. This defines the ZERO parameter on the *SHELL
Density, mass/area Defines the mass per unit area for the shell element. This is the
DENSITY parameter on the *SHELL GENERAL SECTION option.
This value can be either a real constant or a reference to an existing
field definition.
Ave Shear Stiffness Defines the transverse shear stiffness. This is the value on the
*TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS option. This is either a real
constant or a reference to an existing field definition.
Membrane Hourglass Define the artificial stiffness for hourglass control in membrane,
Stiffness normal, and bending modes. These define parameters on the
Normal Hourglass Stiffness *HOURGLASS STIFFNESS option. These can be either real
Bending Hourglass
Stiffness constants or references to existing field definitions.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 261
Element Properties

General Thin Shell (Laminated)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D Shell General Thin Shell Laminate Tri/3, Quad/4,
Tri/6, Quad/8,

Options above create STRI3, STRI65, S4R5, S8R5 or S9R5 elements with *SHELL GENERAL
SECTION properties. *ORIENTATION and ∗TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS options may also be
created, as required. This defines a laminate thin shell element.

Main Index
262 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

General Thick

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D Shell General Thick Shell Tri/3, Quad/4,
Tri/6, Quad/8

Options above create S3R, STRI65, S4R, or S8R elements with *SHELL GENERAL SECTION
options may also be created, as required. This defines a general thick shell element.

More data input is available for creating General Thick Shell elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 263
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Section Stiffness D14 Defines the symmetric half of the [D] section stiffness matrix on the
Section Stiffness D24 *SHELL GENERAL SECTION option. These properties are required.
Section Stiffness D34
Section Stiffness D44
Section Stiffness D15
Section Stiffness D25
Section Stiffness D35
Section Stiffness D45
Section Stiffness D55
Section Stiffness D16
Section Stiffness D26
Section Stiffness D36
Section Stiffness D46
Section Stiffness D56
Section Stiffness D66
Force Vector {F1..F6} Defines the 6 values of the {F} vector on the *SHELL GENERAL
SECTION option. This vector defines the generalized stresses caused by
a fully constrained unit temperature rise. This is a list of 6 real constants.
This property is required.
Temperature Scaling Define the temperature effects on the *SHELL GENERAL SECTION
Thermal Expansion option. These are lists of real values. Each list must have the same
Scaling number of values. These values are optional.
Temperature Values
Orientation System Defines the orientation of the material within the shell element. This is a
reference to an existing coordinate system. The referenced coordinate
system defines the data used to create the *ORIENTATION option.
Reference Temperature Defines the reference temperature for all thermal effects on this element.
This defines the ZERO parameter on the *SHELL GENERAL
SECTION option.
Density, mass/area Defines the mass per unit area for the shell element. This is the
DENSITY parameter on the *SHELL GENERAL SECTION option.
This value can be either a real constant or a reference to an existing field
Shear Stiffness K13 Defines the transverse shear stiffness. These are the values on the
*TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS option. These are either real
Shear Stiffness K23 constants or references to existing field definitions.
Membrane Hourglass Define the artificial stiffness for hourglass control in membrane, normal,
Stiffness and bending modes. These define parameters on the *HOURGLASS
Normal Hourglass STIFFNESS option. These can be either real constants or references to
Bending Hourglass existing field definitions.

Main Index
264 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

General Thick Shell (Laminated)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D Shell General Thick Laminate Tri/3, Quad/4, Tri/6,
Shell Quad/8, Quad/9

Options above create S3R, STRI65, S4R, or S8R elements with *SHELL GENERAL SECTION
properties. *ORIENTATION and ∗TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS options may also be created,
as required. This defines a laminate thick shell element.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 265
Element Properties

Large Strain

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D Shell Large Strain Shell Tri/3, Quad/4,
Tri/6, Quad/8

Options above create S3R, S4R, or S8R elements with ∗SHELL SECTION properties. ∗ORIENTATION,
as required. This defines a large strain element.

Main Index
266 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating Large Strain Shell elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu

Property Name Description

Membrane Hourglass Stiff Define the artificial stiffness for hourglass control in
membrane, normal, and bending modes. These define
Normal Hourglass Stiff parameters on the ∗HOURGLASS STIFFNESS option.
Bending Hourglass Stiff These can be either real constants or references to existing
field definitions.

General Large Strain

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D Shell General Large Tri/3, Quad/4
Strain Shell

Options above create S3R, S4R, or S8R elements with ∗SHELL GENERAL SECTION properties.
may also be created, as required. This defines a general large strain element.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 267
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating General Large Strain Shell elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.

Main Index
268 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Section Stiffness D14 Defines the symmetric half of the [D] section stiffness matrix on the
Section Stiffness D24 ∗SHELL GENERAL SECTION option.
Section Stiffness D34 These properties are required.
Section Stiffness D44
Section Stiffness D15
Section Stiffness D25
Section Stiffness D35
Section Stiffness D45
Section Stiffness D55
Section Stiffness D16
Section Stiffness D26
Section Stiffness D36
Section Stiffness D46
Section Stiffness D56
Section Stiffness D66
Force Vector F1...F6 Defines the 6 values of the {F} vector on the ∗SHELL GENERAL
SECTION option. This vector defines the generalized stresses caused
by a fully constrained unit temperature rise. This is a list of 6 real
constants. This property is required.
Temperature Scaling D Define the temperature effects on the ∗SHELL GENERAL
Thermal Expansion Scaling SECTION option. These are lists of real values. Each list must have
Temperature Values the same number of values. These values are optional.
Orientation System Defines the orientation of the material within the shell element. This
is a reference to an existing coordinate system. The referenced
coordinate system defines the data used to create the
Reference Temperature Defines the reference temperature for all thermal effects on this
element. This defines the ZERO parameter on the ∗SHELL
Density, mass/area Defines the mass per unit surface area for the shell element. This is
option. This value can be either a real constant or a reference to an
existing field definition.
Poisson Parameter Permits an “overall” change of the cross section dimensions as a
function of the axial strains. This is the value of the POISSON
parameter on the *SHELL GENERAL SECTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 269
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Shear Stiffness K13 Defines the transverse shear stiffness. These are the values on the
∗TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS option. These are either real
Shear Stiffness K23 constants or references to existing field definitions.
Membrane Hourglass Define the artificial stiffness for hourglass control in membrane,
Stiffness normal, and bending modes. These define parameters on the
Normal Hourglass Stiffness ∗HOURGLASS STIFFNESS option. These can be either real
Bending Hourglass Stiffness
constants or references to existing field definitions.

Plane Strain

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D 2D Solid Plane Standard Formulation Tri/3, Quad/4,
Strain Tri/6, Quad/8


Reduced Integration

Incompatible Modes

Hybrid/Incompatible Tri/6
Modified Formulation


Options above create CPE3, CPE4, CPE4R, CPE6, CPE6M, CPE8, CPE8R, CPE3H, CPE4H, CPE4RH,
CPE6H, CPE6MH, CPE8H, or CPE8RH (depending on the selected options and topologies) elements
with *SOLID SECTION properties. The thickness value on the *SOLID SECTION option is included.
*ORIENTATION and *HOURGLASS STIFFNESS options may also be included, as required. If
triangular element are found where reduced integration is requested, standard integration elements will
be used

Main Index
270 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Generalized Plane Strain

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D 2D Solid General Plane Standard Formulation Tri/3, Quad/4

Strain Hybrid Tri/6, Quad/8


Reduced Integration

Incompatible Modes


Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 271
Element Properties

These options create CGPE5, CGPE5H, CGPE6, CGPE6H, CGPE6I, CGPE6IH, CGPE6R, CGPE6RH,
properties when writing an ABAQUS V5.X or V4.X input file. Otherwise, they create CPEG3,
CPEG8H, CPEG8R or CPEG8RH elements with *SOLID SECTION properties. The thickness value on
the *SOLID SECTION option is included. *ORIENTATION and *HOURGLASS STIFFNESS options
may also be included, as required. If triangular elements are found where reduced integration is
requested, standard integration elements will be used.

Main Index
272 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Property Name Description

[Reference Node] V6.X+ Defines the REF NODE parameter on the *SOLID
SECTION option. The third degree of freedom of this node
defines the change in length between the bounding planes.
The fourth and fifth degrees of freedom of this node define
the relative rotations of one bounding plane with respect to
the other. This property is required when generating an
ABAQUS version 6 or greater input file.
[Node A: DOF<UZ>] V5.X This property is required when generating an ABAQUS
version 4 or 5 input file.
[Node B: DOF<RX,RY] V5.X This property is required when generating an ABAQUS
version 4 or 5 input file.

Plane Stress

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D 2D Solid Plane Standard Formulation Tri/3, Quad/4,
Stress Tri/6, Quad/8
Reduced Integration

Incompatible Modes
Modified Formulation

Options above create CPS3, CPS4, CPS4R, CPS6, CPS6M, CPS8, or CPS8R (depending on the selected
options and topologies) elements with *SOLID SECTION properties. The thickness value on the
*SOLID SECTION option will be included. *ORIENTATION and *HOURGLASS STIFFNESS options
may also be created, as required. If triangular elements are found where reduced integration is requested,
standard integration elements will be used.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 273
Element Properties

Axisymmetric Solid

Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation Tri/3, Quad/4,
Tri/6, Quad/8
Reduced Integration

Incompatible Modes

Formulation Tri/6


Main Index
274 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Options above create CAX3, CAX4, CAX4R, CAX6, CAX6M, CAX8, CAX8R, CAX3H, CAX4H,
CAX4RH, CAX6H, CAX6MH, CAX8H, or CAX8RH elements (depending on the selected options and
topologies) with ∗plifa=pb`qflk properties. *ORIENTATION and ∗HOURGLASS STIFFNESS
option may also be created, as required. If triangular elements are found where reduced integration is
requested, standard integration elements will be used.

Axisymmetric Solid with Twist (General)

Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 2D 2D Solid General Standard Formulation Tri/3, Quad/4,
Axisymmetric Tri/6, Quad/8
Quad/4, Quad/8
Reduced Integration


Options above create CGAX3, CGAX4, CGAX4R, CGAX6, CGAX8, CGAX8R, CGAX3H, CGAX4H,
CGAX4RH, CGAX6H, CGAX8H, or CGAX8RH elements (depending on the selected options and
topologies) with ∗plifa=pb`qflk properties. *ORIENTATION and ∗HOURGLASS STIFFNESS

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 275
Element Properties

options may also be created, as required. If triangular elements are found where reduced integration is
requested, standard integration elements will be used.


Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D Membrane Standard Formulation Tri/3, Quad/4,
Tri/6, Quad/8
Reduced Integration

Options above create M3D3, M3D4, M3D4R, M3D6, M3D8, M3D8R, M3D9 or M3D9R elements
(depending on the selected options and topologies) with ∗plifa=pb`qflk properties. The thickness
value on the ∗plifa=pb`qflk option is included. ∗lofbkq^qflk and ∗elrodi^pp=
pqfcckbpp options may also be created, as required. If triangular elements are found where reduced
integration is requested, standard integration elements will be used.

Main Index
276 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 277
Element Properties

Planar 2D Interface

Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 2D 2D Interface Planar Elastic Slip Soft Contact Quad/4,
Elastic Slip Hard Contact Quad/8
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping No
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping No

Options above create INTER2 or INTER3 elements (depending on the selected topology) with
∗fkqboc^`b, ∗cof`qflk, and ∗proc^`b=`lkq^`q properties. The SOFTENED parameter on
the ∗proc^`b=`lkq^`q option may be included, depending on the selected option. This element
defines an interface region between two portions of a planar model. These elements must be created from
one contact surface to the other.

Main Index
278 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating Planar 2D Interface elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.
Elastic Slip, Slip Tolerance, and No Sliding Contact are mutually exclusive. If values are entered for more
than one of these options, all but the first will be ignored.

Property Name Description

Elastic Slip Defines the absolute magnitude of the allowable maximum elastic slip to
be used in the stiffness method for sticking friction. This is the value of
the ELASTIC SLIP parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Slip Tolerance Defines the value of F f , to redefine the ratio of allowable maximum
elastic slip to characteristic element length dimension. The default is
.005. This is the value of the SLIP TOLERANCE parameter on the
∗FRICTION option.
Stiffness in Stick This is currently not used.
Maximum Friction Stress Defines the equivalent shear stress limit of the gap element. This is the
value of the TAUMAX parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Clearance Zero Pressure Defines the clearance at which the contact pressure is 0. This is the c
value on the ∗SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property
is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Pressure Zero Press Defines the pressure at zero clearance. This is the p 0 value on the
∗SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property is only used
for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Overclosure Defines the maximum overclosure allowed in points not considered in
contact. This is the c value on the ∗SURFACE CONTACT option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Negative Defines the magnitude of the maximum negative pressure allowed to be
Pressure carried across points in contact. This is the p 0 value on the ∗SURFACE
CONTACT option. This property is only used for the Hard Contact
option. This is a real constant.
No Sliding Contact Chooses the Language multiplier formulation for sticking friction when
completely rough (no slip) friction is desired.
Clearance Zero Damping Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero.
Damping Zero Clearance Damping coefficient at zero clearance.
Frac Clearance Const Fraction of the clearance interval over which the damping coefficient is
Damping constant.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 279
Element Properties

Axisymmetric 2D Interface

Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 2D 2D Interface Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Soft Contact Quad/4,
Elastic Slip Hard Quad/8
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
No Separation

Options above create INTER2A or INTER3A elements (depending on the selected topology) with
*INTERFACE, *FRICTION, and *SURFACE CONTACT properties. The SOFTENED parameter on
the *SURFACE CONTACT option may be included, depending on the selected option. This element

Main Index
280 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

defines an interface region between two portions of an axisymmetric model. These elements must be
created from one contact surface to the other.

More data input is available for creating Axisymmetric 2D Interface elements by scrolling down the input
properties menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu.
Elastic Slip, Slip Tolerance, and No Sliding Contact are mutually exclusive. If values are entered for more
than one of these options, all but the first will be ignored.

Property Name Description

Elastic Slip Defines the absolute magnitude of the allowable maximum elastic slip to
be used in the stiffness method for sticking friction. This is the value of
the ELASTIC SLIP parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Slip Tolerance Defines the value of F f , to redefine the ratio of allowable maximum
elastic slip to characteristic element length dimension. The default is
.005. This is the value of the SLIP TOLERANCE parameter on the
∗FRICTION option.
Stiffness in Stick This is currently not used.
Maximum Friction Stress Defines the equivalent shear stress limit of the gap element. This is the
value of the TAUMAX parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Clearance Zero Pressure Defines the clearance at which the contact pressure is 0. This is the c
value on the *SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property
is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 281
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Pressure Zero Clearance Defines the pressure at zero clearance. This is the p 0 value on the
∗SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property is only used
for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Overclosure Defines the maximum overclosure allowed in points not considered in
contact. This is the c value on the ∗SURFACE CONTACT option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Negative Defines the magnitude of the maximum negative pressure allowed to be
Pressure carried across points in contact. This is the p 0 value on the ∗SURFACE
CONTACT option. This property is only used for the Hard Contact
option. This is a real constant.
No Sliding Contact Chooses the Language multiplier formulation for sticking friction when
completely rough (no slip) friction is desired.
Clearance Zero Damping Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero.
Damping Zero Clearance Damping coefficient at zero clearance.
Frac Clearance Const Fraction of the clearance interval over which the damping coefficient
Damping is constant.

IRS (Shell/Solid)

Analysis Dimensio Topologie

Type n Type Option 1 Option 2 s
Structural 2D IRS Elastic Slip Soft Contact Quad/4
(shell/solid) Elastic Slip Hard Contact
Lagrange Soft Contact
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No Separation
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
No Separation

Options above create IRS3, IRS4, and IRS9 elements (depending on the selected topology) with
∗INTERFACE, ∗FRICTION and ∗SURFACE CONTACT properties. The SOFTENED parameter on the
∗SURFACE CONTACT option may be included, depending on the selected option. This defines a rigid
surface element for use with solid or shell elements.

Main Index
282 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating IRS (shell/solid) elements by scrolling down the input properties
menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu. Elastic
Slip, Slip Tolerance, and No Sliding Contact are mutually exclusive. If values are entered for more than
one of these options, all but the first will be ignored.

Property Name Description

Reference Node Reference node common to the IRS elements and the rigid surface.
Friction in Dir_1 Defines the sliding friction in the element’s 1 and 2 directions. These are
the friction coefficients on the second card of the ∗FRICTION option. If
Friction in Dir_2 Friction in Dir_2 is specified, then the ANISOTROPIC parameter is
included on the ∗FRICTION option. These values can be either real
constants or references to existing field definitions.
Elastic Slip Defines the absolute magnitude of the allowable maximum elastic slip to
be used in the stiffness method for sticking friction. This is the value of
the ELASTIC SLIP parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Slip Tolerance Defines the value of F f , to redefine the ratio of allowable maximum
elastic slip to characteristic element length dimension. The default is
.005. This is the value of the SLIP TOLERANCE parameter on the
∗FRICTION option.
Stiffness in Stick This is currently not used.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 283
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Maximum Friction Stress Defines the equivalent shear stress limit of the gap element. This is the
value of the TAUMAX parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Clearance Zero Pressure Defines the clearance at which the contact pressure is 0. This is the
c value on the ∗SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Press Zero Clearance Defines the pressure at zero clearance. This is the p 0 value on the
∗SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property is only used
for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Overclosure Defines the maximum overclosure allowed in points considered not in
contact. This is the c value on the ∗SURFACE CONTACT option. This
property is only used for the Hard Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Negative Defines the magnitude of the maximum negative pressure allowed to be
Pressure carried across points in contact. This is the p 0 value on the ∗SURFACE
CONTACT option. This property is only used for the Hard Contact
option. This is a real constant.
No Sliding Contact Chooses the Language multiplier formulation for sticking friction when
completely rough (no slip) friction is desired.
Clearance Zero Damping Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero.
Damping Zero Clearance Damping coefficient at zero clearance.
Frac Clearance Const Fraction of the clearance interval over which the damping coefficient
Damping is constant.

Rigid Surface (Bezier 3D)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D Rigid Surf (Bz3D) Quad 4

Options above create a ∗RIGID SURFACE, TYPE=BEZIER option for use in three-dimensional analysis
(see Section 7.4.7 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s manual).
All trias forming up the rigid surface must have the normals pointing towards the contacting surface.
Trias must all be connected.

Main Index
284 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Rigid Surface (LBC)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D Rigid Surface(LBC) Quad4,


This property set is created when the Rigid-Deform contact lbc is created in the Loads/BCs menu. The
creation or deletion of this property set is not required by the user. The elements associated with this
property set are translated as R3D3 and R3D4 elements.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 285
Element Properties

2D Rebar

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D Rebar Cylindrical Standard Quad/9
General Tri/3, Tri/6,
Reduced Quad/4, Quad/8
Quad/4, Quad/8

The options above create SFM3D3, SFM3D4, SFM3D4R, SFM3D6, SFM3D8, SFM3D8R and
SFMCL9 elements (depending on the selected options and topologies) with *SURFACE SECTION
properties. The *EMBEDDED ELEMENT and *REBAR LAYER options are also created.

Main Index
286 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Material Name Defines the material to be used. When entering data here, a list of all
isotropic materials in the database is displayed. You can either pick one from
the list with the mouse or type in the name. This identifies the material that
will be referenced on the *REBAR LAYER option. This property is
X-Sectional Area Defines the area of the rebar cross-section. This is the cross-sectional area
value on the *REBAR LAYER option. A real constant, a reference to an
existing field definition, or a real list may be entered. A real list is used to
specify the cross-sectional area for more than one rebar layer. This property
is required.
Spacing Defines the spacing of the rebars within a layer. This is the spacing value on
the *REBAR LAYER option. A real constant, a reference to an existing field
definition, or a real list may be entered. A real list is used to specify the
spacing for more than one rebar layer. This property is required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 287
Element Properties

Spacing Unit Type Defines the unit type for the spacing values. When “Angle” is specified, the
ANGULAR SPACING parameter is used for the *REBAR LAYER option.
“Distance” is the default value. This property is not required.
Rebar Orient. Angle Defines the angular orientation of the rebar from the local 1-direction in
degrees. This is the angular orientation value on the *REBAR LAYER
option. A real constant, a reference to an existing field definition, or a real
list may be entered. A real list is used to specify the angular orientation for
more than one rebar layer. This property is required.
Host Property Set Defines the element property set of the elements that host the rebar elements.
This is the “HOST ELSET” parameter on the *EMBEDDED ELEMENT
option. A reference to an existing element property set may be specified. By
default, the solver determines the host elements based on the position of the
embedded elements within the model. This property is not required.
Roundoff Tolerance Defines the value below which the weigh factors of the host element’s nodes
will be zeroed out. This is the ROUNDOFF TOLERANCE parameter on the
*EMBEDDED ELEMENT option. A real scalar may be specified. The
default value is 1E+6. This property is not required.
Orientation System Defines a local coordinate system for orienting the rebars. This is a reference
to an existing coordinate system. The referenced coordinate system defines
the data used to create an *ORIENTATION option. The orientation name is
then used for the ORIENTATION parameter on the *REBAR LAYER
option. This property is not required.
Orientation Axis Defines the axis of rotation on the “Orientation System” to use for the
additional rotation specified by the “Orientation Angle”. The axis should
have a nonzero component in the direction of the normal to the surface. An
integer value between 1 and 3 may be specified. The local 1-direction is the
default value. This property is not required.
Orientation Angle Defines the additional rotation in degrees about the “Orientation Axis” of the
“Orientation System”. Either a real scalar or a reference to an existing field
definition may be specified. The default value is zero. This property is not

Plane Strain Gasket

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D 2D Gasket Plane Strain Gasket Behavior Quad4

These options create GKPE4 elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, out-of-plane thickness, initial gap and initial void values. The *GASKET THICKNESS
BEHAVIOR option is used to define the behavior in the thickness direction. The *GASKET
ELASTICITY option is used to define the transverse shear behavior.

Main Index
288 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Membrane Material This property defines the membrane material to be used. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the *GASKET ELASTICITY option with the
COMPONENT parameter set to MEMBRANE. The Elastic Modulus and
Poisson's Ratio may vary with temperature. This property is not required.
Behavior Type This property defines the type of behavior for the thickness direction. It may
be set to either "Damage" or "Elastic-Plastic". This value is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the TYPE parameter on the *GASKET THICKNESS
BEHAVIOR option. This property is required.
P vs Closure This property defines the pressure versus gasket closure for loading in the
(Loading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to LOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either Displacement or Displacement and Temperature.
This property is required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 289
Element Properties

P vs Closure This property defines the pressure versus gasket closure for unloading in the
(Unloading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to UNLOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either displacement or displacement and temperature. This
property is not required.
Shear Stiffness This property defines the shear stiffness of the gasket elements. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as the *GASKET ELASTICITY option
with the COMPONENT parameter set to TRANSVERSE SHEAR. A real
constant or a non-spatial field may be used to define this property. The non-
spatial fields that have been created with the "Tabular Input" method may be
used to define shear stiffness that varies with temperature. This property is
not required.
Thickness This property defines the out-of-plane thickness of the of the gasket element.
It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to
define this property. This property is not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Plane Strain Gasket (Material)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D 2D Gasket Plane Strain Built-in Material Quad4

Main Index
290 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

These options create GKPE4 elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, out-of-plane thickness, initial gap and initial void values. The gasket material is specified
using the MATERIAL parameter on the *GASKET SECTION option.

Material Name This property defines the material to be used. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file as the MATERIAL parameter on the *GASKET SECTION option.
This property is required.
Thickness This property defines the out-of-plane thickness of the of the gasket element.
It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to
define this property. This property is not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 291
Element Properties

Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Plane Stress Gasket

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D 2D Gasket Plane Stress Gasket Behavior Quad4

These options create GKPS4 elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, out-of-plane thickness, initial gap and initial void values. The *GASKET THICKNESS
BEHAVIOR option is used to define the behavior in the thickness direction. The *GASKET
ELASTICITY option is used to define the transverse shear behavior.

Main Index
292 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Membrane Material This property defines the membrane material to be used. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the *GASKET ELASTICITY option with the
COMPONENT parameter set to MEMBRANE. The Elastic Modulus and
Poisson's Ratio may vary with temperature. This property is not required.
Behavior Type This property defines the type of behavior for the thickness direction. It may
be set to either "Damage" or "Elastic-Plastic". This value is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the TYPE parameter on the *GASKET THICKNESS
BEHAVIOR option. This property is required.
P vs Closure This property defines the pressure versus gasket closure for loading in the
(Loading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to LOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either Displacement or Displacement and Temperature.
This property is required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 293
Element Properties

P vs Closure This property defines the pressure versus gasket closure for unloading in the
(Unloading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to UNLOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either displacement or displacement and temperature. This
property is not required.
Shear Stiffness This property defines the shear stiffness of the gasket elements. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as the *GASKET ELASTICITY option
with the COMPONENT parameter set to TRANSVERSE SHEAR. A real
constant or a non-spatial field may be used to define this property. The non-
spatial fields that have been created with the "Tabular Input" method may be
used to define shear stiffness that varies with temperature. This property is
not required.
Thickness This property defines the out-of-plane thickness of the of the gasket element.
It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to
define this property. This property is not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Plane Stress Gasket (Thick only)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D 2D Gasket Plane Stress Thickness Quad4
Behavior Only

Main Index
294 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

These options create GKPS4N elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, out-of-plane thickness, initial gap and initial void values. The *GASKET THICKNESS
BEHAVIOR option is used to define the behavior in the thickness direction.

Behavior Type This property defines the type of behavior for the thickness direction. It may
be set to either "Damage" or "Elastic-Plastic". This value is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the TYPE parameter on the *GASKET
THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option. This property is required.
P vs Closure This property defines the pressure versus gasket closure for loading in the
(Loading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to LOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either Displacement or Displacement and Temperature.
This property is required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 295
Element Properties

P vs Closure This property defines the pressure versus gasket closure for unloading in the
(Unloading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to UNLOADING. A non-spatial field created with the
"Tabular Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's
independent variables must be either displacement or displacement and
temperature. This property is not required.
Thickness This property defines the out-of-plane thickness of the of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Plane Stress Gasket (Material)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D 2D Gasket Plane Stress Built-in Material Quad4

These options create GKPS4 elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, out-of-plane thickness, initial gap and initial void values. The gasket material is specified
using the MATERIAL parameter on the *GASKET SECTION option.

Main Index
296 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Material Name This property defines the material to be used. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file as the MATERIAL parameter on the *GASKET SECTION option.
This property is required.
Thickness This property defines the out-of-plane thickness of the of the gasket element.
It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to
define this property. This property is not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 297
Element Properties

Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Axisymmetric Gasket

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D 2D Axisymmetric Gasket Behavior Quad4
Gasket Model

These options create GKAX4 elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, initial gap and initial void values. The *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option is used
to define the behavior in the thickness direction. The *GASKET ELASTICITY option is used to define
the transverse shear behavior.

Main Index
298 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Membrane Material This property defines the membrane material to be used. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as the *GASKET ELASTICITY option with the
COMPONENT parameter set to MEMBRANE. The Elastic Modulus and
Poisson's Ratio may vary with temperature. This property is not required.
Behavior Type This property defines the type of behavior for the thickness direction. It may
be set to either "Damage" or "Elastic-Plastic". This value is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the TYPE parameter on the *GASKET THICKNESS
BEHAVIOR option. This property is required.
P vs Closure This property defines the pressure versus gasket closure for loading in the
(Loading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to LOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either Displacement or Displacement and Temperature.
This property is required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 299
Element Properties

P vs Closure This property defines the pressure versus gasket closure for unloading in the
(Unloading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to UNLOADING. A non-spatial field created with the
"Tabular Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's
independent variables must be either displacement or displacement and
temperature. This property is not required.
Shear Stiffness This property defines the shear stiffness of the gasket elements. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as the *GASKET ELASTICITY option
with the COMPONENT parameter set to TRANSVERSE SHEAR. A real
constant or a non-spatial field may be used to define this property. The non-
spatial fields that have been created with the "Tabular Input" method may be
used to define shear stiffness that varies with temperature. This property is
not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Main Index
300 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Axisymmetric Gasket (Thick only)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D 2D Gasket Axisymmetric Thickness Quad4
Behavior Only

These options create GKAX4N elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, initial gap and initial void values. The *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option is used
to define the behavior in the thickness direction.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 301
Element Properties

Behavior Type This property defines the type of behavior for the thickness direction. It may
be set to either "Damage" or "Elastic-Plastic". This value is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the TYPE parameter on the *GASKET THICKNESS
BEHAVIOR option. This property is required.
P vs Closure This property defines the pressure versus gasket closure for loading in the
(Loading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to LOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either Displacement or Displacement and Temperature.
This property is required.
P vs Closure This property defines the pressure versus gasket closure for unloading in the
(Unloading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to UNLOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either displacement or displacement and temperature. This
property is not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Main Index
302 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Axisymmetric Gasket (Material)

Analysis Type n Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 2D 2D Gasket Axisymmetri Built-in Material Quad4

These options create GKAX4 elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, initial gap and initial void values. The gasket material is specified using the MATERIAL
parameter on the *GASKET SECTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 303
Element Properties

Material Name This property defines the material to be used. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file as the MATERIAL parameter on the *GASKET SECTION option.
This property is required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may
be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may
be used to define this property. This property is not required.

3D Line Gaske

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D 2D Gasket Line Gasket Behavior Quad4

These options create GK3D4L elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, width, initial gap and initial void values. The *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option is
used to define the behavior in the thickness direction. The *GASKET ELASTICITY option is used to
define the transverse shear behavior.

Main Index
304 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Membrane Material This property defines the membrane material to be used. It is translated
to the ABAQUS input file as the *GASKET ELASTICITY option with
the COMPONENT parameter set to MEMBRANE. The Elastic
Modulus and Poisson's Ratio may vary with temperature. This property
is not required.
Behavior Type This property defines the type of behavior for the thickness direction.
It may be set to either "Damage" or "Elastic-Plastic". This value is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as the TYPE parameter on the
*GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option. This property is
F/L vs. Closure (Loading) This property defines the force per unit length versus gasket closure for
loading in the thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input
file as the *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option with the
DIRECTION parameter set to LOADING. A non-spatial field created
with the "Tabular Input" method must be used to define this property.
The field's independent variables must be either Displacement or
Displacement and Temperature. This property is required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 305
Element Properties

F/L vs. Closure (Unloading) This property defines the force per unit length versus gasket closure for
unloading in the thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file as the *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option with the
DIRECTION parameter set to UNLOADING. A non-spatial field
created with the "Tabular Input" method must be used to define this
property. The field's independent variables must be either displacement
or displacement and temperature. This property is not required.
Shear Stiffness This property defines the shear stiffness of the gasket elements. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as the *GASKET ELASTICITY
option with the COMPONENT parameter set to TRANSVERSE
SHEAR. A real constant or a non-spatial field may be used to define
this property. The non-spatial fields that have been created with the
"Tabular Input" method may be used to define shear stiffness that
varies with temperature. This property is not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required. When this
property is not specified, the gasket elements' thicknesses are
determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for
the elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying
vector field may be used to define this property. This property is not
Width This property defines the width of the gasket element. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION
option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to
define this property. This property is required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the
gasket element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry
on the *GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially
varying field may be used to define this property. This property is not
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the
gasket element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry
on the *GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially
varying field may be used to define this property. This property is not

Main Index
306 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

3D Line Gasket (Thick only)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D 2D Gasket Line Thickness Quad4
Behavior Only

These options create GK3D4LN elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, width, initial gap and initial void values. The *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option is
used to define the behavior in the thickness direction.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 307
Element Properties

Behavior Type This property defines the type of behavior for the thickness direction. It
may be set to either "Damage" or "Elastic-Plastic". This value is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as the TYPE parameter on the
*GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option. This property is
F/L vs. Closure (Loading) This property defines the force per unit length versus gasket closure for
loading in the thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input
file as the *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option with the
DIRECTION parameter set to LOADING. A non-spatial field created
with the "Tabular Input" method must be used to define this property.
The field's independent variables must be either Displacement or
Displacement and Temperature. This property is required.
F/L vs. Closure (Unloading) This property defines the force per unit length versus gasket closure for
unloading in the thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file as the *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option with the
DIRECTION parameter set to UNLOADING. A non-spatial field
created with the "Tabular Input" method must be used to define this
property. The field's independent variables must be either displacement
or displacement and temperature. This property is not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required. When this
property is not specified, the gasket elements' thicknesses are
determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for
the elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying
vector field may be used to define this property. This property is not
Width This property defines the width of the gasket element. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION
option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define
this property. This property is required.

Main Index
308 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the
gasket element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on
the *GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying
field may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the
gasket element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on
the *GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying
field may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

3D Line Gasket (Material)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 2D 2D Gasket Line Built-in Material Quad4

These options create GK3D4L elements. The *GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket
thickness, width, initial gap and initial void values. The gasket material is specified using the
MATERIAL parameter on the *GASKET SECTION option.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 309
Element Properties

Material Name This property defines the material to be used. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file as the MATERIAL parameter on the *GASKET SECTION option.
This property is required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A real
constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property. This
property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be used
to define this property. This property is not required.

Main Index
310 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Width This property defines the width of the gasket element. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A real
constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property. This
property is required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may
be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may
be used to define this property. This property is not required.


Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 3D Solid Standard Formulation Laminate Tet/4, Tet/10,
Wedge/6, Wedge/15,
Hybrid Hex/8, Hex/20,

Reduced Integration

Incompatible Modes

Hybrid/Incompatible Tet/10
Modified Formulation


Options above create C3D4, C3D6, C3D8, C3D8R, C3D10, C3D10M, C3D15, C3D20, C3D20R,
C3D4H, C3D6H, C3D8H, C3D8RH, C3D10H, C3D10MH, C3D15H, C3D20H, C3D20RH, C3D27,
C3D27R, C3D27H, or C3D27RH elements (depending on the selected options and topologies) with
∗SOLID SECTION properties. ∗ORIENTATION and ∗HOURGLASS STIFFNESS options may also be
created, as required. If tetrahedral or wedge elements are found where reduced integration is requested,
standard integration elements will be used.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 311
Element Properties

Material Name Defines the material to be used. When entering data, a list of all materials in the
database is displayed. You can either pick one from the list with the mouse or type
the name in. This identifies the material which will be referenced on the *SOLID
SECTION option. This property is required.
Orientation Axis This property defines the the orientation of the material within the shell element.
This is a reference to an existing coordinate system. The referenced coordinate
system defines the data used to create the *ORIENTATION option.
Stack Direction This property defines the direction in which the material layers are stacked. This is
the STACK DIRECTION parameter on the *SOLID SECTION option. An integer
value of 1, 2 or 3 may be entered. Please see the section on defining composite
solid elements in the ABAQUS Standard User’s Manual to determine the correct
stack direction. This property is not required. The default value is 3.

Main Index
312 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

3D Interface

Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Structural 3D 3D Interface Elastic Slip Soft Contact Hex/8,
Elastic Slip Hard Contact Hex/20,
Lagrange Soft Contact Hex/27
Lagrange Hard Contact
Elastic Slip No
Lagrange No Separation
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
Elastic Slip Vis Damping
No Separation
Lagrange Vis Damping
Lagrange Vis Damping
No Separation

Options above create INTER4, INTER8 or INTER9 elements (depending on the selected topology) with
*INTERFACE, *FRICTION, and *SURFACE CONTACT properties. The SOFTENED parameter on
the *SURFACE CONTACT option may be included, depending on the selected option. This element
defines an interface region between two portions of a spatial model. These elements must be created from
one contact surface to the other.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 313
Element Properties

More data input is available for creating 3D Interface elements by scrolling down the input properties
menu bar on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining options contained in this menu. Elastic
Slip, Slip Tolerance, and No Sliding Contact are mutually exclusive. If values are entered for more than
one of these options, all but the first will be ignored.

Main Index
314 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Property Name Description

Elastic Slip Defines the absolute magnitude of the allowable maximum elastic
slip to be used in the stiffness method for sticking friction. This is
the value of the ELASTIC SLIP parameter on the ∗FRICTION
Slip Tolerance Defines the value of F f to redefine the ratio of allowable
maximum elastic slip to characteristic element length dimension.
The default is .005. This is the value of the SLIP TOLERANCE
parameter on the ∗FRICTION option.
Stiffness in Stick This is currently not used.
Maximum Friction Stress Defines the equivalent shear stress limit of the gap element. This
is the value of the TAUMAX parameter on the ∗FRICTION
Clearance Zero Pressure Defines the clearance at which the contact pressure is 0. This is the
c value on the ∗SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This
property is only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real
Pressure Zero Clearance Defines the pressure at zero clearance. This is the p 0 value on the
∗SURFACE CONTACT, SOFTENED option. This property is
only used for the Soft Contact option. This is a real constant.
Maximum Overclosure Defines the maximum overclosure allowed in points considered
not in contact. This is the c value on the ∗SURFACE CONTACT
option. This property is only used for the Hard Contact option.
This is a real constant.
Maximum Negative Pressure Defines the magnitude of the maximum negative pressure allowed
to be carried across points in contact. This is the p 0 value on the
∗SURFACE CONTACT option. This property is only used for the
Hard Contact option. This is a real constant.
No Sliding Contact Chooses the Language multiplier formulation for sticking friction
when completely rough (no slip) friction is desired.
Clearance Zero Damping Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero.
Damping Zero Clearance Damping coefficient at zero clearance.
Frac Clearance Const Damping Fraction of the clearance interval over which the damping
coefficient is constant.

Thermal Link

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Thermal 1D Link Bar/2, Bar/3

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 315
Element Properties

Options above create DC1D2 or DC1D3 elements, depending on the specified topology with *SOLID
SECTION properties. The cross-sectional area value on the *SOLID SECTION option is included.

Thermal Axisymmetric Shell

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Thermal 1D Axisymmetric Homogeneous Bar/2, Bar/3

Options above create DSAX1 or DSAX2 elements (depending on the specified topology) with *SHELL
SECTION properties.

Main Index
316 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Thermal Axisymmetric Shell (Laminated)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Thermal 1D Axisymmetric Shell Laminate Bar/2, Bar/3

Options above create DSAX1 or DSAX2 elements (depending on the specified topology) with ∗pebii=
pb`qflk, COMPOSITE properties.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 317
Element Properties

Thermal 1D Interface

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Thermal 1D 1D Interface Bar/2

Options above create DINTER1 elements with ∗fkqboc^`b properties. These elements must be
created from one contact surface to the other. ∗GAP CONDUCTANCE and ∗GAP RADIATION options
are also created, as required.

Main Index
318 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Thermal Shell

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Thermal 2D Shell Homogeneous Quad/4, Quad/8

Options above create DS3, DS4, DS6 or DS8 elements (depending on the selected topology) with
*SHELL SECTION properties. An *ORIENTATION option may also be created, as required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 319
Element Properties

Thermal Shell (Laminated)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Thermal 2D Shell Laminate Quad/4, Quad/8

Options above create DS3, DS4, DS6 or DS8 elements (depending on the selected topology) with
*SHELL SECTION, COMPOSITE properties. An *ORIENTATION option may also be created, as

Main Index
320 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Thermal Planar Solid

Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies
Thermal 2D 2D Solid Planar Standard Formulation Tri/3,
Axisymmetric Convection/Diffusion Quad/8

Convection/Diffusion Quad/4
w/Dispersion Control

Options above create DC2D3, DC2D4, DC2D6, DC2D8, DCC2D4, DCC2D4D, DCAX3, DCAX4,
DCAX6, DCAX8,DCCAX4, or DCCAX4D elements (depending on the selected options and topologies)
with ∗plifa=pb`qflk properties. The thickness value on the ∗plifa=pb`qflk option is included.
An ∗lofbkq^qflk option may also be created, as required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 321
Element Properties

Thermal Preference (Planar)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Thermal 2D 2D Interface Planar Quad/4, Quad/8


Options above create DINTER2, DINTER3, DINTER2A, or DINTER3A elements (depending on the
selected option and topology) with *INTERFACE properties. These elements must be created from one

Main Index
322 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

contact surface to the other. *GAP CONDUCTANCE and ∗GAP RADIATION options are created, as

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 323
Element Properties

Thermal Solid

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Topologies

Thermal 3D Solid Standard Formulation Tet/4, Tet/10, Wedge/6,
Wedge/15, Hex/8, Hex/20
Convection/Diffusion w/
Dispersion Control

Options above create DC3D4, DC3D6, DC3D8, DC3D10, DC3D15, DC3D20, DCC3D8, or DCC3D8D
(depending on the selected options and topologies) elements with *SOLID SECTION properties. An
*ORIENTATION option may also be created, as required.

Main Index
324 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Thermal Preference (Solid)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Thermal 3D 3D Interface Hex/8, Hex/20

Options above create DINTER4 or DINTER8 elements (depending on the selected) with *INTERFACE
properties. These elements must be created from one contact surface to the other. *GAP
CONDUCTANCE and ∗GAP RADIATION options are also created, as required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 325
Element Properties

Solid Gasket

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 3D Gasket Gasket Behavior Wedge6, Hex8

These options create GK3D8 or GK3D6 elements depending on the element topology. The *GASKET
SECTION option is used to define the gasket thickness, initial gap and initial void values. The
*GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option is used to define the behavior in the thickness direction.
The *GASKET ELASTICITY option is used to define the transverse shear behavior.

Main Index
326 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Membrane Material This property defines the membrane material to be used. It is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the *GASKET ELASTICITY option with the
COMPONENT parameter set to MEMBRANE. The Elastic Modulus and
Poisson's Ratio may vary with temperature. This property is not required.
Behavior Type This property defines the type of behavior for the thickness direction. It may
be set to either "Damage" or "Elastic-Plastic". This value is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the TYPE parameter on the *GASKET THICKNESS
BEHAVIOR option. This property is required.
P vs Closure This property defines the pressure versus gasket closure for loading in the
(Loading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to LOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either Displacement or Displacement and Temperature.
This property is required.
P vs Closure This property defines the pressure versus gasket closure for unloading in the
(Unloading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to UNLOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either displacement or displacement and temperature. This
property is not required.
Shear Stiffness This property defines the shear stiffness of the gasket elements. It is
translated to the ABAQUS input file as the *GASKET ELASTICITY option
with the COMPONENT parameter set to TRANSVERSE SHEAR. A real
constant or a non-spatial field may be used to define this property. The non-
spatial fields that have been created with the "Tabular Input" method may be
used to define shear stiffness that varies with temperature. This property is
not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 327
Element Properties

Orientation System This property defines the coordinate system to use in defining the local two
and three directions for the gasket elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file as an *ORIENTATION option that is referenced in the *GASKET
SECTION option from the ORIENTATION parameter. An existing
coordinate frame may be used to define this property. This property is not
Orientation Axis This property defines the axis of rotation of the Orientation System for the
Orientation Angle. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an
*ORIENTATION option that is referenced in the *GASKET SECTION
option from the ORIENTATION parameter. An integer value of 1, 2 or 3
may be used to define this property. This property is not required. The
default value is 1.
Orientation Angle This property defines the additional rotation about the Orientation Axis in
degrees. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an *ORIENTATION
option that is referenced in the *GASKET SECTION option from the
ORIENTATION parameter. A real constant or a spatially varying field may
be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may
be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field may
be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Solid Gasket (Thick only)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 3D Gasket Thickness Behavior Wedge6, Hex8

These options create GK3D8N or GK3D6N elements depending on the element topology. The
*GASKET SECTION option is used to define the gasket thickness, initial gap and initial void values.
The *GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option is used to define the behavior in the
thickness direction.

Main Index
328 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Behavior Type This property defines the type of behavior for the thickness direction. It may
be set to either "Damage" or "Elastic-Plastic". This value is translated to the
ABAQUS input file as the TYPE parameter on the *GASKET THICKNESS
BEHAVIOR option. This property is required.
P vs Closure This property defines the pressure versus gasket closure for loading in the
(Loading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to LOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either Displacement or Displacement and Temperature.
This property is required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 329
Element Properties

P vs Closure This property defines the pressure versus gasket closure for unloading in the
(Unloading) thickness direction. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as the
parameter set to UNLOADING. A non-spatial field created with the "Tabular
Input" method must be used to define this property. The field's independent
variables must be either displacement or displacement and temperature. This
property is not required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Solid Gasket (Material)

Analysis Type Dimension Type Option 1 Option 2 Topologies

Structural 3D Gasket Built-in Material Wedge6, Hex8

These options create GK3D8 or GK3D6 elements depending on the element topology. The *GASKET
SECTION option is used to define the gasket thickness, initial gap and initial void values. The
*GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR option is used to define the behavior in the thickness direction.
The *GASKET ELASTICITY option is used to define the transverse shear behavior.

Main Index
330 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Element Properties

Material Name This property defines the material to be used. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file as the MATERIAL parameter on the *GASKET SECTION option.
This property is required.
Gasket Thickness This property defines the thickness of the gasket elements. It is translated to
the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the *GASKET SECTION option. A
real constant or a spatially varying field may be used to define this property.
This property is not required. When this property is not specified, the gasket
elements' thicknesses are determined from their nodal coordinates.
Thickness Direction This property defines the thickness direction (local one direction) for the
elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file on the *GASKET
SECTION option. A real vector or a spatially varying vector field may be
used to define this property. This property is not required.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 331
Element Properties

Orientation System This property defines the coordinate system to use in defining the local two
and three directions for the gasket elements. It is translated to the ABAQUS
input file as an *ORIENTATION option that is referenced in the *GASKET
SECTION option from the ORIENTATION parameter. An existing
coordinate frame may be used to define this property. This property is not
Orientation Axis This property defines the axis of rotation of the Orientation System for the
Orientation Angle. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an
*ORIENTATION option that is referenced in the *GASKET SECTION
option from the ORIENTATION parameter. An integer value of 1, 2 or 3
may be used to define this property. This property is not required. The
default value is 1.
Orientation Angle This property defines the additional rotation about the Orientation Axis in
degrees. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an *ORIENTATION
option that is referenced in the *GASKET SECTION option from the
ORIENTATION parameter. A real constant or a spatially varying field may
be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Gap This property defines the initial gap in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.
Initial Void This property defines the initial void in the thickness direction of the gasket
element. It is translated to the ABAQUS input file as an entry on the
*GASKET SECTION option. A real constant or a spatially varying field
may be used to define this property. This property is not required.

Main Index
332 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Loads and Boundary Conditions

Patran I nterface to ABAQU S Preference Gu ide

Loads and Boundary Conditions

When choosing the Loads/BCs toggle, the Loads and Boundary Conditions form will appear. The
selections made will determine which loads and boundary form is presented, and ultimately, which
ABAQUS loads and boundaries will be created.
The following pages give an introduction to the Loads and Boundary Conditions form, followed by the
details of all the loads and boundary conditions supported by the Patran ABAQUS
Application Preference.

Loads & Boundary Conditions Form

The Loads & Boundary Conditions form shown below provides the following options for the purpose of
creating ABAQUS loads and boundaries. The full functionality of the form is defined in Loads and
Boundary Conditions Form (p. 27) in the Patran Reference Manual.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 333
Loads and Boundary Conditions

The following table shows the allowable selections for all options when the Analysis Type is set to

Main Index
334 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Loads and Boundary Conditions

Analysis Type Object Type

Structural • Displacement Nodal
• Force Nodal
• Pressure Element Uniform
• Temperature Nodal
Element Uniform
Element Variable
• Inertial Load Element Uniform
• Initial Velocity Nodal
• Velocity Nodal
• Acceleration Nodal
• Contact (Deform-Deform) Element Uniform
• Contact (Rigid-Deform) Element Uniform
• Pre-Tension Element Uniform

The following table shows the allowable selections for all options when the Analysis Code is set to

Analysis Type Object Type

Thermal • Temperature (Thermal) Nodal
• Convection Element Uniform
• Heat Flux Element Uniform
• Heat Source Nodal
Element Uniform
• Initial Temperature Nodal

Input Data
Clicking on the Input Data button generates either a Static or Transient Input Data form, depending on
the current Load Case Type.

This subordinate form appears whenever Load Case Type is set to Static and the Input Data button is
clicked. The information contained on this form will vary according to the Object that has been selected.
Information that remains standard to this form is defined below.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 335
Loads and Boundary Conditions

This subordinate form appears whenever Load Case Type is set to Transient and the Input Data button is
clicked. The information contained on this form will vary according to the Object that has been selected.
Information that remains standard to this form is defined below.

Main Index
336 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Loads and Boundary Conditions

Object Tables
On the static and transient input data forms are areas where the load data values are defined. The data
fields presented depend on the selected load Object and Type. In some cases, the data fields also depend
on the selected Target Element Type. These Object Tables list and define the various input data that
pertains strictly to a specific selected object:

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 337
Loads and Boundary Conditions


Object Type Type

Displacement Nodal Structural


Input Data Description

Translations (T1,T2,T3) Defines the enforced translational displacement values. These are in model
length units.
Rotations (R1,R2,R3) Defines the enforced rotational displacement values. These are in radians.


Object Type Type

Force Nodal Structural

Creates *CLOAD options.

Input Data Description

Force (F1,F2,F3) Defines the applied forces in the translation degrees-of-freedom.
Moment (M1,M2,M3) Defines the applied moments in the rotational degrees-of-freedom.


Object Type Type Dimension

Pressure Element Uniform Structural 2D

Creates *DLOAD options.

Input Data Description

Top Surf Pressure Defines the magnitude of the pressure in the direction of the negative
normal to the shell.

Main Index
338 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Loads and Boundary Conditions

Input Data Description

Bot Surf Pressure Defines the magnitude of the pressure in the direction of the positive
normal to the shell.
Edge Pressure Defines the edge pressure value on axisymmetric, plane strain,and
plane stress elements.

Object Type Type Dimension

Pressure Element Uniform Structural 3D

Creates *DLOAD options.

Input Data Description

Pressure Defines the face pressure value on solid elements.


Object Type Type

Temperature Nodal Structural

Creates *TEMPERATURE options.

Input Data Description

Temperature Defines the nodal temperature value.

Object Type Type Dimension

Temperature Element Uniform Structural 1D

Creates *TEMPERATURE options.

Input Data Description

Temperature Defines the temperature on elements.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 339
Loads and Boundary Conditions

Object Type Type Dimension

Temperature Element Variable Structural 1D

Creates *TEMPERATURE options.

Input Data Description

Centroid Temp (1D) Defines the temperature at the centroid of the beam.
Axis-1 Gradient (1D) Defines the temperature gradient along the axis-1 of the beam section.
Axis-2 Gradient (1D)S Defines the temperature gradient along the axis-2 of the beam section.
Top Surf Temp (2D) Defines the temperature at the top of the shell element.
Bot Surf Temp (2D) Defines the temperature at the bottom of the shell element.
Temperature (3D) Defines the temperature in the solid element.

Inertial Load

Object Type Type

Inertial Load Element Uniform Structural

Creates *DLOAD options with the load type set to GRAV, CENT, or CORIO as appropriate.

Input Data Description

Trans Accel (A1,A2,A3) Defines the magnitude and direction of the gravity vector. This must
be assigned to all elements which are to have gravity loads.
Rot Velocity (w1,w2,w3) Defines the centrifugal and Coriolis forces to be applied to the
Rot Accel (a1,a2,a3) These load terms are not currently supported by Patran ABAQUS.

Initial Velocity

Object Type Type

Initial Velocity Nodal Structural

Main Index
340 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Loads and Boundary Conditions


Input Data Description

Trans Veloc (v1,v2,v3) Defines the initial velocity values for the translational degrees-of-
Rot Veloc (w1,w2,w3) Defines the initial velocity values for the rotational degrees-of-


Object Type Type

Velocity Nodal Structural

Creates *Boundary, Type=Velocity options.

Input Data Description

Trans Veloc (v1,v2,v3) Defines the velocity values for the translational degrees-of-freedom.
Rot Veloc (w1, w2, w3) Defines the velocity values for the rotational degrees-of-freedom.


Object Type Type

Acceleration Nodal Structural

Creates *Boundary, Type=Acceleration options.

Input Data Description

Trans Accel (A1, A2, A3) Defines the acceleration values for the translational
Rot Accel (a1, a2, a3) Defines the acceleration values for the rotational degrees-of-freedom.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 341
Loads and Boundary Conditions

Contact (Deform-Deform)

Object Type Type

Contact Element Uniform Structural

Defines the contact between two deformable structural bodies and creates the following ABAQUS
input cards:
*Surface Definition: Master and Slave surface definitions.
*Contact Pair: Pairing of the Master and Slave Surfaces.
*Tie: Tying of the Master and Slave Surfaces (version 6 and greater).
*Surface Interaction: Contact Interaction properties between Master and Slave.
*Contact Controls: Set the Automatic Tolerances parameter
*Contact Inerference: Set the Shrink parameter

Main Index
342 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Loads and Boundary Conditions

Defines the Master and Slave surface interaction properties.

The contact type can be General (contacting surfaces move relative to each other) or Tied (contacting
surfaces remain fixed with respect to each other usually used in mesh refinement). The sliding between
the contacting surfaces can be Large or Small. For contact in 3D space the sliding is limited to Small
sliding. Four types of contact surface behavior options are available, Hard, Softened, Modified
Softened, and No Separation. The surfaces do not separate after contact in the case when No Separation
option is used. Three types of friction formulations are available, Penalty, Lagrange, and No Slip. In the
case of No Slip option there is no relative motion between the contacting surfaces after contact. The
Penetration Type can be One Sided (Only the slave nodes are checked against the master surface) or
Symmetric (Both the slave and master nodes are checked against each other by swapping the master and
slave surfaces). The Contact Control can be turned On to activate the *Contact Control, Automatic
Tolerances parameter. Use this parameter to have ABAQUS automatically compute an overclosure
tolerance and a separation pressure tolerance to prevent chattering in contact. Shrink Fit can be turned
On to activate the *Contact Interference, Shrink parameter. Use this parameter to invoke the automatic
shrink fit capability. This capability can be used only in the first step of an analysis. When this parameter
is invoked, no data are required other than the contact pairs to which the option is applied.
The application region form is used to pick the master and slave surfaces.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 343
Loads and Boundary Conditions

Application Region:
Defines the Master and Slave contacting surfaces.

Contact (Rigid-Deform)

Object Type Type

Contact Element Uniform Structural

Defines the contact between the rigid surface and deformable structural body and creates the following
ABAQUS input cards:
*Surface Definition: Master and Slave surface definitions.
*Contact Pair: Pairing of the Master and Slave Surfaces.

Main Index
344 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Loads and Boundary Conditions

*Surface Interaction: Contact Interaction properties between Master and Slave.

*Contact Controls: Set the Automatic Tolerances parameter
*Contact Inerference: Set the Shrink parameter
Defines the Master and Slave surface interaction properties.

The sliding between the contacting surfaces can be Large or Small. Four types of contact surface
behavior options are available, Hard, Softened, Modified Softened, and No Separation. The surfaces
do not separate after contact in the case when No Separation option is used. Three types of friction
formulations are available, Penalty, Lagrange, and No Slip. In the case of No Slip option there is no
relative motion between the contacting surfaces after contact. The Contact Control can be turned On to
activate the *Contact Control, Automatic Tolerances parameter. Use this parameter to have ABAQUS
automatically compute an overclosure tolerance and a separation pressure tolerance to prevent chattering

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 345
Loads and Boundary Conditions

in contact. Shrink Fit can be turned On to activate the *Contact Interference, Shrink parameter. Use
this parameter to invoke the automatic shrink fit capability. This capability can be used only in the first
step of an analysis. When this parameter is invoked, no data are required other than the contact pairs to
which the option is applied. A vector pointing from the rigid line to the slave surface must be defined.
This vector is used to calculate the order of rigid bar elements. The vector should be defined such that
the most of the vector markers point away from the rigid line.
The application region form is used to pick the master and slave surfaces.

Application Region:
Defines the Master and Slave contacting surfaces.

Main Index
346 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Loads and Boundary Conditions

Application Region:
Defines the Master and Slave contacting surfaces. This form appears when Contact Type: is Rigid Geom.
and Master: is Rigid Surface.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 347
Loads and Boundary Conditions


Object Type Option Type Dimension

Pre-tension Element Uniform Displacement Structural 1D


Input Data Description

Relative Displacement Defines the relative displacement to apply to the length of the elements.

Object Type Option Type Dimension

Pre-tension Element Uniform Displacement Structural 2D, 3D


Input Data Description

Relative Displacement Defines the relative displacement to apply to the underlying elements in the
direction of the section's normal.

Object Type Option Type Dimension

Pre-tension Element Uniform Force Structural 1D

Creates *CLOAD and *PRE-TENSION SECTION options.

Input Data Description

Force Defines the pre-tension force to apply to the elements.

Object Type Option Type Dimension

Pre-tension Element Uniform Force Structural 2D, 3D

Main Index
348 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Loads and Boundary Conditions


Input Data Description

Force Defines the pre-tension force to apply to the underlying elements in the direction of
the section's normal.

Temperature (Thermal)

Object Type Type

Temp (Thermal) Nodal Thermal

Creates *BOUNDARY options.

Input Data Description

Temperature Defines the nodal temperature value.


Object Type Type Dimension

Convection Element Uniform Thermal 2D

Creates *FILM options.

Input Data Description

Top Surf Convection Defines the convection coefficient for the top surface of a shell element.
Bot Surf Convection Defines the convection coefficient for the bottom surface of a shell element.
Edge Convection Defines the convection coefficient for the edges of axisymmetric, plane
strain, and plane stress type elements.
Ambient Temp Defines the ambient temperature.

Object Type Type Dimension

Convection Element Uniform Thermal 3D

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 349
Loads and Boundary Conditions

Creates *FILM options.

Input Data Description

Convection Defines the convection coefficient for the face of a solid element.
Ambient Temp Defines the ambient temperature.

Heat Flux

Object Type Type Dimension

Heat Flux Element Uniform Thermal 2D

Creates *DFLUX options.

Input Data Description

Top Surf Heat Flux Defines the heat flux for the top surface of a shell element.
Bot Surf Heat Flux Defines the heat flux for the bottom surface of a shell element.
Edge Heat Flux Defines the heat flux for the edges of axisymmetric, plane strain, and plane
stress type elements.

Object Type Type Dimension

Heat Flux Element Uniform Thermal 3D

Creates *DFLUX options.

Input Data Description

Heat Flux Defines the heat flux for the face of a solid element.

Heat Source

Object Type Type

Heat Source Nodal Thermal

Main Index
350 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Loads and Boundary Conditions

Creates *CFLUX options.

Input Data Description

Heat Source Defines the reference magnitude for flux (units J T Ó 1 ).

Object Type Type

Heat Source Element Uniform Thermal

Creates *DFLUX options.

Input Data Description

Heat Source Defines the reference magnitude for flux (units J T Ó 1 ).

Initial Temperature

Object Type Type

Initial Temperature Nodal Thermal


Input Data Description

Temperature Defines the initial temperature for a specified node.

Main Index
Chapter 2: Building A Model 351
Load Cases

Load Cases
Load Cases in Patran ABAQUS are used to group a series of Load sets into one load environment for the
model. A load case is selected when preparing an analysis, not load sets. The individual load sets are
translated into the input options described in the Object Tables of the section on Loads and Boundary
Conditions form.

Main Index
352 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

Groups in Patran ABAQUS are used to create groups of nodes (*NSET) and groups of elements
(*ELSET). All the groups created in Patran will be translated as *NSETs and *ELSETs except for the
“default_group” which always exists in the database, and group names which do not begin with an
alphabetic character (a-z, A-Z).d

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis
Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

3 Running an Analysis

 Review of the Analysis Form 354

Translation Parameters 357

Restart Parameters 358
 Optional Controls 359

Direct Text Input 360

Step Creation 361
 Step Selection 432

Read Input File 433

ABAQUS Input File Reader 435

Main Index
354 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Review of the Analysis Form

Review of the Analysis Form

The Analysis toggle located on the main form for Patran brings up The Analysis Form (p. 8) in the
MSC.Patran Reference Manual. This form is used to request an analysis of the model with the ABAQUS
finite element program. It can also be used to incorporate the contents of an ABAQUS results file into
the database. See Read Results.
The following page gives an introduction to the Analysis form used to prepare an ABAQUS analysis.
This is followed by detailed descriptions of the subordinate forms that can be displayed from the
Analysis form.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 355
Review of the Analysis Form

Analysis Form
Setting the Action option menu on the Analysis Form to Analyze indicates that an analysis run is
being prepared.

The Object indicates which part of the model is to be analyzed. It can be set to either Entire Model or
Current Group. If the whole model is to be analyzed, select Entire Model. If only a part of the model is

Main Index
356 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Review of the Analysis Form

to be analyzed, create a group of that part, set that as the current group, then select Current Group as
the Object.
The Method indicates how far the translation is to be taken. Currently only Analysis Deck is supported.
The method generates an ABAQUS input deck.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 357
Translation Parameters

Translation Parameters
This subordinate form appears whenever the Translation Parameters button is selected. The parameters
controlling the translation of the ABAQUS input deck are defined on this form.

Note: The spatially varying field property values are compared within the band of +half of
field properties tolerance and -half of field properties tolerance to group the
elements. The property values for this group of elements are added and divided by the number
of elements in this group to get the average property value to be used.

Main Index
358 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Restart Parameters

Restart Parameters
This subordinate form appears whenever the Restart Parameters button is selected. This form creates a
*RESTART option (see Section 7.10.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 359
Optional Controls

Optional Controls
This subordinate form appears whenever the Restart Parameters button is selected.

Main Index
360 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Direct Text Input

Direct Text Input

This subordinate form appears whenever the Direct Text Input button is selectedK
This widget is to facilitate the input of the ABAQUS input data that cannot be created using the
functionality available in Patran. All data input here will be appended to the ABAQUS model data before
the step history block.

Note: There is no checking available for invalid input.

Note: The font for the text input may vary from one system to another. A default font is specified in
app_defaults/Patran file:

Patran*fixedFont: -misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--13-100-100-100-c-70-iso8859-1

For any problems with the text on a particular system, change the font specifications in the
Patran file which should reside in your ~home directory. Use xfontsel, or xlxfonts commands to
get the list of available fonts on a given system.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 361
Step Creation

Step Creation
This subordinate form appears whenever the Step Creation button is selected on the Analysis form. A
step is defined by associating the load cases created and stored on the database, with the ABAQUS
analysis procedure that best addresses that load case, and the relevant associated parameters that guide
the solution path for the chosen analysis procedure. There is no importance to the order in which the Job
Steps are created on this form--they will be ordered for the job in the Step Selection form.

Main Index
362 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Select Load Cases

This subordinate form appears whenever the Select Load Cases button is selected on the
Step Creation form.

Output Requests
This subordinate form appears whenever the Output Requests button is selected on the Step Create form.
It is used for specifying the specific variables to be included in the output from ABAQUS options such
OUTPUT. An explanation of the output variables that can be requested is included in the Output Requests
description for each solution type.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 363
Step Creation

Direct Text Input

This subordinate form appears whenever the Direct Text Input button is selectedK
This widget is to facilitate the input of the ABAQUS input data that cannot be created using the
functionality available in Patran menus. All data input here will be appended to the ABAQUS step
history being created.

Note: There is no checking available for invalid data.

The font for the text input may vary from one system to another. A default font is specified
in app_defaults/Patran file:

Main Index
364 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Patran*fixedFont: -misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--13-100-100-100-c-70-iso8859-1
For any problems with the text on a particular system, change the font specifications in the Patran file
which should reside in your ~home directory. Use xfontsel, or xlxfonts commands to get the list of
available fonts on a given system.

Solution Types
Each step has an associated Solution type, and the information that is requested on the Solution
Parameters and Output Requests forms varies based on this selection. ABAQUS calls these analysis
procedures, and the full explanations of these procedures can be found in Chapter 2 “Procedures Library”
of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

Parameter Type Description

Linear Static Static stress analysis is used when inertia effects can be neglected.
During a linear static step, the model’s response is defined by the
linear elastic stiffness at the base state, the state of deformation and
stress at the beginning of the step. For ∗HYPERELASTIC and
∗HYPERFOAM materials, the tangent elastic moduli in the base
state is used. Contact conditions cannot change during the step--they
remain as they are defined in the base state.
Natural Frequency This solution type uses eigenvalue techniques to extract the
frequencies of the current system. The stiffness determined at the
end of the previous step is used as the basis for the extraction, so that
small vibrations of a preloaded structure can be modeled.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 365
Step Creation

Parameter Type Description

Bifurcation Buckling Eigenvalue buckling estimates are obtained. Classical eigenvalue
buckling analysis (e.g., “Euler” buckling) is often used to estimate
the critical (buckling) load of “stiff” structures. “Stiff” structures are
those that carry their design loads primarily by axial or membrane
action, rather than by bending action. Their response usually
involves very little deformation prior to buckling.
Direct Linear Transient This solution procedure integrates all of the equations of motion
through time, and is significantly more expensive than modal
methods for finding dynamic response for linear systems. For linear
systems, the dynamic method, using the Hilber-Hughes-Taylor
operator, is unconditionally stable, meaning there is no mathematical
limit on the size of the time increment that can be used to integrate a
linear system. Since the procedure uses a fixed time increment, the
HAFTOL parameter on the *DYNAMIC card is not required.
Direct Steady State Dynamics Calculates steady state response for the given range of frequencies.
The damping may be created by dashpots, by “Rayleigh” damping
associated with materials, and by viscoelasticity included in the
material definitions.
Modal Linear Transient This solution type gives the response of the model as a function of
time, based on a given time dependent loading. The procedure is
based on using a subset of the eigenmodes of the system, which must
first be extracted using the NATURAL FREQUENCY solution
type.The number of modes extracted must be sufficient to model the
dynamic response of the system adequately. This is a matter of
judgment on the part of the user. The modal amplitudes are
integrated through time and the response synthesized from these
modal responses.
Modal Steady State Dynamics This solution type provides the response of the system when it is
excited by harmonic loading at a given frequency. This procedure is
usually preceded by extraction of the natural modes using the
NATURAL FREQUENCY solution type, although ABAQUS also
allows the response to be calculated directly from the system
matrices for use in those cases where the eigenvalues cannot be
extracted, such as a nonsymmetric stiffness case, or models in which
the behavior is itself a function of frequency, such as frequency
dependent material damping.

Main Index
366 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Type Description

Response Spectrum This solution type provides an estimate of the peak response of a
structure to steady-state dynamic motion of its fixed points (“base
motion”). The method is typically used when an approximate
estimate of such peak response is required for design purposes. The
procedure is based on using a subset of the eigenmodes of the
system, which must first be extracted using the NATURAL
FREQUENCY solution type.
Random Vibration This solution type predicts the response of a system which is
subjected to a nondeterministic continuous excitation that is
expressed in a statistical sense using a power spectral density
function. The procedure is based on using a subset of the eigenmodes
of the system, which must first be extracted using the NATURAL
FREQUENCY solution type.
Nonlinear Static Nonlinear static analysis requires the solution of nonlinear
equilibrium equations, for which ABAQUS uses Newton’s method.
Many problems involve history dependent response, so that the
solution is usually obtained as a series of increments, with iteration
within each increment to obtain equilibrium. For most cases, the
automatic incrementation provided by ABAQUS is preferred,
although direct user control is also provided for those cases where
the user has experience with a particular problem.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 367
Step Creation

Parameter Type Description

Nonlinear Transient This solution type is used when nonlinear dynamic response is being
Dynamic studied. Because all of the equations of motion of the system must be
integrated through time, direct integration methods are generally
significantly more expensive than modal methods. For most cases,
the automatic incrementation provided by ABAQUS is preferred,
although direct user control is also provided for those cases where
the user has experience with a particular problem.
Creep This analysis procedure performs a transient, static,
stress⁄displacement analysis. It is especially provided for the analysis
of materials which are described by the ∗CREEP material form.
Viscoelastic (Time Domain) This is especially provided for the time domain analysis of materials
which are described by the ∗VISCOELASTIC, TIME material
option. The dissipative part of the material behavior is defined
through a Prony series representation of the normalized shear and
bulk relaxation moduli, either specified directly on the
∗VISCOELASTIC, TIME material option, determined from user
input creep test data, or determined from user input relaxation test
Viscoelastic (Frequency This is especially provided for the frequency domain analysis of
Domain) materials which are described by the ∗VISCOELASTIC,
FREQUENCY material option, which is activated by a ∗STEADY
STATE DYNAMICS, DIRECT procedure.The dissipative part of the
material behavior is defined by the real and imaginary parts of the
Fourier transforms of the nondimensional shear viscoelasticity
parameter g and, for compressible materials, of the bulk
viscoelasticity parameter k.
Steady State Heat Transfer This solution type is for pure heat transfer problems for which the
∗HEAT TRANSFER option is used and where the temperature field
can be found without knowledge of stress and deformation of the
bodies being studied.
Transient Heat Transfer This solution type is for pure transient heat transfer problems for
which the ∗HEAT TRANSFER option is used and where the
temperature field can be found without knowledge of stress and
deformation of the bodies being studied. For all transient heat
transfer cases, the time increments may be specified directly, or will
be selected automatically based on a user prescribed maximum nodal
temperature change in a step. Automatic time incrementation is
generally preferred.

Main Index
368 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Linear Static

Read Temperature File=

This option is used to specify temperatures via the results file which has been generated from a previous
heat transfer analysis. Only one temperature results file is allowed in an analysis but the same file can be
referenced by many steps.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 369
Step Creation

Linear Static
If the selected solution type is Linear Static then the following parameters may be defined on the Output
Requests form.

Parameter Variable
Name Description Identifier
Stress The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. S11, S22, S33,
Components For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) only, S12, S13, S23
while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six
components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that ABAQUS
always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is equal to the
force per current area. For more information about element output,
see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Stress The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, SINV
Invariants Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress, second
principal stress, third principal stress, and the third stress invariant.
These quantities are scalar quantities which do not vary with a
change of coordinate system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises
and/or the Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that
the analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain This is the total strain value for each component output. The strain E
Components components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to
the stress components. Note that, for linear elastic analyses, the
total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Elem Energy The strain energy per unit volume of each element. Plastic, creep, ENER
Densities and viscous dissipative energy densities should not be affected by
linear static analysis.
Elem Energy The strain energy of each element. Plastic, creep, and viscous ELEN
Magnitudes dissipative energy densities should not be affected by linear static
Internal Stress The forces that are found at each node by summing the element NFORC
Forces stress contributions at the nodes.
Section Forces Section forces are output for beam elements and include the axial SF
force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and
bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in Section
3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section forces include the direct membrane,
shear, and moment forces per unit width, as applicable. These are
discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

Main Index
370 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Variable
Name Description Identifier
Section Strains Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, SE
these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature
changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in
Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section strains include the direct

membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable.
These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, STH
Displacements Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as follows: U

1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and
rotation degrees-of-freedom are:

1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate
transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping degree-
of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an open
section beam element, is not supported by Patran at this time.
Reaction The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, resist RF
Forces changes in the system. The direction convention is the same as that
for nodal output.
Point Forces The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads CF
(e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on
adjacent elements).

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 371
Step Creation

Parameter Variable
Name Description Identifier
Whole Model The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, ALLEN
Energies recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep dissipation,
and viscous dissipation are reported.
Element Mass Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness matrices output.
Stiffness Matrix

Natural Frequency
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the solution types
is Natural Frequency. This generates ∗FREQUENCY procedures (see Section 9.3.5 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual). The optional NLGEOM parameter on the ∗STEP option may be
included, as defined below. None of the other optional parameters on the ∗pqbm option (AMPLITUDE,
INC, or MONOTONIC) are used.

Natural Frequency
If the selected Solution Type is Natural Frequency, then the following parameters may be defined on the
Output Requests form. A complete discussion of the ABAQUS results file can be found in Chapter 6 of
the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual. Note that the Natural Frequency solution type extracts the
frequency and corresponding mode shapes (eigenvalues and eigenmodes), usually for use in a later
analysis (e.g., Response Spectrum). The stresses and strains corresponding to the mode shapes can be

Main Index
372 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

output, but are usually of limited direct value except as a possible means for guiding mode limitations for
future analyses.

Parameter Variable
Name Description Identifier
Stress The stress components output depend on the elements S11, S22, S33,
Components analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial S12, S13, S23
stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element
outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23).
Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress,
which is equal to the force per current area. For more
information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Stress Invariants The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, SINV
Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, First principal stress,
second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third
stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which
do not vary with a change of coordinate system.
Strain This is the total strain value for each component output. The E
Components strain components output depend on the elements analyzed,
analogous to the stress components. Note that, for linear
elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Section Forces Section forces are output for beam elements and include the SF
axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments
and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in
Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section forces include the direct

membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains Section strains are output for beam elements and, as SE
applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear
strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local
axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of
the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section strains include the direct

membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable.
These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 373
Step Creation

Parameter Variable
Name Description Identifier
Shell Thickness Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, STH
Displacements Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to U
as follows:

1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement
and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:

1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate
transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping
degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of
an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at
this time.
Reaction Forces The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, RF
resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the
same as that for nodal output.
Element Mass Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Stiffness matrices output.

Bifurcation Buckling
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the Solution
Type is Bifurcation Buckling. This form defines the data required for a *BUCKLE command (see Section
9.3.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual). This step may be included either as the first step or when
the structure has already been preloaded. If the structure has been preloaded, the buckle sensitivity
around the preloaded state is calculated. The problem is a classical eigenvalue problem, with the

Main Index
374 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

eigenvalues defined as the load multipliers of the load pattern for which buckling sensitivity is being

Bifurcation Buckling
If the selected Solution Type is Bifurcation Buckling then the following parameters may be defined on
the Output Requests form.

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Stress The stress components output depend on the elements analyzed. S11, S22,
Components For example, the truss element outputs the axial stress (S11) S33, S12,
only, while a three-dimensional solid element outputs all six S13, S23
components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23). Note that
ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress, which is
equal to the force per current area. For more information about
element output, see Chapter 3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s
Stress Invariants The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, SINV
Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress, second
principal stress, third principal stress, and the third stress
invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do not
vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic analyses,
the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can be
monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the
assumptions of linearity.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 375
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Strain This is the total strain value for each component output. The E
Components strain components output depend on the elements analyzed,
analogous to the stress components. Note that, for linear elastic
analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Section Forces Section forces are output for beam elements and include the SF
axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments and
bimoment about the local axes.
These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section forces include the direct

membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, SE
these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature
changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in
Section 3.5.1 and Sectiono 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section strains include the direct

membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable.
These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, STH

Main Index
376 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Displacements Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as U

1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and
rotation degrees-of-freedom are:

1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate
transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping
degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an
open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at
this time.
Reaction Forces The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, RF
resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the
same as that for nodal output.
Element Mass Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Stiffness matrices output.

Direct Linear Transient

This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the solution type
is Direct Linear Transient. This generates a *DYNAMIC procedure, with the optional DIRECT
parameter included (see Section 9.3.4 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual). Note that modal
methods are usually more economical for linear dynamic analysis. Many of the parameters described in
the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual for the *DYNAMIC option are not used for this option.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 377
Step Creation

Direct Linear Transient

If the selected Solution Type is Direct Linear Transient then the following parameters may be defined
on this form.

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Stress Components The stress components output depend on the elements S11, S22, S33,
analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial S12, S13, S23
stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element
outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23).
Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress,
which is equal to the force per current area. For more
information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Stress Invariants The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, SINV
Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress,
second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third
stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do
not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic
analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can
be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the
assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components This is the total strain value for each component output. The E
strain components output depend on the elements analyzed,
analogous to the stress components. Note that for linear elastic
analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.

Main Index
378 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Elem Energy The strain energy per unit volume of each element. ENER
Elem Energy The strain energy of each element. ELEN
Internal Stress The forces that are found at each node by summing the element NFORC
Forces stress contributions at the nodes.
Section Forces Section forces are output for beam elements and include the SF
axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments
and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in
Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section forces include the direct

membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains Section strains are output for beam elements and, as applicable, SE
these include the axial strain, transverse shear strains, curvature
changes, and twist about the local axes.These are discussed in
Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section strains include the direct

membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable.
These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, STH

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 379
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Displacements Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to U
as follows:

1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement and
rotation degrees-of-freedom are:

1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate
transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping
degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an
open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at
this time.
Velocities Nodal velocities, following the same convention as V
for displacements.
Accelerations Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as A
for displacements.
Reaction Forces The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, RF
resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the
same as that for nodal output.
Point Forces The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads (e.g., CF
the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on
adjacent elements).
Whole Model The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, ALLEN
Energies recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep
dissipation, and viscous dissipation are reported.
Element Mass Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Stiffness matrices output.

Main Index
380 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Direct Steady State Dynamics

This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the solution type
is Direct Steady State Dynamics. This generates a ∗STEADY STATE DYNAMIC procedure.

Direct Steady State Dynamics

If the selected solution type is Direct Steady State Dynamics, then the following parameters may be
defined on the Output Requests form.

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Stress Components The stress components output depend on the elements S11, S22, S33,
analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial S12, S13, S23
stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element
outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23).
Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true
stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more
information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Stress Invariants The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises SINV
stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal
stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and
the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar
quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate
system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the
Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that the
analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Ph Angle Stress The phase angle shift of the stress components. PHS

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 381
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Strain Components This is the total strain value for each component output. E
The strain components output depend on the elements
analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that,
for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the
elastic strain.
Ph Angle Strain The phase angle shift of the strain components. PHE
Section Forces Section forces are output for beam elements and include SF
the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending
moments and bimoment about the local axes. These are
discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section forces include the direct

membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains Section strains are output for beam elements and, as SE
applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear
strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local
axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2
of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section strains include the direct

membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, STH

Main Index
382 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Displacements Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as U

1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement
and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:

1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate
transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping
degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component
of an open section beam element, is not supported by
Patran at this time.
Velocities Nodal velocities, following the same convention as for V
Accelerations Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as for A
Phase Angle Rel. The phase angle shift of the relative displacement PU
Displacements components.
Reaction Forces The forces at the nodes which are constrained and RF
therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction
convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Phase Angle Reaction The phase angle shift of the reaction force components. PRF
Point Forces The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads CF
(e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure
distributions on adjacent elements).
Element Mass Matrix Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Stiffness matrices output.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 383
Step Creation

Modal Linear Transient

This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the solution type
is Modal Linear Transient. This generates a *FREQUENCY procedure (see Section 9.3.5 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual) followed by a ∗MODAL DYNAMIC procedure (see Section 9.3.8
of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual). A ∗MODAL DAMPING option will also be generated, as
required. Only one load case may be selected.

Main Index
384 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Modal Linear Transient

This subordinate form appears whenever the Output Request button is selected on the Step Create form,
and the Solution Type is Modal Linear Transient.

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Stress Components The stress components output depend on the elements S11, S22,
analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial S33, S12,
stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element S13, S23
outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23).
Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress,
which is equal to the force per current area. For more
information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Stress Invariants The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises SINV
stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal
stress, second principal stress, third principal tress, and the
third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities
which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For
elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress
invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis
remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components This is the total strain value for each component output. The E
strain components output depend on the elements analyzed,
analogous to the stress components. Note that for linear
elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Section Forces Section forces are output for beam elements and include the SF
axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments
and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in
Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section forces include the direct

membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 385
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Section Strains Section strains are output for beam elements and, as SE
applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear
strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local
axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of
the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section strains include the direct

membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable.
These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, STH
Displacements Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as U

1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement
and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:

1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate
transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping
degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of
an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at
this time.
Velocities Nodal velocities, following the same convention as for V
Acceleration Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as for A

Main Index
386 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Total Displacements The summation of all individual modal components of TU
displacement. The output follows the same convention as for
the individual modal components.
Total Velocities The summation of all individual modal components of TV
velocity. The output follows the same convention as for the
individual modal components.
Total Accelerations The summation of all individual modal components of TA
acceleration. The output follows the same convention as for
the individual modal components.
Reaction Forces The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, RF
resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the
same as that for nodal output.
Point Forces The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads, CF
(e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions
on adjacent elements).
Generalized The displacements associated with the modes of vibrations, GU
Displacements each of which have a shape (eigenmode) and associated
frequency (eigenvalue).
Generalized The velocities associated with the modes of vibration. GV
Generalized The accelerations associated with the modes of vibration. GA
Strain Energy per Elastic strain energy for the entire model per each mode. SNE
Kinetic Energy per Kinetic energy for the entire model per each mode. KE
External Work per External work for the entire model per each mode. T
Base Motion The base motion (displacement, velocity, or acceleration). BM
Whole Model The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, ALLEN
Energies recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep
dissipation, and viscous dissipation are reported.
Element Mass Matrix Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Stiffness matrices output.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 387
Step Creation

Define Damping Direct

When the type of Modal Damping selected is Direct, this subordinate form appears whenever Define
Damping is selected. The data is used to define the *MODAL DAMPING option (see Section 9.6.6 of
the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual) with the MODAL parameter set to DIRECT.

Main Index
388 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Define Damping Rayleigh

When the type of Modal Damping selected is Rayleigh, this subordinate form appears whenever Define
Damping is selected. This form defines the data required for the *MODAL DAMPING, RAYLEIGH
option (see Section 9.6.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).

Base Motion
This subordinate form appears whenever Define Base Motion is selected from the Modal Linear
Transient, Steady State Dynamics, or Viscoelasticity Frequency Domain Solution Parameter forms.
It defines the values on the ∗BASE MOTION option (see Section 9.4.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual).

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 389
Step Creation

Steady State Dynamics

This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the Solution
Type is Steady State Dynamics. This generates a *STEADY STATE DYNAMICS procedure (see Section
9.3.13 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual). A *FREQUENCY procedure may also be created
prior to the *STEADY STATE DYNAMICS procedure, if required.

Main Index
390 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Steady State Dynamics

If the selected solution type is Steady State Dynamics, then the following parameters may be defined on
the Output Requests form.

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Stress Components The stress components output depend on the elements S11, S22, S33,
analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial S12, S13, S23
stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element
outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13,
S23). Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or
true stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For
more information about element output, see Chapter 3 of
the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Ph Angle Stress The phase angle shift of the stress components. PHS

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 391
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Stress Invariants The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises SINV
stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal
stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and
the third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar
quantities which do not vary with a change of coordinate
system. For elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the
Tresca stress invariants can be monitored to ensure that
the analysis remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components This is the total strain value for each component output. E
The strain components output depend on the elements
analyzed, analogous to the stress components. Note that
for linear elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the
elastic strain.
Ph Angle Strain The phase angle shift of the strain components. PHE
Element Energy A scalar value for the energy content of the element. ELEN
Section Forces Section forces are output for beam elements and include SF
the axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending
moments and bimoment about the local axes. These are
discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section forces include the direct

membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains Section strains are output for beam elements and, as SE
applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear
strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local
axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section
7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section strains include the direct

membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, STH

Main Index
392 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Displacements Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as U

1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the
displacement and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:

1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate
transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping
degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component
of an open section beam element, is not supported by
Patran at this time.
Velocities Nodal velocities, following the same convention as for V
Accelerations Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as for A
Total Displacements The summation of all individual modal components of TU
displacement. The output follows the same convention as
for the individual modal components.
Total Velocities The summation of all individual modal components of TV
velocity. The output follows the same convention as for
the individual modal components.
Total Accelerations The summation of all individual modal components of TA
acceleration. The output follows the same convention as
for the individual modal components.
Phase Angle Rel. All components of the phase angle of the displacements at PU
Displacements the node.
Phase Angle Total All components of the phase angle of the total PTU
Displacements displacements at the node.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 393
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Reaction Forces The forces at the nodes which are constrained and so, RF
therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction
convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Phase Angle Reaction All components of the phase angle of the reaction forces PRF
Forces at the node.
Point Forces The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads, CF
(e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure
distributions on adjacent elements).
Generalized The displacements associated with the modes of GU
Displacements vibrations, each of which have a shape (eigenmode) and
associated frequency (eigenvalue).
Generalized Velocities The velocities associated with the modes of vibration. GV
Generalized The accelerations associated with the modes of vibration. GA
Phase Angle The phase angle of displacements associated with the PGU
Generalized modes of vibrations, each of which have a shape
Displacements (eigenmode) and associated frequency (eigenvalue).
Phase Angle The phase angle of velocities associated with the modes of PGV
Generalized Velocities vibration.
Phase Angle The phase angle of accelerations associated with the PGA
Generalized modes of vibration.
Strain Energy per Elastic strain energy for the entire model per each mode. SNE
Kinetic Energy per Kinetic energy for the entire model per each mode. KE
External Work per External work for the entire model per each mode. T
Base Motion The base motion (displacement, velocity, or acceleration). BM
Whole Model Energies The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, ALLEN
recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep
dissipation, and viscous dissipation are reported.
Element Mass Matrix Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Stiffness matrices output.

Main Index
394 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Define Frequencies
The data on this form is used to define the input for the *STEADY STATE DYNAMICS option (see
Section 9.3.13 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).

Response Spectrum
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the Solution
Type is Response Spectrum. This generates a *FREQUENCY procedure, and a *RESPONSE
SPECTRUM procedure (see Sections 9.3.5 and 9.3.10, respectively, of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s
Manual). A ∗SPECTRUM option is also created (see Section 7.11.5 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual).

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 395
Step Creation

Define Response Spectra (Response Spectrum)

This subordinate form appears whenever the Define Response Spectra button is selected on the Response
Spectrum Solution Parameter form.

Main Index
396 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Define Spectrum (Response Spectrum)

This form appears whenever the Define Spectrum button is selected on the Response Spectra form, which
is itself subordinate to the Response Spectrum Solution Parameter Form. Similar forms are used for the
second and third directions.The data on this form will define the *SPECTRUM option (see Section 7.11.5
of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 397
Step Creation

Response Spectrum
If the selected solution type is Response Spectrum, then the following parameters may be defined on the
Output Requests form.

Main Index
398 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Stress Components The stress components output depend on the elements S11, S22, S33,
analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial S12, S13, S23
stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element
outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23).
Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true
stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more
information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Stress Invariants The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises SINV
stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal
stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the
third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities
which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For
elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress
invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis
remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components This is the total strain value for each component output. The E
strain components output depend on the elements analyzed,
analogous to the stress components. Note that for linear
elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Section Forces Section forces are output for beam elements and include the SF
axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments
and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in
Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section forces include the direct

membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 399
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Section Strains Section strains are output for beam elements and, as SE
applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear
strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local
axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2
of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section strains include the direct

membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, STH
Displacements Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as U

1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement
and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:

1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate
transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping
degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of
an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at
this time.
Velocities Nodal velocities, following the same convention as for V
Accelerations Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as for A

Main Index
400 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Reaction Forces The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, RF
resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the
same as that for nodal output.
Point Forces The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads CF
(e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure
distributions on adjacent elements).

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 401
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Generalized The displacements associated with the modes of vibrations, GU
Displacements each of which have a shape (eigenmode) and associated
frequency (eigenvalue).
Generalized Velocities The velocities associated with the modes of vibration. GV
Generalized The accelerations associated with the modes of vibration. GA
Strain Energy per Elastic strain energy for the entire model per each mode. SNE
Kinetic Energy per Kinetic energy for the entire model per each mode. KE
External Work per External work for the entire model per each mode. T
Base Motion The base motion (displacement, velocity, or acceleration). BM
Whole Model Energies The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, ALLEN
recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep
dissipation, and viscous dissipation are reported.
Element Mass Matrix Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Stiffness matrices output.

Main Index
402 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Random Vibration
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the Solution
Type is Random Vibration. This generates a *FREQUENCY procedure and a *RANDOM RESPONSE
procedure (see Sections 9.3.5 and 9.3.9 of the ABAQUS⁄Standard User’s Manual).

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 403
Step Creation

Define Spectrum (Random Vibration)

The Spectrum Data Table form is used to define the power spectral density function data for the ∗PSD-
DEFINITION option (see Section 7.11.3 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual).

Main Index
404 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Random Vibration
If the selected solution type is Random Vibration, then the following parameters may be defined on the
Output Requests form.

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Stress Components The stress components output depend on the elements S11, S22,
analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial S33, S12,
stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element S13, S23
outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23).
Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress,
which is equal to the force per current area. For more
information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
R.M.S. Stress The root mean square value of the stress components. RA
Stress Invariants The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, SINV
Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress,
second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third
stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which
do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic
analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can
be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the
assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components This is the total strain value for each component output. The E
strain components output depend on the elements analyzed,
analogous to the stress components. Note that for linear elastic
analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
R.M.S. Strain The root mean square value of the strain components. RE
Section Forces Section forces are output for beam elements and include the SF
axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments
and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in
Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section forces include the direct

membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 405
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Section Strains Section strains are output for beam elements and, as SE
applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear
strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local
axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of
the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section strains include the direct

membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable.
These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, STH
Displacements Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to U
as follows:

1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement
and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:

1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate
transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping
degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of
an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at
this time.
Velocities Nodal velocities, following the same convention as V
for displacements.
Accelerations Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as A
for displacements.
R.M.S. Relative The root mean square value of the displacement components RU
Displacement relative to the base motion.

Main Index
406 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
R.M.S. Relative The root mean square value of the velocity components RV
Velocities relative to the base motion.
R.M.S. Relative The root mean square value of the acceleration components RA
Acceleration relative to the base motion.
Total Displacements The total displacement (including base motion) of the nodes. TU
Total Velocities The total velocity (including base motion) of the nodes. TV
Total Acceleration The total acceleration (including base motion) of the nodes. TA
R.M.S. Total The root mean square value of the displacement components RTU
Displacements including the base motion.
R.M.S. Total The root mean square value of the velocity components RTV
Velocities including the base motion.
R.M.S. Total The root mean square value of the acceleration components RTA
Accelerations including the base motion.
Reaction Forces The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, RF
resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the
same as that for nodal output.
R.M.S. Reaction The root mean square value of the modal component of the RRF
Forces reaction forces.
Point Forces The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads (e.g., CF
the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on
adjacent elements).
Generalized The displacements associated with the modes of vibrations, GU
Displacements each of which have a shape (eigenmode) and associated
frequency (eigenvalue).
Generalized The velocities associated with the modes of vibrations, each of GV
Velocities which have a shape (eigenmode) and associated frequency
Generalized The accelerations associated with the modes of vibrations, GA
Accelerations each of which have a shape (eigenmode) and associated
frequency (eigenvalue).
Base Motion The base motion (displacement, velocity, or acceleration). BM
Whole Model The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, ALLEN
Energies recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep
dissipation, and viscous dissipation is reported.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 407
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Element Mass Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Stiffness matrices output.

Nonlinear Static
This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the Solution
Type is Nonlinear Static. This generates a *STATIC procedure with the associated *STEP option. The
NLGEOM parameter on the *STEP command is included. The NLGEOM parameter is included on the
*STEP option.

More data input is available for defining the Nonlinear Static Solution Parameters shown on the
previous page. Listed below are the remaining parameters contained in this menu if the Riks method is
not selected.

Main Index
408 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description

Max No of Increments Defines the maximum number of increments that can be used
within a single step. This is a positive integer value. This is the
optional INC parameter on the ∗STEP option.
Initial DELTA-T Defines the initial time increment to be used. This is a real
constant. This will be modified as required if the automatic time
stepping scheme is used. Otherwise, it will be used as a constant
time increment.
Minimum DELTA-T Defines the minimum time increment to be used. This is a real
constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If
ABAQUS finds it needs a smaller time increment than this value,
the analysis is terminated.
Maximum DELTA-T Defines the maximum time increment to be used. This is a real
constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If this
value is not specified, no upper limit is imposed.
Time Duration of Step Defines the total time period of the step. This is a real constant.

Listed below are the remaining parameters contained in this menu if the Riks method is selected.

Parameter Name Description

Initial Load Fraction Defines the initial load fraction to be applied to the model. This is
a real constant. This is the initial time increment data value on the
∗STATIC command.
Minimum Load Fraction Defines the minimum load fraction which will be added during any
increment. These are real constants.
Maximum Load Fraction Defines the maximum load fraction which will be added during
any increment. These are real constants.
Stopping Condition Indicates which stopping condition is to be used. This can be set to
“Max. no. increments”, “Max. load multiplier”, or “Monitor a
Node.” This indicates which stopping condition data values are to
be defined on the ∗STATIC option.
Max. Load Multiplier This defines the maximum load multiplier allowed before the
iteration will be stopped. This is only used if “Max. load
multiplier,” or “Monitor a Node” are selected.
Node Number Indicates the node ID to be monitored. This is only used if
“Monitor a Node” is selected.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 409
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description

Limit Value Defines the limiting displacement at the node being monitored.
This is only used if “Monitor a Node” is selected.
DOF Number Indicates which degree-of-freedom at this node is to be monitored.
This is only used if “Monitor a Node” is selected.

Nonlinear Static
If the selected solution type is Nonlinear Static, then the following parameters may be defined on the
Output Requests form.

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Stress Components The stress components output depend on the elements S11, S22,
analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial S33, S12,
stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element S13, S23
outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23).
Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true stress,
which is equal to the force per current area. For more
information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Stress Invariants The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises stress, SINV
Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal stress,
second principal stress, third principal stress, and the third
stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities which do
not vary with a change of coordinate system. For elastic
analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress invariants can
be monitored to ensure that the analysis remains within the
assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components This is the total strain value for each component output. The E
strain components output depend on the elements analyzed,
analogous to the stress components. Note that for linear elastic
analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Plastic Strains The plastic strain component of the total strain. PE
Creep Strains The creep strain component of the total strain. CE
Elastic Strains The elastic strain component of the total strain. Note that the EE
elastic strain component is the component from which the
stress is computed.
Inelastic Strains The total strain minus the elastic strain component. IE

Main Index
410 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Elem Energy The energy per unit volume of each element. Strain, plastic, ENER
Densities creep, and viscous dissipative energy densities are reported.
Elem Energy The energy of each element. Strain, kinetic, plastic, creep, and ELEN
Magnitudes viscous dissipative energies are reported.
Internal Stress The forces that are found at each node by summing the element NFORC
Forces stress contributions at the nodes.
Section Forces Section forces are output for beam elements and include the SF
axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments
and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in
Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section forces include the direct

membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains Section strains are output for beam elements and, as SE
applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear
strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local axes.These
are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section strains include the direct

membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as applicable.
These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, STH

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 411
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Displacement Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to U
as follows:

1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement
and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:

1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate
transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping
degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of an
open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at
this time.
Reaction Forces The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, RF
resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the
same as that for nodal output.
Point Forces The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads (e.g., CF
the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions on
adjacent elements).
Whole Model The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, ALLEN
Energies recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep
dissipation, and viscous dissipation is reported.
Element Mass Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Stiffness matrices output.

Main Index
412 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Nonlinear Transient Dynamic

This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the Solution
Type is Nonlinear Transient Dynamic. This generates a ∗DYNAMIC procedure, with the associated
∗STEP option. The DIRECT and HAFTOL parameters are available on the ∗DYNAMIC option.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 413
Step Creation

More data input is available for defining the Nonlinear Transient Dynamic Solution Parameters shown
on the previous page. Listed below are the remaining parameters contained in this menu.

Parameter Name Description

Initial DELTA-T Defines the initial time increment to be used. This is a real constant.
This will be modified as required if the automatic time stepping
scheme is used. Otherwise, it will be used as a constant time
Minimum DELTA-T Defines the minimum time increment to be used. This is a real
constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If
ABAQUS finds it needs a smaller time increment than this value, the
analysis is terminated.
Maximum DELTA-T Defines the maximum time increment to be used. This is a real
constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If this
value is not specified, no upper limit is imposed.
Time Duration of Step Defines the total time period of the step. This is a real constant.
Max Error in Mid Increment This is the HAFTOL parameter on the ∗DYNAMIC option. See
Residual Section 9.3.4 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual and Section
5.2.1 of the ABAQUS/Standard Example Problems.

Main Index
414 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Nonlinear Transient Dynamic

If the selected solution type is Nonlinear Transient Dynamics, then the following parameters may be
defined on the Output Requests form.

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Stress Components The stress components output depend on the elements S11, S22, S33,
analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial S12, S13, S23
stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element
outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23).
Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true
stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more
information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Stress Invariants The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises SINV
stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal
stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the
third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities
which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For
elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress
invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis
remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components This is the total strain value for each component output. The E
strain components output depend on the elements analyzed,
analogous to the stress components. Note that, for linear
elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Plastic Strains The plastic strain component of the total strain. PE
Creep Strains The creep strain component of the total strain. CE
Elastic Strains The elastic strain component of the total strain. Note that the EE
elastic strain component is the component from which the
stress is computed.
Inelastic Strains The total strain minus the elastic strain component. IE
Elem Energy The energy per unit volume of each element. Strain, plastic, ENER
Densities creep, and viscous dissipative energy densities are reported.
Elem Energy The energy of each element. Strain, kinetic, elastic, creep, ELEM
Magnitudes and viscous dissipative energies are reported.
Internal Stress The forces that are found at each node by summing the NFORC
Forces element stress contributions at the nodes.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 415
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Section Forces Section forces are output for beam elements and include the SF
axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments
and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in
Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section forces include the direct

membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains Section strains are output for beam elements and, as SW
applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear
strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local
axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2
of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section strains include the direct

membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, S4RF,SAX1, STH

Main Index
416 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Displacements Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as U

1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement
and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:

1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate
transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping
degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of
an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at
this time.
Velocities Nodal velocities, following the same convention as for V
Accelerations Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as for A
Reaction Forces The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, RF
resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the
same as that for nodal output.
Point Forces The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads CF
(e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure distributions
on adjacent elements).
Whole Model The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, ALLEN
Energies recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep
dissipation, and viscous dissipation is reported.
Element Mass Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Stiffness matrices output.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 417
Step Creation

This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the Solution
Type is Creep. This generates a ∗VISCO procedure, with the associated ∗STEP option.

More data input is available for defining the Creep Solution Parameters shown on the previous page.
Listed below are the remaining parameters contained in this menu.

Parameter Name Description

Initial DELTA-T Defines the initial time increment to be used. This is a real constant.
This will be modified as required if the automatic time stepping
scheme is used.
Otherwise, it will be used as a constant time increment.
Minimum DELTA-T Defines the minimum time increment to be used. This is a real
constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If
ABAQUS finds it needs a smaller time increment than this value, the
analysis is terminated.

Main Index
418 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description

Maximum DELTA-T Defines the maximum time increment to be used. This is a real
constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If this
value is not specified, no upper limit is imposed.
Time Duration of Step Defines the total time period of the step. This is a real constant.
Admissable Error in Strain This is the CETOL parameter on the ∗VISCO option. See Section
Increment 9.3.15 of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

The strain components output depend on the elements analyzed, analogous to the stress components. In
addition, the total strain component can be separated into its contributory parts (e.g., elastic strain, plastic
strains, etc.) and these are reported separately.

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Stress Components The stress components output depend on the elements S11, S22, S33,
analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial S12, S13, S23
stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element
outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23).
Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true
stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more
information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Stress Invariants The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises SINV
stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal
stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the
third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities
which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For
elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress
invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis
remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Strain Components This is the total strain value for each component output. The E
strain components output depend on the elements analyzed,
analogous to the stress components. Note that for linear
elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Plastic Strains The plastic strain component of the total strain. PE
Creep Strains The creep strain component of the total strain. CE

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 419
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Elastic Strains The elastic strain component of the total strain. Note that the EE
elastic strain component is the component from which the
stress is computed.
Inelastic Strains The total strain minus the elastic strain component. IE
Elem Energy The energy per unit volume of each element. Strain, plastic, ENER
Densities creep, and viscous dissipative energy densities are reported.
Elem Energy The energy of each element. Strain, kinetic, elastic, creep, ELEM
Magnitudes and viscous dissipative energies are reported.
Internal Stress The forces that are found at each node by summing the NFORC
Forces element stress contributions at the nodes.
Section Forces Section forces are output for beam elements and include the SF
axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments
and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in
Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section forces include the direct

membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains Section strains are output for beam elements and, as SE
applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear
strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local
axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2
of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section strains include the direct

membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, STH

Main Index
420 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Displacements Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to U
as follows:

1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement
and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:

1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate
transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping
degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of
an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at
this time.
Reaction Forces The forces at the nodes which are constrained and therefore, RF
resist changes in the system. The direction convention is the
same as that for nodal output.
Point Forces The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads CF
(e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure
distributions on adjacent elements).
Whole Model The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, ALLEN
Energies recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep
dissipation, and viscous dissipation are reported.
Element Mass Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Stiffness matrices output.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 421
Step Creation

Viscoelastic (Time Domain)

This subordinate form appears whenever Solution Parameters is selected and the Solution Type is
Viscoelastic (Time Domain). This generates a ∗VISCO procedure, with the associated ∗STEP command.

Main Index
422 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

More data input is available for defining the Viscoelastic (Time Domain) Solution Parameters shown on
the previous page. Listed below are the remaining parameters contained in this menu.

Parameter Name Description

Initial DELTA-T Defines the initial time increment to be used. This is a real constant.
This will be modified as required if the automatic time stepping
scheme is used. Otherwise, it will be used as a constant time
Minimum DELTA-T Defines the minimum time increment to be used. This is a real
constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If
ABAQUS finds it needs a smaller time increment than this value, the
analysis is terminated.
Maximum DELTA-T Defines the maximum time increment to be used. This is a real
constant. It is only used for automatic time incrementation. If this
value is not specified, no upper limit is imposed.
Time Duration of Step Defines the total time period of the step. This is a real constant.

Viscoelastic (Time Domain)

If the selected Solution Type is Viscoelastic (Time Domain), then the following parameters may be
defined on the Output Requests form.

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Stress Components The stress components output depend on the elements S11, S22, S33,
analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial S12, S13, S23
stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element
outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23).
Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true
stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more
information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Stress Invariants The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises SINV
stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal
stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the
third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities
which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For
elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress
invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis
remains within the assumptions of linearity.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 423
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Strain Components This is the total strain value for each component output. The E
strain components output depend on the elements analyzed,
analogous to the stress components. Note that for linear
elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Plastic Strains The plastic strain component of the total strain. PE
Creep Strains The creep strain component of the total strain. CE
Elastic Strains The elastic strain component of the total strain. Note that EE
the elastic strain component is the component from which
the stress is computed.
Inelastic Strains The total strain minus the elastic strain component. IE
Elem Energy The energy per unit volume of each element. Strain, plastic, ENER
Densities creep, and viscous dissipative energy densities are reported.
Elem Energy The energy of each element. Strain, kinetic, elastic, creep, ELEM
Magnitudes and viscous dissipative energies are reported.
Internal Stress The forces that are found at each node by summing the NFORC
Forces element stress contributions at the nodes.
Section Forces Section forces are output for beam elements and include the SF
axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments
and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in
Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section forces include the direct

membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains Section strains are output for beam elements and, as SE
applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear
strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local
axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2
of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section strains include the direct

membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, STH

Main Index
424 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Displacements Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to U
as follows:

1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement
and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:

1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate
transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping
degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of
an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at
this time.
Reaction Forces The forces at the nodes which are constrained and RF
therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction
convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Point Forces The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads CF
(e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure
distributions on adjacent elements).
Whole Model The summation of all the energy of the model. The kinetic, ALLEN
Energies recoverable (elastic) strain, plastic dissipation, creep
dissipation, and viscous dissipation is reported.
Element Mass Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Stiffness matrices output.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 425
Step Creation

Viscoelastic (Frequency Domain)

This subordinate form appears whenever the Solution Parameters button is selected and the solution type
is Viscoelastic (Frequency Domain). This generates a *STEADY STATE DYNAMIC procedure.

Viscoelastic (Frequency Domain)

If the selected solution type is Viscoelastic (Frequency Domain), then the following parameters may be
defined on the Output Requests form.

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Stress Components The stress components output depend on the elements S11, S22, S33,
analyzed. For example, the truss element outputs the axial S12, S13, S23
stress (S11) only, while a three-dimensional solid element
outputs all six components (S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23).
Note that ABAQUS always reports the Cauchy, or true
stress, which is equal to the force per current area. For more
information about element output, see Chapter 3 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Stress Invariants The stress invariants output by ABAQUS are the Mises SINV
stress, Tresca stress, Hydrostatic pressure, first principal
stress, second principal stress, third principal stress, and the
third stress invariant. These quantities are scalar quantities
which do not vary with a change of coordinate system. For
elastic analyses, the von Mises and/or the Tresca stress
invariants can be monitored to ensure that the analysis
remains within the assumptions of linearity.
Ph Angle Stress The phase angle shift of the stress components. PHS

Main Index
426 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Strain Components This is the total strain value for each component output. The E
strain components output depend on the elements analyzed,
analogous to the stress components. Note that, for linear
elastic analyses, the total strain is equal to the elastic strain.
Ph Angle Strain The phase angle shift of the strain components. PHE
Section Forces Section forces are output for beam elements and include the SF
axial force, and, as applicable, the shears, bending moments
and bimoment about the local axes. These are discussed in
Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2 of the ABAQUS/Standard
User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section forces include the direct

membrane, shear, and moment forces per unit width, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Section Strains Section strains are output for beam elements and, as SE
applicable, these include the axial strain, transverse shear
strains, curvature changes, and twist about the local
axes.These are discussed in Section 3.5.1 and Section 7.5.2
of the ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.

For shell elements, the section strains include the direct

membrane, shear, curvature changes, and twist, as
applicable. These are discussed in Section 3.6 of the
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual.
Shell Thickness Changes in thickness for shell elements (S3RF, STH

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 427
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Displacements Displacements are output at nodes and are referred to as U

1. x-displacement
2. y-displacement
3. z-displacement
4. Rotation about the x-axis
5. Rotation about the y-axis
6. Rotation about the z-axis
Except for axisymmetric elements, where the displacement
and rotation degrees-of-freedom are:

1. r-displacement
2. z-displacement
3. Rotation in the r-z plane
Here x, y, z, and r are global directions unless a coordinate
transformation is used at the node. Note that the warping
degree-of-freedom, the seventh displacement component of
an open section beam element, is not supported by Patran at
this time.
Velocities Nodal velocities, following the same convention as for V
Accelerations Nodal accelerations, following the same convention as for A
Phase Angle Rel. The phase angle shift of the relative displacement PU
Displacements components.
Reaction Forces The forces at the nodes which are constrained and so, RF
therefore, resist changes in the system. The direction
convention is the same as that for nodal output.
Phase Angle The phase angle shift of the reaction force components. PRF
Reaction Forces
Point Forces The forces at the nodes resulting from the imposed loads CF
(e.g., the force at a node resulting from pressure
distributions on adjacent elements).

Main Index
428 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Element Mass Mass matrices output.
Element Stiffness Stiffness matrices output.

Steady State Heat Transfer

This subordinate form appears whenever Solution Parameters is selected and the solution type is Steady
State Heat Transfer. This generates a ∗HEAT TRANSFER, STEADY STATE procedure.

Steady State Heat Transfer

If the selected solution type is Steady State Heat Transfer, then the following parameters may be defined
on the Output Requests form.

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Element Temperature Temperature. TEMP
Heat Flux Current magnitude and components of the heat flux HFL
vector. The integration of points for these values are
located at the Gauss points.
Nodal Temperatures All temperature values at a node. These will be the NT
temperatures defined as degrees-of-freedom if heat
transfer elements are connected to the node, or
predefined temperatures if the node is only connected to
stress elements without temperature degrees-of-freedom.
Reaction Fluxes All reaction flux values (conjugate to temperature). RFL

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 429
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Concentrated Fluxes All concentrated flux values. CFL
Element Stiffness Stiffness matrices output.

Main Index
430 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Creation

Transient Heat Transfer

This subordinate option is Transient Heat Transfer. This generates a ∗HEAT TRANSFER procedure.

Transient Heat Transfer

If the selected solution type is Transient Heat Transfer, then the following parameters may be defined on
the Output Requests form.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 431
Step Creation

Parameter Name Description Identifier
Element Temperature Temperature. TEMP
Heat Flux Current magnitude and components of the heat flux HFL
vector. The integration of points for these values are
located at the Gauss points.
Nodal Temperatures All temperature values at a node. These will be the NT
temperatures defined as degrees-of-freedom if heat
transfer elements are connected to the node, or
predefined temperatures if the node is only connected to
stress elements without temperature degrees-of-freedom.
Reaction Fluxes All reaction flux values (conjugate to temperature). RFL
Concentrated Fluxes All concentrated flux values. CFL
Element Stiffness Stiffness matrices output.

Main Index
432 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Step Selection

Step Selection
This subordinate form appears whenever the Step Selection button is selected on the main Analysis form.
This form is used to select and order the Job Steps that will be analyzed for the ABAQUS Job.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 433
Read Input File

Read Input File

It is possible to read an existing ABAQUS input file (jobname.inp) into Patran. This is not a fully
supported feature and must be invoked by setting a special parameter. This is done by editing the
settings.pcl file and adding the following line:
pref_env_set_logical( "shareware_input_file", TRUE )
If this setting is set to TRUE, then an additional Action item will appear under the Analysis form called
Read Input File. This file can exist in the installation, local or home directories.

Main Index
434 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
Read Input File

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 435
ABAQUS Input File Reader

ABAQUS Input File Reader

This section describes a software module that reads ABAQUS input files and writes the data to the
MSC/PATRAN database in a form compatible with the MSC/PATRAN ABAQUS preference.

Input Deck Formats

Both fixed format and free format entries are supported. Floating point formats with and without an “E”
in the exponent are supported (e.g. 1.23E6 and 1.23+6 are both supported).

Message File
Informative, warning, and error messages are written to an external file with the name
<input_file_basename>.msg.<version_number> where <input_file_basename> is the portion of the
ABAQUS input file name before the suffix and <version_number> is a unique version number beginning
with 01. After import, this file should be carefully examined to understand what was processed by the
reader and what was not. Sometimes the error messages will indicate where minor editing of the input
deck will convert an unsupported entity to one that can be handled by the reader.


A PATRAN group is created for each ABAQUS ELSET or NSET entry. The name of the group is taken
from the NAME parameter of the ELSET or NSET.

Supported Element Types

When the reader encounters a *ELEMENT entry, the combination of the element type and the ABAQUS
property set entry are used to map the ABAQUS element type to the appropriate PATRAN element type.
In some cases this is not possible because not all ABAQUS element types are currently supported in
PATRAN. In these cases, the reader attempts to find the PATRAN element type that “best” matches the
ABAQUS type. Thus, the ABAQUS elements retain their association to their property set. This allows
the finite element mesh to be edited in PATRAN and an ABAQUS input deck output that can be easily
edited to correct the property entry.

Supported Keywords
The table below describes the ABAQUS keywords that are supported in the current version of
the product.

ABAQUS Keyword Notes

Model Section
*AMPLITUDE A PATRAN time- or frequency-dependent field is created.
*BEAM GENERAL A PATRAN property set is created.

Main Index
436 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
ABAQUS Input File Reader

ABAQUS Keyword Notes

*BEAM SECTION A PATRAN property set is created.
*BOUNDARY A PATRAN LBC set is created for each ABAQUS BOUNDARY and
added to all load cases. Displacement, temperature, velocity, and
acceleration boundary conditions are currently supported.
*CENTROID Location is added to the PATRAN property set.
*CONDUCTIVITY Value is added to the PATRAN material.
*CONTACT NODE SET When referenced in a *CONTACT PAIR, this data is added to a
contact-type LBC set.
*CONTACT PAIR A PATRAN contact-type LBC set is created for each entry in
*DAMPING Value is added to the PATRAN material or shell element property set.
*DASHPOT A PATRAN property set is created.
*DENSITY Value is added to the PATRAN material.
*ELASTIC Values are added to the PATRAN material.
*ELCOPY Element Generation Command
*ELEMENT PATRAN elements are created. Both a PATRAN group and a property
set are created with the ELSET name.
*ELGEN PATRAN elements are created.
*ELSET A PATRAN group is created.
*EQUATION A PATRAN MPC is created. The use of node sets in *EQUATION
entries is not currently supported.
*EXPANSION Values are added to the PATRAN material.
*FRICTION The *FRICTION keyword is supported within *GAP, *INTERFACE,
and *SURFACE INTERACTION blocks. The friction properties are
added to the appropriate property or LBC set.
*GAP A PATRAN property set is created.
*HEADING A PATRAN analysis job is created with this description.
*HOURGLASS STIFFNESS The values are added to the appropriate PATRAN property set.
*INCLUDE The referenced file is read. *INCLUDE entries may be nested to any
reasonable depth.
*MASS A PATRAN property set is created.
*MATERIAL A PATRAN material is created.
*MEMBRANE SECTION A PATRAN property set is created.

Main Index
Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 437
ABAQUS Input File Reader

ABAQUS Keyword Notes

*MPC A PATRAN MPC is created. The use of node sets in *MPC entries is
not currently supported.
*NCOPY Generates additional nodes using NID and X/Y/Z offsets.
*NFILL PATRAN nodes are created. The SINGULAR option is not currently
*NGEN PATRAN nodes are created. Nodes may be generated along a line or a
circular arc (LINE=C) but not along a parabola (LINE=P).
*NODAL THICKNESS A PATRAN nodal FEM field and property set are created.
*NODE PATRAN nodes are created. If an NSET parameter is specified, a
PATRAN group is created with this name, otherwise the nodes are
added to the default group.
*NSET A PATRAN group is created.
*ORIENTATION Is used to define orientation for homogeneous or laminate material
are currently supported. The RATE parameter is not currently
supported; only the first set *PLASTIC entries for a material are
*RIGID BODY When referenced in a *CONTACT PAIR, this data is added to a
contact-type LBC set.
*RIGID SURFACE The *RIGID SURFACE keyword is currently supported in two ways
by the PATRAN, ABAQUS preference. For the older style of
ABAQUS contact, which required the use of IRSx type elements,
*RIGID SURFACE entries were written out for “rigid surface type”
element properties. For the newer style of ABAQUS contact ,which
uses *CONTACT PAIR, geometric curves are selected directly in a
PATRAN contact-type LBC. Only this second usage of *RIGID
SURFACE is supported by the reader. When referenced in a
*CONTACT PAIR entry, curves are created and references to them
added to the contact-type LBC set.
*ROTARY INERTIA A PATRAN property set is created.
*SECTION POINTS Points are added to the PATRAN property set.
*SHEAR CENTER Location is added to the PATRAN property set.
*SHELL GENERAL A PATRAN property set is created.
*SHELL SECTION A PATRAN property set is created.

Main Index
438 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
ABAQUS Input File Reader

ABAQUS Keyword Notes

*SOLID SECTION A PATRAN property set is created.
*SPECIFIC HEAT Value is added to the PATRAN material.
*SPRING A PATRAN property set is created.
*SURFACE DEFINITION When referenced in a *CONTACT PAIR, this data is added to a
contact-type LBC set.
*SURFACE INTERACTION The only keyword currently supported within this block is
*FRICTION. The keyword parameters and friction data are added to
the appropriate contact-type LBC set.
*SYSTEM PATRAN node locations are transformed to the coordinate system
defined on this entry.
*TRANSFORM A PATRAN coordinate frame is created and used to define the analysis
system for the node.
*TRANSVERSE SHEAR The values are added to the appropriate PATRAN property set.
History Section
*BOUNDARY A PATRAN LBC set is created for each ABAQUS BOUNDARY and
added to the load case for this step. Displacement, temperature,
velocity, and acceleration boundary conditions are currently
*BUCKLE The parameters associated with this entry are added to the PATRAN
analysis step.
*CFLUX A PATRAN LBC set is created for each ABAQUS CFLUX and added
to the load case for this step.
*CLOAD A PATRAN LBC set is created for each ABAQUS CLOAD and added
to the load case for this step.
*DFLUX A PATRAN LBC set is created for each ABAQUS DFLUX and added
to the load case for this step.
*DLOAD A PATRAN LBC set is created for each ABAQUS DLOAD and added
to the load case for this step. The pressure DLOAD types as well as
GRAV, CENT, CENTRIF, and CORIO are currently supported.
*DYNAMIC The parameters associated with this entry are added to the PATRAN
analysis step.
*FILM A PATRAN LBC set is created for each ABAQUS FILM and added to
the load case for this step.
*FREQUENCY The parameters associated with this entry are added to the PATRAN
analysis step.

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Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 439
ABAQUS Input File Reader

ABAQUS Keyword Notes

*HEAT TRANSFER The parameters associated with this entry are added to the PATRAN
analysis step.
*MODAL DYNAMIC The parameters associated with this entry are added to the PATRAN
analysis step.
*STATIC The parameters associated with this entry are added to the PATRAN
analysis step.
*STEADY STATE The parameters associated with this entry are added to the PATRAN
DYNAMICS analysis step.
*STEP A PATRAN load case and an analysis job step are created for each
ABAQUS step. The parameters on the *STEP entry are added to the
analysis step
and added to the load case for this step.
*VISCO The parameters associated with this entry are added to the PATRAN
analysis step.

Both fixed format and free format entries are supported.

The table below shows the PATRAN element property options that are created when a specific ABAQUS
element type is imported.

Table 3-1 PATRAN Property Options for Each ABAQUS Element

Element Dim Name Option1 Option2
AC1D2 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
AC1D3 1D ISL (in plane) Axisymmetric Lagrange Soft Contact
AC2D4 2D Rigid Surface(LBC)
AC2D8 2D 2D Interface Axisymmetric Lagrange Vis Damping
AC3D20 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
AC3D8 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid
ACAX4 2D Rigid Surface(LBC)
ACAX8 2D 2D Interface Axisymmetric Lagrange Vis Damping
ASI1 0D IRS (single node) Planar Elas Slip Vis Damping
ASI2 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
ASI2A 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
ASI3 2D IRS (shell/solid) Elastic Slip Hard
ASI3A 2D Shell General Large Strain Homogeneous
ASI4 2D IRS (shell/solid) Lagrange Hard

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440 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
ABAQUS Input File Reader

Table 3-1 PATRAN Property Options for Each ABAQUS Element (continued)
Element Dim Name Option1 Option2
ASI8 2D 2D Interface Axisymmetric Lagrange Vis Damping
B21 1D Beam in XY Plane General Section Standard Formulation
B21H 1D Beam in XY Plane General Section Hybrid
B22 1D Beam in XY Plane General Section Standard Formulation
B22H 1D Beam in XY Plane General Section Hybrid
B23 1D Beam in XY Plane General Section Cubic Interpolation
B23H 1D Beam in XY Plane General Section Cubic Hybrid
B31 1D Beam in Space General Section Standard Formulation
B31H 1D Beam in Space General Section Hybrid
B31OS 1D Beam in Space Open Section Standard Formulation
B31OSH 1D Beam in Space Open Section Hybrid
B32 1D Beam in Space General Section Standard Formulation
B32H 1D Beam in Space General Section Hybrid
B32OS 1D Beam in Space Open Section Standard Formulation
B32OSH 1D Beam in Space Open Section Hybrid
B33 1D Beam in Space General Section Cubic Interpolation
B33H 1D Beam in Space General Section Cubic Hybrid
B34 1D Beam in Space General Section Cubic Initially Straight
C1D2 1D Truss Standard Formulation
C1D2H 1D Truss Hybrid
C1D2T 1D Truss Hybrid
C1D3 1D Truss Standard Formulation
C1D3H 1D Truss Hybrid
C1D3T 1D Truss Standard Formulation
C3D10 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D10E 3D Solid Homogeneous Homogeneous
C3D10H 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid
C3D10M 3D Solid Homogeneous Modified Formulation
C3D10MH 3D Solid Homogeneous Modified/Hybrid
C3D15 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D15E 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D15H 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid
C3D15V 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D15VH 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid
C3D20 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D20E 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D20H 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid
C3D20HT 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D20P 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation

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Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 441
ABAQUS Input File Reader

Table 3-1 PATRAN Property Options for Each ABAQUS Element (continued)
Element Dim Name Option1 Option2
C3D20PH 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D20R 3D Solid Homogeneous Reduced Integration
C3D20RE 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D20RH 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid/Reduced
C3D20RHT 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D20RP 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D20RPH 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D20RT 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D20T 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D27 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D27H 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid
C3D27R 3D Solid Homogeneous Reduced Integration
C3D27RH 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid/Reduced
C3D4 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D4E 3D Solid Standard Formulation
C3D4H 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid
C3D6 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D6E 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D6H 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid
C3D8 3D Solid Homogeneous Standard Formulation
C3D8E 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid
C3D8H 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid
C3D8HT 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid
C3D8I 3D Solid Homogeneous Incompatible Modes
C3D8IH 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid/Incompatible
C3D8R 3D Solid Homogeneous Reduced Integration
C3D8RH 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid/Reduced
C3D8T 3D Solid Homogeneous Hybrid
CAX3 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAX3E 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAX3H 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAX4 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAX4E 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAX4H 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAX4HT 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation

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442 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
ABAQUS Input File Reader

Table 3-1 PATRAN Property Options for Each ABAQUS Element (continued)
Element Dim Name Option1 Option2
CAX4I 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Incompatible Modes
CAX4IH 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid/Incompatible
CAX4P 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAX4PH 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAX4R 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Reduced Integration
CAX4RH 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid/Reduced
CAX4T 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAX6 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAX6E 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Axisymmetric
CAX6H 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAX6M 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Modified Formulation
CAX6MH 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Modified/Hybrid
CAX8 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAX8E 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAX8H 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAX8HT 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAX8P 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAX8PH 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAX8R 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Reduced Integration
CAX8RE 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAX8RH 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid/Reduced
CAX8RHT 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAX8RP 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAX8RPH 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAX8RT 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAX8T 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA41 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAXA42 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAXA43 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAXA44 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAXA4H1 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA4H2 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA4H3 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA4H4 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA4R1 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Reduced Integration
CAXA4R2 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Reduced Integration

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Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 443
ABAQUS Input File Reader

Table 3-1 PATRAN Property Options for Each ABAQUS Element (continued)
Element Dim Name Option1 Option2
CAXA4R3 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Reduced Integration
CAXA4R4 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Reduced Integration
CAXA4RH1 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid/Reduced
CAXA4RH2 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid/Reduced
CAXA4RH3 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid/Reduced
CAXA4RH4 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid/Reduced
CAXA81 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAXA82 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAXA83 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAXA84 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CAXA8H1 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA8H2 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA8H3 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA8H4 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA8P1 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA8P2 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA8P3 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA8P4 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA8R1 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Reduced Integration
CAXA8R2 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Reduced Integration
CAXA8R3 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Reduced Integration
CAXA8R4 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Reduced Integration
CAXA8RH1 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid/Reduced
CAXA8RH2 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid/Reduced
CAXA8RH3 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid/Reduced
CAXA8RH4 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid/Reduced
CAXA8RP1 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA8RP2 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA8RP3 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CAXA8RP4 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CGAX3 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation

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444 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
ABAQUS Input File Reader

Table 3-1 PATRAN Property Options for Each ABAQUS Element (continued)
Element Dim Name Option1 Option2
CGAX3H 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CGAX4 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CGAX4H 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CGAX4I 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Incompatible Modes
CGAX4IH 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid/Incompatible
CGAX4R 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Reduced Integration
CGAX4RH 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid/Reduced
CGAX6 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Axisymmetric
CGAX6H 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CGAX8 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
CGAX8H 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid
CGAX8R 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Reduced Integration
CGAX8RH 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Hybrid/Reduced
CGPE10 2D 2D Solid General Plane Strain Standard Formulation
CGPE10H 2D 2D Solid General Plane Strain Hybrid
CGPE10R 2D 2D Solid General Plane Strain Reduced Integration
CGPE10RH 2D 2D Solid General Plane Strain Hybrid/Reduced
CGPE5 2D 2D Solid General Plane Strain Standard Formulation
CGPE5H 2D 2D Solid General Plane Strain Hybrid
CGPE6 2D 2D Solid General Plane Strain Standard Formulation
CGPE6H 2D 2D Solid General Plane Strain Hybrid
CGPE6I 2D 2D Solid General Plane Strain Incompatible Modes
CGPE6IH 2D 2D Solid General Plane Strain Hybrid/Incompatible
CGPE6R 2D 2D Solid General Plane Strain Reduced Integration
CGPE6RH 2D 2D Solid General Plane Strain Hybrid/Reduced
CGPE8 2D 2D Solid General Plane Strain Standard Formulation
CGPE8H 2D 2D Solid General Plane Strain Hybrid

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Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 445
ABAQUS Input File Reader

Table 3-1 PATRAN Property Options for Each ABAQUS Element (continued)
Element Dim Name Option1 Option2
CONN2D2 1D Mech Joint (2D ALIGN
Model) AXIAL
CONN3D2 1D Mech Joint (3D ALIGN
Model) AXIAL
CPE3 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Standard Formulation
CPE3E 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Plane Strain
CPE3H 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Hybrid
CPE4 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Standard Formulation
CPE4E 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Reduced Integration

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446 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
ABAQUS Input File Reader

Table 3-1 PATRAN Property Options for Each ABAQUS Element (continued)
Element Dim Name Option1 Option2
CPE4H 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Hybrid
CPE4HT 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Reduced Integration
CPE4I 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Incompatible Modes
CPE4IH 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Hybrid/Incompatible
CPE4R 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Reduced Integration
CPE4RH 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Hybrid/Reduced
CPE4T 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Reduced Integration
CPE6 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Standard Formulation
CPE6E 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Standard Formulation
CPE6H 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Hybrid
CPE8 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Standard Formulation
CPE8E 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Reduced Integration
CPE8H 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Hybrid
CPE8HT 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Reduced Integration
CPE8P 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Standard Formulation
CPE8PH 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Hybrid
CPE8R 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Reduced Integration
CPE8RE 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Reduced Integration
CPE8RH 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Hybrid/Reduced
CPE8RHT 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Reduced Integration
CPE8RP 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Reduced Integration
CPE8RPH 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Hybrid/Reduced
CPE8RT 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Reduced Integration
CPE8T 2D 2D Solid Plane Strain Reduced Integration
CPS3 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Standard Formulation
CPS3E 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Plane Stress
CPS4 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Standard Formulation
CPS4E 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Reduced Integration
CPS4I 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Incompatible Modes
CPS4R 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Reduced Integration
CPS4T 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Reduced Integration
CPS6 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Standard Formulation
CPS6E 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Standard Formulation
CPS6M 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Modified Formulation
CPS8 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Standard Formulation

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Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 447
ABAQUS Input File Reader

Table 3-1 PATRAN Property Options for Each ABAQUS Element (continued)
Element Dim Name Option1 Option2
CPS8E 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Standard Formulation
CPS8R 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Reduced Integration
CPS8RE 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Standard Formulation
CPS8RT 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Standard Formulation
CPS8T 2D 2D Solid Plane Stress Standard Formulation
DASHPOT1 0D Grounded Damper Linear
DASHPOT2 1D Damper Linear Fixed Direction
DASHPOTA 1D Damper Linear Standard Formulation
DC1D2 1D Link
DC1D2E 1D Link
DC1D3 1D Link
DC1D3E 1D Link
DC2D3 2D 2D Solid Planar Standard Formulation
DC2D4 2D 2D Solid Planar Standard Formulation
DC2D6 2D 2D Solid Planar Standard Formulation
DC2D8 2D 2D Solid Planar Standard Formulation
DC3D10 3D Solid Standard Formulation
DC3D15 3D Solid Standard Formulation
DC3D20 3D Solid Standard Formulation
DC3D4 3D Solid Standard Formulation
DC3D6 3D Solid Standard Formulation
DC3D8 3D Solid Standard Formulation
DCAX3 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
DCAX4 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
DCAX6 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
DCAX8 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Standard Formulation
DCC1D2 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
DCC1D2D 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
DCC2D4 2D 2D Solid Planar Convection/Diffusion
DCC2D4D 2D 2D Solid Planar Convection/Diffusion
with Dispersion Control
DCC3D8 3D Solid Convection/Diffusion
DCC3D8D 3D Solid Convection/Diffusion
with Dispersion
DCCAX2 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
DCCAX2D 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
DCCAX4 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Convection/Diffusion

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448 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
ABAQUS Input File Reader

Table 3-1 PATRAN Property Options for Each ABAQUS Element (continued)
Element Dim Name Option1 Option2
DCCAX4D 2D 2D Solid Axisymmetric Convection/Diffusion
with Dispersion Control
DINTER1 1D 1D Interface
DINTER2 2D 2D Interface Planar
DINTER2A 2D 2D Interface Axisymmetric
DINTER3 2D 2D Interface Planar
DINTER3A 2D 2D Interface Axisymmetric Lagrange Vis Damping
DINTER4 3D 3D Interface
DINTER8 3D 3D Interface
DS4 2D Shell Homogeneous
DS8 2D Shell Homogeneous
DSAX1 1D Axisym Shell Homogeneous
DSAX2 1D Axisym Shell Homogeneous
ELBOW31 1D Beam in Space Curved with Pipe Standard Formulation
ELBOW31B 1D Beam in Space Curved with Pipe Ovalization Only
ELBOW31C 1D Beam in Space Curved with Pipe Ovaliz Only with
Section Approximated Fourier
ELBOW32 1D Beam in Space Curved with Pipe Standard Formulation
F2D2 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
F3D3 2D Shell General Large Strain Homogeneous
F3D4 2D Rigid Surface(LBC)
FAX2 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
GAPCYL 1D Gap Cylindrical True Distance
GAPSPHER 1D Gap Spherical Elas Slip Vis Damping
GAPUNI 1D Gap Uniaxial Lagrange Vis Damping
No Sep
INTER1 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
INTER1P 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
INTER1T 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
INTER2 2D IRS (shell/solid) Lagrange Hard
INTER2A 2D 2D Interface Axisymmetric Lagrange Hard Contact
INTER2AT 2D 2D Interface Axisymmetric Lagrange Hard Contact
INTER2T 2D IRS (shell/solid) Lagrange Hard

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Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 449
ABAQUS Input File Reader

Table 3-1 PATRAN Property Options for Each ABAQUS Element (continued)
Element Dim Name Option1 Option2
INTER3 2D 2D Interface Axisymmetric Lagrange Vis Damping
INTER3A 2D 2D Interface Axisymmetric Lagrange Vis Damping
INTER3AP 2D 2D Interface Axisymmetric Lagrange Vis Damping
INTER3AT 2D 2D Interface Axisymmetric Lagrange Vis Damping
INTER3P 2D 2D Interface Axisymmetric Lagrange Vis Damping
INTER3T 2D 2D Interface Axisymmetric Lagrange Vis Damping
INTER4 3D 3D Interface Lagrange Vis
INTER4T 3D 3D Interface Lagrange Vis
INTER8 3D 3D Interface Elas Slip Vis Damping
INTER8T 3D 3D Interface Elas Slip Vis Damping
INTER9 3D 3D Interface Lagrange Vis
IRS12 0D IRS (single node) Planar Elas Slip Vis Damping
IRS13 0D IRS (single node) Planar Elas Slip Vis Damping
IRS21 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
IRS21A 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
IRS22 1D ISL (in plane) Axisymmetric Lagrange Soft Contact
IRS22A 1D ISL (in plane) Axisymmetric Lagrange Soft Contact
IRS3 2D IRS (shell/solid) Elastic Slip Hard
IRS31 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
IRS32 1D ISL (in plane) Axisymmetric Lagrange Soft Contact
IRS4 2D IRS (shell/solid) Lagrange Hard
IRS9 2D IRS (shell/solid) Lagrange Hard
ISL21 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
ISL21A 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
ISL21AT 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
ISL21T 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
ISL22 1D ISL (in plane) Axisymmetric Lagrange Soft Contact
ISL22A 1D ISL (in plane) Axisymmetric Lagrange Soft Contact
ISL22AT 1D ISL (in plane) Axisymmetric Lagrange Soft Contact
ISL31 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
ISL31A 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
ISL32 1D ISL (in plane) Axisymmetric Lagrange Soft Contact
ISL32A 1D ISL (in plane) Axisymmetric Lagrange Soft Contact

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450 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
ABAQUS Input File Reader

Table 3-1 PATRAN Property Options for Each ABAQUS Element (continued)
Element Dim Name Option1 Option2
ISP1 0D IRS (single node) Planar Elas Slip Vis Damping
ISP1T 0D IRS (single node) Planar Elas Slip Vis Damping
ISP3 2D Shell Thick Homogeneous
ISP4 2D Shell General Large Strain Homogeneous
ISP4T 2D Shell General Large Strain Homogeneous
JOINTC 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
LS6 2D Shell Thin Homogeneous
M3D3 2D Membrane Standard Formulation
M3D4 2D Membrane Standard Formulation
M3D4R 2D Membrane Reduced Integration
M3D6 2D Membrane Standard Formulation
M3D8 2D Membrane Standard Formulation
M3D8R 2D Membrane Reduced Integration
M3D9 2D Membrane Standard Formulation
M3D9R 2D Membrane Reduced Integration
MASS 0D Mass
MAX1 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
MAX2 1D ISL (in plane) Axisymmetric Lagrange Soft Contact
MGAX1 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
MGAX2 1D ISL (in plane) Axisymmetric Lagrange Soft Contact
PIPE21 1D Beam in XY Plane Pipe Section Standard Formulation
PIPE21H 1D Beam in XY Plane Pipe Section Hybrid
PIPE22 1D Beam in XY Plane Pipe Section Standard Formulation
PIPE22H 1D Beam in XY Plane Pipe Section Hybrid
PIPE31 1D Beam in XY Plane Pipe Section Standard Formulation
PIPE31H 1D Beam in XY Plane Pipe Section Standard Formulation
PIPE32 1D Beam in Space Pipe Section Standard Formulation
PIPE32H 1D Beam in Space Pipe Section Standard Formulation
R2D2 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
R3D3 2D Rigid Surface(LBC)
R3D4 2D Rigid Surface(LBC)
RAX2 1D IRS (planar/axisym) Axisymmetric Elastic Slip Hard Contact
RB2D2 1D Rigid Line(LBC)
RB3D2 1D Rigid Line(LBC)
ROTARYI 0D Rotary Inertia
S3 2D Shell Thick Homogeneous
S3R 2D Shell General Large Strain Homogeneous
S4 2D Shell General Large Strain Homogeneous
S4R 2D Shell Thick Homogeneous

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Chapter 3 : Running Analysis 451
ABAQUS Input File Reader

Table 3-1 PATRAN Property Options for Each ABAQUS Element (continued)
Element Dim Name Option1 Option2
S4R5 2D Shell Thin Homogeneous
S8R 2D Shell Thick Homogeneous
S8R5 2D Shell Thin Homogeneous
S8RT 2D Shell Thick Homogeneous
S9R5 2D Shell Thin Homogeneous
SAX1 1D Axisym Shell Homogeneous
SAX2 1D Axisym Shell Homogeneous
SAX2T 1D Axisym Shell Homogeneous
SAXA11 1D Axisym Shell Homogeneous
SAXA12 1D Axisym Shell Homogeneous
SAXA13 1D Axisym Shell Homogeneous
SAXA14 1D Axisym Shell Homogeneous
SAXA21 1D Axisym Shell Homogeneous
SAXA22 1D Axisym Shell Homogeneous
SAXA23 1D Axisym Shell Homogeneous
SAXA24 1D Axisym Shell Homogeneous
SPRING1 0D Grounded Spring Linear
SPRING2 1D Spring Linear Fixed Direction
SPRINGA 1D Spring Linear Standard Formulation
STRI3 2D Shell Thick Homogeneous
STRI35 2D Shell Thin Homogeneous
STRI65 2D Shell Thick Homogeneous
T2D2 1D Truss Hybrid
T2D2E 1D Truss Hybrid
T2D2H 1D Truss Hybrid
T2D2T 1D Truss Hybrid
T2D3 1D Truss Standard Formulation
T2D3E 1D Truss Standard Formulation
T2D3H 1D Truss Standard Formulation
T2D3T 1D Truss Standard Formulation
T3D2 1D Truss Standard Formulation
T3D2E 1D Truss Hybrid
T3D2H 1D Truss Hybrid
T3D2T 1D Truss Hybrid
T3D3 1D Truss Standard Formulation
T3D3E 1D Truss Standard Formulation
T3D3H 1D Truss Hybrid
T3D3T 1D Truss Standard Formulation

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452 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide
ABAQUS Input File Reader

Under some circumstances, the values of the option menus in Patran (Option 1 and Option 2) may be
different than shown in the table. This is often the case when the ABAQUS element is one that is not
directly supported by the Patran interface and the translator is making a “best guess” at which Patran
element to choose. For many beam elements in the table, Option 1 is shown as “General Section”.
Depending on the beam cross section type defined on the *BEAM SECTION or *BEAM GENERAL
SECTION entry, Option 1 may be General Section, Box Section, Circular Section, Hexagonal Section, I
Section, Pipe Section, Rectangular Section, or Trapezoid Section. For the 3D solid elements and shell
elements in the table, Option 1 is shown as Homogeneous. Depending on the *SHELL SECTION or
*SHELL GENERAL SECTION entry, Option 1 may be either Homogeneous or Laminate.

Main Index
Chapter 4: Read Results
Patran Interface to ABAQUS preference Guide

4 Read Results

 Review of the Read Results Form 454

Translation Parameters 457

Select Results File 458
 Data Translated from the Analysis Code Results File 463

Key Differences between Attach and Translate Methods 464

Delete Result Attachment Form 466

Main Index
454 Patran Interface to ABAQUS preference Guide
Review of the Read Results Form

Review of the Read Results Form

By choosing the Analysis toggle located on the Patran main form, an Analysis form will appear.

Selecting Read Results as the Action on the Analysis form allows you to read results data into the Patran
database from a text (“jobname”.fin) or binary (“jobname”.fil) ABAQUS results file, or to
access ABAQUS results directly from an ABAQUS results output database (“jobname”.odb). Other
forms that are accessible from here are used to define translation parameters and select the ABAQUS
results file. These forms are described on the following pages.

Upgrading ABAQUS ODB Results Files

Since the ABAQUS DRA in Patran is integrated with the ABAQUS 6.3-1 libraries, you must make sure
your ODB results files have been upgraded to 6.3 before attempting to attach to them from within Patran.
This can be done in one of two ways:

Manually Upgrade ODB Files

The procedure for upgrading ODB files is part of ABAQUS:
abaqus upgrade job=job-name odb=old-odb-file-name

Automatic Upgrade of ODB Files

If you want to automatically upgrade your older ODB results files, you can set the following
environment variable:
By setting this variable, Patran will make a copy of the ODB results file and upgrade the copy to the
current version of ABAQUS.

Main Index
Chapter 4: Read Results 455
Review of the Read Results Form

Read Results Form

Read Results defines the type of data to be read from the analysis code results file into Patran. The Object
box may only be set to Results Entities.

Main Index
456 Patran Interface to ABAQUS preference Guide
Review of the Read Results Form

Flat File Results

In some cases, the translation will not be able to write the data directly into the Patran database. In those
cases, a text file will be created containing all the instructions as to how this data is to be loaded into the
database. This file can be transferred between computers if necessary, then read into the proper database
using the File Import functionality. The full functionality of this form is described in Working with Files
(p. 45) in the Patran Reference Manual.

Main Index
Chapter 4: Read Results 457
Translation Parameters

Translation Parameters
The Translation Parameters form is used to define filters for the data being accessed.

Attach Method
There is only one filter control for the Attach method, which indicates whether or not to allow access to
the results invariants, as calculated by Abaqus.

Translate and Control File Methods

Translation parameters for the Translate and Control File methods include the results filtering options
based on the step number and the increment number. If none of the options are specified, then all the
results will be translated. If only step is specified, then all the increments in that step will be translated.
If only increment is specified, then that increment for the first step will be translated. If both step and
increment are specified, then only the increment for that step will be translated.

Main Index
458 Patran Interface to ABAQUS preference Guide
Select Results File

Select Results File

The Select file form allows you to select a file to be read. There are several features available. This form
is brought up when you select the Select Results File button on the Read Results form. The default file
filters will change depending on the Current analysis code in the Preferences menu.

Results Created in Patran

For direct ODB access (Attach method), no results are created in Patran, and all result types represented
within the field output data in the ODB file are available for postprocessing.
The following table indicates all the possible results quantities which can be loaded into the Patran
database during results translation (Translate method) from ABAQUS. The Primary and Secondary
Labels are the items you select from the postprocessing menus. The Type indicates whether the results
are Scalar, Vector, or Tensor. This determines which postprocessing techniques will be available to view
this results quantity. Post Codes indicates which ABAQUS element post codes the data comes from. The
Description gives a brief discussion about the results quantity. The Output Requests forms use the actual

Main Index
Chapter 4: Read Results 459
Select Results File

primary and secondary labels that will appear in the results. For example, if “Strain, Elastic” is selected
on the Element Output Requests form, the “Strain, Elastic” is created for postprocessing.

Table 4-1 Results Quantities Loaded into Patran During Translation

Primary Label Secondary Label Type Key
Acceleration Generalized Rotational Vector 303
Generalized Translational Vector 303
Rotational Vector 103
Translational Vector 103
Base Motion Rotational Vector 304
Translational Vector 304
Change in Length Components Tensor 21
Concentrated Flux (Nodal) Layer or Section Points Scalar 206
Concentrated Load Vector 106
Moment Vector 106
Deformation Displacements Vector 101
Rotations Vector 101
Displacements Generalized Displacements Vector 301
Generalized Rotations Vector 301
Elastic Strain Components Tensor 25
Energy Density Artificial Strain Energy Scalar 14
Creep Dissipation Scalar 14
Plastic Dissipation Scalar 14
Strain Energy Scalar 14
Viscous Dissipation Scalar 14
Energy in Element Artificial Strain Energy Scalar 19
Creep Dissipation Scalar 19
Kinetic Energy Scalar 19
Plastic Dissipation Scalar 19
Strain Energy Scalar 19
Viscous Dissipation Scalar 19
Total Energy Total Artificial Strain Energy Scalar 1999
Total Creep Dissipation Scalar 1999
Total Energy Loss at Impact Scalar 1999
Total External Work Scalar 1999
Total Kinetic Scalar 1999
Total Plastic Dissipation Scalar 1999
Total Strain Scalar 1999
Total Viscous Dissipation Scalar 1999
Force and Shear Force Components Tensor 11

Main Index
460 Patran Interface to ABAQUS preference Guide
Select Results File

Table 4-1 Results Quantities Loaded into Patran During Translation (continued)
Primary Label Secondary Label Type Key
Force Components Tensor 11
Frequency Steady State Dynamics Scalar 2000
Heat Flux (Nodal) Components Vector 10
Heat Flux Components Vector 28
Magnitude Scalar 28
Inelastic Strain Components Tensor 24
Internal Flux (Nodal) Layer or Section Points Scalar 214
Internal Forces Components at Element Node Vector 15
Mass Flux Components Vector 39
Magnitude Scalar 39
Modal Composite Damping Scalar 1980
Effective Mass Scalar 1980
Eigen Values Scalar 1980
Generalized Mass Scalar 1980
Participation Factor Scalar 1980
Mag-Phase Strain Components Tensor 65
Mag-Phase Stress Components Tensor 62
Phase Angle Generalized Displacements Vector 305
Generalized Rotational Acceleration Vector 307
Generalized Rotational Velocities Vector 306
Generalized Rotations Vector 305
Generalized Translational Accelerations Vector 307
Generalized Translational Velocities Vector 306
Mag-Phase Reaction Force Vector 135
Mag-Phase Reaction Moment Vector 135
Mag-Phase Displacements Displacements Vector 111
Mag-Phase Acceleration Rotational Vector 137
Mag-Phase Velocity Rotational Vector 136
Mag-Phase Displacements Rotations Vector 111
Mag-Phase Velocity Translational Vector 136
Mag-Phase Total Translational Vector 112
Mag-Phase Total Rotational Vector 140
Mag-Phase Total Velocity Rotational Vector 139
Mag-Phase Total Rotational Vector 112
Mag-Phase Total Translational Vector 140

Main Index
Chapter 4: Read Results 461
Select Results File

Table 4-1 Results Quantities Loaded into Patran During Translation (continued)
Primary Label Secondary Label Type Key
Mag-Phase Total Velocity Translational Vector 139
Mag-Phase Acceleration Translational Vector 137
Plastic Strain Components Tensor 22
Equivalent Scalar 22
Magnitude Scalar 22
Yield Flag Scalar 22
Pressure and Shear Components Tensor 11
RMS Strain Components Tensor 66
RMS Stress Components Tensor 63
Reaction Force Vector 104
Moment Vector 104
Relative Displacements Components Tensor 21
and Shear Slips
Rel. Normal & Tangential Components Tensor 21
Residual Flux (Nodal) Layer and Section Points Scalar 204
Root Mean Square Reaction Forces Vector 134
Reaction Moments Vector 134
Relative Displacements Vector 123
Relative Rotational Accelerations Vector 131
Relative Rotational Velocities Vector 127
Relative Rotations Vector 123
Relative Translational Velocities Vector 127
Total Displacements Vector 124
Total Rotational Accelerations Vector 132
Total Rotational Velocities Vector 128
Total Rotations Vector 124
Total Translational Accelerations Vector 132
Total Translational Velocities Vector 128
Relative Translational Accelerations Vector 131
Strain Components Tensor 21

Main Index
462 Patran Interface to ABAQUS preference Guide
Select Results File

Table 4-1 Results Quantities Loaded into Patran During Translation (continued)
Primary Label Secondary Label Type Key
Stress 1st Principal Scalar 12
2nd Principal Scalar 12
3rd Principal Scalar 12
3rd Stress Invariant Scalar 12
Components Tensor 11
Hydrostatic Pressure Scalar 12
Maximum Stress in Section Scalar 16
Mises Scalar 12
Tresca Scalar 12
Temperature (Nodal) Layer or Section Points Scalar 201
Temperature Element Centroidal Temperature Scalar 2
Total Acceleration Rotational Vector 115
Translational Vector 115
Total Displacement Rotational Vector 113
Translational Vector 113
Total Velocity Rotational Vector 114
Translational Vector 114
Total Creep Time Scalar 2000
Dynamic Time Scalar 2000
Heat Transfer Time Scalar 2000
Soils Time Scalar 2000
Time Scalar 2000
Velocity Generalized Rotational Vector 302
Generalized Translational Vector 302
Rotational Vector 102
Translational Vector 102
Creep Strain Components Tensor 23
Equivalent Scalar 23
Magnitude Scalar 23
Yield Flag Scalar 23

Main Index
Chapter 4: Read Results 463
Data Translated from the Analysis Code Results File

Data Translated from the Analysis Code Results File

When reading model data from an ABAQUS results file, the following table defines all the data which
will be created. No other model data is extracted from the results file. This data should be sufficient for
evaluating any results values.

Item Results Key Description

Nodes 1901 Node ID

Nodal Coordinates
Elements 1900 Element ID

Nodal Connectivity
Groups n/a, ODB access only Group name

Node and Element references

Groups are generated for each part instance, as well as for each
node and element set.

Main Index
464 Patran Interface to ABAQUS preference Guide
Key Differences between Attach and Translate Methods

Key Differences between Attach and

Translate Methods
The most obvious difference between direct ODB access (Attach method) and results translation
(Translate method) is that the results are not imported into the Patran database in the case of the former,
while they are for the latter. Direct access avoids redundancy and saves disk space, while Translation uses
more disk space, but takes less time to retrieve results for postprocessing.
The following sections describe other differences that users should be aware of, before deciding which
method to use.

Result Type Naming Conventions

The names used for the result types within an ODB attachment come directly from the field output
description fields of the ODB database. Using the “direct access” philosophy of bringing the data in as-
is, there is no attempt to map those names to the same names used by the Translate method (listed in
Table 4-1).

Therefore, direct ODB access will use Abaqus terminology exclusively in generating the result type
names. The primary name is equal to the field output description field, while the secondary name is the
field output key. For example, the stress tensor result type is “Stress components, S”, where “Stress
components” is the field output description, and “S” is the field output key.

Vector vs. Scalar Moment and Rotational Results

For results such as reaction moments or rotational displacements, the ODB database saves space by only
storing results for the non-zero component, whenever possible. So, if non-zero values for moments only
occur in the Z component, then the ODB database stores it as a scalar result (e.g. key RM3). However,
the Translate method will import the results as vector results, with the X and Y values always being zero.
This difference may cause confusion when comparing translated results against direct ODB access via
the quick or fringe plot operations, where reaction moments and rotational displacements are concerned.
The default “invariant” for fringe plots of vector data is “Magnitude”, which is always a positive value.
If the magnitude of the translated vector data is compared against the ODB scalar data, then they will not
always match (all negative data from the ODB access will be flipped positive in the translated plot). To
compare “apples with apples”, one must display the appropriate component (Z from our example) from
the translated case, and compare that against the scalar (key RM3) from the direct ODB access case.

Main Index
Chapter 4: Read Results 465
Key Differences between Attach and Translate Methods

Reaction Forces
During translation, only non-zero reaction force data is imported. Direct ODB access, on the other hand,
returns zero vectors for any nodes that do not have any reaction forces. This makes no difference for the
display of reaction force vectors; however, if one displays a fringe plot distribution of the reaction forces,
the fringe plots vary between translation and direct ODB access dramatically. The translation plot is all
black, with only the min/max values displayed on a hidden line plot; while the ODB fringe plot shows a
color distribution from the zero values (white over most of the model) to the non-zero values. For the
latter, the contours only vary over elements with nodes having non-zero reaction forces.

Main Index
466 Patran Interface to ABAQUS preference Guide
Delete Result Attachment Form

Delete Result Attachment Form

The following form may be used to remove a results attachment, created via the Attach method, from
the database.

Main Index
Chapter 5 : Files
Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

5 Files

Files 468

Main Index
468 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

There are several files associated which are either used or created by the Patran ABAQUS Application
Preference. The following table describes each file and how it is used. In the definition of the file names,
any occurrence of “jobname” would be replaced with the jobname the user assigns.

File Name Description

jobname.db This is the Patran database from which the model data is read during an
analyze pass, and into which model and⁄or results data is written during
a Read Results pass.
jobname.jbm These are small files used to pass certain information between Patran and
the Application Preference during translation. You should never have
jobname.jbr need to do anything directly with these files.
jobname.inp This is the ABAQUS input file created by the interface.
jobname.fil This is the ABAQUS results file which is read by the Read Results pass.
jobname.flat This file may be generated during a Read Results pass. If the results
translation cannot, for any reason, write data directly into the jobname.db
Patran database, it will create this jobname.flat file.
jobname.msg These message files contain any diagnostic output from the translation,
either forward or reverse.
AbaqusExecute This is a UNIX script file which is called on to submit both the forward
PAT3ABA translation program, as well as to submit ABAQUS after
translation is complete. This file should be customized for your
particular site installation.
ResultsSubmit This is another UNIX script which is called on to submit the reverse,
ABAPAT3 translation program. This file should also be customized for
your particular site. This file is only used when creating a new Patran template database. This
file loads in all the element, material, MPCs and loads and boundary
condition tables for the Patran ABAQUS product.

Main Index
Chapter 6 : Errors/Warnings
Patran Intreface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

6 Errors/Warnings

Errors/Warnings 470

Main Index
470 Patran Intreface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

There are several error or warning messages which may be generated by the Patran ABAQUS
Application Preference.

Message Description
Fatal This error stops the translation and exits the Preference.
Warning Some expected action did not execute. Translation continues. Check
the .msg file.
Information General Messages about the translation.

Main Index

Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

É Numerics beam, 28, 32
circular, 122
ñ= 1D interface, 96, 104, 151
cross-sectional shape, 122
2D interface, 101, 104
Index 2D orthotropic, 81 elements, 16, 17, 18
2D orthotropic lamina, 54 general section, 11, 117, 125
2D solid, 100, 104 hexagonal, 122
3D anisotropic, 56, 84 in space, 93
3D anisotropic thermal, 88 in XY plane, 92
3D interface, 103, 105, 312 section, 11
3D orthotropic, 55, 82 bifurcation buckling, 365, 373, 374
3D orthotropic thermal, 87 bilinear, 28, 36
boundary, 14, 15
box beam, 119
A buckle, 15
abapat3, 4
abaqus.plb, 4, 5 C
AbaqusExecute, 468 C biquad, 29, 39
AbaqusSubmit, 5, 7 cap
acceleration, 334, 340 hardening, 13, 78
Acommand, 7 plasticity, 13
amplitude, 14 centrifugal force, 339
analysis, 354 centroid, 11
arbitrary beam, 127 centroid coordinate, 126
area moment I12, 126 CETOL, 418
average shear stiffness, 254 CFLUX, 15
axisymmetric 2D interface, 279 change material status, 52
axisymmetric ISL, 156 circular beam, 122
axisymmetric shell, 95, 104, 148 solid, 122
laminate, 149 clearance zero damping, 114, 117, 153
axisymmetric solid, 273 clearance zero-pressure, 114, 117, 153
combined creep test data, 71
B combined test data, 13
base motion, 15, 388
composite, 56, 88, 319
conductivity, 13
constitutive models, 52
control, 104
convection, 104, 334, 348
convection/diffusion, 320, 323

Main Index
472 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

coordinate frames, 22 165, 168, 170, 278, 280, 282, 314

Coriolis force, 339 hard contact, 92
correlation, 15 no separation, 92
creep, 13, 54, 55, 56, 79, 80, 367, 417, 418 soft contact, 92
creep test data, 71 vis damping, 92
cubic hybrid, 92, 93 vis damping no separation, 92
cubic initially straight, 93 elbow, 29, 42
cubic interpolation, 92, 93 elements, 19
curved pipe, 130 MPC, 42
ELBOW31, 42, 130
D ELBOW31B, 130
damper, 94 ELBOW32, 42, 130
damping, 13 element, 11, 25
direct, 387 definition, 11
Rayleigh, 388 matrix output, 16, 362
zero clearance, 114, 117, 153 properties, 90
dashpot, 12 elements
elements, 19 beam, 16, 17, 18
DASHPOT1, 110 dashpot, 19
DASHPOT2, 142, 144 elbow, 19
DASHPOTA, 141, 143 gap, 20
deformation plasticity, 13, 54, 73 heat transfer, 20, 21
degree-of-freedom, 30 mass, 19
density, 13, 67, 88 membrane, 18
DFLUX, 15 rigid surface contact, 20
diffusion, 104 rotary inertia, 19
direct linear transient, 365, 376, 377 shell, 19
direct steady state dynamics, 365, 380 slide line contact, 20
direct text input, 360, 363 small sliding contact, 20
dispersion, 104 spring, 19
displacement, 334, 337 ELSET, 11, 352
DLOAD, 15 end step, 15
Drucker-Prager, 13, 77 energy
dynamic, 15 file, 16, 362
print, 16, 362
engineering constants, 82
E equation, 14, 28, 31
eigenvalue, 364 expansion, 13, 67
eigenvalue buckling, 365 explicit, 28
file, 16, 362
print, 16, 362 F
elastic, 13, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 81, 82, 83 fatal, 470
elastic slip, 113, 116, 152, 154, 157, 160, 162,

Main Index

file 166, 169, 171, 278, 281, 283, 314

EL, 16, 362 harmonic loading, 365
energy, 16, 362 heat flux, 334, 349
format, 16, 362 heat source, 334, 349
modal, 16, 362 heat transfer, 15
node, 16, 362 elements, 20, 21
output definition, 16 hexagonal beam, 122
film, 15 Hilber-Hughes-Taylor operator, 365
finite elements, 23 host, 7
flat file results, 456 hourglass stiffness, 12, 255
force, 334, 337 bending, 254, 257, 260, 263, 266, 269
Frac Clearance Const Damping, 114, 117, 153 membrane, 254, 257, 260, 263, 266, 269
fraction of critical damping, 59 normal, 254, 257, 260, 263, 266, 269
frequency, 15, 394 hybrid, 92, 93, 100, 269, 310
friction, 12, 112 integration, 100
Friction in Dir_1, 113, 116 modes, 100
Friction in Dir_2, 116 hyperbolic, 80
hyperelastic, 13, 53, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66,
G 68
gap, 12, 95 hyperfoam, 13, 67
conductance, 12, 317, 324
cylindrical, 145 I
elements, 20 import input file, 433
radiation, 12, 317, 324 incompatible modes, 100, 269, 270, 272, 273,
spherical, 147 274, 310
uniaxial, 145 inertia
GAPCYL, 146 rotary, 12
GAPSPHER, 147 inertial load, 334, 339
GAPUNI, 146 information, 470
general beam, 117, 124 initial conditions, 14
general large strain, 266 initial temperature, 334, 350
general thick, 262 initial velocity, 334, 339
general thick shell input data, 334
laminated, 264 interface, 12, 112
general thin, 258 IRS, 97, 102, 112, 115
general thin shell axisymmetric, 167
laminated, 261 beam/pipe, 169
gravity loads, 339 planar, 164
grounded damper, 92 shell/solid, 281
grounded spring, 92 single node, 92
group, 352 IRS12, 112
IRS13, 115
H I-section, 123
HAFTOL, 412, 413 ISL, 96, 97
hard contact, 114, 117, 153, 155, 158, 160, 163,

Main Index
474 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

isotropic, 53, 58, 75 material, 13

thermal, 86 change status, 52
definition, 13
J orientation, 14
jobname.db, 468 temperature dependent, 53
materials, 51
form, 52
K maximum friction stress, 114, 117, 152
kinematic, 76 maximum negative pressure, 114, 117, 153
constraints, 14 maximum overclosure, 114, 117, 153
membrane, 101, 275
L elements, 18
Lagrange Mises/Hill, 74, 75, 76
hard contact, 92 modal
no separation, 92 damping, 15
soft contact, 92 dynamic, 15
vis damping, 92 file, 16, 362
vis damping no separation, 92 print, 16, 362
Lamina, 81 steady state dynamics, 365
laminate, 56, 89 modal linear transient, 365, 383, 384
large strain, 265 modified Drucker-Prager/Cap, 78
latent heat, 13 Moony Rivlin, 62
linear, 28, 34 MPC, 14
linear damper, 109, 141, 142 elbow, 42
grounded, 109 explicit, 31
linear spring, 108, 137, 138 linear surf-surf, 34
grounded, 108 linear surf-vol, 34, 35
linear static, 364, 368, 369 linear vol-vol, 36
linear surf-surf, 28 pin, 43
linear surf-surf MPC, 34 quad surf-surf, 37
linear surf-vol, 28 quad surf-vol, 37, 38
linear surf-vol MPC, 34, 35 quad vol-vol, 39
linear vol-vol, 28 revolute, 44
linear vol-vol MPC, 36 rigid fixed, 32
link, 28, 33, 104 rigid pinned, 33
load cases, 351, 362 slider, 40
loading definition, 15 SS bilinear, 48
loads and boundary conditions, 332 SS linear, 47
L-section beam, 132 SSF bilinear, 49
tie, 43
M universal, 47
mass, 12, 92, 106 V Local, 46
elements, 19 multi-point constraints, 27
mass proportional damping, 59
natural frequency, 364, 371

Main Index

Neo Hookean, 62 Poisson’s ratio, 67

Newton’s method, 366 polynomial, 60, 62, 63, 65
no compression, 13 potential, 13
no sliding contact, 114, 117, 153 power spectral density, 403
no tension, 13 preferences, 10
node, 11, 23 analysis, 10
definition, 11 preprint, 16
file, 16, 362 prescribed boundary conditions, 15
print, 16, 362 pressure, 334, 337
nondeterministic continuous excitation, 366 pressure zero clearance, 114, 117, 153
nonlinear damper, 110, 143, 144 pre-tension, 347
grounded, 110 print, 16, 362
nonlinear spring, 109, 139, 140 definition, 16
grounded, 109 EL, 16, 362
nonlinear static, 366, 407, 409 energy, 16, 362
nonlinear transient dynamic, 367, 412, 414 modal, 16, 362
NSET, 11, 23, 352 node, 16, 362
procedure definition, 15
O Prony, 70, 367
object tables, 336 property definition, 11
Ogden, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 68 PSD-Definition, 14
open beam, 134
optional controls, 359 Q
orientation, 14, 22, 89 quad surf-surf, 29
system, 253 quad surf-surf MPC, 37
output requests, 362 quad surf-vol, 29
quad surf-vol MPC, 37, 38
P quad vol-vol, 29
parallel ISL, 158 quad vol-vol MPC, 39
pat3aba, 4 quadratic, 29, 37
peak response, 366
perfect plasticity, 74 R
pin, 43 radial ISL, 161
pin MPC, 43 random response, 15
pipe beam, 123 random vibration, 366, 402, 403, 404
planar rate dependent, 13
2D interface, 277 read input file, 433
ISL, 153 read results, 454, 455
test data, 13 read temperature file, 368
plane strain, 269, 270 rebar 2D, 285
plane stress, 272 rectangular beam, 124
plastic, 13, 54, 55, 56, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78 reduced integration, 100, 269, 270, 272, 273,
point mass, 106 274, 275, 310
Poisson parameter, 118, 121, 126, 128, 133, reference temperature, 59
136 relaxation test data, 72

Main Index
476 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

response spectrum, 15, 366, 394, 395, 396, 397 slide line contact
restart, 14 elements, 20
restart parameters, 358 slider, 29, 40
results file slider MPC, 40
select, 458 sliding friction, 113, 154, 157, 159, 162, 165,
ResultsSubmit, 5, 468 168, 170, 282
revolute, 29, 44 slip tolerance, 113, 116, 152
revolute MPC, 44 small sliding contact
rigid elements, 20
fixed, 28 soft contact, 114, 117, 153, 155, 158, 160, 163,
pinned, 28 166, 169, 171, 278, 280, 283, 314
rigid fixed MPC, 32 solid, 103, 105, 310
rigid line, 98 solid section, 12
LBC, 175 solution types, 364
rigid pinned MPC, 33 specific heat, 14, 88
rigid surf, 98, 102 spectrum, 14
rigid surface, 11, 112, 115, 165, 167, 170, 171, spring, 12, 94
172, 174, 175, 281, 283 elements, 19
axisymmetric, 173 SPRING1, 108, 109
Bezier 2D, 174 SPRING2, 138, 140
Bezier 3D, 283 SPRINGA, 137, 139
cylindrical, 172 SS bilinear, 29, 30, 38, 48
LBC, 284 SS bilinear MPC, 48
segments, 171 SS linear, 28, 30, 35, 47
rigid surface contact SS linear MPC, 47
elements, 20 SSF bilinear, 30, 49
ROTARI, 107 SSF bilinear MPC, 49
rotary inertia, 12, 92, 107 standard formulation, 92, 93, 100, 104
elements, 19 static, 15, 334
rough (no slip) friction, 114, 117, 153, 155, 158, steady state dynamics, 15, 389, 390
160, 163, 166, 169, 278, 281, 283, 314 steady state heat transfer, 367, 428
rough parameter, 171 steady state response, 365
step, 15
S creation, 361
Scratchdir, 7 initialization, 15
section point coordinate, 126 selection, 432
shear centroid coordinate, 126 termination, 15
shear factor, 118, 121, 126, 129, 134, 136 stiffness
shear test data, 13 hourglass, 12
shell, 100, 104 transverse shear, 13
elements, 19 stiffness in stick, 113, 117, 152
general section, 12, 262 stiffness proportional damping, 59
section, 12, 255 strain, 79
simple shear test data, 14 surface contact, 12, 279
slide line, 11, 97, 163

Main Index

T transverse shear stiffness, 13, 122, 125, 127

tabular formula, 69 trapezoid beam, 124
tangent elastic moduli, 364 true distance, 95
TAUMAX, 152, 155, 158, 160, 163, 166, 169, truss, 94, 136
171, 278, 280, 283, 314
temperature, 15, 334, 338 U
thermal, 334, 348 uniaxial test data, 14
temperature dependent material, 53 universal, 30, 47
test data universal MPC, 47
combined, 13
creep, 71
creep combined, 71
V Local, 29, 46
Ogden, 66
V Local MPC, 46
planar, 13
velocity, 334, 340
relaxation, 72
VISCO, 15, 417
shear, 13
viscoelastic, 14, 54, 55, 56, 69, 70, 71, 72
simple shear, 14
frequency domain, 367, 425
uniaxial, 14
time domain, 367, 421, 422
volumetric, 14
volumetric pressure, 67
thermal 1D interface, 317
volumetric test data, 14, 67
thermal axisymmetric shell, 315
laminated, 316
thermal expansion coefficient, 59, 67 W
thermal interface warning, 470
planar, 321 warping constant, 136
solid, 324 wavefront minimization, 14
thermal link, 314
thermal planar solid, 320 X
thermal shell, 318 XY plane
laminated, 319 definition, 126, 128
thermal solid, 323
thermal strain, 59
thick shell, 255
yield, 14
laminated, 257
thin shell, 252
laminated, 254
tie, 29, 43
tie MPC, 43
time, 79
time dependent loading, 365
torsional constant, 126, 135
transform, 11, 22
transient, 335
transient heat transfer, 367, 430
translation parameters, 357, 457

Main Index
478 Patran Interface to ABAQUS Preference Guide

Main Index

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